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Due Process Clause - Procedural

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Consti Part 2: procedural due process


Assume that the clerk of court failed to mail the papers
STREET, J +4 concurred, 1 dissent which he was directed to send to the defendant in Amoy

FACTS: (note: not in Bernas) 1) WON the court acquired the necessary jurisdiction to
This action was instituted by "El Banco Espanol-Filipino" enable it to proceed with the foreclosure of the
to foreclose a mortgage upon property situated in the city mortgage. YES
of Manila. The mortgage was executed by the original 2) WON those proceedings were conducted in such
defendant herein, Engracio Palanca Tanquinyeng, as manner as to constitute due process of law. YES
security for a debt owing by him to the bank.
After the execution of this instrument by Tanquinyeng, he
returned to China and he there died. 1. (note: not in Bernas)
"jurisdiction," may have reference
As Tanquinyeng was a nonresident at the time, it was (1) to the authority of the court to entertain a
necessary for the bank in the foreclosure proceeding to particular kind of action or to administer a
give notice to Tanquinyeng by publication pursuant to sec particular kind of relief, or it may refer to the
399 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Publication was made power of the court over the parties, or
in a newspaper of Manila. The court also directed the clerk (2) over the property which is the subject to the
of court to deposit in the post office a copy of the summons litigation.
and complaint directed to Tanquinyeng at his last place of
residence, the city of Amoy, China pursuant to the same Jurisdiction over the person is acquired by the voluntary
provision. appearance of a party in court and his submission to its
authority, or it is acquired by the coercive power of legal
Sec. 399,Code of Civil Procedure: process exerted over the person.

In case of publication, where the residence of a Jurisdiction over the property which is the subject of the
nonresident or absent defendant is known, the litigation may result either from a seizure of the property
judge must direct a copy of the summons and under legal process, whereby it is brought into the actual
complaint to be forthwith deposited by the clerk custody of the law, or it may result from the institution of
in the post-office, postage prepaid, directed to legal proceedings wherein the power of the court over the
the person to be served, at his place of residence property is recognized and made effective.

Whether the clerk complied with this order does not In this Case:
affirmatively appear. Tanquinyeng is a nonresident and, remaining beyond the
range of the personal process of the court, refuses to come
The case proceeded in the CFI, and the defendant not in voluntarily, the court never acquires jurisdiction over
having appeared, judgment was taken against him by the person at all. This, however, is not essential.
July 3, 1908, decision was rendered in favor of the bank. The property itself is the sole thing which is impleaded and
is the responsible object which is the subject of the
It was ordered that the Tnaquinyeng should deliver exercise of judicial power. It follows that the jurisdiction of
amount owed to the clerk of the court, and it was declared the court is based exclusively on the power which it
that in case of failure to satisfy the judgment, the mortgage possesses over the property.
property should be exposed to public sale. The payment
contmeplated in said order was never made. The jurisdiction over the property based upon the
Court ordered the sale of the property which was bought in (1) that the property is located within the district;
by the bank. (2) that the purpose of the litigation is to subject the
property by sale to an obligation fixed upon it by
7 years after confirmation of sale, motion was made by the mortgage; and
Vicente Palanca, as administrator of Tanquinyeng, (3) that the court at a proper stage of the proceedings
requesting the court to set aside the order of default and takes the property into custody, if necessary, and
the judgment rendered upon July 3, 1908, and to vacate expose it to sale for the purpose of satisfying the
all the proceedings subsequent thereto. mortgage debt.

Basis of motion: that the order of default and the judgment Given that jurisdiction is exlusively over property, the relief
rendered thereon were void because the court had never granted by the court must be limited to such as can be
acquired jurisdiction over the defendant or over the subject enforced against the property itself.
of the action.
2. (this is the only issue included in Bernas)
The motion was denied. Requirement of due process is satisfied if;

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Consti Part 2: procedural due process

(1) There must be a court or tribunal clothed with 2. ANG TIBAY vs. COURT of INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS
judicial power to hear and determine the matter
before it; Justice Laurel:
(2) jurisdiction must be lawfully acquired over the
person of the defendant or over the property which A motion for reconsideration was filed by the Sol-Gen in
is the subject of the proceeding; behalf of the respondent Court of Industrial Relations on
(3) the defendant must be given an opportunity to be the case of National Labor Union Inc. praying that their
heard; and labor case be remanded to the CIR for a new trial.
(4) judgment must be rendered upon lawful hearing.
Issue in this case concerns (3). Petitioner, Ang Tibay has filed an opposition for both the
motion for reconsideration of CIR and the motion for a
Opportunity to be heard: new trial by the National Labor Union.
In a foreclosure case some notification of the proceedings
to the nonresident owner, prescribing the time within The National Labor Union’s case:
which appearance must be made is essential. • they alleged that Toribio Teodoro, who dominated
the National Workers’ Brotherhood of Ang Tibay,
To answer this necessity the statutes generally provide for: made a false claim that there was a shortage of
1) publication leather soles in ANg Tibay that made it necessary
2) personal notice thru mail, if his residence is for him to lay off workers, however, claim was
known unsupported by records of the Bureau of Customs
& the accounts of native dealers of leather. Such
Personal Notice was just a scheme adopted to systematically
(aka constructive or substituted service) discharge all the members of the NLU, inc., from
• Such notification does not constitute a service of work.
process in any true sense. • unfair labor practice for discriminating against the
• It is merely a means provided by law whereby the National Labor Union, Inc., and unjustly favoring
owner may be admonished that his property is the the National Workers' Brotherhood.
subject of judicial proceedings and that it is • That the exhibits hereto attached are so
incumbent upon him to take such steps as he sees fit inaccessible to the respondents that even with the
to protect it. exercise of due diligence they could not be
• This mode of notification does not involve any absolute expected to have obtained them and offered as
assurance that the absent owner shall thereby receive evidence in the Court of Industrial Relations.
actual notice. • That the attached documents and exhibits are of
• The provision of our law relative to the mailing of such far-reaching importance and effect that their
notice does not absolutely require the mailing of notice admission would necessarily mean the
unconditionally and in every event, but only in the modification and reversal of the judgment
case where the defendant's residence is known. rendered herein.

