Preliminary Exam Reviewer1
Preliminary Exam Reviewer1
Preliminary Exam Reviewer1
4. The assumption underlying an audit of financial statements 11. Which of the following methods is most commonly used to
is that they will be used by reduce information risk?
a. Different groups for different purposes. a. Allow users to verify information.
b. The general public in making investment decisions. b. Allow all users to prepare the statements.
c. The board of directors as basis of declaring cash c. Users share information risk with management.
dividends. d. Have the financial statements audited.
d. The regulatory agencies to verify information that is
relevant to their supervisory functions. 12. Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of
audit procedures?
5. On every audit engagement, the CPA should comply with a. To detect errors or fraud
applicable PSAs b. To comply with generally accounting principles
a. Without exception. c. To gather sufficient, appropriate evidence
b. Except in examinations that result in a qualified report. d. To verify the accuracy of account balances
c. Except in examinations of interim financial statements.
d. Except in circumstances where the CPA is associated 13. It is essential that users regard CPA firms as:
with unaudited financial statements. a. Competent.
b. Unbiased.
6. It refers to the attribute or quality of audit evidence. c. Technically proficient.
a. Sufficiency d. All of the above
b. Relevance
c. Reliability 14. Which of the following is least likely an application of
d. Appropriateness maintaining an attitude of professional skepticism?
a. The auditor is alert to audit evidence that contradicts or
7. Which of the following best describes due care? brings into question the reliability of documents or
a. Reasonable infallibility management representations.
b. Tact in avoiding legal liability b. In planning and performing an audit, the auditor
15. Which of the following is not one of the concepts in the 22. An audit can have a significant effect on
framework of auditing theory? a. Business risk.
a. Evidence b. Information risk.
b. Ethical conduct c. The risk-free interest rate.
c. Fair presentation d. All of these.
d. Conflict of interest
23. In government auditing, the three elements of expanded
16. To raise the standards of the profession, the Philippine scope auditing are
Accountancy Act of 2004 requires that the CPA profession be a. Goal analysis, audits of operations, audit of systems.
integrated under the rules to be established by b. Financial and compliance, economy and efficiency,
a. The PICPA. program results.
b. The Board of Accountancy. c. Pre-audit, post-audit, internal audit.
c. The Professional Regulation Commission. d. National government audit, local government audit,
d. The Government Association of CPAs. corporation audit.
17. Management assertions are 24. Which of the following types of audits are most similar?
a. Stated in the footnotes to the financial statements. a. Operational audits and compliance audit.
b. Provided to the auditor in the assertions letter, but are not b. Internal audits and independent financial statement audits.
disclosed in the financial statements of the entity. c. Independent financial statement audits and operational
c. Implied or express representations about the audits.
accounts in the financial statements. d. Compliance audits and independent financial
d. Explicitly expressed representations about the financial statement audits.
25. If it is probable that the judgment of a reasonable person
18. In performing a financial statement audit, which of the would have been changed or influenced by the omission or
following would an auditor least likely consider? misstatement of information, then the information is
a. Internal control. a. Relevant.
b. Compliance with GAAP. b. Pervasive.
c. Fairness of the financial statement amounts. c. Material.
d. Quality of management’s business decisions. d. Significant.
19. When the CPA is not independent, the CPA is precluded from 26. Which of the following is not among the factors that result to
issuing a limitations of audit?
a. Review report. a. Use of testing
b. Compilation report. b. Human error
c. Tax planning report. c. Going concern problem of the assurance client
d. Management advisory report. d. Evidence is basically persuasive rather than conclusive
20. The risk that the auditor will fail to uncover a material 27. Which of the following services is not within the area of public
misstatement is eliminated accounting?
a. If client has effective internal control. a. Attest function
b. If client follows PFRS. b. Taxation service
c. When the auditor has complied with PSA. c. Write-up work for one client
d. Under no circumstances. d. Management advisory services
29. "The auditor would ordinarily expect to find evidence to 35. Auditing includes both a(an)
support management representations and not assume that a. Evaluation process and a reporting process.
they are necessarily correct". This is an example of: b. Investigative process and a reporting process.
a. Due diligence. c. Documentation process and an evaluation process.
b. Unprofessional behavior. d. Documentation process and a reporting process.
c. An attitude of professional skepticism.
d. A rule in the code of Professional Conduct. 36. The audit committee of the board of directors of a company
is responsible for
30. The audit process is a. Hiring the auditor
a. Regulated by the PICPA b. The audit workpapers
b. Performed only by CPAs c. Preparing the financial statements
c. The only service a CPA is allowed to perform by law d. Independence and obtaining evidence
d. A special application of the scientific method of
inquiry 37. Which of the following types of audits would be intended to
determine whether a governmental entity is following sound
31. In determining the scope and nature of services to be procurement practices?
performed in public practice, a CPA firm should a. Program audit
a. Have in place internal control procedures b. Operational audit
b. Only perform accounting related services c. Compliance audit
c. Require independence for all services performed d. Financial statement audit
d. Determine that the performance of all services is
consistent with the firm's members' role as 38. Which of the following is the authoritative body designated to
professionals. promulgate auditing standards?
a. BOA
32. Which of the following is not an assurance that the auditors b. PICPA
give to the parties who rely on the financial statements? c. FRSC
a. Auditors give assurance that the financial statements d. AASC
are accurate.
b. Auditors know how the amounts and disclosures in the 39. Which of the following statements is true?
financial statements were produced. a. An independent auditor must be a CPA.
c. Auditors gathered enough evidence to provide a b. Compliance audits are conducted to determine
reasonable basis for forming an opinion. adherence to rules and regulations set by the auditor.
d. If the evidence allows the auditors to do so, auditors give c. An audit, if properly conducted, ensures that fraud is
assurance in the form of opinion, as to whether the prevented.
financial statements taken as a whole are fairly presented d. After conducting an audit and release of the auditor’s
in conformity with GAAP. report, the primary responsibility on the fairness of the
financial statements is shifted to the auditor.
33. Auditing standards differ from auditing procedures in that
procedures relate to 40. The Philippine Standards on Assurance Engagements
a. Audit judgments. (PSAEs) are to be applied in
b. Audit principles. a. The audit or review of historical financial information.
c. Acts to be performed. b. Assurance engagements dealing with historical financial
d. Measures of performance. information.
c. Compilation engagements and agreements to apply
34. Choose one of the following which would describe best the agreed-upon procedures to information.
phrase "generally accepted auditing standards": d. Assurance engagements dealing with subject matters
a. They identify the policies and procedures for the conduct other than historical financial information.
of the audit.
42. These statements are issued by the AASC to provide 49. The statement that the reviewer "is not aware of any material
interpretive guidance and practical assistance to auditors in modification that should be made to the financial statements in
the implementation of PSAs and to promote good practice. order for them to be in conformity with GAAP" is known as:
a. PREPSs a. Positive assurance.
b. PAEPs b. Reasonable assurance.
c. PAPSs c. Negative assurance.
d. PRSPSs d. Negligent performance.
43. For the purpose of expressing negative assurance in the 50. An independent audit aids in the communication of economic
review report, the practitioner should obtain sufficient data because the audit
appropriate evidence primarily through a. Lends credibility to the financial statements.
a. Inquiry and confirmation b. Confirms the accuracy of management's financial
b. Confirmation and tests of controls representation.
c. Inquiry and analytical procedures c. Guarantees that financial data are fairly presented.
d. Analytical procedures and substantive tests of details of d. Assures the readers of financial statements that any
transactions and account balances fraudulent activity has been corrected.
44. The BOA vice-chairman shall be 51. The purpose of an audit of financial statements is to
a. Appointed by the PRC a. Obtain an absolute level of assurance that the financial
b. Elected by BOA members statements as a whole are free from material
c. Appointed by the President of the Philippines misstatement.
d. Appointed by the PRC upon recommendation by the b. Relieve management or those charged with governance
PICPA of the responsibility for the preparation and presentation
of the financial statements in accordance with the
45. The term of BOA vice-chairman is applicable financial reporting framework.
a. One year. c. Enhance the degree of confidence of intended users in
b. Three years subject to renewal. the financial statements.
c. At the discretion of BOA members. d. Assure the future viability of the entity by expressing an
d. Same with the term of BOA chairman. opinion on the entity's financial statements.
46. An audit designed to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness 52. Inherent limitations in an audit stem from the following factors
of an organization or some or part thereof would not come except
under the title of a. Use of testing.
a. Performance audit. b. Incompetence of the auditor.
b. Compliance audit. c. Internal control limitation.
c. Management audit. d. Most audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive.
d. Operational audit.
53. Auditing services may include which of the following?
47. In financial statement audits, the audit should be conducted a. Attesting to financial statements
in accordance with b. Evaluation of a division’s performance for management
a. PAS / PFRS c. Examination of the economy and efficiency of
b. Generally accepted auditing standards governmental operations
c. Philippine Standards on Auditing d. All of the above
d. Code of Ethics for CPAs in the Philippines
54. The review of unaudited financial statements consists of:
a. Inquiry of management and analytical procedures.
