Enthronement of The Sacred Heart of Jesus in The Home: Its Purposes Its Rewards

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Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Home:

Its Purposes                Its Rewards

The purpose of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is to make us aware of His
love and to arouse us to respond to that love by offering our love in return. We do
this by the consecration of ourselves to Jesus and by reparation (prayer and
sacrifices in atonement for our sins and sins of others). The enthronement is a
crusade to establish the Social Reign of the Sacred Heart in society through the
family, the social cell. It is the answer to the question: "What can we do to save the

The enthronement will restore the family to Christ because the family is putting
Our Lord and His interest first. In return the Sacred Heart takes over the interests of
the family. Our Lord Himself has promised that He will bless and sanctify those
families who enthrone Him as King. He asked St. Margaret Mary, to whom He
revealed His Sacred Heart, that He be allowed to reign over the homes of the rich
and the poor; that He be solemnly received as King and Friend and that His Sacred
Heart be honored and loved. Consider Our Lord's beautiful promises carefully and
then full of trust and confidence, sincerely and devoutly follow step by step the
Enthronement Ceremony.

Promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Saint Margaret Mary granted to

persons devoted to the Sacred Heart.

1. For Persons living in the World. "They will find by means of this devotion all
the helps necessary for their state, such as peace in their families,
refreshment in their labors, the blessing of heaven in all their undertakings,
consolation in their troubles, and it is truly in this Heart, that they will find their
refuge during life and above all at the hour of death. He promised He would
reunite families that are separated."
2. For Homes where the picture of the Sacred Heart shall be Exposed and
Honored. "Since He is the source of all blessings, He shall shower them in
abundance on every place where a picture of His Divine Heart shall be set up
and honored."
3. Promise of Salvation for All Who Have Been Devoted and Consecrated
to It. "He then confirmed His assurance that the pleasure He takes in being
loved, known and honored by His creatures is so great . . . that all who will be
devoted and consecrated to It shall never perish."
4. For Those Who work For the Salvation of Souls. "My divine Savior has
given me to understand that those who work for the salvation of souls will
have a gift of touching the most hardened hearts, and will labor with
marvelous success, if they themselves are penetrated with a tender devotion
to His Divine Heart."
5. Promise of a Happy Death for those Who Communicate on the First
Friday of Nine Consecutive Months. One Friday during Holy Communion,
He said these words to His unworthy slave if she is not mistaken, "I promise
thee in the excessive Mercy of My Divine Heart, that It's all-powerful love will
grant the grace of final repentance to all who communicate on the First Friday
of nine consecutive months, that they shall not die under Its displeasure nor
without receiving the sacraments, for My Divine Heart will become their
secure refuge at that last moment."
6. Promise of the Reign of the Sacred Heart. "Yes, this Divine Heart will reign
in spite of those who would oppose it; Satan will be put to confusion with all
his followers."
7. For Those Who Promote Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. "Those
who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart never
to be blotted out." What a perfect blessing! We can easily promote this
devotion to His Sacred Heart by distributing this brochure among as many
people as possible, urging them to enthrone their home to the Sacred Heart of
8. For Communities. "He has promised me . . . that He will spread the sweet
unction of His burning charity over all those communities who honor It and
place themselves under its special protection, that He will turn away from
them all the strokes of divine justice, in order to restore them to grace when
they have fallen from it."

What Must I do to Enthrone the Sacred Heart of Jesus in my Home?

The family makes arrangements with a priest as to date, time, etc. It is important
to have a priest preside at the ceremony but it is not essential. The father or
someone else may preside and lead the prayers. In any case, consult a traditional
Catholic priest who is familiar with the enthronement process. If possible, attend the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on the day of the enthronement. The entire family should
try to receive Holy Communion at this Mass. A beautiful picture or statue of the
Sacred Heart is procured and a place of honor or "throne" is prepared (preferably in
the most prominent place of your home) and decorated with flowers and candles.
Ceremonial leaflet and other literature needed for this occasion can be obtained from
a promoter or priest who has responsibility for the enthronement in a particular
diocese. Invite your friends and relatives to be present; thus you will already begin to
be an "apostle" of the Sacred Heart. Have a family gathering in honor of your Divine
[The Enthronement Ceremony]

Renewal of the Consecration of the Family

(To be said at night prayers in union with all families in which the Sacred Heart has
been enthroned)
Most sweet Jesus, humbly kneeling at Thy feet, we renew the
consecration of our family to thy Divine Heart. Be Thou our King forever! In
Thee we have full and entire confidence. May Thy spirit penetrate our
thoughts, our desires, our words and our works. Bless our undertakings,
share in our joys, in our trials and in our labors. Grant us to know Thee
better, to love Thee more, to serve Thee without faltering.

By the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Peace, set up Thy kingdom

in our country. Enter closely into the midst of our families and make them
Thine own through the solemn enthronement of Thy Sacred Heart, so that
soon one cry may resound from home to home: "May the triumphant Heart
of Jesus be everywhere loved, blessed and glorified forever!" Honor and
glory to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary!

"Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect our families."

Our Lord revealed to Mother Rafols, who belonged to the mother house
of the Sacred Heart in Saragoza, Spain (19th century) that His Sacred
Heart is hurt when It is forgotten, offended and despised by souls
consecrated to Him. They sometimes forget how dearly He loves His
chosen ones, how eagerly He waits in the Tabernacle for them to come to
Him for inspiration and assistance in the great mission of saving souls. He
wants them to be humble and chaste, and to practice true charity towards
one another, and thus, avoid giving scandal. He desires that His priests be
living models of Himself and that they propagate devotion to His Sacred

He desires that men perform acts of satisfaction to forestall the wrath of

Divine Justice, and that the Feast of the Sacred Heart be made a Holy Day
of Obligation and that all the faithful receive Holy Communion on that day.

