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ZXMSG 5200 Product

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Version Date Author Reviewer Notes

Fixed networking
V1.0 2008/8/10 Jiang Xiaolin planning Not open to the Third Party

FuJianwen Network Product
V1.1 2008/11/20 XuJinsong Planning Not open to the Third Party

WanGuanghua Department


Huang Network Product

V1.2 2009/11/20 Xianyuan, Planning Not open to the Third Party
WangBaiqiang Department

Network Product
V1.3 2010/4/15 WangBaiqiang Planning Not open to the Third Party

Huang Network Planning

V1.4 2010/10/26 Xianyuan, & System Design Not open to the Third Party
Xu Yueping Department

ZhengXinchun, Network Planning

V1.5 2011/7/1 HuangGuangxia, & System Design ZXMSG 5200 V3.2 released.
Xu Yueping Department

Network Planning
V1.5.1 2011/10/9 & System Design Table 5-6 added;
Xu Yueping

Network Planning
V1.5.2 2012/6/26 Xu Yueping & System Design Not open to the Third Party

Network Planning
V1.5.3 2012/11/6 Xu Yueping & System Design Not open to the Third Party

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 1

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Version Date Author Reviewer Notes

Network Planning
V1.5.4 2012/12/04 Xu Yueping & System Design Not open to the Third Party

Network Planning
V1.6 2013/3/20 Xu Yueping & System Design Not open to the Third Party

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2 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description


1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 8

2 Highlight Features ........................................................................................... 10

2.1 Advanced IP+TDM Dual Bus Architecture.......................................................... 10
2.2 Full Service Access Platform ............................................................................. 10
2.3 Fully PWE3 support ........................................................................................... 11
2.4 High Speed Access Interface ............................................................................. 12
2.4.1 VDSL2 access solution ...................................................................................... 12
2.4.2 xPON access solution ........................................................................................ 13
2.5 High Speed Uplink Interface .............................................................................. 13
2.6 Service Aware Platform Based on QoS.............................................................. 14
2.7 Intelligent End to End Broadband O&M.............................................................. 14
2.8 Comprehensive Security Guarantee .................................................................. 15
2.9 Carrier Grade Availability ................................................................................... 15
2.10 High Adaptability to Diversified Environment ...................................................... 17
2.11 Powerful EMS System ....................................................................................... 17
2.12 Smooth Migration Capability .............................................................................. 18

3 Functionality .................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Narrowband Functions ....................................................................................... 19
3.1.1 Basic Features ................................................................................................... 19
3.1.2 Signaling Protocol .............................................................................................. 21
3.1.3 Narrowband Service Capability .......................................................................... 24
3.1.4 Voice Quality Techniques .................................................................................. 26
3.1.5 Reliability ........................................................................................................... 27
3.2 Broadband Functions ......................................................................................... 28
3.2.1 xDSL Features ................................................................................................... 28
3.2.2 xPON features ................................................................................................... 32
3.2.3 Ethernet features ............................................................................................... 33
3.2.4 ATM features ..................................................................................................... 33
3.2.5 PWE3 features................................................................................................... 33
3.2.6 L2 Features........................................................................................................ 34
3.2.7 L3 Features........................................................................................................ 35
3.2.8 IPv6 Features .................................................................................................... 36
3.2.9 IPTV Features.................................................................................................... 37
3.2.10 QoS ................................................................................................................... 39
3.2.11 Security Features ............................................................................................... 40
3.2.12 Maintainability Features ..................................................................................... 41
3.2.13 User Access & Port Identification ....................................................................... 42

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

4 System Architecture........................................................................................ 44
4.1 Working Principle ............................................................................................... 44
4.2 Hardware Architecture ....................................................................................... 45
4.2.1 Hardware Structure ............................................................................................ 45
4.2.2 Cabinets ............................................................................................................ 46
4.2.3 Shelves .............................................................................................................. 49
4.2.4 Cards ................................................................................................................. 55
4.3 Software Architecture ......................................................................................... 65
4.3.1 Protocol Subsystem ........................................................................................... 66
4.3.2 Service Subsystem ............................................................................................ 67
4.3.3 Bearer Subsystem ............................................................................................. 67
4.3.4 Operation Support Subsystem ........................................................................... 67
4.3.5 Operation and Management Subsystem ............................................................ 69

5 Technical Specifications ................................................................................. 70

5.1 Physical Indices ................................................................................................. 70
5.1.1 Mechanical Dimension and Weight .................................................................... 70
5.2 Performance ...................................................................................................... 70
5.2.1 Narrowband Service Performance ..................................................................... 70
5.2.2 Broadband Service Performance ....................................................................... 71
5.3 Power ................................................................................................................ 72
5.3.1 Input Power Requirement .................................................................................. 72
5.3.2 Power Consumption........................................................................................... 72
5.4 Working Environment ......................................................................................... 74
5.5 Reliability ........................................................................................................... 75
5.6 References ........................................................................................................ 76

6 Operation and Maintenance............................................................................ 83

6.1 GUI .................................................................................................................... 83
6.1.1 EMS Functions .................................................................................................. 83
6.2 CLI ..................................................................................................................... 85
6.2.1 Login Modes ...................................................................................................... 85
6.2.2 User Modes ....................................................................................................... 86

7 Networking....................................................................................................... 87
7.1 FTTx Application ................................................................................................ 87
7.2 Triple Play Application ....................................................................................... 88
7.3 PWE3 Application .............................................................................................. 89
7.4 VoIP Application ................................................................................................ 90
7.5 User Leased Line Service Application ................................................................ 92
7.6 V5.2 application ................................................................................................. 93
7.7 R2 Packet Application ........................................................................................ 94

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8 Glossary ........................................................................................................... 95

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description


Figure 1-1 The position of ZXMSG 5200 in the network ...................................................... 9

Figure 3-1 Leased Line Services........................................................................................26
Figure 4-1 ZXMSG 5200 Operating Principles ...................................................................44
Figure 4-2 The Hardware Structure of the ZXMSG 5200 ...................................................45
Figure 4-3 Structure of Control Unit of Single Power Rear Access Shelf ............................50
Figure 4-4 Structure of User Unit of Single Power Rear Access Shelf ................................51
Figure 4-5 Structure of Double Power Rear Access Shelf ..................................................51
Figure 4-6 Structure of Double Power front Access Shelf ..................................................52
Figure 4-7 ONU100 mini Shelf ...........................................................................................53
Figure 4-8 OUT50FA Shelf Structure .................................................................................53
Figure 4-9 OUT50M Shelf Structure...................................................................................54
Figure 4-10 ZXMSG 5200 Software Structure ....................................................................66
Figure 4-11 Sub-Modules of Operation Support System ....................................................68
Figure 7-1 ZXMSG 5200 FTTx application .........................................................................87
Figure 7-2 Triple play application in ZXMSG 5200 .............................................................88
Figure 7-3 PWE3 application in ZXMSG 5200 ...................................................................90
Figure 7-4 ZXMSG 5200 VoIP application in NGN network................................................91
Figure 7-5 ZXMSG 5200 VoIP application in IMS network .................................................91
Figure 7-6 ZXMSG 5200 user leased line application in DDN network ...............................92
Figure 7-7 V5.2 application in ZXMSG 5200 ......................................................................93
Figure 7-8 ZXMSG 5200 R2 packet application in NGN network .......................................94


Table 2-1 Subscriber interfaces supported by the ZXMSG 5200 ........................................11

Table 4-1 ZXMSG 5200 Cabinets ......................................................................................47

6 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Table 4-2 Control and Switching Cards ..............................................................................55

Table 4-3 Packet Processing and Resource Cards ............................................................56
Table 4-4 Net Address Translation Card ............................................................................57
Table 4-5 Rear Access Uplink Sub-cards...........................................................................57
Table 4-6 Front Access Uplink Sub-cards ..........................................................................58
Table 4-7 Analog Line Cards .............................................................................................59
Table 4-8 Digital Line Cards...............................................................................................60
Table 4-9 DSL Subscribers Cards......................................................................................61
Table 4-10 Ethernet Cards .................................................................................................62
Table 4-11 xPON Cards .....................................................................................................63
Table 4-12 Integrated Voice Data Subscriber Cards ..........................................................63
Table 4-13 Circuit Emulation Cards ...................................................................................64
Table 4-14 Power Cards ....................................................................................................64
Table 4-15 Other Cards .....................................................................................................64
Table 5-1 Dimensions and weight of Different Cabinets .....................................................70
Table 5-2 Narrowband Service Performance .....................................................................71
Table 5-3 broadband Service Performance........................................................................72
Table 5-4 Input Power Requirement ..................................................................................72
Table 5-5 Board Power Consumption ................................................................................72
Table 5-6 Temperature & Humidity Requirement of ZXMSG5200 ......................................74
Table 5-7 Temperature & Humidity Requirement of Different Cabinets ..............................75
Table 5-8 International Standards Compliance ..................................................................76
Table 8-1 Glossary ............................................................................................................95

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

1 Overview
Facing increased competition from wireless telecommunication operators, providers of
cable television networks and large Internet content providers with strong brands and
deep pockets, the fixed-line operators are now searching for new revenue streams from
the increasingly popular triple or quadruple play bundled package of IPTV, voice calls
and ultra-high-speed broadband Internet access. Next-generation networks (NGN)
herald the shift from a "one network, one service" approach, to the delivery of many
services over a single network. Telecom field has entered the period of transition with the
theme of convergence. Convergence is also ongoing at the access layer. One integrated
access platform for all kinds of access can support unified plan, unified construction,
unified service provision and unified maintenance so that it will greatly decrease both the
CAPEX and the OPEX.

As a mainstream provider of MSAN solution and products in the world, ZTE’s MSAN
products are constantly developing, catering to the fast development of
telecommunications. Aggregating multiple technologies into a single platform, ZTE’s
ZXMSG 5200 is very flexible in solution and service provision. At subscriber access side,
the ZXMSG 5200 can provide legacy voice access, broadband access, voice over IP and
multimedia services based on copper or fiber media; at network side , it can adapt to
PSTN , NGN or IMS for voice provision, and it can adapt to ATM or IP for data service.
For the service provision, it’s one triple-play ready platform. The ZXMSG 5200 also
supports smooth evolution from PSTN to NGN and IMS to protect operators’ investment.

Figure 1-1 shows the position of the ZXMSG 5200 in an overall network solution. It is
located at the access layer of the telecom network.

8 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Figure 1-1 The position of ZXMSG 5200 in the network

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

2 Highlight Features
This section describes the highlight features of the ZXMSG 5200.

2.1 Advanced IP+TDM Dual Bus Architecture

To guarantee the best quality of all services provided, the ZXMSG 5200 adopts
advanced IP + TDM dual bus architecture, always using the most appropriate technology
to process each kind of service based on its technical attributes. IP technology is the
essential main force, dedicated to broadband based new-generation services, while
TDM technology is a valuable supplement, since it will still be the best solution for legacy
network applications in near future.

Due to the ALL-IP core with adequate bandwidth, the ZXMSG 5200 can easily integrate
with the latest Ethernet based access technologies, i.e. the ZXMSG 5200 supports
new-generation broadband access services like VDSL2, EFM, EPON, and GPON etc.

2.2 Full Service Access Platform

The ZXMSG 5200 provides a series of access services, from legacy narrowband
applications like POTS, ISDN, E1, leased line etc., to up-to-date broadband applications
like ADSL2+, VDSL2, SHDSL, FE/GE, GPON/EPON, etc. As a full service access
platform, the ZXMSG 5200 can simultaneously carry voice, video and high-speed data
services for FTTN/FTTC/FTTB applications, which gives operators a flexible,
industry-leading and cost-effective solution to satisfy various customers with the exact
services they want.

Table 2-1 shows the subscriber interfaces supported by the ZXMSG 5200:

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Table 2-1 Subscriber interfaces supported by the ZXMSG 5200

Subscriber interfaces supported by the ZXMSG 5200

Narrowband interfaces
2/4 wire VF
SHDSL (TDM mode)

SHDSL (ATM mode)
Broadband interfaces

2.3 Fully PWE3 support

The ZXMSG 5200, with a highly integrated Circuit Emulation Services (CES) module,
enables circuit emulation functionality in multi-service equipment. It provides both
structured and unstructured circuit emulation services (CES) for E1 streams across a
packet network based on Ethernet technology. The circuit emulation features in the
ZXMSG 5200 comply with the relevant standards and support for protocols such as
SAToP (RFC4553) and CESoPSN (RFC5086), developed by the IETF's PWE3 working
group. For the structured E1 format, G.704 CRC4 and non-CRC4 are supported. The
ZXMSG 5200 also supports N*64kbps user data DDN transferring transparently between
two ZXMSG 5200s over PSN. In this mode, pairs of N*64kbps can communicate through
PSN. The ZXMSG 5200 directly offers N*64 K DDN ports to users.

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

The ZXMSG 5200 is capable of assembling user-defined packets of TDM traffic from the
TDM access interface and transmitting them to the Ethernet interfaces. It supports a
range of different packet switched networks, including Ethernet, IP and MPLS.

