Solution: The Channel Section Is Shown Below. Let D Be The Balancing Depth, I.E. The Depth For Which
Solution: The Channel Section Is Shown Below. Let D Be The Balancing Depth, I.E. The Depth For Which
Solution: The Channel Section Is Shown Below. Let D Be The Balancing Depth, I.E. The Depth For Which
Calculate the balancing depth for a channel section having a bed width equal to 18 m and side slopes of 1:1
in cutting and 2:1 in filling. The bank embankments are kept 3.0 m higher than the ground level (berm level)
and crest width of banks is kept as 2.0 m
Solution: The channel section is shown below. Let d be the balancing depth, i.e. the depth for which
excavation and filling becomes equal.
3m 2:1 3m
d 1:1
6m 2m 6m 6m 2m 6m
18 m
Practice Problems
1. An area of 300 hectares is to be irrigated from a minor channel with one outlet; C.C.A is 80% of
total area. The intensity of irrigation is 50% for Rabi and 30% for Kharif crop. Taking loss in
conveyance system as 5% of outlet discharge, determine the design discharge of the channel. Take
outlet discharge factor for Rabi season as 1500 ha/m3/sec and for Kharif season 1000 ha/m3/sec.
2. Find out the capacity of a reservoir from the following data. The culturable command area is 80,000
3. Determine the head discharge of a canal from the following data: The value of time factor may be
assumed as 0.75.
Crop Base Period in days Area in hectare Duty in hectares/cumec
Rice 120 4000 1500
Wheat 120 3500 2000
Sugarcane 310 3000 1200
4. A Persian wheel discharges at the rate of 11,000 liters per hour and works for eight hours each day.
Estimate the area commanded by the water lift if the average depth of irrigation is 8 cm and
irrigation interval is 15 days.