59. The auditor communicates the results of his or her work 65. The criteria for evaluating quantitative information vary. For
through the medium of the example, in the case of an independent audit of
a. Engagement letter. financial statements by CPA firms, the criteria are
b. Audit report. usually the:
c. Management letter. a. Philippine Standards on Auditing
d. Audited financial statements. b. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
c. National Internal Revenue Code
90. Which of the following is not mentioned as a power of the 96. In the event a candidate obtains the rating of seventy-five
Board? percent (75%) and above in at least a majority of subjects as
a. To monitor the conditions affecting the practice of provided for in RA9298, and one subject has a rating of 64%,
accountancy. he shall be considered as:
b. To supervise the registration, licensure and practice of a. A failed candidate.
accountancy. b. A conditioned candidate.
c. To sentence to imprisonment CPAs who have been c. A successful passer of the CPA Board exams.
found guilty of violations of the Accountancy Act. d. Cannot be determined without additional information
d. To issue, suspend, revoke, or reinstate the Certificate of
Registration for the practice of the accountancy 97. A certificate under seal, bearing a registration number, issued
profession. to an individual, by the PRC, upon recommendation by the
BOA, signifying that the individual has complied with all the
91. Which of the following is the sectoral organization for CPAs in legal and procedural requirements for such issuance:
Public Practice? a. Certificate of accreditation
a. ACPACI b. Certificate of registration
b. ACPAPP c. Certificate of quality review
c. ACPAE d. Certificate of identification
98. This bears the registration number, date of issuance with an
92. This is the standard-setting body that replaces the Accounting expiry date, due for periodic renewal, duly signed by the
Standards Council (ASC) and is tasked to develop and issue Chairperson of the PRC and issued by the PRC to a
standards which will represent generally accepted accounting registered CPA upon payment of the registration fees:
principles in the Philippines: a. Certificate of registration
a. Accounting Standards Board. b. Certificate of accreditation
b. Financial Reporting Standards Committee. c. Professional identification card
c. Financial Reporting Standards Council. d. Professional tax receipt
d. Auditing and Assurance Standards Council.
99. A professional identification card has a validity of:
93. This standard-setting body replaces the Auditing Standards a. Six years
and Practices Council (ASPC) and is tasked to develop and b. Five years
issue Philippine Standards on Auditing and related c. Four years
Interpretations: d. Three years
a. Accounting Standards Board.
b. Financial Reporting Standards Committee. 100. Foreign CPAs
c. Financial Reporting Standards Council. a. Are allowed to practice accountancy in the Philippines
d. Auditing and Assurance Standards Council. without restriction.
b. Are never allowed to practice accountancy in the
94. The Chairpersons of the FRSC and the AASC shall be Philippines.
appointed by: c. May be allowed to practice accountancy in the Philippines,
a. The Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants. but only in areas outside public practice.
b. The President of the Republic of the Philippines. d. May be allowed to practice accountancy in the
c. The Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy. Philippines, subject to the rules and regulations on
4. Internal auditing relates to an 11. In the auditing environment, failure to meet the PSAs is
a. Audit which is performed by a practitioner as an often
independent contractor. a. An accepted practice.
b. Audit which is incidentally concerned with the b. A suggestion of negligence.
detection and prevention of fraud. c. Conclusive evidence of negligence.
c. Audit which serves the needs of management d. Tantamount to criminal behavior.
d. Audit wherein the auditor should be independent of
management both in fact and in mental attitude 12. The following phrases relate to the definition of auditing.
Which one is incorrect?
5. Independent auditors cannot be totally independent a. Systematic process
a. Because they don’t audit financial statements b. Objectively obtaining and obtaining evidence
b. Since they do not possess the CPA license c. Assertions about economic actions and events
c. As long as employer-employee relationship exists d. Degree of correspondence between assertions
d. Unless their immediate supervisor is a CPA and GAAS
6. The Philippine Standards on Auditing issued by the Auditing 13. Non-assurance engagements include all of the following
and Assurance Standards Council (AASC) except
a. Must be followed in all situations. a. Compliance audit.
b. Are interpretations of generally accepted auditing b. Management consulting.
standards c. Agreed-upon procedures.
c. Are optional guidelines which an auditor may choose to d. Preparation of tax returns where no conclusion is
follow or not follow when conducting an audit. expressed.
d. Are the equivalent of laws for audit practitioners.
14. The subject matter of an assurance engagement can take the
7. The auditor's best defense when material misstatements in following forms except
the financial statements are not uncovered in the audit is that a. The entity’s internal control.
16. Which of the following is not an assurance engagement? 23. A CPA should not submit unaudited financial statements of a
a. Risk Assessment Service non-public entity to a client or others unless, as a minimum,
b. Information System Reliability Service the CPA complies with the provisions applicable to
c. Business Performance Measurement a. Audit engagements.
d. Management Consulting Service b. Review engagements.
c. Assurance engagements.
17. The three commonly-sought types of assurance services are d. Compilation engagements.
a. Audits, reviews, and compilations.
b. Audits, reviews, and other assurance services. 24. You own Dude, Inc., which manufactures wooden tables. You
c. Audits, compilations, and other assurance services. need to hire some accountants to prepare your monthly
d. Reviews, compilations, and other assurance services. financial statements. The preparation of your financial
statements is referred to as a(n)
18. Which of the following statements is true? a. Audit.
a. Assurance engagements do not require independence. b. Review.
b. The term “auditor” is broader in scope compared to the c. Compilation.
term “practitioner.” d. Special report.
c. Assurance engagements performed by professional
accountants are intended to enhance the credibility 25. Distribution of a report is always restricted when
of information. a. Negative assurance is given.
d. The degree or level of assurance that may be provided by b. A review has been performed.
the practitioner is inversely related to the scope of c. There is a positive expression of opinion.
procedures performed and their results. d. Agreed-upon procedures have been performed.
19. Which of the following forms may be the subject matter of 26. Which of the following methods is most commonly used to
assurance engagements? reduce information risk?
a. Behavior a. Allow all users to prepare the statements.
b. Historical financial information b. Allow users to verify information.
c. Systems and processes c. Have the financial statements audited.
d. All of the above d. Users share information risk with management.
20. Engagement risk is influenced by the risks associated with the 27. The phrase in our opinion in the auditor’s report is intended to
following except inform users that auditors
a. Nature and form of the subject matter. a. Guarantee fair presentation of the financial statements.
b. Nature and form of the criteria applied to the subject b. Act as insurers of the accuracy of the financial statements.
matter. c. Certify the material presented in the statements by
c. Unreasonably low professional fee. management.
d. Nature and extent of the process used to collect and d. Based their conclusions about the statements on
evaluate evidence. professional judgment.
21. Absolute assurance is not attainable as a result of such 28. The need for assurance services arises because:
factors as: a. There is a potential bias in providing information.
a. The use of judgment. b. Economic transactions are less complex than they were a
b. The use of selective testing. decade ago.
34. Assurance services involve which of the following? 40. Generally accepted auditing standards do not require auditors
a. Relevance as well as reliability. of financial statements to
b. Nonfinancial information as well as traditional financial a. Assess the risk of occurrence of errors and fraud
statements. b. Design audits to provide reasonable assurance of
c. Electronic databases as well as printed reports. detecting errors and frauds
d. All of the above. c. Report all the findings of errors and fraud to police
35. Which of the following is not one of the penalties that can be d. Understand the nature or errors and fraud
imposed by the BOA?
a. Reprimand
42. With respect to the concept of materiality, which one of the 47. The BOA shall submit to the PRC the ratings obtained by each
following statements is correct? candidate within how many calendar days after the
a. Materiality is a matter of professional judgment. examination?
b. Materiality is determined by reference to AASC's a. 5 days
guidelines. b. 10 days
c. Materiality depends on the nature of a transaction rather c. 15 days
than the peso amount of the transaction. d. 30 days
d. Materiality depends only on the peso amount of an item
relative to other items in the financial statements. 48. Which of the following is not one of the grounds for
proceedings against a CPA?
43. The following statements relate to the Board of Accountancy. a. Insanity.
Which statement is correct? b. Immoral or dishonorable conduct.
a. The Board consists of a Chairman and six members. c. Gross negligence or incompetence in the practice of his
b. The chairman and members are appointed by the profession.
President of the Philippines upon recommendation of d. Engaging in public practice while being employed in
PICPA. a private enterprise.
c. Majority of the board members shall as much as possible
be in public practice. 49. The primary duty to enforce the provisions of RA 9298 and its
d. The Professional Regulation Commission may remove IRR rests with
from the Board any member whose certificate to practice a. The PRC
has been removed or suspended. b. The BOA
c. The AASC
44. The APO shall submit its nominations with complete d. The PRC and BOA
documentation to the Commission not later than ______ prior
to the expiry of the term of an incumbent chairman or member. 50. The PICPA shall renew its Certificate of Accreditation once
a. 30 days every how many years after the date of the Resolution
b. 60 days granting the petition for re-accreditation and the issuance of
c. 90 days the said certificate upon submission of the requirements?
d. 120 days a. 2 years
b. 3 years
45. A member of the BOA shall, at the time of his/her appointment, c. 4 years
possess the following qualifications, except d. 6 years
a. Must be a natural-born citizen and resident of the
Philippines. 51. The practice of accountancy includes the following except:
b. Must not be a director or officer of the APO at the time of a. Serving as audit examiner for the Commission on Audit.
his/her appointment. b. Working as a Dean of a College that grants a degree of
c. Must be of good moral character and must not have been BS Accountancy.
convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude. c. Being appointed as the marketing manager of a
d. Must be a duly registered CPA with more than ten (10) business enterprise.
years of work experience in any scope of practice of d. Provision of assurance services to more than one client
accountancy. and on a fee basis.
