n n λ λ n n 1

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Speaker: Syu Kato

Title: A homological study of Green polynomials

February 22, 2012

1 Introduction.
Let Irr(Sn ) be the set of isomorphism classes of complex irreducible representations of Sn , which
we index by Lλ where λ is a partition of n. The partitions λ also index the orbits Oλ in the
nilpotent cone N ⊂ gln via Jordan normal form. Hence we might expect a natural correspondence
between Irr(Sn ) and the nilpotent orbits, and this is given by the Springer correspondence.
Let T ⊂ B ⊂ G = GL(n, C) be a maximal torus and Borel subgroup, and let t ⊂ b ⊂ g be
their Lie algebras. Set n = [b, b]. Define N e = {(gB, x) ∈ G/B × g | x ∈ gng −1 }. There is a
e → N , which is the Springer resolution. We also have a natural projection
natural projection µ : N
pr : N → G/B =: B which is a vector bundle.
Fix xλ ∈ Oλ and consider µ−1 (xλ ) ⊂ N e and it maps injectively to its image in B under pr.
We denote the image by Bλ , which is the Springer fiber of xλ . Note that Bλ is well-defined up to
Theorem 1.1 (Borel). C[t] ∼ = H• (B; C) → H• (B; C) is surjective (here C[t]] = Sym(t∗ ) where
deg(t∗ ) = 2) and the kernel is hC[t]S
+ i.

Note that modding out by the above deal is the same as killing all trivial Sn -representations
besides the one in degree 0. Furthermore, H• (B; C) inherits an action of Sn .
Theorem 1.2 (Springer, Hotta–Springer, De Concini–Procesi). There is a natural map H• (B; C) →
H• (Bλ ; C) is
1. surjective (De Concini–Procesi)
2. There is a presentation of the kernel which gives H• (Bλ ; C) the structure of Sn -representation.
3. H2 dim Bλ (Bλ ; C) ∼
= Lλ as Sn -modules.
4. The assignment Oλ 7→ Lλ is a bijection (Springer correspondence)
H• (Bλ ; C) gives characters of “unipotent representations”, which is a subset of the irreducible
representations of GL(n, Fq ). Since this is a finite group, it has orthogonality relations for its
Given partitions λ, µ, define the Kostka polynomial (or Green polynomials)
Kλ,µ (t) = [H2i (Bλ ; C) : Lµ ]ti ∈ Z[t].

Define Ωλ,µ to be the Poincaré polynomal (in t) of HomSn (Lλ ⊗ Lµ ⊗ sgn, H• (B)). Also, define
K = (Kλ,µ )λ,µ and Ω = (Ωλ,µ )λ,µ .
Theorem 1.3 (Shoji). There exists a diagonal square matrix Λ such that K T ΛK = Ω (orthogo-
Remark 1.4. A generalization was given by Lusztig.
t2 dim Bλ if λ = µ
Theorem 1.5 (Borho–Mac Pherson). Kλ,µ (t) = , where ≤ is dominance or-
0 if λ ≤
6 µ
dering, i.e., λ ≤ µ if and only if Oλ ⊂ Oµ .
In particular, since K is upper-triangular and Λ is diagonal, we can calculate them from Ω.
Question: How can one integrate the perspectives of De Concini–Procesi and Shoki of the
Springer correspondence?

2 Reinterpretation of orthogonality relations.
H• (Bλ ; C) is an Sn -module. But since Bλ ⊂ B, there is a natural action of t∗ = H2 (B; C) also.
These two actions combine to give an action of A = C[Sn ]⋉C[t]. We define deg(w) = 0 for w ∈ Sn
and deg(x) = 2 for x ∈ t∗ . This equips H• (Bλ ; C) the structure of a graded A-module. The top of
H• (Bλ ) is the trivial representation,
L and the socle of H• (Bλ ) is Lλ in degree 2 dim Bλ .
Define Mλ = H• (Bλ ) = i∈Z HBM
i (Bλ ; C) which is a graded A-algebra. The top of Mλ is Lλ
in degree 0. Let Pλ = C[t] ⊗ Lλ be the indecomposable projective cover.
The proper analogue of De Concini–Procesi is to have a surjection (thus far, a speculation)
Pλ → Mλ → 0 for all λ ⊢ n.
Let h−, −igEP : K(A-gmod) × K(A-gmod) → Z[t, t−1 ] be the graded Euler–Poincaré character-
istic, defined by X
hM, N igEP = (−1)i gdim(ExtiA (M, N )).