The ZXMSG 5200 incorporates a range of powerful clock recovery mechanisms on each
TDM stream, allowing the frequency of the original clock to be regenerated. Timing is
carried using RTP, and both adaptive and differential clock recovery schemes are
supported, allowing the customer to choose the correct scheme for the application.

The evolutionary pseudo wire approach maximizes investment protection by running all
TDM traffic – irrespective of protocols or signaling – transparently over Ethernet/MPLS/IP
networks. By supporting PWE3, the ZXMSG 5200 helps both operators and enterprises
to take advantage of the PSN infrastructure and reduce network expenses without
degrading functionality or services.

2.4 High Speed Access Interface

The ZXMSG 5200 supports GPON/EPON line card and VDSL2 (30a profile) line card.

2.4.1 VDSL2 access solution

VDSL2 (Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line 2) is an access technology that exploits
the existing infrastructure of copper wires that were originally deployed for POTS
services. It can be deployed from central offices, from fiber-fed cabinets located near the
customer premises, or within buildings. The greater bandwidth of VDSL2 gives
telecommunications operators the ability to offer advanced services such as multiple
streams of interactive standard and high-definition TV over IP over the existing copper
plant. TV services are fastly becoming strategically important to telecommunications
operators who must now compete head-to-head with cable operators launching voice
over IP (VoIP) and high-speed internet services.

Many operators have thus already started to consider fiber deeper into the access
network – for example, fiber to the node (FTTN) and fiber to the curb (FTTC) –
shortening the length of copper loops to less than 1500 meters.

The VDSL2 line card in the ZXMSG 5200 supports abundant VDSL2 features, such as

12 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

lower power consumption, convenient VDSL2 management interface, fully TR101

compliant, diagnostic test functions, high performance, and better interoperability.

2.4.2 xPON access solution

PON technology supports services such as voice, data and video for network
construction. On the other hand, PON provides high bandwidth for both upstream and
downstream. With passive splitter and single mode fiber, xPON is easy for management,
maintenance, and can greatly reduce CAPEX and OPEX of network.

Fiber access is one of the key technologies of Next Generation Network (NGN). FTTx (x
can be Home, Business/Building, Cabinet network or other fiber applications) meets the
requirements of the Access Network (AN). PON technology uses passive ODN
equipments, which are small in size with less electromagnetism disturbance and fault
rate. The long distance (i.e. 20 Km) between OLT and ONU meets multiple users’
requirement. Passive ODN makes network much easier for management and
maintenance. The life of optical fiber is more than 50 years, much longer than that of
normal copper cable. FTTx solutions based on PON technology are becoming more and
more popular in world wide.

For the ZXMSG 5200, the support of EPON/GPON line card can match the requirement
of some enterprises and families, which need more bandwidth. ZXMSG 5200 can
provide the access solution, not only in copper access, but also in fiber access.

Each EPON line card of the ZXMSG 5200 supports an EPON interface. Each GPON line
card of the ZXMSG 5200 supports 2 or 4 GPON interfaces.

2.5 High Speed Uplink Interface

With the development of different broadband service, especially services based on video
and audio, such as IPTV, video conferencing, on line gaming, HDTV etc, the bandwidth
requirement is becoming higher and higher. The bandwidth requirement for these
services ranges from 20 ~ 50Mb/s even up to 100Mb/s.

The ZXMSG 5200 provide several options to choose for uplink interface, such as GE,
EPON/GPON. The EPON/GPON interface is used in FTTB/FTTC scenario, where the

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

ZXMSG 5200 acts as ONU. The GE interface is used in FTTN scenario; where the
ZXMSG 5200 is deployed at CO. Operators choose a different interface according to
the bandwidth requirement and the fiber development strategy.

The EPNI card provides 1 EPON uplink interface. The GPNI card provides 1 GPON
uplink interface.

2.6 Service Aware Platform Based on QoS

The ZXMSG 5200 is a service aware platform which can provide different quality of
service according to the requirements of the service. The ZXMSG 5200 provides a
perfect QoS mechanism for differentiated service.

 The ZXMSG 5200 support end to end QoS procedure, such as traffic classification,
traffic policy and metering, congestion avoidance, queue scheduling, traffic shaping

 Provide different kinds of methods to differentiate service from terminals, it could be

by multiple PVC, by 802.1P or by VLAN ID

 Support the isolation of control stream, narrowband media stream, internet stream
and video stream in different VLAN or different physical uplink port.

2.7 Intelligent End to End Broadband O&M

There is a statistic of the distribution of failure reason which leads to fail to access to the
internet. Only 10% is from network element side, while 25% is from line-side and 65% is
from home-premise. So an intelligent end to end broadband O&M cover from user PC to
ISP will greatly relieve operators from tough maintenance burden.

 The ZXMSG 5200 online test system can locate the failures of copper line

 CPE remote management implements CPE remote information inquiry,

configuration management, PVC management, remote reset and CPE diagnosis

 ZTE ESS (Easy Service System) can cooperate with the ZXMSG 5200 to resolve

14 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

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the problems at CPE’s network side, the ZTE ESS includes the following function

 Network quality and speed test function module

 Service diagnosis module which detects PC, CPE and connectivity between
them and disposes issues caused by user error configuration and network fault

 Service activation module which delivers service activation guide, service

activation confirmation , service activation fault-detection

 PPPoE dial module which conducts dialing initiation and incorporate traffic
and duration statistic

2.8 Comprehensive Security Guarantee

The ZXMSG 5200 implements security functions through the following aspects:

 Maintenance security which is used to limit operation right to prevent illegal activity,
record any activities on configuration etc.

 L2/L3 mechanism for security, which is described in detail in chapter 3.2.

 Interface security such as uplink interface protection is used to improve reliability.

2.9 Carrier Grade Availability

As the next generation of core access equipment, the high availability of the ZXMSG
5200 has been kept as one of the most important mission all the time, from system level
architecture design, to detailed implementation of hardware/software, and enormous
exhaustive test cases on reliability and robustness.

With the outstanding achievements on key technical aspects like hardware, software and
networking, can the ZXMSG 5200 be capable of ensuring carrier grade availability, which
makes a great contribution to the massive global deployment of the ZXMSG 5200 in
telecom networks.

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Hardware Reliability Features

 Dual-Star bus architecture: It will be no impact on system in case of any single

failure of line card or switch fabric.

 1:1 redundant backup of control & switch board: All key components located
on control and switch board, such as control module, switching fabrics, clocks,
service processing modules and uplink interfaces, are fully protected. If any
abnormal is detected, hot-standby control & switch board will take charge of
the system seamlessly and smoothly.

 1+1 redundant backup of power supply: Each shelf is equipped with two power
supplies working in load-sharing mode. Each power supply board has isolated
power feed line, and can support the shelf alone. There will be nothing
abnormal on system even if only one power card works.

 Load sharing of DSP resource: The system supports up to three DSP resource
cards, which work in load-sharing mode. Once any card fails, other cards will
automatically take over the affected VOIP sessions.

 Software Reliability Features

 Platform-based infrastructure with function modularization: Many advanced

design principles are applied for the development of the ZXMSG 5200, such as
object-orientation, loosely couple, error tolerance, and error correction etc.

 Secure software version management: This feature can protect the ZXMSG
5200 from maintenance related risks, such as fail software update, operation
mistakes on software files, broken or illegal software files, etc...

 Real-time monitor for the running status of system: All internal check points of
the system will be periodically verified for normality, which insure to detect any
abnormal instantaneously.

 Networking Reliability Features

 Abundant uplink protection mechanisms to choose: e.g. Rapid Spanning Tree

Protocol (RSTP) protection for multiple FE/GE ports; 1:1 redundant protection

16 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

for dual FE/GE ports in pair (UAPS) ; link aggregation and protection based on
802.1ad for multiple FE/GE ports.

 Exceptional redundant protections on service level: e.g. Dual homing

technology for H.248 or MGCP application, which means the ZXMSG 5200
register with several MGCs and can switches to different MGC when
necessary; Signal link protection for V5 application.

 For more details see Section 3.1.5.

2.10 High Adaptability to Diversified Environment

The ZXMSG 5200 provides a series of product models which can fully meet the carriers’
application requirements.

 Different capacity equipments include large capacity, medium capacity, small

capacity and mini capacity.

 Different access mode equipments include front access and rear access.

 Different application environment equipments include indoor type and outdoor type.

2.11 Powerful EMS System

NetNumen™ U31 is an integrated element management system (EMS) which manages

various ZTE-developed digital devices on the backbone layer, convergence layer and
access layer. It has the following features:

 Provide universal access, universal configuration and universal management.

 The MSAN can be managed as one network element both for narrowband and
broadband service. It can also be separate so as to adapt to the existing
maintenance structure of the carriers.

 EMS system can fulfill end to end service management and provides abundant
north-bound interfaces to the TMN center.

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

2.12 Smooth Migration Capability

The ZXMSG 5200 can well support the next-generation services while leveraging legacy
network. As a full service access platform, the ZXMSG 5200 can simultaneously carry
voice, video and high-speed data services onto a single network infrastructure. With the
ZXMSG 5200, carriers can always gain versatile, flexible, cost-effective, proven and
deployable solutions for their exclusive requirements on access network: diverse
locations from the Central Office (CO) to the farthest reaches of the network's edge,
diverse application scenarios from classic Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) to popular Media
gateway and FTTx, diverse service networks from PTSN to NGN and IMS. The ZXMSG
5200 ensures a cost-effective and profitable solution for carriers to deliver a great variety
of services which their customers have been waiting for, with the built-in capability of
hassle-free migration between different applications and smooth evolution to future
generation networks.

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

3 Functionality
This section describes the functions of the ZXMSG 5200.

3.1 Narrowband Functions

3.1.1 Basic Features

 The ZXMSG 5200 supports the following controlling protocols:

 V5.X Protocol, a set of protocols defined by ETSI and ITU-T, including V5.1
and V5.2 protocol

 H.248/Megaco V1/V2/V3, the Gateway Control Protocol, also known as

Megaco (IETF designation) or H.248 (ITU designation), is a control protocol
used between a Media Gateway and a Media Gateway Controller in a network.

 Media gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), a signaling and call control protocol
defined in RFC 3435

 ISDN User Adapter Protocol (IUA) and Stream Control Transmission Protocol
(SCTP), the seamless backhaul of Q.921 user messages and service interface
across an IP network

 Session Initiate Protocol (SIP), a signalling protocol, widely used for setting up
and tearing down multimedia communication sessions such as voice and
video calls over the Internet.

 Supports the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) and the Real-time Transport
Control Protocol (RTCP) which was developed by the Audio-Video Transport
Working Group of the IETF and first published in 1996 as RFC 1889 which was
made obsolete in 2003 by RFC 3550.

 Provides end to end network transport function suitable for real-time

applications such as audio, data, etc

 Supports sequence numbering, time stamping, and delivery monitoring

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Supports multicast or unicast network services

 gathers statistics on a media connection and information such as bytes sent,

packets sent, lost packets, jitter, feedback and round trip delay.allows
monitoring of the audio and data delivery

 runs on top of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

 Voice coding/decoding capability

 G.711 A/µ-law, 64kbit/s bit rate, also known as Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)

 G.726, also known as Adaptive Differential PCM (ADPCM) covering the

transmission of voice at rates of 16, 24, 32, and 40 kbit/s

 G.723.1, a hybrid speech coder which includes 6.3 kbit/s MPC-MLQ algorithm
(using 24 byte frames) and 5.3 kbit/s ACELP algorithm (using 20 byte frames)

 G.729, including G.729, G.729 annex A, G.729 annex B

 FoIP function

 T.30 voice band Data mode (VBD)

 T.38 relay mode

 MoIP, Voice band Data mode(VBD)

 Pulse Dialing

 Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) digit collection/generation

 Pulse metering and polarity reversal metering

 PSTN/ISDN subscriber line test

 Hair-pin function, for the communication between the subscribers in the same
MSAN, which implements direct switch in TDM domain, and the procedure of VoIP
transformation is not needed.

 PBX connection (analog line)

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 PBX connection (E1)

 Self Switch, if link with Softswitch or MGC is broken

 Overload control capability, according the following levels: CPU load, VoIP
channels, CNIC traffic, bandwidth etc.

 Voice stream traffic monitoring

 Voice QoS monitoring

3.1.2 Signaling Protocol V5 Protocol

This section describes the relevant feature on V5 protocol.

 Allows the communication between local exchange(LE) and access network(AN)

 Supports protocol in two forms:

 V5.1, in which there is a 1 to 1 correspondence between subscriber lines and

bearer channels in the aggregate link to the exchange. A V5.1 interface relates
to a single aggregate E1 (2 Mbit/s) link between an access node and an

 V5.2, which provides for concentration where there is not enough bearer
channels in the aggregate link(s) to accommodate all subscribers at the same
time. A single V5.2 interface can control up to 16 E1 links at once and can
include protection of the signaling channels.