46. Which statement is incorrect regarding the term of office of the 52. Which of the following is one of the functions of Quality
chairman and the members of the Board of Accountancy Review Committee:
(BOA)? a. To promulgate accounting and auditing standards that will
a. The Chairman and members of the Board shall hold be generally accepted in the Philippines.
office for a term of three years. b. To conduct a review on applicants for registration to
76. Contingent fees charged by CPAs engaged in tax practice 81. Without the consent of the client, a CPA should not
are permitted under the rules of professional conduct disclose confidential information contained in working
because: papers to a:
a. This practice establishes fees which are a. Voluntary quality control review board.
commensurate with the value of the services. b. CPA firm that has purchased the CPA’s
b. Attorneys in tax practice customarily set contingent accounting practice.
fees. c. National court that has issued a valid subpoena.
c. Determination by taxing authorities are a matter of d. Disciplinary body created under statute.
judicial proceedings which do not involve third parties.
d. The consequences are based upon findings of 82. A CPA who is engaged to prepare an income tax return
judicial proceedings or the findings of tax has a duty to prepare it in such a manner that the tax is:
authorities. a. The legal minimum.
b. Computed in conformity with generally accepted
77. Ethically, the auditor could: accounting principles.
a. Advertise only as to his expertise in preparing income c. Supported by the client’s audited financial statements.
tax returns. d. Not subject to change upon audit.
b. Base his audit fee on a percentage of the proceeds of
his client’s stock issue. 83. The principle of Professional behavior requires a CPA to:
c. Perform an examination for a financially a. Perform professional services with due care,
distressed client at less than his customary fees. competence and diligence.
d. Own preferred stock in a corporation which is an audit b. Be straightforward and honest in performing
client. professional services.
c. Act in a manner consistent with the good reputation
78. The Code of Ethics contains both general ethical of the profession and refrain from any conduct
principles that are aspirational in character and also a: which might bring discredit to the profession.
a. List of violations that would cause the automatic d. Be fair and should not allow prejudice or bias, conflict of
suspension of the CPA’s license. interest or influence of others to override objectivity or
b. Description of the CPA’s procedures for responding to affect his professional or business judgments.
an inquiry from trial board.
c. Set of specific, mandatory rules describing levels 84. The communication to the public of facts about a CPA which
of conduct the CPA must observe. are not designed for the deliberate promotion of that CPA.
d. List of specific crimes that would be considered as a. Advertising
acts discreditable to the profession. b. Solicitation
c. Indirect promotion
79. According to the Code of Ethics, the characteristics d. Publicity
distinguishing the accountancy profession include the
following except: 85. Which of the following does not belong to the group:
a. To meet public interest requirement. a. Independence of mind
b. Adherence by its members to a common code of values b. Independence of fact
and conduct established by its administering body. c. Independence in mental attitude
c. Acceptance of a duty to society as a whole. d. Independence in appearance
d. Mastery of a particular intellectual skill, acquired by
training and education. 86. Safeguards that may eliminate or reduce threats to
55. Which of the following is not done during the client selection 61. The primary reason an engagement letter is obtained by audit
and retention phase of planning? firms prior to starting the work is that
a. Obtain and review financial information a. It provides an insurance policy for companies entering
b. Consider the need for special skills into the agreement.
c. Ensure that the firm has sufficient resources to complete b. It clarifies the responsibilities of management and
the engagement in a timely manner. those of the auditor.
d. Obtain an understanding of internal controls c. It communicates the type of opinion that will be rendered
on the engagement
56. Which of the following factors most likely would influence an d. It defines the firm's policies and procedures regarding
auditor’s determination of the auditability of an entity’s new clients.
financial statements?
a. The complexity of the accounting system. 62. An engagement letter should be written before the start of an
b. The existence of related-party transactions. audit because
c. The adequacy of the accounting records. a. It specifies the client's responsibility for preparing
d. The operating effectiveness of control procedures. schedules and making the records available to the auditor.
b. It may limit the auditor's legal liability by specifying the
57. Prior to beginning fieldwork on a new audit engagement in auditor's responsibilities.
which a CPA does not possess industry expertise, the CPA c. It specifies the basis for billing the audit for the upcoming
should year.
a. Obtain knowledge of matters that relate to the nature d. All of the above
of the entity's business and industry.
b. Reduce audit risk by lowering the preliminary levels of 63. Which of the following matters is generally included in an
materiality. auditor’s engagement letter?
c. Engage financial experts who are familiar with the nature a. Management’s responsibility for the entity’s
of the industry. compliance with laws and regulations.
d. Design special substantive tests to compensate for the b. The factors to be considered in setting preliminary
lack of industry expertise. judgments about materiality.
c. Management’s vicarious liability for illegal acts committed
58. The element of the audit planning process most likely to be by its employees.
agreed upon with the client before implementation of the audit d. The auditor’s responsibility to search for significant
strategy is the determination of the internal control deficiencies.
a. Timing of inventory observation procedures to be
performed. 64. Which of the following is not included in the engagement letter?
b. Evidence to be gathered to provide a sufficient basis for a. Objectives of the engagement
the auditor's opinion. b. Management's responsibilities
66. Which of the following statements would least likely appear in 71. Orange Corp. has a few large accounts receivable that total
an auditor’s engagement letter? P2,000,000. Yellow Corp. has a large number of small
a. Fees for our services are based on our regular per diem accounts receivable that also total P2,000,000. The
rates, plus travel and other out-of-pocket expenses. importance of an error in any one account is, therefore,
b. During the course of our audit we may observe greater for Orange Corp. than for Yellow Corp. This is an
opportunities for economy in, or improved controls over, example of the auditor's concept of:
your operations. a. Materiality.
c. After performing our preliminary analytical b. Reasonable assurance.
procedures we will discuss with you the other c. Comparative analysis
procedures we consider necessary to complete the d. Relative risk.
d. Our engagement is subject to the risk that material 72. The relationship between materiality and audit risk is:
misstatements or fraud, if they exist, will not be detected. a. Indeterminable
b. Direct.
67. Arrangements concerning which of the following are least c. Inverse.
likely to be included in engagement letter? d. Materiality and audit risk have no relationship
a. Internal auditors
b. Predecessor auditor 73. An auditor should design a written audit program so that:
c. Stockholders a. All material transactions will be selected for substantive
d. Appraisers testing.
b. Substantive tests prior to the balance sheet date will be
68. When an auditor believes that an understanding with the client minimized.
has not been established, he or she should ordinarily c. The audit procedures selected will achieve specific
a. Perform the audit with increased professional skepticism. audit objectives.
b. Decline to accept or perform the audit. d. Each account balance will be tested under either tests of
c. Review the client’s financial reports. controls or tests of transactions.
d. Obtain information about the client’s business and the
industry where it operates. 74. Audit programs are modified to suit the circumstances on
particular engagements. A complete audit program for an
69. Select the proper reply as to the allowable form of the engagement generally should be developed
understanding with a client when an audit is being performed. a. Prior to beginning the actual audit work.
100. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the Philippine 5. Which of the following is an indication of lack of objectivity of
Standards on Assurance Engagements (PSAE)? an auditor?
a. It provides an overall framework for assurance a. The auditor believes that accounts receivable may
engagements intended to provide either a high or not be collectible, but accepts management's opinion
moderate level of assurance. without an independent evaluation.
b. When a professional accountant is engaged to perform b. In preparing client's tax return, the CPA encourages client
an assurance engagement for which specific standards to take a deduction which the CPA believes is valid, but
exist, those standards apply. for which there is some but not complete support.
c. It provides basic principles and essential procedures c. Both a and b above would be a violation
for engagements intended to provide a moderate d. Neither would be a violation
level of assurance.
d. If no specific standards exist for an assurance 6. A CPA in public practice shall not disclose any confidential
engagement, PSAE apply. client information without the specific consent of the client.
The confidentiality rule is violated if CPA disclosed
information without client's consent as a result of a
SET 4 a. Subpoena or summons.
b. Peer review.
1. A professional accountant has a professional duty or right to c. Request by client's largest stockholder.
disclose confidential information in each of the following, d. Complaint filed with the trial board of the Board of
except: Accountancy.:
a. To comply with technical standards and ethics
requirements. 7. The confidential relationship applies to
b. To disclose to BIR fraudulent scheme committed by a. All services provided by CPAs.
the client on payment of income tax. b. Only audit and attestation services.
c. To comply with the quality review of a member body or c. Audit and tax services, but no MAS services.
professional body d. Audit and MAS services, but not tax services.
d. To respond to an inquiry or investigation by a member
body or regulatory body. 8. The confidential relationship will be violated if, without client's
permission, the CPA provides working papers about client to
2. Which of the following best describes the passing of a. A court of law which subpoenas them.
confidential information from a client to its auditor? The b. Another CPA firm as part of a peer review.
information: c. Another CPA firm which has just purchased the
a. Should in no circumstances be conveyed to third parties. CPA's entire practice.
9. A member in public practice may perform for a contingent fee 14. An auditor who accepts an audit engagement and does not
any professional services for a client for whom the member possess the industry expertise of the business entity, should
or member's firm performs a. Engage, financial experts familiar with the nature of the
a. An audit. business entity.
b. A review. b. Obtain a knowledge of matters that relates to the
c. A compilation used only by management. nature of the entity's business.
d. An audit of prospective financial information. c. Refer a substantial portion of the audit to another cpa
who will act as the principal auditor.
