Final Exams-1st Attempt (2019-2020)
Final Exams-1st Attempt (2019-2020)
Final Exams-1st Attempt (2019-2020)
Assignments Grading
Out of one hundred
Q1 – A
Solid-waste management, the collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that is discarded because it has
served its purpose or is no longer useful. Improper disposal of municipal solid waste can create unsanitary
conditions, and these conditions in turn can lead to pollution of the environment and to outbreaks of vector-
borne disease—that is, diseases spread by rodents and insects. The tasks of solid-waste management present
complex technical challenges. They also pose a wide variety of administrative, economic, and social problems
that must be managed and solved. Solid waste can be classified into different types depending on their source:
Municipal solid waste (MSW) includes all items from homes and businesses that people no longer have any use
for. These wastes are commonly called trash or garbage and include items such as food, paper, plastics, textiles,
leather, wood, glass, metals, sanitary waste in septic tanks, and other wastes. MSW is usually left on the
curbside weekly and picked up by a dump truck and taken to a landfill to be buried in a landfill or burned in an
Q1 –B
What are the major sources of solid waste here in this country in general and in salaryman in
Disposal of solid wastes is a stinging and widespread problem in both urban and rural areas in many developed
and developing countries. Municipal solid waste (MSW) collection and disposal is one of the major problems of
urban environment in most countries worldwide today. MSW management solutions must be financially
sustainable, technically feasible, socially, legally acceptable and environmentally friendly. Solid waste
management issue is the biggest challenge to the authorities of both small and large cities. Collection and
transportation solid wastes in salaryman the area south salaryman
Valorization of food organic waste is one of the important current research areas. The conventional landfill,
incineration, composting, and ways of handling solid wastes are common as mature technologies for waste
disposal. Traditionally, the most commonly used technologies for the treatment and valorization of the organic
fraction of MSW are composting and anaerobic digestion (AD). The generation of organic solid waste (OSW);
worldwide; is dramatically increasing each year. Most of the OSW’s are composed of agricultural waste,
household food waste, human and animal wastes, etc. They are normally handled as animal feed, incinerated or
disposed to landfill sites. OAW’s are comprised of materials rich in proteins, minerals, and sugars that could be
used in other processes as substrates or raw materials.
Q2 –A
Distinguish between the high – waste and low- waste approaches to solid waste management.
don't pollute
dilution-not the solution
no "away" for the waste produced by us
tire disposal
Q2 –B
Which approach of the two mentioned approach currently being followed in Sulaymani ?
In sulaymani people use the high waste because people and government don’t care about environment issue in
the future. Environmental Health Assessment in Sulaimaniyah City and Vicinity 4 Solid waste is a major
problem and the ultimate solution is recycling; while this is being under consideration, the establishment of a
controlled landfill in an area that is much farther from the river is probably the most appropriate immediate
solution to the solid waste disposal problem for Sulaymaniyah City. Industrial activities need to be regulated
and monitored in terms of environmental and occupational safety operations and standards.
Q2 – C
Reducing waste is the most important thing we can do. By reducing waste, we avoid the unnecessary use of
resources such as materials, energy and water. It means there is less waste to manage.
1. Take a reusable shopping bag with you so you don't have to use a paper or plastic bag from the shop
2. Say ‘no’ to a plastic shopping bag when you only have a couple of items
3. Choose products that use less packaging
4. Buy reusable items rather than disposable ones
5. Stick a "no junk mail" sign on your letter box
6. Take your lunch to school in a reusable container.
Q3 –A
What is reuse and what are three advantages of using this approach for waste reduction?
The most effective way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place. Making a new product requires a lot
of materials and energy - raw materials must be extracted from the earth, and the product must be fabricated
then transported to wherever it will be sold. As a result, reduction and reuse are the most effective ways you can
save natural resources, protect the environment and save money.
Benefits of Reusing
Prevents pollution caused by reducing the need to harvest new raw materials
Saves energy
Helps sustain the environment for future generations
Q3 – B
When you hear the term “solid waste” you probably think it means exactly what it sounds like, a waste that is
solid as opposed to liquid or gas. Interestingly enough though that is not what it means at all. The legal
definition of “solid waste” actually has nothing to do with physical form. Rather, it deals with whether or not
the material is a “waste.”
The continuous use of paper means trees is cut down continually, but not when paper made from certain trees
are re-used repeatedly. This will help minimize deforestation or felling.
Transporting raw materials involves the use of energy, and a huge one at that. Processing raw materials also
requires a significant amount of energy to get from source to destination.
A major source of pollution today is industrial waste that comes from factories producing plastics and cans. If
both products are re-used, instead of manufactured from scratch repeatedly, pollution can be reduced
Production of plastic cans and other items can involve burning massive waste that will lead to greenhouse gas
emissions at staggering amount. Considering the effects of global warming, doing anything possible to mitigate
them would be very beneficial.
A majority of non-biodegradable products all over the world are thrown in landfills. As they take years or
decades to decompose, landfills would not only be filled, literally, but also overflowing. This results in
pollution, environmental problems and contamination of water and its surrounding areas, especially because
overflowing rubbish can reach the oceans.
