John V. A. Fine - The Early Medieval Balkans - A Critical Survey From The Sixth To The Late Twelfth Century (1991, University of Michigan Press) PDF
John V. A. Fine - The Early Medieval Balkans - A Critical Survey From The Sixth To The Late Twelfth Century (1991, University of Michigan Press) PDF
John V. A. Fine - The Early Medieval Balkans - A Critical Survey From The Sixth To The Late Twelfth Century (1991, University of Michigan Press) PDF
A Critical Survey from the Sixth
to the Late Tvvelfth Century
Ann Arbor
The University of Michigan Press
First paperback edition 1991
Copyright© by the University of Michigan 1983
All rights reserved
Published in the United States of America by
The University of Michigan Press
Manufactured in the United States of America
2000 1999 11 10 9
A CJP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
I. Balkan Peninsula-History. I. Title.
DR39.F56 1983 949.6 82-8452
ISBN 0-472-08149-7 (pbk.) AACR2
To Gena, Sasha, and Paul
The decision to write this work began when the American Council of
Learned Societies (ACLS) Committee on Eastern Europe asked me to
produce a major regional history of southeastern Europe in the Middle
Ages, as part of a series for which they hoped to receive outside
funding. When the funding efforts proved unsuccessful, I decided to go
ahead with my part anyway, because there has long been a need for a
book such as this one.
The first draft was read by one year's Medieval Balkan History
class, whose students were well qualified to tell me what was clear
and what was not. The glossaries at the end of this work owe their
presence to student suggestion. The manuscript also was read by a
variety of friends and colleagues; some were Balkan specialists and
others were asked to read it to comment on manner of presentation,
matters of clarity and interest for nonspecialists, and style. I am
indebted to Professor Ivan Dujcev of the University of Sofija, Pro-
fessor Michael B. Petrovich of the University of Wisconsin, Carol B.
Stevens, and my parents, Professor John V. A. Fine and Elizabeth
B. Fine, for their comments. I owe a particular debt to John H.
Forsyth, Robert J. Donia, and Duncan M. Perry, former graduate
students of mine who spent hours reading, pondering, and writing
out detailed and valuable criticisms which have vastly improved the
work. A teacher can have no better or closer friends than his past
and present graduate students. I am also grateful to Professor Sima
Cirkovic of the University of Beograd for his thorough and careful
responses to various questions that I put to him. Finally, I would
like to express my appreciation to the ACLS Eastern European
Committee, headed by Professor Michael Petrovich, for getting me
started on the project. None of the individuals named, of course,
bears any responsibility for errors of fact or interpretation that may
appear in the work. I am also grateful to the Center for Russian
and East European Studies at the University of Michigan which
XIV Early Medieval Balkans
financed the typing of both the first draft and final version of this
I am most grateful to my wife Gena who, while suffering all the
inconveniences a spouse must when such a project is being carried out,
throughout gave me the strongest encouragement and support, as did
our sons Alexander (Sasha) and Paul. Since she is Yugoslav, this work
treats part of her and our boys' heritage. It is only fitting that this work
be dedicated, with love and appreciation, to the three of them.
Note on Transliteration
and Place Names
monplace in the English literature I have stuck with the us, otherwise I
have used the os.
Since control of particular territories in the Balkans has changed
over time from Romans or Greeks to different Slavic people to Turks,
it is not surprising that there are many different names for some cities.
On the whole, I have chosen the name used in the Middle Ages by the
power that controlled that place most. Upon first mention (and also in
the index of place names) I give the variant names for each place (e.g.,
Philippopolis [modern Plovdiv], or Durazzo [Dyrrachium, Durres],
Glossaries 299
Tcrms ~9
Peoples 304
Index 319
Map 6 338-39
Ionian Is
BLAC K":SEA:::::
-s-1,?, THESSALY
<if!? ian
Adnanople {
• Prilep
~• Durazzo
..c=L '
Map 3. Major early medieval towns in the eastern and northern Balkans
o Prilep
Kastona £I ~
lanssa o
Trikkala •
o Olymp1a
i f > - Vis
Most general surveys of the Balkans begin with a survey of the geogra-
phy, presenting the reader with a long list of rivers, mountains, and
products. This, despite the great natural beauty of most of the geo-
graphical features, is usually fairly boring and virtually impossible to
remember. It is my hope that the reader will familiarize himself with
the maps of the Balkans provided in this text so that he can identify
the major regions of the Balkans as well as the important towns,
rivers, and mountain ranges. For the reader's benefit I have included
maps. Thus here I shall simply try to generalize about some of the
important features of Balkan geography and the impact these features
had on Balkan developments.
First, the Balkans are an extremely mountainous region. It is said
that if one ironed out Bosnia and Hercegovina this region alone would
be as large as all of Europe. The regions now called Montenegro and
Albania (particularly the northern part of the latter) are almost wholly
mountainous. A major range runs parallel to the Dalmatian coast. This
range-the Dinaric-to a considerable degree was responsible for the
isolation of what became Bosnia, Hercegovina, and Montenegro and
formed a border between the Italian culture of the coast and the Slavic
culture of the interior. A large mountain range-the Pindus-divides
the eastern and western parts of central Greece, and large numbers of
mountains exist in the Peloponnesus. The Balkan range extending to
join the Rhodope range separates Bulgaria from Thrace.
The mountains, by isolating peoples and encouraging localism,
have hindered the development of states. They contributed to the fact
that the South Slavs never created a single united nation state in the
Balkans, and they have impeded the unification of individual peoples.
2 Early Medieval Balkans
the Sava, and the lower Neretva below modern Metkovic are. In fact,
the lower Neretva opens up into a number of channels in the midst of
thick marshes which were a retreat for the leading early medieval
pirates-the Neretljani. Even to the present day many villages here
have no land connections with the outside world and carry on all
communication with it by boat. The major rivers, in particular the
Danube, were important for transporting goods. Rivers, even medium-
sized ones, often served as borders between states. The Danube was
frequently a major border between civilization and "barbarism," and
for long periods the Drina served as a border between Bosnia and
Serbia while the Sava and Drava borders helped Slavonia maintain its
identity. Furthermore, since rivers created valleys (often between high
and difficult-to-pass mountains), land routes tended to follow rivers.
For example, an important route running from the coast into Bosnia
ran along the Neretva.
The main land routes through the Balkans went south from the
Danube or from the coast inland. The most important inland highway is
the one used in this century by the Orient Express. From central Europe
it passes through Ljubljana and Zagreb across the plain to Beograd,
where the Sava and Danube rivers meet and where an important route
enters from across the Danube. Then from Beograd the route swings
south along the Morava River to Nis where it splits in two with one
branch running east through Sofija (medieval Sardika) and Plovdiv
(medieval Philippopolis) to Constantinople, while the second runs south
along the Vardar valley through the city of Skopje on to Thessaloniki
(Salonica) and Athens. This road was both a major trade and a major
invasion route. During invasions and raids the greatest devastation took
place along its path. The earliest Slavic settlement, when the Slavs
turned from raiding to settling, occurred along its Morava valley sec-
tion. Subsequently the Crusaders, who came to the Balkans via Hun-
gary, also used this route.
The second major road was the famous Via Egnatia which began
at the important port of Durazzo (Dyrrachium, Durres) in modern
Albania which was the major Byzantine naval base and military-
administrative center on the Adriatic. From Durazzo the route passed
through Ohrid and Thessaloniki (the second city of the empire in
Europe and a major trade center) on to Constantinople. In addition
roads ran inland from other major ports, like Kotor, Dubrovnik (Ra-
gusa), and Split, through mountain passes and often along river valleys
into the interior of Bosnia and on to northern Serbia or along southern
routes through modern Hercegovina or modern Montenegro on to
southern Serbia and Bulgaria.
4 Early Medieval Balkans
countryside. This difference was not just the obvious occupational one
of farmer versus urbanite, but was also ethnic and cultural. Along the
Adriatic coast the old (pre-Slavic) Roman-Italian population predomi-
nated in many of the walled cities while the Slavs came to control the
hinterland. A similar (though there quite temporary) phenomenon oc-
curred in Greece. There, after the Slavic invasions and before imperial
recovery, some walled cities and the islands remained Greek while
much of the countryside came to be Slavic. In Dalmatia, throughout
the Middle Ages, the old cities retained their Roman-Italian character
and were more a part of the Italian than of the Slavic-Balkan world.
There was a gradual influx of Slavs into these towns which in turn
reacted to protect their own culture; thus, for example, in the fifteenth
century Dubrovnik issued laws declaring Italian to be the official lan-
guage of the town. All sorts of goods and cultural features, including
Christianity, radiated from these towns into the hinterland, but the
Slavs did not allow themselves to be latinized.
This dichotomy was true further inland as well. For example, for
long stretches of time in what is now Serbia the Byzantines retained
possession of towns like NiS. In Nis there was stationed a bishop,
various administrative officials, and a garrison. But, though this town
remained Byzantine in character, the surrounding countryside con-
sisted of Slavs-sometimes paying tribute to the Roman Empire and
sometimes loyal to a neighboring Slavic state. Later on in the thir-
teenth and following centuries within the Slavic states of Bosnia and
Serbia the towns continued to retain a foreign flavor. Then, after the
mines were reopened, the mining towns were dominated by people
connected with that industry, particularly Saxons from Hungary and
the Italian-speaking coastal merchants who established commercial
colonies in these important centers. In addition the Serbian ruler Ste-
fan Dusan established garrisons of foreign mercenaries (chiefly Ger-
mans) in various of his towns since they were more likely to be loyal to
the central state than the fractious nobility. Each of these foreign
communities had considerable autonomy, being run by its own leaders
under its own laws. In this later period, for example, Dubrovnik estab-
lished colonies in mining centers and market towns across the Balkans.
In the early medieval period, since the mines, the chief incentive for
major commerce, had not been reopened, we find much more limited
activities by coastal merchants inland. In fact, after the Slavic inva-
sions, commerce and the towns declined for a long period of time.
The medieval period was one of great demographic change, result-
ing not only from massive invasion or migration and the preservation
of minority peoples through their seeking sanctuary in the mountains
6 Early Medieval Balkans
great insecurity for the people of the south, extended households were
common over much of southern France. A century or so later, with the
return of more stable conditions, once again nuclear families predomi-
nated. This model could well also fit the medieval Balkans.
However, there are no sources to give us any information about
household size among the medieval South Slavs. Thus, though ex-
tended households may have existed, it would be wrong to assume the
existence of the zadruga then, and there is no basis to consider it a
primitive Slavic institution. One might suspect that in periods of inse-
curity there would tend to be larger households and in periods of peace
smaller ones. In addition, one should not expect that all families would
have been organized in just one way or just the other; presumably at
any given moment larger households coexisted with smaller ones. At
times of insecurity the balance probably would have been in favor of
the larger household. But at all times, irrespective of external condi-
tions, internal conditions would have had an effect on the development
of any given household, causing it to grow (as sons married) or causing
it to split up (as brothers or other members inside the household
And now, after these brief introductory remarks, let us turn to
examine the Balkans on the eve of the Slavic invasions.
Historical Background
10 Early Medieval Balkans
Illyrian sites within what is now Bosnia and Hercegovina alone. This
suggests to some of them that the "Illyrians" should be subdivided into
different cultural groups. Whether this also means they should be di-
vided into different ethnic groups is still not known. (2) The Thracians
dwelled in Thrace, much of modern Bulgaria, and eastern Macedonia.
(3) The Dacians inhabited Moesia (roughly what is now northern Bul-
garia and northeastern Yugoslavia) and Dacia (what is now Rumania).
Linguistically these three peoples were all Indo-Europeans, and
some scholars believe that the Thracians and Dacians until a millen-
nium or so earlier had been one people. Various linguists disagree.
Traditionally scholars have seen the Dacians as ancestors of the mod-
ern Rumanians and Vlachs and the Illyrians as the proto-Albanians.
Perhaps (keeping in mind the frequent ethnic mixing as well as cultural
and linguistic evolution) we should retain this view. However, from
time to time these views have been challenged, very frequently for
modern nationalistic reasons. For example, if the Illyrians were the
ancestors of the Albanians, then the Albanians, as original inhabitants,
have some historic right to that region and possibly rights to other
regions which had been settled by Illyrians. And their Illyrian ancestry
has been very important in Albanian nation-building myths. In the
same vein, if the Dacians were proto-Rumanians then they were the
original settlers and have historic rights to Rumania, particularly in the
mixed region of Transylvania against claims of the late arriving (end of
the ninth century) Hungarians. Not surprisingly, Hungarian scholars
have been the leading critics of the claim that Dacians are Rumanians
and argue that the Vlachs (or Rumanians) arrived in the eleventh and
twelfth centuries when Vlachs first appear in the written sources.
Recently the Albanian-Illyrian identification has come under more
serious challenge from linguists. 1 Before turning to the arguments, it
must be pointed out that Dacian, Thracian, and lllyrian are not only
dead languages but languages in which no texts have survived. Thus all
that is known about these languages comes from personal and place
names mentioned in classical texts or surviving place names (top-
onyms). V. Georgiev argues that Illyrian place names are found in a
far smaller area than I have given above for lllyrian settlement. Sec-
ondly, he argues that, though the Albanians now live in what was
Illyria, they themselves come from part of Moesia, from the Morava
region of eastern Serbia. This was ethnically a Dacian region and thus
he argues for a Dacian ancestry for the Albanians. These conclusions,
he believes, are shown by the following: (1) Illyrian toponyms from an-
tiquity do not follow Albanian phonetic laws. (2) Most ancient Latin
loanwords in Albanian have the phonetic form of East Balkan Latin
Historical Background 11
Roman influence during the period before Christ was chiefly along the
coast and concentrated in coastal towns. Its impact was little felt in the
interior before Augustus (27 B.c.-14 A.D.). In the period extending
from the second century B.c. to early in the first century A.D. the
Romans subdued the Illyrians. The first Roman successes were in Dal-
matia. The Romans increased their influence by settling many veterans
in and along Dalmatia. The Dalmatian towns were given various privi-
leges, including autonomy, which they retained throughout the Middle
Ages. At first there was considerable instability in Roman Dalmatia,
owing to Illyrian pirates and raiders from the mountains who swept
down upon the coast to plunder. But as the coast became romanized,
its towns became very similar to those in Italy. Throughout the Middle
Ages these old coastal towns were far more Italian than they were
Balkan. Salona, which lay just outside of modern Split, was the chief
Dalmatian city.
In the first century A.D. the Romans began pushing their frontiers
inland across the Balkans (across modern Yugoslavia) toward the Dan-
ube. Following their conquest, they established forts and small towns
(the ruins of some of which have been excavated), and built roads to
connect the towns and fortresses with the coast. Other roads were built
to link a variety of rich mines (particularly in Bosnia and Serbia) with
the coast, and the Romans exported minerals and timber from the
Balkans. The roads were kept in repair and were guarded (with key
Historical Background 13
The third century A.D. was a period of chaos. The northern part of the
Balkans, because its mountain ranges ran north-south, had no natural
military defense and was easily accessible to invasion. In the third
century intensive Goth raids were launched by land from across the
Danube. At the same time Goth pirates began raiding Roman towns
along the Black Sea coast. Frequently the Roman generals sent out to
defend Roman territory against them revolted and claimed the throne.
Throughout the third century there were civil wars; the throne changed
hands on the average of every three or four years. There were also
numerous revolts which did not succeed, and provinces broke away,
loyal to this or that pretender. Thus, much of the Balkans was devas-
tated by wars and raids and for much of the time was not really under
the control of the ruler in Rome.
During all this internal chaos the Goth raids continued, lasting
from the third to the fifth century. Yet, though these raids were fre-
quent, they tended to be concentrated along major routes (e.g., the
Orient Express route through the Morava valley) and roads leading off
the main routes to other centers. Probably they rarely went further
from these routes than was necessary to forage for food. Furthermore,
along these main routes were concentrated the major cities (sources of
the most booty) and the major concentrations of population (urbanites
or nearby villagers supplying urban needs) for slaves. These areas were
plundered time and again. But it probably is not accurate to picture
the whole Balkan region (or even large parts of it) as being desolate;
such a picture would be valid only for the region along the main
14 Early Medieval Balkans
After its capital was established in the east, the empire became, in
scholarly parlance, the Eastern Roman Empire. Furthermore, because
Constantine and all of his successors (except Julian the Apostate, 361-
63) were Christians, the empire from here on can also be called the
Christian Roman Empire. As a consequence of these two changes the
Roman Empire had become the Byzantine. However, though used by
scholars, none of these three names was used at the time. Though the
empire had its center in a Greek cultural and linguistic area, as a result
of which there followed a gradual hellenization of its institutions and
culture, the emperors recognized no change. The empire remained the
Roman Empire and the citizens (even though Greeks came to domi-
nate it) still called themselves Romans. The term Hellene (Greek)
connoted a pagan. The term Byzantine was an invention of Renais-
sance scholars after the fall of the Byzantine Empire and was never
used by its contemporaries. By the middle of the seventh century
Greek had become the official language of all spheres of government
and the army; nevertheless the empire remained "Roman" and despite
divisions of its territory at times it was always seen as a single unit.
Essentially the Byzantine Empire was a combination of three major
cultural components: (1) Roman in political concepts, administration,
law, and military organization, (2) Greek in language and culture, and
(3) Christian in religion.
When the Roman Empire was centered in Italy, the Balkans had been
a distant borderland. The establishment of the capital in Constantino-
ple brought the Balkans much nearer the center of things. More Ro-
man influences penetrated the peninsula, which, owing to its proximity
to the capital, became more important for the empire to defend and
hold. Now there was more Roman activity here; more officials and
troops were present than had been the case when the imperial center
lay in Italy.
The Balkans were split among three imperial prefectures: (1) the
Prefecture of the East, which in addition to Asia Minor and the other
eastern provinces also included Constantinople and Thrace, (2) Illyri-
cum with its capital in Thessaloniki, which included Greece and the
central Balkans, and (3) Italy, which in addition to that peninsula
included Pannonia, !stria, and Dalmatia. Dalmatia at that time in-
cluded a great deal more of its hinterland than it does now. Thus, the
Historical Background 19
Italic Prefecture roughly contained the Balkan territory that later was
to become Roman Catholic.
Diocletian and Constantine initiated a series of economic and ad-
ministrative reforms which, on the whole, we can ignore in this survey.
However, after their reforms the army was composed of two types of
troops: (1) Frontier forces (limitanei) whose task was to defend the
borders. Many of those so settled were barbarians: Goths and Slavs.
(2) The elite troops which were the mobile armies, divided into five
large units based in the interior, particularly around the capital; these
were able to be sent on foreign operations or to any place of weakness
where the frontier defenses were insufficient. Each of these five units
was under a commander who reported directly to the emperor. In this
period more and more barbarians (particularly Goths) were taken into
the army. Some were integrated into the regular Roman units but large
numbers became federates, settled on lands under their own leaders;
their settlements tended to be drawn from just their one ethnic group
and they fought in their own contingents under their own chiefs.
Since there was a shortage of cash, Diocletian instituted a new tax
system. By it the state's major sources of revenue, the land and head
taxes, were to be paid in kind (i.e., produce). They were assessed on
the rural population which was, of course, the overwhelming majority
of the empire's population. In addition, most civil officials' and mili-
tary salaries were also paid in kind. Early in the fourth century the
monetary system was reformed and the coinage was standardized. It
remained at the same standard, undebased, until the eleventh century.
It was far more stable than any modern coinage. The Byzantine solidus
was used throughout the Balkans and remained in use through much of
the Middle Ages even in the independent Slavic states. Finally in the
twelfth century the Venetian ducat came more and more to replace the
solidus, and it became the model for the independent Balkan coinages
that began to be issued in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. In
the Byzantine period and during the later independent period as well,
much of the trade in the interior remained in kind. Local markets were
certainly more based on barter than on cash.
Despite these reforms, disorder continued throughout much of the
Balkans, particularly the large-scale raids, which were able to dislocate
any system. However, it is evident that from the time of Diocletian
there was more efficiency than previously in tax collection (with taxes
raised in kind and chiefly used in the area where they were raised) and
in the recruitment of soldiers. The military reforms also failed to solve
the Goth problem. Goth raids continued through the fourth and fifth
centuries and proved to be a major drain on the treasury, necessitating
20 Early Medieval Balkans
One feature of the period from the fourth through the sixth centuries
was the growth of large estates and the absorption of many state lands
and the lands of many free peasants (including whole villages) by the
great magnates. Some scholars seem to believe that this phenomenon
was almost total; yet it is clear that although there were great increases
in the holdings of the great magnates, many small holdings and free
villages remained. The novels (new laws) of Justinian (mid-sixth cen-
tury) included edicts against the absorption of free holdings in Thrace
and Illyricum; since these were general laws it demonstrates clearly
that a sufficient number of free holdings still existed to be worth pro-
tecting by general legislation. Saints' lives also show that in addition to
the great estates free villages existed in all parts of the empire. The
sources are far too meager to provide a general picture of landholding
in the Balkans. But we must beware of the tendency of historians to
carry real trends to the nth degree. Although there was an increase in
Historical Background 21
the size of many great estates, in the percentage of lands under their
control, and even in the number of such estates, still many small
holders and free villages continued to exist. In addition it is certain
that the ratio of great to small and the percentage of land under the
great magnates varied from province to province.