Lemma 2.1. hPλ , Pµ igEP = ∆gdim(HomSn (Lλ ⊗ Lµ , H• (B)) where ∆ = gdim(C[t]Sn ) = ((1 −
t4 )(1 − t6 ) · · · (1 − t2n ))−1 .
Proof. hPλ , Pµ igEP = gdim(HomA (Pλ , Pµ )) = gdim(HomSn (Lλ , Pµ )).

Note: The right hand side of the lemma is Ω up to ∆ and the switch t 7→ t−1 .
We define an isomorphism A ∼ = Aop via w ∈ Sn 7→ w−1 and t∗ is mapped
L to itself identically.
∗ ∗
If M is a finite-dimensional graded A-module, then its graded dual M = i∈Z (Mi ) is naturally
an Aop -module, and hence an A-module.
Theorem 2.2. hMλ , Mµ∗ igEP = 0 unless λ = µ.
Proof. Reinterpret Shoji’s theorem using lemma plus some linear algebra.

Example 2.3. Set n = 2. Let (12 ) be the trivial module and (2) is the sign representation. Then
M(1,1) = L1,1 [0] ⊕ L2 [2] and M(2) = L2 [0]. We have exact sequences

0 → P1,1 (−4) → P1,1 → M1,1 → 0

0 → P1,1 (−2) → P2 → M2 → 0.

In particular, ExtiA (M1,1 , M2 ) = 0 for all i ≥ 0.

3 Kostka systems.
Let W be a finite Coxeter group with reflection representation t. Let AW = C[W ] ⋉ C[t] with
deg(W ) = 0 and deg(t∗ ) = 2. Then Aw ։ C[W ] is a maximal semisimple quotient, which implies
that Lχ (an irreducible W -module) are the irreducible graded A-modules up to shift. We define
h−, −igEP as before.
` ` `
Definition 3.1 (Phyla). An ordered subdivision Irr(W ) = O1 O2 · · · ON is called a phyla
P of W . Given χ, χ′ ∈ Irr(W ), we define χ <P χ′ if and only if χ ∈ Oi and χ′ ∈ Oj with i < j,
and χ ∼P χ′ if and only if χ, χ′ ∈ Oj .
Definition 3.2 (P-trace). Fix (W, P). For all χ ∈ Irr(W ), we define the P-trace of Pχ as
Pχ,P = Pχ / image(f ).
f ∈HomAW (Pχ′ ,Pχ )>0
χ ′ ≤P χ

Definition 3.3 (Kostka system). Fix (W, P). Then {Kχ := Pχ,P }χ∈Irr(W ) is called a Kostka
system if hKχ , Kχ∗′ igEP = 0 unless χ ∼P χ′ . (This is actually a condition on P.)

Theorem 3.4. {Mλ }λ⊢n is a Kostka system where P is an arbitrary refinement of the dominance
ordering on partitions.
1. hMλ , Mµ∗ igEP = 0 unless λ = µ
2. The defining equations of each Mλ is completely understood in a representation-theoretic way.
In addition, we have Ext•A (Mλ , Mµ ) = 0 unless λ ≤ µ.

Remark 3.5. 1. We can prove that all generalized Springer correspondences give Kostka systems.
2. Via this approach, the “a-functions” are not essential in Springer theory.
3. Ext•A (Mλ , Mµ ) = 0 combined with Borho–Mac Pherson implies that hMλ , Mµ∗ igEP = 0.

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