In the light of all these facts, it is evident that actual notice HELD: motion for reconsideration denied, motion for new
to the defendant in cases of this kind is not, under the law, trial granted.
to be considered absolutely necessary.

Assumption in recognizing the effectiveness of a means of Discussion of the Nature of the CIR to emphasize certain
notification which may fall short of actual notice is: guiding principles which should be observed in the trial of
Property is always assumed to be in the possession of its cases brought before it.
owner, in person or by agent; and he may be safely held,
under certain conditions, to be affected with knowledge Court of Industrial Relations – an administrative court
that proceedings have been instituted for its condemnation - exercises judicial or quasi-judicial functions in
and sale. the determination of disputes between employers and
Right to due process has not been infringed. - has jurisdiction over the entire Philippines, to
consider, investigate, decide, and settle any question,
(further discussion on the irregularity of the non- matter controversy or dispute arising between, and/or
performance of the clerk of court of delivering the notice is affecting employers and employees or laborers, and
discussed in the case, but Bernas no longer includes. regulate the relations between them, subject to, and in
Procedural crap na ito…) accordance with, the provisions of Commonwealth Act No.
103 (section 1).

There is in reality here a mingling of executive and judicial

functions, which is a departure from the rigid doctrine of
the separation of governmental powers.

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Consti Part 2: procedural due process

In the case of Goseco vs. Court of Industrial a decision. It may be that the volume of work is such that
it is literally Relations personally to decide all controversies
Court of Industrial Relations is not narrowly constrained coming before them.
by technical rules of procedure, and the Act requires it
to "act according to justice and equity and substantial 8.The Court of Industrial Relations should, in all
merits of the case, without regard to technicalities or controversial questions, render its decision in such a
legal forms and shall not be bound by any technicalities manner that the parties to the proceeding can know the
or legal forms and shall not be bound by any technical various issues involved, and the reasons for the decision
rules of legal evidence but may inform its mind in such rendered. The performance of this duty is inseparable from
manner as it may deem just and equitable." (Section 20, the authority conferred upon it.
Commonwealth Act No. 103.)
The court observed that, except as to the alleged
requirements of due process in trials and investigations of agreement between the Ang Tibay and the National
an administrative character. Worker's Brotherhood, the record is barren and does not
satisfy the thirst for a factual basis upon which to
1. right to a hearing, which includes the right of the predicate, in a national way, a conclusion of law.
party interested or affected to present his own case and Therefore, in the interest of justice, a new trial should
submit evidence in support thereof. commence giving the movant the opportunity to present
new evidence.
2. tribunal must consider the evidence presented.
3. have something to support the decision
•By virtue of R.A No. 5514, philcomsat was granted a
franchise to establish, construct, maintain and operate in
4. evidence must be "substantial." - such relevant the Philippines, at such places the grantee may select,
evidence as a reasonable mind accepts as adequate to station or stations and or associated equipment and
support a conclusion." The statute provides that "the international satellite communications. under this
rules of evidence prevailing in courts of law and equity franchise, it was likewise granted the authority to
shall not be controlling.' The obvious purpose of this and "construct and operate such ground facilities as needed to
similar provisions is to free administrative boards from deliver telecommunications services from the
the compulsion of technical rules so that the mere communications satellite system and the ground
admission of matter which would be deemed terminals.
incompetent inn judicial proceedings would not •The satellite service thus provided by petitioner enable
invalidate the administrative order. But this assurance
international carriers to serve the public with
of a desirable flexibility in administrative procedure does
indespensible communications service
not go far as to justify orders without a basis in evidence
•Under sec. 5 of RA 5514, petitioner was exempt from the
having rational probative force. Mere uncorroborated
jurisdiction of the then Public Service commission. now
hearsay or rumor does not constitute substantial
respondent NTC
•Pursuant EO 196 petitioner was placed under the
5. The decision must be rendered on the evidence jurisdiction and control and regulation of the
presented at the hearing, or at least contained in the respondent NTC
record and disclosed to the parties affected. Only by •Respondent NTC ordered the petitoner to apply for the
confining the administrative tribunal to the evidence requisite certificate of public convenience and ncessity
disclosed to the parties, can the latter be protected in covering its facilities and the services it renders, as well as
their right to know and meet the case against them. It the corresponding authority to charge rates
should not, however, detract from their duty actively to •September 9, 1987, pending hearing, petitioner filed with
see that the law is enforced, and for that purpose, to use the NTC an application to continue operating and
the authorized legal methods of securing evidence and maintaining its facilities including a provisional authority
informing itself of facts material and relevant to the to continue to provide the services and the charges it was
controversy. then charging
•September 16, 1988 the petitioner was granted a
Boards of inquiry may be appointed for the purpose of provisional authority and was valid for 6 months, when the
investigating and determining the facts in any given case, provisional authority expired, it was extended for another
but their report and decision are only advisory, such 6 months.
delegation shall not affect the exercise of the Court itself of •However the NTC directed the petitioner to charge
any of its powers. modified reduced rates through a reduction of 15% on
the authorized rates
6. The Court of Industrial Relations or any of its judges,
therefore, must act on its or his own independent
consideration of the law and facts of the controversy, and
1. WON EO 546 and EO 196 are unconstitutional on the
not simply accept the views of a subordinate in arriving at
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Consti Part 2: procedural due process