At the same time various peasants, probably in large numbers,
were fleeing to the mountains or to other distant regions out of the
reach of tax collectors. Others sought the protection of patrons by
becoming serfs on estates; and the number of serfs increased in this
period. Since many magnates had tax exemptions-or enough pull to
evade taxes-the peasant often found himself better off financially as a
serf than as a free peasant. The effect of abandoned lands and of free
men becoming serfs was to reduce the income of the state at this
critical time when it needed cash to raise armies to fight the barbarian
To try to keep the peasants on land and taxpaying artisans in their
places, the state passed laws intended to bind men to their trades (and
sons to the trades of their fathers) and the peasants to the land. Many
studies describe the empire in these terms. However, we may wonder
how rigid life really was. How was the empire able effectively to en-
force such laws? The fact that these laws were reissued frequently
suggests that the problem continued and the policy was not effective.
Thus it is doubtful that life in the Balkans (a particularly chaotic re-
gion) was really as rigid as the laws demanded. However, binding men
to professions clearly was the aim of the government. And since the
main tax was on land, and since land to be taxable needed a cultivator,
the state did try to bind the peasants to the land. In good times, people
on the whole probably followed these laws willingly. The artisans, as a
result of state limitations on the number of artisans in any trade, had a
guaranteed income, and the peasant, who was guaranteed the right to
his plot, probably also was usually content to remain on his land.
However, raids and increasing tax demands, which often were impossi-
ble to meet, caused flights and the dislocation of the system. In these
insecure centuries when people were killed, carried off by raiders, or
fled to the hills (often to become brigands) to escape taxes, population
decreased. And this of course meant reduced income for the state,
which was faced with ever increasing budgetary needs.
In 476 the Goth Odovacar overthrew in Italy the last weak western
emperor. The emperor Zeno in the east could do nothing to prevent
22 Early Medieval Balkans
At the start of his reign, the emperor Justinian (527-65) was con-
cerned with the barbarians beyond the Danube. He built fortresses
along the Danube (or ordered them built, for probably in general the
localities had the actual responsibility to build them) to tighten de-
fenses against the barbarians. Older fortresses were repaired. He also
repaired the walls and fortifications of various cities in the interior of
the Balkans. Such walls, even if not manned, could give shelter for
urban populations and neighboring peasants when raids came. How-
ever, Justinian was primarily concerned with the loss of Rome and
Italy to the Ostrogothic kingdom which Theodoric established in 493.
Caught up by the imperial idea and his desire to restore the old Roman
Empire, he fought an almost continual war for forty years to recover
Italy, Spain, and North Africa. The parts of the Balkans held by the
Goths were restored early, Dalmatia by 537, !stria by 539. By the end
of his reign Jus tin ian seemed successful; he had recovered Italy, the
coast of North Africa and much of Spain. However, he achieved this at
enormous loss of manpower and an exhausted treasury. The recovered
Historical Background 23
In the fifth century Slavs first show up north of the Danube in the
written sources. Many scholars feel that they had arrived in that region
even earlier than that. Where they had come from has long been a
most controversial point. Yet it is a point that really is not too impor-
tant for the history of the Balkans, because we know so little about the
possible homelands and the cultures of the various peoples in them
during these centuries. The evidence used for locating the homeland of
the Slavs-that is, the region where they became a distinct people from
their Indo-European cousins-is all linguistic and archaeological.
Much new evidence is being uncovered now which may eventually
settle the point, but at present the best case can be made for the
Ukraine, possibly between the Bug and the Dnepr. The Ukrainian
theory has been advanced by a variety of scholars. 1 Adherents of this
view believe that the Slavs followed the path toward the Danube used
by a large number of Turkic peoples-including Huns, Avars, Bulgars,
Pechenegs, and Cumans.
The sources speak of many disunited tribes divided into two
groups north of the Danube in the fifth and sixth centuries-the
Slaveni and the Antes. Some linguists have argued that the word
Antes is not Slavic but Iranian. However, Procopius, a sixth-century
historian who is a major source for this period, says the two groups
(Slaveni and Antes) speak the same language and in looks do not
differ from one another. The Strategikon (a military manual from the
late sixth or early seventh century attributed to the emperor Maurice)
confirms Procopius by stating that the two groups lived in the same
way and had the same customs. To a Byzantine speaking about Slavic
languages, the word same could really mean similar. But, in any case,
if the Antes really were not originally Slavs, it seems most likely that
they had been a conquering group which had asserted authority over
26 Early Medieval Balkans
various Slavic tribes and had thereby donated their name, but had in
time become linguistically and culturally assimilated by the larger
number of Slavs. Thus there seem to have existed two groups linguis-
tically Slavic and ethnically probably more Slavic than anything else
but certainly not pure Slavs. Some scholars, such as the prominent
Bulgarian historian V. Zlatarski, think, and it is perfectly plausible,
that the Slaveni to the west were the ancestors of the linguistic group
that became Serbo-Croatians while the Antes were the ancestors of
those who were to become Bulgaro-Macedonians.
The name Antes suggests this people was intermixed with Ira-
nians, and linguists point to a large number of Iranian loanwords in
Slavic that were acquired very early. This would not be surprising if
the Slavs came from the Ukraine because there they would have had
contact with both Iranian Scythians and Sarmatians. Indeed, the Sar-
matians were still to be found in Backa and the Banat near the Danube
at the time the Slavs arrived there. Archaeologists working in that area
speak of cultural borrowings by the Slavs from Sarmatians living in the
Ban at.
There are also in Slavic a large number of early Germanic loan-
words. In the southern Ukraine as well as along their whole route to
the Danube, the Slavs would have run into many Germanic peoples;
Germans were still to be found in the Danubian region when the Slavs
arrived and were to remain there for a considerable time thereafter. In
what is now Rumania these Slavs met Dacians. Rumanian archaeolo-
gists have discovered a variety of cultural borrowings by the Slavs from
the indigenous population of Rumania. They have even unearthed
what they claim to be joint sites, showing Slavs and Dacians living in
the same communities.
What were these early Slavs like and how did they live? Brief descrip-
tions are given by several Byzantine writers. The Slavs were wild and
free (i.e., not subjected by anyone else) and without leaders. Proco-
pius stresses that they were not ruled by one man but from ancient
times had lived in "democracy." (Needless to say, too much has been
made of this last word by various Slavic scholars.) They had public
gatherings to decide on policies. The Strategikon, attributed to the
emperor Maurice, states that the Slavs lived without authority and in
mutual hatred (i.e., in hatred between groups); they did not recognize
military ranks; they had many chiefs but no supreme chief. The differ-
ent tribes disagreed with each other and it was not difficult to play one
The Slavic Invasions 27
tribe off against another. (However, it proved impossible for the Byz-
antines to solve the Slavic problem or defeat them for the same reason;
for if the Byzantines defeated or made a pact with one tribe, that
arrangement was valid for just one small group and had no effect on
any other tribe, and a vast number of small tribes existed.)
Procopius says that the Slavs lived in poor huts spread far apart
and that they frequently moved (i.e., either they were pastoral or else
primitive farmers who quickly exhausted the soil and had to move on).
They tended to war on foot with spears and bows and arrows; other
than shields they had no armor. They did not keep captives long in
slavery. They tried to ransom them quickly and send them home; those
who were not ransomed were soon allowed to live freely within their
society like everyone else. The Slavs had much endurance, poor food,
were very hospitable, and avenged injuries to their guests. They lived
in or near woods, swamps, or along rivers; they generally had secret
exits for escape routes and hid their valuables. When fleeing, they
often hid under water, breathing through straws. In battle they
stressed guerrilla tactics and specialized in hit-and-run ambushes. The
Byzantine strategists felt it was best to attack them in the winter when
their tracks could be seen in the snow, when it was easy to cross frozen
rivers, and when their stock was at home.
Slavic Religion
Procopius reports that the Slavs had a chief god of lightning, their only
lord of the world, to whom they sacrificed animals. It is generally felt
that this one god was Perun, a leading deity and the master of thunder
and lightning. He was worshiped by many Slavic peoples; and though
his name is not given in any written source about the South Slavs,
many toponyms derived from his name exist in the Balkans. Procopius
also says they worshiped springs (possibly this should mean they wor-
shiped at springs) and nymphs to whom they also sacrificed. This last
item is probably accurate, since nymphs (vilas) have played an impor-
tant part in South Slavic folklore to the present.
Much has been written about ancient Slavic religion; but a great
deal of it is worthless, for we really know almost nothing about it
because we have so little information. There has been a strong ten-
dency among scholars to take any ancient Slavic deity or belief found
anywhere-be it in Russia, among the Baltic Slavs, or in Procopius-
and make it common to all Slavs, and then to combine all this material
into some sort of conglomerate system of early Slavic belief. There is
28 Early Medieval Balkans
Large-scale Slavic settlement began in the Balkans in the late 570s and
early 580s. These larger population movements, still on the level of
individual tribes, are associated with the arrival of the Turkic Avars, a
nomadic group who, having lost a major war to other nomads in the
east, had then migrated west, subjecting various Caucasian tribes and
other groups north of the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. They annihi-
lated the Antes as a political force and subjected various Turkic Bulgar
groups. They appeared north of the Danube at the end of the 550s and
in the mid-560s established themselves in what later became known as
the Hungarian plain, with their main settlements between the Danube
(after it bends north) and the Tisza rivers.
In the Balkans archaeologists have found vestiges of A var settle-
ments along the Sava and Danube rivers as far east as the mouth of the
30 Early Medieval Balkans
Morava. Further east along the Rumanian and Bulgarian sides of the
Danube, Slavic sites are found but not Avar. Thus the Avars settled to
the west of the main Slavic concentrations. The A vars were excellent
soldiers and horsemen; they were tightly organized with their ruler,
called a khagan, supreme over the various Avar groups. They made
treaties with their neighbors and fixed frontiers. Below them was a vast
array of subject peoples, various Slavic and Bulgar tribes plus the
remnants of the Huns. In addition to subject tribes, they also had large
numbers of vassal tribes while others were allies.
The A vars asserted their authority over many Slavs and other
peoples north of the Danube. Since the Slavs were divided into numer-
ous petty tribes, they were easily subjugated. The presence of the
A vars also surely sent other Slavs scurrying south across the Danube to
escape subjection or tribute. Rumanian archaeologists think still other
Slavs were driven up into Transylvania, and they date the arrival of the
Slavs in that region to the coming of the A vars. The presence of the
Avars also curtailed the pattern of gradual settlement of Slavs in the
Balkans. This had been the pattern up to then, and had it been al-
lowed to continue at the same slow rate, the empire in time probably
could have gradually hellenized them. For, despite some Slavic settle-
ment, there was up to that time no sign that the Roman Balkans had
lost their Roman character. However, the presence of the Avars, who
either mobilized Slavs as troops or caused them to flee in large num-
bers, was an impetus for large-scale Slavic settlement to the south of
the Danube.
The settlement of the Slavs was also facilitated by Byzantine in-
volvement during much of this period in a war with the Persians; thus
they could not bring troops to the Balkans. Furthermore, the Slavs
were aided in their conquest by their large numbers; they simply infil-
trated and eventually submerged whole regions. Their lack of organ-
ization was also a help; they had no overall political leader to defeat in
battle and thereby force their retreat. It was necessary to defeat each
individual little chief and tribe and that was impossible.
The Avars were masters of sieges, and now cities began falling to
them and their Slav clients. The loss of cities often led to the loss of
imperial control over whole regions. In 582 the Avars conquered the
Byzantine border fortress of Sirmium (modern Sremska Mitrovica),
which eliminated a major Byzantine border defense post, and soon the
Slavs were pouring into the Balkans. The fall of Sirmium has always
been depicted as a major event. Possibly its importance is somewhat
exaggerated, for before its fall it was possible to bypass Sirmium and
cross the Danube elsewhere. In addition, various sources mention
The Slavic Invasions 31
Three years after the death of Justin II under Tiberius [i.e., 581]
the cursed nation of Slavs campaigned, overran all Hellas, the
provinces of Thessaly and all of Thrace, taking many towns and
castles, laid waste, burned, pillaged, and seized the country. And
dwelt there in full liberty and without fear, as if it belonged to
them. This went on for four years, and until the present, because
the emperor was involved with the Persian war and the armies
were in the east.
He goes on to explain that the Slavs had a free hand to do what they
wanted, expanding where they would in the Balkans, and treating the
land like a conquered province up to the outer walls of Constantino-
ple, and "today they still are established and installed in, Roman prov-
inces, killing, burning, and pillaging, having learned to make war bet-
ter than the Romans."
Most scholars feel this long stay in the Balkans (581-84) is the
beginning of large-scale Slavic settlement, and it is close to the time
the sources give for the beginning of the Slavic occupation of Greece.
Menander-a late-sixth-century historian whose work only partially
survives in extracts incorporated in the works of later authors-speaks
of a hundred thousand Slavs in Thrace and of Greece being pillaged by
Slavs in 582. Evagrius-a church historian who died near the end of
the sixth century-states that in these years the Slavs twice reached the
Long Wall, captured Beograd and all of Hellas. And the Chronicle of
Monemvasia-a late-tenth- or early-eleventh-century source based on
earlier material-dates the beginning of Slavic settlement in Greece in
587. Thus the first half of the 580s were peak years for raids, warfare,
and destruction; the Slavs were relatively unopposed since the main
Byzantine forces were tied up in the east fighting the Persians.
For the period that follows, we have a major source about Thes-
saloniki and its environs in The Miracles of Saint Demetrius. These
hagiographic tales recount how the great saint reappeared from the
beyond to rescue his city from various crises, many of which were
Slavic and Avaro-Slavic sieges and attacks. The tales make it clear that
by the second decade of the seventh century massive Slavic settlements
existed in the environs of Thessaloniki. In fact, that city had become
virtually a Roman island in a Slavic sea.
32 Early Medieval Balkans
The Persian war ended in 591 and now at last the emperor Maurice
(582-602), a skilled general, was free to turn to the Balkans. He dis-
patched various military forces into the Balkans during the next decade.
The outline of the campaigns that follows is accurate but the actual dates
are not always certain. Thus the reader may find discrepancies of a year
or so between dates given here and those given elsewhere. In the ab-
sence of clearer sources, however, all that is certain is' the correct se-
quence of events; the actual dates must remain questionable.
Maurice rightly realized that the Avars were the key problem and
aimed his campaigns against them. He sent troops into the Balkans
which retook Beograd and pushed the Slavs and A vars back across the
old Danube-Sava frontier. This victory amounted to no more than
driving out the military peoples who had been in occupation of cities; it
certainly had little effect on the numerous nonmilitary Slavic settlers
scattered around the Balkans. Maurice's war lasted ten years; on the
whole it was successful despite various checks and small defeats. These
reverses usually occurred when Maurice became jealous of his success-
ful and able general Priscus. When this happened he recalled him,
replacing him with his own brother Peter who was a mediocre com-
mander. Peter was usually soundly trounced, necessitating Priscus be-
ing sent back to pick up the pieces.
The Avars did not give up without a fight and after their expulsion
they returned to lay siege to Beograd in 593 and 596. In 597 they sent a
massive raid through Dalmatia (then a broad province including also
most of modern Bosnia), which destroyed some forty fortresses. In
roughly 599 the Avars with a massive army broke through Byzantine
defenses all the way to the walls of Constantinople, where a plague
struck them, killing off large numbers, including several sons of the
khagan. The khagan at this point retreated, carting off many prisoners;
we are told he took seventeen thousand and demanded a ransom of
half a gold piece for each. When Maurice refused to pay the sum, the
Avars slaughtered them all. His failure to buy back the captives did
much to destroy Maurice's popularity, which was to influence the
events that followed. Byzantine armies were back in the field in 600,
when they regained Sirmium which reestablished the Danube as the
frontier. Peace was then agreed to by both sides for the sum of one
hundred twenty thousand gold pieces a year tribute to the A vars as
protection money.
But now for a change it was the Byzantines who broke the treaty,
and they did so almost immediately, still in 600; after campaigning for
The Slavic Invasions 33
about a month, they crossed the Danube, probably with the aim of
destroying the centers of Avar power. However, it was hard to make
permanent gains since the tribes beneath the Avars were loosely bound
to them; if one was defeated, it had no effect on others, and if one
alliance was smashed, others were formed. It was decided to attack the
real center of Avar power. So in 601 new forces were sent across the
Danube, marching up toward the Tisza River where they won a major
victory over the Avars. Hoping to follow this up and eliminate the
Avars once and for all, Maurice ordered the troops to winter there
across the Danube and then to continue the campaign the next year;
possibly he also was following the advice in the military manual attrib-
uted to him to campaign against the Slavs in the winter. However, the
troops were not used to wintering away from imperial territory and
morale was bad (it seems partly owing to Maurice's failure to ransom
the seventeen thousand captives), so a revolt broke out under an of-
ficer named Phocas. He brought the forces back over the Danube and
marched on Constantinople; civil war broke out at home and Phocas
was admitted into the capital. Maurice and his family, captured trying
to escape, were all butchered.
have been chiefly in what is now Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, and parts
of Greece. Presumably this new settlement dates from the reign of
Phocas when the empire began to be beset by major difficulties. How-
ever, Barisic dates it from Heraclius' reign. He notes that no source
mentions Slavic activity in the Balkans during the reign of Phocas; the
many disasters that the sources mention all occurred after Heraclius had
taken the throne in 610. 2
Whereas the eastern lands were overrun by Slavs, the more west-
ern territories of what is now Yugoslavia (western Bosnia, Croatia,
and Dalmatia) seem to have chiefly suffered Avar raids. It has long
been believed that in these regions the Avars did not settle and that
the settlement which did occur was by Slavs who were under the
Avars. However, recently a strong case has been made that in these
western regions large-scale settlement by actual Avars occurred; 1 the
mid-tenth-century work known as De Administrando Imperio by the
emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus repeatedly states that Avars
settled this region. In addition, there is a variety of toponyms in this
region derived from early Turkish words (probably Avar), which con-
firms Constantine's information on Avar settlement. Furthermore, ar-
chaeologists have turned up Turkic (probably Avar) sites and objects
in these western regions as far south as what is now Montenegro.
Finally, up to the present, archaeologists have found no Slavic settle-
ments in this area from the sixth or early seventh centuries.
The raids increased in frequency in the second decade of the
seventh century. Slavs, having increased their numbers in what were
to become Bulgaria and Serbia, pressed south into Macedonia and
reached the Aegean. This settlement provided the basis for the Slavic
states that were to appear in these regions later. They penetrated into
Thessaly and on occasion ravaged Thrace where they also established
some settlements. They also raided some of the Greek islands.
Other marauders reached the Dalmatian coast which, after the
departure of the Goths, had, until then, suffered few incursions. It
seems likely that the Avars themselves played a major role in the
onslaught upon Dalmatia. Salona (near modern Split), the capital
city of the province of Dalmatia, which stretched from Kotor north
to !stria, was sacked and destroyed in 614. The population fled to
Diocletian's walled palace at Split which was able to hold out.
Thereafter Split rose quickly in importance as one of Dalmatia's
major cities. Constantine Porphyrogenitus in the De Administrando
Imperio gives two accounts of the sack of Salona: one (chap. 29) is
confused, at times calling the attackers Avars, at other times calling
them Slavs, and at still other times making the two terms synony-
The Slavic Invasions 35
mous. His other account (chap. 30) mentions only Avars. One can
suggest that the account emphasized the Avars not only because
they were prominent participants but also because they directed the
attacks. Since the numbers of actual Avars seem to have been lim-
ited, it seems likely that Slavs would have accompanied them. How-
ever, in this region the A vars retained direct control until they were
driven out a decade or two later by the Croats.
Constantine Porphyrogenitus then goes on to describe the con-
quest at this time of Zahumlje, Dioclea (Duklja, modern Montene-
gro), and the mouth of the Neretva. In these chapters he mentions
only Avars and makes no mention of Slavs, again crediting the Avars
with the major role. The evidence from toponyms and archaeology, as
has been noted, shows that there was some direct Avar settlement in
these regions as well. This, of course, does not rule out early settle-
ment by some Slav clients of the ruling Avars in these western regions.
