Angel Voices Ever Singing-Angel Voices Monk

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Angel Voices, Ever Singing PRAISE

Words: Francis Pott, 1861. Music: ’Angel Voices (Monk)’ Edwin G. Monk, 1861.
Setting: Presbyterian Hymnal, 1911.
copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
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1. An gel voi ces, e ver sing ing, round Thy throne of light,
2. Thou Who art be yond the far thest mor tal eye can scan,
3. Lord, we know Thy love re joi ces o’er each work of Thine;
4. Here, great God, to day we of fer of Thine own to Thee;
5. Ho nor, glo ry, might and me rit, Thine shall e ver be,


An gel harps, for e ver ring ing, rest not day or night;
Can it be that Thou re gard est songs of sin ful man?
Thou didst ears and hands and voi ces for Thy praise com bine;
And for Thine ac cept ance prof fer, all un worth i ly,
Fa ther, Son, and Ho ly Spi rit, bless ed Tri ni ty;

Thou sands on ly live to bless Thee, and con fess Thee Lord of might.
Can we feel that Thou art near us and wilt hear us? Yea, we can.
Crafts man’s art and mu sic’s mea sure for Thy plea sure didst de sign.
Hearts and minds, and hands and voi ces, in our choic est me lo dy.
Of the best that Thou hast giv en Earth and Hea ven ren der Thee.

Rev 5:8-14, Ps 148:1-2 858587

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