 Provides analog telephone access, ISDN basic rate access, ISDN primary rate

 Supports the following Layer 3 protocol:

 Control protocol, which controls the setup and basic management of the V5
link from the Access Network (AN) to the Local Exchange (LE).

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 PSTN protocol, which translates the analogue signals for POTS into a digital
form for transfer from AN to LE. (I.e. off-hook, digit dialing, on hook etc).

 BCC protocol, In V5.2 since any channel could be allocated to the call, this
protocol is assigned the job of managing the assignment of channels to a call.
(Only in v5.2)

 Link control protocol - For managing up to 16 E1 links. It controls the status of

the links (i.e. in service/out of service) (Only in v5.2)

 Protection protocol - Used in V5.2; this protocol is duplicated on two or more

channels on two or more links and provides instant failover in the event of one
failing (Only in v5.2)

 Compliant to the relevant ETSI and ITU-T standards:

 ETSI EN 300 347-1 (1999-12-28). V interfaces at the digital Local Exchange

(LE); V5.2 interface for the support of Access Network (AN); Part 1: V5.2
interface specification

 ETSI EN 300 324-1 (2000-04-08). V interfaces at the digital Local Exchange

(LE); V5.1 interface for the support of Access Network (AN); Pat 1: V5.1
interface specification

 ITU-T G.964 V-Interfaces at the digital local exchange (LE) - V5.1 interface
(based on 2048 kbit/s) for the support of access network (AN)

 ITU-T G.965 V-interfaces at the digital local exchange (LE) - V5.2 interface
(based on 2048 kbit/s) for the support of access network (AN) H.248/Megaco protocol

This section describes the relevant features on H.248/Megaco protocol.

 allows a Media Gateway Controller to control gateways in order to provide VoIP

functionality (including voice/fax calls) between PSTN-IP or IP-IP networks

 Supports IPV4, will support IPV6 smoothly in the future

22 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Provides the media and call control functionality

 Collaborates with IUA/SCTP to provide ISDN BRI and PRI access

 supports ephemeral terminations that sink and source RTP traffic

 supports physical terminations including analog and ISDN access

 Supports IP QoS control and monitoring

 Supports Adaptive-rate based MGC overload control

 Provides real time statistics reporting

 Supports up to 4K digitmap

 supports autonomous transition from Audio Mode to G.711-based VBD Mode

(according to ITU-T Recommendation V.152) upon detection of fax and modem

 DTMF digits send in band using voice codecs

 supports the procedures defined in RFC 4733 to generate, detect and forward
DTMF digits

 Compliant to the relevant ITU-T and ETSI standards

 ITU-T H.248.1 gateway control protocol: V1/V2/V3, including H.248 Sub-series

 ETSI ES 283 002 Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and

Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN);H.248 Profile for controlling
Access and Residential Gateways SIP Protocol

This section describes the relevant features on SIP protocol.

 Supports the connection to common SIP server or Softswitch

 Supports the connection to IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) defined by 3GPP

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Supports two-party or multiparty sessions consisting of one or several media


 text-based using the UTF-8 char set known as a transformation format of ISO
10646 defined in RFC 2279

 Support hook-flash to implement the relevant supplementary services

 Runs on top of UDP protocol

 Support SIP and H248 dual uplink

3.1.3 Narrowband Service Capability PSTN/ISDN Service

This section lists the narrowband services the ZXMSG 5200 supports, but not limit to

 Basic PSTN/ISDN voice service

 Pulse/DTMF Dialing

 Fax/Modem Dialing service

 Voice mail service

 PABX Service with Direct Inward Dialing (DID) facility

 IP Centrex Service

 Supplementary Service

 Call Forwarding on Busy (CFB)

 Call Forwarding Unconditional (CFU)

 Call Forwarding on No Reply (CFNR)

 Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP)

24 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR)

 Abbreviated Dialing (AD)

 Absentee Service (AB)

 Automatic Call Memory Service (ACM)

 Automatic Redial Service (AR)

 Call Waiting (CW)

 Collection Call Screening (CCS)

 Distinctive Ringing Service (DR)

 Do-Not-Disturb Service ( DND)

 Hot Line Service (HOT)

 Outgoing Call Screening (OCS)

 Wake-Up Service

 Three Party Call Service

 Conference Call Service Leased Line Service

This section describes the relevant features on leased line service, Figure 3-1 shows the
leased line solution for the ZXMSG 5200.

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Figure 3-1 Leased Line Services

In this network scenario, the ZXMSG 5200 provides:

 V.24 (also known as RS232), V.35, G.703 interfaces for Leased line service.

 2W/4W voice frequency (VF) leased line

 Subrate speeds which is less than 64 kbit/s

 64 kbit/s, N*64 kbit/s, and 2048 kbit/s

 DDN BERT test

 DDN network side and user side loopback test

3.1.4 Voice Quality Techniques

The ZXMSG 5200 ensures voice service quality through:

 Supports the echo cancellation function meeting the G.165/G.168 requirements

 Supports the VAD (voice activity detection) function

 Supports the CNG (comfort noise generation) function

 Supports Packet Loss Concealment (PLC)

 Jitter buffer dynamic adjustment

26 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Tx/Rx gain control

 Differentiated priority & SLA calls. The ZXMSG 5200 can support service priority
based on physical port or emergency number (such as 110, 119 etc) to guarantee
better quality for higher priority service.

 Physical port priority: VIP customer port is set higher priority while ordinary
customer port is set lower priority and the ordinary customer will get busy tone
in case of traffic congestion.

 Emergency number priority: No matter from VIP or ordinary customer,

emergency call always can call successfully even when MSAN is overloaded.

The ZXMSG 5200 also adopts the following measures to separate VoIP stream and
broadband stream to grantee the voice service quality:

 Different VLANs for VOIP media, signaling, management, broadband stream

 Different Class of Service (CoS) value for VOIP media, signalling, management,
broadband stream

 Different Type of Service (ToS) value for VOIP media, signalling, management,
broadband stream

 Different Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP) value or VOIP media, signalling,
management, broadband stream

3.1.5 Reliability

The ZXMSG 5200 ensures reliability through:

 Supports authentication when connecting to MGC

 Dual Homing, i.e. that the ZXMSG 5200 is configured to connect up to four MGCs,
one is active and the others are standby. When the active MGC is down, the
ZXMSG 5200 can automatically register to standby MGC without service

 Dual uplink protection using Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), Link

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Aggregation techniques.

 Uplink Auto Protection Switching ( UAPS ) , which implements the link hot backup
mechanism for dual FE/GE uplink interfaces in pair. At any time, there is only one
link in working status which supports all services. The standby link is in idle status.
When an interruption occurs on the active link due to fiber break, line break or
optical module damage etc. , the standby link immediately replaces the active link
and switches all services to it. When the faulty link recovers, the user can decide
whether to switch the services back to the original link.

 Self-switch function (internal switching without MGC), when the connection to MGC
is broken or MGC is down, the ZXMSG 5200 can support self-switch so that
subscribes in the same ZXMSG 5200 can communicate. When the connection to
MGC is recovered, the ZXMSG 5200 can automatically register to MGC to restore
normal state.

 Escape channels i.e. that the ZXMSG 5200 support local exchange & MGC dual
homing, when the connection to MGC is broken or MGC is down, the ZXMSG 5200
can connect to local exchange through V5 interface as lifeline. V5 and H.248 also
can be used at the same time in load sharing mode.

3.2 Broadband Functions

This section describes the broadband functions of the ZXMSG 5200.

3.2.1 xDSL Features

This section describes xDSL features of the ZXMSG 5200.

 ADSL features

 Comply with ITU-T G.992.1, G.992.2, ANSI T1.413 issue 2 and ITU-T G.996.1

 Asymmetric transmission mode. The uplink rate is 1 Mbps and downlink rate is
8 or 9 Mbps.

 Perform line capture for each ADSL user line so that external test equipment

28 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

performs a line test.

 Support adaptive rate for actual lines.

 Support fixed settings of actual line rates.

 Support good interworking between ADSL modems adopting major stream

chips such as Connexant, BCM, and TI.

 Remote maintenance and remote software upgrade.

 Line alarm maintenance and message report function.

 ADSL2+ features

 ADSL2/ADSL2+ is compatible with G.992.3 (ADSL2), G.992.4 (Splitterless

ADSL2) and G.992.5 (ADSL2+)

 ADSL2+ supports those operation modes: annex A, annex B, annex C, annex I,

annex J and annex M

 ADSL2+ provides 24 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream. If ADSL2

annex J is used, the uplink rate is increased to 2.3 Mbps

 Support the SELT function (single-ended test)

 Support the DELT function (dual-ended test)

 Support energy-saving characteristics

 Support seamless rate adaptation (SRA) function

 The ADSL2+ supports fast start mode. The line synchronization time is less
than 3 seconds.

 Support 1-bit constellation modulation function.

 Support good interworking between ADSL2+ modems adopting major stream

chips such as Connexant, BCM, and TI.

 Bit switching

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Pilot channel floating

 Support multi copper pair bonding as defined by ITU-T G.998.1 for ATM based
multi bonding

 VDSL2 features

 VDSL2 Comply with ITU G.993.2, G.997.1, G994.1 standard and backward
compatible with ITU G.992.1, G.992.3, G.992.5 standard

 Support profiles of 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 12a, 12b, 17a and 30a

 Perfect PSD control,

 DMT modulation and demodulation

 Support STM and IEEE802.3ah PTM mode.

 RFI Notching and Custom PSD

 UPBO (Upstream Power Back Off)

 DPBO (Downstream Power Back Off)

 Dual latency

 Support multi copper pair bonding as defined by ITU-T G.998.1 for ATM based
multi bonding and ITU-T G.998.2 for Ethernet based multi bonding.

 Support ATM mode and backward compatible with ADSL/ADSL2+

 Maximum downlink rate at 100Mbps and uplink rate at 100Mbps

 Support the SELT function (single-ended test)

 Support the DELT function (dual-ended test)

 Support 1~15 bit constellation modulation function

 Support Impulse Noise Protection (Up to 16 symbol)

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 SHDSL features

 Comply with ITU-T G.991.2 and ANSI T1E1.4/2001-174 standards

 A single line pair of SHDSL support integer multiple of all 64kbps rates
between 192Kbps and 2.3Mbps for uplink and downlink transmission. For two
pairs of twisted pairs, the rate is between 384 kbps to 4.6 Mbps.

 The synchronization time is less than 60 seconds.

 SHDSL.bis features

 Comply with ITU-T G.991.2, ITU-T G.991.2 (2004) (G.SHDSL.BIS), ETSI TS

101 524 V 1.2.1, and ETSI TS 101 524 V 1.2.2 standards

 Support TCPAM 16 and TCPAM32

 Support ATM G.SHDSL, transmission rates from 192 kbps to 2.3 Mbps (one
pair) or 384 kbps to 4.6 Mbps (2-pairs)

 Support G.SHDSL.bis

 Support G.SHDSL.bis M-pair bonding, up to 4-pairs. Transmission rate up to

5.69 Mbps on 2-wire, 11.38 Mbps on 4-wire, and 22.76 Mbps on 8-wire.

 Support xDSL diagnostic test functions

 ADSL2+/VDSL2 SELT and DELT functions

 Various of loopback test functions of ADSL2+/VDSL subscriber cards: AFE

loopback, digital loopback, UTOPIA looback, (FPGA loopback, SERDES

 F5 loopback test of ADSL2+ subscriber card

 Support xDSL logging

 Support Dying Gasp function (xDSL subscribers cards, COMBO cards)

 Support xDSL modem remote management

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

3.2.2 xPON features

This section describes xPON features of the ZXMSG 5200.

 EPON features

 Comply with IEEE 802.3-2005 standards

 Single PON port supports 32 branches (20 KM) and 64 branches (<5 KM).

 Downlink wavelength is 1490 nm, uplink wavelength is 1310 nm and CATV

wavelength is 1550 nm.

 Downlink rate can reach up to 1.25 Gbps. The uplink transmits data stream in
Ethernet packet mode and reaches up to 1.25 Gbps.

 Support MPCP

 Perfect DBA functions

 Voice, data and video services

 Operation, maintenance and management functions

 GPON features

 Comply with ITU-T G.984 series standards

 Support CLASS B+ (28db)/Class C+

 Support G.984.4 OMCI stack

 Support the functions of dynamical discovery, auto-registration and dynamical

ranging to ONU/ONT

 Perfect DBA functions

 Support IGMP snooping, each PON supports 1k multicast groups

 Support DHCP option82

 Support AES-128 downstream encryption

32 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Support FEC

 Perfect OAM functionality.

3.2.3 Ethernet features

This section describes Ethernet features of the ZXMSG 5200.

 Comply with IEEE 802.3 standard

 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet

 1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet

3.2.4 ATM features

This section describes ATM features of the ZXMSG 5200.

 Comply with TM4.1/I.371 standards

 Support vlan services based on ATM pvc

 ATM OAM function

3.2.5 PWE3 features

This section describes PWE3 features of the ZXMSG 5200.

