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The Hutchison Effect Apparatus

By John Hutchison

There hove been some serious investigations into the Hutchison Effect in
Canada, the United states, and Germany. (See articles in ESJ #4.) The reality
of objects being moved, levitated, or restructured by magnetic and electric
field effects does not seem to be in question. Just
how or why the events happen is the questionable
port. John Hutchison has been providing ESJ with
details on his work, as hove a few others who hove
worked with him over the years. The picture consis­
tently described is that of numerous experimental
apparatus being operated simultaneously and in­
teractively. "Events· occur, somewhat unpre­
dictably. This is o format of occidental discovery
through undefined mixture. It is exciting to the ex­
perimenter, yet frustrating to the scientist trying to
sort out the interaction of the variables. Although
recollection and details ore difficult, Mr. Hutchison
describes some of his apparatus in this attempt to
shore with other experimenters. John Hutchison-1985

I will attempt to explain details of the apparatus twelve-volt transformers for vacuum tubes,
used in my experiments and will start with the 400,000-volt AC transformers, a Siemens
input power used to trigger the host of Tesla 250,000-volt DC X-ray transformer, and other
coils, static generators, transformers, interferom- items. Regeneration equipment of 450 kHz up
eters, magnetics, metal masses , and nuclear to 2500 MHz was also operated.
sources, etc. The source power was 110 volts
AC operated at 400 watts to 4000 watts. One The general power circuit is shown in Figure 1.
side of the AC line had a power factor capacitor A and B are current limiters which ranged from
(60 cycles, 250 volt), and a 100-amp current two to seven amps. By this means some trans­
limiter. The magnetics of the current limiter formers were limited to this amperage instead
were also used in the experiment interactions. of the fifty amps that might otherwise be drawn.
The current limiters were adjustable and the
This power source was divided up in a function magnetics from them were used in close prox­
box and, through switching, went to variacs. imity to the spark gaps and an alpha-beta
The variac outputs were monitored by wattme- emission unit. I had bypass switches on each
ters, ampmeters, and voltmeters, and supplied current limiter which I used often. Unfortu­
up to fourteen transformers. These included nately there was an incident one time in which

Warning: The re-creation of certain aspects of these experiments is extremely dangerous and
should not be attempted without proper training or guidance.

21 a-trio ,__,.,Journal, Issue 8, 1993

Leicester, NC 28748 USA
to RF generation
equipment & magnetics

--� --T·r··�····_·····_ ····_·····_····_·····_····_·····-�1 �-��

power factor

.__-(- X)HV


: _________________________________________: .--------·.
110 VAC 60Hz power
function box 20 uariocs
with pilot lights
High Voltage
Figure 1. Electrical Power Control

the outside pole transformer blew up when coil used twelve-gauge wire on a 24-inch diam­
using the bypass switch. eter tube, mounted horizontally. These are not
The symbol (x) is used to represent the high
potential leads in Figures 1, 5-7, 10, 12 and
8" dla. copper ball
17. These figures are rough schematics of some
circuits. 3" dla. copper ball

My favorite Tesla coils are shown in Figures 2 ceramic Insulator

and 3. Other Tesla coils I had were of the flat
+--- #2 silver-plate wire
pancake-type with l-inch copper tube in the 6 turns, spaced -1/4''
primary and 10,000 turns of number 32 wire
on an 8-inch diameter secondary tube. Another

chrome-plated Inner coil #28 cloth covered


copper ball 4"dla.
to tank
terminal drcult
opposite wound
outer coil #32 wire
spaced 1ft" from Inner coil

multiple primary
one tum, 1 11 dla. copper tube

./" 50 turns, #8 copper wire

passive Insulated
toroid coil toroid coil {primary)
continuous tum
#12 wire, 4" dla.

Figure 2. Dumbbell Tesla Coil, 31fz' long Figure 3. Seven-foot-tall Tesla Coil

22 s-tl'fc 8p•c•c••fr Jourrtlll. Issue 8, 1993

Leicester, NC 28748 USA

Figure 5. Testa Coil A

spark varlometer variable Inductor

gap -'- 1:1 �

r- �

.: '---
�-l?1'---jt--" -- ·-------'111 �:,�

Figure 4. Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil Drive Figure 6. Testa Coil B

2-15 amp polarized, 16 ea. to other

12" diameter
variable 25,000 v units
copper ballast ball
current 0 to 250,000 V DC 500 J, 1.6 pF

limits low·fnductane plasma caps
(60 sec. to /Ill) discharge

0 permanent
..- magnets
100 mH
plastic pipe
(-) and corona rings

nichrome wire adjust polarized, 60,000 V DC

used to� blow to coils 5pF, 5000J 12" diameter copper [See Fig. 8
and Iron In 250,000 V DC /ow-Inductance plasma ballast ball could affect for detail}
transformer physics capacitor static fields

Figure 7. High-Voltage DC Insertion Pulse Unit

The electronics of a
1" x 13" diameter corona rings vacuum tube Tesla coil
supported by 3-/eg webs
are shown in Figure 4.
,/ Figures 5 and 6 show
4" diameter plastic tube
rough schematics of the
I Tesla coil circuits.
discha rge ... ...,._...)
gap beads accelerated
(aluminum wire on The schematic of Figure
gap electrodes) 7, powered by a high­
4" diameter solid
co pper ball voltage transformer,
generated strong elec­
tric field pulses for a
2"dlameter Van de Graaff In close proximity
copper ball � charges corona rings number of uses, includ­
hand wheels
adjust tungsten gaps
ing the projection of
{bead ligh tning option to Fig. 7}
bead lightning, as illus­
Figure 8. Ball Lightning Projector
trated in Figure 8.

23 Eletltrfo Sp•cut•ft .I.IrrNJJ. Issue 8, 1993

Leicester, NC 28748 USA
One setup, illustrated in Figure 9, seemed to Some years ago, Drs. Lakken and Wilson ar­
produce changes in the cosmic background gued over whether a "ball" of alpha-beta flux
radiation. formed and deposited on the test samples. I
personally don't believe so. I believe the alpha­
If I increased the variac output to the Siemens beta flux was guided to the masses by being
transformer to increase the high-voltage DC on connected to high-voltage DC levels, by mag­
the large toroid, while keeping the rest of the netic pulse fields, and excited by my mechani­
laboratory system running, the Geiger counter cally-pulsed magnetron which excited the geo­
would drop to near zero counts per minute metric metal . The idea is to excite the surface •

within a 75-foot diameterzone. Yet, the reverse skin of the masses and their atoms to create an '

was possible (to increase counts) if I dropped the unstable space-time situation. This might allow
toroid voltage and increased all DC voltages to the fiekis from the Tesla coils and RF genera­
the laboratory system of Tesla coils (via tank tion equipment to lock up in a local space-time
circuits), RF coils, spark gaps, toroidal coils, and situation. My thought is that now a small amount
tension on the nuclear unit. The AC part of the of energy is released from the vast reservoir in
laboratory system would be maintained at the space-time at the sub-atomic level to create a
same level. Figure 10 shows a schematic of disruptive or movement effect.
pulsing to the large main toroid.

3' dia. toroid
with 10" section
1/811 thick

into mass units

and nuclear unit


Figure 9. The Large Main Toroid---J/1'-thick Aluminum

3' diameter x
w --------� 10" dia. section

0 to 250,000 V DC
xenon tube

�) E�C__ )0)r-----------�·
L to metal
Figure 10. Main Toroid mass units

24 &.ctrio Sp•_,fr .J.Irnlll. Issue 9, 1993

Leicester, NC 28748 USA
Figure 11 is a cutaway showing the nuclear gigahertz magnetron pulsed by an old rotary
section in the center of a Tesla coil. Note how spark gap system sent microwaves by the win­
I have the feed hom close to the window area. dow exit section. Small masses were placed
This area was also bathed in a 30,000-volt static close to the influence of the alpha-beta flux. The
electric field plus a weak magnetic field of only radioactive source was also under high-voltage
700 gauss which was variable. A two-spiral DC and pulsed coils (50,000 to 100,000 turns)
spark gap unit is also shown in Figure 11. to produce traveling wave type magnetics and
electrostatics to assist alpha-beta flux bunching
The radioactive material to provide alpha-beta and guidance. This all interacted with other
emissions was contained in a stainless steel ball surrounding equipment. Some additional ar­
which had a thin window section. A four- rangement is shown in Figure 12.

