Chapter 3 MCQs

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Chapter 3 MCQs

1. Economies need entrepreneurs to:

a) Share and disseminate knowledge
b) Create research connections between universities and industry
c) Support economic growth activity and growth
d) To protect and generate revenue for IP

2. Who was credited with the first use of the term entrepreneur?
a) Schumpter
b) Drucker
c) Kuratko
d) Cantillon

3. In Cantillon’s definition of the entrepreneur he focused on:

a) The individual, the agent and the process
b) The individuals and the opportunities
c) The risks and returns
d) Opportunities and change

4. The development of technology entrepreneurs is linked to:

a) Technology management
b) Technology systems
c) Knowledge flows
d) All of the above

5. Which of the following is not one of the typologies of technology-based entrepreneurs as

identified by Jones-Evans (1995)?
a) Research producers
b) Research
c) Producer
d) Producer Technical

6. Which of the following is not a common characteristic of entrepreneurs?

a) Rewards
b) Timid
c) Dealing with uncertainty
d) Resource appropriation

7. According to Baron (2004), the entrepreneur’s decision to find new ventures often stems
a) Their desire to make a profit
b) Their belief that that they have identified an opportunity no one else has recognised and
can benefit from being first to enter the market
c) Their desire to enhance economic growth
d) None of the above

8. Technology entrepreneurs must have:

a) No managerial experience
b) Senior management roles
c) Middle management roles
d) CEO roles

9. Entrepreneurial endeavours are most prevalent among those aged:

a) 19-24
b) 25-34
c) 35-44
d) 45-54

10. For entrepreneurs, their personal traits are central to their motivations.
a) Technology
b) Young
c) Elderly
d) All

11. Many entrepreneurs display a personality

a) Type-A
b) Type-B
c) Positive
d) Negative

12. Independence is a strong motivation for entrepreneurs. With independence comes:

a) Significant responsibilities
b) A sense of fear
c) Pressures on time
d) All of the above

13. In his study on high achievers Roberts (1998) found that:

a) Many of them created a new venture on the spur of the moment
b) Many of them had thought about creating a new venture long before they did so
c) Many of them created a new venture with little planning
d) Many of them gave little thought to a new venture

14. Entrepreneurial intent is linked to:

a) Personality traits and the likelihood that an individual would set up a new venture
b) Rewards and risks
c) Opportunity and Recognition
d) Resource appropriation and family context

15. Entrepreneurs have to deal with:

a) Internal uncertainties only
b) External uncertainties only
c) Both external and internal uncertainties
d) Neither

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