To those who devoutly wear the image of His Sacred Heart, He

promised great graces and special protection at the hour of their death. He
said that in times to come, many souls would propagate the devotion to His
Sacred Heart.

Bl. Pope Pius IX extended the feast of the Sacred Heart to the universal
Church in 1856 and on June 11, 1899 Pope Leo XIII consecrated the entire
human race to the Sacred Heart. In 1925, Pope Pius XI instituted the Feast
of Christ the King and decreed that the Act of Consecration of the Human
Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus be renewed on that day.

The following prayer to St. Michael was ordered by Pope Leo XIII to be
said after Low Mass to "restrain" Satan. The addition of the threefold
invocation: "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!" was approved
by Pope St. Pius X.
Prayer to St. Michael
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the
wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do
thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and
all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
A Sacred Heart Reading

In an ecclesiastical seminary of the diocese of Rouen, one of the

students was distinguished for his piety and brightness. The day after his
first Holy Communion, he went to his director, to show him his resolution
written on paper. "I am resolved," he stated, "to continue to wear the white
necktie of my first Holy Communion, as long as I do not commit a grievous
sin." The priest said to him: "I cannot take upon myself the responsibility of
allowing you to keep so strange a resolution; you must go to your mother
and ask her permission." This he did, and he was permitted to follow his
pious wishes. George, for such was his name, with his resolution combined
a rule for life to receive Holy Communion on the first Friday, and every
Sunday and on the principal feasts of the year. In 1870 he finished his
studies with the degree as Bachelor of Arts at the age of eighteen. When
the war broke out between France and Germany, he obtained his father's
permission to join the Pontifical Zouaves under General Charette. He had
been a model of every Christian virtue at college, and he was one also as a
soldier. In the month of January, when near the town of LeMans, the
Zouaves were ordered to go into action. George distinguished himself by
his bravery and fell mortally wounded. At once he asked for the chaplain
and said to him: "Father, three days ago I went to Confession and Holy
Communion and I have nothing on my conscience; be so good then as to
bring me the holy Viaticum. I ask just a little favor; in my knapsack you will
find a white necktie, and a rosary; kindly get them for me." When the priest
returned, George said: "Put the white necktie around my neck." This the
priest did, and having received the Viaticum, George added: "When I am
dead, take off this necktie and send it to my mother; write to her and tell her
for me, that this necktie of my first Communion has never been stained."
Oh! how beautiful was such a death! Was it not the result of his frequent

May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised,

adored and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the
tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time! Amen.
A Sacred Heart Reading

Father Lacordaire, in a letter addressed to a lady of the world, relates

that a Polish peasant was, at his death, condemned by the justice of God to
the flames of Purgatory. His devoted wife ceased not to pray for the repose
of his soul; but thinking that her prayers were not sufficiently powerful, she
wished to have recourse to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and have Mass
celebrated for the deliverance of his poor soul. Being poor and not having
wherewith to make the usual offering, she went to a rich person, who was
an unbeliever, and humbly asked him to help her; the gentleman felt
compassion for her and gave her some money. The holy Mass was offered
in the chapel of the Sacred Heart, and with great fervor the wife received
Holy Communion for the same intention. A few days after, God permitted
that the departed peasant should appear to the rich man and say: "I thank
you for the alms you gave towards the offering of the Holy Sacrifice; this
Mass has delivered my soul from Purgatory, where it was detained; and
now in gratitude for your charity, I am sent by Our Lord to tell you that your
death is near, and that you should be reconciled to God." The rich man
profited by the warning, was converted and died shortly after, in the most
edifying dispositions. Let us often recall the words of Holy Scripture: "It is a
holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed
from their sins."

May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised,

adored and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the
tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time! Amen.
A Sacred Heart Reading

A priest relates the following conversion of a great sinner, in which the

goodness of the Heart of Jesus is striking manifested: "A young man, one
of my parishioners, whose parents had given up their practice of religion,
became so impious and lawless that he scandalized even those who led
bad lives. The excesses in which he indulged brought on an infection of the
lungs which, gradually developing, was slowly leading him to the grave. I
visited him and gave him many proofs of the interest I took in him; but he
met all my advances with blasphemies and insults, even refusing to say a
'Hail Mary.' His state filled me with grief. 'My good friend,' said I to one of
my curates, 'go at once to Paray-le-Monial; ask prayers for our poor dying
man, and place his name in the Heart of Jesus.' He set off without delay,
and the next day he was at Paray-le-Monial with the pilgrims from Dijon.
Prayers were said and Communions offered for the lost sheep, and his
name was placed in a silver heart near the altar of the Heart of Jesus. Full
of hope we went again to visit the sick man. 'I prayed for you at Paray,' said
the curate, 'and I have brought you a medal of the Sacred Heart.' 'I thank
you,' replied the dying sinner, and calling his mother he asked for a ribbon,
to which he attached the medal, placed it round his neck, and even kissed
it with respect. 'Now,' said he, 'I wish to go to confession, and it must be
this very day.' He received all the Sacraments of the Church, to the great
edification of all present. Whilst I administered Extreme Unction, he said:
'Do not hurry, Father, I must follow what you say, and ask pardon for my
sins. Oh, how good is the Heart of Jesus in waiting for and pardoning me; if
I could live longer, how much I would love It.' He died the following day,
blessing the Heart of Jesus."

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