 Comply with RFC 3916, RFC 3985, RFC 4197, RFC 4447, RFC 4553, ITU-T
Y.1413 standards

 Support E1/T1 over SAToP (RFC4553)

 Support CESoPSN (RFC5086)

 Support PWE3 over Ethernet

 Support PWE3 over UDP

 Support PWE3 over MPLS

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 33

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Support PWE3 over L2TPv3

 Support PWE3 Control Word(RFC4385)

 Support static PWE3 tunnel

 Support PWE3 label distribution using LDP(RFC4447)

3.2.6 L2 Features

This section describer L2 features of ZXMSG 5200.

 L2 switch based on VLAN+MAC, based on L2 switching according to IEEE 802.3

 MAC Address Learning and Address aging automatically, Support view the MAC
address table in the switching chip

 Port MAC Address Limit Function

 Virtual Mac

 Logical Port Broadcast Switch

 Broadcast/multicast limit function

 VLAN, Port-Based VLAN Meeting IEEE802.1Q Standards

 SVLAN (QinQ), includes VLAN stacking and double-tag

 PVLAN ensure L2 isolation in the same VLAN, based on port for user isolation

 1:1 VLAN. support a downstream mapping between S-VLAN and C-VLAN pair and
port, and be able to disable MAC address learning for 1:1 VLANs

 Protocol based VLAN to address different services on a single user port,

 TRUNKING/LACP, provide the TRUNKING function for one to eight ports and
support LACP.

 STP/RSTP/MSTP, support the STP protocol and follow the IEEE802.1D/D17 1998

34 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Port enabling control, support subscriber port enabling control to provide a basis for
user management.

 Flow control function under Full-/Half-Duplex Mode at Ethernet Port. The system
coordinates the rate of the data frame from the opposite side by sending a PAUSE
control frame to set flow control status for an Ethernet port.

3.2.7 L3 Features

This section describer L3 protocol features of ZXMSG 5200.

 IPv4 Protocol Stack


 TraceRoute

 ARP/Proxy ARP/Static ARP/RARP

 Super VLAN

 FTP Client/TFTP Client

 DHCP Server/DHCP Relay/DHCP Proxy


 Telnet Server/Telnet Client

 SSHv1/v2

 RADIUS Client

 TACACS+ Client

 SNMP V2


 NTP

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 35

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 DNS


 IPv4 Routing

 Static Routing

 RIPv1/v2

 OSPFv2


 BGPv4

 IPv4 Multicast Routing

 IGMP V1/V2/V3

3.2.8 IPv6 Features

This section describes IPv6 features of the ZXMSG 5200.

 Enable or disable IPv6 forwarding function of L3 interface (Enable or disable IPV6)

 Support IPv4 and IPv6 dual-stack

 Support NDP protocol

 Static global unicast address configuration

 Showing or clearing neighbour table items

 Static route table configuration

 Multicast protocol

 MLD V1/V2 snooping

 MLD V1/V2 proxy

36 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Support 0x3333XXXXXXXXMAC address multicast forwarding based on MLD


 Multicast channels up to 1K (shared by IPv4 and IPv6)

 basic network applications such as ping, telnet, ftp, snmp

 DHCPv6 Relay Agent

 DHCPv6 option18(RFC 3315), provide DHCPv6 OPTION_INTERFACE_ID

filling function

 DHCPv6 Option37(RFC 4649), provide DHCPv6 OPTION_REMOTE_ID filling


 Mapping IPv6 data stream to specific VLAN based on Ethertype field (0x86DD)

 Stream classification of IPv6 data stream based on Ethertype field (0x86DD)

 Stream classification based on IPv6 header fields

 According to source MAC or prefix

 According to destination MAC or prefix

 According to Traffic Class

 According to Flow label

 Binding IPv6 source address to user port

3.2.9 IPTV Features

ZXMSG 5200 perfectly supports IPTV service through:

 IGMP V1/V2/V3, support normal response to IGMP query message

 IGMP proxy, acts as IGMP router/host

 IGMP snooping, snoops IGMP protocol communication, and copies and transmits
message packets to CPU for analyzing

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Multicast VLAN, support up to 4 Multicast VLANs

 Multicast channel access control (CAC) supports controlling users’ multicast access

 Multicast channel preview (PRV) supports permitting users to view some channel
contents before they order these channels

 Multicast channel call detail record (CDR) supports recording the channel access
activities of each user automatically.

 Multicast service management system (SMS) supports managing the channel

access right setting and update, CDR records forwarding and providing interfaces to

 Fast Leave enabling/disabling functionality supports permitting/forbidding user to

quickly leave a multicast channel for another channel.

 Multicast channel pre-join functionality supports preliminary join of multicast

channel in MSAN, even though no user apply this channel

 Group user limitation functionality limits the number of the multicast groups joined
concurrently from user requests

 Multicast sources guard, the user's port is forbidden acting as multicast server

 Multicast service enabling/disabling functionality can be done based on the whole

system or per user port.

 Suppressing illegal multicast packets functionality supports controlling some illegal

multicast packets and dropping them.

 Channel package is a collection of some multicast channels with different access

rights, and it can be applied into any user port.

 Support 1024 multicast IPTV channels.

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

3.2.10 QoS

This section describes the QoS features of ZXMSG 5200.

 Traffic classification, support traffic classification based on port, PVC, VLAN/SVLAN,

IEEE802.1p CoS and Ethernet type ( e.g. IPoE, ARP, RARP), MAC address, IP
address, IP type, DSCP priority and TCP/UDP port. The classification engine
extracts the 32 bytes in the first 80 bytes information of the packet header.

 Network-side support 8 queues

 User-side support 8 queues

 Rate limitation, support traffic-based rate limitation on user port and Ethernet uplink
port, upstream and downstream, based port/VLAN/COS,

 Queue scheduling algorithm, SP, WRR or SP and WRR mix

 COS to DSCP mapping

 DSCP to COS mapping

 802.1p priority(COS)mapping to Queues

 Priority setting based on port, includes default 802.1p and forced 802.1p setting
based on port

 Priority setting based on PVC, include default C-PRIO, trusted C-PRIO, forced
C-PRIO, C-PRIO remarking, forced S-PRIO setting based on PVC

 Trust or un-trust 802.1p per port, trust 802.1p of ingress packets and transfer them
transparently, or un-trust 802.1p of ingress packets and modify the 802.1p value.

 Traffic policy and metering

 Traffic marking, modify DSCP or 802.1P field

 Congestion avoidance: ED/RED/WRED

 Traffic shaping

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 39

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Differentiate service from CPE

 According to multiple PVC,

 According to 802.1P in one PVC

 According to VLAN ID in one PVC

3.2.11 Security Features

This section describes the security features of ZXMSG 5200.

 Broadcast/multicast handling, limiting the rate of broadcast and multicast storms in

the upstream and downstream on a per port basis (user port and Ethernet uplink

 Static MAC address

 MAC address filtering, include source MAC or destination MAC filter, which can
allow/deny the access from/to special devices.

 User ports source IP bounding and source MAC bounding

 MAC address flooding, limit the number of source MAC learned from a given
bridged port in order to prevent the source MAC flooding attacks.

 MAC address spoofing and IP address spoofing.

 MAC Forced Forwarding

 Broadcast supervision per VLAN

 PPPoE、PPPoA、IPoE、IPoA auto sensing function on a per port basis.

 PPP/DHCP Filtering

 DHCP snooping, DHCP snooping is a DHCP security feature that provides security
by filtering un-trusted DHCP messages and by building and maintaining a DHCP
snooping binding table. An un-trusted message can be received from outside the
network or firewall and that can cause traffic attacks within the network.

40 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 DHCP source guard. DHCP source guard prevents IP spoofing by allowing only the
IP addresses that are obtained through DHCP snooping on a particular port. This
filtering limits the ability of a host to attack the network by claiming a neighbor host's
IP address.

 DHCP rate limit, avoid the DHCP attack from untrusty user

 DHCP relay which is L2 relay

 IGMP Rate limit

 Port Mirroring

 Packet filter/ACL, based on L2, L3 and L4 related information

 Port isolation, PVLAN ensure L2 isolation in the same VLAN

 Hitless-Failover. Packet Forwarding be maintained within 50ms during Primary

Control Module failover and Redundant Control Module takes over

3.2.12 Maintainability Features

ZXMSG 5200 also ensures system security for maintenance through:

 ACL for management, permit or deny special IP packets accessing the system.

 Security log, record any activities on configuration

 Traffic limitation for CPU interface keep CPU in easy state to handle other things

 User and password management provide the authentication of the user who want to
login, the authentication can be local or remote.

 Remote upgrade and restart

 Configurable IP/MAC of inband/outband management

 NTP protocol

 Backup for version ensures the security and reliability of the version

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 41

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 SSH v1/v2, and radius client support


 ATM OAM loop back test

 F4 segment and end-to-end

 F5 segment and end-to-end

 Bi-directional

 Modem remote management. TELNET, HTTP and SNMP for modem remote
management. This functionality can obtain the running information of modem,
configure parameters of modem and test network link status, especially at
troubleshooting a modem failure.

 Ethernet OAM conform to ITU-T Y.1731: OAM Functions and Mechanisms for
Ethernet Based Networks and IEEE 802.1ag

 Alarm and statistic in case of port rate less than threshold

 Output interface for audible and visual alarm

3.2.13 User Access & Port Identification

ZXMSG 5200 support user access protocol



 PPPoA to PPPoE conversion

ZXMSG 5200 supports user port identification to trace and locate illegal users through:


 DHCP Option82

 PPPoE intermediate

42 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Stacking VLAN

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 43

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

4 System Architecture

4.1 Working Principle

The operating principles of the ZXMSG 5200 are shown in Figure 4-1. The whole system
includes two switching networks:

 The TDM switching network is used for traditional POTS, ISDN and DDN

 The IP switching network is used for IP packet switching and multiplexing.

Figure 4-1 ZXMSG 5200 Operating Principles

The working principle of the ZXMSG 5200 is as follows:

 The narrowband traffic from slots and extended interfaces enter into TDM switching
module .

 The TDM switching module performs circuit-switching on the voice signals and
sends them to the VOIP Engine.

 The VOIP Engine which performs voice compression function converts voice traffic

44 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

to IP packets and sends them to the IP switching module.

 The IP switching module sends IP packets to the Network side.

 The broadband data from xDSL interface enters into the IP switching module and
directly goes to IP network through an uplink interface.

4.2 Hardware Architecture

4.2.1 Hardware Structure

The ZXMSG 5200 hardware system consists of one master shelf and four extended
shelves at most. The master shelf implements system functions and the extended shelf
implements expansion to serve more subscribers. The ZXMSG 5200 can support up to
four extended shelves in star topology. The Master shelf also can support subscriber’s

The overall hardware structure of the ZXMSG 5200 is shown in Figure 4-2:

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 45

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Figure 4-2 The Hardware Structure of the ZXMSG 5200

LC: Line Card, including narrowband line card and broadband line card
TSLC: Test Subscriber Line Card
MCC: Main Control Card, including ICS, GIS, GISB, etc
MPRB: Packet processing and resource board

 The system can either receive the BITS clock signal or extract a clock from the E1
interface. Then the main control card provides 8KHz or 2MHz clock to each card
and the TSLC card.

 The TDM bus performs narrowband voice multiplexing and DDN service
multiplexing. The two main control cards are working at active/standby mode to
connect with each card.

 The data bus performs multiplexing and switching for Ethernet-based packets.

46 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

4.2.2 Cabinets Cabinets Specification

The ZXMSG 5200 uses various indoor and outdoor type of cabinets:

 Indoor type

 19D06H20 (19 inch standard rack)

 1500E

 ONU100

 Outdoor type

 OUT20EA

 OUT40E

 OUT40F

 OUT50H

 OUT50M

 OUT60E

Table 4-1 shows cabinet details.

Table 4-1 ZXMSG 5200 Cabinets

Line Maxim number of Ports

access Cabinet POTS & ADSL
type POTS only ADSL only
type combo

32-port: 1920
19D06H20 32-port: 1920 32-port: 1920
Rear 16-port: 960
access 32-port: 768
1500E 32-port: 768 32-port: 768
16-port: 384

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 47

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Line Maxim number of Ports

access Cabinet POTS & ADSL
type POTS only ADSL only
type combo

ONU100 32-port: 128 16-port: 64

32-port: 768
OUT40E 32-port: 1152 32-port: 768
16-port: 576

32-port: 768
OUT20EA 32-port: 1920 32-port: 768
Outdoor 16-port: 960

32-port: 160
(OUT50FA 32-port: 384 32-port: 160
16-port: 192

32-port: 1152
19D06H20 32-port: 1152 32-port: 1152
16-port: 576
32-port: 768
1500E 32-port: 768 32-port: 768
16-port: 384

64-port: 1152 32-port: 576

OUT40E 32-port: 768
32-port: 768 16-port: 384

Front 32-port: 384

OUT40F 32-port: 768 32-port: 768
access 16-port: 384

32-port: 768
Outdoor OUT60E 32-port: 1152 32-port: 768
16-port: 576

64-port: 2112 32-port: 768

OUT20EA 32-port: 768
32-port: 1536 16-port: 768

32-port: 128
OUT50M 32-port: 256 32-port: 256
16-port: 128


For the front access cabinet, the above capacity didn’t consider the slots occupied by the
test card(e.g. TSLC) and the environment & power monitoring card(e.g. EPC). ETM: An Integrated System for the EPM Module & 112 Test Module

The ETM device is a dedicated cassette equipment which integrates an Environment

and power monitoring(EPM) function module with a 112 test function module. The ETM

48 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

device implements functions such as collecting environment and power datas, executing
test commands , reporting alarms and real-time information.

