Remedial Class
Remedial Class
Remedial Class
December 2005
The Legislative Committee on Education wishes to thank the people who have
contributed to the compilation of this booklet.
Several program vendors were extremely helpful in supplying staff with information on
the programs that appear in the pages of this booklet. In addition, the Committee
thanks the staff of the Nevada Department of Education and Dr. George C. Hill,
University of Nevada, Reno, for the assistance in analyzing the effectiveness of the
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. i
Sources of Information................................................................................................ ii
Criteria for Selection ................................................................................................... iii
About the Entries in This Book.................................................................................... iv
Access ................................................................................................................... 1
Avenues ................................................................................................................ 3
High Point .............................................................................................................. 5
Into English............................................................................................................ 7
Odyssey ELL ......................................................................................................... 9
Breakthrough to Literacy ....................................................................................... 11
Earobics ................................................................................................................ 13
Wiggleworks ......................................................................................................... 15
ALEKS .................................................................................................................. 17
Destination Math.................................................................................................... 19
Everyday Mathematics .......................................................................................... 21
Math Renaissance................................................................................................. 23
Moogie Math.......................................................................................................... 27
Odyssey Math........................................................................................................ 29
Saxon Math ........................................................................................................... 31
Brainchild............................................................................................................... 33
ClassWorks ........................................................................................................... 35
Compass Learning ................................................................................................ 39
Direct Instruction.................................................................................................... 41
Leap Frog ............................................................................................................. 43
NovaNET (NCS Learn).......................................................................................... 45
Orchard ................................................................................................................. 47
PLATO................................................................................................................... 49
SuccessMaker ...................................................................................................... 53
Accelerated Reader............................................................................................... 55
Bookshop .............................................................................................................. 59
Essential Learning System ................................................................................... 61
Fast ForWord......................................................................................................... 65
Lexia Learning Systems ........................................................................................ 69
Odyssey Reading .................................................................................................. 73
Read 180 .............................................................................................................. 75
Reading Advantage ............................................................................................... 79
Read Now.............................................................................................................. 81
Reading Recovery ................................................................................................. 85
Read Right ............................................................................................................ 87
Read XL ................................................................................................................ 89
Voyager Passport A-D........................................................................................... 91
Voyager Passport E-G........................................................................................... 95
Voyager Universal Literacy System....................................................................... 99
Waterford Early Reading ...................................................................................... 101
Full Option Science System .................................................................................. 105
Bridges .................................................................................................................. 109
California Early & Extended Literacy Learning ..................................................... 113
ELLIS..................................................................................................................... 115
Image-Making within the Writing Process.............................................................. 117
Thinking Maps ...................................................................................................... 119
Efforts are continuing at both the national and state levels to establish and promote high
standards for student learning. State policies have been set to challenge, support and
monitor schools as they work to improve the academic achievement for all students.
With the state standards movement maturing and with increasing numbers of remedial
program developers showing both research bases and effectiveness data to support
their products, it is hoped that low-performing schools will have the chance to improve
and reach all students.
The Nevada Education Reform Act (NERA) of 1997 established a structure for the
Legislature to view the public education system as a whole; established a statewide
mission statement; formulated a series of goals; identified policies and programs that
fostered improvement; and set the tone for reform and improvement in the state of
Nevada. As a part of the NERA, the Legislative Committee on Education is required to
recommend to the Nevada Department of Education (Department) programs of
remedial study that have proven to be successful in improving the academic
achievement of pupils in the subject areas of reading, writing, mathematics and science.
The Legislative Bureau of Educational Accountability and Program Evaluation (Bureau),
with assistance from the Department and other educational specialists has been
publishing and updating this List of Effective Remedial Programs (LERP) since 1998.
Through the NERA state funds were granted to low-performing schools for purposes of
remediation and increasing the academic achievement of pupils. In order to receive a
remediation grant, each school was required to review the data from statewide
examinations and develop a remediation plan to assist low-performing pupils at the
school. Schools could request a grant of funds from the Department to purchase a
remediation program, as long as that program was on the LERP. This structure for
remediation funding was in effect from the 1997-99 biennium through the 2003-05
In order to align with the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA), the Nevada
Legislature passed Senate Bill 1 of the 19th Special Session. Although this legislation
made significant changes to the state’s accountability program under the NERA, there
was little impact to state remediation funding during the 2003-05 biennum. However,
remediation funding was closely reviewed during the 2003-05 biennium, and significant
changes were made to the remediation funding program by the 2005 Legislature.
During the 2005 Legislative Session, the Legislature heard testimony that the
remediation funding program, as historically implemented, needed to be expanded to
include not only remediation programs, but also effective practices and strategies.
Based upon testimony, the 2005 Legislature passed Senate Bill 404, which significantly
revised the remediation funding program under the NERA.
Senate Bill 404 creates a nine-member Commission on Educational Excellence and the
Trust Fund for Educational Excellence within the state General Fund. The Commission
is required to establish a program for educational excellence for kindergarten through
6th grade; identify effective programs, practices and strategies for improving academic
achievement and proficiency; review plans for improvement; evaluate and rank any
grant requests for funds from the Trust Fund for Educational Excellence; and define
grant distribution criteria. Although the Commission is required to review and consider
the programs on the LERP when making grant decisions, the Commission is not bound
to funding only those programs that are on the LERP. The Commission may fund any
program, practice or strategy, which has been found to be effective and may assist a
school or school district in implementing their plan for improvement.
With the passage of Senate Bill 404, it is hoped that the LERP will continue to assist
and direct school and school district personnel on remediation programs that may assist
in increasing the academic achievement of pupils in Nevada. However, it is important
that users of this information are cognizant that the programs on the LERP are not all
inclusive and there may be other effective programs, practices and strategies that are
not currently on the LERP that may be helpful in implementing plans for improvement.
It is anticipated that in the future, the LERP will be expanded to include additional
programs, practices and strategies that are effective in increasing the academic
achievement of Nevada’s pupils.
The programs included in this List of Effective Remedial Programs have been proven to
be effective based on scientific research data, and each program has been examined
for subject-area emphasis and alignment to Nevada content standards.
This year staff again convened to review the entire list of programs on the 2004 edition
of the LERP. Also, 36 new programs were submitted for review and possible inclusion.
Based upon the review, staff recommended nine programs be added to the LERP and
eight programs from the 2004 LERP be discontinued for non-alignment to Nevada
content standards. The Legislative Committee on Education approved staff’s
recommendations as presented, for a total of 45 programs on the 2005 edition of the
LERP. The Nevada Department of Education officially adopted the recommendations of
the Committee on December 12, 2005.
Sources of Information
The following resources were used by staff to obtain information on both new and
existing programs:
Criteria for Selection
Intended Audience
• Grade level
• Types of students served (i.e., at-risk, ELL, IEP, newly arrived, mainstream,
gifted and talented)
Evidence of Effectiveness
• Independent third party evaluations
• Quantitative data based on sound statistical principles
• Qualitative data based on proper social science methodologies
• Evidence that the program has been replicated
• Training/professional development
• Cost per student/classroom/school
• Required add-ons
• Additional technology requirements/capability of school to make upgrades
About the Entries in This Book
The following entries provide information about each remedial program. This
information is for school staff and district staff to use in deciding which program would
be most helpful in targeting those students that need help improving achievement.
Entries are divided into two categories: curriculum-oriented programs and skills
development programs. Curriculum-oriented programs teach concepts and facts and
are geared toward giving students the skills and competencies needed to move ahead
in school and succeed at assessments. Skills development programs are not
content-focused or subject-specific; rather, these programs help students study more
effectively, learn with more ease, or think critically. It is important that schools choose
the program(s) that will target those student populations achieving at the lowest level.
Schools must also understand that proper program implementation is crucial for the
success of a remedial program. Program publishers design programs in a precise way,
requiring specific equipment or a particular amount of time be devoted to the program.
Changing the vendor’s recommendation to suit a school’s preference may have a
decided effect on whether the school obtains results from the program.
For further information regarding the programs in this book, please call the Legislative
Bureau of Educational Accountability (located in the Fiscal Analysis Division of the
Legislative Counsel Bureau) at (775) 684-6821.
List of Effective Remedial Programs
Program Features Index Key
AR Accelerated Reader
AV Avenues
BKS Bookshop
BC Brainchild
BR Bridges
BTL Breakthrough to Literacy
CELL California Early and Extended Literacy Learning
CLOC CompassLearning Odyssey Classic
CLOE CompassLearning Odyssey ELL
CLOM CompassLearning Odyssey Math
CLOR CompassLearning Odyssey Reading
CW ClassWorks
DI Direct Instruction
DM Destination Math
EAR Earobics
ELS Essential Learning System
EM Everyday Mathematics
FF Fast ForWord
FOSS Full Option Science System
HP High Point
IE Into English
IM Image-Making Within the Writing Process
LF Leap Frog
LL Lexia Learning Systems
MOOG Moogie Math
MR Math Renaissance
NN NovaNET (NCS Learn)
ORCH Orchard
R180 Read 180
RA Reading Advantage
RN Read Now
RR Reading Recovery
RRI Read Right
SM Saxon Math
SUCM SuccessMaker
TM Thinking Maps
VP Voyager Passport A/B/C/D
VPEFG Voyager Passport E/F/G
VULS Voyager Universal Literacy System
WER Waterford Early Reading
WW Wiggleworks
Type of Reform
Comprehensive Reform Program X X
Curricular Reform Program X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Students Served
All Students X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Special Needs/Mild Moderate Handicap X X X
Readers with Reading Difficulties X X X X X X X X X
ESL or Bilingual X X X X X X X X X
Grade Levels
K-3 X X X X X
K-6 (Elementary) X X X X X X X X X X X
Middle/Junior High School X X X X X X X X X X X X X
High School X X X X X X X X
Curricular Focus
Reading/Language Arts X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Writing X X X X X X
Mathematics X X X X X X X X X
Science X X X
Type of Reform
Comprehensive Reform Program X X
Curricular Reform Program X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Students Served
All Students X X X X X X X X X X X X
Special Needs/Mild Moderate Handicap X X X X X X
Readers with Reading Difficulties X X X X X X X X
ESL or Bilingual X X X X X X X X X
Grade Levels
K-6 (Elementary) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Middle/Junior High School X X X X X X X X X X X X X
High School X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Curricular Focus
Reading/Language Arts X X X X X X X X X X X
Writing X X X X X X X
Mathematics X X X X X X X
Science X X X X X
Type of Reform
Comprehensive Reform Program X X
Curricular Reform Program X X X X X X X X X X X X
Students Served
All Students X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Special Needs/Mild Moderate Handicap X X
Readers with Reading Difficulties X X X X X X X X X
ESL or Bilingual X X X X X X X X
Grade Levels
K-3 X X X X
K-6 (Elementary) X X X X X X X X X
Middle/Junior High School X X X X X X X X X
High School X X X X X X X
Curricular Focus
Reading/Language Arts X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Writing X X X X X
Mathematics X X X X
Science X X X
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ACCESS is an innovative, standards-based series of content area programs to help English Language Learners
build language skills and academic content literacy in all subjects including: English, Mathematics, American
History, and Science. The Newcomers program gives beginning students survival language and starts them on
the way to success in school.
ACCESS Newcomers is designed for students who have recently immigrated and have little or no English
skills. The program provides differentiated instruction based on students’ level of English language
proficiency. Key features of ACCESS Newcomers:
• Builds students’ language with 2,160 vocabulary words, including high-frequency words;
• Introduces subject-area key vocabulary and concepts to prepare students for academic classes;
• Develops key academic concepts to accelerate learning;
• Builds on oral language through context sentences and patterns;
• Provides four levels of learning: The Readiness Unit; the Starting Out Unit; the Getting Ready Unit;
and the School Readiness Unit;
• Adapts to tutoring, small group, or large group class situations; and
• An array of resources, including word tiles, oral language activities and take-home activity pages.
Each lesson in ACCESS Newcomers is divided into four parts: Look and Explore, Listen and Talk, Read and
Write, and Develop Language. The ACCESS Newcomers kit includes: Pupil Edition, Teacher’s Edition,
Lesson Cards, Word Tiles, CD-ROM, Lesson Transparencies and Assessment Folders.
Designed for intermediate and advanced middle school English Language Learners, ACCESS English, Math,
Science, and Social Studies provides a standards-based curriculum that covers academic content while
developing students’ language and communication skills. This series provides the following attributes:
Each lesson in the pupil’s edition is divided into three parts: Talk and Explore, Look and Read, and Develop
Language. The Teacher’s Edition provides succinct, informative notes, along with activity ideas and
suggestions for ways to differentiate instruction based on students’ language proficiency. The Student
Activity Journal helps students build academic vocabulary, master content-area skills, take notes and write
about what they have learned. Overhead transparencies provide teachers with graphic organizers to focus
students’ writing and oral presentations. The Assessment Book provides tests for each lesson, which assess
students in both language development and content knowledge. The Assessment Folder helps track students’
language development over the school year.
Correlation to Nevada State Standards
No, ELL content standards for Nevada are not yet completed.
Teacher Support
The Teacher’s Edition in the ACCESS Newcomers contains step-by-step teaching support, differentiated
instruction, lesson pacing and ideas for engaging students. The Teacher’s Edition also highlights content and
language standards, provides teaching notes for each part of the lesson, includes group work and hands-on
activities, offers suggestions for using the Lesson Cards for small group instruction, provides suggestions for
assessing students’ comprehension, and gives review activities to reinforce learning.
The Teacher’s Edition in the ACCESS English, Math, Science, and Social Studies programs contains step-by-
step teaching support, differentiated instruction, lesson pacing and ideas for engaging students. The Teacher’s
Edition also lists the standards content for each lesson, reviews previously taught concepts, provides
suggestions for differentiating instruction, offers suggestions for culture connections, real-world connections,
Internet activities, references the exercises in the Student Journals, and gives teachers helpful tools for
assessing student progress. Further in-service can be arranged by contacting the Nevada sales representative.
Equipment Requirements
ACCESS for English, American History, Science and Math
• Student Book (hardcover) $ 29.95
• Student Activity Journal $ 4.95
• Complete Program Package $130.00 (includes Student Book, Teacher’s Edition, Student Activity
Journal, Student Activity Journal Annotated Teachers’ Edition, Assessment Book, Transparencies)
Available separately:
• Teacher’s Edition $ 49.95
• Student Activity Journal $ 10.95 (annotated Teacher’s Edition)
• Assessment Book $ 24.95 (copymaster)
• Assessment Folder (10-pack) $ 11.95
• Overhead Transparencies $ 24.95
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Program Description
Avenues offers standards-based instruction in reading and language arts. This intervention program is
carefully designed for struggling readers and English Language Learners in Grades K-5 to accelerate their
growth in language and literacy. Using carefully selected literature selections in both fiction and nonfiction,
instruction proceeds from building vocabulary and language to understanding the fundamentals of reading,
development of comprehension skills, writing and applications in content-area studies.
Each lesson begins with Circle Time for oral language development and daily phonemic awareness. Phonics
instruction at the kindergarten level is delivered through the Alphachant Phonics Kit and includes an
introduction to all letters and sounds, as well as beginning decoding skills.
In Levels B&C (Grades 1&2), Big Books set the stage for each unit. The Big Book is used to establish the
theme of the unit, as well as to introduce vocabulary, language patterns, concepts of print, and a
comprehension skill. A daily plan for phonological awareness is also part of the instruction associated with
the Big Book.
At all levels, a pair of literature selections (fiction and nonfiction) in the Student Book is used to develop the
unit theme. The teaching plan for each selection moves from building background and vocabulary to
previewing the selection, then reading and responding to the selection. The teaching plans for the literature
selections are designed for a minimum of five days of instruction per selection, up to ten days. They include
lessons in three areas: language, literacy and content.
No, ELL content standards for Nevada are not yet completed.
Teacher Support
In-service and professional development can be arranged through local sales representatives.
Equipment Requirements
The costs to implement Avenues will vary, dependent upon the number of English Language Learners and
struggling readers being served. All materials may be purchased individually. Price ranges are as follows,
based on 2004-05 catalog prices:
Clark County:
Cloud Associates/Publishing
for Hampton-Brown
PO Box 39016
Phoenix, AZ 85069
(800) 888 7820
(602) 866 7820, fax (602) 942 0557
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
High Point
Program Description
High Point offers standards-based instruction in reading and language arts. This intervention program is
carefully designed for struggling readers and English Language Learners in Grades 6-12 to accelerate their
growth in language and literacy.
Four overlapping levels proceed on a continuum from The Basics, a beginning language and literacy level, to
Level C, the most advanced level. The spiraling instruction advances students’ reading levels and moves
English Language Learners through the stages of language acquisition.
The Basic Level teaches students how to read, including complete instruction in decoding and comprehension
up to a third-grade level. It also fully covers basic language and writing skills. Students learn 266 high
frequency words, most of which are taken from the 300 instant words identified by Edward Fry as the most
common words in English print. Each lesson includes a Word Work activity, a page in the Reading Practice
Book and ideas for daily reinforcement. The Reading Basics box includes Phonics Transparencies, Letter
Tiles for building words and modeling strategies, Word Tiles for high frequency word instruction and Teacher
Scripts for delivering the phonics instruction. The Basics Bookshelf includes 18 read-aloud theme books, one
per unit, along with audio CDs and tapes for book previews and selection readings. Each unit ends with a
writing project that allows the application of the language skills taught in the unit.
Levels A-C build power in reading, writing and language. The Student Books advance in reading levels,
increasing selection length and text density, decreasing picture/text correspondence, and greater complexity in
vocabulary, concepts, sentence structures and verb tenses. Writing projects teach the modes and forms in
standards and cover the writing process. The Student Book and Teacher’s Edition at each level contain five
units. Each unit contains selections in two themes followed by a writing project.