ground that the same do not fix a standard for the or upon the comissions own motion.
excercise of the power therein conferred? NO
2. WON the questioned order violates Due process because 3. a.) What the petitioner has is a grant or privelege
it was issued without notice to petitioner and without the granted by the State and may revoke it at will there is no
benefit of a hearing? YES question in that, however such grant cannot be
3. WON the rate reduction is confiscatory in that its unilaterally revoked absent a showing that the termination
implementation would virtually result in a cessation of its of the opeartion of said utility is required by common good.
opeartions and eventual closure of business? YES The rule is that the power of the State to regulate the
conduct and business of public utilities is limited by the
Held: consideration that it is not the owner of the property of the
1. a) Fundamental is the rule that delegationof legislative utility, or clothed with the general power of management
power may be sustained only upon the ground that some incident to ownership, since the private right of ownership
standard for its exercise is provided and that the to such property remains and is not to be destroyed by the
legislature in making the delegation has prescribed tha regulatory power. The power to regulate is not the power to
manner of the execise of the delegated power. Therefore, destroy useful and harmless enterprises, but is the power
when the administrative agency concerned, respondent to protect, foster, promote, preserve, and control with due
NTC in this case, establishes a rarte, its act must be both regard for the interest, first and foremost, of the public,
non-confiscatory and must have been established in the then of the utility and its patrons. any regulation,
manner prescribed by the legislature; otherwise , in the therefore, which operates as an effective confiscation of
absence of a fixed standard, the delegation of power private property or constitutes an arbitrary or
becomes unconstitutional. In case of a delegation of rate- unreasonable infringerement of property rights is void,
fixing power, the only standard which the legislature is because it is repugnant to the constitutional guaranties of
required to prescribe for the guidance of the administrative due process and equal protection of the laws.
authority is that the rate be reasonable and just . However,
it has been held that even in the absence of an express b.) A cursory persual of the assailed order reveals
requirement as to reasonableness, this standard may be that the rate reduction is solely and primarily based on the
implied. initial evaluation made on the financial statements of
petitioner, contrary to respondent NTC's allegation that it
b) under Sec. 15 EO 546 and Sec. 16 thereof, has several other sources. Further more, it did not as
Respondent NTC, in the exercise of its rate-fixing power, is much as make an attempt to elaborate on how it arrived at
limited by the requirements of public safety, public the prescribed rates. It just perfunctorily declared that
interest, reasonamle feasibility and reasonable rates, based on the financial statements, there is merit for a rate
which conjointly more than satisfy the requirements of a reduction without any elucidation on what implifications
valid delegation of legislative power. and conclutions were necessariy inferred by it from said
staements. Nor did it deign to explain how the data
2. a)The function involved in the rate fixing power of the reflected in the financial statements influenced its decision
NTC is adjudicatory and hence quasi-judicial, not quasi to impose rate reduction.
legislative; thus hearings are necessary and the abscence
thereof results in the violation of due process. c.) The challenged order, particularly on the rates
proprovide therin, being violative of the due process clause
b)The Centrak Bank of the Philippines vs. Cloribal "In is void and should be nullified.
so far sa generalization is possible in view of the great
variety of administrative proceedings, it may be stated as a
general rule that the notice and hearing are not essential to 4. ATENEO vs. COURT of APPEALS
the validity of administrative action where the administrative
body acts in the excercise of executive, administrative, or Facts
legislative functions; but where public adminitartive body Carmelita Mateo, a waitress inside the university charged
acts in a judicial or quasi-judicial matter, and its acts are Juan Ramon Guanzon, a boarder and first year student of
particular and immediate rather than general and the university with unbecoming conduct committed on
prospective, the person whoe rights or property may be December 12, 1967 at about 5:15 in the evening at the
affected by the action is entitiled to notice and hearing" Cervini Hall's cafeteria

c)Even if respondents insist that notice of hearing are "Mr. Guanzon, a boarder at Cervini … was asking for
not necessary since the assailed order is merely incidental 'siopao.' I was at the counter and I told him that the
to the entire proceedings and therefore temporary in 'siopao' had still to be heated and asked him to wait for a
nature, it is still mot exempt from the statutory procedural while. Then Mr. Guanzon started mumbling bad words
requirements of notice and hearing as well as the directed to me, in the hearing presence of other boarders. I
requirement o reasonableness. asked him to stop cursing, and he told me that was none
of my business. Since he seemed impatient, I was going to
d.) it is thus clear that with regard to rate-fixing, give back his money without any contempt. He retorted
respondent has no authority to make such order without that he did not like to accept the money. He got madder
first giving petitioner a hearing, whether the order the be and started to curse again. Then he threatened to strike
temporary or permanent, and it is immaterial wheter the me with his fist. I tried to avoid this. But then he actually
same is made upon a complaint, a summary ivestigation,
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Consti Part 2: procedural due process