Electronics, old water bottles, and other trash can be sold for cash. So if you sell them, you not only save the
environment, but make money as well. If you buy recycled materials, which costs less than the new ones, you
will also save money. The more money you will make and save if you re-use some of the trash that your home
It’s contradicting, but the reality is that recycling tons of garbage will require waste to be transported, sorted,
cleaned and processed in separate factories, all of which need energy and may result in by-products that can
pollute air, water or soil
2. Result in pollutants.
When waste materials break down, pollutants, such as chemical stews, will harm the environment. Toxins and
impurities from the original material, such as lead paint or spray cans, could pass through recycling and then
carried through the recycled product.
Recycling cost can go thrice as much as the cost of putting garbage in landfills. This is why it is often
considered cost-inefficient, even if it is eco-friendly.
Recycling can have an adverse effect on health and the environment when not done properly. Debris and toxic
waste that is improperly handled can contaminate land, air and the environment. This is why more stringent
implementation must be followed.
6. Generally ineffective.
As shown above, recycling results in more pollution, higher energy consumption, and cost-inefficiency, making
it less effective than what everyone wants to believe. Moreover, recycling still failed to dent demands.
1.the cost of a product does not include environmental health cost in its life cycle.
2. Resource – extracting industries receive government tax subsidies while recycle and reuse industries do not.
The demand and price for recycled materials fluctuates so there is less interest in committing to this method
Q3 –C
1. One way to reduce is to reuse. Instead of using plastic bags, bring reusable bags and Tupperware when
going shopping or packing food or leftovers.
2. Shop responsibly. When going out, purchase items that are easy to recycle. ...
3. Composting is your friend. ...
4. Start recycling. ...
5. Go paperless. ...
6. Buy second-hand.
Describe (in You know that most of the articles of our time. has oil (petroleum) as the basis.
approximately 10 sentences) how the fall and rise by oil prices affects the recycling approaches
For consumers filling their gas tanks at the pumps, low oil prices are a boon: a way to save money and travel
farther on a gallon. Lower oil and energy prices also help many businesses, especially those in energy-intensive
manufacturing industries. For recyclers, however, low oil prices do not paint as rosy a picture. The global
economics of oil production are having a serious, and negative, effect on the business of recycling. the low price
of oil has had a ripple effect on other recycling markets, too. Low oil prices in the United States have
contributed to a strong economy compared to other countries. This, in turn, has strengthened the U.S. dollar,
which makes waste paper and metal from the United States more expensive than recyclables from other
countries. The strength of the dollar combined with an overall depressed global demand for metal and paper has
resulted in a shrinking market for U.S. recyclables. As an example, low oil prices have led to a reduction in oil
exploration and energy infrastructure—both steel-intensive areas.
If you were the minster for planning – and environment, what would be your strategies for
reducing the solid waste. protecting the environment and keeping the cites cleaner? Write down
about it in an assay not less than 15 sentences.
One of the key ways that a property is wasteful towards the environment is through its use of energy. The
majority of homes run on mains power, and of course, this means that you are wasting energy any time that you
leave a light on in a room that you aren’t using, as well as any other trivial use of energy that isn’t needed. Also,
one of the most important and basic things that can do is to get your recycling right. Many people like to believe
that they are doing the right thing with their recycling, however, in some cases you can actually be in habits that
are making things for difficult for the facilities doing the recycling. Moreover, it is possible to recycle plastic, it
is important to understand that it’s actually much better to reduce your use of plastic in the first place. There has
been a lot of publicity about just how bad plastic is for the environment, and thankfully there are lots of
different ideas for ways that you I reduce your use of plastic. Although, when I purchase new items, it is always
a good idea to look for natural alternatives rather than things that are made with plastic or metal. A great
example of this would be the possibility of swapping to natural deodorants rather than using aerosol, as not only
is this a single-use piece of packaging, it also uses chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Furthermore,
get into the habit of repairing items rather than immediately looking into replacing them. For example, if i have
a good pair of boots and the sole is beginning to go, i could either spend a lot of money buying new boots, or i
can have my current pair resoled. The former leaves you with a pair of boots that have to be thrown away, as
well as the waste of all the packaging.
Use the library and/or internet to find out some hazardous wastes contain also in our municipal
solid waste and describe their harm full effects on our health and wealth being.
the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste material that, when improperly handled, can cause substantial
harm to human health and safety or to the environment. Hazardous wastes can take the form of solids, liquids,
sludges, or contained gases, and they are generated primarily by chemical production, manufacturing, and other
industrial activities. They may cause damage during inadequate storage, transportation, treatment, or disposal
Toxic wastes are poisons, even in very small or trace amounts. They may have acute effects, causing death or
violent illness, or they may have chronic effects, slowly causing irreparable harm. Some are carcinogenic,
causing cancer after many years of exposure. Others are mutagenic, causing major biological changes in the
offspring of exposed humans and wildlife.
Reactive wastes are chemically unstable and react violently with air or water. They cause explosions or form
toxic vapors. Ignitable wastes burn at relatively low temperatures and may cause an immediate fire hazard.
Corrosive wastes include strong acidic or alkaline substances. They destroy solid material and living tissue upon
contact, by chemical reaction.
Radioactive wastes emit ionizing energy that can harm living organisms. Because some radioactive materials
can persist in the environment for many thousands of years before fully decaying, there is much concern over
the control of these wastes. However, the handling and disposal of radioactive material is not a responsibility of
local municipal government.