High Point offers a comprehensive array of assessment tools to inform placement and instruction. These tools
work together with the curriculum to ensure that students receive the instruction they need to accelerate their
growth in language and literacy.
No, ELL content standards for Nevada are not yet completed.
Teacher Support
In-service and professional development can be arranged through local sales representatives.
Equipment Requirements
The costs to implement High Point will vary, dependent upon the number of English Language Learners and
struggling readers being served. All materials may be purchased individually. Price ranges are as follows,
based on 2004-05 catalog prices:
Levels A-C
Student Books $ 43.80
Practice Books $ 7.52
Teacher’s Edition w/language CD $ 91.16
Practice Book TE $ 14.19
Teacher’s Resource Book $ 33.37
Instructional Overheads $ 57.61
Assessment Handbook $ 27.50
Tests on Demand CD rom $ 38.98
Selection CDs $ 69.15
Selection Tapes $ 54.10
Theme Library (10 books) $ 74.53 - $116.69
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Into English
Program Description
Into English is a supplemental program for English Language Learners at the elementary school level. The
program develops newcomers’ academic language through a variety of grade level appropriate, content-based,
thematic units, which teachers integrate for 20-40 minutes daily. Each lesson provides teachers with
comprehensible components and multi-level teaching strategies to reach all levels of students, involving them
in cooperative, participatory activities and enriching, content-based lessons.
No, ELL content standards for Nevada are not yet completed.
Contains Big Picture Posters with 24 songs and poems on flipchart easel, 24 Chime-In Charts, 5
Audiocassettes in binder, 4 Big Picture books, 1 Big Book of Hands-On-Stories, 1 Teacher’s Guide, and
9 Trade Books.
Contains 24 Chime-In and Content Posters, 60 Literature Books, 6 Audiocassettes, 6 Big Books, and 1
Teacher’s Guide.
Contains 24 Chime-In and Content Posters, 60 Literature Books, 6 Audiocassettes, 6 Big Books, and 1
Teacher’s Guide.
Contains 30 Chime-In and Content Posters, 50 Literature Books, 5 Audiocassettes, 1 Teacher’s Guide,
and optional CD-ROM
Contains 30 Chime-In and Content Posters, 50 Literature Books, 5 Audiocassettes, 1 Teacher’s Guide,
and optional CD-ROM.
• Level F/Grade 5 Classroom Set - $649
Contains 30 Chime-In and Content Posters, 50 Literature Books, 5 Audiocassettes, 1 Teacher’s Guide,
and optional CD-ROM.
Contains 30 Chime-In and Content Posters, 50 Literature Books, 5 Audiocassettes, 1 Teacher’s Guide,
and optional CD-ROM.
Equipment Requirements
There are no special equipment needs to purchase Into English. There are audio cassettes and CD-ROMs in
some of the classroom sets, so tape players and computers capable of running the CD-ROMs would be
necessary. Hampton-Brown products are Windows compatible only.
Clark County:
Dick Cloud
(800) 888-7820
(602) 866-7820
Fax: (602) 942-0557
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CompassLearning Odyssey ELL
Program Description
CompassLearning Odyssey for English Language Learners (ELL) is a K-adult program that develops English
Language Learners’ reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills and prepares them for high stakes testing.
All Odyssey ELL tools such as reading, listening and language tips include rules and generalizations in the
learner’s native language and examples in English.
Odyssey ELL at the elementary level is a browser-based ELL solution for children ages 5-12 to teach English
to learners with little or no previous knowledge of English. Odyssey ELL Elementary is composed of two
levels: Beginner (Winnie’s World) for ages 5-10 and Intermediate (Freddy’s Islands) for ages 8-12. Odyssey
ELL Elementary consists of 10 levels of instruction that cover structure of English and functional language.
Each level is comprised of 50-70 contact hours with over 3,500 vocabulary items, on-line and off-line
activities, and enrichment activities. Included are various pronunciation and spelling activities with
conversations and other interactive activities. The program also includes appropriate offline supplementary
materials for support, including worksheets and flashcards.
Odyssey ELL for Secondary/Adult is a browser-based language-learning environment that teaches English to
learners from beginning to advanced levels. Designed for young adult and adult learners, Odyssey’s
secondary program teaches English to learners at three main levels: Beginner; Intermediate; and Advanced.
The units are structured to address functional, social, academic reading and language arts skills. The program
includes activities for pronunciation, audio listening, and writing. Each secondary level consists of chapters
each of which include: multimedia lessons and activities, downloadable printable materials in PDF format,
assistive language support for students, enrichment activities, and formative and summative assessment.
The ELL assessment system includes formative and summative assessment activities in three different levels,
along with qualitative observation checklists of classroom activities.
• A mastery test taken by students prior to product use, which allows for placement of the student in
either the beginner, intermediate or advanced program. Students retake the mastery test to assess
progress and confirm mastery of program objectives.
• Additional assessment is conducted through unit/level tests, activity feedback, and observation
The content of Odyssey ELL Elementary and Secondary program is designed for students to interact with
spoken and written English in a multimedia-rich environment in spiral curriculum. Words have links
providing visual and auditory definitions to provide scaffolding or groundwork for the next lesson. Content is
presented in varying levels of complexity and interactivity to meet individual learner needs.
No, ELL content standards for Nevada are not yet completed.
Teacher Support
Professional development programs are designed to support all aspects of technology implementation,
including awareness sessions for administrators, teachers, and parents, software training, classroom
management strategies and technology and curriculum integration strategies.
Each staffing configuration and training plan each school employs to implement the Odyssey program is
determined based on the size of the implementation, the skills of the staff members, and the purpose and goals
of the implementation. CompassLearning’s blended approach to professional development delivery includes
on-site delivery, web-based interactive delivery and print resources. Professional development sessions can
be offered at the school level, the district level, or in a train-the-trainer format.
Equipment Requirements
Odyssey programs are designed for networked environments and run on both Window and Macs.
For a classroom of 30 concurrent users, the cost would be $44,205. This includes: 30 concurrent users of
Odyssey Manager and Odyssey Explorer & Custom Assessment with 30 licenses of Odyssey ELL -
Elementary/Secondary, Professional Development Guides, Software support - Odyssey Enterprise Full
Support for one year.
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Breakthrough to Literacy
Program Description
Breakthrough to Literacy’s interactive software lessons provide customized, individualized instruction with
instant feedback for the student. The program includes four components – interactive software, print
materials, professional development and take-home materials. Teachers can check each child’s progress at
any time, tailor instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics to individual needs, and print out records to
share with parents. Children can listen to each Breakthrough book as often as they wish, or record themselves
reading or telling stories.
The pre-kindergarten through first grade software contains lessons in phonological/phonemic awareness,
alphabet knowledge and word recognition.
Parents are essential to the Breakthrough to Literacy program. A booklet, Home Connections, and its
accompanying videotape (both available in English or Spanish) help parents understand the development of
early literacy and the vital role they play in their children’s reading and writing success. At a preliminary
introductory meeting, parents learn about the program and are shown how to participate in the shared-book
experience with their children.
Yes. This program is aligned to Nevada English Language Arts content standards for Grades K and 1. Note
that Grade 2 correlations are not available, and therefore this program is not approved for Grade 2.
Costs include three (3) full-day workshops in Year One, and one customized, full-day workshop in Year Two.
Annual materials packages are needed in Year Three and beyond. Costs are as follows:
Classroom set of 30: $650, plus $60 shipping
Classroom set of 15: $375, plus $40-45 shipping
Equipment Requirements
Compatible with Windows (98se, Me, XP) and Mac (OS 9 only).
The customer is responsible for computer purchases, software installation, and hardware maintenance, as well
as ensuring that sufficient electrical requirements for classrooms have been met. Headphones are provided
with each order, but all other peripherals are to be provided by the school (e.g. printers, computer speakers,
microphones, and surge protectors). The company recommends approximately one workstation per eight
Julia Wasson
National Manager of Grant Resources
2662 Crosspark Road
Coralville, Iowa 52241
Phone: (800) 874-2851 extension 236
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Program Description
Earobics is a supplemental program for teaching phonemic awareness and other early literacy skills to ensure
that all students have the foundations they need to become strong readers. It is an integrated program of
computer software games and whole-group instructional materials. It gives English Language Learner (ELL)
students rich, diverse language experiences and facilitates the transition from spoken English to written
English by combining software instruction with classroom activities, integrated multimedia tools and print
materials, Internet resources and home-to-school connections. The Earobics program:
Earobics Step 1
Earobics Step 1 is designed for developmental ages 4-7 and features six interactive games with over 300
levels of play. It systematically teaches the critical phonological awareness, auditory processing and
introductory phonics skills required for learning to read and spell. The games also develop general cognitive
skills that support learning, such as attention and memory.
Earobics Step 2
Earobics Step 2 is designed for developmental ages 7-10 and features five interactive games with nearly 600
levels of play. The program addresses all of the skills targeted in the Step 1 program, but at more advanced
levels. It also teaches language processing skills that are critical for extracting meaning from spoken language
and written text.
Earobics for adolescents and adults provides sophisticated, game-style, multimedia instruction designed to
appeal to adolescents and adults who are struggling to read faster, spell better and improve their
Correlation to Nevada State Standards
• Earobics for Adolescents and Adults - $299 (accommodates 12 users and a guest)
Equipment Requirements
There are no unusual equipment requirements for this program. Schools will need to have Windows (running
Windows 95 or later) or Mac computers (running OS 7.6.1 or later) with enough RAM to run the program, as
well as CD-ROM drives. Headphones are also recommended. Earobics can be used as a stand-alone product
or it can be used in networked environments.
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Program Description
Designed for K-3 classrooms, WiggleWorks consists of a combination of leveled books and corresponding
multimedia to support language arts instruction. WiggleWorks has a library of leveled books in four stages
(24 titles; 6 copies each in Stages A, B, and C; 12 titles, 6 copies each in Stage D), each available on CD-
ROM for Macintosh or Windows with tools to support reading, writing, speaking and listening. The
management system enables teachers to tailor instruction for each student, such as providing additional stages
for those students who need extra support. In addition to monitoring student activities and saving student
work, the management system provides an electronic portfolio option for each student. WiggleWorks most
important features include:
Stage A Emergent
Stage B Early
Stage C Fluent
Stage D Independent
Stage A
Stand-Alone Version $1995.00
Class Pack $3920.00 (6 sets of CD-ROMs)
Network Version $5500.00 (network installation for one building)
Literature Collection $799.00
Library Pack $125.00 (one copy of each book)
Stage B
Stand-Alone Version $1995.00
Class Pack $3920.00 (6 sets of CD-ROMs)
Network Version $5500.00 (network installation for one building)
Literature Collection $799.00
Library Pack $125.00 (one copy of each book)
Stage C
Stand-Alone Version $1995.00
Class Pack $3920.00 (6 sets of CD-ROMs)
Network Version $5500.00 (network installation for one building)
Literature Collection $799.00
Library Pack $125.00 (one copy of each book)
Stage D
Stand-Alone Version $1100.00
Class Pack $2240.00 (6 sets of CD-ROMs)
Network Version $3250.00 (network installation for one building)
Literature Collection $485.00
Library Pack $75.00 (one copy of each book)
Stand-Alone Version
Additional book units, literature collections, library packs, teaching guides, etc. may be purchased
Equipment Requirements
Windows – any Pentium II or faster processor is sufficient. Recommended platform is Windows XP, but
Windows 2000 is supported. At least 100 MB of available hard disk space is required, with 64 MB of
Macintosh – G3 processor or faster is sufficient. Recommended platforms are OS 9.2 or later, but OS 8.6
or later is supported. At least 100 MB of available hard disk space is required, with 64 MB of RAM.
Server Requirements: WiggleWorks v 3.1 has been tested and approved on the following servers:
AppleShare 6.2 or later running OS 9; Mac OSX Server; Novell Netware 4.11; Novell Netware 5.0;
Windows 2000 Server.
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Program Description
This program is a web-based math reinforcement and assessment program designed for middle school and
high school students and covers basic arithmetic, algebra I and II, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus and
calculus. The fact that the content is delivered via Internet means that students may use ALEKS anywhere
they have an Internet connection.
ALEKS is based on artificial intelligence, so the program is able to pinpoint those concepts a student
understands and those that he/she needs work on. The program anticipates the math concepts that a student is
ready to learn next. Also, ALEKS does not use multiple choice questions – students learn to enter
mathematical expressions into the computer as if they were working with a paper and pencil.
There are two modes to ALEKS – the Learning Mode and the Assessment Mode. In the Learning Mode, the
student completes practice problems on one of the topics he or she is ready to learn. The program corrects
and analyzes mistakes made by the student. Students may click the “Explain” button to get an explanation of
the problems or use ALEKS’ online math dictionary to find the definition of an unfamiliar term. In
Assessment Mode, a number of questions are chosen adaptively in order to determine the strengths and
weaknesses of a student. Students take an initial assessment in the program, and the program develops a list
of topics that the student is ready to learn. The student may choose any of those topics as a point of entry into
the Learning Mode.
The Teacher Module allows instructors to gauge their students’ progress and choose from a library of
standards, so that students learn what they need to for tests. Reports can be viewed and printed for an entire
class or just one student.
Teacher Support
There is no teacher training provided, but there is a Teacher’s Guide included with purchase. The ALEKS
Tutorial mode is designed to show students how to use the program.
Equipment Requirements
ALEKS is a fully interactive system accessible to any current generation Web browser. It can be used on
both Windows and Mac workstations. System requirements are as follows:
• Pentium 166 MHz or equivalent
• 32 MB RAM
• at least a 28K modem or other connection to the Internet
• compatible with Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator or AOL 5.0 or later
• Windows 28/2000/NT or later
• ALEKS plug-in downloads automatically on first visit
• Power Mac or later
• 32 MB RAM
• Mac OS 7.6 or later
• Netscape Communicator 4.5-4.77
This program is purchased as a license. For 1-999 users, the cost is $35/user. For over 1,000 users, the cost is
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Destination Math
Program Description
Destination Math is a computer-based math curriculum, adjustable to grade level and state standards. The
program begins with assessments based on state standards, and then delivers sequenced, prescriptive
instruction targeting each student's individual needs. Six progressive courses offer a balance of abstract and
applied math principles. Delivering a blend of assessment materials, coursework, and educator support tools,
the comprehensive Destination Math series is adaptable to any educational environment. Typically, a teacher
will do whole-class instruction from a laptop connected to a projector, and then students will work on
classroom computers to reinforce the skills taught and measure progress. Students may work in small groups
or individually based on assignments generated by the teacher. Destination Math addresses the No Child Left
Behind Act’s mandate for research-based materials and using technology in the classroom.
Destination Math also involves a Learning Management System (LMS), which is a standards based
assessment, lesson planning, assignment generation tool. The LMS allows teachers to create diagnostic tests
or use the prepared tests available. Assignments can be generated based on individual student test scores.
The LMS also generates reports by student and by class, and teachers can review missed questions and time
spent on each instructional concept. School administrators also have access to this system to view progress at
the class or school level. Implementation of Destination Math can be scaled (e.g., only a classroom, a whole
school, or district-wide).
Teacher Support
Training packages are available as follows:
On-site Training Implementation Instructor
and Mentoring Planning Lead
Days (Content & Conference Training
TRAINING PACKAGE List Price Application) Call Sessions
On-site Training
Platinum $3,850 3 up to 2 hrs.
Gold $2,550 2 up to 2 hrs.
Silver $1,400 1 up to 2 hrs.
Blended Approach
Up to 3
Platinum Bundle (ILT+TBT+On-line) $5,000 3 up to 2 hrs. Sessions
Up to 2
Gold Bundle (ILT+TBT+On-line) $3,300 2 up to 2 hrs. Sessions
Silver Bundle (ILT+TBT+On-line) $1,800 1 up to 2 hrs. 1 Session
12-Month Email Mid-year & End-year
& Phone ongoing Mentoring & Destination
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Coaching Adjusting Plan Teach CD
On-site Training
Platinum Yes Yes No
Gold Yes Yes No
Silver Yes Yes No
Blended Approach
Platinum Bundle (ILT+TBT+On-line) Yes Yes Up to 20
Gold Bundle (ILT+TBT+On-line) Yes Yes Up to 20
Silver Bundle (ILT+TBT+On-line) Yes Yes Up to 20
Technical support packages are available at the Platinum, Gold and Silver levels. Platinum includes five extra
on-site technical support days and a “train the technician” implementation plan, as well as monthly technical
update conference calls and access to a Riverdeep Field Systems Engineer. The cost of the support package
for Platinum is $9,000 per site per year. The Gold plan includes three extra technical days on site, quarterly
technical update conference calls, and access to the Field Systems Engineer. The cost of the support package
for Gold is $5,000 per site per year. Silver-level technical support includes one additional day of on-site tech
support and access to the Field Systems Engineer, with the cost calculated on a percentage of the total sale.
Equipment Requirements
Destination Math is available for stand-alone computers, Local Area Networks, and District Portal systems.
Destination Math runs on either Windows or Macs. The newest version runs on Windows XP or Mac OSX,
and each workstation must have relatively up-to-date multimedia capabilities. There are many methods of
delivery, from use only in the computer lab, to whole group lessons, to small groups at a math center, to
individual students. For the most effective implementation, a classroom should have a teacher workstation and
several student workstations. In addition, a projection device that connects to the teacher’s workstation for
projecting the lessons is necessary for whole group instruction.
School Edition—2 CDs
• $499.00 per course
Lab Pack—6 CDs
• $1,399.00 per course
Site License—25 CDs
• $4,499.00 per course
School Network—Local Area Network
• $5,999.00 per course
Portal—unlimited users
• $11,999.00 per course
Volume discounts available.