The EPM function module is responsible for real time monitoring on temperature,
humidity, smoke, flood, entrance control, secondary power and so on. The functions of
monitoring module are as follows:

 Monitoring power voltage

 Reading environment parameters

 temperature

 humidity

 smoke

 flood

 entrance control

 harmful gas

 vibration

 Theft proof and fireproof alarms

 MDF alarms

 Adjustable speed fan control

 Monitoring Other equipments via port extension

The 112 Testing module is responsible for narrowband line tests. The functions of testing
module are as follows:

 112 external line test

 112 internal line test

 112 terminal test

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 49

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Other imitation test

The EPCC card which implements all the features of the ETM device, can be inserted in
any line card slots, generally adjacent to the test board.

4.2.3 Shelves

A shelf is an empty box in which different cards are plugged-in. The ZXMSG 5200 has
one main shelf and four expansion shelves. Both the main shelf and the slave shelves
use the same shelf type based on the selection of cabinet, the access type and the
power redundancy requirements. The ZXMSG 5200 has the following shelf types:

 Standard shelves

 Single power rear access standard shelf (6U)

 Dual power rear access standard shelf (6U)

 Dual power front access standard shelf (9U)

 ONU100 mini shelf

 OUT50FA shelf

 OUT50M mini shelf

Among the standard shelves, a rear access shelf can be installed in indoor cabinets i.e.
19D06H20, 1500E and outdoor cabinets i.e. OUT40E, OUT20EA. A front access shelf
can be installed in indoor cabinets i.e. 19D06H20, 1500E and outdoor cabinets i.e.
OUT40E, OUT60E, OUT20EA. A ONU100 mini shelf is especially for a ONU100 cabinet,
A OUT50FA mini shelf is especially for a OUT50H cabinet, and a OUT50M mini shelf is
especially for a OUT50M cabinet. Single Power Rear Access Standard Shelf

A single power rear access standard shelf offers 17 effective slots for holding major
boards such as POWER H board, user interface boards, control switching board ICS,
VoIP processing board MPRB, and test board TSLC. The POWER H can work together

50 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

with the POWER H in another unit in the same rack/cabinet to make inter-layer power

All kinds of user interface card can be mix-inserted.

The shelf uses MICS backplane. Its dimensions are 266.5 mm * 482.6 mm * 318.5 mm
(Height * Width * Depth).

Figure 4-3 shows the shelf structure of control unit and Figure 4-4 shows shelf structure
of user unit.

Figure 4-3 Structure of Control Unit of Single Power Rear Access Shelf

Figure 4-4 Structure of User Unit of Single Power Rear Access Shelf

LC: Line Card, including narrowband line card and broadband line card
TSLC: Test Subscriber Line Card
MCC: Main Control Card, including ICS, GIS, GISB, etc
MPRB: Packet processing and resource board
POWERH: Power supply board

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 51

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description Dual Power Rear Access Standard Shelf

The shelf dimensions are 266.5 mm * 482 mm * 318.5 mm (Height * Width * Depth).

Figure 4-5 shows the shelf structure. MBSL backplane offers 16 effective slots for holding
major boards such as POWER K board, user interface boards, control switching board,
VoIP processing board MPRB, and test board TSLC. The two POWER K boards can
work as redundancy. The one is used for hot backup.

Figure 4-5 Structure of Double Power Rear Access Shelf

LC: Line Card, including narrowband line card and broadband line card
TSLC: Test Subscriber Line Card
MCC: Main Control Card, including ICS, GIS, GISB, etc
MPRB: Packet processing and resource board
POWERK: Power supply board Dual Power Front Access Standard Shelf

Dual power front access standard shelf adds area of cable and correspondence front
access extending boards compared to the dual power rear access standard shelf.

Figure 4-6 shows the shelf structure. The shelf uses MPSL/MQSL backplane. Its
dimensions are 399.8 mm * 482 mm * 318.5 mm (Height * Width * Depth).

52 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Figure 4-6 Structure of Double Power front Access Shelf

LC: Line Card, including narrowband line card and broadband line card
TSLC: Test Subscriber Line Card
MCC: Main Control Card, including ICS, GIS, GISB, etc
MPRB: Packet processing and resource board
POWERK: Power supply board ONU100 Mini Shelf

The ONU100 small-capacity control unit of the ZXMSG 5200 adopts a single-shelf
solution. It has one MCC board slot and four LC board slots at most. The MPRB board
can be inserted in slot 6, and the TSLC board can be inserted in slot 7. Analog user
boards and digital user boards can be inserted in the LC slots in an intermixing way. The
board arrangement of the user unit is shown in Figure 4-7.

The POWAC is used to provide primary and secondary powers and the POWDC is used
to provide DC powers. Figure 4-8 shows the ONU100 shelf structure.

Figure 4-7 ONU100 mini Shelf

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 53

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

LC: Line Card, including narrowband line card and broadband line card
TSLC: Test Subscriber Line Card
MCC: Main Control Card, including GISB, GIS, etc
MPRB: Packet processing and resource board
POW AC/POW DC: Power supply board OUT50FA Shelf

OUT50FA shelf has 2 layers as shown in Figure 4-8. Among it PPC is primary power
processing card while POWERK is secondary power processing card. OUT50FA shelf
contains 10 subscriber line cards.

Shelf dimensions are 1100 mm * 700 mm * 400 mm (Height * Width * Depth).

Figure 4-8 OUT50FA Shelf Structure

LC: Line Card, including narrowband line card and broadband line card
TSLC: Test Subscriber Line Card
MCC: Main Control Card, including ICS, GIS, GISB, etc
MPRB: Packet processing and resource board
EMB: Environment Monitor board
POWERK: Power supply board
PPC: primary power card

54 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description OUT50M Mini Shelf

OUT50M shelf has two layers. Shelf dimensions are 483 mm * 342 mm * 315 mm
(Height * Width * Depth). The above layer offers 12 effective slots for holding major
boards such as POWER K board, user interface boards, control switching board GISB
and test board TSLC. The 2 POWER K can work together to make inter-layer power
backup. The front access extending boards shall be inserted in the below layer for user
access cable.

Figure 4-9 shows the OUT50M shelf configuration. OUT50D is dual power card version.

Figure 4-9 OUT50M Shelf Structure

LC: Line Card, including narrowband line card and broadband line card
TSLC: Test Subscriber Line Card
MCC: Main Control Card, including ICS, GIS, GISB, etc
POWER K: Power supply board

4.2.4 Cards

ZXMSG 5200 card types are as follows:

 Control and switching cards

 Packet processing and resource cards

 Uplink sub-cards

 Analogue line cards

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 55

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Digital line cards

 DSL subscriber cards

 Ethernet cards

 xPON line card

 Integrated voice data subscriber cards

 Power cards

 Other cards Main Control and Auxiliary Cards

Table 4-2 lists control and switching cards and their description.

Table 4-2 Control and Switching Cards

Card Full Name Functions Port & Description

System 256 VLANs; two FE or one GE

Integrated Control &
ICS controls and plus one FE uplink ports; FE star
Switching Card
switching cascading between shelves;

Enhanced 4 K VLANs; two FE or one GE

Integrated Control & plus one FE uplink ports; FE star
S functions
Switching Card cascading between shelves;

Giga Ethernet
4 K VLANs; two GE plus two FE
Integrated Control All ICS/EICS
GIS uplink ports; GE star cascading
and Switching functions
between shelves;

System Only TDM switch on GISE for
GIS Integrated Control
controls and pure narrowband application;
E and Switching
switching applicable only for a slave shelf.

56 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Card Full Name Functions Port & Description

Simplified Only TDM switch on GISF for

GIS Integrated Control pure narrowband application;
controls and
F and Switching support HLC; applicable only for
Card a slave shelf.

Giga Ethernet
4 K VLANs; L3 switching; two GE
GIS Integrated Control All GIS
plus two FE uplink ports; GE star
R and Switching functions
cascading between shelves;

Giga Ethernet System 4 K VLANs; two GE plus two FE

integrated control & controls and uplink ports; GE star cascading
switch board type B switching between shelves

Table 4-3 lists the packet processing and resource cards.

Table 4-3 Packet Processing and Resource Cards

Port &
Card Full Name Functions

Packet processing and VOIP and resource 240 VoIP

resource card type B card for voice and fax; channels at most

Performs coding/
decoding and
compression; Each
VOPS Voice Processing Sub-card channels for
MPRB has 3 slots for
VoIP and FoIP.
VOPS, and each GISB
has 1 slot for VOPS

Table 4-4 lists the net address translation card.

Table 4-4 Net Address Translation Card

Port &
Card Full Name Functions

The MAPP is plugged

MAPP Net Address Translation Card in the control and -
switching board to

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 57

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Port &
Card Full Name Functions
perform network
address translation.

Table 4-5 lists rear access uplink sub-cards and their description.

Table 4-5 Rear Access Uplink Sub-cards

Main-slave shelf
Main resources
Shelf interface cascading resources
control provided by
type sub-card provided by interface
card interface

4*GE unicast+4*8MHW+
1*GE multicast
2*GE (fiber Cascade four slave shelves
GIS/GIS mode) +2*FE in star topology. GE is for
B (electrical broadband service while
mode) 8MHW is for narrowband
service. Multicast GE is
shared by all shelves.

Cascade 2 slave shelves in

star topology..

Main 4*FE+4*8MHW
shelf 2*FE (electrical Cascade four slave shelves
mode) in star topology, each slave
shelf uses FE + 8MHW.

2*FE (fiber

1*GE (fiber
Any type
GEUF/FE mode)+1*FE Connecting main shelf with
of control
(electrical mode) GE/FE (auto-adaptive) +
1*GE (electrical 8MHW


58 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Main-slave shelf
Main resources
Shelf interface cascading resources
control provided by
type sub-card provided by interface
card interface


Table 4-6 lists front access uplink sub-cards and their description.

Table 4-6 Front Access Uplink Sub-cards

Main-slave shelf
Shel Main resources
interface cascading resources
f control provided by
sub-card provided by interface
type card interface

4*GE unicast+4*8MHW+
1*GE multicast
Cascade four slave shelves
in star topology, each slave
shelf uses GE + 8MHW.
GIS/ GISB IEBC Among them GE is for
or 2*XGE(by
broadband service while
pront panel)
8MHW is for narrowband
Multicast GE is shared by
Main all shelves.
3*GE unicast+3*8MHW+
1*GE multicast, Cascade 3
GIS/GISB IEBD - slave shelves in star
topology, each slave shelf
uses GE + 8MHW.

GIS/GISB IEBE mode)+2*FE -
(electrical mode)


ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 59

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Main-slave shelf
Shel Main resources
interface cascading resources
f control provided by
sub-card provided by interface
type card interface

2*FE (electrical
Cascade four slave shelves
EICS/ICS 1*GE(fiber
in star topology, each slave
IEBB mode)+1*FE
shelf uses FE + 8MHW.
(electrical mode)

Same cascading resources

as IEBC sub-cards.
Used in conjunction with
GIS/GISB the MPSL backplane.

Used in conjunction with
IEBH M(electrical
the MQSL backplane.

4*GE unicast+4*8MHW+
1*GE multicast.
In fact only 1*GE unicast+
Slav 1*8MHW+1*GE multicast
e is used to connect main
shelf shelf.

IEBB - In fact 1*FE+1*8MHW is
used to connect main shelf. Narrowband Line Cards

Table 4-7 lists analog line cards and their description.

Table 4-7 Analog Line Cards

Card Full Name Function Port & Description

32 analog
ALC Analog Line Card POTS access
subscriber ports

60 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Card Full Name Function Port & Description

Polarity Reversed Analog POTS access and 32 analog

Line Card reversed polarity subscriber ports

64 analog
subscriber ports,
HLCA Analog Line Card POTS access
Used in conjunction
with GISB or GISF.

POTS access,
64 analog
overvoltage alarm, 12
subscriber ports,
HLCB Analog Line Card KC/16 KC metering
Used in conjunction
pulse and remote power
with GISB or GISF.
supply functions

POTS access,
overvoltage alarm, 12
Enhanced Analog Line 32 analog
ELCB KC/16 KC metering
card subscriber ports
pulse and remote power
supply functions

POTS access, reversed

polarity, 12 KC/16 KC
16 analog
FLCB Far-end Line Card metering pulse and long
subscriber ports
distance functions
( >6km )

Table 4-8 lists digital line cards and their description.