10 to 100,000 V DC
connected to
spray point
arc stops
coil coupled to 250 V
pulse generator

D �/ _ 1 (nuclear housing)
'"''"'� ball & window

a:==J O

flat spiral on
l magnetron horn exit
steel rod rings near alpha-beta flux window

\ pulse transformer

L----+- ·*rotory gap

Jacob's ladder nuclear unit

2' tall, two-spiral magnetron
emission ball
spark gap pulse generator

Figure 11. Alpha-Beta Flux Housing

aluminum block

� oopp_, b/o'k

� .

flex output

[table top] magnetron

Figure 12. Alpha-Beta Flux Setup

25 E1e1:tric flp•r:•c••ff JounNII. Issue 9, 1993

Leicester, NC 28748 USA
contains many turns
of hlgh·voltage
A current limiter was used on "Big Red," a fifty­ cable powered by
30,000 VDC
kVA, 89,000-volt transformer. A five-Hz spark­ orAC
gap discharge went simply to a copper ground
plate. The plate was movable and placement of the
plate proved successful to later experiments. 1940's style

My current limiter was made from 4" x 4"

laminations stacked fifteen-inches high and
number-eight wire wound six layers thick. The
pulsing of the iron core proved its worth in tests.
Its 16cation was near the heart of my apparatus.
Because it was a heavy unit, casters were
needed to move it. The unit's pulse affected the
electrostatics and Alpha flux, when close. The Figure 13. Modified Double-loop Brass Ship
Antenna to Guide Fields
Alpha flux dropped off at two feet. Two other
units in the setup were double-loop brass ship
antennas five-feet high, as shown in Figure 13. magnets, and electromagnets of the traveling
wave tube (1Wil barrel types. Thus, perhaps a
These are some basics of my laboratory. I transformation takes place on the subatomic
excluded RF generation and coupling and all the level in all of this, and a conversion zone takes
radar-jamming devices I used later. I could form from the surrounding equipment. This
precisely set up a pattern at 2000 mHz at 100 zone seems to transform again to zones beyond
milliwatts. I could give or take (±) 1000 mHz, the lab, up to 500 feet away, in the form of a
add pulse rate, CW or modulation of any form. cylinder. There appeared to be a zone at a
distance of fifteen feet. Samples placed in it
Placement geometry is of great importance to sometimes levitated or broke apart.
key units of the electro-
staticfield and spark gaps.
The electrostatic field
must cover all compo­
nents. Helping to do this
are copper balls mounted
on insulators. The large
ball keeps its charge
longer while small ones
discharge faster. In a way,
you have a pulse network
working along with dy­
namic electricity, and the
small influence of the
250-milliwatt magnetron
close to the alpha-beta
flux. In the zone is weak
magnetics, permanent Figure 14. Hutchison's Setup of Receivers and Monitors

26 Elecrrlc �ft J-rrtlll, Issue 9. 1993

Leicester, NC 28748 USA
Sample Reactions
(Extracted from Reports)

The effects of unexpected field interactions are

shown in Figures 15 and 16. One sample, a
piece of aluminum four-inches long by 1 /2-inch
square, had been shattered in the center. It
would be expected that only a few watts were in
this zone, compared to the 4000-watt input
feeding all the equipment. Our sample had
exploded from inside out, tom into thousands of
filaments. The filaments measured . 0 10" to
O.SO"long and .008"to .0 12" thick. The event
volume expanded outward from the mass cen­ Figure 16. Solid Metal Bars Split and Frayed by
the Hutchison Effect. (Max Planck lnst. Photo.)
ter in seeming reaction to a force of mutual
repulsion between filaments.
structure, while having none of the character­
The field lines picturesquely frozen in the alumi­ istics associatoo with plastic deformation or meh­
num filaments are functionally identical to those ing. Physical characteristics were typical of crystal­
we observoo at a point of fracture of a permanent line materials shearoo along bonding planes. The
bar magnet of the same geometry. The force number of filaments probably exceeded
exertoo on the aluminum filaments was sufficient 100,000, effectively increasing the surface area
to split a large number of the outermost strands within the event by tens of thousands of times.
and fold them back along the "field lines" to
such a degree that layers of them are compacted Another sample showed inexplicable material
together, against the solid surfaces of the sample. mixtures: wood was found in an aluminum block
tested by Siemens Laboratory, Germany. Also,
The material within the event volume was much dense, impossible alloys of elements forming
harder and quite brittle comparoo to the original unknown materials were found by work of Max
extrusion alloy, which was quite soft. AD surfaces Planck Institute, Germany. Because so many
evidenced a mottled appearance and regular different effects happen, including levitation,
we can speculate the RF and support field

J -
operators are working in a narrow region

of the "zone of effects." These random

events sometimes happened at about
five-per-hour in 1987, '88, and '89.

It is an unpredictable probability for all

operators to synchronously combine to
cause an effect. For events like slow lift
and slow disruption, the operators com­
bine under simple stable outputs, ampli­
tudes, and frequency. Our space-time
window would have to be described on
the subatomic level for the understanding
Figure 15. Aluminum and Brass Bars After the Effect of the Hutchison Effects.

27 Electric .,__., J-rn��l. Issue 9, 1993

Leicester. NC 28748 USA
16"dla. x 1/s" thick
wax filler
a/. disks
spaced 31/4'' by
Insulator ring
large choke coli

(x) __ ..J

0 to 400,000 VAC

31/2'' dla. x
40 G3 mica caps a/. disk
10,000 Veach open air capa.cltors coli full length of unit
0. 00 1 pF@ 8,000 kHz for static col/ec.tion 4' long

Figure 17. Interferometer (a germanium aystal diode would excite near flashover)


I would like to thank those

individuals associated with
c:opper toroid
.,__--l'"...--- Pharos Technology, the Max
jlal aluminum rings
Planck Institute, Los Alamos,
...---ll / with rubber bands
cool adjustable spacing
wind .·····
· McDonnel Douglas, BAM
/· ·
L:/· Labs Germany, Fraunhofer,
. ···
......·· the Austrian and German
� 10" diameter groups, the DOD groups,
plastic pipe
and individual input from
Japan, Greece, England,
shell Canada, USA, Switzerland,
plastic France and the Yin Gazda
crates International Rlmmaker, for
the interest and support they
��:;=::::--- 30 kV DC all have shown.

About the Author

Van de Graaff #2
Van de Graaff #1
built in 1984 John Hutchison is the clas­
Figure 18 sic independent individual
experimenter-a self-made
physicst. Mr. Hutchison can
Figure 17 is another pulsing circuit device I call be reached by mail at 73 1 5th Avenue, Apt.
the interferometer. Electrostatics were produced 306, New Westminster, British Columbia,
with two Van de Graaff generators. When Canada, V3M 1X8. •
arranged as shown in Figure 18, cool wind
effects could be produced. These machines
were used to impose an electrostatic field in the
test area.

28 s.:tno flpllr:•c••ft JourrNII, Issue 8, 1993

Leicester, NC 28748 USA
The Hutchison Effect

by George D. Hathaway, P. Eng.

Adapted from a paper published by The Planetary Association for

Clean Energy, Inc. in 1990 (1), the following account concerns an
unusual phenomenon called "The Hutchison Effect, " which involves
levitation and molecular disruptions. This effect resulted from a
complex interaction of electrical devices, including those of Nikola
Testa and Robert Van de Graaff. John Hutchison of Vancouver began
this research in 1979. George Hathaway of Toronto, Canada, herein
explains this effect, with detailed information from John Hutchison's
laboratory, his own analyses, and video documentation.

