Wiley - Value-Based Metrics Foundations and Practice - 978-1-883-24976-2
Wiley - Value-Based Metrics Foundations and Practice - 978-1-883-24976-2
Wiley - Value-Based Metrics Foundations and Practice - 978-1-883-24976-2
Investors, shareholders, and corporate leaders looking for an edge in today's New Economy are moving beyond traditional accounting
yardsticks toward new means of gauging performance and profitability. An increasing number of Wall Street analysts and corporate
boards are adopting value-based metrics such as EVA, MVA, and CFROI as a measure of a firm's profitability because these
standards adjust for all of the firm's cost of capital - equity as well as debt. James Grant tackled the issue of economic value added
in its infancy with Foundations of Economic Value Added - one of the first primers on the topic, endorsed by its creator, G. Bennett
Stewart. Now, in Value Based Metrics: Foundations and Practice, he and Frank Fabozzi head a team of some of the leading
proponents of value based metrics on both the investment management side and the corporate side. This comprehensive reference
outlines how corporations and analysts can use value based metrics to more accurately measure the financial performance of
individual companies, industries, and economies, as well as how to get an edge in today's turbulent market.
Frank J. Fabozzi is a financial consultant, the editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management, and an Adjunct Professor of Finance
investment management. Dr. Grant holds a Ph.D. in Business from the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business, and