10. Which one of the following contingent fee is allowed? d. First inform management that an unqualified opinion
a. All services performed by a CPA firm. cannot be issued.
b. Non-attestation services.
c. Non-attestation services, unless the CPA firm was 15. In determining estimates of fees, an auditor may take into
also performing attestation services for the same account each of the following, except the:
client. a. Value of the service to the client
d. Attestation services. b. Degree of responsibility assumed by undertaking the
11. A violation of the ethical standards would most likely have c. Skills required to perform the service.
occurred when a CPA d. Attainment of specific findings.
a. Made arrangement with a bank to collect notes issued by
a client in payment of fees due. 16. A CPA, while performing an audit, strives to achieve
b. Joined an accounting firm made up of three non-CPA independence in appearance in order to
practitioners. a. Reduce risk and liability.
c. Issued an unqualified opinion on the 2006 financial b. Comply with the generally accepted standards of
statements when fees for the 2005 audit were unpaid. fieldwork.
d. Purchased a bookkeeping firm's practice of monthly write- c. Become independent in fact.
ups for a percentage of fees received over a three-year d. Maintain public confidence in the profession
17. The IFAC Code of Professional Conduct will ordinarily be
12. The concept of materiality would be least important to an considered to have been violated when the member
auditor when considering the represents that specific consulting services will be performed
a. Decision whether to use positive or negative for a stated fee and it is apparent at the time of the
confirmations of accounts receivable. representation that the
b. Adequacy of disclosure of a client's illegal act. a. Actual fee would be substantially higher.
c. Discovery of weaknesses in a client's internal control b. Actual fee would be substantially lower than the fees
structure. charged by other members for comparable services.
d. Effects of a direct financial interest in the client upon c. Fee was a competitive bid.
the CPA's independence. d. Member would not be independent.
13. Which of the following is a violation Confidentiality rule of the 18. In which of the following instances would the independence of
Code of Ethics? the CPA not be considered to be impaired? The CPA has
a. The CPA, in response to a court subpoena, submits been retained as the auditor of a brokerage firm
auditor-prepared workpapers as evidence of possible a. Which owes the CPA audit fees for more than one year.
illegal acts perpetrated by the client. b. In which the CPA has a large active margin account.
b. The CPA discloses to the board of directors a scheme c. In which the CPA's brother is the controller.
concocted by top management to intentionally inflate d. Which owes the CPA audit fees for services in the
earnings. current year and has just filed a petition for
c. The CPA warns Client B as to the inadvisability of bankruptcy.
acquiring Client A. The CPA bases this warning on
knowledge of Client A's financial condition and a 19. In performing an audit, Jackson, CPA, discovers that the
belief that the management of Client A lacks integrity. professional competence necessary for the engagement is
This knowledge was obtained by the CPA as a result lacking. Jackson informs management of the situation and
of auditing Client A during the past several year is. recommends another local firm, and management engages
20. Which of the following fee arrangements is in violation of the 25. PSA 315 requires:
Code of Professional Conduct? a. Obtaining an understanding of the entity and its
a. A fee based on whether the CPA's report on the environment
client's financial statements results in the approval of b. Identifying and assessing the risks of material
a bank loan. misstatement
b. A fee based on the outcome of a bankruptcy proceeding. c. Discussion among engagement team members about the
c. A fee based on the nature of the service rendered and risk of material misstatement in the financial statements.
the CPA's particular expertise instead of the actual time d. All of the above
spent on the engagement.
d. A fee based on the fee charged by the prior auditor. 26. A time budget is an estimate of the total hours an audit is
expected to take. The following are among the factors to be
21. Richard, CPA, performs accounting services for Norton considered in developing this budget, except
Corporation. Norton wishes to offer shares to the public and a. Client's size as indicated by its gross assets, sales,
asks Richard to audit the financial statements. Richard refers number of employees.
Norton to Cruz, CPA, who is more competent in the area of b. Location of client facilities.
registration statements. Cruz performs the audit of Norton's c. The competence and experience of available staff.
financial statements and subsequently thanks Richard for the d. Whether the audit is performed during the interim or
referral by giving Richard a portion of the audit fee. Richard at year-end.
accepts the fee. Who, if anyone, has violated professional
ethics? 27. The extent of audit planning will vary according to the
a. Only Richard following:
b. Both Richard and Cruz a. Auditor’s experience with the entity.
c. Only Cruz b. The nature and complexity of the audit engagement.
d. Neither Richard nor Cruz c. Size of the entity.
d. All of the above.
22. Which of the following would not fit the description of a
related-party transaction? 28. The audit plan should (select the exception)
a. An unusually large sale of merchandise to the a. Be flexible
company's best and largest customer. b. Precede performance of procedures
b. Sales of merchandise between a parent company and its c. Succeed action
subsidiary. d. Be cost-beneficial
c. Exchanges of equipment between two companies owned
by the same person. 29. The establishment of an overall audit strategy involves
d. Loans to corporate officers at market rates of interest with I. Determining the characteristics of the engagement that
a regular repayment schedule. define its scope.
II. Ascertaining the reporting objectives of the engagement
23. The audit work performed by each assistant should be to plan the timing of the audit and the nature of the
reviewed to determine whether it was adequately performed communications required.
and to evaluate whether the III. Considering the important factors that will determine the
a. Results are consistent with the conclusions to be focus of the engagement team's efforts.
presented in the auditor's report. a. I and II only
b. Audit procedures performed are approved in the b. I and III only
professional standards. c. II and III only
d. I, II, and III
31. In planning the audit engagement, the auditor should consider 36. For initial audits, additional matters the auditor may consider
each of the following, except in the overall audit strategy and audit plan include the
a. Matters relating to the entity's business and the industry following except
in which it operates. a. Major issues including the application of accounting
b. Materiality level and audit risk. principles or any auditing and reporting standards
c. The kind of opinion (unmodified, qualified, or adverse) discussed with management.
that is likely to be expressed. b. Confirmation of material accounts receivable balance
d. The entity's accounting policies and procedures. at the end of the year.
c. Planned audit procedure to obtain sufficient appropriate
32. The auditor's understanding of the entity and its environment audit evidence regarding opening balances.
consists of an understanding of the following aspects except d. Assignment of firm personnel with appropriate levels of
a. Industry, regulatory, and other external factors, including capabilities and competence to respond to anticipated
the applicable financial reporting framework. significant risks.
b. Nature of the entity, including the entity's selection and
application of accounting policies. 37. Which of the following would not be found in the corporate
c. Measurement and review of the entity's financial charter?
performance. a. The date of incorporation.
d. Entity's selection and screening process of b. The rules and procedures adopted by the
marketing and production personnel. stockholders.
c. The kinds and amount of capital stock authorized.
33. PSA 315 requires that the auditor should obtain an d. The types of business activity that the corporation is
understanding' of relevant industry, regulatory and other allowed to conduct.
external factors including the applicable financial reporting
framework. Which of the following is not an example of 38. Which of the following would not usually be included in the
matters relating to regulatory environment that the auditor minutes of the board of directors and/or stockholders?
would usually consider? a. Declaration of dividends.
a. Regulatory framework for a regulated industry. b. Authorization of long-term loans.
b. Product technology relating to the entity's product. c. Authorization of individuals to sign checks.
c. Legislation and regulation significantly affecting the d. The duties and powers of the corporate officers.
entity's operation.
d. Taxation. 39. Which of the following is not an inherent risk that is common to
all clients in certain industries?
34. PSA requires that the auditor should obtain an understanding a. Accounts receivable collection in the consumer loan
of the entity's objectives and strategies, and the related industry.
business risks that may result in material misstatement of the b. Potential inventory obsolescence in the fashion clothes
financial statements. Which of the following is not an example industry.
of business risks that may have financial consequences and c. Brand loyalty in the cosmetics industry.
may affect the financial statements? d. Reserve for loss in the casualty insurance industry.
a. A contracting customer base due to industry
consolidation that may increase the risk of misstatement 40. Transactions with related parties are important to the auditors
associated with the valuation of receivables. because they will be disclosed in the financial statements if
b. Contracting economy. material. Generally accepted accounting principles would not
c. New accounting requirements. require disclosure of
d. Use of new IT. a. Loans to officers during the year which had been
repaid before the balance sheet date.
45. These result from significant conditions, events, 50. How did the Code of Ethics define public interest?
circumstances, actions or inactions that could adversely affect a. A distinguishing mark of a profession is the acceptance of
the entity’s ability to achieve its objectives and execute its its responsibility to the public.
strategies or through the setting of inappropriate objectives b. The accountancy profession's public consists of clients,
and strategies. credit grantors, governments, employers, employees,
a. Business failure investors, the business and financial community, and
b. Information risk others who rely on the objectivity and integrity of
c. Business obstacles professional accountants.
d. Business risk c. The collective well-being of the community of people
and institutions the professional accountant serves.
46. These are the operational approaches by which management d. The standards of the accountancy profession are
intends to achieve its objectives. heavily determined by the public interest.
a. Business risk approaches
b. Strategies 51. Independent auditors of financial statements perform audits
c. Planning methods that reduce and control
54. What is the proper organizational role of internal auditing? 61. An audit which is undertaken in order to determine whether
a. To serve as an independent, objective assurance and the auditee is following specific procedures or rules set down
consulting activity that adds value to operations. by some higher authority is classified as a(n)
b. To assist the external auditor in order to reduce external a. Audit of financial statements.
audit fees. b. Compliance audit.
c. To perform studies to assist in the attainment of more c. Operational audit.
efficient operations. d. Production audit.
d. To serve as the investigative arm of the audit committee
of the board of directors. 62. The most important function of operational audit report is to:
a. Direct management to take specified actions.
55. Which of the following is not one of the limitations of an audit? b. State the auditor’s opinion or conclusion.
a. The use of testing c. Report findings and recommendations.
b. Limitations imposed by client d. Report the objective of the audit.
c. Human error
d. Nature of evidence that the auditor obtains 63. Operational audit differs in many ways from an audit of
financial statements. Which of the following is the best
56. Which of the following terms does not belong to the group example of one of these differences?
a. Financial audit a. The usual audit of the financial statement covers four
b. Internal audit basic statements, whereas operational audit is usually
c. External audit limited either the statement of financial position or the
d. Independent audit
income statement.