struck me in my left temple. Before he could strike again, No, he was accorded due process
his fellow boarders held him and Dr. Bella and Leyes No, complaint was not premature
coaxed him to stop; I got hold of a bottle so I could dodge No, there is no basis for recovery of damages
him. It was then that Fr. Campbell arrived. The incident Petition granted in favor of Ateneo. CA ruling reversed.
was hidden from Fr. Campbell by the boarders. I could not
tell him myself as I had gone into the kitchen crying Ratio
because I was hurt." 1.
Exceptions to the rule on finality of factual findings of
The university conducted an investigation of the slapping trial courts and administrative agencies
incident. Based on the investigation results, Juan Ramon
was dismissed from the university. This triggered the filing The appellate court resolution invoked the rule that
of a complaint for damages by his parents against the findings of facts by administrative officers in matters
university in the then Court of First Instance of Negros falling within their competence will not generally be
Occidental at Bacolod City. The complaint states that Juan reviewed by the courts, and the principle that findings of
Ramon was expelled from school without giving him a fair facts of the trial court are entitled to great weight and
trial in violation of his right to due process and that they should not be disturbed on appeal.
are prominent and well known residents of Bacolod City,
with the unceremonious expulsion of their son causing The court does not agree. The statement regarding the
them actual, moral, and exemplary damages as well as finality given to factual findings of trial courts and
attorney's fees. administrative tribunals is correct as a general principle.
However, it is subject to well established exceptions.
In its answer, the university denied the material Factual findings of trial courts are disregarded when - (1)
allegations of the complaint and justified the dismissal of the conclusion is a finding grounded on speculations,
Juan Ramon on the ground that his unbecoming behavior surmises, and conjectures; (2) the inferences made are
is contrary to good morals, proper decorum, and civility, manifestly mistaken, absurd, or impossible; (3) there is a
that such behavior subjected him as a student to the grave abuse of discretion; (4) there is a misapprehension of
university's disciplinary regulations' action and sanction facts; and (5) the court, in arriving at its findings, went
and that the university has the sole prerogative and beyond the issues of the case and the same are contrary to
authority at any time to drop from the school a student the admissions of the parties or the evidence presented.
found to be undesirable in order to preserve and maintain
its integrity and discipline so indispensable for its A similar rule applies to administrative agencies. By
existence as an institution of learning. reason of their special knowledge and expertise, we
ordinarily accord respect if not finality to factual findings
After due trial, the lower court ruled in favor of the of administrative tribunals. However, there are exceptions
Guanzons and ordered the university to pay them P92.00 to this rule and judicial power asserts itself whenever (1)
(actual damages); P50,000.00 (moral damages); P5,000.00 the factual findings are not supported by evidence; (2)
(attorney's fees) and to pay the costs of the suit. where the findings are vitiated by fraud, imposition, or
collusion; (3) where the procedure which led to the factual
Upon appeal to the Court of Appeals by the university, the findings is irregular; (4) when palpable errors are
trial court's decision was initially reversed and set aside. committed; or when a grave abuse of discretion,
The complaint was dismissed. arbitrariness, or capriciousness is manifest

However, upon motion for reconsideration filed by the Why he is deemed to have been accorded due process
Guanzons, the appellate court reversed its decision and set (note: for 9 steps taken by school are enumerated in p.
it aside through a special division of five. In the resolution 106-107)
issued by the appellate court, the lower court's decision
was reinstated. The motion for reconsideration had to be When the letter-complaint was read to Juan Ramon, he
referred to a special division of five in view of the failure to admitted the altercation with the waitress and his slapping
reach unanimity on the resolution of the motion, the vote her on the face. Rev. Welsh (Dean of men) did not stop
of the regular division having become 2 to 1. with the admission. He interviewed Eric Tagle, Danny Go,
Roberto Beriber, and Jose Reyes, friends of Juan Ramon
The petitioner now asks to review and reverse the who were present during the incident.
resolution of the division of five
The Board of Discipline was made up of distinguished
Issues: members of the faculty -Fr. Francisco Perez, Biology
1. WON Juan Ramon Guanzon was not accorded due Department Chairman; Dr. Amando Capawan, a
process of law Chemistry professor; Assistant Dean Piccio of the College;
2. WON respondent’s complaint for recovery of and Dr. Reyes of the same College. There is nothing in the
damages was premature because administrative records to cast any doubt on their competence and
remedies have not yet been exhausted impartiality insofar as this disciplinary investigation is
3. WON private respondents are entitled to damages concerned.


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Consti Part 2: procedural due process

Juan Ramon himself appeared before the Board of follows: under the title "Dining Room" -"The kitchen help and
Discipline. He admitted the slapping incident, then begged server should always be treated with civility." Miss Mateo
to be excused so he could catch the boat for Bacolod City. was employed as a waitress and precisely because of her
Juan Ramon, therefore, was given notice of the service to boarders, not to mention her sex, she deserved
proceedings; he actually appeared to present his side; the more respect and gracious treatment.
investigating board acted fairly and objectively; and all The petitioner is correct in stating that there was a serious
requisites of administrative due process were met. error of law in the appellate court's ruling on due process.

The claim that there was no due process because the 2.

