Mech Engg - Governors
Mech Engg - Governors
Mech Engg - Governors
The function of a Governor is to maintain the speed of an engine within specified limits whenever
there is a variation of load. The operation of a flywheel is continuous whereas that of a governor is
more or less intermittent.
1. Type of Governors
Centrifugal governors : Its action depends on the change of speed and centrifugal effect produced
by the masses, known as governor balls, which rotate at a distance from the axis of rotation.
The valve is operated by the actual change of engine speed in the case of centrifugal governors.
Inertia Governors : The positions of the balls are affected by the forces set up by an angular
acceleration or deceleration of the spindle, in addition to centrifugal forces on the balls.
It is by the rate of change of speed in case of inertia governors.
Sensitiveness of Governor
A governor is said to be sensitive when it readily responds to a small change of speed.
range of speed N2 N1
mean speed N
2(N2 N1 )
N1 N2
When N = Mean speed
N1 = Minimum speed corresponding to full load conditions
N2 = Maximum speed corresponding to no-load conditions
Sensitiveness of a governor is a desirable quality. However, if a governor is too sensitive, it may
fluctuate continuously. This phenomenon of fluctuation is pronounced as hunting.
A governor with sensitivity equal to infinity is treated as isochronous governor. For all position of
sleeves, governor has same speed.
A governor is said to be stable if it brings the speed of the engine to the required value and there is
not much hunting. The ball masses, occupy a definite position for each speed of the engine within the
working range. The stability and the sensitivity are two opposite characteristics.
Effort of Governor
The effort of the governor is the mean force acting on the sleeve to raise or lower it for a given change
of speed. At constant speed, the governor is in equilibrium and the resultant force acting on the sleeve
is zero. However, when the speed of the governor increases or decreases, a force is exerted on the
sleeve which tends to move it. When the sleeve occupies a new steady position, the resultant force
acting on it again becomes zero.
Power of Governor
The power of a governor is the work done at the sleeve for a given percentage change of speed.
Power = Effort of governor × displacement
Controlling Force
Controlling force is equal and opposite to the centrifugal force and acts readily inward. It is supplied by
Gravity of mass of ball in case of watt governor.
Gravity of mass of ball and dead weight of sleeve in case of porter and proell governor.
Gravity of ball masses and spring force in hartnell and hartung governs.
Controlling force curve for spring loaded governor.
Where, A, B > 0
Points to remember:
Controlling force curve is parabolic curve in case of dead weight governor.
Controlling force curve is straight line in case of spring loaded governor.
Vibration is a periodic motion of small magnitude. But for sake of simplicity we can assume it as
simple harmonic motion of small amplitude.
2. Type of Vibration
Free Vibrations – Elastic vibrations in which there are no friction and external forces after the initial
release of the body, are known as free or natural vibrations.
Forced Vibrations – When a repeated force continuously acts on a system, the vibrations are said to
be forced vibration. The frequency of the vibrations is that of the applied force and is independent of
there own natural frequency of vibrations.
Damped Vibrations – When the energy of a vibrating system is gradually dissipated by friction and
other resistance the vibrations are said to be damped vibration.
Longitudinal Vibrations
If the shaft is elongated and shortened so that the same moves up and down resulting in
tensile and compressive stresses in the shaft, the vibrations are said to be longitudinal.
Transverse Vibrations
When the shaft is bent alternately and tensile and compressive stresses due to bending
result, the vibrations are said to be transverse vibration
Torsional Vibrations
When the shaft is twisted and untwisted alternately and torsional shear stresses are induced,
the vibrations are known as torsional vibrations.
Equation of equilibrium
sx 0
s = Stiffness of the spring
m = Mass
x = Displacement
Here Cc 2 sm
Thus when
1 , the damping is critical
1 , the system is over-damped
1 , the system is under-damped
Logarithmic Decrement ( δ )
The ratio of two successive oscillations is constant in a underdamped system. Natural
logarithm of the ratio is called logarithmic decrement.
n n ne( n Td ) n Td
X n 1
1 2
Forced Vibration
Step-input force
Harmonic force
sx F0 sin t