57. By providing high level of assurance on audit reports on b. Operational audit do not necessarily result in the
financial statements, the auditor preparation of a report.
a. Guarantees the fair presentation of the financial c. The operational audit deals with pre-tax income.
87. If requested to perform a review engagement for a nonpublic 92. In which of the following circumstances would a CPA be
entity in which an accountant has an immaterial direct financial bound by ethics to refrain from disclosing any confidential
interest, the accountant is information obtained during the course of a professional
a. Independent because the financial interest is immaterial engagement?
and, therefore, may issue a review report. a. The CPA is issue a summons enforceable by a court
b. Not independent and, therefore, may not be associated order which orders the CPA to present confidential
with the financial statements. information.
c. Not independent and, therefore, may not issue a b. A major stockholder of a client company seeks
review report. accounting information from the CPA after
d. Not independent and, therefore, may issue a review management declined to disclose the requested
report, but may not issue an auditor's opinion. information.
c. Confidential client information is made available as part of
88. Which of the following most completely describes how a quality review of the CPA's practice by a peer review
independence has been defined by the CPA profession? team authorized by the PICPA.
a. Performing an audit from the viewpoint of the public. d. An inquiry by a disciplinary body of PICPA requests
b. Avoiding the appearance of significant interests in the confidential client information.
affairs of an audit client.
c. Possessing the ability to act with integrity and 93. Which of the following best describes why publicly-traded
objectivity. corporations follow the practice of having the outside auditor
d. Possessing the ability to act professionally and appointed by the board of directors or elected by the
accordance with a professional code of ethics. stockholders?
a. To comply with the regulations of the Accounting
89. To emphasize auditor independence from management, Standards Council.
many corporations follow the practice of b. To emphasize auditor independence from the
a. Appointing a partner of the CPA firm conducting the management of the corporation.
examination to the corporation's audit committee. c. To encourage a policy of rotation of the independent
b. Establishing a policy of discouraging social contact auditors.
between employees of the corporation and the staff of the d. To provide the corporate owners with an opportunity to
independent auditor. voice their opinion concerning the quality of the auditing
c. Requesting that a representative of the independent firm selected by the directors.
auditor be on hand at the annual stockholders' meeting.
d. Having the independent auditor report to an audit 94. The objective of governmental effectiveness or program
committee of outside members of the board of auditing is to determine if the desired results of a program
directors. are being achieved. What is the first step in conducting
such an audit?
90. In determining independence with respect to any audit a. Identify the legislative intent of the program being
engagement, the ultimate decision as to whether or not the audited.
auditor is independent must be made by the b. Collect quantifiable data on the program's success
a. Auditor. or failure.
b. Client. c. Determine the time frame to be audited.
20. An intentional act by one or more individuals among 26. Which of the following is an "error" as distinguished from
management, employees, or third parties which results in "fraud"?
misrepresentation of financial statements refers to a. Lapping
a. Illegal acts b. Embezzlement of company's fund
b. Error c. Clerical mistakes in the processing of transactions
c. Fraud d. Window dressing
50. The generally accepted auditing standards of fieldwork pertain 55. Which of the following is true?
most directly to: a. Auditors are responsible for detecting all fraudulent
a. Improving internal control as a result of the audit. financial reporting.
b. Due professional care in the performance of the audit. b. Auditors must specifically consider fraud risk from
c. The required training and proficiency of the auditors. overstating liabilities.
d. The planning of the audit. c. Auditors must specifically consider fraud risk from
management override of controls.
51. With respect to the auditor's planning of a year-end d. All of the above are true
examination, which of the following statements is always true?
a. An engagement should not be accepted after the fiscal 56. Which of the following is an example of fraudulent financial
year-end. reporting?
b. It is an acceptable practice to carry out substantial a. The treasurer diverts customer payments to his personal
parts of the examination at interim dates. due, concealing his actions by debiting an expense
c. An inventory count must be observed at the balance account, thus overstating expenses.
sheet date. b. Company management changes inventory count tags
d. The client's audit committee should not be told of the and overstates ending inventory, while understating
specific audit procedures that will be performed. cost of goods sold.
c. An employee steals inventory and the “shrinkage” is
52. An initial (first-time) audit requires more audit time to complete recorded in cost of goods sold.
than a recurring audit. One of the reasons for this is that d. An employee steals small tools from the company and
a. New auditors are usually assigned to an initial audit. neglects to return them; the cost is reported as a
b. A larger proportion of customer accounts receivable need miscellaneous operating expense.
to be confirmed on an initial audit.
c. The client's business, industry, and internal control 57. The type of transactions that ordinarily have a high inherent
are unfamiliar to the auditor and need to be carefully risk because they involve management judgments or
studied. assumptions are referred to as
d. Predecessor auditors need to be consulted. a. Estimation transactions.
b. Nonroutine transactions.
53. Which of the following is not required by PSA No. 315, c. Related-party transactions.
"Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit"? d. Routine transactions.
a. Conduct a continuing assessment of the risks of material
misstatement due to fraud throughout the audit. 58. Professional skepticism
b. Conduct a discussion by the audit team of the risks of a. Assumes that management is either dishonest or
material misstatement due to fraud. assumes unquestioned honesty.
c. Conduct inquiries of the audit committee as to their views b. Either assumes that management is honest or dishonest.
about the risks of fraud and their knowledge of any fraud c. Neither assumes that management is dishonest nor
or suspected fraud. assumes unquestioned honesty.
d. Conduct the audit with professional skepticism, d. None of the above is a correct statement
which includes an attitude that assumes balances are
incorrect until verified by the auditor. 59. Which of the following conditions identified during fieldwork of
an audit is most likely to affect the auditor’s assessment of the
54. Inherent risk is defined as the susceptibility of an account risk of misstatement due to fraud?
balance or class of transactions to error that could be material a. Year-end adjusting journal entries.
assuming that there were no related internal controls. Of the b. Checks for significant amounts outstanding at year-end.
following conditions, which one does not increase inherent risk? c. Missing documents.
a. The board of directors approved a substantial bonus for d. Computer generated documents.
the president and chief executive officer, and also
approved an attractive stock option plan for themselves. 60. Which of the following best describes what is meant by the
b. The client has entered into numerous related party term “fraud risk factor?”
transactions during the year under audit.
72. Which of the following relatively small misstatements most 77. Whom should auditors contact when they suspect a fraud?
likely could have a material effect on an entity’s financial a. Senior management
statements? b. Expected perpetrators of the fraud
a. A piece of obsolete office equipment that was not retired. c. Audit committee of the board of directors
b. An illegal payment to a foreign official that was not d. A and C
c. A petty cash fund disbursement that was not properly 78. Auditors would normally interview all but which of the following
authorized. individuals as part of their assessment of fraud risk?
d. An uncollectible account receivable that was not written a. Senior management
off. b. Audit committee
c. Various employees whose duties do not include normal
73. Which of the following might be considered a "red flag" financial reporting responsibilities
indicating possible fraud in a large manufacturing company d. All of the above
with several subsidiaries?
a. A consistent record of above average return on 79. After studying and evaluating a client's existing internal control,
investment for all subsidiaries an auditor has concluded that the policies and procedures are
b. The existence of a financial subsidiary well-designed and functioning as intended. Under these
c. Use of separate bank accounts for payrolls by each circumstances, the auditor would most likely
subsidiary a. Perform further control tests to the extent outlined in the
d. Complex sales-transactions and transfers of funds audit program.
between affiliated companies b. Determine the control policies and procedures that should
prevent or detect errors and fraud.
74. Warning signs that cause the auditor to question management c. Set detection risk at a higher level than would be set
integrity must be taken seriously and pursued vigorously. under conditions of weak internal control.
Which of the following may lead the auditor to suspect d. Set detection risk at a lower level than would be set under
management dishonesty? conditions of weak internal control.
a. The client has been named as a defendant in a product
liability suit. 80. An audit plan is a
b. The client has experienced a decrease in revenue from a. Detailed plan of analytical procedures and all substantive
increased import competition. tests to be performed in the course of the audit.
c. A new statutory regulation making customer licenses b. Generic document that auditing firms have developed to
more difficult to obtain may adversely affect the client's lead the process of the audit through a systematic and
operations. logical process.
d. The president and chief executive officer of the client c. Budget of the time that should be necessary to complete
corporation has held numerous meetings with the each phase of the audit procedures.
39. The risk that the audit will fail to uncover a material 45. Which of the following most accurately summarizes what is
misstatement is eliminated meant by the term “material misstatement?”
a. When the auditor has complied with generally accepted a. Fraud and direct-effect illegal acts.
auditing standards. b. Fraud involving senior management and material fraud.
b. If a client has strong internal controls. c. Material error, material fraud, and certain illegal acts.
c. If a client follows generally accepted accounting d. Material error and material illegal acts.
d. Under no circumstances. 46. The risk of fraudulent financial reporting increases in the
presence of
40. The probability of an auditor's procedures leading to the a. Substantial increases in sales.
conclusion that a material error does not exist in an account b. Incentive systems based on operating income.
balance when, in fact, such error does exist is referred to as c. Improved control systems.
a. Prevention risk. d. Frequent changes in suppliers.