Table 4-8 Digital Line Cards

Cards Full Name Function Port & Description

2B+D channel and U

Digital Basic rate interface for ISDN.
interface function of
DLCC Subscriber Line Transceiving of 2B+D data and
the ISDN physical
Card format conversion

Provides 8 audio
Converts analog signals into
Audio Interface interfaces to connect
AUDB PCM digital signals and vice
Card with the external

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 61

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Cards Full Name Function Port & Description

High Speed
4 TDM-based SHDSL
Digital Integration and subscriber
HDB interfaces
Subscriber Line function
4 uplink E1 interfaces
Interface Card

High Speed
Providing CES service, E1 8 TDM-based SHDSL
CHDB uplink function , SHDSL interfaces or
Subscriber Line
subscriber line interface 8 uplink E1 interfaces
Interface Card

High Speed
Providing E1 uplink function , 8 TDM-based SHDSL
GHDB SHDSL subscriber line interfaces or
Subscriber Line
interface 8 uplink E1 interfaces
Interface Card

High Speed
Digital E1 uplink function,supporting 8 uplink E1 interfaces
Subscriber Line replacement for ODTI (8/11/12 slot only)
Interface Card

Digital Interface 4 ports for 9.6/64Kbps

DIB V.24, V.35 and G.703 interface
Card 2 ports for 19.2Kbps Broadband Line Cards

Table 4-9 lists DSL subscriber cards and their description.

Table 4-9 DSL Subscribers Cards

Cards Full Name Function Port & Description

16 ADSL ports to
ADSL Subscriber ADSL subscriber
GADL implement ATM cell
Line Card access.
access, built-in splitter

32 ADSL2+ ports to
ADSL2+ Subscriber ADSL2+ subscriber implement ATM cell
Line Card access. access, without built-in

VDSL2 Digital
VDSL2 subscriber 16 VDSL2 ports, built-in
GVDL Subscriber Line
access. splitter

62 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Cards Full Name Function Port & Description

Auto-adaptive SHDSL subscriber
Backplane Interface access; conversion 16 SHDSL ports (ATM
SHDSL Digital of ATM cells to mode)
Subscriber Line Ethernet frames

SHDSL.bis Digital
GSDLB Subscriber Line 16 SHDSL ports
subscriber access;

Table 4-10 lists Ethernet cards and their description.

Table 4-10 Ethernet Cards

Card Full Name Function Port & Description

Ethernet Fast Ethernet Four fiber or electric 100

Transform Card access Mbps Ethernet ports

Two FE ports, in LC5/6 ETC

provides 2FE(electric mode),
Ethernet Fast Ethernet in other slots, ETC provides
Transform Card access one FE
(Valid when control card is

Two GE ports, in LC5/6 GETC

provides 2GE, in other slots,
Giga Ethernet Giga bit Ethernet
GETC GETC provides one GE
Transform Card access
(Valid when control card
board is GIS)

2 GE ports (fiber mode) and 2

10/100/1000M ports (electric
Giga Ethernet mode). Only two of them are
GECA 10/100/1000M
Transform Card available. Support port
Ethernet uplink
combination of fiber mode and
electric mode.

Table 4-11 lists xPON card and its description.

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 63

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Table 4-11 xPON Cards

Card Full Name Function Port & Description

EPON Interface One SC optical port

OLT side related
EPOI Card long connecting to 32 ONU of
distance EPON (via ODN)

One EPON uplink interface

EPON uplink ONT side related card, connecting to central
Card functions office side EPON OLT

GPON Interface OLT side related

GPOIB 2 or 4 GPON ports.
Card functions

One GPON uplink interface

GPON uplink ONT side related card, connecting to central
Card functions office side GPON OLT
equipment. Other Cards

Table 4-12 lists integrated voice data subscriber card and its description.

Table 4-12 Integrated Voice Data Subscriber Cards

Cards Full Name Function Port & Description

Integration of major ALC

Integrated and ADSL2+ functions;
Voice Data and support of 16 ADSL2+ ports and 16
Subscriber broadband and POTS ports;
Card narrowband subscribers
at the same time

Enhanced Integration of major ALC

analogue line and ADSL2+ functions;
& ADSL digital and support of 32 ADSL2+ ports and 32
loop broadband and POTS ports;
subscriber narrowband subscribers
card at the same time

64 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Table 4-13 lists circuit emulation cards and their description.

Table 4-13 Circuit Emulation Cards

Cards Full Name Function Port & Description

Transfer TDM data to
Ethernet packet and vice
CEE Emulation E1 16*E1/T1 ports
Support structured
E1/T1 and unstructured
E1/T1 service emulation

Table 4-14 lists power cards and their description.

Table 4-14 Power Cards

Cards Full Name Function Description

Secondary power Power connector on the

POWER H Power Card
and ringing current backplane

Secondary power Power connector on the

POWER K Power Card
and ringing current backplane

Secondary power Power connector on the

POWER G Power Card
and ringing current backplane. For OUT50C shelf

Primary power For OUT50C ,OUT50D and

supply OUT50FA shelves

Table 4-15 lists the other cards and their description.

Table 4-15 Other Cards

Cards Full Name Function Port & Description

Octal Digital Conversion of signals

ODTI Trunk Interface between two 8 Mbps HW Eight E1 ports
Card and eight E1s

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 65

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Cards Full Name Function Port & Description

Hexadecimal Conversion of signals

HDTI Digital Trunk between four 8 Mbps HW Sixteen E1 ports
Interface Card and sixteen E1s

Test ports on the

Test Subscriber PSTN/ISDN subscriber line
TSLC backplane to connect
Line Card test
subscriber buses

Collections of environment
alarm and power data;
EPC reporting local alarm and -
Power Control
real-time monitoring data at
the same time

Collections of environment
Environment alarm and power data;
Only for OUT50C,
EMB Monitoring reporting local alarm and
OUT50D and OUT50FA.
Board real-time monitoring data at
the same time

The ZXMSG 5200 supports a ETM device which consists of a 112 test function module
and a normal Environment and Power Monitoring system. For more details see section

4.3 Software Architecture

Figure 4-10 shows the ZXMSG 5200 software structure. The ZXMSG 5200 software
consists of the operation support subsystem, the bearer subsystem, the service
subsystem, the protocol subsystem and the Operation & Maintenance interface

66 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Figure 4-10 ZXMSG 5200 Software Structure

4.3.1 Protocol Subsystem

The protocol subsystem consists of three parts:

 Universal protocol subsystem

 Broadband protocol subsystem

 Narrowband protocol subsystem

The universal protocol subsystem implements TCP protocol, UDP protocol, IP protocol,
ICMP protocol, ARP protocol, RARP protocol, TFTP, FTP, HTTP, SNMP, Telnet etc.

The broadband protocol subsystem implements broadband protocols such as multicast,

QoS, security, VLAN, STP/RSTP/MSTP etc.

Narrowband protocol subsystem includes V5, H.248, MGCP and SIP for PSTN/ISDN. It
receives/transmits, processes calls and control messages between users and the
ZXMSG 5200, and those between the ZXMSG 5200 and upper level Local Exchange
(LE), MGC or IMS.

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 67

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

4.3.2 Service Subsystem

The service subsystem is in the core layer of the total system software. It is responsible
for the implementation of relevant services. The service subsystem consists of the
broadband protocol subsystem and the narrowband protocol subsystem:

The broadband protocol subsystem implements broadband services such as basic L2

services, broadband service security, user port identification, multicast & IPTV, xDSL
access, xPON access, QoS etc.

The Narrowband protocol subsystem is responsible for the narrowband services such as
PSTN & ISDN services and VoIP services. This subsystem implements call control
protocols, voice coding schemes, voice quality techniques, fax and modem support etc.

4.3.3 Bearer Subsystem

The bear subsystem consists of many hardware-oriented software modules. It is used to

support upper layer services by controlling the key chipset or FPGA.

Bearer subsystem functions are as follows:

 Detection of subscriber circuits

 Subscriber circuit testing

 Announcement play

 DTMF digit receiving

 ISDN subscribers message collection and forwarding

 VOIP coding & decoding

 Switching network connection

 xDSL subscriber configuration management

4.3.4 Operation Support Subsystem

Operation Support Subsystem (OSS) is based on Board Support Package (BSP), driver

68 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

and Real Time Operating System. The subsystem provides a uniform platform to
upper-layer applications for completion of various functions.

OSS functions are as follows:

 Task and process management

 Intra-card and inter-card communication

 Memory management

 Timer management

 File system management functions

 Version loading

 Version management

 System software management

Figure 4-11 shows the internal functional sub-modules.

Figure 4-11 Sub-Modules of Operation Support System

Version management Diagnostic test File management

Startup control Alarm system Active/standby control

R system monitoring Environment Network detection


Expiration Inter-board Inter-module

management management communication

Process dispatch Memory Inter-process

management management

Real-time OS

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 69

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

OSS features are as follows:

 Switching chip initialization and normal running

 Access to the MIB set, address table, VLAN table and port setting register

 Configuration of packet transmitting/receiving buffer

 Message forwarding (sent by the switching chip) to CPU and from CPU to TCP/IP
protocol subsystem or switching protocol subsystem

 Service layer with data forwarding paths

4.3.5 Operation and Management Subsystem

The operation and management subsystem is on the highest layer of the total system
software. It supports the SNMP management and CLI management and provides inner
interface for the operation and maintenance platform. The network element can be
managed by a serial port terminal, a telnet connection or ZTE EMS.

The operation and management subsystem includes the following functions:

 Hardware management

 Protocol, broadband and narrowband services configuration and maintenance


 Alarm, system log and fault management

 Performance management

 Security management

70 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

5 Technical Specifications

5.1 Physical Indices

5.1.1 Mechanical Dimension and Weight

Table 5-1 shows the dimensions and weight of different cabinets.

Table 5-1 Dimensions and weight of Different Cabinets

Line Out Dimensions

Cabinet Weight (with
access Cabinet (Height * Width *
type Battery) (kg)
type Depth, in mm)

19D06H20 2000*600*600 200

Indoor 1500E 2000*800*600 200

Rear ONU100 421*218*471 18

access OUT40E 1700*1340*690 285

Outdoor OUT20EA 1800*1980*680 800

OUT50H 1300*750*430 180

19D06H20 2000*600*600 200

1500E 2000*800*600 200

OUT40E 1700*1340*690 285

OUT40F 1630*1590*540 420
Outdoor OUT60E 1600*1500*780 580

OUT20EA 1800*1980*680 800

OUT50M 1100*810*510 140

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 71

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

5.2 Performance

5.2.1 Narrowband Service Performance

Table 5-2 shows the narrowband service performance.

Table 5-2 Narrowband Service Performance

Category Feature
support 50K BHCA
The packet loss rate of user interface is 0.001%
Narrowband service under the test condition of full load in 24 hours.
Connection establishment time of fax call < 20s
Call loss rate is not greater than 4/10000.

For G.729a, the coding/encoding rate is less than

For G.723.1 (5.3), the coding/decoding rate is less
Coding/Encoding Rate
than 12kbps;
For G.723.1 (6.3), the coding/decoding rate is less
than 15kbps.

Good network conditions: The average PSQM

value is less than 1.5.
Poor network conditions (packet loss rate = 1%,
Objective Assessment on network jitter = 20ms, time delay = 100ms): The
Voice average PSQM value is less than 1.8.
Harsh environments (packet loss rate = 5%,
network jitter = 60ms, time delay = 400ms): The
average PSQM value is less than 2.0.

Good network conditions: MOS > 4.0

Poor network conditions (packet loss rate = 1%,
network jitter = 20ms, time delay = 100ms): MOS >
Subjective Assessment on
Harsh environments (packet loss rate = 5%,
network jitter = 60ms, time delay = 400ms): MOS >

Time Delay Indexes IP call time delay includes coding/decoding time

72 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Category Feature
(Loopback Time Delay) delay, input buffer time delay of receiving end, and
internal queue time delay.
G.729 time delay is smaller than 150ms.
G.723.1 time delay is smaller than 200ms.

5.2.2 Broadband Service Performance

Table 5-3 shows the broadband service performance.

Table 5-3 broadband Service Performance

Category Feature Specification

Switch capacity. 48G(GIS)/56G(GISB)
Switching Number of MAC
system addresses in the system 8K(GIS)/16K(GISB)
core switching

VALN VLAN quantity 4K

Multicast Multicast VLAN support 4 Multicast VLAN

functions Multicast channel 1K

Network-side queues 8
User-side queues 8

5.3 Power

5.3.1 Input Power Requirement

Table 5-4 shows input power requirement.

Table 5-4 Input Power Requirement

Power type Nominal Voltage Voltage Range

AC 220 VAC 220 ± 20% VAC

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 73

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Power type Nominal Voltage Voltage Range

DC -48 VDC –57VDC to –40VDC

5.3.2 Power Consumption

Table 5-5 shows the board power consumption.