Material levitating , obj ects floating around , and The system acts like a single entity , but is made up
breaking steel bars without any visible contacts of many discrete components . It has many inter­
make the Hutchison Effect a fascinating phenom­ related parts, and unfortunately from the stand­
enon that one might love to have in his basement. po int of analyses , the inventor continually added
more. It was discovered fortu itously by John
Alexis P ezarro and I formed a company called Hutchison , while experimenting with early Tesla
Pharos Technologies , L td . in 1980 to promote the systems and static machines such as V an de Graaff
Hutchison Effect. In our early presentations we generators.
referred to it as the Lift and Disruption System. A t
the time P ezarro was interested in oil and gas I n 1979, i n my lab was a collection o f machine
tools, ham radio equipment, Tesla coils, static
discovery by novel means, and I was involved with
generators, transformers, RF generators and
scientific instrumentation and measurement.
much more, I discovered an odd effect. Let me
say that I would have Tesla coils turned on, RF
The Hutchison Effect is divided primarily into two generation equipment, static generators and
categories of phenomena: propulsive and ener­ geometric metal masses under load in the
center, a uranium alpha beta flux in a copper
getic . The system is capable of inducing lift and
tube.... l should mention who led me into this
translation in bodies of any material . That means
new world: Alexis Pezarro, George Hathaway,
it will propel bodies upwards, and it will also move and Tom Bearden.(2J
them sideways . There are four kinds of traj ecto­
ries . These are explained in the "Lifting Phenom­ The ear lies t explanation was given by Mel Winfield
ena" section . It also has very strange energ etic of V ancouver, whose name may be familiar from
properties , including severely disrupting intermo­ D r. H ansN ieper's 1988 Congress in Germany . He
lecular bonds in any material , resulting in cata­ s ugges ted that the explanation for the phenomena
strophic an d disruptive fracturing , samples of was due to a method of making the electro­
which are described here. It is also capable of magnetic fields spin or swirl in some unknown
causing controlled plastic deformation in metal s , way .
creating unusual aurora-like lighting effects in
mid-air, causing changes in the distribution of the Pharos Technologies , Ltd . was involved in three
chemical content in metals, apparent development phases of development. The first phase was in the
of magnetic monopoles , and other long-range basement of the house in which John Hutchison
effects at distances up to 80 feet (24 meters) away lived in Vancouver where his original work was
from the central core of the apparatus--all at low done. This was the Phase Z ero development.
power and at a distance. Phase I was when we stepped in with some money
Electric Spscecrsft Journsl Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1
Asheville, NC 288 14 USA
an d took the equipment from the original location knows he should concentrate putting specimens in
and put it in a more reasonable setting . Phase II that zone, and he does so . We see some water in
was a third location prior to its being dismantled a coffee cup that appears to be swirling , although
an d put into storage by Hutchison . it' s not. It is merely the surface rippling by some
electromagnetic means, and the coffee cup is
The main feature of this technology, apart from its dancing around on top of a milk carton . It' s
unusual phenomenology , is that it is highly tran­ another way for him to determine where the zone
sitory . The phenomena come and go virtually as is. Th en we see a flat file 8 inches (20 e m) long
they please. O ne has to sit with this apparatus breaking apart. This file broke into four more or
between six hours and less equal-length sec­
six days before one actu- tions . Normally , if you
ally sees something oc- break a bar magnet, you
The main feature of this technology,
curring . know that you break it
apart from its unusual phenomenology,
north-south, north-south,
This makes it virtually is that it is highly transitory. The phe­ north-south , etc . , so the
impos sible to interest nomena come and go virtually as they parts tend to stick back
someone who would like please. One has to sit with this apparatus together agai n . In this
to try to develop it or to from between six hours and six days case the segments were
assist in funding , for in­ magnetized the wrong
before one actually sees something oc-
stan ce. Y ou can ' t assume way by some phenomena
g. --.:-...-,:,..-----:-�
c_u_rr_t_n...,. - - -=--��---���
that someone will sit there I,.. '-:- unknown to me, and they
who is ready to help de­ repelled each other when
vel op a technology and they were put together at
have him wait and wait, and perhaps nothing will the breaks . This may be indicative of the develop­
happen . It' s unusual to ask someone to wait six ment of large-scale monopolar regions that are of
days for a phenomena that they ' re interested in such intensity that they disrupt the material itself.
developing com mercially . So one can imagine that It' s as reasonable an explanation as I or anyone else
we' ve had some difficulty in the past in financing has been able to make.
this program .
Lifting Phenomena
It was extremely difficult to get around in the first
laboratory (Phase Z ero) in V ancouver. It was so We then proceed to document some lifting phe­
densely packed with equipment that you could not nomena. The obj ects that are lifted in the first part
find a place to put your foot down . Y ou had to step of this section are on the order of a few pounds . All
around all sorts of obj ects that were put on the of them lift off with a twist. They spiral as they lift
fl oor. off. There has to be a particular geometry with
respect to down (gravity) for them to take off. If
Disruptive Phenomena you lay some objects on their sides , they won ' t
take off. I f you tum them o n their ends , they will
The following is documented on video : a bushing take off. The geometrical form of the obj ects , their
is shown breaki ng up . It was a steel bushing about composition an d their relationship to their envi­
2 inches (5 e m) in diameter by 3 to 4 inches (9 e m) ronment--the field structure around them that is
long . In another part of the film , Hutchison warms being created by the device--all play a part in how
up the system . He then puts coins and bits of these things take off.
styrofoam where he believes the active zone will
be. This determines the optimum place for posi­ There are four main modes of traj ectory that these
tioning the test objects , which will either take off objects can follow if they do choose to take off:
or burst. The first thing that happens is a quarter ( 1) a slow looping arc where the obj ects will take
($. 25 coin) starts to flip and vibrate. He then off very slowly in a few seconds an d loop an d fall

Electric Spacecraft Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1

7 Asheville, NC 288 14 USA
back somewhere else. It is almost as if the Earth holding it down. None of the coins are effected
moves underneath them while they are in flight, either. With RF heating theory you can have eddy
and they fall back in different locations; (2) a current heating on the surface and it's almost cool
ballistic take-off. In other words, there's an im­ to the touch very shortly thereafter. It's still
pulse of energy at the beginning of the trajectory unusual that there is no conductive heat transferred
with no further power applied to the lifting there­ to the wood.
after, and the object hits the ceiling and comes
back down; (3) a powered trajectory where there From time to time there are scorch marks on the
appears to be continuous application of lifting boards from other experiments. The apparatus
force. I have some evidence taken from the video; makes fire spontaneously appear in parts of the lab
and (4) hovering--where objects just rise up and sit if you're not careful.
there. The objects can be of any material. For
example: sheet metal, wood, styrofoam, lead, The original (Phase Zero) lab set-up was primi­
copper, zinc, amalgams. They all either take off tive, crowded, had poor connections, and had
or they burst apart, or they do nothing--which is hand-wound coils. The films that have most of the
99% of the time. best lift episodes, however, were done in this early
set-up, drawing a maximum of 1.5 kilowatts
Lighting Phenomena continuously from house-mains.

A strange lighting phenomenon occurred only The disruptive part of the Hutchison Effect has
once in 1981 when Hutchison happened to be produced many confmnatory physical samples,
filming. The most spectacular results were ob­ including: water, aluminum, iron, steel, molyb­
served. Suddenly a sheet of iridescence descended denum, wood, copper, bronze, etc., with many
between the camera and some of the apparatus and shapes, sizes, and masses. Certain materials are
one saw a multi-colored sheet of light. It had a subject to certain influences depending on shape,
strange pinkish center to it and hovered there for composition, and other factors.
a while, and then disappeared. Hutchison thought
he was hallucinating. When we developed the We have tested various pieces that have broken
film, however, something was definitely there. apart for hardness, ductility, etc. We have used
optical and electron microscopes. We have taken
Also in this video we observed heavier objects SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) pictures
taking off, including a 19-pound (8.6 kg) bronze with EDAs (Energy Dispersive Analysis) to deter­
bushing and water in a cup that was dancing mine the composition at various points.
around, the surface of which was vibrating. There
were no ultrasonic or sonic devices in this particu­ One sample of aluminum was twisted up in a left­
lar series of experiments. There were no magnetic handed spiral, another aluminum sample was
components underneath or over top. There were blown into little fibers. A molybdenum rod used
no field coils underneath or over top or anywhere in nuclear reactors should be able to withstand
within 6 feet (1.8 m). These images were taken temperatures of about 5, 000 degrees F. Hutchison
while the apparatus was performing at peak, and and Pezarro watched it wiggle back and forth like
show the best results for the earliest experiments. soft rubber, and stopped the apparatus halfway
through a wiggle. The rod, once rigid and straight,
Instead of lifting objects, Hutchison will some­ was now bent.
times purposely try to destroy them. In one case,
a 1,4 inch round rattail file rests on a plywood base A collection of metal pieces was blasted apart or
and is held down from taking off by two plywood twisted. The largest piece was about 12 to 13
pieces. Beside it are some quarter and penny coins. inches long, two inches in diameter, and made of
The file is glowing white hot and yet there is no regular mild steel. A 3/8-inch piece was blasted
scorching of the wooden plywood pieces that are off the end and crumbled like a cookie. Fragments