For it is natural for a source to stress the role of the dominant people
who directed an attack and at times to ignore other peoples in their
armies, even if numerous. As a result of these Avar offensives in the
second decade of the seventh century the western part of what is now
Yugoslavia seems to have fallen under direct Avar rule, while the
eastern territories were under Slavs, some of whom may have been
connected with the Avars; but in the east Avar control, being nothing
more than indirect rule, was much looser than in the west.
In Dalmatia, besides Salona, the city of Epidaurus fell and the
inhabitants of that town fled to a more defensible spot where they
founded Dubrovnik (Ragusa). When the Avar campaigns were com-
pleted in Dalmatia, only Zadar, Trogir, Split, Dubrovnik, Budva, Ko-
tor, and most of the islands had withstood their attacks. The islands,
which had not had much importance until now, became a place of
asylum for refugees from the coast and, in particular, Rab, Krk, and
Cres became major food suppliers for the surviving cities of the main-
land which had lost control of the territory beyond their walls. Thus
the islands expanded both their fishing activities and agricultural pro-
duction. The major Dalmatian islands acquired a role they had not had
previously and were to have no longer after a Croatian state was
established in Dalmatia in the ninth century.
The surviving Dalmatian towns bore many similarities to the
Greek coastal towns which held out. The Greek towns remained
centers of Greek and Christian culture and were to play a major role in
rehellenizing Greece after Slavic occupation there. These Dalmatian
coastal towns, though failing to romanize the barbarians settling all
around them, would survive as Roman-Italian cities and would in time
36 Early Medieval Balkans
tury throughout the rest of the medieval period into modern times.
Until the late nineteenth century both outside observers and those
Bulgaro-Macedonians who had an ethnic consciousness believed that
their group, which is now two separate nationalities, comprised a
single people, the Bulgarians. Thus the reader should ignore refer-
ences to ethnic Macedonians in the Middle Ages which appear in some
modern works. In the Middle Ages and into the nineteenth century,
the term Macedonian was used entirely in reference to a geographical
region. Anyone who lived within its confines, regardless of nationality,
could be called a Macedonian. Nevertheless, the absence of a national
consciousness in the past is no grounds to reject the Macedonians as a
nationality today.
The second of the two Slavic groups settling in the Balkans was the
Serbo-Croatian Slavs, whom Zlatarski derives from the Slaveni. These
Slavs came to be dominated by two different but similar tribal peoples
called Serbs and Croats in the second quarter of the seventh century.
But though subjected by a smaller military elite of true Serbs and
Croats, who gave to the larger number of Slavs these new names, the
masses who made up these peoples go back to a single group of Slavs
(probably Slaveni) who settled in the Balkans during the sixth and early
seventh centuries. Though in the twentieth century increasing numbers
of their descendants have come to feel otherwise, they were a single
people (though one broken up into many small tribal groups).
What was the fate of the indigenous population? Many were killed,
while others were carried off beyond the Danube as captives (some of
whom were ransomed and returned), or fled to walled cities or to the
islands. Still others withdrew to the mountains or remote regions, and
their descendants reappeared later as Vlachs or Albanians who begin
to turn up in written sources in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The
Thracians disappeared from history. But many indigenous peoples
surely simply remained; perhaps in their original homes or perhaps
moving a short distance to establish new homes in the same general
area. Thus there came to be Slavs in every region of the Balkans
(including imperial territory like Thrace) but they were not every-
where; considerable numbers of the indigenous population remained,
sometimes in isolated pockets and sometimes in close proximity or
even in the same communities with the Slavs. Presumably Slavic con-
centrations were heaviest along the main routes. For example, along
the Orient Express route (Beograd, Nis, to either Sofija or Thessalo-
38 Early Medieval Balkans
niki) are found references to early settlement, and many Slavic place-
names show up there early. Along this route, owing to constant raids,
the greatest depopulation would have occurred, leaving lands vacant to
be taken by the newcomers. Presumably also in the nearby fertile
regions of central Serbia there was large-scale early settlement.
Probably fewer Slavs penetrated early into more remote or less
fertile regions, e.g., Lika, much of Bosnia and Hercegovina, and Mon-
tenegro. Here were refuge areas where the original population could
have remained in larger numbers, possibly joined by refugees from
other areas. Such a process would have been more likely if in fact these
regions had been areas of direct Avar rule. Because the Avars were
primarily pastoralists and not numerous, one would not expect them to
have completely depopulated an area when they took it over but rather
to have ruled over the existing population, collecting tribute or taxes. In
these western refuge areas, then, it is likely that the ratio of indigenous
people to Slavs would have been higher. If so, this probably would have
led to more indigenous influence on these Slavs, and the greater the
number of remaining pre-Slavic peoples, the greater would have been
the intermixture of the two groups and the greater the likelihood of their
forming joint communities of the type for which Rumanian archaeolo-
gists think they have found evidence in Rumania.
Archaeology in western Yugoslavia shows considerable cultural
continuity from the pre-Slavic to the Slavic population. Frequently the
same towns continued to function as did many fortresses; the Croatian
zupa (territorial) organization seems to have been heavily influenced
by the earlier Illyrian territorial organization. A continuity of cult and
graveyard sites exists; the Slavs took over the techniques of the indige-
nous population in tomb construction. The Slavs acquired indigenous
metallurgical techniques, leading them to produce many of the same
type of metal farm implements and household objects as their prede-
cessors. Slavic house construction also reflects many indigenous influ-
ences. The acquisition of such things as metalworking techniques and
architectural and grave-construction features suggests that close and
friendly contacts existed in places between the two populations.
tianized. When the invasions came the priests and missionaries fled,
and the indigenous peoples, though remaining in numbers in the Bal-
kans, in time lost what Christian beliefs they had had and reverted to
paganism. In any case, the fate of Christianity shows that either the
balance between indigenous population and Slav was heavily in favor
of the latter or else the indigenous populations had been shaky Chris-
tians who easily shed this religion for other rites.
In conclusion, in many regions of the Balkans after the invasions
there were two populations-old-timers and newcomers. In time, ow-
ing to the superior numbers of Slavs (again suggesting the invasions
were massive), the descendants of the indigenous population on the
whole were assimilated and became Slavic-speaking, whereas in
Greece (in time, aided by more Greeks being settled there in the ninth
century, plus the role of church and administration) the smaller num-
ber of Slavs scattered throughout Greece came to be hellenized.
Between 614 and 616, at the same time that the Avars were leading
their major offensive against Dalmatia, The Miracles of Saint Deme-
trius describes the attacks by five named Slavic tribes by sea in small
boats along the coasts of Thessaly, western Anatolia, and various
Greek islands. They then decided to capture Thessaloniki in a com-
bined land and sea attack. Under the walls of the city they camped
with whole families. They were led by a chief (the Greek title used is
exarch) named Chatzon. During the sea attack, a vision of Saint De-
metrius was seen by the whole town population, including the Jews,
showing that the famous Jewish colony in Thessaloniki was already
established. Right after this vision a sudden shift of the wind occurred
and many boats capsized. The sailors who had been spilled out tried to
climb into other canoes which now became overloaded and capsized in
their turn. To save themselves, those still in boats beat off the others
with oars and many drowned. Following this disaster, the Slavs re-
treated and many of their prisoners escaped.
Shortly thereafter Chatzon received a safe conduct and was al-
lowed to visit the city; however, within the city a mob rioted, and the
leaders of the city were unable to protect Chatzon, who was killed. His
furious tribesmen then sent an embassy to the Avars. The embassy
brought gifts and offered gold and prisoners to the Avars if they would
help the local Slavs take Thessaloniki. The Slavs told the khagan that
42 Early Medieval Balkans
to take the city would be an easy task because Thessaloniki was en-
tirely encircled by Slavs who had depopulated all the other towns; it
stood alone, attracting refugees from the Danube, Pannonia, and Da-
cia. The Miracles specifically refers to refugees from Nis and Sardika,
showing that these cities had already fallen. The khagan accepted the
offer and assembled an army of Avars, Slavs, Bulgars, and other
peoples. After two years of preparations, the khagan arrived and de-
manded that the city surrender. His demands were refused and the city
suffered a thirty-three-day siege during which the environs were
plundered. Then finally a treaty was drawn up, the Avars were paid off
and the prisoners held by the Avars were ransomed. This story shows
that the Slavic settlement was well advanced and provides evidence of
the fall of two rna jor cities from the interior.
From the late fifth century the Bulgars, a Turkic people, had been
living in scattered tribes north of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
and along the lower Don. They were in two major groups: Kutrigurs
who had moved west of the Black Sea in the 490s and the Utigurs to
their east. In the first half of the sixth century both groups raided the
empire from time to time, and Justinian was fairly effective at either
buying them off with tribute or playing off one group against the other.
In the second half of the sixth century both of these groups were
subjected by other nomads, the more westerly Kutrigurs by the Avars
and the more easterly Utigurs by a group known as the West Turks.
44 Early Medieval Balkans
tives taken in Thrace and carried off beyond the Danube in about 6 l 9.
Though they had long been cut off from their roots, these subjects under
Kuver had retained their Christianity and their desire to return to their
ancestral homeland (which most scholars place in Thrace and/or Mace-
donia). Kuver, learning of their sentiments, revolted; his subjects sup-
ported him.
They began a migration south; the Avars attacked them five or six
times and each time Kuver was victorious; finally, the A var khagan
had to withdraw with those still faithful to him further to the west, i.e.,
to the northwest of his state. Kuver then crossed the Danube with his
people and came to "our region" (i.e., near Thessaloniki) and occu-
pied a plain whose name is given but which means nothing to us now.
Zlatarski claims the plain was near Bitola; however, Bitola seems a bit
far from Thessaloniki to be considered in "our region."
Kuver sent an envoy to the Byzantine emperor (who unfortu-
nately is unnamed) for permission to settle there with his people and
requested that the Slavs of Dragovica supply him with food. These
Slavs were one of the five tribes mentioned in 614. They were to give
their name to a region in Thrace for which a later dualist church was to
be named. Kuver's request was granted and he and his followers set-
tled inside imperial territory; possibly the empire saw him and his
people in the role of federates. This event must have occurred after
658, the date of a campaign by the emperor Constans II into this
region, because prior to the 658 campaign no imperial control existed
in this region and there would have been no reason to seek imperial
permission. 6 In addition, prior to 658 no emperor would have had any
authority over the Dragovica Slavs. Once settled there, Kuver's people
in Thrace and Macedonia wanted to disperse and return to their origi-
nal or ancestral homes. Kuver's advisors opposed this for they wanted
to keep them together as a group with Kuver as khagan; for if they
were allowed to disperse he would lose his whole power base. Kuver
now requested the emperor to oppose this dispersal and to sanction
Kuver's authority over them.
Possibly rebuffed, Kuver soon thereafter turned against the em-
pire. Realizing that he needed a base and fortified center, he decided
to capture Thessaloniki. He tried to take the city by ruse: he set off a
civil war in the city in the midst of which the gates were to be opened
to him. However, his agents were unmasked by Saint Demetrius and
the city did not fall, and there the story ends, for the purpose of the
story was to show how the saint saved the city, and the preceding was
given just to provide the context for the miracle. The Miracles say no
more about Kuver and his following, and other sources do not mention
46 Early Medieval Balkans
being composed in the 680s) some have argued that the author in the
680s was simply copying an earlier source from ca. 640 (for clearly the
author had used earlier sources when he compiled the anecdotes in
Miracles, II, 1-3) and failed to alter that phrase in his copying. It has
also been argued that the 618 date for the captives was accurate, but
the figure sixty was not only a round number but a highly inaccurate
one. Sixty years, it has been argued, is a very long time to hold cus-
toms and wish to return "home"; and though the source says the
parents had taught their children their old traditions, still their behav-
ior on returning to the empire-when they did not wish to remain near
Thessaloniki under Kuver but desired to return to their own villages-
seems more like that of first-generation people. And if it was a first
generation which was involved, then the date for these events would
be nearer 635-40.
But why this dickering in the face of all the internal evidence
given above? (1) The 630s and 640s were a time of general revolt
against the Avars; (2) Fredegar's chronicle-a late-seventh-century
Frankish source-refers to a civil war for succession within the Avar
empire in which the Bulgars had their own candidate (whose name is
not given) for the throne. This, if nothing else, shows the strength of
the Bulgars within the Avar empire (in having their own candidate for
the throne). Frede gar's Bulgar rebels were forced to flee and nine
thousand of them, together with women and children, were chased out
of Pannonia and sought refuge with Dagobert of Bavaria from whom
they asked asylum in the Frankish land. Once there Dagobert split
them up and tried to massacre them all. In the end only seven hundred
were able to escape. Fredegar dates this event 631-32.
Some scholars have assumed that this story refers to Kuver's re-
volt and have made slight of the differences in the story, noting that
Fredegar as a distant western source probably received his information
third or fourth hand. Fredegar's rebels lost in battle against the Avars
whereas Kuver won; but in both cases the rebels revolted in Pannonia
and then emigrated.
However, what is important is that they departed to entirely dif-
ferent places and met entirely different fates; for we have detailed
accounts of where Kuver and his people went and what happened to
them in Macedonia when they got there, and we have a detailed ac-
count of where the unnamed Bulgar rebel and his following went and
what happened to them in Bavaria. Thus I think it is safe to conclude
that Fredegar was speaking of an entirely different event, one which
occurred in 631-32 as he dates it but which has no bearing on the
separate Kuver revolt which has to be dated on the basis of the other
48 Early Medieval Balkans
be assigned to ca. 680. But it does seem that the weight of evidence
strongly adds up to Kuver being active in the late 670s.
There were several revolts against the Avars in the period from the
620s to about 640: Sarno's revolt in what is now Czechoslovakia in 623,
the reference to fighting between Slavs and Avars in 629, and Kovrat's
Bulgar revolt in 635. There was one other major offensive against the
Avars, that of the Croatians who liberated much of the western Bal-
kans from the Avars during the reign of Heraclius. At the same time
the Serbs arrived, and though they did not actually battle the Avars,
they did assert their authority over some Slavs who had been under
Avar suzerainty.
The major source on the arrival in the Balkans of the Croatians
and Serbs is Constantine Porphyrogenitus's De Administrando Im-
perio7 written by the emperor in the late 940s or early 950s as a foreign
policy guide for his son and heir. This is not an ideal source for these
migrations because Constantine is describing events that occurred in
the second quarter of the seventh century. However, the Byzantines
had a chancellery which kept information on barbarian tribes and
much of the information for this book evidently came from there;
furthermore the empire kept records over the centuries, for at times in
treaties references are made to former treaties from several centuries
before. Thus much of this information, if it was derived from chan-
cellery records, was probably accurate. However, this does not mean
that all of Constantine's information came from the chancellery nor is
there any guarantee that everything preserved in the chancellery was
Constantine's discussion of what is now Yugoslavia is contained in
chapters 29 to 36. He swings back and forth in time, covering events
before the appearance of the Slavs and A vars, their arrival, the subse-
quent arrival of the Croatians and Serbs a bit later in the seventh
century, and various items from the ninth century. Chapters 29, 31-36
are a consecutive text. Chapter 30 is a later addition but still presuma-
bly dates from the time of the emperor Constantine; it was probably
written by a second author. However, chapter 30 was composed inde-
pendently of the others and contains a mixture of material contained in
the other chapters and new material not found in them. The author
seems unaware of what was said in 29 and 31. Thus the book evidently
never received its final editing, which presumably would have incorpo-
rated 30 into the other relevant chapters and would have come to some
50 Early Medieval Balkans
calls Turks]. From the Croats who came to Dalmatia a part split
off and possessed themselves of lllyricum and Pannonia; they too
had an independent prince, who used to maintain friendly contact,
though through envoys only, with the prince of Croatia [i.e., in
Dalmatia]. For a number of years the Croats of Dalmatia also
were subject to the Franks, as they had formerly been in their own
country [i.e., in White Croatia]; but the Franks treated them with
such brutality that ... the Croats, unable to endure such treat-
ment from the Franks, revolted from them, and slew those of
them whom they had for princes. On this, a large army from
Francia marched against them, and after they had fought one
another for seven years, at last the Croats managed to prevail and
destroyed all the Franks with their leader, who was called Kotzilis.
From that time they remained independent and autonomous, and
they requested the holy baptism from the the bishop of Rome,
and bishops were sent who baptized them in the time of Porinos
their prince. Their country was divided into 11 'zupanijas' [which
he then goes on to name].
Most of this material concerns later events and will be dealt with
in a later chapter. We shall see that there were to be two different
Croatian states, one in Dalmatia and one in Pannonia. This account
telescopes matters; the Franks did not gain control of these Croatian
regions until the 790s and the first decade of the ninth century. The
revolts against the Franks occurred in the third quarter of the ninth
century. The missionary activities from Rome also are ninth-century
events. The material about the war against the Avars shall be con-
sidered after we have examined the account given in chapter 31. Here
it is just worth noting that Constantine stresses the actual presence of
Avars (as opposed to Slavs) and notes that in Croatia in his time there
were still people recognizable as Avars. And archaeologists have found
in western Bosnia Avar artifacts which they have dated as late as the
ninth century.
In chapter 31 Constantine says:
The Croats who now live in the region of Dalmatia are de-
scended from the unbaptized Croats, also called 'white,' who live
beyond Turkey [i.e., Hungary] and next to Francia, and have for
Slav neighbours the unbaptized Serbs. 'Croats' in the Slav tongue
means 'those who occupy much territory.' [?] These same Croats
arrived to claim the protection of the emperor of the Romans
Heraclius before the Serbs claimed the protection of the same
52 Early Medieval Balkans
emperor Heraclius, at that time when the Avars had fought and
expelled from those parts the Romani .... These same Romani
having been expelled by the Avars in the days of this same em-
peror of the Romans Heraclius, their countries were made deso-
late. And so, by command of the emperor Heraclius these same
Croats defeated and expelled the A vars from those parts, and by
mandate of Heraclius the emperor they settled down in that same
country of the Avars, where they now dwell. These same Croats
had at that time for prince the father of Porgas. The emperor
Heraclius sent and brought priests from Rome, and made of them
an archbishop and a bishop and elders and deacons, and baptized
the Croats; and at that time these Croats had Porgas for their
prince .... The prince of Croatia has from the beginning, that is,
ever since the reign of Heraclius the emperor, been in servitude
and submission to the emperor of the Romans, and was never
made subject to the prince of Bulgaria. Nor has the Bulgarian
ever gone to war with the Croats, except when Michael Boris,
prince of Bulgaria, went and fought them and, unable to make
any headway, concluded peace with them.
move into the Balkans, there was little or nothing the empire could
have done to stop them. In addition, after they had arrived-if they
had arrived on their own-the best the empire could have done was to
try to make peace with the newcomers so as not to have them as
enemies on a second front. Byzantium could possibly then, and cer-
tainly later, have tried to represent the Croatian conquest as having
taken place with Byzantium's blessing and therefore under some sort
of Byzantine overlordship. If the early Croatian leaders received court
titles such a fiction could have had further support.
On the other hand, in the period from about 617 to the crisis of
the Avar-Persian attack of 626, the empire was in desperate straits.
The empire must have known of the existence of the Croatian state
north of the Carpathians and known that this state had hostile relations
with the Avars who lived to its southwest. It would have been logical
for Heraclius to have sought an alliance with these tribesmen against
the Avars. In this way the empire's western enemies could be taken
care of while Heraclius concentrated on the Persians in the east. Thus
it is not at all impossible that Heraclius did send envoys thither to
invite the Croatians to come. Of course, once they came they clearly
could have done as they wanted, for regardless of the Byzantine invita-
tion and any claims of Byzantine suzerainty (which might have been
included in some sort of treaty), Byzantine overlordship could have
been only nominal. Between these two choices there is no reason to
favor one over the other.
One argument used against the Byzantine account is the story of
the baptism of the Croats. Constantine here could not deny the role of
Rome, but he still tried to give the empire credit for it by having
Heraclius invite the pope to send the priests. Various scholars have felt
this was impossible and Heraclius would never have turned to Rome.
And though the definitive split between the churches had not yet oc-
curred, relations between the two religious centers were then bad be-
cause Heraclius, in trying to solve a schism in his church, had come up
with a compromise doctrine on the nature of Jesus Christ which most
popes considered heretical. Thus it has been argued that the two eccle-
siastical camps would not have been working on such a joint project
under Heraclius. However, since one pope, Honorius (625-38), did
have cordial relations with Heraclius, such an arrangement could have
taken place during his reign. It is also possible that the priests simply
were sent from Rome, and Byzantium, to increase its claims for suzer-
ainty, later invented this role for Heraclius to take some of the credit.
In any case, none of these early missions to Croatians or Serbs had any
lasting effect.
56 Early Medieval Balkans
Both traditions stress that in the seventh century (after the initial
Slavic invasions) there was a second migration of Croatians and Serbs.