Table 5-5 Board Power Consumption

Power Consumption (w)

Card name Specification

Static power consumption/

ALC 8/45 maximum power consumption (all
user is hooked off)

HLC 8/90

ELCA 6/48

RALC 8/45

FLC 1.5/35

DLCC 6.5/20

Each established DSL user will

add 0.4W at worst situation, in this
GADL 18/24 case the DSL TX power is 20db
(the maximum TX power according
the ADSL standard).

GAGL 20/48

Each established DSL user will

add 0.4W
Each hooking on POTS user will
add 1.4W

Each established DSL user will

add 0.91W
Each hooking on POTS user will
add 1.3W


GVDL 20/34

74 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Power Consumption (w)

Card name Specification












TRK 8/10





ICS 22


GIS 17








GEI sub-card 5

EUX sub-card 2


EPC 10

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 75

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Power Consumption (w)

Card name Specification




5.4 Working Environment

Table 5-6 shows the temperature and humidity requirement of ZXMSG5200.

Table 5-6 Temperature & Humidity Requirement of ZXMSG5200

Indicator Temperature Relative Humidity

Operation[long-tern] - 20°C ~ 55°C 5% ~ 100%

Operation[short-term] - 20°C ~ 65°C 5% ~ 100%

Storage - 55°C ~ 70°C 5% ~ 100%

Transportation - 40°C ~ 70°C 0% ~ 100%

Table 5-7 shows the temperature and humidity requirement of different cabinets.

Table 5-7 Temperature & Humidity Requirement of Different Cabinets

Cabinet Operation Operation
access Cabinet
type Temperature Humidity

19D06H20 - 5°C ~45°C 5%~95%

Indoor 1500E -5°C ~45°C 5%~95%

Rear ONU100 -10°C ~45°C 5%~90%

access OUT40E -45°C ~55°C 5%~100%

Outdoor OUT20EA -45°C ~55°C 5%~95%

OUT50H -30°C ~55°C 5%~95%

Front 19D06H20 - 5°C ~45°C 5%~95%

access 1500E -5°C ~45°C 5%~95%

76 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Cabinet Operation Operation
access Cabinet
type Temperature Humidity

OUT40E -45°C ~55°C 5%~100%

OUT40F -45°C ~55°C 5%~100%

Outdoor OUT60E -45°C ~55°C 5%~100%

OUT20EA -45°C ~55°C 5%~95%

OUT50M -30°C ~55°C 5%~95%

5.5 Reliability

 System cold start time ≤ 5 minutes

 Down time a year ≤ 5.3 minutes

 System availability ≥ 99.999%

 Fault-free working time: MTBF > 88000h

 Fault recovery time < 30 minutes

5.6 References

ZXMSG 5200 comply the following standards:

Table 5-8 International Standards Compliance

Standard No. Standard Name

Environmental conditions and environmental tests for

telecommunications equipment;
ETSI 300 019-2-1
Part 2-1: Specification of environmental tests;

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 77

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Standard No. Standard Name

Environmental conditions and environmental tests for

telecommunications equipment;
ETSI 300 019-2-2
Part 2-2: Specification of environmental tests;

Environmental conditions and environmental tests for

telecommunications equipment;
ETSI 300 019-2-3
Part 2-3: Specification of environmental tests;
Stationary use at weather protected locations

Principles of protection against over voltages and over

ITU-T K.11

Resistibility of telecommunication switching equipment to

ITU-T K.20
over voltages and over currents

IEC 60950 Safety of information technology equipment

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC IP55)

protection standard

UL 60950 Safety of information technology equipment

EN 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Information technology equipment -Radio disturbance

EN55022 characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
Class A

DSL Forum
VDSL2 Performance Test Plan

DSL Forum
VDSL2 Functionality Test Plan

DSL Forum
ADSL Interoperability Test Plan

DSL Forum Migration to Ethernet-Based DSL

TR-101 Aggregation

DSL Forum
Triple Play Quality of Experience Requirement

IEEE standard for local and metropolitan area

IEEE 802.1D networks--Common specifications--Media access control
(MAC) Bridges

IEEE 802.1p Traffic class expediting and dynamic multicast filtering

IEEE 802.1Q Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks

78 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Standard No. Standard Name

Local and metropolitan area networks---Common

IEEE 802.1w specifications Part 3: Media Access Control (MAC)
Bridges---Amendment 2---Rapid Reconfiguration

IEEE 802.1x Port Based Network Access Control

IEEE 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management

IEEE standard for local and metropolitan area networks

IEEE 802.2
Specific requirements Part 2: Logical Link Control

Edition Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision

IEEE 802.3 Detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer

IEEE 802.3u 100BaseTX and 100BaseFX specification

Full duplex and flow control on 10BaseT and 100BaseT

IEEE 802.3x

IEEE 802.3z 1000BaseX specification

IEEE 802.3ad Ethernet Link Aggregation

IEEE 802.3ae 10 Gigabit Ethernet

IEEE 802.3ah Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM)

Physical / electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital

ITU-T G.703

Synchronous frame structures used at 1544, 6312, 2048,

ITU-T G.704
8448 and 44,736 Kbps hierarchical levels

Frame alignment and cyclic redundancy check (CRC)

ITU-T G.706 Procedures relating to basic frame structures defined in
recommendation G.704

ITU-T G.711 Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies

Speech coders – Dual rate speech coder for multimedia

ITU-T G.723.1
communications transmitting at 5.3 and 6.3 Kbps.

40, 32, 24, 16 Kbit/s Adaptive Differential Pulse Code

ITU-T G.726
Modulation (ADPCM)

Coding of speech at 8 Kbps using Conjugate Structure

ITU-T G.729
Algebraic Code Excited Linear Predictions (CSACELP).

ITU-T G.810 Definitions and terminology for synchronization networks

Control of jitter and wander within digital networks that are

ITU-T G.823
based on the 2048 Kbps hierarchy

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 79

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Standard No. Standard Name

ITU-T G.960 Access digital section for ISDN basic rate access

Digital transmission system on metallic local lines for ISDN

ITU-T G.961
basic rate access

ITU-T G.962 Access digital section for ISDN primary rate at 2048 Kbps

V-interfaces at the digital local exchange (LE) V5.1-interface

ITU-T G.964 (based on 2048kbit/s) for the support of access network

V-interfaces at the digital local exchange (LE) V5.2-interface

ITU-T G.965 (based on 2048kbit/s) for the support of access network

A broadband optical access system with increased

ITU-T G.983.4
service capability using dynamic bandwidth assignment

ITU-T G.984.1 GPON General Characteristics

GPON Physical Media Dependant (PMD) Layer

ITU-T G.984.2

GPON Transmission Convergence Layer

ITU-T G.984.3

GPON ONT Management and Control Interface

ITU-T G.984.4

Single-pair high-speed digital subscriber line (SHDSL)

ITU-T G.991.2

ITU-T G.992.1 Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) transceivers

Asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers – 2

ITU-T G.992.3

Asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers –

ITU-T G.992.5 extended
bandwidth ADSL2 (ADSL2plus)

ITU-T G.993.1 Very high speed digital subscriber line

ITU-T G.993.2 Very high speed digital subscriber line 2

Handshake procedures for Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

ITU-T G.994.1

ITU-T G.996.1 Test procedures for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers

Physical Layer Management for Digital Subscriber Line

ITU-T G.997.1
(DSL) Transceivers

80 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Standard No. Standard Name

ITU-T H.248 Gateway control protocol

ITU-T I.430 Basic user network interface - Layer 1 specification

ITU-T Q.23 Technical features of push-button telephone sets

ITU-T E.180/Q.35 Technical characteristics of tones for the telephone service

ISDN user network interface data link layer – General

ITU-T Q.920

ITU-T Q.921 ISDN user network interface - Data link layer specification

ISDN user network interface Layer 3 specification for basic

ITU-T Q.931
call control

Procedures for document facsimile transmission in the

ITU-T T.30
general switched telephone network

Procedures for real-time Group 3 facsimile communication

ITU-T T.38
over IP networks

Standardization of Group 3 facsimile terminals for document


ITU-T Y.1413 TDM-MPLS Network Inter working-User Plane Inter working

OAM Functions and Mechanisms for Ethernet Based

ITU-T Y.1731
Networks and IEEE 802.1ag.

List of definitions for interchange circuits between data

ITU-T V.24
equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment

Modem using the 60-108 kHz frequency band for

ITU-T V.36 synchronous data

RFC 0768 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

RFC 0791 Internet Protocol (IP)

RFC 0792 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

RFC 0793 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

RFC 0796 Address mappings

RFC 0854 Telnet protocol specification

RFC 0855 Telnet option specifications

RFC 0858 Telnet suppress go ahead option

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 81

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Standard No. Standard Name

Standard for the transmission of IP datagram over Ethernet

RFC 0894

RFC 0896 Congestion control in IP/TCP internet works

RFC 1112 Host Extension for IP multicasting

Structure and identification of management information for

RFC 1155
TCP/IP-based internets

RFC 1157 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Management Information Base (MIB) for network

RFC 1213
management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II

Benchmarking terminology for network interconnection

RFC 1242

RFC 1254 Gateway congestion control survey

RFC 1256 ICMP router discovery messages

RFC 1483 Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5

RFC 1493 Definitions of managed objects for bridges

RFC 1889 RTP: A transport protocol for real-time applications

RTP Profile for audio and video conferences with minimal

RFC 1890

RFC 1901 Introduction to community-based SNMPv2

Structure of management information for Version 2 of the

RFC 1902
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)

Textual conventions for Version 2 of the Simple Network

RFC 1903
Management Protocol (SNMPv2)

Conformance statements for Version 2 of the Simple

RFC 1904
Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)

Protocol operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network

RFC 1905
Management Protocol (SNMPv2)

Transport mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network

RFC 1906
Management Protocol (SNMPv2)

Management Information Base (MIB) for Version 2 of the

RFC 1907
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)

RFC 2236 Internet Group Management protocol, minimum version 2

RFC 2285 Benchmarking terminology for LAN switching devices

RFC 2515 Definitions of managed objects for ATM management

82 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Standard No. Standard Name

RFC 2662 Definitions of managed objects for ADSL lines

Definitions of managed objects for Ethernet like interface

RFC 2665

Media Gateway Control Protocol Architecture and

RFC 2805

RFC 2863 Interfaces group MIB

Management Information Base (MIB) for Version 2 of the

RFC 2907
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)

RFC 2933 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGCMP) MIB

RFC 2960 Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)

RFC 3015 Megaco Protocol Version 1.0

RFC 3057 ISDN Q.921 user adaptation layer

Internet Group Management protocol, minimum version 2

RFC 3376
and version 3

RFC 3435/RFC Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Version 1.0 basic
3660 Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) packages

RFC 3916 Requirements for PWE3

RFC 3985 PWE3 Architecture

Requirements for Edge-to-Edge Emulation of Time Division

RFC 4197
Multiplexing (TDM) Circuits over PSN

Pseudo wire Setup and Maintenance using the Label

RFC 4447
Distribution Protocol (LDP)

RFC 4553 Structure Agnostic TDM over Packet (SAToP)

IANA Allocations for Pseudo wire Edge to Edge Emulation

RFC 4446

Pseudo wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) Control Word

RFC 4385
for Use over an MPLS PSN

(Structure-Aware Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) Circuit

RFC 5086 Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network

RTP Payload for DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones and

RFC 2833
Telephony Signals

RFC 2976 The SIP INFO Method

RFC 3261 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 83

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Standard No. Standard Name

Reliability of Provisional Responses in Session Initiation

RFC 3262
Protocol (SIP)

An Offer/Answer Model with Session Description Protocol

RFC 3264

RFC 3265 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-Specific Event Notification

RFC 3311 The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) UPDATE Method

RFC 3515 The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Refer Method

RFC 3891 The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) "Replaces" Header

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Referred-By

RFC 3892

RFC 3966 The tel URI for Telephone Numbers

RFC 4028 Session Timers in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

84 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

6 Operation and Maintenance

The ZXMSG 5200 provides a rich set of commands for convenient operation. There are
two methods for operating and maintaining the equipment:

 Graphical User Interface (GUI)

 Command Line Interface (CLI)

EMS provides Graphical User Interface (GUI) access, and CLI provides command line
access to the ZXMSG 5200.

6.1 GUI

ZTE develops the NetNumen™ U31 Integrated Element Management System that
adopts the advanced EMS architecture, provides a complete set of Java-based
trans-platform development tools, modules and APIs. As a highly customized,
carrier-class, trans-platform integrated EMS with the bottom-to-up design, the
NetNumen™ U31 can be easily integrated with multiple third-party systems, and
provides a comprehensive solution for network management purpose. ZTE owns the
complete intellectual property of this NetNumen™ U31 system, and has adopted multiple
patent technologies to improve its functions. As required, the system can fast, flexibly,
conveniently and economically manage different NEs, bringing about good social and
economic benefits for the operators. Its flexible expandability ensures smooth system
upgrade during system expansion or during addition of new network equipment so that it
has the minimum impact on the existing system.