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Everyday Mathematics
Program Description
Everyday Mathematics was written one grade level at a time, with each grade building on the achievement of
the previous year. Each grade level curriculum was then field tested in its entirety in diverse classrooms
nationwide for a full academic year. During each field test, teachers and students were interviewed about
Everyday Mathematics to determine what worked and what needed improvement. The group also explored
ways to make Everyday Mathematics more practical and manageable in the classroom, which led to revising
each grade-level curriculum to reflect classroom experiences prior to publication.
Everyday Mathematics, grades K-6, is a comprehensive mathematics program. It is generally used as a core
curriculum, but may be used for remediation. The curriculum teaches basic computational and arithmetic
skills, as well as a broad range of mathematical concepts including data and probability; geometry and spatial
sense; measures and measurement; numeration and order; operations; patterns, functions, and sequences; and
reference frames. Algebra and uses of variables begin in the third grade.
The revised K-6 Everyday Mathematics curriculum encourages teachers and students to go beyond arithmetic
to explore more of the mathematics spectrum by investigation data gathering and analysis, probability,
geometry, patterns, and algebra. Mathematics is integrated into other subject areas and becomes part of the
ongoing classroom routines, outdoor play, and the spare transitional moments that occur every day.
Teacher Support
The Wright Group offers the Teacher Learning Exchange (TLE), which is the professional development arm
of the Wright Group/McGraw-Hill. There are three ways TLE helps teachers use Everyday Math to its fullest
potential. First, teachers may use online instructional modules. Second, there are Everyday Math conferences
at locations around the country throughout the year. There are conferences for new users and experienced
users of the program. Third, TLE training consultants can come to a district for in-service training.
NOTE: All training costs are separate from the cost of the actual program materials.
Equipment Requirements
There are no unusual equipment requirements for this program, since it is a book-based program. All
components can be purchased through a school’s sales representative.
All components are ordered separately through a school’s sales representative. Below are some typical costs:
• Teacher Resource Packages range from $143 for Kindergarten to $206 for Grades 1- 6.
• Student Materials range from $14.95 per student in Grades 1-2 to $28 per student in Grades 3-6.
• Classroom manipulative kits for each grade level are available from $308 (Kindergarten),
$508 (Grades 1-2), $457 (Grades 3-4), and $405 (Grades 5-6).
Please call the sales representative for a price quote specific to the needs of your school.
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Math Renaissance
Program Description
1. Professional Development: Professional, trained teachers are the key to significant long-term
improvement in schools.
2. More Time On-Task: Renaissance techniques enable teachers to give students the practice time they
need and monitor and guide that practice effectively.
3. Focus on Math Skills: Math is a core subject in K-12 schools and students need the fundamental skills
for improving test scores across the curriculum.
4. Learning Information Systems (LIS): Software, such as Accelerated Math, increases teachers’
effectiveness by providing valuable information to individualize instruction and help every student meet
state and district standards.
Math Renaissance is appropriate for grades 1-12 and for all students – gifted, average, and remedial. Math
Renaissance utilizes both Accelerated Math and STAR Math software. In addition, Math Renaissance
supports most curricula and teaching methods. The new Renaissance Place edition of Math Renaissance
makes it possible for educators to access and manage their Math Renaissance software programs from any
web-enabled computer. Renaissance Place enables educators to centralize all their student data for convenient
management, consolidated reporting, easily disaggregated data and more.
First, the teacher generates worksheets geared to her students’ individual levels. The worksheets are
completed and then scored using the AccelScan, which looks like a large photocard reader. The scores
immediately generate individual and class-wide TOPS reports as well as new worksheets. The teacher can
assess progress via TOPS reports and the Accelerated Math software, as can administrators.
STAR Math is a computer-adaptive math test that helps teachers determine the math level of each student in
grades 1-12, measure individual and class growth and forecast results on standardized tests. Students can
complete the assessment in less than 12 minutes.
Teachers get accurate, reliable, norm-referenced scores immediately. STAR math:
• Provides teachers with quick and accurate estimates of student’s math skills; and
• Offers sound estimates of students’ math abilities relative to national norms.
STAR Math has been correlated with many norm-referenced examinations, which allows teachers to fine-tune
instruction prior to the next regular testing cycle.
Teacher Support
With the purchase of Math Renaissance, each school receives a Renaissance Coach. The coach works for
Renaissance Learning and functions as a support person for program implementation and a liaison between
the school and the company. The coach trains the teacher(s) in the program before the beginning of the
school year and then helps with implementation and setup. This coach also provides follow-up guidance by
telephone or email. In addition, teachers are to utilize the Math Renaissance Practicum to get the training
they need to use all aspects of the program.
Equipment Requirements
Schools can purchase additional services, materials and practicum priced separately at $499 per teacher
added. Additional math libraries, student expansions, scanners and teacher resources also priced separately
Classroom Resources
• Getting Started with Accelerated Math and Math Renaissance - $12.95 each
• Accelerated Math Learning Cards - $495 each (available for grades 3,4, 5, 6, 7, pre-algebra, algebra I
and basic math)
• Math Renaissance Power Lessons - $39.95 each (available for grades 3, 4 and 5)
2. Workshops – feature hands-on software training as well as instruction on the latest Renaissance
• One-day on-site workshop - $3,050 plus $40 per person for one day (desktop versions)
• One-day on-site workshop - $3,050 plus $20 per person for one day (Renaissance Place versions)
3. Consulting – provides help from an experienced Renaissance Educator who will review reports, answer
questions, offer expert guidance, and discuss improvement strategies.
• On-site consulting - $3,600 (for one day) Follow-up to implementation of the program for
troubleshooting and one-on-one work with teachers.
Kari Van Ert, Sales Manager or Reggie Smith, Regional Sales Manager
Phone: (866) 846-7323, ex 5305 Phone (310) 850-1576
Email: Email
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Moogie Math
Program Description
Originally developed for the Ohio Math Proficiency Test, Moogie Math is a computer-based math
remediation program. Moogie Math is drill and diagnostic software. It is not meant to teach students, but
rather help them learn the process of solving problems. Moogie Math remembers a student’s ability on each
question, rather than just an overall score on a given objective or strand. Each time a student returns to
Moogie Math, he or she is shown the questions on which he/she needs help.
Moogie Math also produces reports showing students’ progress and levels of competency.
There are two versions of the program – Standard and Plus. The Standard version of Moogie Math is also
considered the “student version.” It allows students work on the questions they need the most help with. It
also includes full reporting capabilities and incentives. Moogie Math Plus is considered the “teacher’s
version” as it includes features not usually needed by students. In addition to the features found in the
Standard Moogie Math, Moogie Math Plus includes the following features:
• Creates unique Worksheets, all defined by the teacher. The teacher selects the objectives and levels
used, along with how many questions he/she wants for each objective.
• Creates real Practice Tests at varying levels of difficulty. These can be used for pre-testing and
post-testing, and all Practice Tests and Worksheets include an answer key, which lists corresponding
objectives, a scoring chart, and optional bubble sheets.
• Students can create their own Personal Worksheets based on the questions they need to see. After
completing a worksheet, students return and enter their answers. The work done is scored and
remembered just as if it were done on-screen. This can be used in cases of extended absences and
limited classroom computer resources.
In addition, students can work on Moogie Math wherever there is Internet access.
This program is aligned to Nevada Mathematics Content Standards for Grades 4 and 6. It is also aligned to
the Nevada High School Proficiency Examination.
Teacher Support
There is no teacher training for this program; however, a guided tutorial is included in the software.
Equipment Requirements
Both versions of Moogie Math require Windows 95 or higher. It is not compatible with Macs. The program
requires a Pentium processor and 8 MB of RAM. The 4th and 6th grade databases require an additional 8 MB
of RAM.
The Standard version costs $69. The Plus version costs $389.
Emanuel Software
PO Box 281
Hayesville, Ohio 44838
Phone: (419) 368-MATH (368-6284)
Toll Free: 1-(877)-7MOOGIE (877-766-6443)
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Odyssey Math provides educators with a blended approach to math education that supports a variety of
instructional strategies and learning styles. It offers a complete learning experience, including direct
instruction, exploratory activities, opportunities for targeted practice, interactive self-paced learning, online
and offline activities, and consistent feedback and guidance.
The program helps students become proficient in all strands of mathematics (number sense, properties, and
operations; measurement; geometry and spatial sense; data analysis, statistics, and probability; and algebra
and functions) throughout their elementary school and middle school years. Odyssey Math includes all
strands in each grade level.
Odyssey Math Level K offers students opportunities to explore the world of math and develop skills through
engaging video-based exploratory activities, online learning activities, and offline packets. The activities
enhance children’s curiosity about math, build on their varying experiences, and strengthen their problem-
solving and reasoning skills. Each chapter contains 25 activities. Activities are taught and assessed with
audio, pictures and songs. Students receive specific feedback and learn at their own pace. Lesson quizzes
and chapter tests provide assessment.
CompassLearning Odyssey Math Levels 1-4 is a mixture of interactive activities with still and animated
graphics engaging students and increasing their comprehension of key concepts, and enhances the learning
process. Students benefit from individual and collective components of the assorted online activities; mission
context, sound effects, a diverse set of interactive activities, progress indicators, audio repeat reinforcement,
navigational control, manipulatives and tools, explore mode, help screen and tiered feedback.
Assessment is an integral part of the learning process, providing a means for identifying a student’s strengths
and weaknesses and driving classroom activities. With CompassLearning, Odyssey Math, learning activities,
quizzes, and tests are scored and reported to the student’s portfolio. In an activity, the student is given a real
world problem to solve. The student is then given an opportunity to solve the problem and if he or she
answers incorrectly, is given a re-teach screen. The data information provided to the teacher in Odyssey Math
includes: time on task, completion status, quiz scores, and chapter test scores.
CompassLearning Odyssey Math Levels 5-6 includes direct instruction, exploratory activities, opportunities
for targeted practice, interactive self-paced learning, online and offline activities, and consistent feedback and
guidance. The primary focus of Odyssey Math 5-6 is engaging content-rich activities with easy and intuitive
features. Online activities provide opportunities to practice and explore. Manipulatives and tools are
incorporated throughout the activities. Based on the five content and five process standards of the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), CompassLearning activities are built utilizing the latest proven
research of the best practices of math instruction. Odyssey Math chapters are organized by the five content
NCTM strands: number sense, algebra, geometry, measurement and data analysis.
CompassLearning Odyssey Math Levels 7-8 is also based on the five content and five process strands.
Odyssey Math 7-8 activities include a mixture of interactive online activities blending skill building and a
problem-solving approach. Students explore mathematical ideas and solve problems using a variety of
manipulatives, including pattern blocks, tangrams, base-ten and attribute blocks, spreadsheets and graphs,
color tiles, protractors, graph paper, spinners, and number cubes. Students are able to communicate thinking
and understanding of math concepts using an online writing journal. Many activities include re-teaching
opportunities when students score below 70 percent. Both original and re-teach scores are reported to the
management system. Assessment is provided through scored activities.
CompassLearning Odyssey Algebra is part of the total math solution for middle school and secondary
education. This browser-based curriculum is a full-year course with each chapter including 6-12 online
lessons that include online activities, offline student work pages, teacher answer keys and lesson quizzes.
Chapter tests provide summative assessment for the entire chapter and each chapter includes an application
activity. Online tools include a calculator, graph paper, geoboards, number lines, protractors, spreadsheets,
rulers and a glossary.
Teacher Support
Professional development programs are designed to support all aspects of technology implementation
including awareness sessions for administrators, teachers, and parents; software training, classroom
management strategies and technology and curriculum integration strategies.
Each staffing configuration and training plan each school employs to implement the Odyssey program is
determined based on the size of the implementation, the skills of the staff members, and the purpose and goals
of the implementation. CompassLearning’s blended approach to professional development delivery includes
on-site delivery, web-based interactive delivery and print resources. Professional development sessions can
be offered at the school level, the district level, or in a train-the-trainer format.
Equipment Requirements
Odyssey programs are designed for networked environments and run on both Window and Macs.
For a classroom of 30 concurrent users, the cost would be $48,935. This includes: 30 concurrent users of
Odyssey Manager and Odyssey Explorer & Custom Assessment with 30 licenses of odyssey PK-
8 Mathematics with supplemental Science & Social Studies, Professional Development Guides, Software
support - Odyssey Enterprise Full Support for one year.
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Saxon Math
Program Description
The Saxon program was developed with the understanding that the most effective way to teach students
mathematics is to use gentle repetition extended over a considerable period of time. The introduction of
topics in bits and pieces (increments) permits the assimilation of one facet of a concept before the next facet is
introduced. Both facets are then practiced together until it is time for the third to be introduced. This
incrementalization of topics, coupled with continuous review, provides the time required for the concepts to
become totally familiar. As a result, students develop a deeper understanding of the concepts and can easily
apply them. The Saxon program provides materials for primary, middle, and high school level students.
• Primary Math
The teacher's manual has been written to provide activities and language appropriate for children at each
grade level. It is scripted, providing questioning strategies that enable children to construct mathematical
concepts. Although it is not necessary to memorize the script, teachers are encouraged to follow the
script and the questioning strategies as closely as possible in a way that is comfortable for the teacher.
The student materials (written practice and homework pages, masters, fact sheets and fact cards) for the
Saxon K-4 program are supplied in 24- or 32-student kits. Using these classroom kits, one has all of the
written material one needs for an entire classroom of children.
Saxon's Middle School/High School Math program is a system of hardcover textbooks that move students
from the primary grades to pre-algebra through advanced mathematics. The teacher's edition contains
answers but is not otherwise annotated. A student placement guide is utilized to determine which
textbook is most appropriate for students.
Yes. In addition, Saxon Math is correlated to Clark County School District’s Power Standards
Teacher Support
• Teacher Resource Booklets contain teaching suggestions on how to get the most out of the Saxon
program. Available at no charge.
• In-service videotapes feature experienced teachers and their classrooms illustrating how the Saxon
program can best be taught. Available at no charge.
Equipment Requirements
Student materials are organized by lesson and stored in stackable, reusable plastic crates with file folders, lid
and casters. Saxon Math components can be purchased separately, but a complete set, depending on grade
level, would include the following:
• 24 or 32 copies of the Student Kit;
• a teacher set;
• non-consumable and consumable lesson materials;
• student workbooks;
• test preparation materials;
• test generator and test masters;
• Spanish teacher materials and classroom materials;
• overhead projector transparencies;
• manipulatives; and
• a manipulative conversion kit.
The prices shown assume all components are to be purchased and that 32 copies of student materials will be
needed. Some of the upper elementary books may be used with remedial students at the middle school level.
Grant Richins
Saxon Publishers, Inc.
235 North First West Box 55
Henefer, UT 84033
Phone: (800) 284- 7019 ext. 1180
(435) 336-4238
Fax: (435) 336-1488
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Program Description
Brainchild aims to improve student achievement through the use of portable study devices, CD-ROM
software, and online assessment of student strengths and weaknesses for reading and math. Brainchild’s PLS-
1K and PLS-2k are portable learning computers that may be used for extended learning, take-home programs,
and raising standardized test scores. Over 160 software cartridges teach all core academic skills in a
multiple-choice format for grades 1-12 and adult. There are programs available for reading and math, as well
as science. In addition, there are cartridges for English Language Learners to be used with Brainchild’s I
Speak English workbooks. The program is available for both MACs and PCs, and can be used in either single
user or networked environments.
2. Each student works on the PLS-1000 or Achiever or Mechanics CDs on the computer to reinforce skills.
3. Post-test to record progress in the personal planning guide or automatically in the grade book provided by
the computer software.
Key Features:
Correlation to Nevada State Standards
Teacher Support
• A free Teachers’ Guide provides six extended learning techniques, for use in class or at home:
- Self-Paced Study
- Cooperative Learning
- Collaborative Learning
- Peer Mentoring
- Mentor Programs
- Take-Home Programs
• Vendor offers staff development workshops tailored to local preferences and requirements.
Equipment Requirements
Software Site Licenses: $2999 - $4999 (for unlimited computers in a single school)
• 100 Pack II: 100 Brainchild Units; 300 Cartridges; 100 Carrying Cases; 100 A/C adapters
$29,950 for PLS-1K, $39,950 for PLS-2K
I Speak English student activity books and instructor guides are purchased individually.
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Program Description
Classworks is a computer-based program that provides interactive lessons and drilling to supplement
classroom instructions in language arts and math. In addition, Classworks can help prepare students for the
High School Proficiency Examination (HSPE). This program utilizes software to support what teachers are
doing in the classroom:
There are over 20 different publishers and 180 titles in Classworks, and teachers can select applications that
correlate to state standards or the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS). Houghton Mifflin users can select a
Classworks edition that corresponds directly to those books.
First, students are placed in a program via Classworks’ placement test, or skill-by-skill deficits can be found
via grade level equivalence evaluations. Then, Classworks generates a work prescription for every student,
and the teacher can modify to fit his/her wishes for that student. In addition, reporting capabilities are built in
so teacher can see progress on the lessons, activities, projects or quizzes assigned to each student. Several
different types of progress tracking reports are available to teachers. Reports can be made for individual
students and for whole classes. Disaggregation of data into subgroups is also possible.
Teacher Support
In addition to the on-site training included in your initial purchase of Classworks, Curriculum Advantage's
team can provide customized training based on your teachers' needs and experience with Classworks.
Curriculum Advantage will assist your school in developing a system of equity and accountability that will
motivate students and support teachers by emphasizing:
Classworks Online Professional Development was created exclusively to provide teachers with an Internet
online resource to complement the on-site Classworks professional development received. Classworks Online
Professional Development maximizes the opportunity for teachers to fully integrate technology into the
curriculum to help students reach high achievement expectations. This training provides:
• Anytime, anywhere training access 24 hours a day
• FAQ step-by-step tutorials that will guide you through Classworks
• In-depth individual instruction on all the Classworks Modules which include:
• Teacher Module
• Enrollment Module
• Curriculum Editor Module
• Classworks Online Professional Development is not just a one time training guide.