private respondents, the parents of Juan Ramon were not The petitioner raises the issue of "exhaustion of
given any notice of the proceedings will also not stand. administrative remedies" in view of its pending appeal from
Juan Ramon, who at the time was 18 years of age, was the decision of the Ministry of Education to the President
already a college student, intelligent and mature enough to of the Philippines. It argues that the private respondents'
know his responsibilities. In fact, in the interview with Rev. complaint for recovery of damages filed in the lower court
Welsh, he even asked if he would be expelled because of was premature.
the incident. He was fully cognizant of the gravity of the
offense he committed. When informed about the December The issue raised in court was whether or not the private
19, 1967 meeting of the Board of Discipline, he was asked respondents can recover damages as a result of the
to seek advice and assistance from his guardian and or dismissal of their son from the petitioner university. This is
parents. Juan Ramon is assumed to have reported this a purely legal question and nothing of an administrative
serious matter to his parents. The fact that he chose to nature is to or can be done. The case was brought
remain silent and did not inform them about his case was pursuant to the law on damages provided in the Civil
not the fault of the petitioner university. Code. The jurisdiction to try the case belongs to the civil
Moreover, notwithstanding the non-participation of the
private respondents, the university, as stated earlier, 3.
undertook a fair and objective investigation of the slapping There is no basis for the recovery of damages. Juan Ramon
incident. Due process in administrative proceedings also was afforded due process of law. The penalty is based on
requires consideration of the evidence presented and the reasonable rules and regulations applicable to all students
existence of evidence to support the decision (Halili v. Court guilty of the same offense. He never was out of school.
of Industrial Relations, 136 SCRA 112). Before the decision could be implemented, Juan Ramon
asked for an honorable dismissal which was granted. He
Carmelita Mateo was not entirely blameless for what then enrolled at the De la Salle University of Bacolod City
happened to her because she also shouted at Juan Ramon and later transferred to another Jesuit school. Moreover,
and tried to hit him with a cardboard box top, but this did his full and complete tuition fees for the second semester
not justify Juan Ramon's slapping her in the face. The were refunded through the representation of Mr. Romeo
evidence clearly shows that the altercation started with Guanzon, Juan Ramon's father.
Juan Ramon's utterance of the offensive language "bilat ni
bay," an Ilongo phrase which means sex organ of a woman. There was no bad faith on the part of the university. In
It was but normal on the part of Mateo to react to the fact, the college authorities deferred any undue action
nasty remark. Moreover, Roberto Beriber, a friend of Juan until a definitive decision had been rendered. The whole
Ramon who was present during the incident told Rev. procedure of the disciplinary process was get up to protect
Welsh during the investigation of the case that Juan the privacy of the student involved. There is absolutely no
Ramon made threatening gestures at Mateo prompting her indication of malice, fraud, and improper or wilful motives
to pick up a cardboard box top which she threw at Juan or conduct on the part of the Ateneo de Manila University
Ramon. The incident was in public thus adding to the in this case.
humiliation of Carmelita Mateo. There was "unbecoming
conduct" and pursuant to the Rules of Discipline and Code of
Ethics of the university, specifically under the 1967-1969 5. ALCUAZ vs. PSBA
Catalog containing the rules and academic regulation Justice Paras:
(Exhibit 19), this offense constituted a ground for dismissal
from the college. The action of the petitioner is sanctioned by Facts:
law. Section 107 of the Manual of Regulations for Private • Students and some teachers of PSBA rallied and
Schools recognizes violation of disciplinary regulations as barricaded the school because they wanted to
valid ground for refusing re-enrollment of a student admin to hear their grievances with regards to “not
(Tangonan v. Paño, 137 SCRA 245). being able to participate in the policy-making of
the school”, despite the regulations set by the
Before Juan Ramon was admitted to enroll, he received (1) admin with regards to protest actions
the College of Arts and Sciences Handbook containing the • During the regular enrollment period, petitioners and
general regulations of the school and the 1967-1969 catalog
other students similarly situated were allegedly
of the College of Arts and Sciences containing the
blacklisted and denied admission for the second
disciplinary rules and academic regulations and (2) a copy
semester of school year 1986-1987.
of the Rules and Regulations of the Cervini-Elizo Halls of the
petitioner university one of the provisions of which is as
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Consti Part 2: procedural due process

• court ordered the school authorities to create a special d. they shall have the right to adduce evidence in their
investigating committee to conduct an investigation, own behalf and
who made recommendations which the school adopted e.the evidence must be duly considered by the
• a lot of procedural crap, petitioners and respondents investigating committee or official designated by the school
filing and answering the complaints authorities to hear and decide the case.
• petitioners claim that they have been deprived of due
process when they were barred from re-enrollment and 3. Printed Rules and Regulations of the PSBA-Q.C. were
for intervenors teachers whose services have been distributed at the beginning of each school
terminated as faculty members, on account of their
participation in the demonstration or protest charged Enrollment in the PSBA is contractual in nature
by respondents as "anarchic" rallies, and a violation of and upon admission to the School, the Student is
their constitutional rights of expression and assembly. deemed to have agreed to bind himself to all
• Petitioners allege that they have been deprived of rules/regulations promulgated by the Ministry of
procedural due process which requires that there be Education, Culture and Sports. Furthermore, he
due notice and hear hearing and of substantive due agrees that he may be required to withdraw from the
process which requires that the person or body to School at any time for reasons deemed sufficiently
conduct the investigation be competent to act and serious by the School Administration.
decide free from bias or prejudice.
Petitioners clearly violated the rules set out by the school
ISSUE: with regard to the protest actions. Necessary action was
taken by the school when the court issued a temporary
A. Whether or not there has been deprivation of due mandatory injunction to accept the petitioners for the first
process ? sem & the creation of an investigating body.
B. WON there was contempt of Court by the
respondents 4. The Court, to insure that full justice is done both to the
students and teachers on the one hand and the school on
HELD: the other, ordered an investigation to be conducted by the
school authorities, in the resolution of November 12, 1986.
A. NO. there was no deprivation of due process.
Findings of the investigating committee:
1. There is no existing contract between the two parties.
Par 137 of Manual of Regulations for Private Schools states 1. students disrupted classes
that when a college student registers in a school, it is 2. petitioners involved were found to be academically
understood that he is enrolling for the entire semester. deficient & the teachers are found to have
Likewise, it is provided in the Manual, that the "written committed various acts of misconduct.
contracts" required for college teachers are for 'one
semester. after the close of the first semester, the PSBA- 5. The right of the school to refuse re-enrollment of
QC no longer has any existing contract either with the students for academic delinquency and violation of
students or with the intervening teachers. It is a time- disciplinary regulations has always been recognized by this
honored principle that contracts are respected as the law Court Thus, the Court has ruled that the school's
between the contracting parties The contract having been refusal is sanctioned by law. Sec. 107 of the Manual of
terminated, there is no more contract to speak of. The Regulations for Private Schools considers academic
school cannot be compelled to enter into another delinquency and violation of disciplinary regulations vs as
contract with said students and teachers. "The courts, valid grounds for refusing re-enrollment of students. The
be they the original trial court or the appellate court, have opposite view would do violence to the academic freedom
no power to make contracts for the parties." enjoyed by the school and enshrined under the
2. The Court has stressed, that due process in
disciplinary cases involving students does not entail Court ordinarily accords respect if not finality to factual
proceedings and hearings similar to those prescribed findings of administrative tribunals, unless :
for actions and proceedings in courts of justice.
1. the factual findings are not supported by evidence;
Standards of procedural due process are: 2. where the findings are vitiated by fraud, imposition or
a. the students must be informed in writing of the nature 3. where the procedure which led to the factual findings is
and cause of any accusation against them; irregular;
b. they shall have the right to answer the charges 4. when palpable errors are committed; or
against them, with the assistance of counsel, if desired: 5. when a grave abuse of discretion, arbitrariness, or
c. they shall be informed of the evidence against them; capriciousness is manifest.