Electric Spececreft Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 1991

Asheville, NC 288 14 USA
were analyzed to have anomalously high sil icon was analyzed for composition and showed anoma­
content, al though the original material was not a l ousl y high amounts of copper.
sil icon steel . A nother piece was 5 to 6 inches tall ,
and l1A inches in diameter, and made of case- With a little higher magnification for Figures 1 and
hardened steel . The case-hardening was bl own off 2, we see what happens in a polished aluminum
at the top and about 3/4 inches of it vaporized sample under the SEM (Scanning Electron Micro­
during an experiment. There were also various scope) . Figure 1 shows two main horizontal frac­
pieces of aluminum and steel . A boring bar was on ture zones. This is a polished sample, which is
a shelf about 10 feet away from the center of the why it looks nice and clean . Notice the unusual
apparatus . Hutchison did not see it happen . It bent g lobules forming (positions B & C) . We examined
into a tight U and deposited a quantity of copper these particular globules and they' re virtually pure
at the bend . The copper seemed to somehow el ements . One is copper, another is manganese
magicall y come out of the sol id solution--if it was an d others are different elements . These g lobules
ever in sol ution in the first pl ace--an d aggl omerate seem to arran ge themselves along planes , which
as globs at the break. A s far as the aluminum was are no doubt the ones that spl it apart and delami­
concemed , it' s a volume effect, not merel y an nate into fibers .
eddy-current surface effect. The whol e thing was
blasted right through .

Microscope photos tak en

by the University of
Toronto showed an al u­
m i n u m spec i men at
about 70 times magnifi­
cation where the whole
surface was tom apart,
as if it were gouged ran­
doml y by some mechani­
cal means. It had neither
been smoothed and pol­
ished nor subjected to x­
ray or dispersion analy­
sis yet. A piece of iron

j'l'lll 11 ������I���1111111111111 Ill 11111 r1 111:1·11111 II II

Figures 3and 4 show the
relative elemental abun­
dances of loca tions H and
D in Figures 1 and 2.
Normally , the aluminum
comes out looking like
Figure 3. The averag e is
mostly alumin u m , of
course, but with a bit of
copper in it. And y et Fig­
! : I
� ure 4 shows an area

I I" 'I 'I 'I 'I

around where the frac­
... .. ..
:· - tures occur and we see
we have actually located
Figure 3 Figure 4

Electric Spscecrsft Journsl Oct/Nov/Dec 1991

9 Asheville, NC 28814 USA
one of the copper blobs, plus some chlorine from radio transmitter that he had switched on for the
our fingers. Usually you see some chlorine and operation, and it had a 3-foot whip antenna. Later
sodium from salt in your hands when touching he replaced that, likely because it broke, with the
samples . It's certainly telling us that something small Tesla coil, which is about three feet off the
unusual is happening . I have not seen another ground and is about 11/2 feet high .
apparatus that makes the alloying material in an
alloy come out of the solid solution . Usually it's Spark gaps and tank circuits line one wall . There's
totally dispersed in the melt but in this case we're a 2 1 kilovolt transformer in front of the inductors
" undispersing " it somehow. from a Picker x-ray machine that powers a number
of these spark gaps. The gaps
fire at a 60-cycle rep rate.
r�«' ,...,-s .,
.... " l�<��vcn.ws There i s a doub le-ended
l )
c=J D
• /'flfl"if "dumbbell" Tesla coil sus­
c:::J ,,,...
..,., DI!Wf'W�I( f'v'"''l•
t'•" pended from the ceiling. There
is a large Tesla coil, a field­
-u <A<I£
0 TIFI.b Ut� �
shaper, a Van de Graaff gen­

J"""""' erator, and a Tesla disruptive

I� a-· 6CNI•

discharge coil. The latter is a
double-ended, iron-core trans­
I so'
former. This distance is ap­
proximately 1 2 feet between
Figure 5 Phase I - Physical Layout the large Tesla coil and the
small Tesla coil. Between them
is referred to as the active area,
which is basically a platform on which we put
Phase I - Laboratory Set-up objects of whatever material we wish and hope
that they'll leap to the ceiling or burst apart. The
The experimental set-up for the Hutchison Effect main tuning control consists of several high­
is shown in Figure 5. This plan shows the first voltage variable capacitors and various inductors .
(1983) set-up under Pharos ' control. It was set up
to try to attract more funding . I put it together by This laboratory set-up replicates Hutchison ' s origi­
picking out the essential bits of
the apparatus and assembling
them . A n umber of these
samples came from this lab .

The field-shaping unit is basi­

cally an elevated aluminum
sphere about 11 inches in diam­
eter. The essential ingredients
of the power supply are two 1 5
kilovolt neon transformers.
Large steel masses were all over
the place. In his first and most
effective exper i m e n t s ,
Hutchison had a 400-kilohertz
continuous wave generator in­
stead of the small Tesla coil.
It's basically a low frequency Figure 6 Block Circuit Diagram

Electric Spscecrsft Journel Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1

Asheville, NC 288 14 USA
nal. Therefore I did not make nice connections, etc. powered normally, the large Tesla coil resonates
except I tried to use a minimum number of compo­ somewhere around 330 kilohertz.
nents. The large Tesla coil is 41/z feet tall (second­
ary), a few thousand windings of number 27 or 30 The general block circuit diagram in Figure 6
enameled wire. It has a toroidal coil of about 12- shows the Van de Graaff generator by itself on
gauge resting near its top. The Van de Graaff the left and it goes through a gap and a capacitor.
generator is about 250,000 volts DC maximum. It The gap is never firing to ground! The small
has an approximately 12-inch diameter ball. Vari­ Tesla coil is shown underneath. It is a little
ous tuning capacitors, high voltage transmitting experimental Testa coil sitting by itself (dual 807
caps of varying capacity and RF coils are scattered tubes). All components are powered from a
around. Overhead is the double-ended "dumbbell " single 1 5 amp, l lOvolt, 60 Hz supply. The main
Tesla coil with its electrodes with the double toroid spark gap shown by itself is about 3/ 8 inch wide,
primary. Below is a spark gap that snaps every 40 which is powered by a 1 5-kilovolt DC supply
seconds or so, and in the back corner is the small across a capacitor. It snaps every 40 seconds or
Tesla coil. It's a double 807 triode Tesla coil that has so and causes a great blast. There is no time
a nice spot frequency of about 760 kilohertz. When correspondence between the snapping of that gap
and objects taking off or dismembering them­
igure 7
Field Strength Readings

I should mention some of the

field strength readings that we
have taken. Some of these re­
sults are shown in Figures 7 and
8. The magnetic field is taken
with a field strength meter using
an 8-inch vertical loop. Electric
60 Hz bursts with classical Tesla coil decays
field measurements were also
1/: .oot. v/c ... cr-t: "'o.t i)1!P: lot:. made. The top two traces of
Figure 7 show the 60-cycle
bursts, a classical kind of Tesla
decaying wave forms. The bot­
tom four traces are frequency
spectral analyses. The middle
left shows the small Testa coil
by itself with a little side band,
Small coil peaking at 760 kHz 61 0 kHz sideband
but its main peak is approxi­
mately 760 kHz. (CTR is the
1/! .OoS vfc..._ C.TI!.:�OO "biSP:S'o center frequency used in spec­
trum analysis terminology. ) In
this case, center frequency is
760 kilohertz; dispersion is 10
kHz; and the vertical scale is
relative strength. The large Testa
coil shown in the bottom left,
(center frequency is around 350
kilohertz) is a messy, noisy spec­
large coil at 350 kHz 300 Hz emission source
trum because the large Testa