Equipment Requirements
Classworks is designed for networked environments. Detailed specifications are available on the Curriculum
Advantage website, but generally, Windows NT/2000 Server/Novell 6.0 (600 Mhz processor, 764 MB RAM)
or AppleShare IP (G3 450 or faster, 512 MB RAM) servers are required. Windows workstations running
Windows 98/Me/XP are generally acceptable as long as they have appropriate multimedia capabilities.
NOTE: Macintosh OS 9 is supported, but OSX is not.
If more than three schools in a group purchase a Classworks bundle, volume discounts are available.
*Classworks has a one-time LAN site license fee, and installation and first-year tech support are included in
the price. Tech support is available in subsequent years for $500/year.
Corporate Office:
Curriculum Advantage
215 Pearl St.
Wayne, NE 68787
(888) 841-4790
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Program Description
Compass Learning is a developer of education software with programs in over 15,000 schools serving
10 million students worldwide. Building on a 30-year history, Compass Learning takes advantage of the
power educational technology offers with professional development and strong curriculum that teaches the
basics, higher order thinking, problem solving and allows for individual student assessment and learning
Though the company’s flagship product is the web-based solution Odyssey, that program is not to be confused
with Odyssey Classic, which is the approved program on this List. Odyssey Classic (formerly known as
Tomorrow’s Promise) is software that assesses a student’s learning level, prescribes a plan of action, and then
monitors progress. Within the progress tracking component, called Odyssey Manager, data can be
aggregated or disaggregated according to No Child Left Behind subgroups. The program consists of reading,
math and language arts components, as well as ELL components.
Teacher Support
Equipment Requirements
Odyssey Classic is designed for networked environments, and runs on both Window and Macs.
For a classroom of 30 concurrent users, the cost would be $65,065. This includes:
• 30 software licenses
• Reading K-8 bundle
• Mathematics K-8 bundle
• Teacher Guides
• Compass Curriculum Manager
• Professional Development Guides for Reading, Math, and Integrated Language Arts
• Software support for one year
• File server integration on-site
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Direct Instruction
Program Description
Direct Instruction is an intensive teacher directed school reform model that maximizes learning through
explicit instruction. The instructional design breaks skills into teachable sub-skills, and then provides many
opportunities for practice that lead to generalization. Direct Instruction is not a program per se, however, a
family of programs based on the Direct Instruction teaching methodology. All Direct Instruction programs
have placement tests and immediate correction procedures.
Direct Instruction is primarily an elementary school (pre-K-6) program, but may also be used successfully
with secondary and adult special education and remedial students. Curriculum materials, daily lessons, and
teachers’ guides are available for grades K-6 in reading, language arts, spelling, and math; grades 4-6 in
expressive writing; grades 3-6 in science; grades 3-12 in corrective reading; and grades 4-12 in corrective
math. The following highlights some of the Direct Instruction products used as remedial programs:
• Elementary Classrooms: Reading Mastery and Horizons – Explicit instruction in phonemic awareness,
phonics skills, fluency, vocabulary, and direct teaching of comprehension skills and strategies.
• Middle School and High School: Corrective Reading – Targets the older struggling reader; has two
strands – decoding and comprehension.
Direct Instruction is a highly structured instructional approach, designed to accelerate the learning of at-risk
students. Curriculum materials and instructional sequences attempt to move students to mastery at the fastest
possible pace. While Direct Instruction has been used successfully as a school wide program, the reading and
language arts (and sometimes math) portions of the program are frequently purchased for separate
• Scripted Lesson Plans – Classroom scripts are a hallmark of Direct Instruction; the scripts are written,
tested, rewritten, retested – polished in a cycle of classroom field-testing and revision that ends only when
trials show that 90% of students grasp a lesson the first time around.
• Research-Tested Curriculum – In Direct Instruction, skills are taught in sequence until students have fully
internalized them and are able to generalize their learning in new, untaught situations.
• Coaches/Facilitators – Another feature of the program is the use of in-class coaches for implementation
support. The coach periodically monitors each classroom and is available to assist individual teachers
with any problems, perhaps taking over a part of the lesson to model pedagogical procedures.
• Rapid Pace – Because the goal of Direct Instruction is to move students to mastery as quickly as possible,
a large proportion of classroom time is spent on fast-paced teacher-directed instruction, punctuated by
rhythmic choral-group and individual-student responses.
• Achievement Grouping – Common periods for reading and math are established across grades during
which students are regrouped by performance level, with the idea that all students will progress at the
fastest possible pace and no students will be left behind.
• Frequent Assessments – Frequent assessments are also built into the program as a means to ensure that all
students are reaching mastery, to detect any student who might need extra help before falling too far
behind, and to identify students who need to be regrouped.
Teacher Support
Materials may be purchased by individual grade and subject, as well as in a package suitable for schoolwide
Professional development and implementation support of differing levels of quality can be contracted from
various providers for both single-subject and schoolwide implementations.
Equipment Requirements
No unusual equipment is required in most cases. Some programs have audio books or CDs, which require
tape or CD players and headphones.
• Complete sets of teacher materials range in cost from $100 - $750 (15 students); all materials may be
purchased separately.
• Workbooks range in cost from $30 - $60 for a 5-pack.
• Storybooks or textbooks range in cost from $15 - $40.
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Program Description
LeapFrog School House publishes curriculum and assessment content for the Pre-K-8 education market.
With the program’s multi-sensory learning curriculum, information and concepts are communicated to
students by touch, sight, and sound. Leapfrog’s curriculum programs are research-based and include
interactive electronic learning aids, as well as the teaching strategies a teacher needs to integrate the program
easily into the classroom. The following products are offered:
The Literacy Center is a multi-sensory program that provides teachers with a structured approach to teaching
early reading skills. Designed to supplement existing programs, The Literacy Center uses sight, sound, and
touch to deliver a curriculum based upon current reading research. The program includes Link to Lessons,
easy to use software that integrates The Literacy Center with any core reading program. The teacher’s manual
maps a full year of explicit, direct instruction in early literacy skills. Each learning module contains detailed
lesson plans, complete with learning objectives, ongoing assessment and observation tips, easy-to-follow
instructions, and blackline master activity pages.
LeapTrack System
The LeapTrack System is a formative assessment and content delivery program designed to address individual
learning needs using the “assess, report, and prescribe” model. LeapTrack assessments capture student
performance and prescribe appropriate LeapTract content for skill-building. The motivating content captures
and maintains students’ attention and provides them with self-directed learning experiences. Group summary
reports show progress of an entire class, building, or district relative to Nevada state standards.
Language First!
The Language First! program is an English language development program for early elementary students that
utilizes the LeapPad platform and books to develop English oral language and vocabulary skills for ESL,
ELD, and special education students. Utilizing the high-quality audio of the LeapPad platform along with 36
theme-based, leveled interactive books, this reading program helps students develop English oral language
and vocabulary. The program materials provide students with opportunities to listen to English in meaningful
contexts. Language patterns and structures are integrated with everyday vocabulary to help students move
toward English language fluency. Audio support from the LeapPad platform engages the student and
provides for repetition with immediate and corrective feedback. An introduction to each book is provided in
six different languages. Students can work independently and at their own pace to get the practice and
repetition they need to learn English.
Teacher Support
Training and professional development is available. Call 1-(800)- 883-7430 for information about services
and pricing.
Equipment Requirements
The LeapTrack system software is used solely to collect information on student performance and to prescribe
learning paths, and is not used by the student to take assessments or work on skills. The software can be used
on a single computer and can be networked.
The Literacy Center comes with Link to Lessons, an easy-to-use software program that can be used on a
single computer by the teacher to assist with lesson planning, and collecting information on student
performance. All other equipment is purchased with the kit.
There are no equipment requirements for the Language First! Program beyond the components that are sold
with each kit.
Language First!
Language First! 9-theme Complete Learning Center $2,207-$2,399
Language First! Complete Getting Starter Kit $850-$1,222
Language First! Single-theme Kit $145-$208
LeapTrack Grade Level Classroom Kits range from $3,695-$4,395
LeapTrack K-5 Resource Room Kits are available from $5,495-$6,195
Ann Gordon
Educational Sales Specialist
7260 Drifting River Court
Las Vegas, NV 89149
Phone: (702) 839-0503
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Program Description
NovaNET is a comprehensive online courseware system for Grades 6 -12 that delivers thousands of hours of
standards-based curriculum, as well as assessment and student management. NovaNET is designed to
improve test results and lower high school dropout rates. NovaNET can be accessed remotely or on site with
upgrades, new content and system enhancements at no additional cost.
• Pre-Basic Skills: vocabulary and ELL instruction for newly arrived students
• Basic Skills: reading, math, language arts, and spelling remediation for third through eighth grade levels –
this part of the curriculum is used with struggling students
• High School and Middle School: math, English, social studies, earth science, biology, physical science,
chemistry, study skills, etc. This portion of the curriculum helps reinforce core curriculum lessons.
• Testing & Assessment: Testing is integrated into the curriculum, local test authoring, Princeton Review’s
SAT/ACT, etc.
As an online service, NovaNET is easily supported in a variety of technical configurations, from stand-alone
computers to local and wide-area networks and even full access via modem from the home. Teachers can
communicate online directly with their students, leaving notes as reminders or encouragement. Site managers
and instructors can communicate directly with other sites and with service and support personnel. Students
utilize NovaNET's bulletin boards to improve their written communication skills in structured, online
discussion forums.
Teacher Support
Equipment Requirements
Pearson Digital Learning offers three methods to connect to the NovaNET system. Macintosh and Windows
workstations can access NovaNET via LAN/WAN, the Internet, or a combination thereof.
Workstation requirements are as follows:
Macintosh: Power PC 601 or greater at 120MHz, Mac OS 8.6.1 or later, 4x CD-ROM drive, sound and
video cards, TCP/IP network protocols.
• A one-time installation and training cost includes data line installation, all NovaNET communications
hardware required to provide capacity for up to the specified number of connections, on-site installation
and all documentation and manuals.
10 Connections $20,900
14 Connections $25,690
16 Connections $29,400
20 Connections $34,500
26 Connections $40,820
32 Connections $50,240
• Example: For a 16-connection, networked installed lab, the first year’s cost would be:
Installation $12,000
Subscription $29,400
TOTAL $41,400
This cost includes unlimited usage of all software, technical support, and service provided by NCS Learn.
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Program Description
Orchard is a comprehensive, computer-based remediation program. Orchard software offers a variety of over
150 comprehensive, targeted, and motivating Skill Trees that are correlated to Nevada’s Content Standards
and Indicators of Progress and to national and state objectives. Orchard pretests students and, based on the
results, will automatically provide the student with a remediation path. Alternately, teachers may pick and
choose particular Skill Trees that supplement their instruction. Each Skill Tree can be identified as matching
one of five broad instructional categories:
• Critical Concepts provide targeted instruction in key reading, writing, and language skills through a
combination of direct instruction and built-in puzzles or games.
• Skill Builders provide direct step-by-step instruction with helpful tutorials and motivating reward games
when mastery is achieved.
• Learning Games help students practice key skills in a highly graphic environment.
• Math Concepts include highly interactive and graphic tutorials and age-appropriate activities to help
students understand key concept stressed in the NCTM standards.
• Science Concepts provide the perfect multimedia supplement to science instruction through interactive
videos and simulations.
• Help prepare students for testing of the Nevada Content Standards and Indicators of Progress through
Nevada content-specific assessment followed by instruction.
• Help students learn and master critical knowledge and skills in language arts, math, and science.
• Help students gain confidence by participating in learner-paced instruction.
• Provide students with ongoing feedback to aid in the learning experience and self-assessment process.
• Build and reinforce essential skills and methods that accommodate individual learning styles.
• Empower teachers with knowledge about student strengths and weaknesses corresponding to state content
standards or common national test objectives.
• Provide a supplemental curriculum customized for each student in the class. Offer instruction and
teaching practices grounded in research and proven to work.
• Assist teachers in the task of meeting individual learning differences.
• Help teachers to retrieve useful information about student progress in specific skill areas.
• Help offer a variety of teaching methods to complement traditional and non-traditional classroom
Correlation to Nevada State Standards
Teacher Support
Comprehensive staff development and training by experienced classroom teachers is available. A minimum
of one half day of staff development is strongly recommended.
Equipment Requirements
• Windows or Mac workstations with audio and video capabilities; speakers; headphones; printers optional.
• LAN/WAN availability.
• Orchard Skill Trees - $395 each: This pricing includes a site license to install a Macintosh or Windows
Orchard Skill on every stand-alone or networked computer at the school site. Minimum purchases of
five or more Skill Trees with first order. This option includes Orchard’s Management System but does
not include the Nevada specific assessment.
• Orchard Plus Skill Trees - $495 each: Orchard Plus allows you to install Orchard on both Windows and
Macintosh computers and also provides a school-to-home “Take Home” license. This means that every
student in the school can use Orchard at home for extra practice and reinforcement. Additional CD-
ROMs may be purchased for $5 each. Additional documentation is available for $4 per Skill Tree. With
the Orchard Plus License, unlimited copies of CDs or manuals can be made.
• Orchard Bundles – prices for bundled software range from $2,135 to $25,345, depending on grade levels
purchased and number of products in the bundle. Bundles of curriculum and grade specific software offer
schools a savings of up to 20% and include free Nevada specific pre- and post-test assessment with
computer-generated assignments. Some bundles come with free basals.
• Complete Orchard – the complete K-12 bundle costs $43,255 (for Orchard) or $54,205 (Orchard Plus).
• Professional Development – $1,500 per day (includes training materials plus curriculum integration
strategies for up to 15 participants).
• All Orchard software is delivered in full network and/or site license configuration. There is no charge for
installing Orchard software on additional computer at the site.
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PLATO Learning
PLATO Learning, Inc. is a provider of computer-based and e-learning instruction, offering basic to advanced
level courseware in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. The research-based, multimedia
courseware, and flexible assessment and management tools, let the teachers give every student, including ELL
and special needs students, an individualized learning experience. The program helps students become fluent
readers and builds proficiency in math, science, and social studies to meet state standards and improve
students’ performance on high-stakes examinations.
There are many instructional programs and several assessment programs in the PLATO library. The following
are just a few of the products offered:
PLATO Link is a robust online assessment and diagnostic tool, powered by The Princeton Review, for grades
3-11. With more than 100,000 math and reading questions aligned to every state standard, major classroom
textbooks and specific state and multi-state standardized tests, it is a powerful addition to any school program.
PLATO Link provides flexibility to educators – they can assign comprehensive predefined state examinations
or create-a-test to generate tailored practice tests specific to the skills measured by a state assessment or
PLATO Web Learning Network provides browser-based PLATO instructional courseware, assessments, and
curriculum management. The program provides ready-made instruction that is available 24 hours a day, 7
days a week.
Reading Strategies features reading strategies and practice lessons to enhance comprehension and improve
student performance. Because most learners can relate to reading magazines, PLATO reading courses
promote learning using a fun and upbeat magazine format, so content is easy to understand and navigation is
simple. PLATO Reading Strategies is combined end-to-end with companion curriculum Advanced Reading
Strategies for grade levels 9-12.
Essential Reading Skills is designed for adolescents and adults reading at grade levels 3 through 4. The
program refreshes basic skills and introduces strategies that fluent readers use. Bright graphics and
animations hold the learner’s interest, while audio sets the pace and supports for emerging readers as they
Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension is designed for students who read at grade levels 3 through 9. The
program provides extensive and challenging comprehension practice with both expository and narrative texts.
The 84 practices offer 252 passages on a wealth of topics. The companion vocabulary building activities
pre-teach or reinforce words from the passages.
Beginning Reading for the Real World provides comprehensive, age-appropriate courseware for emerging
readers at the K-3 grade level. Integrated lessons include phonics, word recognition, and comprehension
skills that can be customized for every learner. As students explore the undersea world, reach out to discover
a rain forest, or encounter neighborhood events, they make hundreds of letter-sound connections and develop
their reading proficiency.
Math Expeditions provides comprehensive coverage of math skills taught in grades K-8. Learners will
enhance their comprehension of mathematics by connecting math concepts to real world expeditions. Math
lessons are presented as an integral part of life while students journey across the country. Mental math,
estimation and problem-solving lessons are emphasized throughout the courseware.
• Lightspan Achieve Now is an approved skill- and content-based Comprehensive School Reform
Demonstration Model program. Lightspan Adventures deliver a Nevada standards-based interactive
curriculum on CD-ROMs and cover reading, language arts, and mathematics for grades K-8. Lightspan
Adventures combine engaging stories, characters, and interactivity in ways that lead students to higher
achievement. In class or at home, Lightspan Adventures can be run on either a Sony Playstation game
console or a multimedia-equipped Microsoft Windows PC. Teacher support is provided via dynamic
Teacher Guides that not only provide details about each Lightspan Adventure, but also include a full
complement of support materials for teachers and students.
• The Lightspan Network is a Nevada standards-based Internet community that supports a student
achievement model that gives teachers more power to assess, align, instruct, and evaluate. A powerful
and secure search engine, Learning Search+, empowers teachers as they quickly and efficiently locate
lesson plans, learning activities, and other Internet sites relevant to a grade-specific Nevada educational
• Lightspan eduTest Assessment is a nationally standards-based Internet assessment resource that
supports schools and districts in measuring student performance in real time. Assessment drives
instruction in the classroom, and Lightspan eduTest Assessment supports administrators, teachers, and
students by providing early indications of students’ strengths and needs. Administrators can chart
progress throughout the year. Classroom teachers can target instruction where it is needed most. Students
become responsible for their progress, becoming more motivated to succeed and less threatened by tests.
• Lightspan Reading Center is an Internet resource that supports reading strategies (phonemic awareness,
phonics and decoding instruction, guided oral reading instruction to improve fluency and reading
comprehension, vocabulary development and background knowledge, and comprehension strategy
instruction). The Lightspan Reading Center includes literacy activities, lesson plans, worksheets,
assessment tools, and audio support.
