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Economics 1670 – W

Post-Socialist Economies and Transition

Professor Berkowitz – Fall 2004-05

Five Steps to Writing an Essay

Comments Welcome! Many thanks to Martha Banwell, Chair of the Shady Side Academy
English Department for her help in the construction of this document.

1. Brainstorm
a. List all thoughts that enter your head about the essay topic.
b. Clearly, some of these thoughts will be random and worthless. Many of your
thoughts, however will be inspired and critical for your essay. Do not waste time
and energy determining just which thoughts are valuable, potentially valuable, or
clearly worthless. List them all.
c. Do not worry about complete sentences, spelling, grammar, or other such stylistic
issues. The goal here is to generate ideas quickly.
d. You know that you are close to done when you have at least two pages of binder
paper filled with ideas.

2. Organize List
a. Take the ideas on your binder paper and organize them into categories.
Categories include “ridiculous ideas that will clearly not work in an essay”,
controversial ideas (i.e. ideas that contradict points raised in lecture or in the
readings”, “non-controversial ideas”, etc.
b. This step is tedious, but it will make writing the essay much easier as it will
clarify your thinking: rewrite the organized groupings on a clean sheet of paper.
c. Start looking for patterns and for a point of view that best reflects your take on the
d. Scribble a rough thesis somewhere on this tidy version.
e. Write down the kind of evidence you would need to find in the library and/or on
the Internet that would support and undermine your thesis.

3. Outline
a. This is clearly the TOUGHEST part of the writing process. If you have written a
good outline, then you will find that essay almost “writes itself”. Give yourself
enough time to do a first rate job.
b. Look at the groupings n your organized list. Look at your rough thesis statement.
Find connections; find support for your thesis; develop an argument that refutes
your thesis; finally, develop an argument that over-rides this devastating argument
and rescues your rough thesis statement.
c. The out line will contain six parts: I. Introduction; II Supporting Argument; III
Potentially Devastating Counter-argument; IV. Counter to the Counter-argument;
V. Conclusion; VI. Bibliography. It must be double-spaced and typed with 12-
point font.
d. Introduction – This is the “stage-set”. Set up your reader so that he cares about
your thesis statement. There are several ways to do this. Introduce the reader to
the importance of your topic. For example: small privatization is important
because it has been used in many post-socialist countries to encourage small-scale
entrepreneurship. Introduce the particular situation or policy under discussion.
More hints on just how to do this are available in the writing resources listed in
the syllabus. Next comes your thesis statement. Make it strong. Do not
equivocate and do not show the reader both sides of the argument. Next comes
your road map where you tell your reader in tow or three points what to expect.
Do not write a sentence about each body paragraph, because this is lethally boring
for your reader.
e. Supporting Argument – Here you need to provide a logical argument and
evidence that supports your thesis statement. For example: if your thesis
statement is that small-scale privatization effectively provided the correct
incentives for efficient entrepreneurs to contribute to economic growth, you will
need to find evidence for a particular region and/or country in which that was in
fact the case. You must collect source materials, cite this material, and then place
these sources in a bibliography using the MLA format.
f. Potentially Devastating Counter-Argument – Here you will provide a logical
argument and evidence that potentially undermines the logic and argument in the
previous section. For example: you may find evidence that in your particular
region, an important reason that small-scale entrepreneurs operated effectively is
that there was substantial foreign investment and that small-scale privatization
was not critical. Again, cite source material and place these sources in a
bibliography using the MLA format. You should cite at least five different
sources in the supporting argument and potential devastating counter-argument
sections. Sources taken from the Economics 1670 syllabus should be cited but
DO NOT count as one of these five sources.
g. Counter to the Counter-Argument – Make a logical argument backed with
evidence that your original argument is more convincing than your potentially
devastating counter-argument. For example: you might argue that the small-scale
privatization not only encouraged entrepreneurs to buy up small shops that they
effectively restructured, but it also attracted foreign investment that financed
infrastructure such as telecommunications that enabled these domestic
entrepreneurs to operate efficiently. Show some respect for the counter-argument.
For example: if you are looking at a particular region in Russia such as Samara,
you should note that while the counter-argument fails and your initial argument
works in Samara, the counter-argument might have more explanatory power in
other regions.
h. Conclusion – This is hard, although not as difficult as the introduction. First,
summarize your argument. Then, argue why your point is the only reasonable
one to make for the topic under discussion.
i. Hand in this five-point outline and bibliography in-class on the due date. Come to
class prepared to discuss your outline on the scheduled tutorial day.
j. After the tutorial discussion and after receiving written comments on your outline,
be prepared to sharpen your thesis statement and fined more evidence. Be
prepared, if necessary, to re-organize the outline if the counter-argument is more
convincing than the supporting argument.

4. Write the First Draft

a. Using your revised outline as a guide, start writing. Be sure not to stray from
your revised outline.
b. The best evidence that you can use is based on reliable statistical evidence or a
careful description of the operation of actual institutions. Such evidence is most
reliable at a regional, household or firm level.
c. If you are using regional, household, or firm level statistical or institutional data,
you need to comment on just how representative this is for an entire country. If
the data is not highly representative this is fine as long as you persuade your
reader that it is still important to consider this region or this set of households or
this sample of firms.
d. Do an initial proofreading and editing job on your first draft.
e. Put away your first draft, preferably overnight.
f. This is optional but a good habit to develop: Take your draft to Professor
Berkowitz during office hours or after class at least once during the semester. Do
not expect him to correct your punctuation and spelling, but ask him to look at
content issues. The major issues are, of course, “Does this essay make sense?”
and “Is it cohesive?” Seeking this kind of help is part of your job. You are not
being a “sycophant” (i.e., suck-up) for doing this.
g. Hand in this first draft and revised bibliography on the due-date. Come to class
prepared to discuss your first draft on the scheduled tutorial day.

5. Final Draft
a. After receiving written and oral comments on your first draft, you will start to
write the final draft.
b. This step is mainly a marketing and packaging job. The thinking has been done,
so make sure that your idea gets the shot it deserves.
c. Run a spell check program on your draft.
d. DO NOT use a grammar check program. These programs do not always promote
clear and concise writing. For help, consult the writing sources on the syllabus or
make an appointment with a writing consultant in the Pitt writing lab.
e. Make sure that your bibliography and citations conform to the MLA style. Make
sure that your thesis statement, supporting argument, potentially devastating
counter-argument, counter to the counter-argument and conclusion are all clearly
and elegantly stated.
f. Hand in your final paper on time!

NOTE: About the time that you have begun to write the first draft, it would be useful to talk to
Professor Berkowitz (tele: x87072; email: [email protected]) and/or make an appointment with a
writing specialist at the Writing Center (tele: 412-624-6556; email: [email protected])

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