Topic 3 - Cognitive Learning Theories
Topic 3 - Cognitive Learning Theories
Topic 3 - Cognitive Learning Theories
• Kohler believed that the chimpanzee showed insight, acting as if they saw
the solutions before carrying the actions out.
• The essence of a successful problem solving behaviour is being able to see
the overall structure of the problem.
• Two actions are involved :
i) getting a wholly consistent pic
ii) seeing what the structure of the
whole requires for the parts
Problem Solving by Insight
• Insightful learning has 4 characteristics :
i) Transition from pre-solution to solution is
sudden and complete
ii) Performance based on a solution gained by
insight is usually smooth and free of errors
iii) A solution to a problem gained by insight is
retained for some time
iv) A principle gained by insight is easily applied
to other problem.
Problem Solving by Insight
• Based on Gestalt principles, Bigge(1982) argued that
instruction should be arranged that students would
participate actively in developing insight by attacking a
problem posed by the teacher.
• Instead of presenting information found by others,
students should be taught on how to make new
discoveries themselves.
• He suggested 3 ways to do so :
i) Switch the subject matter
ii) Introduce disturbing data
iii) Permit students to make mistakes
Piaget’s Theory of Learning
Jean Piaget(1896-1980)
• A Swiss biologist.
• Introduced organisation and adaptation
• Organisation- internal characteristic of an
organism, enabling it to take action to take
action to arrange the environment.
• Adaptation – the ability to fit in with the
physical environment
• In other words organisation is a internal
process and adaptation is an external process
Piaget’s Theory of Learning
• From a biological point of view, organisation is
inseparable from adaptation as they are 2
complementary processes of a single mechanism.
• This proved that the degree to which individuals observed and imitated a
model’s behaviour could be explained through four processes;
i) Attention
ii) Retention
iii) Reproduction
iv) Reinforcement
Social Learning Theory
• Bobo doll experiment
Social Learning Theory
• First component of observational learning.
• One can’t learn much just through observation,
unless they perceive and attend to significant
features of the modelled behaviour.
• To reproduce behaviour, one should encode the
information into long term memory.
• Only then the information can be retrieved and
Social Learning Theory
• An observer should be able to reproduce the model’s
• Observer should learn and possess physical capabilities of
modelled behaviour.
• Once behaviour is learned, physical capability is needed to
produce the act
Motivation or Reinforcement
• Final process
• Observer expect motivation or reinforcements for the
modelled behaviour.
Modelling, Imitation and