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Current Tender Details  Other Links 

Tender ID

Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number

65/EE/CIRCLE-12/KZ/GHMC/2018-19, Dt: 05.10.2018 (Item No.07)

Name of Work
Construction of RCC wall at Masjid-e-Quadria, Aghpura (D Class afzal sagar) katta
road in Mallepally-76, Ward-11, Circle-12, CZ, GHMC. (8th call)(Item No.07)

Tender Category

Tender Type

Estimated Contract Value


Bid Submission Closing Date

10/10/2018 03:00 PM

Tender Evaluation Type


Enquiry Particulars

Department Name




Tender ID


Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number

65/EE/CIRCLE-12/KZ/GHMC/2018-19, Dt: 05.10.2018 (Item No.07)

Name of Project


Name of Work

Construction of RCC wall at Masjid-e-Quadria, Aghpura (D Class afzal sagar) katta road in Mallepally-76, Ward-11,
Circle-12, CZ, GHMC. (8th call)(Item No.07)

Estimated Contract Value(INR)

1,189,554 ( Eleven Lakh Eighty Nine Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Four Rupees )

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Package number


Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months)


Type of Work

Civil Works

Bidding Type


Bid Call (Numbers)

Short Tender Notice - 1st Call

Tender Category


Currency Type


Default Currency

Indian Rupee - INR

Evaluation Type


Evaluation Criteria

Based on Price

Form Of Contract

Consortium / Joint Venture

Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details 

Transaction Fee Payable to 'TSTS ' payable at Hyderabad.(As per G.O.Ms No 4,Dtd 17.02.2015 IT&C

422 (INR)

Tender Dates 

Bid Submission Start Date & Time

06/10/2018 03:00 PM

Bid Submission Closing Date & Time

10/10/2018 03:00 PM

Bid Validity Period (in Days)


Tender Inviting Authority Particulars 

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Officer Inviting Bids

Executive Engineer, Circle-12, CZ, GHMC

Bid Opening Authority

Executive Engineer, Circle-12, CZ, GHMC


2nd floor Circle-12 GHMC Building Khairatabad Hyderabad

Contact Details



[email protected]

Bid Security Details 

Bid Security (INR)

Bid Security In Favour Of

Mode of Payment
EMD Applicable

Commissioner, GHMC
Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details 

Document Name
Document Type

Registration Certification
Transaction Fee Details
GST registration copy should be uploaded, otherwise the tenderer will be terminated.

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Special condition for above works, the bidders who have quoted more than 25 % less, shall invariably upload the
ASD in the shape of DD in favour of Commissioner, GHMC along with the tender, failing which their tender will not
be considered.
G.O.Ms.No.29, Dated:26.05.2017, I&CAD (Reforms) Department At a time single work will be given to the Labour
Cooperative Contract Societies and individuals of SCs/STs/Waddera/Sagara communities. No second work will be
given unless the work on hand already entrusted to them is completed to the extent of 50% as certified by the
Executive Engineer
G.O.No.85, Dated:17.02.2017 of MA&UD Dept contractors should qualify bid capacity of works costing from
Rs.5.00 lakhs to Rs.50.00 lakhs (i.e. (2A N-B) and must upload higher annual turn over from last five years and
list of works on hand
The participated candidates should upload works on hand otherwise tenderer will be reject from tender.
The L1 contractor must submit to this office 1.50% amount of challan in favour of Commissioner, GHMC
The tender participated SC / ST & WLCCS contractors for reservation works shall be upload schedule caste
certificate, otherwise the tenderer will be rejected.

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility 

The agencies shall follow the conditions mentioned as per the Circular memo No./RSI/DCE(R)/EE(
R)/DEE1/AEE4/2015-16 Dt:17.02.2016. Eligibility of Registered contractors: 1) Class II : GO Ms No 521, Dt
10.12.84 2) Class III : GO Ms No 132, Dt 11.08.98 3) Class IV : GO Ms No 94, Dt 01.07.03 4) Class V : GO Ms No
94, Dt 01.07.03 5) Class V : GO Ms No 66, Dt 20.04.2015 SPECIAL CONDITIONs 1) GST registration copy should
be uploaded, otherwise the tenderer will be terminated. 2) All the labour societies should remit 1% of EMD for
other than reserved works at the time of tendering, else tender will be rejected. 3) Special condition for above
works, the bidders who have quoted more than 25 % less, shall invariably upload the ASD in the shape of DD in
favour of Commissioner, GHMC along with the tender, failing which their tender will not be considered. 4) It is
noticed that the Contractors are uploading the DD?s, which are in irregular manner, hence all the agencies should
scan and upload the DD?s separately for each work, failing which their tender will not be considered. 5) Hard
copies and DD?s which are uploaded online must be submitted before tender opening, failing which your bid will
be rejected from tender. Not considered since has been peanalized for failing to conclude the agreement after

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure) 