51. The decision as to how much evidence to be accumulated for 58. The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the
a given set of circumstances is: Philippines is applicable to professional services in the
a. Provided in the Philippines Standards on Auditing. Philippines on or before:
b. Provided by following GAAP a. December 31, 2009
c. One requiring professional judgment b. July 1, 2004
d. Determined by statistical analysis c. June 30, 2008
d. June 30, 2009
52. The revised Code of Ethics is mandatory for all CPAs and is
applicable to professional services performed in the 59. Which part of the Code of Ethics applies to professional
Philippines on or: accountants in public practice?
64. How many members of the AASC are needed to approved the 70. The risk that the audit will fail to uncover a material
exposed draft as PSA misstatement is eliminated
a. At least 8 a. When the auditor has complied with generally accepted
b. At least 10 auditing standards.
c. At least 12 b. If client has good internal control.
d. Majority of the regular members c. If client follows generally accepted accounting principles.
d. Under no circumstances.
65. An auditor's examination performed in accordance with
generally accepted auditing standards generally should 71. The practitioner’s report on an assurance engagement should
a. Be expected to provide assurance that illegal acts will be always include the following, except
detected where internal control is effective.
73. Which of the following is expected of AASC to do? 78. A primary purpose for establishing a code of ethics within a
a. AASC should normally expose its opinion on specific professional organization is to:
queries from a practicing CPA. a. Demonstrate the acceptance of responsibility Jo the
b. AASC should normally expose a proposed interpretation interest of those served by the profession.
of statements. b. Reduce the likelihood that members of the profession will
c. To make the statements on Philippine Standards on be sued for substandard work.
Auditing operative, the final statement shall be c. Ensure that all members of the profession posses
submitted to the Board of Accountancy for approval. approximately the same level of competency.
d. When it is deemed necessary to expose a statement for a d. Require members of the profession to exhibit loyalty in all
comment on proposed interpretations of statements, the matters pertaining to the affairs of the organization.
exposure period is understandably shorter than those of
the regular drafts of standards. 79. The communication to the public of facts about a professional
accountant which are not designed for the deliberate
74. Required auditor communication to the Audit Committee promotion of that professional accountant.
concerning noncompliance with laws and regulations that a. Publicity
were detected includes: b. Indirect promotion
a. All those which are not adequately addressed by c. Advertising
management. d. Solicitation
b. All those that constitute management fraud.
c. All material items. 80. Advertising, as defined in the Code of Ethics, means
d. Any of such acts. a. The communication to the public of facts about a
professional accountant which are not designed for the
75. Firm includes the following except: deliberate promotion of that professional accountant.
a. A sole practicing professional accountant, b. The approach to a potential client for the purpose of
b. An entity that controls a partnership of professional offering professional services.
accountants. c. The communication to the public of information as to
c. An entity controlled by a partnership of professional the services or skills provided by professional
accountants. accountants in public practice with a view to
d. A sole practitioner, partnership or corporation of procuring professional business.
professional accountants. d. Any of the given choices.
76. The term professional accountant in public practice includes 81. Which of the following is least likely the basis of determining
the following, except: audit fees?
82. Though PSAs do not provide "hard and fast rules," they 88. The most common type of audit report contains a(n):
provide subjective guidance which allow the auditors to: a. Unqualified opinion.
a. Only apply those standards that are important to the audit. b. Qualified opinion.
b. Use adequate professional judgment when applying c. Adverse opinion.
the standards. d. Disclaimer of opinion.
c. Tailor their audit to procedures requested by
management. 89. Assurance services involve all the following except:
d. Accurately interpret the Code of Ethics for CPAs. a. Improving the quality of information for decision purposes.
b. Improving the quality of the decision model used.
83. Which one of the following is not a key attribute that is c. Improving the relevance of information.
essential to perform an assurance service? d. Implementing a system that improves the processing
a. Independence of information.
b. Accounting skills
c. Established criteria or standards 90. Which of the following is the broadest and most inclusive
d. Subject matter knowledge concept?
a. Audits of financial statements.
84. Upon completion of a typical audit, the auditor has b. Internal control audit.
a. No assurance that all material errors and fraud have been c. Assurance services.
found. d. Compilation services.
b. A low level of assurance that all material errors and fraud
have been found. 91. Whenever a CPA professional is engaged to perform an audit
c. High level of assurance that all material errors and of financial statements according to Philippine Standards on
fraud have been found. Auditing, he required to comply with those standards in order
d. Total assurance that al material errors and fraud have to
been found. a. Eliminate audit risk.
b. Eliminate the professional judgment in resolving audit
85. An investor, while reading the financial statements of Star issues.
Corporation, learned that the statements are accompanied by c. Have a measure of the quality of audit performance.
an unqualified auditor's report. From this the investor may d. To reduce the audit program to be prepared by the
conclude that: auditor.
a. The auditor has ascertained that Silver's financial
statements have been prepared accurately. 92. Certain fundamental beliefs called "postulates" underlie
b. The auditor is satisfied that Silver is operationally efficient. auditing theory. Which of the following is not a postulate of
c. Any disputes over significant accounting issues have auditing?
been settled to the auditor's satisfaction. a. Economic assertions can be verified.
d. Informative disclosures in the financial statements but not b. The auditor acts exclusively as an auditor.
necessarily in the notes to financial statements are to be c. An audit has a benefit only to the owners.
regarded as reasonably adequate. d. No long-term conflict exists between the auditor and the
management of the entity under audit.
86. A CPA should maintain objectivity and be free of conflicts of
interest when performing: 93. In all cases, audit reports must
a. All attestation services, but not other professional a. Communicate the auditor’s finding to the general public.
services. b. Be signed by the individual who performed the audit
b. All attestation and tax services, but not other professional procedures.
services. c. Certify the accuracy of the quantitative information which
c. Audits, but not any other professional services. was audited.
d. All professional services.
6. An operational audit differs in many ways from an audit of 11. Which one of the following is not a part of the attest process?
financial statements. Which of the following is the best a. Evaluating evidence against objective criteria
example of these differences? b. Gathering evidence about assertions
a. Operation audits do not ordinarily result in the preparation c. Proving the accuracy of the books and records
of a report. d. Communicating the conclusions reached
b. The usual audit of financial statement covers the four
basic financial statements whereas the operational audit 12. Which one of the following is not a reason why the users of
is usually limited either the balance sheet or the income financial statements desire for an independent assessment of
statement. the financial statement presentation?
c. The boundaries of an operation audit are often drawn a. Complexity of transactions affecting the financial
from an organization chart and are not limited to a statements
single accounting period. b. Lack of criteria on which to base information
d. The operational audit deals with operating profit while c. Remoteness of the user from the organization
financial audit considers both the operating and net d. All of them are potential reasons
13. An audit which determines whether organizational policies are
7. The audit of historical financial statements should be being followed and whether external mandates are being met
conducted by the CPA professionals in accordance with is referred to as
a. The auditor's judgment. a. A financial audit
b. The audit program. b. A compliance audit.
c. Philippine Financial Reporting Standards. c. An operational audit.
d. Philippine Standards on Auditing. d. None of the above
8. In determining the primary responsibility of the external auditor 14. Which of the following factors most likely would cause a CPA
for an audit of a company's financial statements, the auditor to decline a new audit engagement?
owes primary allegiance to: a. The CPA does not understand the entity's operations and
a. The management of the audit client because the auditor industry.
is hired and paid by management. b. The CPA is unable to review the predecessor auditor's
b. The audit committee of the audit client because that working papers.
committee is responsible for coordinating and reviewing c. Management is unwilling to permit inquiry of its legal
all audit activities within the company. counsel.
c. Stockholders, creditors, and the investing public. d. Management acknowledges that the entity has had
d. The Auditing and Assurance Standards Council, because recurring operating losses.
it determines auditing standards and auditor's
responsibility. 15. Auditing standards are
a. Statutory in nature.
9. Assurance services may include which of the following? b. Rules imposed by the Securities and Exchange
a. Attesting to financial statements Commission.
b. Examination of the economy and efficiency of c. General guidelines to help auditors.
governmental operations d. Rules imposed by the PICPA.
c. Evaluation of a division's performance for management
d. All of the given choices 16. Which of the following best describes what is meant by
generally accepted auditing standards?
10. The auditor of financial statements must make very difficult a. Pronouncements issued by the Auditing and Assurance
interpretations regarding authoritative literature. Additionally, Standards Council.
the auditor must b. Rules acknowledged by the accounting profession
a. Proceed beyond PFRS to assess how the economic because of their universal compliance.
activity is portrayed in the financial statements. c. Procedures to be used to gather evidence to support
b. Force management to make certain decisions regarding financial statements.
their financial statements. d. Measures of the quality of the auditor's performance.
20. To be independent, the auditor: 27. Which of the following is the authoritative body designated to
a. Must be impartial when dealing with the client. promulgate auditing standards?
b. Cannot place any reliance on the client's verbal and a. Financial Reporting Standards Council
written assertions. b. PICPA
c. Is responsible only to third-party users of the financial c. Association of CPAs in Public Practice and PICPA
statements. d. Auditing and Assurance Standards Council
d. Cannot perform any consulting services for an audit client.