E/9ctric Spac9craft Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 1991

11 Asheville, NC 288 14 USA
#t/TC:/{/Sdif �r
Fr�� Jf?<&:/VCJ7Tv' (1) Hathaway, George D. , "The
Hutchison Effect - A Lift and Dis­
ruption S y s te m , " ed . A.
Michrowski, The Third Interna­
�... tional New Energy Technology
Symposium/Exhibition June 1988,
The Planetary Association for Clean
--:t--- =
Energy, Inc. , 100 Bronson Av­
,_ !-
� enue, Suite 100 1, Ottawa, Ontario,
,,..,.,l- Canada K1R 6G8, 1990, pp. 77-
, "' •• .LS JD 'r '1.• <�r pwo ·-�
"t• PISr""-fN<t! ,..,_, c.!""'1t£ IF Acl7,. �e,-, ( frj 103. Adapted by permission of Dr.
z '1/�)n -4!:1/. Andrew Michrowski. [The com­
Figure 8 Field Strength Measurements during
Hutchison Effect experiments at about 350 kHz, showing
plete paper presented by George
strength versus distance from source Hath away i s available fro m
P. A. C. E. ]

coil is not powered in the normal way. It is (2) Hutchison, John, "Hutchison Effect," Plan­
powered merely inductively. There is also a peak etary Association for Clean Energy Newsletter,
around 610 kilohertz (middle right) which is Vol. 6, No. 2-3, May 1991, p. 18.
probably a side band . Bottom right has a center
frequency of 300 Hz, probably from the fluores­ About the Author
cent lights . We tried to scan from low frequency
right up to several megahertz. George Hathaway received a B.A . S c. in Electrical
Engineering , from the University of Toronto in 1974.
Figure 8 shows field strength measurements at He is currently a lecturer in comp uter graphics as well

approximately 350 kilohertz. We took a relative as Vice Pres ident and Director of R&D for a Canadian
high-tech company--develop ing novel and unconven­
field strength reading from which I have imputed
tional sources of energy and propul sion methods.
a strength in microvolts per meter, the vertical
scale going up to about 7,000. The solid line
An active member of many different organizations ,
indicates the measurements that we made with Mr. Hathaway has extensive experience in a l arge
approximate error bounds, and the horizontal variety of areas includ ing energy , computers , and
scale is in feet from the center of the apparatus. instruments. He may be contacted at: Hathaway Con­
The dotted line is an inverse square line just for sulting S ervices , 39 Kendal Avenue, Toronto , Ontario
reference. There is nothing unusual here. M5 R 1L5 , Canada. i9:

Neither Hutchison nor I know the specific function

of any of this apparatus in producing these phe­
nomena, and one of the primary reasons for this
presentation is to foster collective investigation
leading to an understanding of what is going on.
I do not know the mechanism whereby this assem­
blage of components causes objects to lift. I can
come to some reasonable conclusions and expla­
nations as to why this assemblage of apparatus
causes things to burst apart.

Electric Sf!8cecrsft Journsl Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1

Asheville, NC 288 14 USA

by Jeane Manning

The following is a personal portrait of the experimenter, John

Hutchison. Sources of information include documents and interviews
with Hutchison, his family and others. Some names have b een
changed for those individuals who may not wish to be identified.

John Hutchison's high voltage equipment created Vancouver businessman, Alexis Pezarro, who
electric/ magnetic field interactions that anoma­ later brought in Toronto engineer George Hathaway
lously affected objects caught in the fields at a to form a company called Pharos Technologies
distance. Metal chunks and objects up to 60 Ltd. --to promote the Hutchison Effect. (1)
pounds levitated or were violently propelled and
twisted . The Hutchison Effect seemingly changed Hutchison was flown to Toronto by Pharos after
the molecular structure of metal samples. Al­ the 1981 First International Symposium on Non­
though the equipment was massive, the actual Conventional Energy . (2) A highlight of that trip
power input was relatively small . for Hutchison was seeing a working free energy
device--the Hans Coler device. The unit weighed
Origin of the Hutchison Effect less than five pounds and put out 40 milliwatts with
no moving parts, Hutchison recalls .
The first Hutchison Effect was an accident. In his
Lynn Valley (Vancouver) laboratory in 1979 , Hutchison ' s Earlier Years
Hutchison fired up the high voltage apparatus. He
felt something hit his shoulder, threw the piece of His experiments had already started in 1955 . "My
metal back where it seemed to have originated, and first adventure is when I took the school radio apart
it flew up and hit him again. He figured that others at age ten and got a master spanking, " he said. He
who were playing around with old Tesla equip­ started puttering with chemicals at 1 4 . He had to
ment, fiddling with dials and tuning it--must be face school with the handicap of being very near­
getting the same propulsive and lifting effects! sighted, as well as the distraction of his mother's
He went to a metaphysical lecture at a bookstore,
and met the owner, Mel Winfield . "I rescued an These and other difficulties interrupted his formal
electro-static machine out of his basement, " Hutchi­ education after eighth grade. He continued to
son said, " . . . and I indicated it would probably devour information, however, and frequently stud­
enhance my field structure. " ied on his own at North Shore College.

Winfield, however, says he himself suggested an He read about Nikola Tesla in a Collier ' s Encyclo­
improvement to Hutchison's experiments. George pedia. His father recalled Tesla coils in the back­
Hathaway credits Winfield for originally suggest­ yard when John was 18 , startling neighbors in the
ing that the Hutchison Effect was due to a spinning quiet middle-class area.
or swirling of electro-magnetic fields in some
unknown way. Vancouver newspapers referred to Hutchison as
"the North Shore's Tom Swift" when reports of
Winfield got Hutchison into a psychic fair to strange lights in the sky filled the media one day,
demonstrate his apparatus. There Hutchison met and young John phoned in to confess. The lights
Electric Spececrsft Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1
13 Asheville, North C a rolina 288 14 USA
over Grouse Mountain were his aluminum-coated permanent damage. Nurses confiscated the unit
balloons. He' d been making hydrogen out of lye and threw it in the garbage.
and strips of aluminum from pie plates, then filling
nylon balloons and tracking them with a high­ Asked for details 20 years later, he recalled
powered telescope as winds zipped them around mercury and various coils were involved , and that
the North Shore Mountains. he was interested in lasers at the time. The device
gave off UV radiation . While he played with the
By age 20 Hutchison made a workable 110-volt arc device, it "turned cold blue along a glass tube I
welder from pieces of curtain rod , carbon rods engineered . " He felt his eyes become uncomfort­
from a flashlight battery , salt water, insulated able. It seemed he was exposed to radiation only
wire, and a plug . A newspaper quotes young for minutes , but an hour afterward his eyes glued
Hutchison describing the workings of a rheostat, shut. For 12 hours he could not see, and after
and how to make nylon . awhile his face developed severe " sunburn . "

In 1965 , medical difficulties resulted in his being Hutchison ' s Intuitive Process
hospitalized for an extended period . John ' s per­
sonal problem came out as agoraphobia. But his It was said that he didn ' t understand what he was
attraction to experimenting was indomitable. While doing when he added more materials in his lab .
in the hospital he had accumulated a tangle of " Actually , I understood j ust what I was doing as
metal and electronic parts , and a high frequency I got closer and closer to understanding the effect.
oscillator that doctors had thrown away . They thought it was j ust that I was agoraphobic and
wanted to be in a crowded place. It wasn ' t that at
Tesla Equipment all, " Hutchison said .

