Mastermind 2 Unit 1 Grammar and Vocabulary Test A
Mastermind 2 Unit 1 Grammar and Vocabulary Test A
Mastermind 2 Unit 1 Grammar and Vocabulary Test A
7 We all enjoy a bit of luxury from time to time. 20 Most people acquire second-hand goods for
How often
reasons of economy. ✓
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22 Carla learned English with reading the
subtitles on the television.
Carla learned English by reading
the subtitles on the television.
© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 2
masterMin LEVEL 2
masterMin LEVEL 2
25 A:Wasn’t it the most fantastic concert? 5 a Here are some tips on how you can
(be the most fantastic concert) B consume less energy.
B: It was—I’ve never been to a better gig. b We can consume energy by remembering to
turn the lights off ✓
26 A: Haven’t you ever eaten Japanese food? ? 6 a Would you be able to drop me off at the station? ✓
(ever eat Japanese food) B
B: No, never. I’ve never liked the idea of eating b I really ought to drop off going to the
raw fish. shops so often.
d Score / 30
B Choose the best ending for the sentences. C Complete these words used to talk
Choose A, B, or C. about consumerism.
0 If you drop something off, you
0 to use something such as energy, fuel, or goods
A let it fall to the ground.
B leave it at a place. c o n s u m e
C reduce the amount of it. 16 to exchange goods or services for other goods or
9 A piece of equipment that is in good working
order b a e t e r
A is always reliable. 17 the keeping of animals in a small area for business
B is working well at the present time. facto ry farming
C is in the correct position.
18 not capable of continuing for a long time without
10 A dumpster is a container for harming the environment
A throwing away large un s u s t ainable
items. B growing 19 to search for the food that you need from trees,
vegetables. bushes, etc.
C storing products in a factory.
f o r a g e
11 Sustainable energy 20 capable of continuing for a long time without
A helps us to have a luxurious lifestyle. harming the environment
B comes from sources that never run out. s u s t a i nable
C is created from coal and oil.
27 Let’s say thirty dollars for the bike and I’ll throw /
hand in some lights too.
Score / 30
Total score / 60
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