28. Which of the following mostly describes the function of AASC?
21. Practitioner's independence: a. To monitor full compliance by auditors to PSAs.
a. Minimizes risk. b. To assist the Board of Accountancy in conducting
b. Defends against liability administrative proceedings on erring CPAs in audit
c. Helps achieve public confidence practice.
d. Achieves compliance with the standards of fieldwork. c. To promulgate auditing standards, practices and
procedures that shall be generally accepted by the
22. The exercise of due professional care requires that an auditor accounting profession in the Philippines.
a. Uses error-free judgment. d. To undertake continuing research on both auditing and
b. Considers internal control, including tests of controls. financial accounting in order to make them responsive to
c. Examines all corroborating evidence available. the needs of the public.
d. Be responsible for fulfilling his or her duties
diligently and carefully. 29. The Philippine Standards on Auditing issued by the Auditing
and Assurance Standards Council (AASC)
23. The exercise of due professional care requires that an auditor a. Are interpretations of generally accepted auditing
a. Critically review the judgment exercised at every standards
level of supervision. b. Are the equivalent of laws for audit practitioners.
b. Attain the proper balance of professional experience and c. Must be followed in all situations.
formal education. d. Are optional guidelines which an auditor may choose to
c. Reduce control risk below the maximum. follow or not follow when conducting an audit.
34. Auditing standards differ from auditing procedures in that 39. In their fiduciary role, the professional accountants owe their
procedures relate to: primary loyalty to:
a. Measures of performance a. The accounting profession
b. Acts to be performed. b. The general public
c. Audit judgments. c. The client
d. Audit principles. d. Government regulatory agencies
35. Every independent audit engagement involves both auditing 40. Which of the following is a distinguishing mark of the
standards and auditing procedures. The relationship between accountancy profession?
the two may be illustrated by how they apply from a. A drive to excellence
engagement to engagement. The best representation of this b. Acceptance of the responsibility to act in the public
application is that, from one audit engagement to the next, interest
a. Auditing standards are applied uniformly but auditing c. Professional objectivity
procedures may vary. d. Professional skepticism
b. Auditing standards may vary but auditing procedures are
44. Professional accountants may encounter problems in 48. Which of the following is not a function of the Board of
identifying unethical behavior or in resolving an ethical conflict. Accountancy as specified in the Philippine Accountancy Act of
When faced with significant ethical issues, professional 2004?
accountants should do the following, except a. To investigate violations of the Accountancy Law and the
a. Follow the established policies of the employing rules and regulations promulgated therewith.
organization to seek a resolution of such conflict b. To look from time to time into the conditions affecting the
b. Review the conflict problem with the immediate superior if practice of the accountancy profession.
the organization's policies do not resolve the ethical c. To create and direct accrediting agencies that are
conflict. entrusted the functions of reviewing higher
c. If the problem is not resolved with the immediate educational institutions' policies and practices
superior and the professional accountant determines leading to accreditation/reaccreditation of BSA
to go to the next higher managerial level, the program.
immediate superior need not be notified of the d. To determine and prescribe minimum requirements
decision. leading to the admission of candidates to the CPA
d. Seek counseling and advice on a confidential basis with licensure examination.
an independent advisor or the applicable professional
accountancy body or regulatory body to obtain an 49. All of the following are represented to the Financial Reporting
understanding of possible courses of action. Standards Council, except:
a. Securities and Exchange Commission
45. As a resolution of the conflict in the application of fundamental b. Bureau of Internal Revenue
principles, the auditor, after considering the ethical issues and c. Commission on Higher Education
relevant facts may do any of the following, except: d. Board of Accountancy
a. Must immediately resign from the engagement or the
employing entity.
b. Should weigh me consequences of each possible course 50. A CPA whose certificate of registration has been revoked:
of action. a. Can no longer be reinstated.
c. Should consult with other appropriate persons within the b. Is automatically reinstated as a CPA by the PRC after two
firm or employing organization for help to finally resolve years if he has acted in an exemplary manner.
the matter. c. May be reinstated by the Professional Regulation
d. The professional accountant may wish to obtain Commission after two years if he has acted in an
professional advice from, the relevant professional body exemplary manner.
without breaching confidentiality if significant conflict
cannot be resolved.
56. Which of the following is not likely a quality control procedure 61. A principal purpose of a letter of representation from
on consultation? management is to
87. Which of the following is not included in an audit engagement 93. Which of the following services provides the highest level of
letter? assurance to third parties about a company's financial
a. Objectives of the engagement statements?
b. Representations that the financial statements were a. Audit.
prepared in accordance with PFRS b. Review.
c. Management's responsibilities c. Compilation.
d. A clear explanation of the services to be performed on d. Each of the above provides the same level of assurance.
the engagement
94. Most accounting and auditing professionals agree that when
88. Which of the following is least likely included in an auditor’s an audit has failed to uncover material misstatements, and
inquiry of management while obtaining information to identify the wrong type of audit opinion is issued, the audit firm
the risks of material misstatement due to fraud? a. Has failed to follow generally accepted auditing standards
a. Are financial reporting operations controlled by and (GAAS).
limited to one location? b. Should be asked to defend the quality of the audit.
b. Does it have knowledge of fraud or suspect fraud? c. Deserves to lose the lawsuit.
c. Does it have programs to mitigate fraud risks? d. Should not be held responsible for the financial loss
d. Has it reported to the audit committee the nature of the suffered loss suffered by others.
company's internal control?
95. The objective of quality control mandates that a public
89. Which of the following should the auditors normally interview accounting firm should establish policies and procedures for
as part of their assessment of fraud risk? professional development which provide reasonable
a. Senior management assurance that all entry-level personnel
b. Audit committee a. Prepare working papers which are standardized in form
c. Various employees whose duties financial reporting and content.
responsibilities b. Will advance within the organization.
d. All of the given choices c. Develop specialties in specific areas of public accounting.
d. Have the knowledge required to enable them to fulfill
7. The underlying reason for a code of professional conduct for 12. Which of the following is correct concerning requirements
any profession is about auditor's communications about fraud?
a. That it is required by congress. a. Fraud that involves senior management should be
b. The need for public confidence in the quality of reported directly to the audit committee regardless of
service of the profession. the amounts involved.
c. That it provides a safeguard to keep unscrupulous people b. All fraud with a material effect on the financial statements
out. should be reported directly by the auditor to the SEC
d. That it allows Professional Regulation Commission to c. Fraud with a material effect on the financial statements
have a yardstick to measure deficient performance. should ordinarily be disclosed by the auditor through the
use of an emphasis of a matter paragraph added to the
8. Professional accountants may encounter problems in audit report.
identifying unethical behavior or in resolving an ethical conflict. d. The auditor has no responsibility to disclose fraud outside
When faced with significant ethical issues, professional the entity under any circumstances.
accountants should do the following, except
a. Follow the established policies of the employing 13. Which of the following factors most likely would heighten an
organization to seek a resolution of such conflict. auditor's concern about the risk of fraudulent financial
b. Review the conflict problem with the immediate superior if reporting?
the organization's policies do not resolve the ethical a. Large amounts of liquid assets that are easily convertible
conflict. into cash.
c. If the problem is not resolved with the immediate
18. The implementation of quality control procedures that are 25. The ordinary examination of financial statements is not
applicable to the individual audit engagement is the primarily designed to disclose defalcations and other
responsibility of the irregularities although their discovery may result. Normal audit
a. CPA firm. procedures are more likely to detect a fraud arising from
b. Engagement quality control reviewer. a. Theft of inventories.
c. Expert contracted by the firm in connection with the audit b. Collusion on the part of several employees.
engagement. c. Failure to record cash receipts for services rendered.
d. Engagement team. d. Forgeries on company checks.
37. For assurance engagements which are neither audits nor 44. An attestation engagement is one in which a CPA is engaged
reviews of historical financial information, the following to:
standard applies: a. Assemble prospective financial statements based on the
a. PSAs assumptions of the entity's management without
b. PSAEs expressing any Testify as an expert witness in accounting,
c. PSREs auditing or tax matters, given certain stipulated facts.
d. PSRSs b. assurance.
c. Issue a written communication expressing a
38. Unlike consulting services, in assurance services: conclusion about the reliability of a written assertion
a. There is confirmation that financial statement assertions that is the responsibility of another party.
are accurate. d. Provide tax advice or prepare a tax return based on
b. Misstated account balances are generally corrected by an financial information the CPA has not audited or reviewed.
independent audit.
c. Ineffective internal controls may exist. 45. Assurance engagements encompass the following types of
d. Competing interests may exist between management services, except:
and the users of statements. a. Audit of historical financial statements.
b. Review engagements.
39. The attest function: c. Management consulting.
a. Is an essential part of every engagement performed by a d. Attestation services.
b. Includes the preparation of a written report of the 46. Criteria that are embodied in laws or regulations, or issued by
CPA's conclusion. authorized or recognized bodies of experts that follow a
c. Requires a complete review of all transactions during the transparent due process are called:
period under examination. a. Suitable criteria
d. Requires a review of a sample of transactions during the b. General criteria
period under examination. c. Established criteria
d. Specifically developed criteria
40. Which of the following is an assurance service?
a. Performance measurement 47. Which of the following is not a characteristic of suitable criteria?
b. Systems design and installation a. Completeness
c. Tax planning b. Neutrality
d. Personal financial planning c. Relevance
d. Comparability
41. Non-assurance engagements include all of the following
services, except: 48. The criteria to be used for a particular engagement can either
a. Agreed-upon procedures engagements. be established or specifically developed. Established criteria
b. Compilations of financial or other information. are those
c. Management and tax consulting. a. Designed for the purpose of the engagement.
d. Examination of prospective financial information. b. Embodied in laws or regulations or issued by autho-
rized or recognized bodies of experts that follow a
42. Unlike consulting services, assurance services: transparent due process.
a. Make recommendation to management. c. Made available to the intended users.
b. Report on how to use information. d. Not made available to the intended users.
c. Are two-party contracts.
d. Report on the quality of information. 49. A practitioner should accept an assurance engagement only if
a. The practitioner's conclusion is to be contained in a
43. Identify the correct statement. written report.
a. Accounting services do not provide attestation. b. The subject matter is the responsibility of either the
b. Management consulting services provide attestation in all intended users or the practitioner.
cases. c. The subject matter is in the form of financial information.
c. An audit provides limited assurance by attesting to the
91. The integrated national professional organization of Certified 96. Occurs when, by virtue of a close relationship with an
Public Accountants accredited by the BOA and the PRC per assurance client, its directors, officers or employees, a firm or
PRC accreditation No. 15 dated October 2, 1975. a member of the assurance team becomes too sympathetic
a. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants to the client's interests.