In the late 1960s, Hutchison moved to a $35/ Geometric metal masses were an important part of
month basement where he could arrange his ma­ what he had and he found intuitively that large
chine tools and other metal objects. Living on a units of aluminum or pure copper played a key
small disability pension , he had time to scrounge role. The metal was loaded with 200, 000 volts.
through j unk yards and military surplus outlets for " In my first lab there was a lot of mass laying
RF generators , transformers , etc. Rare equipment around the apparatus--lathes , machine tools, can­
was literally dug out of the ground . He thought nons , " he said .
about opening a museum of Tesla equipment. The
basement room was filled with large metal objects , In the second lab , Hutchison said he had a hard
including an old cannon , which he used to test time triggering effects , until he added large trans­
metal fatigue. formers , around 350 pounds each , and other
configurations for mass.
On good days he liked to go into the forests near
his Lynn Valley laboratory/bedroom in North "It works better when I ' m feeling good . " When
Vancouver. Attraction to nature also motivated his government scientists were pacing around his lab
volunteer work at a nearby ecology center. "in a rush mode, " he didn ' t feel good . "Why
should I waste my time proving it to the skeptical?
Radiation Burn Even when we got major effects , the San Diego
group (in 1982) said it must be from a transformer
Tinkering with inventions was an ongoing habit. buried in the concrete. I lost interest. " Hutchison
He remembers only fragments about the military shrugs.
surplus components he was able to buy for his
devices . In 1967 or 1968 , Hutchison accidentally One combination included a small source of
burned his face and eyes with a device and had to radioactivity--ground uranium--in a copper tube,
go to the hospital , but apparently suffered no he said , as well as a Van de Graaff generator and
other generating equipment.
Electric Spececrsft Journsl Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1
Asheville, North C a rolina 288 14 USA 14
Hutchison recalls aesthetically pleasing effects. fluorescent lights wouldn ' t work, he said . Later a
When working in the lab at night, he would tum heavy metal plow sailed across a room . " It trav­
the lights off and watch a light effect; there were elled 20 feet or so and made the devil' s own noise
flower-like shapes on top of his equipment. " I when it hit the pavement. And a 50-pound spool
wondered why they didn ' t leap the gap. " of wire went across the room . "

Aurora-like effects in mid-air are described . An American watching the tests wanted effects
Hutchison refers to a rainbow-like shimmering in right on the target area. As they videotaped , each
one incident. " It' s on one of the tapes. In the tape was labelled and put into a steel box . " Noth­
center was pulsating white plasma-type energy. " ing major happened on the target area, as far as I
know , " Hutchison said .
" Heavy DC sparked onto specially designed elec­
trodes would produce fire- " I was operating the
balls, " he said . " The larg- machines , but I liked to
est ball lightning was about Aurora-like effects in mid-air are de­ walk around too . I was
four inches in diameter scribed. Hutchison refers to a rainbow­ following John Rowe.
and went sailing across the He had an assortment
like shimmering in one incident. " It ' s
room for about six sec­ of miniature test equip­
onds, " he added calmly . on one of the tapes. In the center was ment on him and he
pulsating white plasma-type energy. " would say, ' I got a read­
1983 Demonstrations ing of three megahertz
suddenly . I don' t know
The cavernous space rented by Pharos in the what this means. ' "
summer of 1983 for experiments--and attended by
members of the U . S . Government--was at 141 A camera was focused on Hutchison as he operated
Riverside Drive, North Vancouver. The ware- the equipment. He was asked to put on a "brain
house had been used formerly by Panorama movie tuner, " but found it uncomfortable. On the last day
studios for storing props. Hutchison remembers of the test run , Hutchison was told sorry , he didn ' t
months o f preparation , a man phoning officials make it into the scientific community . The random
from pay phones using a set procedure, and the effects had not played on the target-area stage.
excitement when the officials arrived several
months later, loaded with monitors and cameras . Hutchison has been trying to get a copy of the
Hutchison wasn ' t given their surnames at this report since 1983, as well as the 30 hours of
time. videotape taken by the Los Alamos group.

" I didn ' t know who they were, though I felt the Hutchison then moved his lab to a basement at
military connection . They used a Geiger counter Hastings and Boundary Road in Vancouver, where
to map out the area, and marked it with masking Pezarro brought more visitors . Finally , one day ,
tape on the floor. We were getting some good Hutchison hired a truck with a crane and moved his
ballistic lifts , from floor to the ceiling . " massive metal objects into a warehouse downtown
on Cambie Street. It was his exit from the Pharos
Hutchison was trying to focus the energy onto a Company . Many influential Canadian and Ameri­
three square foot area, because that was the space can defense departments and aerospace people had
under observation . But as time went on , he said , come to view the demonstrations , some of which
events happened elsewhere in the warehouse-­ were disappointments . Why would he leave?
mirrors broke, nails pulled out of a wall, and
boards flew around . Earlier in the test large light " I couldn ' t fit into the tight niche of being quiet,
bulbs on the 30 foot ceiling , which had not been and I didn ' t have the freedom of creation when
switched on , flashed brilliant blue. After that the only concentrating on one dull thing , " he replied .

Electric Spacecraft Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1

15 Asheville, North C a rolina 288 14 USA
Are Hutchison ' s Experiments Dangerous? journalist or lawyer to sort out the secretness and
get my property back. " In the past six years , much
Hutchison has respect for the fields . He has felt a of John ' s energy has gone into writing letters and
negative effect only a few times . Once he had a making phone calls . He is told by government
headache while experimenting in cramped quar­ sources that the videos of his work were destroyed ,
ters , and another time, " I overexposed and went but he doesn ' t believe it. He also wants to see the
around feeling like my head was blink, blinking . laboratory reports on his metal samples .
(Microwave clicks . ) I went around for a week like
that. " Finally a doctor who didn ' t know what John Randy Bergow , [a computer programmer from
had been doing asked if he' d been working with Munich , West Germany] arrived in Vancouver
high voltage. that same year and became friends with Hutchi-

One time as John reached for a

knob to adj ust the field , his
forearm felt twisted slightly
backward " as if by a liquid "
force. The feeling was like
being in mercury , and it passed
through and behind him .

At other times , observers told

John about spontaneous effects,
such as little fires starting up on
the floor or rubber objects be­
ing squeezed . He is concerned
about the possibility of getting
an effect started that is not self­
quenching .

"There were other events we

called flameouts from the coils .
Great amounts o f energy would
come out into a cone shape up
to the ceiling . Many times this
effect happened when only I
was there, but luckily it also
h appened w h en George
Hathaway was there. Hejumped
up on the table with his camera o' o
and got a photograph of it. "
() f/ A
In the fall of 1986, Hutchison J.-.-..:()::--,-_� I
(J i? IS� y
placed a small classified ad . @t
"Tesla researcher caught in with
SDI [Strategic Defense Initia­
tive] research , CIS [Canadian
Intelligence Service] people and A
a company who has documents
on my work. I seek a prof. This sketch of Hutchison ' s lab setup was sent
to ESJ by John Hutchison on Feb . 24, 1 992.
Elsctric Spscscrsft Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1
Asheville, North C a rolina 288 14 USA 16
son . When Bergow returned home, he took a load John disagreed with the BIRD partners when he
of metal samples to several European scientific thought they and an associate of Boeing Aerospace
institutes . Bergow met a scientist from Austria, in Washington State planned what he believed
Dr. Patrick Konett, and the wheels were set in would be a psychotronic research program . Al­
motion for John ' s trip to Europe two years later. though he was pleased at getting an average of five
energy effects per evening in the fall of 1988 , he
In 1988 Hutchison had acquired two new partners, was being pulled away from the stressful business
Greg Land and Alfred Sutter of BIRD Industries . arrangement by other events .
Hutchison now fired up his equipment in a lab on
1 3th A venue in Vancouver. " It was going full bore In 1988 Dr. Konett was in Canada and introduced
by Fall with many effects . One time a l ,OOO pound his sister-in-law , film maker Kim Lee , to John
Siemens transformer was lifted about an inch off Hutchison . She began writing him .
its foundations. Another time an unusual cloud­
shaped thing went through the ceiling . It seemed In 1989 Lee travelled to Vancouver. BIRD part­
to lift nails and move them at an angle through the ners had locked Hutchison out of his lab . Hutchi­
walls . Alfred Sutter checked . . . it was his conclu­son described that time: "We [Hutchison and Lee]
sion that [the nails] passed through the wood ; planned on how to save this lab . We decided to
perhaps the wood turned semi-transparent. " break in and empty out the lab , and did so with
security guards and All Cargo Express . We got
Hutchison explained further: "The nails had gone caught by the police. " Hutchison said Lee sold her
from cardboard boxes in a storage area upstairs jewelry the next day and hired a lawyer.
outside the lab , floated through the wood and came
through the storage area' s wall to surface on the Randy Bergow in Munich , meantime, was acting
lab wall , at random in the wall on their sides. With as a long-distance advisor. "They pursued the
no holes in the wall . " matter--phoned Jack Howard , an employee of
McDonnell Douglas--to confirm the lab was mine. "
In an effort to explain how it happened , Hutchison
turned to an earlier report describing a momentary European Excursion
transparency of part of a sample.
After a court order allowed Hutchison access to the
Background Radiation Affected lab , valuable equipment was packed in shipping
containers marked for Europe.
In 1988- 1989 Hutchison reports he could control
background radiation in a radius of up to 75 feet. "I "Kim and I left in the night (Feb . 8 , 1989) . We
could increase (Geiger counts per minute) , double, drove across the border, then got the plane to
or decrease it down to almost zero. Unfortunately Europe, " Hutchison said .
I had to leave the strip chart strips in the lab when
everything became messed up . " When they arrived , the two stayed with Bergow in
his Munich apartment. " The pressure from BIRD
Friction was growing in BIRD Industries . Hutchi­ Industries, the landlord and the lawyers was so
son said his partners rewired his apparatus when horrible I went into mild shock, " Hutchison
he was out of the lab . When he later turned it on , remembers . " So did Randy--overstressed . Randy
two huge capacitors exploded , sending an acrid contacted Electra Briggs--Project Coordinator/
smell through the building . He cleaned every­ Advisor for the CCC/UN (Communications Co­
thing , but the explosion was the subject of later ordination Committee for the United Nations) , a
investigation by environment officials who were researcher and media consultant--to pay for her
concerned about PCBs. plane fare out. Then John Rowe, a former resident
of Vancouver, persuaded Randy he could sort out
the mess. The mess only got worse. Randy was