The NetNumen™ U31 EMS is an integrated EMS that currently manages different data
equipment of ZTE in the backbone layer, the convergence layer, and the access layer.

6.1.1 EMS Functions

NetNumen™ U31 has the following functions: topology, configuration, fault, performance,
security, policy, statistics and report, etc.

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 85

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description Network topology management

NetNumen™ U31 system topology management includes physical topology and logical
topology. It supervises management devices running status through network topology
and displays the whole network topology in multi-level and multi-layer hierarchy Configuration management

NetNumen™ U31 EMS provides unified configuration management port for equipment
commission and service distribution in process of OAM. The related attributes of the
equipment and the services can be configured so as to put the network into operation
and launch such services. Monitoring of the rack state

 Monitoring of the operation state of NEs (including racks, cards and ports) for vivid
and detailed location of the fault sources

 Support for navigation of other management functions (for example, different

configuration functions) via the rack diagram Fault management

Through fault management the equipment alarms reported by all NEs of the entire
network and the network event reports can be received and presented to the
maintenance staff in real time in the visible and audible form, so that the maintenance
staff can confirm and process such alarms and network event reports and store the
collected alarm reports in the database for alarm statistics and query. Performance management

The performance management module monitors and analyzes the performance of the
network and equipment. It collects performance data from the NEs and generates
performance reports after processing them, so as to provide information for the
maintenance and management departments and guide the network engineering,
planning and adjustment for improving the operation quality of the whole network.

86 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description Security management

Security management is to manage subscribers and roles, to allocate operation

privileges and management objects to roles. A role set contains multiple roles. Roles or
role sets can be allocated to different subscribers. The subscriber and role management
facilitates security control for subscriber operation. It can prevent unauthorized
subscribers from accessing the system by login authenticating or implement security
control for operators by authorizing. Policy management

Users can customize a policy implement time and period through creating or modifying
the policy. When the configured time is arriving, the system will initiate the policy. A policy
can be a timing policy or a periodic policy. Users can implement a policy or cancel a
policy. Statistics and Report management

Report management enables to accomplish data collection and management in all levels
of management centers and output various formats of report. Users can configure to
create a report in format of report template provided by the system and output it to a
printer in EXCEL or PDF type.

6.2 CLI

CLI is another mechanism for interacting with the ZXMSG 5200 by typing commands to
perform specific tasks. Operators can type in a command on a specified line, receive a
response back from the ZXMSG 5200, and then enter another command, and so forth.
The CLI of the ZXMSG 5200 has two login modes and four user modes.

6.2.1 Login Modes

CLI has two login modes: HyperTerminal and Telnet.

HyperTerminal provides a convenient way of logging into the ZXMSG 5200. The ZXMSG

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 87

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

5200 comes with a cross-over serial port cable for accessing HyperTerminal.

Telnet is another simple way to access the ZXMSG 5200. Out-band management uses
maintenance port on main control card and in-band management uses service uplink
traffic channel.

6.2.2 User Modes

The ZXMSG 5200 supports the following access modes:

 Common User Mode

Common user mode provides the least set of privileges and allows execution of most
common commands. Usually, a command able to be executed in Common User Mode is
necessarily also available (for execution) in higher modes. This command manual
specifies the least-privileged mode for command execution.

 Management Mode

Management mode provides management operations. Management mode provides

higher level of privileges than Common User Mode. Management mode is divided into
following two sub-modes:

 Super Mode

Super Mode is the mode with all privileges. All commands can be executed under Super

 Debug Mode

Debug Mode is used for debugging and troubleshooting purpose.

88 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

7 Networking

7.1 FTTx Application

The ZXMSG 5200 is a new generation of multi-service access gateway which is suitable
on FTTx solution. It provides EPON and GPON uplink, and can be used as xPON MDU.
It also provides EPON and GPON access and can be used as xPON OLT.

It is an NGN-oriented access system that is also compatible with the PSTN network thus
providing carriers with greater flexibility in constructing fixed-line networks while greatly
lowering the risks in implementing next generation networks. It is therefore becoming
many carriers´ first choice for the construction of fixed-line networks,

Figure 7-1 shows the ZXMSG 5200 FTTx application.

Figure 7-1 ZXMSG 5200 FTTx application

Leased Line ISDN BRA


E1/V.24/V3.5 ISDN BRI


ZXMSG 5200
VDSL modem
E1 ZXMSG 5200 ZXMSG 5200


ADSL modem LAN


In this application, the ZXMSG 5200 provides:

 POTS interface as well as ISDN basic rate access (BRA) and ISDN primary rate

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 89

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

access (PRA).

 ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+ broadband network access as well as VDSL2 broadband

network access.

 GPON/EPON broadband network access.

 LAN access and user leased line access.

7.2 Triple Play Application

Triple play that converges data, voice and video over the same IP infrastructure is
garnering much attention from telecommunications carriers. It can help subscribers save
money since they only need to pay access fees for a package of services.

The ZXMSG 5200 can provide a Triple Play solution comprising a range of voice, data
and IPTV services over an IP connection.

Figure 7-2 shows the triple play application in the ZXMSG 5200.

Figure 7-2 Triple play application in ZXMSG 5200

In this application, triple play users are connected to the ZXMSG 5200 through the home
gateway. The applications supported as part of ZTE’s “Triple Play” offerings include:

90 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

 Data service: The ZXMSG 5200 offers xDSL connectivity with support for
ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+/VDSL2 technologies and FTTx connectivity with support for
GPON/EPON. There is an option for bringing the xDSL and FTTx systems together
on the ZXMSG 5200.

 Voice service: The ZXMSG 5200 provides IP Telephony solutions for NGN or IMS
networks. The VoIP packets reach the ZXMSG 5200 through the home gateway.
The ZXMSG 5200 transmits the packets to the NGN or IMS network.

 Video service: The ZXMSG 5200 provides multicast users’ authorities and manages
the programs based IGMP proxy and controllable multicast, and transmits the IGMP
protocol packets to the equipment at the aggregation layer.

7.3 PWE3 Application

Pseudo wire is a technology developed (and standardized by the IETF, ITU-T and MEF)
for carrying E1, T1, ATM, Frame Relay or Ethernet across the Packet Switched Network
(PSN), transparent to all protocols and signaling. Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge
(PWE3) is used to integrate multi networks into one. The PWE3 technology can emulate
the virtual line on the MPLS edge equipment, put the TDM/ATM services into the MPLS
tunnel and transmit them over the MPLS network.

The ZXMSG 5200 provides PWE3 interface to terminate the low-speed TDM services
and adapts the services to the IP/MPLS network.

Figure 7-3 shows the PWE3 application in the ZXMSG 5200.

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 91

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Figure 7-3 PWE3 application in ZXMSG 5200

In this application, private circuit user are connected to the ZXMSG 5200 through copper
wire or E1 interface. The ZXMSG 5200 provides private circuit service to the user
through IP/MPLS network, this service including:

 V.24/V.35/E1 service: The ZXMSG 5200 assembling user-defined packets of TDM

traffic from the TDM access interface such as E1//STM-1 and convert them into
packets for transmission over the IP/MPLS network. The original traffic is
reconstructed and the clocking is regenerated at the destination. Transparent
connectivity over the IP/MPLS network maintains all features and functionality of the
legacy network.

7.4 VoIP Application

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is simply the transmission of voice traffic over
IP-based networks. VoIP technologies help to save the bandwidth resource and reduce
the costs. The ZXMSG 5200 supports H.248, MGCP, SIP and other VoIP protocol. These
protocols are used between the ZXMSG 5200 and core networks to access the POTS
subscribers directly to the VoIP network.

92 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Figure 7-4 shows the ZXMSG 5200 VoIP application in NGN network.

Figure 7-4 ZXMSG 5200 VoIP application in NGN network

In this application, the media gateway controls the ZXMSG 5200 through H.248 or
MGCP protocols. The ZXMSG 5200 can communicate with each other.

Figure 7-5 shows the ZXMSG 5200 VoIP application in IMS network.

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Figure 7-5 ZXMSG 5200 VoIP application in IMS network

In this application, the ZXMSG 5200 access to IMS network through SIP protocol, the
ZXMSG 5200 can communicate with each other.

7.5 User Leased Line Service Application

Digital Data Network (DDN) provides virtually error free and transparent transmission
paths in digital manner for applications requiring high bandwidth and being sensitive to
delay such as interconnecting LAN and Video Conference, and for constructing private
networks running high level protocol.

 The ZXMSG 5200 supports user leased line service. The ZXMSG 5200 supports
various types of speed modes, like 2.4kbit/s, 4.8kbit/s, 9.6kbit/s, 64kbit/s, N*64kb/s,
2048kbit/s. The ZXMSG 5200 supports various kinds of DDN interfaces, like
V.24/V.35/G.703. The ZXMSG 5200 provides E1 interface as uplink interface to
connect to DDN network.

Figure 7-6 shows the ZXMSG 5200 user leased line service application in DDN network.

94 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Figure 7-6 ZXMSG 5200 user leased line application in DDN network

In this application, user leased line user are connected to the ZXMSG 5200 through
copper wire or E1 interface. The ZXMSG 5200 provides used leased line service to the
user through DDN network, this service including:

 ITU-T V.35 Nx64kb/s (1<N<31) digital leased line.

 ITU-T G.703 E1 digital leased line.

 TDM G.SHDSL digital leased line.

 ISDN digital leased line.

 ITU-T V.24 digital leased line.

7.6 V5.2 application

V5.2 protocol provided a standard set of protocols from the subscriber to the LE(Local
Exchange). The AN (or Access Network) was defined as a reference point. Signaling
between this point and the LE was standardized and therefore allowed a multiple vendor
solution, provided the specifications were followed.

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 95

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

The ZXMSG 5200 provides a standard V5.2 interface to support PSTN service.

Figure 7-7 shows the ZXMSG 5200 V5.2 application in PSTN network.

Figure 7-7 V5.2 application in ZXMSG 5200

In this application, the ZXMSG 5200 is connected to PSTN network through V5.2
interface. PSTN services are supported by the Local Exchange.

7.7 R2 Packet Application

R2 is a signalling protocol used outside of the former Bell System to convey information
along a telephone trunk between two telephone switches in order to establish a single
telephone call along that trunk.

The ZXMSG 5200 supports R2 packet application. Figure 7-8 shows the ZXMSG 5200
R2 packet application in NGN network.

96 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Figure 7-8 ZXMSG 5200 R2 packet application in NGN network

In this application, the ZXMSG 5200 connects to the R2 PBX through E1 port and
interacts with the PBX through R2 signaling. The ZXMSG 5200 divides R2 signaling into
packets through H.248, and then sends the packets to the MGC. The ZXMSG 5200
provides PBX services under the control of MGC.

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ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

8 Glossary

Table 8-1 Glossary

Abbreviation Full Name

ADSL Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line

AG Access Gateway

ALC Analog Line Card

AN Access Network

API Application Programming Interface

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

BER Bit Error Ratio

BRI Basic Rate Interface

BSP Board Support Package

International Consultative Committee For Telephone and


CCS7 No7 Common Channel Signaling

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

CFI Canonical Format Indicator

CMIP Common Management Information Protocol

CO Central Office

CPE Customer Premises Equipment

CSI Called Subscriber Identification

CSM CCS No7 Signaling Module

DCN Data Communication Network

DDN Digital Data Network

DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol

DIB Digital Interface Board

DLC Digital Line Circuit

DMT Discrete Multi-Tone

DSLC Digital Subscriber Line Circuit

DT Digital Trunk

98 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Abbreviation Full Name

DTE Data Terminal Equipment

DTM Digital Trunk Module

DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency

EPM Environment Power Monitoring

EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network

FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing

FTTB Fiber to the Building

FTTH Fiber to the Home

HDSL High-speed Digital Subscriber Line

HW High Way

IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol

ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network

International Telecom Union-Telecommunication


LE Local Exchange

MGC Media Gateway Controller

MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol

MODEM Modulation-Demodulation

MSAN Multi-Service Access Network

NE Network Element

NGN Next Generation Network

OAM Operation, Administration & Maintenance

ODT Octal Digital Trunk

OLT Optical Line Terminal

ONU Optical Network Unit

OS Operation System

OSS Operation Support Subsystem

OW Order Wire

PCM Pulse Code Modulation

PRI Primary Rate Interface

PSPDN Packet Switched Public Data Network

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 99

ZXMSG 5200 Product Description

Abbreviation Full Name

PSTN Public Switch Telephone Network

PWE3 Pseudo-Wire Emulation Edge to Edge

QoS Quality of Service

RTP Real-time Transport Protocol

SHDSL Single-Pair High Digital Subscriber Line

SLC Subscriber Line Circuit

SNI Service Network Interface

SPC Stored Program Control

SS SoftSwitch

SYC Synchronization Control

TCI Tag Control Information

TMS Tornado for Managed Switches

ToS Type of Service

TPID Tag Protocol Identifier

TSLC Test Subscriber Line Card

UNI User Network Interface

VDSL Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line

VOD Video On Demand

VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol

VPN Virtual Private Network

100 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

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