(PICPA) a. Self-interest threat
b. Auditing and Assurance Standards Council (AASC) b. Self-review threat
c. Financial Reporting Standards Council (FRSC) c. Advocacy threat
d. Education Technical Council (ETC) d. Familiarity threat
92. A CPA-lawyer, acting as a legal counsel to one of his audit 97. A former officer, director or employee of the assurance client
client, is an example of serves as a member of the assurance team. This situation will
a. Self-interest threat least likely create
b. Self-review threat a. Self-interest threat.
c. Advocacy threat b. Self-review threat.
d. Familiarity threat c. Intimidation threat.
d. Familiarity threat.
93. Intimidation threat
a. Is not a threat to independence. 98. Immediate family includes
b. Occurs when a member of the assurance team may a. Parent.
be deterred from acting objectively and exercising b. Sibling.
professional skepticism by threats, actual or c. Non-dependent child.
perceived, from the directors, officers or employees d. Spouse.
of an assurance client.
c. Occurs when, by virtue of a close relationship with an 99. Which of the following is not likely a threat to independence?
assurance client, its directors, officers or employees, a a. Acting as an advocate on behalf of an assurance client in
firm or a member of the assurance team becomes too litigation or in resolving disputes with third parties.
sympathetic to the client's interests. b. Long association of a senior member of the assurance
d. Occurs when a firm, or a member of the assurance team, team with the assurance client.
16. Information risk refers to the risk that 23. The best statement of the responsibility of the auditor with
a. The client may not be able to remain in business. respect to audited financial statement is:
b. Errors and frauds would not be detected by the auditor's a. The auditor's responsibility on fair presentation of
procedures. financial statements is limited only up to the date
c. The auditor may express an unqualified opinion on of the audit report.
financial statements that are material misstated. b. The auditor's responsibility is confined to the
d. The client's financial statements may be materially expression of opinion on the financial statements
false and misleading. audited.
c. The responsibility over the financial statements rests with
17. Which of the following is a cause of information risk? the management and the auditor assumes responsibility
a. Voluminous data. with respect to the notes of financial statements.
b. Biases and motives of the provider of information. d. The auditor is responsible only to his qualified opinion but
c. Remoteness of the information. not for any other type of opinion.
d. Each of the above is a cause of information risk.
27. Which of the following statements does not properly 34. A process comprising an ongoing consideration and
describe a limitation of an audit? evaluation of the firm's system of quality control, including a
a. Many audit conclusions are made on the basis of periodic inspection of a selection of completed engagements,
examining a sample of evidence. designed to enable the firm to obtain reasonable assurance
b. The work, under taken by the auditor is permeated by that its system of quality control is operating effectively.
judgment. a. Inspection
c. Fatigue and human weaknesses can cause b. Monitoring
auditors to overlook pertinent evidence. c. Peer review
d. Many financial statement assertions cannot be audited. d. Engagement quality control review
28. Financial statements audits: 35. The firm should obtain written confirmation of compliance with
a. Reduce the cost of capital its policies and procedures on independence from all firm
b. Report on compliance with laws and regulations personnel required to be independent by the Code of Ethics at
c. Assess management's efficiency least:
d. Overlook information risk a. Annually
b. Every 3 years
29. In relation to auditing, which of the following is an incorrect c. Every 2 years
phrase? d. Every 5 years
a. Auditing is a systematic process.
b. Auditing subjectively obtains and evaluates evidence. 36. The firm should obtain acceptance and continuance
c. Auditing evaluates evidence regarding assertions. information as it considers necessary in the following
d. Auditing communicates results to interested users. circumstances:
a. When accepting an engagement with a new client
30. Broadly defined, the subject matter of any audit consists b. When deciding whether to continue an existing
of engagement
a. Economic data
49. Prior to beginning the field work on a new audit engagement in 54. When the continuing auditor intends to use information about
which a CPA does not possess expertise in the industry in the entity and its environment obtained in prior periods, the
which the client operates, the CPA should auditor should:
a. Reduce audit risk by lowering the preliminary levels of a. Assess control risk as "high" for the assertions affected
materiality. by the prior-period information.
b. Design special substantive tests to compensate for the b. Seek permission with the client in using the prior period
lack of industry expertise. information obtained by the auditor.
c. Engage financial experts familiar with the nature of the c. Determine whether changes have occurred that may
industry. affect the relevance of such information in the
d. Obtain a knowledge of matters that relates to the current audit.
nature of the entity's business. d. Determine whether to equitably reduce the audit fee due
to lower audit effort expended during the engagement.
50. Which of the following is not one of the duties of the
Commission on Audit 55. Relevant industry conditions include the following, except:
a. Keep the general accounts of the government a. The market and competition, including demand, capacity
b. Promulgate accounting rules and regulations and price competition.
c. Define the scope of its audit and examination b. Regulatory framework for a regulated industry.
d. Assume fiscal responsibility for the government and c. Cyclical or seasonal activity.
its instrumentalities d. Product technology relating to the entity's products.
51. The early appointment of the independent auditor has many 56. An auditor obtains an understanding of the entity and its
advantages to the auditor and the client. Which of the environment in order to
following advantages is least likely to occur as a result of early a. Make constructive suggestions concerning improvements
appointment of the auditor? to the client's internal control.
a. The auditor will be able to plan the audit work so that it b. Understand the events and transactions that may
may be done expeditiously. have an effect on the client's financial statements.
b. The auditor will be able to complete the audit work in c. Evaluate whether the aggregation of known
less time. misstatements causes the financial statements taken as a
c. The auditor will be able to better plan for the observation whole to be materially misstated.
of the physical inventories. d. Develop an attitude of professional skepticism concerning
d. The auditor will be able to perform the examination more management's financial statement assertions.
efficiently and will be finished at an early date after the
year-end. 57. Maintaining or providing access to adequate reference
libraries and other authoritative sources is a procedure that is
52. Which of the following is the most likely first step an auditor most likely performed to comply with the policy of
would perform at the beginning of an initial audit engagement? a. Monitoring
a. Prepare a rough draft of the financial statements and of b. Ethical requirements
the auditor's report. c. Assignment
b. Study and evaluate the system of internal administrative d. Consultation
c. Tour the client's facilities and review the general 58. A process designed to provide an objective evaluation, before
records. the report is issued, of the significant judgments the
d. Consult with and review the work of the predecessor engagement team made and the conclusions they reached in
auditor prior to discussing the engagement with the client formulating the report is called:
management. a. Inspection
b. Documentation
53. An extensive understanding of the client's business and c. Monitoring
industry and knowledge about the company's operations are d. Engagement quality control review
essential for doing an adequate audit. For a new client, most
of this information is obtained
a. From the Securities and Exchange Commission.
70. Which of the following is prohibited by the Code of 74. Special/temporary permit may be issued by the Board to the
Professional Ethics for CPAs? following persons except:
a. Use of a firm name which includes the name of a retired a. A foreign CPA engaged as a professor or lecturer in the
partner. fields essential to accountancy education in the
b. Accepting an engagement or employment which one Philippines.
cannot reasonably expect to complete or discharge b. A foreign CPA called for consultation or specific purpose
with professional competence. which is essential for the development of the country and
c. Announcement in a newspaper of the opening of a public that there are no Filipino CPAs qualified for such
accounting office. consultation or specific purpose.
d. Engaging in civic activities during business hours. c. A foreign CPA who can prove that the country of
which he or she is a citizen admits citizens of the
71. Which of the following statements best describes why the Philippines to the practice of the same profession
profession of certified public accountants has deemed it without restriction.
essential to promulgate a code of ethics and to establish a d. A foreign CPA with specialization in any branch of
mechanism for enforcing observance of the code? accountancy and his/her service is essential for the
a. The law requires an establishment of a code of ethics. advancement of accountancy in the Philippines.
b. A distinguishing mark of a profession is its
acceptance of responsibility to the public. 75. The following statements relate to RA 9298. Which statement
c. A prerequisite to success is the establishment of an is true?
ethical code that stresses primarily the professional's a. Insanity is not a ground for proceeding against a CPA.
responsibility to clients and colleagues. b. The Professional Regulation Commission has the
d. An essential means of self-protection for the profession is authority to remove any member of the Board of
the establishment of flexible ethical standards by the Accountancy for negligence, incompetence, or any other
profession. just cause.
c. A person shall be considered to be in the
72. Which of the following is not one of the qualifications of the professional practice of accounting if, as an officer in
members of the Board of Accountancy? a private enterprise, he makes decisions requiring
a. He/She must not be a director or officer of PICPA at the professional accounting knowledge.
time of his appointment. d. After three years, subject to certain conditions, the Board
b. He/She must be a natural-born citizen and a resident of of Accountancy may order the reinstatement of a CPA
the Philippines. whose certificate of registration has been revoked.
c. He/She must be a duly Certified Public Accountant
with at least ten years of experience in practice of
public accountancy.
d. He/She must not have any direct or indirect pecuniary
interest in any school, college, university, or institution
offering a BS Accountancy course or institution
conducting review classes in preparation for the licensure