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Consti Part 2: procedural due process

investigation conducted was fair, open, exhaustive and • The question for decision is whether a State that
terminates public assistance payments to a
particular recipient without affording him the
.B. No. The urgent motion of petitioners and intervenors to opportunity for an evidentiary hearing prior to
cite respondents in contempt of court is likewise termination denies the recipient procedural due
untenable. process in violation of the Due Process Clause of
the 14th Ammendment
1. no defiance of authority by mere filing of MOR coz • Complainants (appellees): NY residents receiving
respondent school explained that the intervenors were financial aid under the program Aid to Families
actually reinstated as such faculty members after the with Dependent Children (AFDC) under NY’s Home
issuance of the temporary mandatory injunction. Relief Program. Their complaint: NYC officials
terminated aid without prior notice and hearing
2. respondent school has fully complied with its duties thereby denying them due process of law.
under the temporary mandatory injunction The school • Prior to the filing of complaints, no prior notice or
manifested that while the investigation was going on, the hearing of any kind was required before
intervenors-faculty members were teaching and it was only termination. The state however adopted
after the investigation, that the recommendations of the procedures for notice and hearing after suits were
Committee were adopted by the school and the latter brought and the plaintiffs challenged the
moved for the dismissal of the case for having become constitutional adequacy of said procedures
moot and academic • Procedure No. 68-18: a caseworker sees the
recipient and then reports to the unit supervisor to
make an official review abt ineligibility and
6.6. NON vs. JUDGE DAMES whether or not aid should be stopped.
Holding: • Appellee’s challenge to this procedure emphasizes
School authorities may limit students’ exercise of the absence of any provisions for the personal
constitutional rights w/in the school. The exercise of these appearance of the recipient before the reviewing
rights does not make school authorities virtually powerless official, for oral presentation of evidence, and
to discipline students. for confrontation and cross-examination of
adverse witnesses. However, they are afforded
Ratio: post-termination “fair hearing” for redress when
1. Tinker v Des Moines Community School District: If a the can appear personally, offer oral presentation
student’s conduct materially disrupts classwork or of evidence, and for confrontation and cross-
invades the rights of others, he/she is not immunized examination of adverse witnesses. If they win,
by the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech. they get what was withheld from them and if not,
2. Malabanan case: School authorities can apply they can avail of judicial review.
sanctions in cases wherein students permitted to hold • District Court found for the complainants and only
a rally violated the terms of the permit by holding the the Commissioner of Social Services appealed
demonstration in a place other than that specified & Issue:
longer than the period allowed. • Whether the due process clause requires that the
3. Guzman case: imposition of disciplinary sanctions recipient be afforded an evidentiary hearing before
must undergo procedural due process: the termination of benefits.
a. inform the students in writing of the nature & Held:
cause of accusation vs them • Yes. SC affirmed the decision of the District Court.
b. students should have the rt to answer the charges Ratio:
w/the assistance of a counsel, if desired • Suffice it to say that to cut off a welfare recipient
c. students shall be informed of the evidence against in the face of a brutal need without prior hearing
them of some sort is unconscionable, unless
d. they shall have the rt to adduce evidence in their overwhelming consideration justify it.
own behalf • The need to protect tax revenues is not
e. evidence must be duly considered by the “overwhelming consideration”. It does not justify
investigating committee/official designated by the denying a hearing meeting the ordinary standards
school authorities to hear & decide case of due process.
4. Penalty must be proportionate to the offense • Due process requires an adequate hearing before
committed lest there be arbitrariness.
termination of welfare benefits

7. GOLDBERG vs. KELLY • Such benefits are a matter of statutory

Jack Goldberg, Commissioner of Social Services of the City entitlement. The constitutional challenge
of New York, Appelant cannot be answered by an argument that public
V assistance benefits are a privilege and not a
John Kelly et al right.
• Due process is influenced by the extent to which
Facts: one may be condemned to suffer grievous loss and

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Consti Part 2: procedural due process

depends upon whether the recipient’s interest in

avoiding that loss outweighs the governmental 88. BELL vs. BURSON
interest in summary adjudication
• Consideration of what procedures due process Facts:
may require under any given set of circumstances •Georgias Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act provides
must begin with a determination of the precise that motor vehicle registration and drivers license of an
nature of government function involved as well as uninsured motorist invovlved in an accident shall be
of the private interest that has been affected by suspended unless he posts security to cover the amount of
governmental action. damages claimed bby aggrieved parties in reports of
• What will serve due process in this case is pre- accident.
termination evidentiary hearing •petitioner is a clergyman whose ministry requires him to
• Crucial factor: is that the termination of aid travel by car to cover three rural Georgia communities
pending resolution may deprive an eligible •Nov. 24, 1968 petitioner was involved in an accident when
recipient of the very means by which to live while 5 year old Sherry Capes rode her bicycle into the side of
he waits (immediately desperate) his automobile
•the childs parents filed an accident report withthe
• Appellant’s argument: these are outweighed by director of the Georgia Department of Public Safety,
countervailing governmental interests in indicating that their daughter had suffered substantial
conserving fiscal and administrative resources injuries for which they claim damages amounting to $5000