• Lightspan Professional Development builds the capacity of schools, families, and communities to
improve student achievement. Lightspan consultants provide site-specific professional development for
school communities. Lightspan also delivers professional development via CD-ROM and the Internet,
empowering teachers to take full advantage of multimedia resources as it supports their user levels and
Correlation to Nevada State Standards
Teacher Support
PLATO offers on-site technical support, training and software support services. On-site technical support is
offered to help integrate PLATO courseware into the learning environment.
Equipment Requirements
• Computer workstations
• Servers
• Printers
Professional Development: PLATO provides initial training for staff, ongoing staff development, and
customized specific learning paths based on need. Training sessions may have up to ten participants and the
costs are as follows: Single Day - $1,250; 2-5 Days - $1,140 Per Day; 5+ Days - $1,000 Per Day.
K-3 Reading: 1 License - $900; 10 Licenses - $765 each; 30 Licenses - $630 each; 100 Licenses - $387 each;
500 Licenses - $288 each.
K-6 Elementary Package: 1 License - $1,650; 10 Licenses - $1,403 each; 30 Licenses - $1,155 each; 100
Licenses - $710 each; 500 Licenses - $528 each.
Middle School Package (reading, writing and math): 1 License - $2,900; 10 Licenses - $2,465 each;
30 Licenses - $2,030 each; 100 Licenses - $1,247 each; 500 Licenses - $1,120 each.
High School Package (reading, writing, and math): 1 License - $4,000; 10 Licenses - $3,400 each; 30
Licenses - $2,800 each; 100 Licenses - $1,720 each; 500 Licenses - $1,280 each.
Nora Zwillick
Sales Representative
3362 E. Ascona Way
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
(928) 699-1472
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(formerly known as Computer Curriculum Corporation/CCC)
Program Description
SuccessMaker software contains over 6,000 hours of interactive learning in reading, language arts,
mathematics, ESL/bilingual programs, and life-skills development. SuccessMaker offers a balanced, flexible
curriculum that unifies support for essential learning strategies with innovation environments for open-ended
learning. A set of powerful but easy-to-use tools enables educators to manage their options. The design of
SuccessMaker is as follows:
• Identification of skill areas where the student is having difficulty. These assessments drive individualized
courseware choices and study plans
• Dynamic ordering of the instruction provides the optimal learning sequence for the student
• Results Manager tools help teachers assess student performance, determine appropriate learning
sequences, manage student portfolios and continuously monitor progress. Detailed reports help teachers
provide personalized learning paths for students and document progress for accountability.
Teacher Support
With extensive experience in integrating technology into the education process for K-12 schools in all 50
states and internationally, Pearson Education Technologies has developed comprehensive support
services that are designed to assist staff before, during and after the technology purchase. Support
services include: Professional Development, Technical Support, Installation, Hardware Sourcing, Project
Management, Site/Technical Planning, Program Support, Training, Program Planning and Administrative
Equipment Requirements
SuccessMaker can stand alone or be networked. The software requires either Windows workstations running
most any version of Windows or Macintosh workstations running Mac OS up through 9.2.2. This program
is not compatible with OS X. To network SuccessMaker, a school may have a local courseware server or the
district may have a central server. Local courseware servers do not have management system functionality.
Total costs for a new SuccessMaker school would be $40,575. This price includes:
Brett Neilson
Inside Sales Representative
3801 South 2780 East
South Lake City, UT 84109
Phone: (801) 274-3636
CELL: (435) 850-9618
K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Program Description
Accelerated Reader reading management software is a part of the Reading Renaissance suite, a scientifically
researched improvement process that is proven to increase the effectiveness of any pre-K-12 reading program.
1. Professional Development: Effective teachers are the key to significant long-term improvement in
2. More Time On-Task: Renaissance teaching strategies enable teachers to give students the practice time
they need, and monitor and guide that practice effectively.
3. Focus on Reading Skills: Reading is a core subject in K-12 schools. With improved reading skills,
students will perform better in every subject.
4. Learning Information Systems (LIS): Software such as Accelerated Reader, increases teachers’
effectiveness by providing valuable information they can use to individualize instruction for every
By bringing together the four components, Reading Renaissance helps educators improve student
performance and ensure that all students meet state and district standards.
Reading Renaissance works in all classrooms, Pre-K-12, and for all students – gifted, average, and remedial.
In addition, Reading Renaissance supports most curricula and teaching methods. Renaissance software is
currently in use in 53,000 schools, and more than 250,000 educators have been trained in Renaissance
teaching strategies.
Accelerated Reader is a research-based reading management tool that helps educators motivate and monitor
student reading practice. This task-level learning information system provides educators reliable and
objective information they can use to individualize instruction for every student and is designed to:
STAR Reading is a computer-adaptive reading test and database. This achievement-level learning information
provides teachers with accurate reading scores for students in grades 1-12 in ten minutes. STAR Reading
serves two primary purposes:
1. Provides teachers with quick and accurate estimates of students’ reading skills; and
2. Offers sound estimates of students’ reading abilities relative to national norms.
STAR Reading has been correlated with many norm-referenced examinations, which allow teachers to
fine-tune instruction prior to the next regular testing cycle.
Star Early Literacy is a computer-adaptive assessment and database that helps identify a student’s command
of phonemic awareness, phonics, and other readiness and literacy skills in ten minutes. The program provides
immediate, accurate, and reliable feedback on each student’s literacy progress.
The content of Star Early Literacy was designed specifically to meet the developmental literacy needs of
beginning readers. Validation involved more than 450 schools and over 50,000 students nationwide. The
software’s seven content areas are recognized by experts for their critical role in literacy development. The
2,400-item test bank supports recurring formative assessment, and the computer-adaptive technology
guarantees that students never see the same test twice.
Accelerated Vocabulary is a research-based program designed to accelerate vocabulary growth and heighten
student interest in words. The program reinforces the learning of words that students encounter as they read
independently. Accelerated Vocabulary identifies useful vocabulary words that appear frequently in
Accelerated Reader books and places the words in a context that is meaningful to the student.
Teacher Support
Equipment Requirements
Accelerated Reader is compatible with computers running Windows and with Macs. Some accessories
needed may include headphone, microphone, timer, printer and/or speakers.
Accelerated Reader – Super Kit
• One-time Setup (per school): $2,599
• Annual Service and Support: .99 per student for Accelerated Reader and .39 per student for STAR
Includes: Accelerated Reader and STAR Reading software and 1,000 Reading Practice quizzes, online
manuals, district-wide management and reporting, extended expert support plan, automatic software updates
and upgrades, and remote installation service.
NOTE: Vocabulary Practice Quizzes are now part of Accelerated Reader Renaissance Place.
Fluent Reader
• One-time setup (per school): $1,495
• Annual service and support: .99 per student
Includes: Fluent Reader software, online manuals, five content levels, district-wide management and
reporting access, extended expert support plan, automatic software updates and upgrades, and remote
installation services.
STAR Reading
• One-time setup (per school): $1,299
• Annual service and support .39 per student
Includes: STAR Reading software, online manuals, pre-test instructions, district-wide management and
reporting access, extended expert support plan, automatic software updates and upgrades and remote
installation service.
Classroom Resources
• Getting Started with Accelerated Reader and Reading Renaissance - $12.95 each
• Reading Renaissance Power Lessons - $24.95 each (available for Emergent Readers up to Grade 8)
• Vocabulary Power Lessons - $29.95 each (available for Emergent Readers, Grades 1-3, Grades 4-6
and Grade 7)
2. Workshops – feature hands-on software training as well as instruction on the latest Renaissance
• One-day on-site workshop - $3,050 plus $40 per person for one day (desktop versions)
• One-day on-site workshop - $3,050 plus $20 per person for one day (Renaissance Place versions)
3. Consulting – provides help from an experienced Renaissance Educator who will review reports, answer
questions, offer expert guidance, and discuss improvement strategies.
Kari Van Ert, Sales Manager or Reggie Smith, Regional Sales Manager
Phone: (866) 846-7323, extension 5305 Phone: (310) 850-1576
Email: Email:
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Program Description
Bookshop is a comprehensive, K-3 reading program that provides teachers with a complete reading program
and literacy framework with high quality student literature and explicit teacher resource materials. Bookshop
provides teachers with a framework of research-validated instructional strategies for each developmental stage
of reading. The program includes a full battery of assessments with clear directions that accompany each
assessment to help teachers establish instructional starting points to inform differentiated instruction.
Bookshop includes Key Assessment Charts for both the program assessment battery and the DIBELS
assessment tools that link directly with the programs clearly defined instructional sequence.
Bookshop provides instruction within a structured 2.5 hour daily literacy block that is divided into three parts:
a 30-minute Skills Block, followed by a 1-hour Reading Block, and a 1-hour Writing Block.
Teacher Support
Bookshop includes effective data summary sheets and student profile sheets to help teachers effectively plan
instruction and form flexible groups based on student progress. A Mondo consultant can conduct on-site
professional development specifically customized to meet the needs of the teachers attending. Additional
ongoing training is also available.
Equipment Requirements
Kindergarten $2,650.00
420 Guided Reading books (6 copies of 70 titles), 13 Big Books, My Picture Dictionary Big Book, My Picture
Dictionary Small Book (6 copies), 13 Read Along Cassettes, Something Beginning With…Lap Book, Phonemic
Awareness Skill Instruction Book, Phonics Skill Instruction Book, Lets Sing About It! Songs and Rhymes Chart, Lets
Sing About It! CD and Cassette, Sentence Strips (6 titles), Lets Talk About It! Charts and Text Cards, 3 Author
Brochures, Book Bags, Big Book Bags, Book Bins, Teacher Resource Package (Guided Reading Lesson Booklets,
Shared Reading Big Books and Songs/Rhymes Lesson Booklets, Oral Language ~ Reading-Writing Lesson Booklets,
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Skills Book with Lesson Plans, Reading A to Z CD-ROM, Building Essential Literacy
with BOOKSHOP Resource Book, Managing Assessment and Instruction Book)
Grade 1 $3,150.00
438 Guided Reading books (6 copies of 73 titles), 13 Big Books, 13 Read Along Cassettes, Something Beginning
With…Lap Book, Alphabet Series Books (26 titles), Lets Sing About It! Songs and Rhymes Chart, Lets Sing About It!
CD and Cassette, Sentence Strips (6 titles), Lets Talk About It! Charts and Text Cards, 2 Author Brochures, Vocabulary
Explores: My Word Book, Phonics Explores: Our Sound Big Book, Phonics Explorers: Our Spelling Pattern Big Book,
Phonics Skills Instruction Book, Book Bags, Big Book Bags, Book Bins, Teacher Resource Package (Guided Reading
Lesson Booklets, Shared Reading Big Books and Songs/Rhymes Lesson Booklets, Oral Language ~ Reading-Writing
Lesson Booklets, Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Skills Book with Lesson Plans, Reading A to Z CD-ROM, Building
Essential Literacy with BOOKSHOP Resource Book, Managing Assessment and Instruction Book)
Grade 2 $3,295.00
420 Guided Reading books (6 copies of 70 titles), 11 Big Books, 11 Read Along Cassettes, Lets Sing About It! Songs
and Rhymes Chart, Lets Sing About It! CD and Cassette, Sentence Strips (6 titles), Lets Talk About It! Charts and Text
Cards, 2 Author Brochures, Vocabulary Explorers: Writers Word Book (10 copies), Phonics Explorers: Our Spelling and
Sound Big Book, Phonics Skills Instruction Book, Book Bags, Big Book Bags, Book Bins, Teacher Resource Package
(Guided Reading Lesson Booklets, Shared Reading Big Books and Songs/Rhymes Lesson Booklets, Oral Language ~
Reading-Writing Lesson Booklets, Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Skills Book with Lesson Plans, Reading A to Z CD-
ROM, Building Essential Literacy with BOOKSHOP Resource Book, Managing Assessment and Instruction Book)
Grade 3 $2,495.00
300 Guided Reading books (6 copies of 50 titles), 8 Big Books, 8 Read Along Cassettes, Lets Sing About It! Songs and
Rhymes Chart, Lets Sing About It! CD and Cassette, Lets Talk About It! Charts and Text Cards, Art and Poetry Cards, 2
Author Brochures, Vocabulary Explorers: Writers Word Book (10 copies), Phonics Explorers: Writer’s Thesaurus,
Phonics Explorers: Our Spelling Exploration Big Book, Book Bags, Big Book Bags, Book Bins, Teacher Resource
Package (Guided Reading Lesson Booklets, Shared Reading Big Books and Songs/Rhymes Lesson Booklets, Oral
Language ~ Reading-Writing Lesson Booklets, Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Skills Book with Lesson Plans,
Reading A to Z CD-ROM, Building Essential Literacy with BOOKSHOP Resource Book, Managing Assessment and
Instruction Book)
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Program Description
Creative Education Institute’s Essential Learning Systems (ELS) is a supplementary, therapeutic intervention
program for students who are experiencing difficulty in learning to read, regardless of age, from kindergarten
to adult, and regardless of the cause of the difficulty or disability, whether inherited, acquired, or
ELS is not in itself a comprehensive reading program. It is, rather, as its name states, a learning system, so it
correlates with curriculum standards only at the basic skill level. ELS teaches the prerequisite knowledge and
skills that make it possible for all those learners currently failing to learn what they need to know to access the
grade-level curriculum and to meet the standards of proficiency on state examinations.
Elementary schools typically adopt ELS as a prevention program used by all or most students at an early
grade level (K-2), or as an intervention for struggling students, usually those in the NCLB subgroups,
beginning in mid-year of grade 1 and in the upper grades. ELS is also used in intensive instruction
programs—summer school and after school programs to accelerate reading achievement.
ELS includes approximately 30 unique tasks. Each ELS lesson includes a set of primary tasks called SHARE
(See, Hear and Respond) tasks, which provide an introduction to the lesson. ELS includes 26 different lesson
sets that allow the teacher/facilitator to provide individualized, differentiated instruction for each student via
computer-assisted instruction. By monitoring and analyzing trends in student performance, the
teacher/facilitator can select a set of lessons that will ensure that a student completes the SHARE tasks at the
beginning of each class period, providing repetition and reinforcement as necessary. Once the student
completes the SHARE tasks, he or she spend the remainder of the class period working on supporting tasks
that provide guided and independent practice of the concepts and skills presented in SHARE. Assessment
activities are included to provide ongoing data for the teacher/facilitator to use for decision-making.
Teacher Support
The cost of teacher/lab facilitator three-day training is included in the initial software license purchase price.
More training can be purchased in addition to that on a per-day basis. Staffing for an ELS lab requires either
a certified teacher or a paraprofessional under the guidance of a certified teacher.
Lab facilitators are provided with one customized in-service faculty presentation, one interactive awareness
session for parents/community, and one regional workshop.
Equipment Requirements
Schools will need to provide Windows or MAC computers with audio and video cards, headphones and
Renewable CEI Professional Service and Software Maintenance Agreement at $3,500 per year
• 24/7 Web-based Activity Center
• CEI SHARE newsletter
• One customized in-service faculty presentation
• One interactive awareness session for parents/community
• Achievement certificates upon completion of the program
• Annual Student and Teacher recognition awards
• One regional advanced facilitator workshop
Ben Rodriguez
Creative Education Institute
1105 Wooded Acres Drive, Suite 700
Waco, TX 76710
(800) 234-7319
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Fast ForWord
Program Description
The Fast ForWord family is a series of individually adaptive, CD-ROM/Internet-based programs that can be
used both together and separately to lay the foundation that helps students make rapid gains in thinking,
communication and reading skills – gains that translate to improved motivation, self-esteem and overall
academic success.
For students in grades K-12, the Fast ForWord family of programs can:
In addition, Fast ForWord programs offer a number of support resources, including professional training and
development and a Web site that offers parents, educators and other learning facilitators a wide variety of
information on the Fast ForWord programs. Fast ForWord programs also offer detailed data on the
performance of each individual student.
Fast ForWord products are available to educators as part of a site license package. Designed for students
in grades K-12, the Fast ForWord family of products site license package can:
In addition, each site license package includes a number of support resources, including professional
development, as well as ongoing customer and technical support.
Teacher Support
Professional development and ongoing support are critical components of the Fast ForWord family of
programs. Fast ForWord professional training ensures that educators have all of the tools they need to
offer Fast ForWord programs successfully. The following training options are available:
• Fast ForWord Professional Training Seminar – a hands-on seminar and user conference
• Fast ForWord CrossTrain – train on a computer with a self-paced tutorial package
• A summary of the 25 years of brain research and science behind the Fast ForWord programs.
• Detailed information about the features and uses of each program.
• Step-by-step implementation and administration materials.
• Information about student evaluation and candidate selection for Fast ForWord training.
• Ideas for motivating and supporting participants during training.
• A guide to analyzing student performance reports and determining the gains students achieve after
Fast ForWord training.
Equipment Requirements
There are no unusual requirements to run Fast ForWord. However, the company provides detailed
specifications for computers:
Macintosh Computers
Program Details:
Training Programs
Includes unlimited usage for 12 months at one site
30 CDs shipped of each
Fast ForWord Language or Fast ForWord Middle & High School
Fast ForWord Language to Reading
Educational Products
15 Fast ForWord Reading
Fast ForWord Professional Training (CrossTrain)
8 Reading Edge
10 Fast ForWord Basics/30 CDs
1 Fast ForWord Bookshelf
Professional Development
10 single-course registrations for training during the site license period
Technical Services
Planning with technical project manager
Technical start-up kit (includes 3 copies of Surveyor software and documentation)
Technical assessment and site readiness review (provided by phone)
Unlimited toll-free access to SLc professional relations, customer service and technical
4am-6pm M-F; 7am-3pm Sat. (PST)
Web Resource Center,
A variety of renewal “mix and match” options for continued program use, upgrades, professional development
services, new products and technical support will be available.
