What Is My Learning Style - Auditory Learner

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6/22/2020 What Is My Learning Style - Auditory Learner

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Learning Styles
Auditory General Facts
Visual The auditory learner MUST HEAR things for them to
Tactile have the best chance of learning.
Only 30% of the general school-age population is
Global Generally, the auditory learner will remember 75% of
Analytic what they hear in a lecture.
Using the auditory modality is the most difficult way to
learn new material.

Learning Strengths of the Auditory Learner

Remembers what they hear and say.
Enjoys classroom and small-group discussion.
Can remember oral instructions well.
Understands information best when they HEAR it.

Learning Strategies for the Auditory Learner

Study with a friend so you can talk about the information and HEAR it, too.
Recite out loud the information you want to remember several times.
Ask your teacher if you can submit some work (if appropriate) as an oral presentation, or on audio tape.
Make your own tapes of important points you want to remember and listen to it repeatedly. This is
especially useful for learning material for tests.
When reading, skim through and look at the pictures, chapter titles, and other clues and say out loud
what you think this book could be about.
Make flashcards for various material you want to learn and use them repeatedly, reading them out loud.
Use different colours to aid your memory.
Set a goal for your assignments and verbalise them. Say your goals out loud each time you begin work
on that particular assignment.
Read out loud when possible. You need to HEAR the words as you read them to understand them well.
When doing maths calculations, use grid paper to help you set your sums out correctly and in their
correct columns.
Use different colours and pictures in your notes, exercise books, etc. This will help you remember them.

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6/22/2020 What Is My Learning Style - Auditory Learner

Teaching Strategies for the Auditory Learner

Re-phrase points, questions. Vary speed, volume, pitch, as appropriate, to help create interesting aural
Write down key points or key words to help avoid confusion due to pronunciation.
During lessons, ensure auditory learners are in a position to hear well.
Incorporate multimedia applications utilizing sounds, music, or speech (use tape recorders, computer
sound cards/recording applications, musical instruments, etc.).

Major Traits of the Auditory Learner

Remembers what they say and what others say very well.
Remembers best through verbal repetition and by saying things aloud.
Prefers to discuss ideas they do not immediately understand.
Remembers verbal instructions well.
Enjoys the opportunities to present dramatically, including the use of music.
Finds it difficult to work quietly for long periods of time.
Easily distracted by noise, but also easily distracted by silence.
Verbally expresses interest and enthusiasm.
Enjoys class and group discussions.

Activity Suggestions for the Auditory Learner

Oral report or presentation Show and tell/current events
Musical performance Songs
Teach the class or a group Peer tutoring
Puppet show Raps
Panel discussion Oral presentations
TV/radio show Poems
Debate Demonstrations
Verbal games Oral recitation
Tape recordings

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