The Byzantine tradition dates it to the reign of Heraclius (610-41).
The Croatian tradition assigns it no date but simply has it follow the
Avar occupation; it gives no data that would disagree with a Heraclian
dating. Thus, first there was a Slavic migration into what is now Yu-
goslavia under the A vars (with a strong suggestion of A var settlement
as well) and later under Heraclius a second migration composed of
Croatians and Serbs. When the Avars were driven out, these new
people then settled in particular regions (l.nd became the rulers of the
population living in those regions; this population presumably con-
sisted of indigenous peoples and the Slavs who subsequently had set-
tled there.
Scholars, accepting Constantine's account, have then turned to the
existing data on the Croatians. First, linguists have taken the names of
the five brothers and two sisters which are given and claim that these
names are not Slavic. They find the word Croat (related to the brother
Chrobatos) also is not Slavic; most linguists believe it is similar to an
Iranian place-name, Choroathos, on the lower Don. Scholars also have
found references in various scattered sources to a White Croatia which
lay then north of the Carpathians. This state continued to exist in the
tenth century in Constantine's time even after some of its members
migrated south. It lay in the general area that Constantine says the
Croats came from. White Croatia is referred to in a variety of sources
independent of one another, such as Russian chronicles and tenth-
century Arab geographers. One Arab geographer, Al-Mas'udl, says
the White Croat chief drank fermented mare's milk, a characteristic of
Turko-Tatar nomads rather than of the Slavs. Linguists have arrived at
similar conclusions for the Serbs; confirmation in other sources is
found for the state of White Serbia. The name Serb is also not thought
to be Slavic; around the time of Christ there was an Iranian tribe on
the Don known to Greek geographers as Serbi-Serboi, and in the tenth
century an Arab geographer noted a Sarban tribe in the Caucasus.
These two tribes are clearly not Slavic.
Thus there is considerable evidence to suggest that the Serbs and
Croats who came into the Balkans in the early seventh century were
not Slavs but members of another ethnic group (probably Iranian). But
though their names probably are Iranian, it does not rule out the
possibility that some or even all the Croats and Serbs were then Slavic-
speaking. For such groups are named after their leadership. Thus
many Slavs could have participated in their armies and have migrated
to the Balkans with them. Furthermore, assimilation of the actual
The Slavic Invasions 57
Iranians could already have been taking place beyond the Carpathians.
After all, names may survive long after linguistic change. As we have
seen, the Antes, though slavicized, still bore an Iranian name. The
Croats and Serbs seem to have been relatively few in number, but as
warrior horsemen fighting against disunited small tribal groups of Slavs
on foot, they were greatly :.uperior militarily. They arrived, expelled
the Avars, and then, as tough, tightly knit groups of warriors, were
able to dominate the disorganized Slavic tribes. They were able to
provide a ruling class and be a source of unity for the different Slavic
groups. Soon the newcomers came to provide a general name for all
the people (the majority of whom were Slavs) under them. But they
did not establish a single Serbian or a single Croatian state but several
different smaller states (e.g., Zahumlje, Trebinje, Konavli, etc.);
within the Croatian area we have noted the formation of eleven fairly
autonomous zupas (counties) which eventually coalesced into two dif-
ferent states, in each of which the nobles retained great local indepen-
dence. However, since the Slavs were the vast majority, as the Serbs
and Croats intermarried with them, in time the conquerors came to
speak Slavic too, and ironically, the Slavic language they came to
speak and which had been spoken by the earlier arriving Slavs (the
Slaveni) came to be named after the Iranian newcomers. This is an
almost identical process to that exhibited by the Turkic Bulgars who
conquered the Slavs in what is now Bulgaria. They came to be slavi-
cized in time, but provided the name for the Slavic people, language,
and state established in Bulgaria.
The fact that the Serbs and Croats were not Slavic but Iranian is
not important in the long run since the Iranians were a small minority
in a population of Slavs. They quickly became assimilated by the Slavs
and the resulting society was clearly Slavic (despite the non-Slavic
name and the non-Slavic origin of its ruling class).
What must be understood is that in dealing with Constantine Por-
phyrogenitus one must accept his accounts for both Serbs and Croats
or reject both. It is beyond belief that one of these stories could be
correct and the other false, particularly when verification exists for
both a White Serbia and a White Croatia beyond the Carpathians. Yet
in this century, as nationalistic squabbles and hatreds developed be-
tween Serbs and Croats in prewar Yugoslavia, various chauvinists (in
this case particularly Croatians) have wanted to prove the Croatians
have nothing in common with the Serbs and have taken as accurate
only the Croatian material from Constantine. In general these Cro-
atians (under the influence of the Habsburgs under whose empire they
lived until the First World War and whose universities they attended)
58 Early Medieval Balkans
have felt that Slavs were inferior to Iranians and have tried to assert
that Constantine was correct in providing evidence for the Iranian
origin of the Croats, but incorrect in regard to the Serbs who were
Slavs. However, one cannot pick and choose what is desirable in Con-
stantine and reject less satisfying statements with no further evidence
to back one up. Thus, if one takes him as basically accurate, then it is
evident that both the Serbs and Croats were Iranian peoples who were
close cousins and who conquered a Slavic population that was basically
a single people.
There is a second school of thought which formerly was the domi-
nant one but whose popularity has been declining over the last thirty
years or so. Espoused by the eminent philologist Vatroslav Jagic around
the turn of the century, it can be called the "Slavic" school. In general
its adherents were willing to view the Serbs and Croats as one people
but were unwilling to see the leadership in establishing the Croatian and
Serbian societies in the hands of non-Slavic peoples. This school visual-
ized one migration of Slav Serbs and Slav Croats in the late sixth and
early seventh century and believed that these same migrants later, when
the A vars grew weaker, overthrew them and eventually established
Croatian and Serbian states in what is now Yugoslavia. This school
rejected the testimony of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, stressing the
fact that the emperor was writing in the tenth century and that much in
his account was clearly legendary (e.g., the two sisters and five
brothers). They argued that the early (seventh-century) material in his
account was either legend or bits of fact so mixed up with legend that it
was now impossible to extract a true story. They, of course, stressed all
Constantine's contradictions and errors in fact. They also pointed out
that the seventh century was a period from which few Byzantine sources
survive and wondered how much material from that century was extant
when Constantine was writing.
At the beginning of this century most scholars agreed with Jagic,
one of the greatest minds in the field; and, of course, there is a great
deal of truth in all of his objections. There certainly is much to be
sceptical about in Constantine's account, for it is not an ideal source
for the seventh century. But in the last thirty years more and more
scholars have come to put more faith in the tenth-century emperor.
Much of this change in attitude is due to the discovery of other inde-
pendent sources (Russian and Arabic) which verify the existence of
White Croatia and White Serbia north of the Carpathians. This evi-
dence was not available to those late in the last century who rejected
Constantine's account.
Thus the general view now is to accept in general terms Constan-
The Slavic Invasions 59
Needless to say, this denial that there were any "pure" Greeks left
and the claim that all the modern Greeks were descendants of Slavs
and Albanians provoked a violent reaction, first from the Philhellenes
and then from the Greeks themselves. The opposition started by deny-
ing that the Slavs really penetrated into Greece at all. But the sources
clearly refuted such an extreme position and we have already seen
documentation that Slavs settled in Macedonia and Thessaly. So many
Slavs were settled around Thessaloniki that the town was described as
a Roman island in a Slavic sea by a local source. So the Greek histori-
ans have had to retreat on this point and admit large-scale Slavic
settlement in northern and central Greece, though some have deem-
phasized its significance. The controversy then came to be centered on
the Peloponnesus. Did the Slavs settle here too? Some Greeks still
refuse to admit that there was Slavic settlement here. Let us look at
the evidence on this question.
The major source on this question is the Chronicle of Monemva-
sia, which states that the Slavs came into the Peloponnesus in 587,
presumably in conjunction with the major raids of the early 580s. This
chronicle then states that the eastern Peloponnesus was almost imme-
diately recovered; Corinth was clearly recovered by ca. 600, when an
imperial governor was sent thither. But it is possible that just the
walled city remained in Byzantine possession with little-or even with-
out any-of its hinterland. The French scholar Bon feels that this was
the case, and that after further invasions from the beginning of the
seventh century, the Peloponnesus was overwhelmed and the Byzan-
tines lost control of the whole peninsula. The chronicle reports that
many Greeks emigrated to the islands, the few surviving coastal cities,
and to Sicily and southern Italy. Thus Bon concludes that all of the
Peloponnesus, except for a tiny number of walled cities like Monemva-
sia and Corinth, was in the hands of Slavs until the beginning of the
ninth century.
The American Byzantinist Charanis on the whole agrees, but he
believes that Corinth and its hinterland were recovered quickly, and
though there probably were some Slavs living there, Corinth and the
eastern part of the Peloponnesus were Byzantine through the seventh
and eighth centuries. Charanis points out that fewer Slavic place-
names are found in the eastern Peloponnesus than elsewhere on the
The Slavic Invasions 61
peninsula and he notes the evidence for the recovery of this region in
the Chronicle of Monemvasia. Corinth was Byzantine from 600 to as
late as 662, for Constans II on his way west stopped at Athens and
Corinth. This shows the two cities were imperial. Athens was clearly
still imperial in the 770s when Irene was brought from there to become
the bride of Leo IV. Byzantine coins are also found in considerable
numbers in Corinth through Constans II (641-68). Two hundred
twenty-five coins have been uncovered there for the period 582-668.
Only seventeen have been found from 668 until the reign of Nicepho-
rus I (802-11). Thus it has been suggested that Corinth fell at some
point after 662. Since Corinth is clearly Byzantine at the beginning of
the ninth century, if it did fall, it presumably was recovered in the
campaign of Staurakios in 782-83, which we shall discuss later.
Charanis, however, has argued strongly and persuasively against
the idea that after 600 Corinth might ever have ceased to be Byzan-
tine. First, the Chronicle of Monemvasia states it was Byzantine
throughout the seventh and eighth centuries. Secondly, Athens-which
remained Byzantine-on the whole exhibits a similar pattern of coins
found to that of Corinth. Thus Charanis believes the paucity of coins
from these two cities is indicative merely of a state of economic decline
in both these cities which he believes was caused more by Arab pirates
than by the Slavs. 9 This is also strong evidence for the decline of urban
life and commerce in this period. Even in Byzantine-held cities, it
seems, coins became rare.
In any case, to return to our initial question, both Bon and Chara-
nis admit that the Byzantines lost control of the western, central, and
southern parts of the Peloponnesus, that this region was heavily settled
with Slavs, and that this situation lasted from the late sixth century
until the recovery in the beginning of the ninth century. The only
difference between the views of the two scholars is the question of the
eastern Peloponnesus which Charanis would make Byzantine and Bon
would not.
The Greek Byzantinist Zakythinos, however, would greatly mod-
ify the above position. He argues that the Chronicle of Monemvasia is
not a reliable source and that it is based on oral tradition. He believes
that the Slavs came into the Peloponnesus only after 746 and since
Byzantine recovery was carried out between the 780s and early in the
ninth century, they had very little influence. Thus one cannot speak of
a slavicization of the Greek population. His view, as we shall see,
conflicts with a great deal of contrary evidence.
Charanis has convincingly shown that the Chronicle of Monemvasia
is a reliable source and though it is late-late-tenth or early-eleventh
62 Early Medieval Balkans
By the middle of the seventh century the Slavs had settled throughout
the Balkans, except for a few walled cities (generally along the sea
coasts) and many Greek and Dalmatian islands and parts of Thrace
near the capital. Over most of this area, through this settlement, dif-
ferent Slavic languages came to dominate and thus were formed the
bases for the medieval and modern Slavic states in what is now Yugo-
slavia and Bulgaria. Though many Slavs settled in Greece, their num-
The Slavic Invasions 65
bers seem to have been fewer; after the Byzantine recovery in the
ninth century, the tide turned and that region was rehellenized.
Though the Byzantines had lost control of most of the Balkans in
the seventh century, the Slavs had formed no states as yet. They contin-
ued to live in small tribal units independent of one another, on occa-
sion cooperating together but not forming by themselves any lasting
larger units. At first, many of these groups were under the Avars, but
by 640 the Avar influence in the Balkans was greatly reduced.
Larger units of Slavs were first to be created by the Turkic Bulgars
who established, in the late seventh century, the first real state in the
Balkans. However, early in the seventh century, since no other state
existed, the Byzantines, even though they had lost control of the Bal-
kans, were able to retain the fiction that imperial rule continued; in
keeping with this theory, they referred to the Balkans as Sclavinias:
lands where the Slavs lived.
Roads through the Sclavinias, such as the Via Egnatia, were un-
safe. As late as the ninth century the saint's life of Gregory the De-
capolite says land traffic was paralyzed across the Balkans. Thus com-
merce with or across the Balkans greatly declined.
These conditions cut off land ties between Constantinople and the
few surviving Roman cities in Dalmatia. The sea routes between them
were also insecure because of pirates. At first the pirates were primar-
ily Slavs, but by the end of the seventh century Arab pirates had
become especially menacing. Thus Dalmatia came to have far closer
ties with Italy than with the centers of the empire of which its cities
theoretically formed a part.
Another major result of the Slavic invasions was that Constantino-
ple and Rome, which had already significantly drifted apart, were cut
off from communication with one another. They now became even
more separated culturally and politically. The people of each region
ceased studying the other's language. What remained of the Roman
Empire became more or less ignorant of Latin. Byzantine historians
make few references to western events for the whole period of the
seventh to the ninth centuries. They stop recording the names of popes
from 570 to the eighth century, and when they start mentioning them
again they make errors (e.g., popes Gregory II and III are listed as
one pope).
For a long time Byzantium was helpless to act; the Persian war
was not finally ended until 629. Then almost immediately the Arabs
began launching attacks against the empire. Once again its very exis-
tence was threatened, and eventually it lost all its eastern lands except
Anatolia. Thus in the seventh century it could make only a few small-
66 Early Medieval Balkans
Kovrat died in about 642, leaving five sons. Some scholars have
claimed that this number and even some of the names given are legend-
ary, but an Armenian geographer from the second half of the seventh
century confirms that there were four groups of Bulgars in the east.
This then seems confirmation of the Byzantine story of the five
brothers. Possibly the Armenian missed one group, or possibly he was
writing after one brother-possibly Kuver-had already departed for
Pannonia. These Bulgar groups were attacked by another Turkic
people from further east, the Khazars, who were soon to establish a
great Steppe empire, centered on the lower Volga.
As a result of this Khazar attack, the Onogur Bulgars were scat-
tered and, according to Byzantine historians, the tribe split into five
groups, each under one son. The most important son for us, Isperikh
or Asparukh, moved through what is now Bessarabia and then settled
briefly at the mouth of the Danube. He subdued the territory north of
the Danube in modern Wallachia. Then in the 670s Isperikh's Bulgars
began crossing the Danube and set about subjecting or pushing out the
Slavic tribes living in modern Bulgaria north of the Balkan mountains.
The Byzantines had enjoyed good relations with these Bulgar
tribes as long as they stayed on the other side of the Danube; they had
had good relations with Isperikh's father Kovrat. However, the em-
peror Constantine IV was upset when these warriors began entering
the Balkans. He led an army to oppose their entry. The Bulgars,
however, defeated the imperial army and the empire was forced to sign
a treaty in 681, recognizing the Bulgar state.
This is the first state that the Byzantines recognized in the Bal-
kans; until then, though much territory had been occupied by Slavs,
leading to the disappearance of imperial control, no state had replaced
imperial rule and the empire had been able to keep up the fiction that
all the Balkans were still in theory imperial. In 681, for the first time,
the empire legally surrendered claim to some of its Balkan territory.
The Bulgar state extended south to the Balkan mountains and east
to the Black Sea. At this time its northern border was probably not
much beyond the Danube. Most of the land from the Danube up to the
Carpathians probably still remained under Avar suzerainty. Eventually,
in the beginning of the ninth century, after the fall of the A var khaga-
nate, the Bulgars acquired overlordship over this territory between the
Danube and the Carpathians. The western border of Isperikh's state is
vague. Since the Bulgars themselves were concentrated in the northeast
of their state, whatever control they had in the west was surely indirect,
with these western regions in the hands of various Slavic chiefs who
rendered tribute to them. Since which tribes actually paid them tribute
68 Early Medieval Balkans
probably varied from year to year, the western border must have regu-
larly been in a state of flux.
The Bulgars themselves do not seem to have been particularly
numerous. A twelfth-century source gives their numbers as ten thou-
sand. The Bulgars were concentrated in northeastern Bulgaria, along
the Danube, particularly its right bank (though early Bulgar sites are
found on both banks) east to the Black Sea including the Dobrudja.
The Bulgars established their capital at Pliska which was a huge
walled camp, lying on a plain, encompassing some twenty-three square
kilometers. Inside were the khan's palace, the yurts of his fellow
tribesmen, warehouses, shops, and space for flocks and horses. Nearby
Madara was their religious center; it exhibits
a fine carved horseman
on the face of a steep cliff rising above a temple at its base. Archaeol-
ogy shows that for a while many Bulgars kept their settlements distinct
from those of the Slavs. They had a mixed pastoral and agricultural
economy. Trade was important; the ruins of Pliska show caravanserai,
warehouses, and many shops, and an early treaty with Byzantium, in
716, had commercial clauses. Most of the trade seems to have been
barter; the Bulgars had no coins and Byzantine coins are not found in
Bulgaria from the early seventh century until the mid-tenth century.
The Bulgar sites show variations in burial practices, suggesting
that the Bulgars were drawn from more than one ethnic group. The
cultural syntheses between Slavic and Bulgar practices (and Byzantine
influences) varied from region to region. 10 The pre-Slavic population
(of Thracians and Dacians), whose culture had acquired many Byzan-
tine features, seems to have had relatively little influence on the Slavs
and Bulgars. Some scholars attribute this to the fact that the indige-
nous population's numbers had already been greatly reduced-owing
to Goth and Hun raids and settlement-before the appearance of the
The Slavic and Bulgar migrations created a sharp cultural break.
The old populations disappear from the sources. (The Thracians are
not to be mentioned again; some Dacians found refuge in the moun-
tains and survived to reappear in sources of the eleventh century as
Vlachs.) The existing towns more or less died out. Archaeologists have
shown that the Bulgar towns were new ones rather than continuations
of earlier cities. In some cases, however, these new towns were built
near classical ones, whose ruins supplied the newcomers with building
materials. In most cases, there is a gap from the sixth to the ninth
century at the sites of classical towns. Christianity also almost entirely
disappeared and there is a hiatus in church building over the same
The Slavic Invasions 69
Under Heraclius and his successors a new military system was formed
within the empire known as the theme system. The word theme meant
an army corps and soon came to refer also to the province on which
70 Early Medieval Balkans
that corps was settled. The actual chronology of the system's develop-
ment as well as whether it was a piecemeal reform or a system worked
out and then imposed on the whole empire at once is a matter of
controversy which need not concern us. In any case, by the late sev-
enth century this system was in effect over the territory which the
empire actually controlled; this territory was divided up into military
provinces, called themes, under the command of a general, usually
entitled a strategos, who was military commander for the province and
also had a considerable civil role. In each province military units were
settled under the strategos' control. In time many of these soldiers
were to be locally recruited, and assigned lands to support their ser-
vice. At what point the link between land and service was established
is also controversial. But after it was established the land base for the
troops eased the burden on the treasury; it also created a hereditary
local militia able to come quickly to the defense of the province if it
was attacked. These militias could also be mobilized and sent else-
where for offensive military operations. The Slavs provided some of
the manpower for the thematic armies, both in the Balkans and in
Anatolia (where many Slavs were to be resettled).
According to the Yugoslav Byzantinist Ostrogorsky, once the sys-
tem was established, it was imposed upon all parts of the empire which
were under the actual control of Constantinople; thus by the end of the
seventh century if sources refer to a theme, then imperial administra-
tion existed there. If there were no themes listed in a region, Byzan-
tine administration did not exist there. Following this formula, an ex-
amination of theme lists shows that the Byzantines had no control over
most of the Balkans for most of the seventh century.
The gradual appearance of new themes in the Balkans over the late
seventh, late eighth, and early ninth centuries illustrates the process
and chronology of the Byzantine recovery. The first theme established
in the Balkans was the Thracian theme which was created by 687. It is
first found mentioned, as the only Balkan theme, in a list of themes
given in a letter of Justinian II in 687. The actual date of its foundation
is unknown. Constantine Porphyrogenitus's Book of Themes credits
Constantine IV (668-85) with its establishment. Most scholars believe
he created it during the 680s. This theme was located in Thrace, the
region nearest Constantinople; its actual borders are unknown. From
the name it could include all or some part of that region. This then was
The Slavic Invasions 71
the first territory recovered, and part of Thrace had remained in impe-
rial hands throughout.