Pricing for Professional Development Products
Available courses:
The Reading Brain
The Developing Brain
Language and the Brain
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Program Description
• Lexia’s assessment software identifies students’ reading strengths and weaknesses in detail, providing
reports teachers can use to focus instruction on just the skills that need it.
• Lexia’s reading skills development software provides interactive exercises for students to learn from
and tracks their progress to automatically provide just the material that they are ready for and to report on
their progress to teachers.
Students learn to read faster and more effectively when the structure of their language is presented to them.
Lexia’s interactive software incorporates the structure of the Orton Gillingham system, a robust, proven
approach to teaching reading with a track record of over 50 years of success. Students learn reading skills in
sequence, logically building an understanding while gaining fluency and preparing for the next skill.
Lexia’s software is designed to provide the essential first elements of any effective reading program:
Phonemic awareness, sound symbol correspondence and basic decoding skills. The program is an
instructional support system, rather than a complete curriculum. Lexia has been used with most of the major
core reading programs.
Assessment products are as follows:
An efficient and informative assessment of student decoding skills. Administered in only 5-8 minutes.
A modular, comprehensive assessment. Identifies strengths and weaknesses in student phonemic awareness,
decoding, sight vocabulary, comprehension and retention. Reports on student, class and school performance.
Yes. Lexia Early Reading and Lexia Phonics Based Reading are correlated to Nevada’s English Language
Arts content standards.
Teacher Support
Teacher guides are included with all Lexia products. In-service training can be arranged separately with the
school’s sales representative. Additionally, professional development CDs are available for bulk purchase.
Equipment Requirements
Number of
Program Licenses 1 5 10 25 50 100
Lexia Early Reading
(ages 4 - 6) cost per unit $300 $200 $150 $120 $100 $80
price $300 $1,000 $1,500 $3,000 $5,000 $8,000
Lexia Primary Reading
(ages 5 - 8) cost per unit $500 $290 $250 $180 $140 $120
price $500 $1,450 $2,500 $4,500 $7,000 $12,000
Reading Strategies for Older
(ages 9 - adult) cost per unit $500 $290 $250 $180 $140 $120
price $500 $1,450 $2,500 $4,500 $7,000 $12,000
Quick Reading Test
(grades K - 12) cost per unit $400 $160 $120 $80 $56 $44
price $400 $800 $1,200 $2,000 $2,800 $4,400
Comprehensive Reading Test
(grades K - 12) cost per unit $600 $240 $180 $120 $84 $66
price $600 $1,200 $1,800 $3,000 $4,200 $6,600
Notes: All prices with the exception of Teaching Reading: Stages and Strategies, include a 2-year software support plan
with free software upgrades, updates, and bug fixes, unlimited calls to technical support, option to purchase add on
licenses with discounts based on cumulative school purchases, discounted replacement CDs. Installation and training are
not included in the above prices. To obtain training on Lexia programs or seek advice on developing a school or district-
wide Lexia reading program, please contact us at (888) 717-3070.
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CompassLearning’s Odyssey Reading provides a research-based literacy program that interweaves listening,
speaking, reading, writing, and thinking skills with a sound phonics-based program. Odyssey Reading
provides curriculum based on the essential components of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics instruction,
vocabulary and background knowledge, text comprehension strategies and building reading fluency. Odyssey
Reading/Language Arts meets the standards of national organizations such as the International Reading
Association, the National Council of Teachers of English, the National Assessment of Educational Progress,
and the National Association for the Education of Young Children, as well as the qualifications for Reading
First and Early Reading First funding.
Pre-K curricula includes 52 units – one for each week of school and beyond and provides a balance between
computer and offline experiences to build literacy skills, mathematics skills and includes activities to support
social studies, science, art, and personal and social development. Each unit features an electronic book,
learning games and activities that focus on key early reading standards which precede and follow each story.
Activities include alphabetic knowledge, increasing phonemic awareness and phonics learning.
Level K chapters include online activities that support the key elements of successful reading instruction for
young children; phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and text comprehension. A powerful
spiraling curriculum builds and reinforces reading and comprehension skills. The activities are student-
directed, allowing learners to explore at their own pace. The offline materials extend and deepen the skills
addressed in the online learning activities by providing lesson plans for teachers and practice pages for
Levels 1-2 offers a balance approach to learning, aligned with Nevada State Standards, which incorporates
motivating reading selections with a strong skills-based approach to help each learner become a successful
reader. Students experience a variety of activities that develop a full literacy experience – listening, speaking,
reading and writing. The building blocks of phonemic awareness-decoding through phonic skills, fluency,
vocabulary, background knowledge, and text comprehension strategies are also provided. Scored learning
activities, lesson quizzes, and chapter tests provide teachers with assessment data to evaluate student progress
toward mastery of skills.
Levels 3-4 provide a balanced literacy approach to reading, interpreting and exploring literary themes and
responding to literature. Chapters are centered on engaging literature chosen based on its quality, link to the
theme, link to skills, and readability. The reading curriculum contains two components: online learning
activities and offline activities. Online interactive activities engage and motivate learners to read. Offline
materials for teachers and students, called Passports to Knowledge, accompany the online program. Some of
these activities are scored and used for assessment of learning so that teachers and parents can track student
performance and progress through the Odyssey Manager.
Levels 5-6 is a balanced, idea-oriented program that begins with basic reading and language arts skills, and
then focuses on critical thinking, reading and writing activities. The program contains two components:
online learning activities and offline materials. Online interactive activities engage and motivate learners to
read. Offline materials for teachers and students, called Passports to Knowledge, accompany the online
program. The chapters at this level are predominantly literature-based with other language arts components
incorporated. The literature selections come from a variety of genres and ethnicities. Scored activities and a
culminating project provide ongoing assessment.
Levels 7-8 employs a comprehensive approach to reading, coordinated with skill instruction in vocabulary
and literal and inferential comprehension. In reading 7-8 literature-based chapters, the emphasis is on
providing background information, activating prior knowledge, vocabulary development, comprehension
checks, comprehension re-teaches, and integrating writing with reading. Odyssey Writer is used to provide
students with a format for responding to the literature. Themes are incorporated from many areas, including
anatomy, geography, careers, literature, poetry, science, history and current events.
Odyssey Writer is a program designed to enhance the teaching of writing and to improve students’ writing
skills. Odyssey Writer allows teachers to create and assign writing assignments and guides students through
the entire writing process. Students monitor their progress via assessment tools such as state writing rubrics.
Teacher Support
Professional development programs are designed to support all aspects of technology implementation
including awareness sessions for administrators, teachers, and parents; software training, classroom
management strategies, and technology and curriculum integration strategies.
Each staffing configuration and training plan each school employs to implement the Odyssey program is
determined based on the size of the implementation, the skills of the staff members, and the purpose and goals
of the implementation. CompassLearning’s blended approach to professional development delivery includes
onsite delivery, web-based interactive delivery and print resources. Professional development sessions can be
offered at the school level, the district level, or in a train-the-trainer format.
Equipment Requirements
Odyssey programs are designed for networked environments and run on both Window and Macs.
For a classroom of 30 concurrent users, the cost would be $51,635. This includes: 30 concurrent users of
Odyssey Manager and Odyssey Explorer & Custom Assessment with 30 licenses of Odyssey PK-8 Language
Arts & Writer with supplemental Science & Social Studies, Professional Development Guides, Software
support - Odyssey Enterprise Full Support for one year.
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Read 180
Program Description
Scholastic’s Read 180 is a comprehensive, research-based reading intervention program proven to raise
reading levels and test scores of struggling readers in grades 4 through 12. Read 180 addresses the needs of
the struggling reader by providing opportunities to apply, practice, and transfer the skills of reading to other
content areas in a meaningful way. The program engages students in the reading process through a mix of
direct instruction, software exercises and assessments, and modeled reading.
Read 180 provides opportunities for students to read interesting and meaningful content and to practice
developing skills while beginning to see themselves as readers. A collection of audio books offers grade-level
literature for supported, modeled reading, and a library of paperback books provides access to high-interest,
leveled books for independent and small-group reading experiences.
The Read 180 placement test provides an exact starting point and determines the appropriate reading level for
each individual. The management system software continuously monitors student learning to determine
accuracy and fluency. Learners interact with the software continuously while each individual’s progress is
tracked and instruction in adjusted accordingly.
The management system allows instructors to maintain information on each student, recording scores and
reading fluency attained every time a student logs on to the software. The system automatically internalizes
the performance results based on the success achieved in each activity. Teachers can identify skills mastered
and areas needing improvement for each student and for the class as a whole. The reporting feature of the
Read 180 management system allows teachers to print out individual reports to share with parents or students.
Read 180 is available in three stages: Stage A is intended for upper elementary students, Stage B is for
middle school students, and Stage C is for high school students.
The whole class participates in the first and last sections, and the class rotates through the middle three
portions, so that the teacher has time with each small group to assess problems and work on strategies more
tailored to the individual or small group. Computer exercises let struggling students work on skills that they
especially need to practice, and reading gives them an instant way to apply what they’ve learned during direct
Correlation to Nevada State Standards
Teacher Support
Staff Development
For every purchase of Read 180, Scholastic delivers a one-day implementation and teaching strategies
training session for teachers, principals, technology coordinators, and others who may be involved in the
program. After a month or two of using Read 180, teachers and reading specialists will have a one-day follow
up training session provided by Scholastic Read 180 literacy specialists. Read 180 teachers also can utilize
the Scholastic Red online course to ensure that best practices are utilized in the classroom. Teacher guides
are included as part of the purchase of any stage, and there are a variety of teacher resources that may be
purchased from Scholastic, separate from those in the program packages.
Equipment Requirements
• Macintosh (G3 600 or G4 450MHz, running OS 9.2 or OS X 10.2 ONLY) or Windows (Pentium 3,
800MHz, running XP) Workstations
• Network – any commonly available LAN protocol that allows client-server based file sharing, with a
10/100 base-T Ethernet Card recommended
• Peripherals – CD-ROM drives, headphones, microphones, color printers (recommended), cassette players
Components Include:
• Teacher’s Guide
• Teacher’s Resource Book
• Reading Strategies Book
• Instructional Strategies Book
• Welcome to Read 180 Videos
NOTE: Student licenses are permanently owned. When a student exits Read 180, that license or space is then
available to enroll a new student in the program.
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Reading Advantage
Program Description
Reading Advantage is a complete literacy kit designed to meet the needs of middle and high school students
who are performing significantly below grade level. Primarily nonfiction themed magazines are written
below grade level and with a clear and organized design to engage struggling readers. Reading Advantage
helps students:
• Develop essential reading comprehension skills including decoding multiple syllable words,
comprehending complex syntax and understanding context clues;
• Build reading strategies, background knowledge and vocabulary;
• Strengthen reading fluency and gain experience reading a wide range of nonfiction genres, including
interviews, news articles and photo essays;
• Transition gradually from guided reading to independent reading; and
• Become proficient, confident readers who enjoy reading.
Each level of Reading Advantage is supported by a comprehensive Teachers’ Edition that includes detailed
lesson plans, background information, model lessons, comprehension, vocabulary, word study/phonics
activities, guidelines for incorporating the Student Journal, Word Study Book, Assessment Book, Placement
Book, and paperback books.
Reading levels for the Reading Advantage kits correspond to the following instructional levels:
The Placement Book provides useful information on how to choose the level that best fits the student’s
instructional reading level. Teachers can use a Group Reading Inventory (GRI) and an Individual Reading
Inventory (IRI) to help place students in the most appropriate level for instruction. Both inventories offer
reading passages and multiple-choice test items geared to each level of the program. Passages are based on
the theme and reading difficulty of the magazine articles for each level and students are asked comprehension
and vocabulary questions to see which instructional level in the program would be most appropriate.
Teacher Support
A comprehensive Teacher’s Edition supports each level to help teachers help students get the most out of the
Reading Advantage program. Each Teacher’s Edition provides step-by-step lesson support, as well as an
overview of the themed magazine to give the teachers background information on each of them and an
overview of the key skills and strategies addressed in each lesson.
Equipment Requirements
Additional Resources
• Theme Magazines 6-packs: $35.00
• Paperback Book 12-packs: $45.00
• eZines CD-ROM Class Pack (includes 2 CD-ROMs): $50.00
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Read Now
Program Description
Read Now, the reading intervention component of Reading Renaissance for grades 3-12, provides explicit,
systematic instruction and practice in the essential components of reading.
The Read Now Teacher’s Guide provides lessons and classroom strategies, while Renaissance software
supports instruction and facilitates guided practice. To ensure successful implementation of Read Now,
teachers receive ongoing, interactive professional development from a trained Renaissance coach assigned to
their school. As part of the Read Now implementation, the teacher provides small and whole group
instruction using lessons from the Read Now Teacher’s Guide.
Read Now involves four activities: 1) read aloud; 2) fluency practice; 3) guided independent reading practice;
and 4) small group or individual lessons. These activities, when used in tandem with Renaissance software,
help students to experience tremendous gains in reading.
The Read Now intervention also involves reading books at appropriate levels and taking Accelerated Reader
quizzes, which check students’ comprehension of books read independently. The Renaissance Place edition
of Accelerated Reader now includes the ability to run Vocabulary Practice quizzes, which evaluate and
promote in-context vocabulary development of words from those books. Students also use Fluent Reader
software to listen to modeled readings on the computer, practice reading aloud, and self-monitor their reading
fluency. After students practice reading passages, the teacher listens to their readings and evaluates them for
fluency. The teacher monitors students’ reading practice using daily, one-on-one conferences and information
feedback generated by the software.
A typical Read Now class would look like this: first, the teacher would read to the whole class, followed by
quizzes to assess listening comprehension; second, the class would individually practice fluency using the
Fluent Reader software; third, students read books within their zone of proximal development and update
their reading logs and take quizzes; fourth, the teacher works with individuals or small groups to reinforce the
lessons learned and work on the key components of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency,
comprehension and vocabulary).
Read Now components should be customized to meet each school’s needs. However, a typical implementation
bundle includes:
• Fluent Reader software
• 17 Fluent Reader content levels
• Accelerated Vocabulary software
• Read Now Teacher’s Guide
• Onsite Consulting
• 12-month Renaissance Coach
NOTE: Read Now relies heavily on Accelerated Reader and STAR Reading, but the program
does NOT include Accelerated Reader and STAR Reading. These programs must be purchased
separately from Read Now if the school does not already have them. For a description of those
programs, please see the Accelerated Reader entry in this book.
Teacher Support
The Renaissance Coach is the focus of teacher support for this program. The coach will set up a conference
with the school prior to program installation, be at the school for installation and in-service training day(s),
and help the teacher(s) determine their book and quiz needs. The coach will also review data transmitted
from the school and review it with the teacher(s) and discuss problems and successes with the Read Now
Renaissance Learning also offers onsite and telephone consulting for an additional fee. Evaluation services
for student data are available as well. Renaissance Learning offers seminars to teachers for an additional fee,
though none are specific to Read Now. Principals and teachers should go to the website at
to learn more about professional development offered outside of the typical Read Now implementation.
Professional development offerings are also discussed in the Accelerated Reader entry in this book and can be
found by visiting
Equipment Requirements
Packages start at $10,995. For an additional cost schools/districts can customize their Read Now purchase
to fit their needs.
Professional development options are listed in the Accelerated Reader entry in this book.
Kari Van Ert, Sales Manager or Reggie Smith, Regional Sales Manager
Phone: (866) 846-7323, ext. 5305 Phone: (310) 850-1576
Email: Email:
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Reading Recovery
Program Description
Reading Recovery is an early intervention program designed by Marie M. Clay (1979, 1985) to assist children
in first grade who are having difficulty learning to read and write. It is designed to be a short-term
intervention and it is not a classroom program. Children eligible for the program are identified by their
classroom teachers as the lowest in their class in reading acquisition. Children who are not acquiring reading
and writing through regular classroom instruction receive a short-term, individually-designed program of
instruction that allows them to succeed before they enter a cycle of failure. Reading Recovery is designed to
move children in a short time from the bottom of their class to the average, where they can profit from regular
classroom instruction. The goal of Reading Recovery is accelerated learning. Children are expected to make
faster than average progress so that they can catch up with other children in their class.
Reading Recovery provides one-to-one tutoring, five days per week, 30 minutes a day, by a specially trained
teacher. The daily lessons during these 30-minute sessions consist of a variety of reading and writing
experiences designed to help children develop their own effective strategies for literacy acquisition.
Instruction continues until children can read at or above the class average and can continue to learn without
later remedial help. Reading Recovery is supplemental to classroom instruction and lasts an average of
12-20 weeks, at the end of which children have developed a self-extending system that uses a variety of
strategies to read increasingly difficult text and to independently write their own message.
Teacher Support
Reading Recovery uses a trainer of trainers model. University professors (trainers of teacher leaders) prepare
district-level staff developers (teacher leader) who in turn train teachers in the Reading Recovery teaching
techniques. This model ensures that Reading Recovery will have the support at the school district and site
levels necessary for successful program implementation. It also sets the stage for systemic reform of how we
teach reading and writing and how we provide access to good first year teaching for all children.
Experienced teachers are provided professional development in a year-long curriculum that integrates theory
and practice and is characterized by intensive interaction with colleagues. Teachers-in-training conduct
lessons behind a one-way glass and are observed and given feedback by their colleagues. In addition,
Reading Recovery teacher leaders visit teachers at their sites and help them reflect on and improve their
teaching and observing of children. There are three main elements in the Reading Recovery professional
development program:
1. Teacher and teacher leaders participate in an extensive training program that combines child development
and early literacy theory with practice in the observation and discussion of Reading Recovery lessons that
are taught behind a one-way glass. Trained teachers received six hours of university credit for
completing the program.
