Gas Absorber Dia and Height Along With Reboiler Duty

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Calculation of TEG Absorber Diameter and height along with Reboiler duty


Gas flow rate = 8.47551949 MMscfd

sp. gravity of gas = 0.91400832
Operating Pressure = 148.809 psi
Operating Temperature = 122 F
Outlet water Contents = 7 lb H20 / MMscf
Inlet water Contents = 4465.978 lb H20 / MMscf
TEG cirulation rate = 3 gal TEG / lb H2O
compressibilty factor , z = 0.99

TEG concentration

Fig 20-68 Assuming 10 F approach to equilibrium

TEG conc = 99.90%

No. Of Theoritical Stages

Water removal Efficiency = 0.998433

Fig 20-70 No. of trays = 4 at 3 gal TEG/lb of H2O at 99.9 % wt of TEG

(Win -Wout)/Win = 0.999

Keeping tray effiency 25 %

Actual number of trays will be 16

→ so we will use 2 Theoritcal stages = 8 bubble cap trays @24 inch tray spacings

Sizing the Contractor

bubble cap = 24 inch tray spacing

Fig 7-9 C= 585
GPSA ρv = 0.697945 lb/ft3
ρL = 69.732 lb/ft3

G = 4060.674 lb/

Mass Flowa rate = 24603.6 lb/hr

A= 6.059 ft2

D= 2.778 ft

For Structured Packing

C= 1200 432 36

D= 1.940 ft

Reboiler Duty

Temperature IN = 300 F
Operating Temp = 400 F

Glycol Reboiler Duty: basis = 1 gal TEG

Sensible Heat

m= 9.3 lb/gal
Cp = 0.665 BTU/lb.F

Qs= 618.45 BTU/gal

Vaporuization of Absorbed water

∆H vap = 970 BTU/lb H20

∆W = 0.333333 lb H20 / 3 gal TEG

Qv= 323.3333 BTU/gal

Condensor Dutry @ 25 % Reflux Ratio

Qc= 80.8 btu/gal

Heat Loss 10 %



th Reboiler duty
Gas Flow rate = 8.475519 MMscfd
Allowable Gas flow rate = 1.565 MMscfd. Ft2
Dew point of inlet gas(inlet temp) = 122 F
Pressure of the gas = 150 psi
water enter the absorber = 4465.978 lb H20 / MMscf
water leaving the absorber = 7 lb H20 / MMscf

Density of TEG = 185.349 lb/ft3

Density of Gas = 0.697945 lb/ft3
Empirical Factor K = 0.16 (for 24 inch tray spacing)
0.18 (for 18 inch tray spacing)

Allowable gas velocity = VC = 2.602467 ft/sec

Cross sectional Area of contractor AC = 5.415667 ft2

Table D.4 Dew point of outlet gas = 17 F

Dew point Depression DDEP = 105 F

Table D.5 No. of Trays = 16

Water removed = 1574.673 lb water /hr

Glycol/ water ratio = 3 gal /lb of water

Glycol Recirculation rate for water removal = 4724.019 gal/hr

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