At the end of the century a second theme, of the Helladikoi-of
the Greeks-was established. This theme is not mentioned in the list of
themes given in Justinian II's 687 letter. In 695 the strategos of the
Helladikoi participated in overthrowing Justinian. Thus this theme was
established at some point between 687 and 695. Again its boundaries
are in doubt. The term is derived from the word Greek. Some scholars
want it to include all of Greece; however, it is evident that most of
Greece was still not recovered. The term Greek could signify one or
both of two things, either a territory with a Greek population or a
territory on which a Greek army unit was stationed. For example, the
Armeniakoi theme in Anatolia was a theme in which Armenian troops
were stationed and had nothing to do with Armenia, which lay well to
the theme's eastern borders. All scholars, however, feel that this
theme included some Greek territory. Ostrogorsky locates it in east
central Greece, and most scholars agree it included part of Macedonia
and part of northern Greece (probably much of northern Thessaly).
Some scholars, including Ostrogorsky, have brought its boundaries as
far south as Attica to include Athens.
No more themes were to be established in the Balkans for another
hundred years until the end of the eighth century; thus after this small
initial recovery late in the seventh century little or no territory was
recovered from the Slavs for another hundred years. Thus throughout
the eighth century the bulk of the Balkans remained Slavic, or as the
Byzantines would say, Sclavinias.
In the late seventh century Byzantium carried out a new Balkan cam-
paign which presumably led to the establishment of the Helladikoi
theme. Events connected with this campaign also shed some light on the
state of Balkan politics at the time as well. In 688/89 the emperor Justin-
ian II marched through Thrace where at least enough Byzantine rule
had been restored for a theme administration to be established; as
stated above, it is not known how much of Thrace was actually under
the control of the Thracian strategos. The purpose of this campaign was
to punish the Bulgars and Slavs. Justinian successfully subdued many
Slavs (taking many captives) and reached Thessaloniki. On his return
toward Constantinople in 689 he was ambushed by the Bulgars who
wiped out most of his army. The emperor just managed to escape with
his life but he lost his booty, prisoners, and most of his soldiers. Possibly
72 Early Medieval Balkans
the intervention by the Bulgars shows they had good relations with these
Slavs; they may even have exerted suzerainty over them. It is also possi-
ble they simply wanted to capture the booty won by the Byzantines.
These Bulgars are generally believed to have been those following
Isperikh. However, Isperikh, who had signed the treaty in 681, was
probably at peace with the Byzantines then. Furthermore, though
treaties could be and often were broken, Isperikh's state, lying beyond
the Balkan Mountains, was at considerable distance from Thrace. Thus
a reasonable alternative view has been advanced by Zlatarski (and
various other Bulgarian scholars including Cankova-Petkova have
adopted it) that the Bulgars who attacked Justinian were not Isperikh's
at all, but those of the second Bulgar "state" which Kuver established
shortly before (in approximately 680) in Macedonia. Whether Kuver
was still alive in 689 or whether a successor ruled his Bulgars is not
known. Although the source account is too brief to allow certainty
about which Bulgars attacked Justinian, it seems to me that attributing
the attack to Kuver is more plausible than ascribing it to Isperikh.
While nothing specific has been heard about Kuver or his people
after his attempt on Thessaloniki in ca. 680-85, the attack on Justinian
happened so soon after those events that his Bulgars could well have
still been in the area. Furthermore, hostile relations existed between
Kuver and Byzantium over the Thessaloniki events, which gave Kuver
reason to attack Justinian and Justinian reason to seek to punish these
Bulgars, the motivation given by the Byzantine source for the cam-
paign, whereas there is no known reason for Justinian to have wanted
to punish Isperikh. Isperikh's state had a treaty with Byzantium, and in
the beginning of the eighth century warm relations existed between
Justinian II and Isperikh's successor, Tervel. Tervel, in fact, was to be
instrumental in restoring Justinian to his throne in 705. He might not
have been willing to do this had Justinian been making war upon his
Thus I would agree with Zlatarski that Justinian was attacked by
Kuver's Bulgars who in the decades that followed were assimilated by
the more numerous Slavs and disappeared as any sort of coherent unit
or semistate.
The Balkans in the Eighth Century 75
In 739 the Bulgar royal house of Dulo died out. A period of civil war
followed between boyar factions. Unfortunately for scholars studying
this period, all the early sources on Bulgaria (except for one Bulgar
kings' list, which is little more than a list, and a handful of inscriptions
conveying overall a very limited amount of information) are Byzan-
tine. Thus the modern reader sees Bulgaria through Byzantine eyes
and learns about things that were of interest to the Byzantines. The
Byzantine sources describe two opposing factions, struggling for power
in Bulgaria: a pro-Byzantine party which sought peace with the empire
and was dominant in Bulgaria until 755 and an anti-Byzantine party,
the boyar aristocracy, which sought war with the empire. The Byzan-
tine writers made Bulgaria's relationship to Byzantium the key issue in
the Bulgarian struggle. These sources ignore other issues that may well
have been far more important for the Bulgarians themselves. These
descriptions could be compared to some American descriptions of
Latin American revolutions in the twentieth century which note only
the attitudes of the rival factions toward the United States and ignore
all other issues even though these frequently were the true causes of
the revolutions.
Zlatarski, probably correctly, believes that the most important
issue within Bulgaria in the eighth century (and the one that was to
have the greatest historical significance) was the relations between
76 Early Medieval Balkans
Slavs and Bulgars. Zlatarski makes this issue the focal point in his
description of the civil wars; he depicts the struggle as one between the
old Bulgars (whom he calls the Hunno-Bulgars and who, he believes,
particularly wanted war with Byzantium) and those Bulgars allied to
the Slavs whom he sees as the party of peace. However, there is no
source base for any of this.
Zlatarski is correct in wanting to highlight the relationship be-
tween Slavs and Bulgars. After all, the state was composed of these
two peoples, one (the Bulgar minority) was politically dominant and
the other (the more numerous Slavs) was gradually assimilating the
Bulgars linguistically. Surely the complex and changing relations be-
tween these two peoples would have had effect on many Bulgarian
events. However, when there are no sources about these relations,
scholars should do no more than suggest that the mutual relations
between these peoples probably played some role; they are not justi-
fied in going on to create hypothetical situations. We do not know for
a fact that this issue played a major role in the dynastic struggle; we do
not know that one Bulgar side was more favorable to the Slavs than
the other. And though Slavs may well have been active on one or even
both sides in the struggle, it is also possible that the Slavs were merely
passive onlookers. Thus, Zlatarski's description of the civil war is
highly speculative and, as such, must be rejected.
militarily. Each time they were able to defeat the Bulgarians, and
frequently they were able to place their candidates on the Bulgarian
throne as well. However, despite their victories, the Byzantines were
unable to deal the final blow and either conquer Bulgaria or impose
imperial suzerainty and a lasting peace. These wars, most of which
were fought on Bulgarian soil, must have left Bulgaria partially devas-
tated with considerable manpower losses; in addition they greatly in-
creased the disorder and anarchy within Bulgaria. The wars could also
have had the effect of rallying the Slavs behind the Bulgars and of
uniting the two groups against the common Byzantine enemy. After
nine wars, the Bulgarians probably had greatly increased their dislike
of the Byzantines. Thus, the Byzantine successes were gained at the
expense of making their Balkan neighbor into a hostile one. More
hostilities were to occur in the 790s between the two peoples; though
there were no major victories, the Bulgarians were by then more suc-
cessful because they no longer were fighting the able general Constan-
tine V but his incapable grandson Constantine VI.
In 782-83, since things were peaceful in the east and the Bulgars were
then quiet, it became possible for the empire to launch an offensive
against the Slavs. The imperial armies, led by the eunuch general
Staurakios, first attacked the Slavs around Thessaloniki and then
marched south through Thessaly into central Greece, where they at-
tacked the Slavs there and then marched into the Peloponnesus. They
won victories in Hellas (probably meaning Thessaly) and the Pelopon-
nesus; they took many prisoners and returned to the capital in 784
where Staurakios was given a great triumph. Staurakios clearly did not
recover all the Peloponnesus. In fact, the campaign may not have
aimed at extending Byzantine control in the Peloponnesus but may
have simply been a raiding party. It is not known whether any new
territory was restored to imperial authority in the Peloponnesus on this
occasion, though it is possible some was. And though he clearly won
victories and may well have made some defeated Slavs pay homage,
the loose organization of the Slavs would have made it impossible for
him to have subdued all of them in so short a time; whatever submis-
sions he received might well have been lost after his departure.
No more campaigns into Greece are known until the reign of the
emperor Nicephorus I (802-11). The preceding chapter discussed the
restoration of Byzantine administration in the regions closest to the
capital, with the creation of the themes of Thrace and the Helladikoi
(probably including parts of eastern Macedonia and Thessaly) at the
end of the seventh century. No more themes were created for a cen-
tury thereafter. Between 789 and 802 the theme of Macedonia was
established. This name is misleading since the theme contained little of
geographical Macedonia. It consisted of western Thrace and its strate-
gos resided in Adrianople. Its creation probably did not reflect new
80 Early Medieval Balkans
conquests. Most of its territory seems to have been taken away from
the two seventh-century themes and made into a separate theme.
Nicephorus I's Recovery of Greece
A serious and successful effort to recover the Peloponnesus was
launched by Nicephorus I (802-11). Most scholars date the establish-
ment of the Peloponnesian theme to the early ninth century, at some
time around 805, when Nicephorus's Greek campaign was in full
swing. Ostrogorsky has argued that the Peloponnesian theme dates
back to the 780s, a result of Staurakios's campaign. Let us now turn to
the source accounts of the campaigns in the Peloponnesus in the early
ninth century.
The Chronicle of Monemvasia dates the Slavic occupation of the
Peloponnesus 587-805. Charanis points out that this does not necessar-
ily mean the Slavs held the Peloponnesus to 805 but that they were inde-
pendent of any imperial authority until then. He argues, supported by
the Chronicle of Monemvasia, that some areas in the Peloponnesus, like
the northeast corner around Corinth, were Greek more or less through-
out this period. The Chronicle of Monemvasia states that the Slavs were
in occupation of the rest of the peninsula until 805 when they were de-
feated and subdued by the governor of Corinth who went to war with the
Slavs, conquered and obliterated them, and allowed the ancient inhabi-
tants to recover their own. Nicephorus was pleased and wanted to rebuild
cities and churches; he rebuilt the city of Patras, reestablished a bishop
there, and settled the town with a mixed people (including Thracians,
Armenians, and others brought from various places). Thus this chroni-
cle sees 805 as the beginning of the real recovery and implies that Patras
was recovered at that time; however, Charanis feels that Patras may
have been held by the Greeks before 805.
A second account of the Slavs in the Peloponnesus and Patras
comes from Constantine Porphyrogenitus's De Administrando Imperio.
He gives no specific date but simply states that the Slavs who were in the
Peloponnesus decided to revolt during the reign of Nicephorus (802-
11), attacked their Greek neighbors' dwellings, and then attacked the
Greek city of Patras. The Greek citizens of Patras sought the aid of the
"strategos of the theme" who resided in the fortress of Corinth. He was
slow in coming but the city was saved by the miraculous intervention of
St. Andrew, who aided the citizens in a sortie to defeat the Slavs. The
captured Slavs were made slaves of a new church dedicated to St.
Andrew in Patras; this story provides a fine example of the use made of
the church to hellenize the Slavs.
Since Constantine gives no specific date, there is a controversy
The Balkans in the Eighth Century 81
over his story. (1) Some scholars see the events he describes as a revolt
after the initial recovery and rebuilding of Patras in 805 or 806. Thus
they believe it should be seen as a second military event around Patras
taking place sometime between ca. 807 and 811 (the last year of
Nicephorus's reign). The reference to a theme and strategos signifies
that the Peloponnesian theme had already been established; this had
most probably occurred in association with the events which the Mon-
emvasia chronicle dates 805. (2) Others feel that possibly Constantine
is giving a distorted version of the initial recovery. If so, his story
should probably be dated 805. In this case the reference to a strategos
of a theme, if it is not an anachronism introduced by the mid-tenth-
century author, means that the Peloponnesian theme's establishment
precedes the events of 805. Some want to establish the theme immedi-
ately before these events; possibly the first step in the campaign was a
decision to raise the military governor of the Byzantine city of Corinth
to the rank of strategos. Others have tried to date the theme back to
the 780s and Staurakios's campaign.
Since I do not find at all odd two military engagements around
Patras at a critic.':ll time of Byzantine recovery, a recovery which would
surely stir up the opposition of some Slavs, and since Constantine
clearly has the Slavs attacking a Greek-held city, I strongly favor the
first alternative given above. This makes 805 the year that part of the
Peloponnesus including Patras was recovered and the Peloponnesian
theme established. Then, three to five years later rebel Slavs attacked
Patras and failed to capture it.
There is a third reference to these events. Theophanes, who was
very hostile to the emperor Nicephorus for his church policy, lists a
series of "wickednesses" of that emperor. One wickedness is relevant
to us. Theophanes says that Nicephorus transferred Christians from
every province of the empire to the Sclavinias, and the people wept
over the graves of their fathers and felt that the dead were more
blessed than the living. Some hanged themselves to escape their dread-
ful fate. Poor and rich alike were helpless. This forcible population
transfer was begun in September 810 and completed by Easter 811.
Such transfers were common Byzantine policy.
The term Sclavinias is vague, for it refers to any one of the numer-
ous regions throughout the Balkans where the Slavs were. The two most
likely places to transfer Greeks to in the first decade of the ninth century
would be (1) Greece, at the time being recovered in order to have in the
area larger numbers of Greeks and Christians to Christianize and rehel-
lenize the area as well as loyal Byzantines to oppose militarily any Slavic
revolts, and (2) the newly established Macedonian theme and Thrace,
82 Early Medieval Balkans
which was an area threatened at the time by the warlike Bulgar khan
Krum. Such a transfer would increase the number of defenders ranged
against Krum and would dilute the Slavs who might be loyal to the
Bulgars. Possibly Greeks were sent to both places. That some were sent
to Greece is evident because the Chronicle of Monemvasia states that
under Nicephorus in 805-6 Greeks were sent to repopulate the region of
Patras. It is possible that Theophanes was referring to this very transfer
mentioned in the Chronicle of Monemvasia; if this was the case, then
this wickedness noted by Theophanes should be dated 806 and not 810.
But quite likely population transfers were a regular policy from 805 on
to the end of Nicephorus's reign.
In any case, with the restoration of Byzantine power, a theme of
the Peloponnesus was established. It appears for the first time on a
theme list of 812. Presumably its creation was the result of one of the
two imperial campaigns to recover the peninsula. Thus it would date
from the mid-780s or from around 805. I lean toward the later date.
Corinth, the chief fortress of the theme, had long been held by the
Byzantines. So presumably with increased territory after 805, the mili-
tary governor there received the increased title of strategos, and his
old territory would have been combined with the newly recovered
lands to form a new theme. However, the existence of a theme of the
Peloponnesus does not prove that all of the peninsula was recovered.
The resettlement of Greek-speakers was accompanied by the rees-
tablishment of the church organization. Besides the new metropolitan-
ate of Patras, a metropolitanate of Athens was created between 805
and 810. The resettlement of Greeks and the establishment of a metro-
politan in Patras contributed to the rehellenization of the Peloponne-
sus; and great credit for this must be given to the policy of the emperor
Nicephorus. By his campaigns and resettlement policy (made possible
by his successful campaigns), Greek-speakers who were brought into
the area came to absorb and dominate the Slavs (aided by the restored
administration and the church whose conversion of Slavs was a major
factor in their rehellenization). Even after a Slavonic liturgy was
created in the middle of the ninth century (which was supported by the
Byzantines for foreign Slavic states), the Byzantines did not permit the
Slavonic liturgy inside what were felt to be Greek territories. The Slavs
of Greece all attended Greek-language churches.
Next comes the question, was the code valid for the whole empire or
just for a particular region? Since the document focuses on the internal
affairs of a single village, it is difficult to believe that the code had
empire-wide application. Local customs varied significantly throughout
the Byzantine Empire; therefore if the text was relevant, say, to
Thrace, it probably violated the customs of an eastern Anatolian
village and would have caused unrest if it had been forced on villagers
there. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the empire cared about
standardizing such local matters; its concern went little beyond making
certain that taxes were paid and soldiers were recruited. Disputes
about borders inside a village would not have interested the capital.
Moreover, if the empire had been issuing a code to make things uni-
form, the state could be expected to have been looking out for its own
interests (tax rates, collection of taxes, military recruitment, and the
like) and to have stressed such matters in the articles of the code.
However, the text does not treat such issues at all. Thus, most scholars
feel it had local validity and was drawn up for a particular region. If
this was the case, then, since the South Slavs later became familiar
with it and translated it, this region was probably the Balkans.
Since the text is written in Greek (and there are various Greek
texts), it is evident that the law was valid for some imperial territory;
therefore, if the dating of it to the late seventh or early eighth century
is accurate and if its validity is for a particular Balkan region, then it
must have been valid for imperial Thrace (held by the empire through-
out) and/or for the territory regained late in the seventh century and
included in the Thracian and Helladikoi themes, for no more territory
was recovered until the end of the eighth century. Thus it is safe to say
The Balkans in the Eighth Century 85
the text was valid for Thrace, parts of Macedonia, and parts of Thes-
saly or some smaller region within this large territory.
This view is similar to that reached by scholars through study of
the code itself. For example, in its eighty-five articles there are refer-
ences to vineyards and figyards but no reference to olive trees. Be-
cause olives were a major crop in much of Greece and Dalmatia, their
absence eliminates these two regions as the territory for which the
code was drawn up. However, Macedonia and the interior of Thrace
have figs and no olives (a rarity since most areas with figs also have
olives) which suggests again the code was valid for some part of this
region. One objection could be raised to this last argument; the code
does have reference to trees in general and though scholars have inter-
preted "trees" as meaning fruit trees, it is not absolutely certain that
olive trees could not have been included under that term.
did not exist elsewhere; they were just not relevant to the contents of
The Farmer's Law.
The code, then, speaks of three types of people: farmers (peas-
ants), hired workers, and slaves. The village was broken up into indi-
vidual plots and each farmer had shares or strips of each sort of land-
strips of first quality land, second quality land, a piece of vineyard, and
so on. When the owner died, each of his heirs inherited a strip of each
type of land. This, in time, if families were large, led to dwarf hold-
ings. It also meant that usually the possessions of a farmer were scat-
tered around the village instead of being a consolidated farm plot.
The type of village described, though presumably in a theme, does
not seem to be connected with the theme structure; in other words,
because the code makes no reference to military service or shares in
the support of a soldier, it did not pertain to a village supporting
thematic troops.
The code is of interest for what it shows, not only about the
internal affairs of a village, but also about the place of villages in
society. Since it concerns free villages (i.e., those not part of an estate
but which paid taxes directly to the state), it shows that free villages
existed, and presumably existed in sufficient numbers to make a gen-
eral document of this sort worthwhile. However, it proves only this.
The absence of reference to great estates does not mean, as some
claim, that there were few or no great estates. It is simply a code
legislating for (or guiding in the handling of cases about) affairs in a
free village. It makes no claim to do anything more. Great estates
could well have existed throughout the province but they would have
handled legal affairs in a different manner. After all, landlords had
authority to judge the peasants on their own estates, and it would have
been rare to find a peasant appealing to the state over the head of his
own landlord. Thus the state would rarely or never have been faced
with a dispute between two villagers living in a village that formed part
of a great estate.
Some scholars have exaggerated two trends, that toward large es-
tates in the sixth century prior to the Slavic invasions and that
toward free villages in the end of the seventh and eighth century; in
so doing they have come up with the following distorted picture,
which finds its way into some of the literature on Byzantine-Balkan
history: At the time of Justinian I, the empire was composed chiefly
88 Early Medieval Balkans
of great estates under landlords who had enserfed all (almost all)
the peasants. The Slavic invasions followed, killing or driving out
the landlords (at least those in the Balkans). The Slavs settled
throughout the Balkans, setting up their own villages. Then, after
Byzantine recovery the Byzantine Balkans was found to be full of
Slavic settlers amidst whom were no great estates. This situation of
free villages remained for years thereafter, reinforced by the settling
of soldiers (thematic troops) on small holdings.
There are problems with this oversimplified picture. Although
there were many enormous estates in the sixth century and although
the trend was for their growth and for the percentage of overall land
becoming part of such great estates to increase, the whole empire (and
certainly the Balkans) did not consist just of great estates. Free villages
survived throughout this period, despite de.clining numbers and con-
stantly dwindling holdings. References to them throughout the empire
appear in saints' lives, and Justinian's edict against foreclosures on free
holdings in Thrace and Illyricum shows free holdings were widespread
enough to warrant a general law.