2. Teachers and teacher leaders work with four children in Reading Recovery each day during their training
year and in subsequent years. Teachers are observed and coached by teacher leaders during school visits.
3. Teachers and teacher leaders participate in ongoing professional development as long as they continue to
teach in Reading Recovery. Teachers are visited and coached, and they participate in in-service training
sessions where demonstrations are observed and critiqued using the one-way glass.
Equipment Requirements
Training Site:
School Site:
Start-up costs for Reading Recovery can be considerable, especially if a training site does not already exist in
the school district. Fees for establishing a Reading Recovery School Site are approximately $8,000 for the
teacher-training year. ($6,000 training fee + $2,000 for books and materials). The fees include teacher
training by teacher leader, six hours of university credit, all professional text, assessment materials and
children's books. Continuing contact fees in subsequent years is minimal.
NOTE: Lyon County School District and Washoe County School District have training sites.
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Read Right
Program Description
Read Right is a fundamentally different approach to teaching reading that enables students with reading
problems to improve their reading skills in a short amount of time. The philosophy of the program is that “if
you can talk, you can learn to read.” The Read Right system integrates knowledge from brain research,
learning theory, and reading theory to permanently eliminate reading problem of students. On average, there
is a one grade level advancement for every nine hours of tutoring for adults, 13 hours for high school
students, 18 hours for middle school students, and 42 hours for elementary students. This program works for
everyone, including ELL and Special Education students.
The Read Right assessment process is designed to discover whether the student’s neural network that guides
the complex, interactive, integrative process of reading is operating appropriately or not. This is determined
by asking the student to read aloud and listening for discrepancies between the student’s oral reading and his
or her oral speech (i.e., disruptions in rhythm or tone; pauses or hesitations; excessive self-corrections; etc.).
Discrepancies are indicators of an erroneously-operating neural network for reading. The Read Right
program structures the environment in such a way that the brain rejects its erroneous neural network for
guiding the reading process and replaces it with a correct one. A student leaves the Read Right program when
his or her neural network has been restructured to operate appropriately.
Performance-Based Measure
The change in each student’s neural network that occurs as his/her reading skills improve will be documented
through a criterion-referenced measure based on an analysis of each student’s oral reading for pre-graded
passages. Each student’s symptom profile at entry is revealed by systematically recording and tabulating the
characteristics that are heard as the student reads aloud from progressively more difficult passages until the
frustration level is reached. These symptoms provide a performance baseline. As the student’s reading
abilities improve due to Read Right tutoring, the symptom set that was revealed during the assessment process
diminishes in intensity and in frequency of occurrence.
As the guidance system for reading is being corrected, the student becomes able to read text that is
increasingly complex semantically and syntactically. Thus, the “grade level” at which the learner is able to
read increases until the problem is totally eliminated and the student can read smoothly, comfortably, and
with understanding anything that he or she has sufficient prior knowledge to be able to understand, regardless
of grade level.
Teacher Support
• Read Right consultants train teachers to become skilled Read Right tutors. A “train the trainers”
component gives advance training to one or more tutors so they can become certified Read Right trainers
for the school.
• Periodic site visits by Read Right staff provide opportunities for advanced training, quality assurance
activities, collaborative problem-solving and planning.
• Student activity data is faxed from the project to Read Right system’s central office in Shelton,
Washington at the end of each month. This data is entered into a database and analyzed for progress,
trends and exceptions and compared to progress at other locations.
• Several management reports are prepared by Read Right staff and are forwarded to appropriate on-site
personnel including tutors and administrators shortly after the beginning of each month. The reports not
only summarize the previous month’s project activities as a whole, but they also show the activity and
progress of each individual student that was tutored during the previous month.
• A monthly tutor newsletter is provided that serves as a training vehicle and provides a format for
self-training during tutor meetings.
Equipment Requirements
• Computer for a Read Right computerized tracking system to monitor student progress.
• Read Right library of specially leveled books and tapes.
For budgeting purposes, there is a one-year program commitment with a renewal option each year.
Maureen Mortlock
Read Right Systems
310 West Birch, Suite 2
Shelton, WA 98584
Phone: (360) 427-9440
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Read XL
Program Description
Read XL is a research-based reading improvement program for struggling students in grades 6-8, who are
reading one to three years below grade level (NOTE: The program can also be utilized with students up
through grade 10, as appropriate). Read XL provides students with high-interest language arts material and
educators with a sound instructional curriculum that will raise reading levels and test scores while increasing
student motivation to read. Read XL uses a combination of leveled non-fiction texts, audiobooks and
Read XL can be flexibly used in various language arts time blocks, allowing two-thirds of the class time
devoted to instructional reading with the teacher and one-third of class time dedicated to independent reading.
This suggested format for language arts offers a sound ratio of instructional, modeled and independent
reading to support all learning styles.
Read XL can be used to prevent students who are reading below grade level from falling even further behind
and also as a transition program for students who are exiting intensive intervention programs, like Read 180.
For Students
Read XL provides engaging reading materials through Anthologies that motivate struggling readers with high-
interest content in unique formats. The Student Anthology, which includes plays, stories, articles, debates,
and a real-world reading curriculum, is designed to become increasingly more challenging as students
progress through the program. Read XL provides student practice books, shared reading titles and leveled text
on CD-ROMS. Paperback libraries and audiobooks are also included to support the independent reading
portion of the program.
For Teachers
Read XL provides instructional materials that address the literacy needs and individual learning styles of
middle school students who are reading below grade level. The Read XL Teacher’s Guide provides lesson
planners, skills and strategies for literacy instruction, language development activities, ESL skills and support,
test preparation activities, reading reinforcement skills, assessment tests, and best-practices professional
strategies for effective classroom instruction.
Teacher Support
Staff Development
On-Site Staff Development: Fee-based training to be arranged between Scholastic and the participating
Equipment Requirements
Read XL can be purchased as a full program and/or components can be purchased individually.
• Pupil Pack (includes Anthology, Set of 3 Shared Novels, Electronic Text Collection) - $56.95
• Teacher’s Guide - $69.95
• Shared Novel Teacher’s Guides (set of 3) - $12.95
• Test Preparation - $36.95
• Writing Test Preparation Book - $32.00
• Assessment - $19.95
• Practice Book - $10.95
• Teacher’s Resource Kit (includes Student Anthology, Practice Book, Teacher’s Guide, Electronic Text
Collection, Assessment, Shared Novels and Teacher’s Guides, Test Preparation) - $205.00
• Independent Reading Library (includes 12 titles, 5 copies each, and Teacher’s Guide) - $230.00
• Audiobook Library – One library for grades 6-8 (Includes 6 titles, 4 copies of each- both print and
cassette versions, and Teacher’s Guide) - $350.00
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Voyager Passport
Program Description
Voyager Passport is a remedial reading program for the early primary grades. It is designed to integrate with
a school’s core reading curriculum. It is a portion of the Voyager core curriculum, known as Universal
Literacy System. Passport is a daily 30-40 minute program that provides skill development in phonics,
phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and spelling. There are 130 lessons taught daily in
small groups of 3-6 students over a 26-week time frame. Passport can be taught by a teacher, reading
specialist, or a paraprofessional.
The program includes Vital Indicators of Progress (VIP), a progress monitoring system. VIP is based on and
completely equivalent to DIBELS™, which was developed by Dr. Roland Good and colleagues at the
University of Oregon. VIP ensures that struggling readers are identified and get the specific help they need.
There are four levels of Passport (A-D), corresponding to each grade level served by the program. The
following is a list of topics covered by each level:
Level C – Second Grade Level D – Third Grade
Fluency Fluency
(10 minutes) (10 minutes)
· Scaffolded Fluency Practice · Scaffolded Fluency Practice
· Timed Reading · Timed Reading
· Partner Reading · Partner Reading
Teacher Support
Coach Model – 6 hours of instruction in a one day visit where Voyager staff train campus coordinators
for the program to support use of the Passport Training Kit and use of benchmark data.
Teacher/Coach Model – 6 hours of instruction where Voyager staff trains campus coordinators for the
program as well as teachers to use to the Passport Training Kit, curriculum and benchmark data.
Self-Guided – campus coordinator and teachers use the Passport Training Kit to familiarize themselves
with the program.
The Passport Training Kit (PTK) is the primary tool utilized in the launch training session and is used
when coaches train teachers at each campus and to guide ongoing implementation needs. Contents
include a videotape, seven tutorial booklets and a VIP practice manual for multiple practice opportunities.
This innovative training tool will provide Passport teachers hands-on training that will prepare them to
organize the first lesson and identify eligible students and monitor progress. In these tutorials, teachers
can find the answers to questions about the curriculum and the VIP measures. The kit includes:
• VIP Measures: easy, step-by-step tutorials for Letter Naming Fluency, Initial Sound
Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation Fluency, Nonsense Word Fluency, and Reading
Connected Text/Retell Fluency
• Video: brief clips to build knowledge of the program and to help teachers practice
administering VIP measures
• VIP Practice Manual: practice forms to help simulate administering and scoring
VIP measures.
Year-round support is provided via email, internet, and a toll-free customer support line.
Equipment Requirements
There are no special equipment requirements to implement Passport. Most schools should have at least one
workstation with Internet access in order to use the online data management system.
The program costs $99 per student and $315 per teacher.
Training costs are 10% of the total costs for the program.
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Voyager Passport Levels E-G
Program Description
Voyager’s Passport Levels E, F, G is designed for students in grades 4-6, but is also appropriate for students
who are reading up to two years below grade level. Through direct, systematic instruction in each of the
essential reading components (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension),
Passport provides targeted intervention for students for whom the core reading program is not sufficient.
Lessons are based on the latest scientific knowledge about effective reading instruction and are carefully
designed to effectively and efficiently address each of the strategies and skills necessary for struggling
The program includes the Vital Indicators of Progress® (VIP®), a progress monitoring system, based on and
completely equivalent to DIBELS™, developed by Dr. Roland Good and colleagues at the University of
Oregon. Teachers routinely administer one-minute oral fluency measures, enter the data on the VIP™
Internet screen, and receive an analysis and instruction on how to adjust the curriculum for each student's
progress. Through online data management, Voyager ensures that the progress of struggling readers is
monitored and addressed on an ongoing basis. Students in Passport E, F & G receive differentiated
instruction in a large-group setting, enabling them to master fundamental skills and build toward
understanding of expository and narrative text.
Targeted Word Study aggressively re-teaches and integrates skills taught in earlier grades. Daily lessons,
taught in small groups, provide strategic instruction in critical phonics elements and comprehension strategies
for understanding text. This component gives struggling readers the tools they need to become active readers
of grade-level text.
Teacher Support
Voyager provides three training model options in order to prepare teachers and coaches to successfully start
• The Teacher and Coach Model is a three-hour session for both groups followed by an additional
three-hour session with coaches, if desired.
• The Coach Model is a train-the-trainer model consisting of a one-day session for coaches who will in
turn conduct a three-hour session for teachers.
• The Small Implementation Model is for a small number where districts conduct their own in-house
training. Teachers receive a Passport Training Kit for use as a tool for self-guided training.
The Passport Training Kit is the primary tool to launch training at each site. The following training tools are
included in the kit:
• Curriculum Overview tutorial
• Assessment Overview tutorial
• Passport Skills Trace and Lesson Sampler
• Video of Model Lessons and Assessment Practice
The preferred training environment for Passport onsite training is a training room or library where
participants are seated at tables of 4-6. The trainer will model part of a lesson in addition to reviewing the
other components in the Passport Training Kit.
Passport Reading Intervention starts the sixth week of school. Training should be scheduled prior to
Passport is designed to be effectively implemented by teachers and paraprofessionals. Once the initial
implementation is underway, training would be needed for new teachers to the district.
To ensure the effective implementation of Passport, Voyager partners with the district and provides ongoing
web-based and telephone support. Initial implementation planning, involving district and/or building
principal leadership coupled with technology set up support, deepens understanding of the capabilities of the
Voyager online data management system. For districts that choose to employ an on-site coordinator, that
individual’s direct involvement with Voyager to manage students’ benchmark and progress monitoring results
can lead to the development of the district’s own job-embedded professional development. However, the
coach position is not a requirement for a successful implementation.
Equipment Requirements
There are no special equipment requirements to implement Passport. The technology for the online data
management system is web-based and included in the program price. The systems requirements are generic,
listed below.
Windows: Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 5.0.2614 through 6.0.2800
Windows: Netscape versions 7.0 through 7.1
Mac: Netscape versions 7.0 through 7.1
Mac: Internet Explorer for Mac
Mac: Safari version 1.0 through 1.2
Other System Recommendations:
Screen Resolution: Any resolution equal to or higher than 800 x 600.
Cookies: Web Browser needs to accept all cookies. Cookies used by VIP are not stored.
Flash: The current version of Macromedia Flash is recommended
Adobe Acrobat: The current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader is recommended
The program costs $99 per student and $315 per teacher. Student material is consumable and purchased each
year. Shipping cost is 8% of the sale. Included in the cost of the program is The Passport Training Kit
discussed in the Teacher Support section. The Training/Support Services Cost is estimated at 10% of the
materials cost. This figure includes the cost of the initial professional staff development for each teacher (one
six-hour day) and ongoing implementation support throughout the year. The training cost for onsite delivery
models is $1,500 per trainer per day, at a ratio of one trainer for every 25 participants.
Ann Gordon
Voyager Expanded Learning
Phone: (702) 839-0503
Cell: (702) 343-4824
Toll Free: 888-399-1995 ext. 7240
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The Voyager Universal Literacy System is a comprehensive reading program for grades K-3. It is a basal,
book-based curriculum designed to be the core reading program. It is designed to be implemented over time
(i.e., during the first year of implementation, the program is implemented in Kindergarten and Grade 1; during
the second year, Grade 2 is added; and during the third year, Grade 3 is added).
NOTE: Because Voyager provides a literacy coordinator to assist the schools with implementation, the
company requires implementation of the program on a district-wide basis.
• • •
Concept and vocabulary enhancement
• • •*
Letter identification, phonological awareness, and
expressive language
• • •
Alphabetic principle, including letter and sound
correspondence, connections between speech sounds
and spellings
• • •*
Phonemic awareness
• • •
Explicit phonics instruction
• • •
Word recognition
• • •
Reading fluency
• • •
Writing opportunities
• • •
Supplementary reading instruction for students with
persistent reading difficulties
• • •
Comprehension instruction such as summarizing,
predicting, and monitoring
• • •
Motivation to learn
Assessment is built into the program, using Voyager’s Vital Indicators of Progress (VIP). VIP is used by the
teacher to determine if there are students in danger of falling behind. VIP scores are recorded in a database
that calculates a student’s current level of literacy, and instructional recommendations are included in the
teacher’s guide for students in each VIP group (on-track, emerging, struggling).
Teacher Support
There are two components in Voyager’s Professional Development program. The first component is Launch
Training. Launch training is provided at the beginning of the program and typically takes three days. During
that time, both campus coaches and teachers receive training that prepares them to effectively begin the
Universal Literacy reading program. They learn how to administer the first VIP measures, group their
students, set up their classrooms, structure small and large group instruction, and effectively use all
curriculum materials.
The second component is Voyager Ongoing Professional Development (OPD). The OPD model provides
monthly modules that provide more than 50 additional hours of local coach-facilitated training. Eight
modules provide ongoing support for teachers aligned with measures and curriculum activities planned during
the year. This “just in time” strategy provides reinforced learning that builds on initial classroom practice and
allows teachers to learn what they need, as they need it, throughout the school year.
Equipment Requirements
The cost of the program is $250 annually per pupil in the Universal Literacy System and $400 per person
attending the Universal Literacy System training.
Ann Gordon
Voyager Expanded Learning
Phone: (702) 839-0503
Cell: (702) 343-4824
Toll Free: 888-399-1995 ext. 7240
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Waterford Early Reading is a K-2 computer-based reading program; however, for remediation purposes, this
program works well with students up to grade 6.
The Waterford Early Reading Program was developed by the nonprofit Waterford Institute, whose mission is
to provide every child with the finest education possible through the effective use of technology. Each of the
Waterford Early Reading Program’s three levels provide a full year of daily instruction for children. It is
designed as a 30-minute daily intervention. The software adapts to each child’s learning pace, thus meeting
each student’s individual needs. The Waterford Program also includes books, videotapes and audio cassettes
for each child to keep so that reading can easily extend from school to home.
A phonological awareness unit helps young students recognize that words are made up of phonemes.
Phonological Awareness is typically run concurrent with Level One or Level Two. Keyboarding to Read and
Write teaches students how to keyboard by touch. Students also develop reading and writing skills by
keyboarding high priority words and literature from Level Two. Keyboarding is usually run concurrent with
Level Two or Level Three, but after Phonological Awareness. Writing is a menu of writing activities, paint
programs, and word processors that allows teachers to devote more classroom time to students' writing skills.
Teacher Support
Equipment Requirements
A typical classroom set up would have the following components. This pricing summary reflects the presence
of three computers in a classroom serving 25 students.
Software $10,800
(includes Levels 1, 2 and 3; student management and assessment)
Materials $4,675
(includes 5-pack student materials, 5eacher resource center)
Support $2,000
(includes Basic Tech Support plus field technician when required
for peer-to-peer deployment)
Hardware if necessary
Single Waterford Early Reading levels may be purchased individually. Prices for each level range from
$2,700 to $3,600. Version upgrades from an old version to the current version of Waterford cost between
$270 and $360. If a school adds the new curriculum to the software upgrade, the cost goes to $900. Technical
support packages are sold per site annually, and there are three tech support options to choose from. Print
materials also may be purchased separately.
Greg Barry
Pearson Digital Learning
3327 E. Jerome Avenue
Mesa, AZ 85204
(480) 926-7002
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Program Description
FOSS is a carefully planned, flexible, and modular approach to science instruction and assessment for K-8
students. Its modular design provides versatility so that it can be used in many difference school settings.
