The Cold War Rekindled PDF
The Cold War Rekindled PDF
The Cold War Rekindled PDF
● Human rights
○ Jimmy Carter took office in 1977 and made human rights an integral part of US
foreign policy
○ The US would only provide foreign aid if the USSR allowed dissent, Jewish
emigration, and a freer Poland
● The Camp David Accords were signed in 1978 which eased tensions between Israel and
● Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
○ A second treaty capping the number of long range nukes was signed in 1979, but
the USSR invaded Afghanistan before it could be ratified
○ The invasion threatened the US oil supply, and Carter placed embargoes on the
USSR and was ready to have another draft
○ European nations were unwilling to get involved as they saw it as a regional
dispute, and the USSR was almost finished with an oil pipeline to Western Europe
○ Afghanistan was the USSR’s Vietnam; 100,000 troops fought for 8.5 years and
eventually withdrew in 1989
● Hostages in Iran
○ Iranian revolutionaries took the Americans at the embassy in Tehran hostage, and
America’s reputation was damaged after a failed rescue
○ The hostages were freed the day Reagan took office in 1981