The Big Discus Fish Book
The Big Discus Fish Book
The Big Discus Fish Book
Europe’s biggest
Christian Homrighausen
One reason for the hatchery’s in building 1 never enter buildings which are truly larger in size.
longstanding success is surely that 2 or 3, for example. Also, visitors Approximately 450 discus pairs
the newest Asian colourations are are not allowed in the hatchery, for breed in the hatchery at any given
immediately bred here too. However, the same, practical reasons. The time. A total of approximately
when discus fish are bought from hatchery breeds fish exclusively 200,000 discus fish populate the
elsewhere for breeding purposes, for specialist (retail) pet shops. The hatchery’s aquariums, of which
they need to be subjected to a very discus fish are sold all over Europe around 15,000 are fully-grown.
rigorous and lengthy quarantine and are even supplied to individual Fish of all sizes are available for
process. It is vital that the risk of retailers all around the world. purchase – starting at 5cm in
introducing disease into such an Retailers can only select and order diameter and going right through
enormous hatchery be reduced to the fish via the company’s price list. to jumbo-sizes of around 20cm.
nil right from the outset, because Shipping is carried out via express To be able to breed such numbers
if a disease were to break out, the delivery and/ or airplane. While at high standards of quality, it is
entire hatchery would be affected. retailers in the region are able to vital to have practical working
This is also one of the reasons collect their orders, they cannot procedures. So, each building is
why the hatchery’s five breeding access the breeding buildings, but equipped with a number of different
buildings (halls for breeding pairs can only collect their packaged water circulation systems. Firstly,
and for raising juvenile fish) are discus fish from the company’s there is one water system with
completely separate from one shipping area. Thanks to these water for the breeding discus pairs.
another. There are absolutely no measures, the hatchery is entirely Then there is a water system for
joint water connections between free of any ill or diseased discus fish. rearing juvenile fish, which has
the five separate buildings. In fact, The sheer enormous number a general hardness of 15° dGH.
even five separate staff crews of discus fish that swim in the
are deployed for these buildings. hatchery’s aquariums is staggering
In practice, this means that and, even in Southern Asia,
staff members who work there are scarcely any hatcheries
Europe’s biggest hatchery
Once small juvenile fish are Thanks to the staff’s considerable Small nauplii of the Artemia brine
separated from their parents, they experience, this seems to be shrimp are fed additionally, as soon
are slowly acclimatised to harder successful in about 99 per cent as the larvae begin to swim. So that
water and higher pH levels, over a of cases. As a result of numerous the large number of staff members,
period of approximately four weeks. improvements in the hatchery in including temporary staff, are able
Using this harder water with neutral recent years, the number of juvenile to tell which discus pairs are caring
pH values is of great advantage for fish generated per breeding discus for a brood and should be fed with
the eventual customers and owners, pair has nearly doubled. The record brine shrimp, these aquariums are
as their fish will be accustomed to stands at 425 fish larvae, produced fitted with a yellow-coloured clothes
normal tap water. by a breeding pair, however, this peg as a marker. A red clothes peg
As regards the selection of breeding remains a rare exception. is a marker which indicates: “Stop!
pairs, the hatchery says that they do Artificial breeding methods are not Do not clean aquarium panes as the
not have a special mating procedure. used in the hatchery. Brood care, fish have spawned on the glass!”
Two suitable discus fish are simply even for particularly tricky colour A few drops of methylene blue helps
placed in an aquarium together. If varieties like red discuses, goes protect the fish eggs against fungus.
they spawn, then that’s great, if they smoothly. For these varieties it is To prevent the methylene blue from
don’t, they are simply separated important that no dark-coloured ob- spreading throughout the entire
again. Particularly striking discuses jects are present in the aquarium, aquarium, however, a transparent
are given a second chance to breed as otherwise the fish larvae would acrylic tube is first placed over/
with another partner. The hatchery’s confuse these objects with the pa- around the spawning cone.
staff is confident of always being rent fish and attach to these objects
able to correctly combine one male instead. This, then, could result in
and one female discus fish for the loss of the entire fry.
Europe’s biggest hatchery
Europe’s biggest hatchery
All of the discus fish in the hatchery are given the same feed. The same coarseness and texture of feed (i.e. the size
of the feed particles) is fed to all of the fish. This means, that the self-manufactured feed paste is equally suitable
for red, blue, brown and green discus fish. It is also equally suitable for two week old, two month old or two year old
discus fish. In the hatchery, the fish all eat the same feed. The main ingredient of the self-manufactured feed paste
is desinewed beAef heart. With the hatchery’s large number of discus fish, a total of around 90 beef hearts are fed
daily. This makes the hatchery a bulk purchaser at the local abattoir. Adjacent to the hatchery’s freezer cell is the feed