The Slavic invasions followed and disrupted land tenure in the
Balkans. In the Sclavinias surely the great landlords did not remain.
The former peasants on their estates in some cases disappeared, either
fleeing or being killed; others certainly remained, eking out their sub-
sistence on their former plots or on new lands as free villagers. So, in
the territory lost to imperial control which was to be regained, at the
moment of recovery no great estates existed.
Imperial Thrace around the capital and Adrianople did not fall;
because this region suffered most frequent raids, some of the local
landlords may have sold their estates and moved to Asia Minor, but
many certainly kept their lands with serfs and simply spent more time
residing inside walled cities. In fact, even in peaceful times the landed
aristocracy generally spent most of its time living in town houses in the
capitals. Thus great estates probably remained in effect in much of
imperial Thrace, though presumably their prosperity had declined as a
result of the unsettled conditions in the countryside. In this period the
number of free peasants must have risen, even in imperial Thrace;
some Slavs migrated into this area and presumably the villages they
established were free. The sources mention various captives and east-
ern peoples being settled here-often as soldiers-to bolster the area's
defenses. Such people would have been settled on free-often the-
After the reconquest of Macedonia, Thessaly, and the rest of
Thrace by the empire, more people were resettled in these regions.
The Balkans in the Eighth Century 89
The Slavs had a great effect on landholding; they totally disrupted the
old land tenure relationships in the areas they occupied, and probably
by their raids, which produced conditions of insecurity, they to some
extent disrupted land tenure in imperial Thrace. Before and after re-
covery they certainly provided much of the manpower for the free
villages in the Balkans-like those described in The Farmer's Law-
and also a portion of the thematic troops. In addition, because of the
increased population in the area-from the Slavs-there was less rea-
son to bind people to the soil, be it to the soil of an estate or of a
tax-paying independent village. Hence the Slavic invasions contributed
greatly to eliminating great estates, to providing the population which
made possible free villages with people not bound to the soil, and to
reviving the rural economy. The Farmer's Law depicts the society that
resulted from the Slavic invasions. This is probably the extent of the
Slavs' influence on The Farmer's Law.
Nevertheless, some Slavic scholars have wanted to go much fur-
ther. They argue that the bulk of the rural population after the inva-
sions (and even after recovery in the recovered territories) was Slavic.
Since the code was based on local customs, they maintain, it must
depict primitive Slavic institutions and customs which later received
imperial recognition as the basic rural institutions for the empire.
Some of these scholars then compare the society described in The
Farmer's Law with the Russian obscina (commune) in the seventeenth
century and claim that the obsCina was based on primitive Slavic cus-
toms; since the contents of The Farmer's Law are similar to obscina
customs, they maintain that this confirms the theory that The Farmer's
Law was based on early Slavic customs.
However, this is not valid. The obsCina customs in Russia are
shown to be of more recent origin, imposed in the sixteenth century by
the Muscovite state to facilitate its tax collection. There is no evidence
that the obscina preserves primitive Slavic customs, and we are not
justified in falling back on Marxist or other theoretical models that
posit stages through which societies must pass (and stress an early
communal one) and assume such a theoretical construct is a fact. The-
ories must be based on sources.
Some Slavic scholars, to show The Farmer's Law's Slavic char-
acter, claim that the code establishes the periodic redistribution of
land, which they claim is an old Russian (therefore Slavic) custom. But
here they are on very shaky ground. Periodic redistribution of land
would be a logical way to deal with dwarf holdings and cannot be
The Balkans in the Eighth Century 91
went smoothly for them, that land was broken in and farmed for the
needs of the state. Thus more government concern could be expected
for these new settlers than for the Slavs. Furthermore, Byzantine arro-
gance probably prevented the administration from giving legal sanction
to purely Slavic customs or allowing such customs general validity to
supersede customs of Greek villages in the area.
Probably each village judged its own internal matters by its own
customs and the state judges became involved inside a village only
when villagers failed to meet their tax or military obligations or when a
villager appealed to the state over the heads of local village justice.
Only in this last situation would The Farmer's Law have come into
play as a guide for the judge. Since The Farmer's Law is written in
Greek, drawn up, presumably, by Greeks, insofar as local customs had
a part, more weight surely was given to local Greek customs.
There is nothing in the code which is specifically Slavic. In fact, it
is impossible to show that particular points are Slavic because no docu-
mentation about Slavic village customs exists until centuries later.
Since by that time The Farmer's Law had already been translated into
Slavonic, Slavic customs found in later sources, instead of being primi-
tive Slavic traditions, could well have been patterns acquired from The
Farmer's Law. Most of the code, however, exemplifies commonsense
peasant reasoning and could have been drawn from the customs of any
nationality. It is likely that village legal customs between Slavic and
Greek villages were quite similar. Thus most scholars have rejected the
theory of Slavic influence on The Farmer's Law and the idea that it
depicts Slavic villages and their customs.
Shortly thereafter, in 805, Krum was at war with the Avars who had
already lost their western territories to the Franks and their Croatian
allies. Krum was successful. After a brief encounter he defeated the
Avars and united the Bulgarians of the west (Pannonia) to those of the
east and thereby created a far more powerful state. The Bulgarian
state then may have extended to the Tisza River, which was the east-
ern border of the expanding Frank state. However, Cankova-Petkova
believes Krum's western borders did not even reach the Timok River.
In the territory to the west of the original Bulgar state around the
Timok and beyond were small tribal groups. She argues that these
peoples were only subjected by Krum's son, Omurtag, in 827. 1 At
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 95
Very little is known about Krum's state until warfare broke out with
Byzantium. It seems the event that set things off was a Byzantine raid
launched against Bulgaria in 807. It is not known whether this was an
aggressive act or retaliation for some earlier Bulgar action. In any case
the raid had hardly begun when a plot against the emperor Nicephorus
was uncovered, leading to the immediate recall of the imperial army.
Krum, however, did not take this lightly. In 808 Bulgarian troops
raided into imperial territory along the Struma River and in 809
Krum's armies took Sardika (Sofija). According to Byzantine sources,
having massacred the garrison (supposedly six thousand men), he
razed the walls and returned to Bulgaria. 2 In retaliation, it seems, later
in 809, the emperor Nicephorus marched against the Bulgarian capital
of Pliska and ravaged its environs. However, time was short, forcing
him to withdraw.
At this juncture (810-11) Theophanes notes the "wickednesses"
of Nicephorus and mentions the relocation of Greeks from elsewhere
in the empire (presumably chiefly from Anatolia) to the Sclavinias.
Most studies associate these shifts of population with the wars against
Krum and conclude that these people were settled in Thrace along the
Bulgarian border. This is perfectly plausible, but the Chronicle of
Monemvasia mentions population transfers to the Patras region in 806.
Further relocations of people to recovered Greece cannot be ruled out.
Thus the new settlers could have been settled in Thrace near the
Bulgarian border and/or the regions of Greece which were being re-
covered in the first decade of the ninth century. If they were sent to
Thrace, they would have strengthened defenses against the Bulgarian
raiders and have diluted the Slavs in Thrace, some of whom may well
have had ties with Krum or with other Slavs living within his state.
Nicephorus was angry over the sack of Sardika and also believed
that various Byzantine commanders and officials had not done all that
they might have to defend the town. Word reached these people of the
emperor's displeasure and they learned that they would not be par-
doned. These people, including some engineers, fled to Krum. The
96 Early Medieval Balkans
only the results were known but not how they had come about.
Probably the story should be accepted as accurate, though it must be
noted that the tale of Nicephorus was told to illustrate his hubris and
how the sin of pride (illustrated by his ambitions to build a city
named for himself on the ruins of the Bulgarian capital) preceded a
fall. According to the story, his sin was punished almost immediately.
After a few days' march southwest from Pliska, Nicephorus began
to neglect affairs. His spirit was no longer the same; he was like a man
outside of himself; he lost his mind and suffered mental confusion and
a paralyzed will. He retired to his tent. The army camped around him
with its tents spread at some distance from one another as a precaution
against a surprise attack. Nicephorus remained in his tent constantly,
refused to see anyone, and issued no orders. His generals and officials
did not dare to force their way into his presence. Finally they per-
suaded his son Staurakios to go and reason with him in an effort to
convince him to leave this place located dangerously beneath a moun-
tain range. Nicephorus lost his temper with his son and wanted to hit
him; the army remained camped where it was. Some soldiers, seeing
what was happening, broke discipline and began pillaging the area,
burning fields, stealing animals, feasting and carousing, while other
soldiers simply deserted and went home.
The Bulgarians, camped in the mountains above the Byzantines,
watched the disintegration of the Byzantine army. Krum had already
sent embassies to neighboring Avars and Slavs for aid. This shows that
Krum had good relations with some Slavic tribes who lived outside of
his state. Most probably they were Slavs from Thrace or Macedonia.
Krum then armed his women as well as his men and ordered a dawn
surprise strike upon the Byzantine camp. As noted, the Byzantine
tents were spread widely apart; when the attackers struck word of the
attack was slow to circulate. The Bulgars immediately directed their
attack toward the imperial tent; Nicephorus was killed and his son and
heir Staurakios was mortally wounded. A massacre followed and the
Bulgars enjoyed a complete victory. Krum then in triumph had the
emperor's head carried back on a pole to Pliska where it was cleaned
out, lined with silver and made into a goblet which he allowed his
Slavic princes (archons) to drink from with him.
With the emperor dead, and his only son and heir lingering on his
deathbed for several months, the empire was in considerable chaos.
No army stood between Krum and Constantinople. However, he did
not immediately take advantage of the situation; almost a year passed
before he attacked. Then in 812 he launched his invasion against the
important fortress of Develtus near the Black Sea. After taking the
98 Early Medieval Balkans
city, he destroyed it, leveling all the fortifications so that they could
not be used against him. Its inhabitants were forcibly transferred to
Bulgaria. He then sent an ultimatum for a truce to the empire.
By this time the empire had found a new ruler, Michael I Ran-
gabe, the husband of Nicephorus's daughter. Michael was incompetent
in all respects as a statesman, but since he favored the party of the
Extremist monks and listened to their advice, he receives praise from
the chronicler Theophanes. The Byzantines were slow to respond to
Krum's ultimatum, so Krum captured the important Black Sea port of
Mesembria from which he took great booty.
Meanwhile, in Constantinople the Byzantines were debating over
the treaty; in particular they were arguing over whether to accept a
clause calling for the handing over of all Bulgarian deserters who had
sought refuge in imperial territory. The Byzantine officials wanted to
agree to this clause and completely accept the proposed treaty but
Theodore of Studios and the Extremist monks convinced the emperor
Michael that he must reject this point for it would be a sin to return
the deserters. They persuaded the emperor to reject the clause by
citing John 6:37, "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and
him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." So the clause was
rejected and Krum resumed his attack.
Zlatarski speculates that there may have been more to the clause's
rejection than Christian ethics; those who deserted to Byzantium fre-
quently included high officials and members of various political fac-
tions which had been struggling for the throne. Byzantium liked to
have such people around to use whenever an opportunity presented
itself to meddle in Bulgarian affairs. As noted, Byzantium installed its
puppets on the Bulgarian throne on occasions during the eighth cen-
tury. Thus Zlatarski may be right in thinking that there were also
political reasons to reject this clause.
In 813 Krum raided imperial territory again and an imperial army
was sent out against him. Poor Byzantine leadership and dissensions
within the army resulted in a major victory for Krum. As a result of
this defeat the emperor Michael was deposed and a general, Leo, took
the throne as Leo V. A later source accuses Leo of deliberately losing
the battle against Krum to discredit Michael and obtain the throne for
himself. After his victory, with no further imperial troops around to
oppose him, and with a change of rulers being effected in the capital,
Krum advanced on the major city of Adrianople which he besieged.
Leaving his brother to capture it, he then marched on Constantinople;
arriving with his armies, he was given an invitation and a promise of
safe conduct to meet with the new emperor. Accepting this at face
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 99
value, Krum set out unarmed for the capital with only a small escort.
Suddenly he found himself in an ambush; he wheeled around and
managed to escape. Needless to say, this treachery infuriated him and
he ravaged the countryside beyond the walls of the capital and de-
stroyed the suburbs. One source reports that he even carted off large
pillars to redecorate Pliska, which he was rebuilding after its destruc-
tion by Nicephorus.
Unable to take Constantinople, he returned to Adrianople, which
had fallen to his brother. There he captured a large number of inhabi-
tants, including the archbishop of Adrianople, Manuel. These people
were carried off beyond the Danube. As noted above, the Bulgarian
state by then occupied both sides of the Danube and extended north
up to the Carpathians. In these years many captives were taken to
Bulgaria from the empire. Probably they included Slavs as well as
Greeks; but clearly many of them were Christians (and the archbishop
has been noted). As a result, many Christians came to be found inside
of Bulgaria who soon began to sow the seeds of their religion there.
In 814 Krum assembled a huge army, which, the sources say,
included Slavs and Avars, and launched a new campaign that was
aimed at Constantinople. However, on the way he suffered a stroke
and died. Thus the empire was spared further pillaging at the hands
of this able warrior prince. Though Krum is usually depicted as a
major enemy of Byzantium, it should be noted that Byzantium seems
to have initiated the wars. In the early stages Krum sought peace but
was rebuffed by the Byzantines. He turned to a major assault against
the empire only after his great victory over Nicephorus in a war
Nicephorus forced upon him. Even after this triumph, he waited to
strike the empire and only pressed war upon it when his peace offers
were rejected.
Krum's Achievements
himself able in besieging and capturing cities (and he was able to take
a series of well-fortified towns). He did not try to hold all of them; at
times he just razed the walls so that they could not be used against
him. He did not permanently expand Bulgarian boundaries to the
south against Byzantium; he occupied some territory there briefly but
after his death the boundary again was to be the Balkan mountains.
Krum also issued a law code; unfortunately its text has not been
preserved and only a couple of items from it were preserved by a
tenth-century compiler who wrote under the name of Suidas. The code
prescribed the death penalty for false oaths and false accusations and
ordered the uprooting of vines; the last is usually interpreted as a
measure against drunkenness. As far as is known this was the first law
code issued for the Bulgarian state. Zlatarski believes it was valid for
everyone. If so, the code would have put an end to specific laws and
privileges for different elements in the society and would have placed
everyone under a single set of laws. Though Zlatarski's is a reasonable
hypothesis, it is not certain that the code was intended to put an end to
all local self-rule privileges, and even if this was Krum's intent, he may
not have been successful.
Sources exist to support the preceding statements about Krum's
achievements. However, Krum is also credited, with little basis, with
having achieved a variety of other things. First., historians claim that he
centralized the state and built up more of a state apparatus to put
down the individual boyars who had been governing independently in
the provinces. Such could have been the case but no sources exist to
prove it. All that can be said is that his military success suggests he was
able to obtain obedience from the boyars. However, he may have
achieved this by being a successful military leader who brought much
booty to those following his standard. Through such rewards he could
have built up a large following, by means of which he could have
forced others to obey or be subject to punitive raids. It is also possible
that he won the support of the boyars by allowing them great indepen-
dence in their provinces, and that he avoided revolts against his rule by
recognizing boyar privilege. If this second hypothesis is correct, there
would have been no reason for the boyars to oppose him, and he could
have been successful in battle without increasing the central govern-
ment's authority at all. In fact, he would have had foreign successes as
a result of not trying to centralize.
The law code might suggest an attempt at centralization; however,
since its text has not survived, its thrust and aims remain unknown.
Furthermore, even if the code gave great authority to the khan and his
servants it would not demonstrate centralization unless it could be
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 101
shown that the khan was able to enforce its articles. The fact that no
revolts against him are known might suggest that he crushed the oligar-
chy. However, if he was popular with its members, there would have
been no reason for them to revolt. Reigns of eleven years without
revolt occurred earlier without scholars suggesting centralization.
bers of the Bulgar state, since the source calls them neighboring) had
sent aid, then very likely Krum would have invited their leaders to a
victory banquet after his triumph. If so, then the archons referred to
could well have been these foreign Slav leaders. In fact, Byzantine
sources usually used the term archon to designate a prince; it would
seem to be a very high title for this source to use if the Slavs were
simply high officials at his court.
Finally, common sense suggests that if Krum needed a force to use
against the old Bulgars (the boyars living in the northeast, in the
central part of the old state) and if he was really from Pannonia, then
he would have relied upon his own tribesmen and cohorts from the
west who had presumably come east with him as his retinue when he
obtained the throne and who very likely provided the muscle which
allowed him to obtain the throne in the first place. That this was
perhaps his policy is seen in the fact that his second in command-who
took Adrianople and who probably governed it after its conquest-was
his own brother. If Krum relied heavily on these Pannonians, this
policy could have somewhat limited the privileges and positions of the
old court boyars from the eastern part of the state.
The second source suggesting Krum's friendship toward the Slavs
simply reports that Krum sent a man named Dragomir as an ambassa-
dor to Constantinople in 812. This is clearly a Slavic name. However,
names may not have been given strictly according to nationality at this
time; after over a century of probable intermarrying much mixing
could be expected to have taken place in the society. Thus names
could have crossed ethnic lines. In fact, Krum's own grandson was to
have the Slavic name of Malamir. However, if Dragomir was really a
Slav, which is perfectly likely, it merely shows that one Slav attained a
trusted position. Though it is probable that others were in high posi-
tions as well, this one remark is by no means proof that Krum used
Slavs exclusively or even that he used more than one.
In fact, the one source that lists high officials-an inscription we
shall turn to shortly-gives the names of the three highest men in the
state; and not surprisingly all three are Bulgars. Thus it is wrong to
state-as some scholars have-that the old boyars were exiled from
court to provincial posts to be replaced by Slavs. No source exists to
suggest such an expulsion occurred and there is continued evidence of
Bulgar boyars at the top of the administration.
However, as a ruler in a multi ethnic state in the nonnationalist
Middle Ages, who would have wanted to have his whole country be-
hind him to fight a dangerous foreign enemy, Krum surely would have
tolerated all ethnic elements in his state. There is no known reason for
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 103
It is also worth noting that Krum was not always harsh to Greeks.
Theophanes mentions various Byzantine notables and malcontents de-
serting to Krum and offering him their services. There were those who
feared Nicephorus's wrath after the fall of Sardika. In 811 a high
official-a domesticus-close to Nicephorus deserted to Krum, as did
a certain Constantine Pabikos who was later to marry Krum's sister.
The sources also mention an Arab who instructed the Bulgars in the
construction of siege machinery. The presence of these Greeks and the
Arab serving Krum supports our contention that he was working to
strengthen his state and would not have played on animosities between
This policy of good relations with Greeks is also reflected in an
inscription from Hambarli in Thrace. As noted above, Krum took
various Byzantine cities in Thrace and along the Black Sea coast
which, though they soon reverted to Byzantium, seem to have re-
mained Bulgarian throughout the remainder of Krum's lifetime. The
inscription, which cannot be read in its entirety, states after an initial
lacuna that the strategos Leo is subordinate to Krum 's brother, that
104 Early Medieval Balkans
from Berrhoia ... the Interior Boyar Tuk is chief of the right side
of the kingdom and beneath him are the Strategoi Bardas and
Jannis. For the left side of my [Krum's] empire, Anchialos, Devel-
tus, Sozopolis, Ranuli, are under the boyar Kavkhan Iratais, and
the Strategoi Kordylas and Gregoras are his subordinates.
The inscription was in Greek. Since there was as yet no written Bulgar-
ian language, Greek was the official written language for the state.
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 107
There are also two inscriptions. The first states that the Greeks
violated the peace. Malamir with Kavkhan lsbul marched against them,
took several fortresses in Thrace, and then marched against Philippi
from which the Byzantines fled. The second states that Khan Persian
sent Kavkhan lsbul against the Smoljane (a Slavic tribe in Byzantine
territory near the Struma River) and gained a victory which punished
the Christians for their transgressions. Neither is dated, but since from
816 to 846 a thirty-year peace existed between Bulgaria and Byzantium
broken only by the brief skirmishes in 836 after the Byzantine rescue of
the Macedonians from Bulgaria's northern frontier, which the Bulgari-
ans saw as a violation of the treaty, most scholars have concluded these
inscriptions refer to the events of 836/7. This would explain the first
inscription's statement that the Greeks violated the peace and the sec-
ond's reference to Christian transgressions.
The close connection of the information conveyed in the two in-
scriptions can also be seen in the major role which Kavkhan Isbul had in
both campaigns. Thus the Belgian Byzantinist Gregoire has reasonably
proposed that, since only one war is known of in this general period of
peace, these must refer to the same campaign. And since it would be
odd to have the same campaign directed by two different rulers, then
presumably Malamir and Persian are two names for the same man,
possibly a Slav name and a Bulgar name. Such double names are per-
fectly common among the medieval Balkan peoples. This is a logical
proposal, which would mean that one man, Malamir-Persian. ruled
from 831 to 852. However, others argue that the two inscriptions refer
to two different campaigns in the same war, and that Malamir was
replaced by Persian in 836/7 in the course of the war at some time
between the two campaigns. Since scholars are divided on this issue,
secondary works list the rulers between 831 and 852 differently.