Electric Spacecraft Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1

17 Asheville, North C a rolina 288 14 USA
near total exhaustion . John Rowe said I would get brought, "a tri-coil proj ector arrangement around
arrested if l returned to Vancouver. Randy had to a DC high-tension central core where high fre­
be put into the hospital. " quencies were placed on it, " and a duo-tuned radio
circuit, to see if psychokinesis was involved . He
" Kim and I stayed in Dr. Konett ' s Austrian villa. had about one effect per night. PK is not an
I was now tom between two worlds . . . . " important factor, he concluded . In making the
equipment, he had taken two radio receivers apart
Hutchison began withdrawal from the prescription and re-tuned them as signal generators for interfer­
drugs he had been taking for years. He credits Lee ing signals. "Wires came from these to the tri-coil
and Mrs . Konett for helping him through the arrangement. I used a very low power 12-volt DC
withdrawal . During this difficult time he wrote battery as the central core, and a magnet to go
letters to his friends in Canada. He now regrets the down the central core of the tri-coil . It was a
calls for help, which caused his friends to go to magnet I managed to scrounge off a radio speaker,
extreme measures , trying to help him return to maybe 5 ,000 gauss . "
North America.
Hutchison ' s static generator-- " that cone-shaped
Hutchison was also terribly shaken by an automo- coil part" --is one of the items remaining in storage
bile accident on the Autobahn. His breast bone was in Munich .
fractured and Kim ' s nose was broken . Hutchison
was hospitalized for several days during the first " Is that the part that had a bit o f ground uranium
month in Austria. in it? " I asked . " No, this is more of a proj ector unit
used in the experiments , " Hutchison replied .
With the rumor of a known East Bloc agent having " Quite long , three triad coils around it, and a
an interest in his whereabouts , Hutchison said he centre core, and it was powered by direct current
was no longer welcome at the Austrian villa. He transformers , tensions of about 1 00 , 000 volts. "
and Lee moved to Munich where he continued
with her support to take natural medications to Could it have been doing something scalar?
help with the drug withdrawal .
" I think so , because of this interference pattern set
As one of his friends who had been confused by his up by a disruptive discharge transformer nearby,
desperate letters , I visited Hutchison in Munich in which I find more effective than a Tesla coil, and
the fall of 1 989 , without the co-operation of his that' s bled into it. This unit went through various
hosts , in order to find out if he was all right. He changes through the years , from 1 979 on up . The
looked fairly well and said he was waiting for unit was with the Los Alamos team , then moved
information on his metal samples, (which had from that lab to the one at Boundary and Hastings,
been taken to Germany by Bergow for testing and it went through some maj or changes. I started
years earlier) . adding different coils to it, and toroidal coils to
basically enhance and cause more interruptions,
At that time, Hutchison said his friend Bergow and phasing currents. "
" now hammers at me to write down everything I
know . " Hutchison refused to cooperate. The close Hutchison listed ways in which interactions with
relationship with Kim , however, caused him to be the atomic level manifest in these experiments . " A
ambivalent about his plans. He was then intro­ wall will start falling apart, o r water, i n hydrous
duced to a German j ournalist and energy re­ materials in the walls , will be drawn out. " Hutchi­
searcher, Gerald Horst, who was willing to help son saw the hydrous effect in Munich when he sat
him . with his proj ector unit.

While in Germany, Hutchison did minor experi- About the only other experiment he performed
mental work with the piece of lab equipment he during his 1 8 months in Europe was to start up a

Electric Spacecraft Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1

Asheville, North C a rolina 288 14 USA 18
Tesla coil in one of the four laboratories in Dr. Return from Europe
Konett' s multi-million dollar villa beside a lake.
The lab itself was as big as an ordinary house, he In the interview on September 6, 1 990, in a
said . To his dismay , the coil hadn ' t been properly Vancouver, B . C . apartment, John Hutchison rested
connected by its builder, a friend of Dr. Konett. on a worn sofa and smoked his pipe. Gaunt from
The Tesla coil discharged onto the carpet. misadventures of the previous two years and jet­
lagged after a flight from Europe, this tall man in
Europeans Comment faded denim nevertheless cheerfully focused on
what he had learned .
Dr. P . T . Pappas of the University of Athens wrote
Hutchison asking if he would come to Greece. "I want to be part of the network--meet the other
researchers . I've had it with
" As I have observed being kept in the dark. "
" I want to be part of the network-­
gravitational-like at­
meet the other researchers. I ' ve had
tracting forces between Hutchison returned from
identically excited-by­ it with being kept in the dark . " Europe seemingly without
microwave bodies, your some of his former sponta­
experiments gave me neous irreverence. Gone is
the idea that you probably disturb the microwave the unconventional shoulder-length hair. He
resonance between the orbiting electrons in the chooses his words carefully . He is now determined
mass in various obj ects , " Dr. Pappas wrote on to be taken serious! y as a researcher. In the past he
Oct. 20, 1 989 . "As a result, you extinguish the had a hard time convincing the sophisticated
coupling between object and earth , or even cause academicians.
repulsion . "
Whatever anger Hutchison allows himself about
Also in Europe, scientists discussed the metal his situation he focuses on the Canadian govern­
samples that had been anomalously altered by the ment, whose Environmental Protection Agency
Hutchison Effect. According to a report passed on ordered tons of Hutchison ' s lab equipment to be
through Randy Bergow , some of the samples trashed while he was in Germany because of PCB
continued to change over time. contamination . They threw away everything to do
with high voltage, he said . Metal masses used in
" On December 22 , 1989, there was a two-day the experimental setup went, along with heavy
meeting in Stuttgart, " Hutchison recalled that million-and-a-half-volt Tesla coils , special-de­
included : " Dr. Kevin Frank, Dr. Schwartz of Max sign coils, his static generator and some micro­
Planck (Institute) , plus Randy , Kim , me, and 30 wave equipment. To get money , Hutchison has
other scientists . Some of the scientists did tests on sold most of what remained , piece by piece, to
the samples . Randy presented the science of what strangers . He currently awaits an offer to work
I had done. He said a senior Siemens scientist did with researchers in either Europe or the United
a test on one sample, which was aluminum mixed States.
with wood , an impossible mixture. The scientist,
I don ' t know his name, became too interested to Recently Nobuo Yokoyama of the Free Energy
the exclusion of his other work. He later died of Project in Tokyo , Japan , wrote Hutchison to ask
a heart attack. " for permission to use pictures of the Hutchison
Effect in Yokoyama' s forthcoming book on free
Hutchison couldn ' t follow the discussion of his energy. Yokoyama added that in Osaka " suddenly
work at the Stuttgart meeting because it was in high voltage and fire appears in the ordinary
German . factory . Nobody understands this . . . I think this
phenomenon is a kind of Hutchison Effect. "