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1) The details of Tender conditions and terms can be down loaded from the electronic procurement platform of
Government of Andhra Pradesh i.e., www.eprocurement.gov.in. 2) Approximate Estimate Contract value of work
3) Contractors would be required to register to the e-procurement Market Place www.eprocurement.gov.in and
submit their bids on line. The Department will not accept any bid submitted in the paper form. 7)The scanned
D.D's (E.M.D & A.S.D) should be dated after the Tender Notification SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF TENDER 1.This is a
online BID to be submitted on ? e ? procurement portal. The Technical bid should contain, company profile such
as manufacturer, dealer, distributor, previous supplies of the same product and terms and conditions of supply.
Financial bid shall contain only the price. The Technical Bid will be opened initially and assessed the capability of
tenderer. Financial Bid of the qualified Tenders will be opened later on ?e? procurement portal.Tenderer must
submit the Tender on due date & time as above and should be addressed to the Zonal Commissioner, WEST Zone
GHMC. 2.The rate shall be quoted in Indian currency both in words and figures in the prescribed Form and at the
space provided. The schedule accompanying the Tender shall be written legibly and free from erasures, over
writings or conversion of figures, corrections etc. Where unavoidable, should be made by crossing out, re-writing,
and must be attested with full signature and date. 3.The Tenderer can neither change the specification nor alter
the units of the Tender Schedule. 4.If an individual makes the Tender, it shall be signed with his full name and his
address shall be given. If it is in the name of a Firm, it shall be signed by the Managing Partner of the Firm, who
is authorized to sign and write his Name and address, phone number of Firm. If the tender is made by a
Corporation, it shall be singed by authorized officer who shall produce with his tender, satisfactory evidence of his
authorization. Such tendering Corporation may be required, before the contract is executed, to furnished evidence
of its corporate existence. 5.Tenders will be opened by the Zonal Commissioner, West Zone GHMC or his
authorized representative at his Office the Superintend engineer West Zone on the date before mentioned, on ?e?
procurement portal. 6. Variation by way of modifications / omissions or additions. a)For all modifications,
Commissions or additions to the specifications, the Zonal Commissioner, West Zone GHMC will issue revised
written instructions and modifications or omissions or additions shall be made unless so authorized and directed
by the Superintend engineer, West Zone GHMC in writing and the same shall be viewed ?e? procurement portal.
b)The Zonal Commissioner, West Zone GHMC shall have the privilege of ordering, modifications, omissions or
additions at any time before the completions of work and such changes ordered shall not operate to omit those
portions of the specifications with which said changes do not conflict. 7.Any notice to the Contractor shall be
deemed to be sufficiently served if given or sent in writing at his given address of residence or office as per the
contractor should notify any change in address in writing to the Department. 8.The rates of items concerned
under this contract are applicable for execution any where within GHMC limits. 9.The Larvicides shall be delivered
to the office of the Senior Entomologist, West Zone, Serilingampally, GHMC Hyderabad or as directed by the
Zonal Commissioner, West Zone, GHMC. No transportation charges will be paid in this regard. 10.The Zonal
Commissioner, West Zone, GHMC reserves the right to accept / reject any or all the tenders without assigning any
reasons. 11.EMD amount shall be paid by way of Demand Draft / banker?s cheque drawn from any Nationalized
Bank or scheduled bank payable at Hyderabad in favor of ?The Commissioner, Greater Hyderabad Municipal
Corporation?. The DD of EMD amount should be invariably placed in Cover-B (Technical Bid). Tenders without the
EMD will not be accepted. The EMD of the un-successful Tenderer will be refunded after finalization of contract.
12.For any delay in supply and delivery of larvicide, a penalty of Rs.500/- per day will be levied for a maximum of
20 days. If supplies are not made completely even after 30 days from date of receipt of purchase order the EMD
will be forfeited and the Tenders will be cancelled and no claim under circumstances will be entertained in this
regard. 13.The EMD will be forfeited 1) If the EMD paid is less than the prescribed amount 2) If incomplete tender
form is submitted or tender form with pre-conditions or An additional condition is submitted. 3) If the tender is
submitted in an unconcerned tender form. 14.The earnest money deposit of successful Tenderer will be converted
as security deposit. The security deposit is liable to be forfeited either in full or in part, if the Tenderer on whom
the purchase order is placed fails to complete the supplies as per the terms and conditions of the purchase order
or in case of non- settlement of warranty claims if any. The security deposit will be refunded after completion of
warranty period and after settlement of all claims including warranty claims. 15.The Tenderer shall quote prices
only for one model as per the Tender specifications and shall not quote for irrelevant models. 16.The Tenderer
should submit dosage schedules, efficacy test results and operational guidelines along with the technical bid.
17.100% payment of the net supply value will be released duly deducting all applicable taxes against satisfactory
delivery and efficacy of the product at GHMC. 18.The decision of the GHMC with regard to the Technical Bids will
be final and no correspondence or representations will be entertained in this regard. 19.All disputes or suits
arising out of this contract shall come under the jurisdiction of the courts in Hyderabad city only. 20.If the office
happens to be closed (holidays) on the dates specified above, the respective activity will be performed at the
designated time on the next working day without any notification. 21.The cost of Tender schedule will not be
refunded under any circumstances. 22.The rates quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes applicable. The rates quoted
in tender documents / purchase order shall be firm and no price variation on any account will be allowed. 23.The
Tenderer shall quote their rate both in words and as well as figures, the rates quoted in words shall prevail. If the
Firm / Agency fail to quote the rate both in figures and words the Tender will be treated as incomplete and
rejected. 24.The Tenderer must keep his tender valid for a period of 3 months. If the Tenderer withdraws his offer
within the validity period, the EMD will be forfeited. 25.The Tenderer shall submit tenders on ?e? procurement
portal only, no manual tenders are accepted. 26.All the offers and information required shall be furnished in the
original Tender document only and submission of copies of Tender document will not be accepted. If the Agency /
Firm desire to furnish any additional information, they can submit the same along with the information in cover.
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27.Tenderer shall submit enclosures where ever necessary on ?e? procurement portal.

Legal Terms & Conditions 

as per legal conditions

Geographical Particulars 





Procedure for Bid Submission 

Show Procedure for Bid Submission

Enquiry Forms Stage Details () 

Form Name

Type of Form
Supporting Document Required

Supporting Document Description


Commercial Stage
Percentage Wise Rate

© Vupadhi Techno Services Pvt. Ltd. Developed

exclusively for ITE&C Department.
Server Telangana
Time: 07/10/2018 State.PM    

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