• SC: these governmental interests are not •Petitioner was informed by the director that unless
overriding in the welfare context he was covered by a liability insurance policy in effect
at the time of the accident, or present a notarized
• Pre-termination hearing need not take the form of
release from liabiltity, plus proof of future financial
a judicial or quasi-judicial trial, just a full
responsibilities or suffer the suspension of his drivers
administrative review
• The fundamental requisite of due process of law is
•after an administrative hearing, the director rejected the
the opportunity to be heard at a meaningful time
petitoner proffer of evidence on liability. Superir court on
in a meaningful manner
the other hand upheld the constitutional contention by the
• The seven-day notice, the letter, and the personal
petioner but was later reversed by the Court of appeals.
conference with a caseworker (of above mentioned
•the Georgia CA rejected petitioners contention that
procedure) are not constitutionally sufficient per
the states statutory scheme, in failing before
se. insufficiency is in not permitting welfare
suspending the license to afford him a hearing on the
recipients to appear personally before the official
question of his fault or liability.
who determines eligibility
•the Clergymans license remained suspended
• Informal procedures will suffice. In this context,
due process does not require a particular order of
proof or mode of offering evidence
WON the Georgia Motor Vehicle Safety
• Jurisprudence says: where governmental action Responsibilty Act deny the petitioner due process in
seriously injures an individual, and violation of the 14th Amendment for the suspension of his
reasonableness of the action depends on fact license wothout a hearing? YES
findings, evidence used to prove govt’s case must
be disclosed to the individual so that he has an Held:
opportunity to show that it is untrue. This is true a) once licenses are issued, as in petitioners case,
not only in crim proceedings but also for admin their continued possession may become essential in the
actions pursuit of livelihood. Suspension of issued licenses thus
Dissent of J. Black: involvels state action that adjudicates important interests
• Federal judges uses this judicial power for of the licensees. In such cases the license are not to be
legislative purposes taken witout that procedural due process required by the
• I do not think that the 14th amendment should be Fourth Amendment.
given such an unnecessarily broad construction. b) It is fundamental that except in emergency
Court in effect is saying that failure to pay an situations (and this is not one) due process requires that
individual deprives him of his own property. when a state seeks to terminate an interest such as here
• That due process clause forbids any conduct that involved, it must afford "notice and opportunity for
the majority of the court believes unfair DOES hearing appropriate to the nature of the case."
NOT appear anywhere in the due process clause. If
they did, they would leave the majority of justices 9. UP vs. HON. LIGOT-TELANN
free to hold any conduct unconstitutional that (Oct 21, 1993)
they should conclude on their own to be unfair or Ponente: J. Romero
shocking to them. If that view of due process is
correct, the due process clause could easily Facts:
swallow up all other parts of the constitution • Ramon Nadal (isang malaking kupal), a student from
the College of Law, applied for a scholarship under the

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Consti Part 2: procedural due process