Electric Spscecraft Journsl Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1

19 Asheville, North C a rolina 288 14 USA
Building Free Energy Device Mel Winfield presented a paper entitled, " Atomic
Structure and Gravity, " in which no reference is
In a garage in New Westminster (Vancouver) John given with respect to the Hutchison Effect. ]
Hutchison currently has a small collection of
equipment running . For one thing , there is the 3 . International Tesla Symposium , Colorado
one-of-a kind radio astronomy spectrum analyzer, Springs, Colorado, July 23-26, 1 992 .
surplus from the University of British Columbia,
on which he had made a lucky offer. About the Author

"It eliminates about two rack cabinets of equip­ Jeane Manning is a journalist. Over the years she
ment. Vacuum tubes of special design allow it to has been in close touch with the research of John
go from ten megacycles up to 44 gigahertz. I Hutchison and has become his friend as well.
arranged it so it could be audio also. " Anyone interested in communicating with Ms.
• •
Manning may contact her at: P . O . Box 1 1 1 ,
"When I took apart all this equipment, took special Penticton , B . C . , CANADA V2A6J9 .
components out of experimental stuff that the ?????? p
tzp ???????Mmzz zm????&????*??upzuuzzzmzuuuz•mza
Navy and military were using in the old days to
capture ultra high frequencies--special tubes , spe­ Videotapes about Hutchison experiments are avail­
cial capacitors , very special germanium diodes of able from E. Briggs, P . O . Box 1 87 , Lone Moun­
that time--I thought I was getting close to the Wn , lli TI7TI . •
Henry Moray device. "

Hutchison doesn ' t believe radioactivity was in­

volved in the Moray device. Hutchison ' s plan is
" similar to Moray, using various metals that he
once used . I think the secret is in that kind of
technology : aged crystals, diodes and aged germa­
nium, metals , crystalline structures . "

John Hutchison feels out of touch with other

researchers who are working on similar projects ,
but if he is still on this continent in the summer of
1 992 , he may well show up at a large conference,
such as the Tesla Symposium , (3) for the first time.
He is no longer the reclusive eccentric described
by visitors to his lab in the mid- 1980s.


1 . The Third International New Energy Technol­

ogy Symposium/Exhibition , June 1988 , The Plan­
etary Association for Clean Energy, Inc. , 100
Bronson Avenue, Suite 1 00 1 , Ottawa, Ontario,
CANADA K 1 R 6G8 .

2 . The First International Symposium on Non­

Conventional Energy Technology, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, October
23-24 , 1 98 1 . [Editor ' s Note: At this conference,

Elt�ctric Spsct�crsft Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 199 1

Asheville, North C a rolina 28814 USA 20

1 945 Born October 1 9 , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

1 955 Radio experiments in elementary school

1 959 F irst chemistry experiments

1 960 Formal schooling stops after Grade 8. Studies at North Shore College on his own .
Does experiments at home. Father encourages his interest in antique guns.

1 965 His chemistry/balloon experiments startles city with reports of flying lights .

1 968 On medical pension; reclusive life until 1 9 7 8 . Builds portable radio run on " free energy . "

1 97 1 Begins to build Tesla coils that later become part o f the Hutchison Effect.

1 972 Tinkering with surplus equipment with no effect in mind.

1978 Royal Canadian Mounted Police obj ect to " gunsmith ' s unorthodox gun collecting " although guns deactivated; jail
him for eight hours . Judge chides RCMP; guns returned to JH. Lawyer gives him a pile of old electronics

1 979 First energy effects, Lynn Valley , North Vancouver.

1 9 80 Unusual effects witnessed by landlord ' s son , Mark Murphy .

Mel E. Winfield of Vancouver contributes Van de Graaff generator.
Hutchison Effect discovered by accident.
Mel Winfield introduces JH to Alexis Pezarro who sees Hutchison experiment photos.

1981 Hutchison Effect mentioned at International Symposium o n Non-Conventional Energy , Toronto, Canada. [Not
documented . ] Mel E. Winfield of Vancouver suggests Effect comes from electro-magnetic fields swirling in some
unknown way . JH also working on Alexander machine and interested in Hendershot device.

1 9 82 Still living in Lynn Valley , North Vancouver--in basement lab .

August 2 : JH signs agreement t o work for Alexis Pezarro and George Hathaway , Pharos Technologies Ltd.

1983 Pharos arranges new premises with controlled conditions. Demonstrations for U . S . Government members a t 1 44
Riverside Drive, North Vancouver. Hutchison ' s mother died at this time.

1 9 84 Interviewed on B CTV .

1 9 85 CKVU-TV coverage. Equipment in rear basement of 3744 East Hastings Street, Vancouver. JH living in alcove
of lab . Started adding different coils to proj ector unit and toroidal coils, " causing more interruptions and
enhancement, and phasing currents . "

August - An engineer from McDonnell Douglas observes experiments; introduces question of psychokinetic

1 9 86 Canadian Scienti fic and Technical Intelligence associates investigate Hutchison Effect.
March 1 6 - Pharos perceives problem with JH--unauthorized speaking to other people.
April - JH splits from Pharos; he moves equipment to Cambie Street near downtown Vancouver.
Wants to open Tesla museum.

1987 Randy Bergow takes metal samples to European laboratories .

JH invited to speak at The Planetary Association for Clean Energy at Learned Societies meeting, but lacked airfare.

Electric Spacecraft Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 1991

21 Asheville, North C a rolina 28814 USA

1988 BIRD Industries , new partners, thought t o have tinkered with JH ' s lab equipment while h e was absent.
When he starts up equipment, transformer explodes and sprays lab with PCB oil .
Partnership breaks down before year ' s end.

Planetary Association for Clean Energy Symposium, Ottawa, Canada. George Hathaway gives talk on
Hutchison E ffect. Scientists T . E . Bearden and A. Michrowski lead panel discussion on the E ffect .

1 9 89 January 3 0 - JH persuaded by three Europeans to go to West Germany and Austria.

Arrives to find conditions different than expected. JH refuses to co-operate in revealing Hutchison Effect details.
Inj ured on Autobahn. International police officials visit Austrian villa. JH tells officers that he had not been
kidnapped from Vancouver.

While JH was in West Germany , the (Canadian) Environmental Protection Agency ordered tons of his lab
equipment to be trashed because of PCB contamination .
September - JH flies from Europe to Los Angeles, California with Kim Lee JH meets Jack Howard.

JH and Kim Lee return to Europe for almost another full year.

December 22 - Meeting in Stuttgart. West German scientists discuss Hutchison Effect . JH ' s friends in North
America worry after calls for help to return home . His family tries to get help from Canada ' s Current Affairs
M inistry .

1 990 September - Returns to Canada, 20 years of JH ' s work--handmade equipment--had been thrown out by Canadian
environmental officials .
Some equipment left i n Munich .

1 99 1 J H sells most o f remaining equipment, piece by piece .

1 992 Ready to work openly with other experimenters.

[Editor ' s Note]

I spoke with Mel Winfield on March 1 8 , 1992 and asked about Hutchison ' s early experiments . He recollected
that about 1979 Hutchison attended one of his lectures and borrowed his Van de Graaff generator (three feet
tall , with a twelve-inch diameter electrode) for experimenting . Hutchison used the Van de Graaff in combination
with Testa coils and other apparatus . Thereafter, Hutchison called Winfield and said : A 15-lb . block of plaster

fell over on the desk. Winfield photographed some of Hutchison ' s experiments and hypothesized on the

phenomena . They made an agreement to work together . Winfield later introduced Hutchison to Alexis Pezarro .
As the Pezarro relationship evolved , Hutchison shifted away from W infield . Subsequent contacts and
involvements became more intense and complex for Hutchison .

Winfield did not suggest any prior discovery of the Hutchison Effect. Mel Winfield continues his own inquiry
into the Hutchison Effect, further developing his hypothesis . He explains the Effect as a del icate imbalance of
atomic forces . He also sees the possibil ity of accompl ishing the Hutchison Effect with solid state devices and
is working with others to develop such devices .•

Electric Spacecraft Journal Oct/Nov/D ec 1 9 9 1

Asheville, N o rth Ca roli na 28 8 1 4 USA 22

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