Note: FOSS is an approved remedial program for the elementary and middle school grades only.
FOSS elementary modules are organized under four topic headings called strands: Life Science, Physical
Science, Earth Science, and Scientific Reasoning and Technology. There are five modules for Kindergarten,
six modules for grades one and two, eight modules for grades three and four, and eight modules for grades
five and six, for a total of 27 modules. Modules that span two grade levels provide flexibility for teachers and
curriculum planners, making FOSS adaptable to just about every science framework, guide, or program.
NOTE: FOSS has made changes to the program for grades 3 through 6:
1. FOSS Science Stories: New student books written to be an integral part of FOSS science modules for
grades 3 - 6. These books are designed to extend or reinforce the science concepts introduced in the
classroom. FOSS Science Stories are designed to help strengthen the science, reading, and language arts
2. Revised Teacher Guide: Includes several new teacher resources, such as Science Stories and website
folios to help extend the hands-on learning.
3. New Assessments: The new assessments, found in the Teacher Guide, help the teacher continually
monitor student progress throughout each investigation and again at the end of the module. Formative
assessments are embedded in each part of the investigations, providing teachers with constant feedback.
Summative assessments provide a comprehensive, overall measure of the learning outcome at the end of
the module.
4. New Equipment Kits: Repackaged to provide quick and easy access to the investigation materials.
5. New Teacher Videos: FOSS Teacher Preparation Videos provide instructional support to save
preparation time for teachers. The video introduces the module and demonstrates how to set up the
equipment for each investigation. The new videos include more information on pedagogy and more
footage of real classrooms using the FOSS modules.
6. The new FOSS website connects students, teachers, and parents with new resources. Each module has an
interactive site where students and families can exercise their science skills with instructional games and
interactive simulations. The site also provides links to other resources to explore subjects in greater
FOSS Middle School Program
FOSS for middle schools is a general science curriculum for students and their teachers in grades 6 - 8. The
curriculum is organized into topical courses that require 9 to 12 weeks to teach. Three courses are offered
under each of three strands:
Life Science
• Diversity of Life
• Human Brain and Senses
• Populations and Ecosystems
• Electronics
• Planetary Science
• Earth History
• Water and Weather
The FOSS program has set out to achieve two important goals. These are:
• Scientific Literacy: To provide all students with science experiences that are appropriate to their
cognitive stages of development and to serve as a foundation for more advanced ideas that prepare them
for life in an increasingly complex scientific and technological world.
• Instructional Efficiency: To provide all teachers with a complete, flexible, easy-to-use science program
that reflects current research on learning and the latest instructional methodologies.
Concepts covered by FOSS are aligned to Nevada content standards for Grades 2, 3, 5 and 8. FOSS is aligned
to Indicators of Progress for Kindergarten and Grades 1, 4, 6 and 7. Alignments are available at the Delta
Education website.
Teacher Support
Each elementary FOSS module has its own teacher guide, which consists of a module overview, a set of
activity folios, duplication masters for the student sheets, assessments, FACT's and equipment inventory
sheets. For middle schools, the teacher guide includes science background, detailed lesson plans,
assessments, and resource lists.
A teacher preparation video contained in each module is another teacher friendly component of the FOSS
program. The video is an introduction to the module, and shows a FOSS staff person or experienced teacher
demonstrating how to set up the equipment for each activity, in addition to brief excursions into real
classrooms to see the FOSS module in use.
The cost factor incurred in purchasing the instructional modules entitles the purchasers to FOSS training.
Equipment Requirements
Every module revolves around an equipment kit, each of which is designed to serve a class of up to 32
students at one time. There is a minimum of everyday-type consumable materials. Replacements can be
ordered in packages or as line items.
In addition, for the middle school program, each equipment kit includes a multimedia CD-ROM, which may
be used as an interactive instruction tool for use as a whole class demonstration tool, as well as individual or
small group. A lab notebook is provided that contains organizers and student sheets, which can be
photocopied for flexible use. A resource book is provided that contains images, data and readings.
• Price of equipment kits for Elementary Schools range from $349.00 - $649
• Price of equipment kits for Middle Schools range from $1,249 - $1,949
• Shipping and handling is added to all orders (10%)
Delta Education
Dean Taylor, Regional Manager
8928 Carefree Avenue
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Phone: (800) 338-5270 ext. 180
Voice: (928) 527-8717
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Program Description
Bridges Learning Development is a family of five programs that improves student achievement via lab-based
intervention that develops students’ cognition. Bridges is not a curriculum-based remedial program. It is
designed to improve general intellectual and behavioral functioning, which should improve learning
competence across all subjects. The Bridges systems are designed to develop the base skills of cognition,
sensory integration and visual and auditory processing. These skills are the foundation of all learning and
help improve self-control and concentration as well. By helping at-risk students develop their cognition,
Bridges aims to reduce referrals to special education. Bridges aims to improve the 26 cognitive abilities and
11 perceptual skills essential to classroom learning. Up to 20% of students in a subscribing school may be
referred to Bridges for assessment of these critical cognitive and perceptual abilities. Based on assessment
results, an individualized plan of scientifically-designed activities is designed for each student to stimulate
cognitive and perceptual growth. Students referred to Bridges spend 30-40 minutes twice a week working
through their individualized plans. The duration of a student’s experience in the lab varies per student
because his/her plan is individualized; the range is typically five to nine months. The five programs available
from Bridges Learning are: Learning Development (K-Adult); Learning Discovery (Pre-K-2); Bridges PM
(K- 8); Concept Prep (3- 8); and Career Discovery (8-10).
Bridges is the implementation of the Structure of Intellect (SOI) Model School, an educational service that
raises students’ grades in school by making them better learners. The program is founded on 30 years of
implementing SOI materials and methods developed by Drs. Mary and Robert Meeker, and is based on the
early work of Dr. J.P. Guilford. The program builds attention, memory, and other learning abilities essential
to better reading, spelling, mathematics, and other basic skills. Unlike tutoring processes and video or
software, the program enhances the core intelligence of the student and prepares them to learn. Because the
program improves general academic performance, the mind’s ability to focus, and overall intellectual
competence in school, it reduces referrals to special education, developmental instruction, disciplinary action,
Teacher Support
A required, five-day “Basic Bridges” training course is provided for the individual designated by the school
as the Bridges specialist. Topics covered include the theory and practice of SOI assessments and
interpretation and the Integrated Practice Protocol (IPP) activities undertaken in the Learning Center. This
course is conducted at regional locations on a frequent schedule which considers the time and travel of
proximate subscribing schools.
Additionally, a required five-day “Practicing Bridges” course is provided for the Bridges specialist and the
paraprofessional. Topics covered include the hands-on supervision of Learning Remediation activities in the
Learning Center.
A Curriculum Consultant or In-service Trainer conducts an onsite review during the year, generally between
two and four months after start-up commencement for first year subscribers and near the mid-year point for
continuing subscribers. A year-end summary of program results based on data provided by the school, the
onsite review and Support Center records are provided.
Toll-free telephone support is available from the Bridges Support Center at 1-(888)-345-1401 year-round
between 9am ET and 5pm.
• 100% of the faculty must support the program. This commitment must be formal and communicated to
Bridges prior to classroom implementation of program materials.
• The subscribing school must commit a full-time individual to be responsible for overall program
supervision and operation.
• The subscribing school must provide a dedicated, classroom-sized space for the Learning Center that can
be screened from any outside distractions or traffic during use if not physically isolated.
Equipment Requirements
The “Basic Bridges” course is a required cost for the staff member designated as the Bridges specialist. The
course is off-site, regionally for various schools’ personnel. The cost of having more than two persons attend
this training is $375/person for each of the third or more persons from any one school.
NOTE: A minimum order of materials to serve 50 students is required.
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Program Description
Professional development and best teaching practices are the main purposes behind CELL/ExLL. The
CELL/ExLL framework of instructional activities includes oral language, phonics, higher-order thinking
skills, and reading and writing activities. CELL/ExLL is designed to meet the needs and strengths of each
individual child. The CELL/ExLL model stresses and encourages active participation from each child
regardless of his or her current level of literacy acquisition. High progress children are encouraged to
continue their rapid growth while low progress children are guided through the process with continuous
support and an opportunity to accelerate their learning. The opportunity to try new learning in a risk-free
environment and practice new strategies throughout the day are encouraged. CELL/ExLL trains teachers to
use a gradual decline of teacher support and a gradual increase in student independence based on
demonstrated student capability.
The K-3 framework (CELL) is designed to help the beginning reader develop the necessary skills to master
alphabetic principles, phonemic awareness, and concepts about print in a literature-rich environment.
The Extended Literacy Learning Framework (ExLL) for grades 3-6 is based on an alignment with the K-3
framework extending it into the intermediate grades where content area study and application of skills have
increased importance.
CELL/ExLL collects diagnostic information to inform instruction and assessment data to ensure
accountability. Teachers are trained to administer the Observation Survey and to improve their observation of
children to better inform instruction. Standardized test measures are provided to track both individual student
and class achievement.
Teacher Support
The ExLL training model for grades 3-6 is similar to the CELL model. Teachers representing each grade, the
principal, and other specialists participate in a separate yearlong series of trainings. It is expected that ExLL
schools will have participated in CELL in a prior year or are participating in both trainings in the same year.
ELLIS Academic Suite
Teacher Support
• On-site Installation
• On-site Training
• Training Kit (Teacher Training Video, Reference Guide, CD-Tutorials, Help-at-a-Glance Reference
• Instructor Guide
• Continual training/support online
Equipment Requirements
As this is a computer-based program, schools will need to have hardware with multimedia capabilities
sufficient to run the program, as well as headphones and other peripherals. Ellis is designed for networked
Prices vary according to selected products, number of computers, and physical sites. Volume discounts can
be up to 35%. Volume discount levels are based on accrued purchases from the purchasing agent, which
includes both current and past purchases.
The following are the costs of implementing ELLIS on 10 stations in one location. Each amount includes
native language support for three languages, rights to copy for supplemental workbooks, one additional year
of technical support via telephone, and appropriate volume discounting:
Implementation Schedule
School-Wide Training
• Observation Survey Training (1 day)
• 30 Hours Training for Staff
• Biweekly Guided Meetings (90 minutes)
• West Coast Literacy Conference and CELL Institute
School-Based Planning Team $5,000 School-Based Planning Team $5,000
Literacy Coordinator 12,000 Literacy Coordinator 12,000
School-Wide Training (multi-school) 15,000 School-Wide Training (multi-school) 15,000
School-Wide Training (single school) 45,000 School-Wide Training (single school) 45,000
Books and Materials (per classroom) 2,500 Books and Materials (per classroom) 2,500
Tuition (Literacy Coordinator) 1,050 Tuition (Literacy Coordinator) 1,050
Tuition (Teachers - 4 units optional) 350 Tuition (Teachers - 4 units optional) 350
Transitioning Literacy Coordinator 7,000
(CELL to ExLL)
Additional Costs: Substitute Days for Participants; Travel to Training Sessions; Hotel Expenses; Meals; West
Coast Literacy Conference. Advanced Training - $1,000 per day for School-Based Planning Teams.
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Program Description
The ELLIS program teaches English language skills for non-English speakers. A computer-based program,
ELLIS uses a full multimedia experience to teach the following:
All lessons are provided to the learner in a consistent format, beginning with a pre-test, then moving to
watching a video for context, then repeating scenes, then practicing conversation skills by listening and
speaking. Ellis supports Spanish-speaking students as well as dozens of other languages.
There are two suites for K-12: ELLIS Kids 2.0 and ELLIS Academic 3.0. Ellis Kids is designed for young
learners at three levels of proficiency: preliterate, beginner, and low intermediate. Ellis Academic is designed
for students aged 12 and up of any proficiency level, teaching basic social and business English. Products can
be purchased individually or in complete suites.
• Kids Essentials is the most basic level, aimed at preliterate learners or those only literate in their native
language. The focus of the program is vocabulary development and phonics-based reading skills.
• Kids Level One and Level Two is for beginning to intermediate learners. Full-motion video stories
introduce five integrated tutorials in vocabulary, listening, grammar, pronunciation and communications
skills. Lessons are presented in a “Watch-Learn-Practice-Play” sequence to give students a predictable
format for learning, while instructional games and songs add fun and motivation. Frequent on-screen
feedback, opportunities to review, and the option of extended practice activities through a
“randomization” feature provide even further learning support. The available native language instruction
and navigational help smoothly integrates with ELLIS Kids’ solid methodology to help create more
confident, excited and independent learners.
• Kids Management and Reporting System is the ELLIS records management system for teachers to view
and print reports. Teachers can also control individual or class instructional paths through each product
by determining which lessons students get access to.
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Program Description
Image-Making Within the Writing Process operates in the classroom as part of the language arts program.
Recognizing individual learning styles, the program defines all children as author/illustrators and draws
young writers into a rich creative process using work and picture images to create outstanding published
books. Children employ reading, writing, and oral language skills necessary to the development of literacy,
gain access to visual and kinesthetic modes of thinking, which serve to heighten their conceptualization
process, and engage in higher level problem-formulating and problem-solving activities.
Through a series of process-oriented art activities, each child begins by creating a portfolio of hand-painted
textured papers. These textured papers are used by the class to brainstorm describing words as well as to
spark story ideas through free association. As childrens’ imaginations are awakened, discovered creatures and
settings become rich resources for imaginative stories. Children find stories hidden in their textured papers.
When it is time for the children to begin the process of putting ideas down on paper, they are purposely not
directed toward either writing first or making pictures first. Because verbal as well as visual modes of
thinking are equally valued, your author/illustrators are given the license to follow their own creative process
in story-making. In this way, they approach writing from a position of personal strength and enthusiasm.
Textured papers then become the raw materials for building colorful collage images. As children weave
together story images in pictures and words, stories unfold through a lively, interactive creative process. As
stories evolve, children are taught how to read their collage images in order to increase descriptive detail and
literary language in their writing. Collage images also provide a concrete tool for revision. As a result,
completed published books are highly evolved in story line, descriptive language, and visual expression.
Teacher Support
Teacher training for Image-Making Within the Writing Process is divided into two separate workshops:
• Picturing Writing: Fostering Literacy Through Art - Training will lead teachers through a simple
progression of art-and-literature-based mini-lessons which build a foundation of understanding
regarding sense of setting, beginning, middle, end, plot development, character development, and use
of descriptive language. A comprehensive slide show will detail classroom practices. Classroom
modeling techniques and management tips will be woven throughout the two days.
• Image-Making Within The Writing Process: Constructing Stories Through Collage - Training will
provide teachers with the necessary tools to allow students to culminate their experience as artists and
writers using a very dynamic collage technique. This unique collage process builds directly on the
skills students have acquired through Picturing Writing: Fostering Literacy Through Art.
A Complete Implementation Package is available, which includes all of the materials necessary to implement
the program in a classroom of 25 children.
Equipment Requirements
The Complete Implementation Package - a box containing all the materials necessary to implement the
Teacher Training Fee Structure (fees include a complete set of instructional materials and all the art materials
used during the workshop):
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Thinking Maps
Program Description
Thinking Maps, developed by Dr. David Hyerle, are visual teaching tools that foster and encourage lifelong
learning. Isolated applications of semantic maps and graphic organizers have been used for years by teachers
for presenting content information. The Thinking Maps approach for school-wide participation is unique and
successful because the Thinking Maps language for learning takes an important step beyond the sporadic,
isolated uses of graphic organizers. The eight Thinking Maps are an organized set of frameworks based on
fundamental thinking processes. This flexible array of maps is introduced directly to students to
independently transfer thinking skills to content learning across disciplines and to lifelong learning. The
outcome is that a school utilizes a core set of graphic tools for cognitive development, instruction and
Research shows that meaningful school change does not occur without a consistent, in-depth, long-term
vision for the whole school. Working with isolated teachers and pull-out programs does not support the
ongoing transformation of a school community. The Thinking Maps implementation design consists of four
1. Intensive, interactive and motivational staff development sessions for introducing Thinking Maps to all
staff members. An Implementation and Assessment Guide details specific steps for creating school-wide
2. Resource materials for teachers to effectively and efficiently introduce students to each Thinking Maps
and to cross content learning.
3. Ongoing follow-up classroom visitations (co-teaching); meetings with teachers in grade level and/or
subject area clusters to share content applications and student outcomes.
4. Student portfolios developed based on the use of Thinking Maps as midrange tools for reading, writing,
mathematics and for assessment of students’ thinking about content across disciplines over time.
The materials for the program provide each teacher with basic and essential support at each grade level for
introducing the Thinking Maps to students and into the classroom environment.
Teacher Support
Teachers receive a resource manual that explains the understanding behind the methodology with examples
and ideas for making cross-content connections. Special sections detailing Conflict Resolution, Substance
Abuse Prevention, and Curriculum Unit Design provide teachers with specific mapping designs for all grade
levels. A set of eight Thinking Maps posters is also included in each manual.
Staff Development
Three days of school-wide staff development include workshops on model teaching, co-teaching and
coaching, and grade-level meetings. There is a focus on improving teacher questioning techniques using
Thinking Maps, as well as a focus on improving student reading, writing and math skills for state and local
The Innovative Learning Group will provide guidance to teachers in maintaining portfolios for each student
on reading, writing, and mathematics problem solving throughout the year.
Equipment Requirements: None.
K-12 Thinking Maps: Tools for Learning $ 95.00
K Draw Your Thinking $100.00
1-2 Show Your Thinking $100.00
3-4 Map Your Thinking $100.00
K-12 Cooperative Desk Maps $ 89.00
The basic design for bringing Thinking Maps into an elementary or secondary school includes a one-day
initial staff development workshop, two to four days of follow-up visitations, ongoing technical assistance for
assessment purposes, and curriculum development support and material resources for students and teachers.