The inscriptions are also important for the information conveyed
about Bulgarian troop movements and successes in 836/7 and for the ref-
erences to the kavkhan lsbul, which shows that the key post of kavkhan
was still held by a man with a Bulgar name, despite whatever slaviciza-
tion had occurred. lsbul was immensely rich. Another inscription an-
nounces that he paid for an aqueduct which he donated to the khan.
Serb-Bulgar Relations
In 846 the Bulgar peace treaty with Byzantium expired. The Bulgari-
ans invaded Macedonia along the Struma River. Possibly, as some
scholars suggest, they chose a moment when the empire was involved
in suppressing some Slavic revolts. However, there are chronological
problems about these Slavic uprisings and no major one can be shown
occurring in 846. The best-known one broke out among the Slavs of
the Peloponnesus during the reign of Theophilus (829-42). They liber-
ated themselves and ravaged the area before they were subdued by a
Byzantine commander sent thither with a large army in the early years
of Michael III's reign. It has been argued that this subjection occurred
immediately on Michael's accession, still in 842. If so, this revolt would
have been over well before the Bulgarian treaty expired in 846. The
Life of St. Gregory the Decapolite describes a Slavic revolt in the
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 111
after 846 and to connect it with that expansion; for such southwesterly
expansion, which was to the south of Serbia, when taken in conjunc-
tion with Omurtag's previous gains to include the lands to Serbia's
north along the Timok and Morava rivers, would have had the effect
of putting the newly developing Serbian state into a pincer. Thus either
the Serbs, feeling threatened, could have initiated hostilities or the
Bulgars may have decided to annex the territory in the center of their
newly gained western possessions.
Christianization of Bulgaria
The single most important event of Boris's reign was Bulgaria's con-
version to Christianity. This religion had been gradually spreading in
Bulgaria, presumably greatly influenced by Greeks who had come
thither as captives or deserters. Both Greek and Bulgarian Christians
had been persecuted under Omurtag and Malamir. Now under Boris
the state officially became Christian; for, after his conversion, he
ordered his people to follow suit. The conversion of Bulgaria involved
a three-way struggle for control of the new Bulgarian church between
Boris, Rome (supported by some Frankish activity), and Byzantium.
Moreover, the quarrel between Byzantium and Rome over Bulgaria
took place simultaneously with a major conflict within the Byzantine
church in which the papacy sought to intervene.
The story begins with a fourth actor, Rastislav, the prince of Moravia
(846-70), a successful warrior who had expanded his state to the Dan-
ube, which gave Moravia a common border with Bulgaria. By about 860
Rastislav found himself under strong political pressure from the Franks,
who were his neighbors to the west. He was interested in accepting
Christianity but was afraid that if he supported Frankish missionaries, it
would merely contribute to Frankish domination of his country. So, in
862 he sent envoys to Constantinople to request missionaries.
Two brothers, sons of an imperial official in Thessaloniki, named
Constantine and Methodius, were chosen. They were well educated
and fluent in the dialect of Slavic spoken in the environs of Thessalo-
niki. They devised an alphabet to convey Slavic phonetics. Then they
worked out a Slavic language based on this dialect; but since this Slavic
vernacular did not contain a sufficiently subtle or comprehensive lexi-
con to convey complicated theological ideas, they imposed upon this
dialect a large number of Greek words as well as certain Greek gram-
matical forms. This composite language is what is now called Old
Church Slavonic (OCS). Next they translated the Gospels and various
other church writings into this language and set off for Moravia in 863.
Since Constantine and Methodius were able to have both language
and translations ready so promptly, they must have been at work upon
this project for some time prior to Rastislav's request. If so, presuma-
bly their efforts had been originally aimed at a future mission for
Bulgaria. This also would explain why Old Church Slavonic had a
Bulgaro-Macedonian base; this dialect was well suited as a missionary
114 Early Medieval Balkans
language for Bulgaria. One would expect that if the project were an
answer to Rastislav's request the Slavic component of the language
would have been a form of contemporary Czech. In any case, Constan-
tine and Methodius appeared in Moravia in 863 and immediately set to
work educating and preaching.
The Franks complained to the pope, who summoned the two
brothers to Rome. This meeting went smoothly since the Byzantines
accepted papal jurisdiction over Moravia and recognized that any bish-
oprics founded there would be under the pope. Seeing no threat from
the Byzantine Slavonic mission, the pope gave the brothers his blessing
to continue their work in Moravia. He even approved of their use of
Slavonic. However, Constantine was taken ill in Rome; he became a
monk, taking the name of Cyril (from which the present alphabet of
the Russians, Serbs, Bulgarians, and Macedonians takes its name of
Cyrillic), and died in February 869. His brother Methodius, however,
returned to Moravia to continue his work.
The following year, during the winter of 869-70, Rastislav was
overthrown by a member of a pro-Frank party in Moravia and soon
Frankish priests, using Latin, were invited in; the Slavonic mission was
expelled. Subsequent popes supported the Frankish clerics in their hos-
tility to Slavic as a church language. Various late-ninth-century popes
condemned the Slavonic liturgy and declared that since there were only
three holy languages-Greek, Latin, and Hebrew-it was wrong to
translate the word of God into any other tongue. As a result the
Slavonic liturgy died out in Moravia. It was to become extremely impor-
tant, however, in the Slavic lands under Byzantine jurisdiction-Russia,
Bulgaria, Serbia-for the Byzantine church did not oppose the liturgy in
the vernacular in foreign territory. This Byzantine tolerance of local
languages for the liturgy eventually became a major difference between
the eastern and western branches of the church.
For years an extremist faction within the Byzantine church had been
feuding with a moderate one. The quarrel began in the late eighth
century when the first period of banning icons (Iconoclasm) was de-
clared ended. The Iconodules (proicon people) then split over what
the church should do with the repentant ex-Iconoclasts. The Extrem-
ists felt they should undergo stiff penalties and that bishops who had
accepted iconoclasm should be removed. The Moderates wanted to
forgive and forget and allow repentant ex-Iconoclasts to remain in
church offices and communion. The state officials, seeking peace,
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 115
Pope Nicholas I (858-67) wrote back that the whole matter sounded
most irregular. He demanded a new hearing with the final decision
belonging to Rome. He sent legates east who were expected to carry
out this arrogant order. The emperor Michael and Photius informed
the legates that the case was closed. For the sake of good relations,
however, they would let the legates examine the matter. But the leg-
ates must reach a verdict themselves. Because of the slow communica-
tions between Rome and Constantinople, the Byzantines could not
afford to wait six months to a year without a head to their church until
news of a papal decision could reach them. The legates were distressed
because these terms violated their instructions, which stipulated that
the pope should judge in person. They decided, however, that their
being allowed to judge the case would be a precedent for Roman
primacy-Rome's right to settle matters within the eastern diocese-
and agreed to these conditions. At the hearing the legates recognized
Ignatius's deposition. Since his original election was irregular, they
concluded that he had never rightfully been patriarch.
When word reached the pope, he was at first satisfied. In allowing
the legates to hold the hearing, the Byzantines, in the pope's mind,
had recognized papal primacy. Moreover, he still felt he had a weapon
to use against Constantinople to satisfy another ambition. For though
the legates had recognized that Ignatius was deposed, they had not
accepted Photius as patriarch. So Pope Nicholas decided to make his
recognition of Photius conditional on Byzantium's restoring to papal
jurisdiction the province of lllyricum (which included more or less the
whole Balkans except Greece, Dalmatia, and Thrace ).
In 731 the iconoclastic emperor Leo III, angry at Rome for con-
demning him and iconoclasm as heretical, had removed Illyricum,
Sicily, and Calabria from the jurisdiction of the pope and transferred
them to that of the Constantinopolitan patriarch. In the eighth century
Illyricum, settled with pagans, was not of much importance. In the
mid-ninth century it was becoming more significant because the But-
gars were about to accept Christianity. Rome wanted to have Bulgaria
under its jurisdiction. The Byzantines could not accept this. The Bul-
garians, poised right on their borders, were frequently dangerous en-
emies. Thus the empire hoped to have the future Bulgarian church
under the Greek patriarch as a conduit for influence on Bulgarian
politics. Furthermore the Byzantines could not allow Bulgaria to be-
come a military tool of the pope which could be used to attack Byzan-
tium to enforce papal wishes.
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 117
seen by Boris and to what extent any of them were factors in his
decision to adopt Christianity are unknown. However, as shall be seen,
Christianity was a means to crush the religious and ideological basis of
boyar privileges, and advance Boris's position as an autocrat. The new
religion allowed him to stand high above the boyars and, in imitation
of the Christian emperor, be prince "by Grace of God" and God's
representative on earth. Moreover Christianity was a way to equalize
both his nationalities (Slavs and Bulgars), and the possession of a
common religion was a force to unite them into a single people.
Having made his decision to convert to Christianity, Boris in 863
sought a mission from the Franks. He had been allied with them since
about 860 as both states were alarmed at the growing power of Mora-
via. Furthermore, from their distant homeland, the Franks were not in
a position to interfere extensively in the development of the Bulgarian
church; for what Boris seems especially to have been seeking was a
church under his own control, modeled probably on the Byzantine
system with a patriarch of a domestic church seated beside and ap-
pointed by the ruler.
The Byzantines seemed a far less satisfactory source for a Chris-
tian mission. As a neighbor, Byzantium clearly would interfere more in
Bulgarian church matters than would the Franks. He also realized that
Byzantium might well utilize the church for its own political ends-a
fear that seems to have existed in Bulgaria throughout the century and
to have been one of the causes for the persecution of Christians previ-
ously. So, just as Rastislav turned to a distant power (Byzantium)
rather than to his strong neighbor (the Franks) for Christian missionar-
ies, Boris requested the more distant Franks to send a mission.
However, the Byzantines, flushed with triumph from a major vic-
tory over the Arabs in 863, were not about to let this happen. They
quickly sent a fleet into the Black Sea and launched an army toward
Bulgaria. Boris was not prepared for this; at the time his armies were
in the northwest campaigning against Moravia. So, when the Byzantine
forces appeared on his borders in late 863, he yielded immediately. He
promised to break the Frankish alliance, to accept Christianity from
Byzantium, and to allow the entry into Bulgaria of Greek clergy. As a
concession he was allowed to annex a strip of territory just southeast of
the Balkan mountains between Sider and Develtus known as Zagora.
Presumably he held this territory already, for it is unlikely that the
Byzantines, operating from a position of strength, would voluntarily
have surrendered it. Whether this territory had been acquired in the
846 or 852 campaigns or even earlier is not known. Boris was then
baptized, with the emperor Michael III as his sponsor, sometime in
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 119
864. As a result, he took the name of Michael after his sponsor, and
some modern works and sources so refer to Boris after this date.
Various other leading Bulgarians accepted Christianity at the
same time. Many pagan temples were ordered destroyed while others
were converted into Christian churches. Greek priests entered and
began establishing a church organization and converting the populace.
These first Greek priests preached and held services in Greek. Further
adding to the confusion of the newly converted Bulgarians was the
presence of other missionaries. Some were Christians-Franks and Ar-
menians-who had various practices which differed from those of the
Greeks. But the sources report that there were also some Islamic
missionaries preaching in Bulgaria as well. These Moslems left no
lasting mark on Bulgaria.
In 866 a group of boyars revolted against the new religion and the new
legal order. The latter may have been equally galling to them, because
Boris wanted to create a new legal basis for his state modeled more on
Byzantium than on the old Bulgar customs, based on their paganism,
which supported privileges to the old Bulgar families. Boris had ob-
tained Byzantine legal texts, and their influence is already seen in 866
in some of the questions on legal practice which he directed at Pope
Nicholas I. Thus, the boyars' position, long guaranteed through belief
in divinely established clans, was threatened. Furthermore Boris no
longer claimed to be first among equal clan leaders but prince by grace
of God. Finally, many of the· boyars had long resented Byzantium;
they surely considered the entering Byzantine mission a threat to Bul-
garian independence.
The boyars marched on Pliska and Boris suppressed the revolt.
Our only source about this event, a western one, Hincmar, attributes
his victory to miracles. Boris executed fifty-two leading boyars and
their families, while he pardoned the lesser rebels. This weakened the
old aristocracy and probably enabled him to advance some of his own
people into positions of power, thus possibly laying a basis for a service
nobility and to some degree strengthening his central administration.
But though Boris's suppression of the boyar rebellion surely weakened
the boyars, it did not, as some scholars have claimed, have the effect
of smashing the boyar class. This class continued to exist, with some
boyars continuing to oppose Christianity; for in the early 890s boyars
supported (or even dominated) Boris's eldest son Vladimir when he
tried to restore paganism.
120 Early Medieval Balkans
Like the boyars, Boris worried about the large number of Greek
priests active in Bulgaria and the increasing Byzantine influence in his
state being exercised through the church organization. An independent
Bulgarian church would lessen this danger to Bulgarian independence.
So he asked Photius to allow Bulgaria to have its own patriarch. Be-
sides seeking permission to more or less run his own church, he posed
various questions to Photius about matters of correct practice. Photius
ignored his request for a patriarch and instead of responding to the
specific questions Boris asked him, wrote a long and pompous treatise
on the duties of a Christian prince, as well as a detailed history of the
church (focusing on doctrine, esoteric theological disputes, and church
councils from centuries past). On receiving this, Boris, not surpris-
ingly, felt rebuffed.
As a result of this rebuff by Byzantium, Boris decided to turn to
Rome. This was probably a popular move at court and was more in
keeping with Boris's initial intent of obtaining a mission from the
Franks. Furthermore, since many of the boyars seemed to oppose Chris-
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 121
descended from the Father, they said from the Father and the Son
(Filioque). Photius wrote to the papal legates condemning these prac-
tices. He then convened early in 867 a small church council, composed
only of the clergy of the city of Constantinople and its immediate
environs, which also condemned these items. He then sent Boris a
letter stating that the Roman priests were teaching him a false Chris-
tianity by which the Bulgarians could not be saved. This was exactly
the sort of thing which would have alarmed a new convert and in-
creased his feelings of insecurity. Photius then planned a large synod
on the same issue which was to include all the eastern bishops.
The pope meanwhile received from Boris the results of the local
Constantinopolitan synod. Its purpose had not been to cause an East-
West break but to condemn certain practices and to frighten Boris into
returning to Byzantine jurisdiction. Its decisions did not condemn the
pope or the western church or even the Frankish church, but only
certain practices of Frankish missionaries taught in Bulgaria. It was
therefore aimed solely at Bulgaria. Nowhere did it state that the heresy
and these practices were to be found in the Frankish empire itself,
though of course they were.
The pope, for his part, was alarmed by Photius's activities. In ad-
dition to the issue of Bulgaria, he was afraid of a Byzantine-Prankish
alliance against him in Italy (for despite the Byzantine attack on the
Frankish Bulgarian mission, relations between the two empires were
fairly good; they had a common policy and some degree of coopera-
tion against the Arabs in Italy). In order to drum up more support
and prevent the Franks from siding with Byzantium, the pope gener-
alized the specific accusations and claimed that the Byzantine synod
had made a general attack on the western church (Rome and the
Frankish empire).
Photius next held a major synod in the summer of 867; it again
condemned these practices and Filioque. This time, the synod attended
by the other eastern bishops excommunicated and declared deposed
Pope Nicholas I. At the same time it recognized Emperor Louis of the
Franks. This recognition clearly signified that Byzantium had nothing
against Louis and aimed to maintain good relations with his state; the
Byzantine quarrel was just with the pope. Possibly Photius even hoped
that Louis would carry out the sentence and unseat Nicholas, but in
November, 867, Nicholas died before news of his sentence reached
him; he was succeeded by Hadrian II.
Meanwhile, in September, 867, in Constantinople, Basil the
Macedonian (formerly a groom in the imperial stables) murdered
Michael III; since Michael had drawn his support from the Moderates,
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 123
the new emperor Basil turned for allies to the Extremists. They were
willing to support Basil only if he accepted their program, which at
first he did. He reversed Michael's major church policies: he removed
Photius, restored Ignatius, and attempted to pacify Rome by declaring
Photius's synod of 867 invalid. Pope Hadrian II, who was infuriated
with the impudence of a patriarch of Constantinople trying to excom-
municate a pope, was in no mood to compromise with the East. When
he received word of Photius's deposition and Ignatius's restoration, he
believed this demonstrated that Nicholas had been right all along.
Thus a strict policy toward the East was thought to be the only correct
Meanwhile, in Bulgaria, the papal legate, Formosus, had won
Boris's confidence; so in the fall of 867 Boris requested Nicholas to
grant him the promised archbishop and to allow Formosus to fill that
post. Pope Nicholas, sensible up to this point in his dealings with
Boris, recoiled; it seems he did not like the idea of a prince (particu-
larly a newly converted one) telling him whom to appoint as a bishop.
Clearly this was an appropriate moment for diplomacy, because Bul-
garia's permanent status was still undecided. Furthermore the man
Boris had requested was one trusted by Rome, the pope's own legate.
Yet Nicholas refused; moreover he recalled Formosus on the pretext
that he was needed at his own see in Italy. Hadrian continued this
policy; for he, believing the new Byzantine emperor Basil to be pro-
Roman, felt the papacy was free to do what it wanted in Bulgaria.
Thus Hadrian denied Boris's request in February, 868, that Deacon
Marin, another papal legate, be made the Bulgarian archbishop. These
papal rebuffs alienated Boris, who, regardless of the state of direct
Byzantine-papal relations, was an independent actor making his own
In the meantime Hadrian decided to take advantage of the
changed situation in Constantinople to assert Roman control over the
Byzantine church. He convoked a council in Rome in 869 which con-
demned Photius and declared that all bishops appointed by Photius
were deposed. This affected a large number of prelates because Pho-
tius had been patriarch for nine years. Then Hadrian sent two legates
to Constantinople to convoke a synod there to implement the decisions
of the Roman council. This, of course, was a much more stringent
policy than Basil had wanted; for though he had accepted Ignatius, he
wanted peace in his church.
The two legates arrived with orders not to discuss matters nor to
negotiate but to execute the decisions of the 869 Council of Rome.
Aware of the excommunication of the two legates, sent by Nicholas,
124 Early Medieval Balkans
who had not carried out Nicholas's exact instructions, they were not
about to repeat the mistake of their predecessors. Thus, they insisted
that every bishop in the Byzantine Empire, to retain his see, must
come to the council and sign a libellus which condemned Photius and
recognized papal primacy. Bishops ordained by Photius could only
receive lay communion henceforth, and Ignatians who had accepted
him were to suffer long penances. No discussion was to be allowed.
When the synod was convened in October, 869, Ignatius and
Basil, though shocked, signed the libellus; but a mere twelve bishops
signed it during the first session. By the ninth session only 103-a small
minority of eastern bishops-had signed. Rome clearly had misunder-
stood the situation in the East; otherwise the pope could not have been
so uncompromising. The majority of the eastern bishops were Moder-
ates. Moreover, the way papal policy was carried out insulted every-
one, including Ignatius and the Extremists. Photius refused to sign his
own excommunication and went into exile.
However, despite tensions, relations between the two churches
were never broken at any point in this quarrel. (Photius's excommuni-
cation of Nicholas was annulled by Basil before word of it reached
Rome.) It was in the midst of this quarrel that the Byzantine brothers,
Constantine and Methodius, were summoned to Rome where they
were well received, and given papal blessing for their work. In fact,
Hadrian appointed Methodius bishop of Sirmium, a newly revamped
see combining considerable territory in Pannonia and subject to Rome.
Boris, unhappy with the two popes' refusals to appoint the bishops he
wanted, sent delegates again led by his relative Kavkhan Peter early in
870 to the council in Constantinople which the two papal legates had
convened in 869. These envoys were instructed to ask the council
whether Bulgaria belonged to Rome or to Constantinople. The coun-
cil, whose membership was overwhelmingly from the East, declared
for Constantinople. Ignatius then appointed an archbishop for Bulgaria
who was promised considerable autonomy. He stood over at least five
dioceses. Byzantium then resumed sending Greek priests to Bulgaria.
Thus Ignatius and Basil, despite their attempts to have good
relations with Rome, could not sacrifice imperial interests to the ex-
tent of giving up Bulgaria. Furthermore both Moderates and Extrem-
ists shared the same ambitions regarding Bulgaria. Ignatius and many
of the Extremists (some of whom never did sign the libellus) must
also have been so exasperated by Roman behavior and arrogance by
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 125
870 that they would have wanted to thwart Rome in any way they
could. In any event, from this time there began a gradual reconcilia-
tion between Photius and Ignatius as well as between members of the
two Byzantine factions.
