Laporan BD-01 Mushroom Classification
Laporan BD-01 Mushroom Classification
Laporan BD-01 Mushroom Classification
used to separate each string in the caller series at the passed separator. A data frame is
returned with all the possible values after splitting every string.
Make pipelines with using random forest classifier and gradient boosting classifier, then
declaring the required parameters.
Make a new model to fill the fitted model inside, then make an object filled by cross
validation object from pipeline and hyperparameters as mentioned before.
Then fit the model made on respective object, x as class row from train.csv. and y as
class_e and class_p row from replaced string train.csv. The rest is mentioned on the
comment tag
Because test.csv doesn’t have cap-surface_g, the dataframe can’t be fitted each other, then
we have to make a new row on test.csv named cap-surface_g.
Replace class row on test dataframe by using predict model on test dataframe (with added