Socialized Tuition Fee and Assistance Program (STFAP) 1. Admission to the UP falls under the ambit of the
a.k.a. Iskolar ng Bayan program. A precautionary school’s academic freedom; hence, the “process that is
measure to ensure the integrity of the program due” is that which is governed under the UP’s rules.
included the falsification or suppression of any UP’s rules do not necessitate “the attendance in BOR
material information as a punishable act under Sec meetings of individuals whose cases are included as
2(a) of the Rules and Regulations on Student Council items on the agenda of the Board.” Besides, in the
Discipline of the University. Also, a fact-finding team March29 meeting, they were only supposed to
was created to visit the applicants’ homes and verify reconsider their previous decision, so Nadal’s
the truth of the info provided in their attendance was indeed unnecessary. Thus, he was not
application/sworn statement. Accordingly, Ramon denied due process. Mwehehehehe. Moreover, since
Nadal’s home in BLUE RIDGE, QC was visited. Upon the issue falls within the school’s academic freedom, it
such visitation, the team found out that he withheld is beyond the jurisdiction of the court. As a result,
information about his ownership of a 1977 Toyota they won’t be able to give him any legal remedy
Corolla and that his mom worked in the US to support regarding the matter.
his brothers’ schooling (in other words, mayaman pala 2. Mandamus is never issued in doubtful cases, a
siya). showing of a clear and certain right on the part of the
• The UP charged Nadal before the Student Disciplinary petitioner being required. Hence, by issuing the writ of
Tribunal (SDT), which found him not guilty for preliminary injunction, the lower court dared to tread
withholding info about the car, but finding him guilty upon legally forbidden grounds. For, by virtue of the
regarding his mom’s income. This charge was writ, the UP’s exercise of academic freedom was
tantamount to acts of dishonesty, which had the peremptorily curtailed. If Nadal had his way, it would
penalty of expulsion from the Univ. Upon automatic not only undermine the authority of UP to discipline
review of the UPDil Exec Comm, the SDT’s decision its students who violate its rules and regulations, but
was affirmed, whereupon Nadal appealed to the Board would subvert the very concept and lofty intent to give
of Regents (BOR). On March 28, 1993, the BOR ruled financial assistance to poor but deserving students
that they would stay the decision upon learning that (unlike him).
Nadal was also a recipient of a scholarship grant in
Ateneo HS. They would rule on a decision once this 10. ESTRADA vs. SANDIGANBAYANN
new info was affirmed. (11/19/2001)
• March 29: ADMU issued a certification that Nadal was Bellosillo, J.
indeed a recipient of a scholarship grant before. That
night, in a special meeting and without Nadal to Facts: Estrada was charged of the violation of the Anti-
witness such, the BOR found Nadal “guilty”, with a Plunder Law (RA 7080, amended by RA 7659.) on April 4
penalty of a 1-year suspension, non-issuance of 2001. Petitioner filed Omnibus Motion initially alleging the
certificate of good moral character, and reimbursement lack of a preliminary investigation,
of STFAP benefits. reconsideration/reinvestigation of offense, and opportunity
• April 22: Nadal filed with the RTC of QC a petition for to prove lack of probable cause, all of which were quashed.
mandamus with preliminary injunction and prayer for On June 14, petitioner moved to quash the Informations
TRO against the BOR and other UP officers, stating filed against him. Sandiganbayan denied motion, hence
that he was denied due process since he was not appeal to SC.
present during the March 29 meeting. The preliminary
injunction was granted. Hence, the instant petition. Petitioner: 1. Anti-plunder Act is unconstitutional under
the “void for vagueness” doctrine which
Issue/Held: states that a statute establishing a criminal
1. WON Nadal was denied due process in the offense must define the offense with
sufficient definiteness that persons of
administrative disciplinary proceedings against him 
ordinary intelligence can understand what
conduct is prohibited by the statute.
2. WON respondent judge gravely abused her discretion 2. Anti-Plunder act in unconstitutional for
in issuing the preliminary injunction  YES being overbroad, which states that a
government purpose may not be achieved
Ratio: with means which sweep unnecessarily
I would like to mention that Nadal actually had the gall to broadly and thereby invade the area of
question the standing of private petitioner Dr. Caoili who, constitutionally protected freedoms
not having been authorized by the BOR as a collegial body 3. Anti-Plunder act is unconstitutional for it
to file the petition, and Dr. Abueva (UP Pres), not being the dispenses with due process since the terms
“Board of Regents” nor the “Univ of the Phils” – hence, they in S1, par. D and S2 (“combination”,
are not real parties in interest. Kupal talaga ‘tong hayup “series”, “pattern”) are precisely vague &
na ‘to. And so, the SC said that Nadal was estopped from overbroad, which denies the petitioner of the
questioning the petitioners’ personality bec he already right to be informed of the nature & cause of
named them as respondents in his petition in the RTC. the accusation against him.
Tanga talaga. Anyway… 4. Anti-Plunder act is unconstitutional for it
dispenses with due process since the S4

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Consti Part 2: procedural due process

thereof sets a lower standard for the application for free-speech cases & are inapt
modicum of evidence required to convict for testing the validity of penal statutes.
person than that which is required for Therefore, the Anti-Plunder law does not violate due
criminal cases, which is proof beyond process since it defines the act which it purports to
reasonable doubt. punish, giving the accused fair warning of the
charges against him, and can effectively interpose a
Issues: 1. Whether or not the Anti-Plunder Law is defense on his behalf.
unconstitutional for being vague and 2. NO. In a criminal prosecution for plunder, as in
overbroad all other crimes, the accused always has in his favor
2. Whether or not the Anti-Plunder Law lowers the the presumption of innocence which is guaranteed
threshold for evidence in violation of due process by the Bill of Rights. The petitioner’s contention that
3. Whether or not Plunder as defined is malum the language of the law which states that not every
prohibitum, which means that criminal intent act of amassing wealth needs to be proven, but only
need not be proved in order to convict person. a pattern or series of acts, dispenses with the
requirement of guilt beyond reasonable doubt is
Held: 1. NO. There are several levels of reasoning which unfounded. The prosecution still has to prove
the SC used. beyond reasonable doubt that the acts constituting
a. presumption of constitutionality of a plunder (though not all) occurred, and these
statute- basic principle that a legislative predicate acts form a pattern. Hence it does not
enactment is presumed to be in harmony lower the level of evidence from “beyond reasonable
with the Consti. Every intendment of the law doubt” to “mere preponderance”. Further, S4 on “for
must be adjudged by the courts in favor of the purposes of establishing the crime of plunder”, a
its constitutionality, invalidity being a procedural & does not define a substantive right in
measure of last resort. favor of the accused but only operates in furtherance
b. As it is written, the Plunder Law contains of a remedy.
ascertainable standards and well-defined 3. NO. Plunder is mala in se which requires proof of
parameters which would enable the accused criminal intent. Mens rea must be proven. Again,
to determine the nature of his violation. this only means that the Anti-Plunder Law does not
Section 2 is sufficiently explicit in its establish a lower level of evidence. P
description of the acts, conduct and
conditions required or forbidden, and Petition dismissed for lack of merit. RA 7080
prescribes the elements of the crime with held to be constitutional.
reasonable certainty and particularity.
1. words of a statute will be interpreted
in the natural, plain & ordinary
acceptation, except in cases where it
is evident that the legislature
intended a technical & special legal
2. a statute is not rendered uncertain
& void merely because general terms
are used, or because it employed
terms that were not defined. There
is no statutory or constitutional
command that the Congress needs
to define every word it uses. Inability
to so define the words employed in a
statute will not necessarily result in
the vagueness or ambiguity of the
law so long as the legislative will is
clear, or at least, can be gathered
from the whole act, which is
distinctly expressed in the Plunder
3. challenge of a statute for being
“vague” can only be applied for
those laws which in the face are
utterly vague and cannot be clarified
by a saving clause or by
c. the overbroad and vagueness doctrines,
according to the SC, have a special

consti 2 all stars

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