Boris was satisfied with the council's decision which gave him a
semiautonomous archbishop. The extent of this prelate's independence
is not known. However, it has been plausibly argued that the role of
Byzantium in the Bulgarian church was limited to appointing the arch-
bishop; once in Bulgaria he had complete autonomy. 6 If Boris had in
fact obtained so independent a prelate, his reasons for satisfaction with
his renewed ties with the Byzantine church are obvious. He again
admitted Greek priests and began expelling Latin ones. Thereafter
(excluding a brief period, to be discussed later, when Bulgaria may
have nominally belonged to Rome but during which Rome had no
actual influence on Bulgarian church policy), Bulgaria was to remain
under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Constantinople and part of the
Orthodox world. Such a connection suited the interests of Bulgaria's
rulers. It removed a major cause of tensions between Bulgaria and its
neighbor, Byzantium. Furthermore, excluding the period from the
1030s to 1186, when Bulgaria, annexed by Byzantium, had lost its
independence, the head of the Bulgarian church maintained this au-
tonomous position. The degree of autonomy allowed by Constantino-
ple was far greater than Bulgaria could have obtained from the pope.
The pope vehemently protested the council's decision on Bulgaria;
Hadrian claimed that Ignatius's reinstatement was based on his recog-
nition of Rome's rights in Bulgaria. A papal letter written in 874 by
John VIII makes this clear.
situation offensive to all Byzantines. Instead Basil made peace with the
Moderates. Photius returned from exile and was appointed tutor to
Basil's children.
It was also important for Byzantine policy to restore the Moder-
ates to favor because they included educated people (like Photius,
Constantine, Methodius) who would be valuable to the state. Basil
then succeeded in mediating the differences between the two sides; he
made peace between Ignatius and Photius, leaving Ignatius in office
with it understood that when he died Photius would succeed him. The
pope continued to write to Ignatius to withdraw his priests from Bul-
garia and to Boris to expel them, but these letters were ignored.
Ignatius died in 877 and Photius was again named patriarch. At
that time Basil convened a council, the purpose of which was to recon-
cile the last remnants of the feuding factions. Some legates from Pope
John VIII arrived in Constantinople at this moment. Unaware of Igna-
tius's death, they had no instructions on how to handle the new situa-
tion; Basil suggested they write the pope and delayed the council until
his reply arrived. John wrote back that Photius must apologize for his
past behavior and Byzantium must give up Bulgaria in order to gain his
recognition of Photius. When Photius refused to apologize, the legates
saw that schism would follow over this petty issue. So they agreed to
drop that point if Byzantium agreed to surrender Bulgaria to Rome.
Photius now expressed his willingness to subject Bulgaria to
Rome. He knew that, after the Byzantines' establishment of a Bulgar-
ian archbishopric with considerable autonomy and almost a decade of
Byzantine missionary effort, Boris was content. He saw that, regard-
less of what the council should decide, Boris, as an independent ruler,
would do precisely what he wanted. But in consenting, Photius said
that the actual decision would have to be left up to the emperor. The
legates, having learned that the emperor Basil would agree to give
Bulgaria to Rome, agreed to this condition. Thus a precedent was set
that the emperor should decide matters of church jurisdiction. Over
the next few years Bulgaria was not included in lists of sees subject to
the patriarch of Constantinople. However, Greek priests remained
there and it is evident that the Byzantine rulers did not care who sent
the pallium, the symbol of office, to the Bulgarian archbishop so long
as Byzantine priests ran the Bulgarian church. Moreover, as Photius
had anticipated, the council's decision had no practical effect, because
Boris refused to pay any attention to it. He did not reply to papal
letters about his church and it is almost certain that no Bulgarian
archbishop received the pallium from Rome. Thus the onus fell on
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 127
Until this time, the Greek priests in Bulgaria had been Greeks preach-
ing in Greek and using Greek texts. How many of them knew Slavic is
not known. Methodius's mission had been in Moravia. The papacy had
briefly supported his use of Slavonic there, and had made him bishop
of Sirmium. But after Rastislav was overthrown in 870, Methodius was
arrested. The Moravian state entered a period of close relations with
the Franks, which led to a ban upon the Slavonic liturgy. Pope John
VIII (872-82) procured Methodius's release from prison, but he sup-
ported the ban upon the Slavonic liturgy in Moravia. The papacy was
to maintain this position from then on. Methodius tried to ignore the
order; but soon, in April, 885, he died and his disciples were then
expelled from Moravia. This signalled the end of the Slavonic liturgy in
central Europe.
In 886 some of the Slavonic liturgists expelled from Moravia ar-
rived in Bulgaria, where they were welcomed by Boris. They began to
preach in Bulgaria; further they brought with them religious texts in
Slavonic and began to translate other texts. Thus the work of the
Slavonic mission was saved and Bulgaria acquired church services and
a literature in the vernacular (for Old Church Slavonic, the language of
the mission, was based on Bulgaro-Macedonian Slavic).
Over the following years more Slavonic liturgists came to Bulgaria
from Byzantium where many of them had been trained as missionaries
at the Patriarchal School. Thus two groups of clerics, one Slavic-
speaking, the other Greek-speaking, both from Byzantium, were ac-
tive in Bulgaria.
At first many of the Slavonic priests were sent into regions which
were heavily Slavic, in particular to Macedonia. Zlatarski has observed
that by the conquest of Macedonia Persian and/or Boris had united in
one state almost all the Bulgaro-Macedonian Slavs. But though these
tribes were all inside Bulgaria's borders, they were not yet sufficiently
united to guarantee the permanence of the state. Still lacking were
both a strong state organization and a common culture to bind them
together with each other and with the Bulgarian state. Surely their
loyalties and sense of identity were chiefly to tribe or region rather
than to any state. Thus there was a Bulgarian state but as yet there
were many people in it who did not have a sense of being Bulgarian.
The Slavonic mission was to be a major means of making these Slavs in
Macedonia-and other Slavs within the Bulgarian state as well-into
A religious educational center was established on Lake Ohrid in
128 Early Medieval Balkans
Slavic nor Bulgar in origin, as cement to bind the two peoples into a
single culture. Until now there had been a Bulgarian state, in which
lived Slavs and Bulgars, but there were no Bulgarian people. This
Boris's policies created. By the end of the ninth century, with Chris-
tianity making a strong contribution, the Bulgarians had become a
basically Slavic nation with an ethnic awareness that was to survive
through triumph and tragedy (including nearly two hundred years of
Byzantine rule from 1018 to 1186) to the present.
After Boris's reign, the sources no longer distinguish between
Bulgars and Slavs. Instead they refer to Bulgarians. This name, despite
its origins, came to signify the ethnically mixed population of Bulgaria
among whom the Slavic language triumphed. The Bulgar tongue died
out and modern Bulgarian retains less than a dozen words from it.
Presumably the use of the Slavic language, the employment of a
Slavic clergy, and Boris's policies which raised the Slavs to full mem-
bership in society did much to win the Slavs' loyalty to the khan and to
his state and thus to make it a state with popular backing. Over two
centuries an enormous change is visible; in the 680s the Bulgar khan
had been a warrior chief leading bands of horsemen and nomads pri-
marily seeking grazing grounds and booty. By the 880s he had become
a Christian, Slavic prince presiding over a settled state with defined
territorial boundaries (on the whole) and having a nascent system of
law and administration.
Throughout his reign Boris concerned himself with legal matters.
His letter to Pope Nicholas in 866 sought legal texts, secular as well as
religious. Subsequently under him, the text of Zakon sudnyi ljud'm
(Court Law for the People) based heavily on the Byzantine Jaw code
(The Ecloga), but adapted for Bulgarian conditions, appeared in Bul-
garia. Whether it was compiled in Bulgaria or brought there from
Moravia is heatedly debated among scholars but need not concern us.
The Court Law for the People deals with such matters as penalties
for paganism, testimony of witnesses, distribution of war booty, sexual
morality, marital relations, arson, theft, illegal enslavement, responsi-
bility of a master for the behavior of his slave, and offenses involving
horses and livestock. It imposed penalties for violations of its norms.
The code has been characterized as combining "elements of canon Jaw,
military law, civil law, and criminal law, private and public law, sub-
stantive norms and procedural guidelines. "K
Boris erected many churches including seven cathedrals in differ-
ent dioceses of Bulgaria. The most spectacular was the great basilica
built at his capital of Pliska, the seat of the archbishop. At ninety-nine
meters in length, roughly the length of a football field, it was the
130 Early Medieval Balkans
longest church in Europe of its day. During this time many pagan
temples were converted into churches. Boris also encouraged the de-
velopment of monasticism. Various monasteries were built, some, as
noted, becoming intellectual centers. They began to acquire tracts of
land through donations.
Thus Boris Christianized his state, laid the basis for a Slavic liter-
ary culture (which, based on translations from Byzantine texts, meant
bringing to Bulgaria elements of the rich Byzantine culture), presided
over the final phase in the slavicization of the Bulgars, and reduced to
some extent the position of the old boyars. Furthermore, after the
series of unsuccessful military conflicts in the first decade of his reign,
he kept Bulgaria at peace during the final twenty-five years he ruled.
Considering Bulgaria's neighbors and the tensions existing between
them and Bulgaria at the time, this too was a remarkable achievement.
Having seen his country through this great revolution, Boris fell seri-
ously ill. Apparently genuinely religious, he abdicated in 889 and re-
tired to a monastery. His eldest son Vladimir succeeded. Vladimir fell
under the influence of the old boyars, many of whom had remained
anti-Christian and anti-Byzantine. He attempted to restore the former
Frankish alliance and also to reestablish paganism. The Bulgarian
archbishop was martyred and many churches, including Boris's great
basilica at Pliska, were seriously defaced or destroyed.
Afraid that his life's work might be undone, Boris left his monastery in
893 to lead a coup that overthrew his son Vladimir, who was deposed
and blinded. After this triumph, Boris convoked that same year a large
council, not at Pliska (the capital and long the Bulgar center) but at
Preslav, which, though in the same general area, seems to have been
chiefly a Slavic town and a Christian center. Near it was located the
royal monastery of Tica where Boris's second son Symeon and probably
Boris were resident. The council recognized Vladimir's deposition. It
then released Symeon from his monastic vows and proclaimed him the
new ruler. Next it declared Christianity the religion of state. And, if a
later Russian chronicle is accurate, Slavonic was proclaimed the official
language of church and state. Finally it decreed that henceforth Preslav
should be the capital of Bulgaria. Then Boris, having restored matters
to what he felt were a more satisfactory state, returned to the nearby
Tica monastery from which he presumably kept an eye on things.
Bulgaria in the Ninth Century 131
Thus Pliska, the Bulgar center where boyar influence still seems
to have been strong, was abandoned as an administrative center and
the capital was established in a Slavic and Christian town. Probably
behind this decision also was Preslav's proximity to the monastery in
which Boris was resident. If Preslav was the capital, Boris could be
much more closely in touch with events and have more impact upon
them. This shift of capitals was to further diminish the influence of
the old boyars and encourage further slavicization of the already well-
slavicized state. Furthermore in Preslav the influence of Christianity
was stronger than that of paganism.
Certain scholars have claimed that state councils, like the Preslav
gathering, were regular institutions. However, there is danger in trying
to overformalize the institutional structure of a relatively primitive
state. Such gatherings may have been common on a clan or tribal level,
but no evidence exists that they were regular on a state level. This
council is the first one known and it clearly was called to meet an
extraordinary situation.
Bulgaria under ~ymeon, 893-927 133
For who could ever have anticipated that Symeon, who for his
great wisdom, for the favor shown him by heaven, has led the
Bulgarian nation to a height of glory, who more than any man
detests knavery, who honors justice, who abominates injustice,
who is above sensual pleasures, who stints his belly like a hermit
on the mountains, who tastes no wine .... 1
As noted earlier, Boris had made Clement, who headed the Slavonic
mission at Ohrid, independent of the Greek who was archbishop of
Bulgaria. In 894 Symeon raised Clement to the rank of bishop and
placed him over a newly established see (generally thought to include
all of Macedonia as far east as Skopje) in a purely Slavic region. He
was the first Slavonic-rite bishop in Bulgaria, a position he held until
his death in July 916. Soon the rest of Bulgaria (the older core area in
the northeast) received a Slavic bishop too. This bishop, named Con-
stantine, resided at the important Tica monastery. Thus, following the
council of 893, the Slavonic rite triumphed completely.
These acts marked the end of the Greek liturgy in Bulgaria, and
Greek-speaking priests began to leave. They were replaced by the new
generation of actual Bulgarians, who had been taught by the Slavonic
missionaries. Bulgaria thus was well on its way to having its own en-
tirely independent church staffed by Bulgarians rather than Greeks.
Generally it has been stated that there was no Byzantine protest
over either Symeon's appointments or his ousting of the Greek-
language clerics. This would have been in keeping with Byzantine policy
because the language of the liturgy for peoples beyond the imperial
borders was not an important issue for the Greeks. But though there is
no sign of any official Byzantine protest or of any Byzantine political
acts against Bulgaria, it seems that some objections were made-quite
likely by the individual clerics who were being expelled. From Symeon's
time the following defense of the Slavic language and letters written by a
monk, Hrabr (the Brave One), has survived. Presumably it was written
in response to some Greek protests.
The Slavs at first had no books, but, being pagans, they read
and divined by means of lines and notches. When they became
Christians they had to write the Slavic tongue with unadapted
Roman and Greek letters. But how can one write well with Greek
letters BOrn or JKHBOTn or C'BJIO or U:PbRBbl .... And
so it was for many years.
Then, God who loves man and who takes care of everything
and does not leave mankind senseless but leads all to reason and
salvation, took mercy upon the Slavic race and sent it St. Constan-
tine the Philosopher, called Cyril. . . . He devised for them 38
letters, some modeled on the Greek letters, others to fit the Slavic
speech. He started from the Greek alphabet: they say "alpha" and
he says "az." Both alphabets thus begin with "a." Just as the
Bulgaria under Symeon, 893-927 135
the idea that there are only three holy languages. This argument would
be irrelevant if one were differentiating between two Slavic alphabets.
Linguists have often assumed that, before Cyrillic triumphed over
the earlier Glagolitic alphabet, some sort of conflict occurred between
proponents of the two Slavic alphabets. However, in our sources there
is no sign of any conflict between proponents of one against the other.
As Cyrillic triumphed, there is no evidence of a resistance movement
by defenders of Glagolitic.
A small Byzantine force was sent out against the Bulgarians (still in
894) but was defeated. Captured members of the imperial guard had
their noses cut off and were then sent home. After this failure, the
Byzantines decided they needed outside aid and called on the Magyars
(or Hungarians), then living between the Dnepr and the Danube, to
attack Bulgaria in the rear from the north. After crossing the Danube on
Byzantine ships, the Magyars ravaged Bulgarian territory and Symeon
had to seek refuge in the fortress of Silistria while the Magyars ran riot;
they even sacked Preslav. This was the first Hungarian intervention in
European affairs.
Simultaneously, Byzantine armies attacked Bulgaria from the
south, and the imperial fleet blockaded the mouth of the Danube.
Symeon had no choice but to send envoys to Byzantium to seek peace.
However, at the same time he sent off a second embassy to a Turkic
tribe known as the Pechenegs (or Patzinaks) who lived in the Steppes
to the east of the Magyars and who could strike at them in the rear.
The Pechenegs agreed to help.
The Byzantines responded to Symeon's request for a truce by
sending to him an envoy named Leo Choerosphaktes. Annoyed by the
whole situation, Symeon pitched the envoy in jail and carried on all his
negotiations with him there. Needless to say, the Byzantines were not
pleased with the treatment of their envoy. A truce was arranged but
the two sides continued bickering as to the terms of the treaty that was
to follow; a point of contention was the exchange of prisoners.
Symeon clearly was in no hurry, for he burned for revenge on the
Byzantines for calling in a non-Christian people (the Hungarians)
against Christian Bulgaria. Thus he did not want a real treaty but rather
wanted to mark time until the Pechenegs sent aid which would free his
own armies to punish the Byzantines. Therefore Symeon continued to
stall over the negotiations and showed constant suspicion over the word-
ing of Byzantine notes; however, the worries he expressed may not have
only been intended to stall, for Byzantine behavior was rarely above
suspicion and probably Symeon really expected the empire to try to
trick him. He constantly sought further clarifications and exact mean-
ings of words. When the Byzantines grew impatient, Symeon replied to
the envoy:
The eclipse of the sun, and its date, not only to the month, week,
or day, but to the hour and second, your emperor prophesied to
us the year before last in the most marvellous fashion. And he
also explained how long the eclipse of the moon will last. And
they say he knows many other things about the movements of
Bulgaria under Symeon, 893-927 139
In the beginning of the tenth century, as noted above, the Arabs had
completed the conquest of Sicily and Arab pirates terrorized the Ae-
gean. In 902 they laid waste to the coast of Thessaly and the Pelopon-
nesus. Then in 904 they captured Thessaloniki. After carrying out a
bloodbath, the Arabs withdrew with many prisoners and a tremendous
amount of booty. This was the first time in centuries that that great,
and often threatened, city had been taken. After the Arabs had de-
parted, Symeon's armies appeared in the vicinity; Thessaloniki lay
open to them. Symeon capitalized on the situation to open negotia-
tions with Byzantium. In exchange for not taking Thessaloniki Symeon
received great territorial compensation-some new territory and recog-
nition of other territories long held but never recognized as Bulgarian
by the empire. He extended his borders up to Nea Philadelphia
(Nares) some twenty-two kilometers north of Thessaloniki. He also
acquired some Thracian territory. In addition the Byzantines finally
recognized Bulgarian possession of most of Macedonia. Most or all of
this Macedonian territory had been held by the Bulgarian state since
the middle of the ninth century. During that time the Bulgarians had
consolidated their actual hold over it. Now, with their possession re-
cognized, the Bulgarians completed their annexation of the Bulgaro-
Macedonian Slavic tribes to the west of the original Bulgarian state.
Whether Symeon would have been wiser to have grabbed, refortified,
and tried to hold Thessaloniki is a matter of debate.
Bulgaria under Symeon, 893-927 141
have been chiefly pagans. However, Peter's name shows him to have
been a Christian; possibly during his long reign he encouraged the
spread of that religion. Also since Serbia bordered on Bulgaria presu-
mably Christian influences and perhaps missionaries came from there.
Such contacts may well have increased during the twenty-year peace
and alliance which existed between the two nations from 897 to 917.
War Breaks Out between Bulgaria and Byzantium, 913
The emperor Leo VI died on the eleventh of May, 912. His brother,
Alexander, is depicted as hardly being able to wait to seize the throne.
He came to the deathbed and Leo's last recorded utterance supposedly
was "here comes the man of thirteen months." This, according to
Jenkins, meant that the brother was an evil omen like the intercalary
year which added an extra month to square the solar and the lunar
cycles; but when Alexander died after thirteen months this was seen as
prophetic and added to Leo's reputation as a wizard.
Almost all the sources are hostile to Alexander and thus he has for
a long time been depicted by scholars as one of the worst of all the
Byzantine emperors. Recently, however, Karlin-Hayter has turned out
a fine study, demonstrating the bias of all the sources as well as their
inconsistencies, and suggesting that perhaps Alexander was really not
the incompetent debauched drunkard that the sources make him seem. 4
Unfortunately, sources are lacking to prove the point, but at least we
should pause before accepting all the statements made against him.
In any case Alexander set about reversing various of Leo's poli-
cies, removing Leo's advisors and officers and bringing in other
people, some of whom clearly were his own cronies. Among the
people he put into power was Nicholas Mysticus. Nicholas had been
patriarch under Leo but had been deposed when he refused to allow
Leo's uncanonical fourth marriage. Leo had then ousted Nicholas and
replaced him with a monk named Euthymius. Alexander clearly had
little to gain by recognizing the fourth marriage since by it was legiti-
mized the heir to the throne, Leo's sickly and minor son Constantine
Porphyrogenitus, the future emperor and author, whose writings pro-
vide one of our most valuable collections of sources. Thus it probably
made sense to restore to power the former patriarch who did not
recognize the boy's legitimacy. Nicholas was to remain in office and be
a major figure in subsequent relations with Bulgaria. The partisans of
Euthymius, whom Alexander deposed, needless to say had little love
for either Alexander or Nicholas. Since one of our major sources is a
life of Euthymius, it perhaps is not surprising that Alexander has been
treated so harshly by scholars.
Bulgaria under Symeon, 893-927 143
This was an ideal time for Symeon to attack Byzantium. The child
emperor was in the hands of a regent who considered him illegitimate
and the boy's mother, Zoe, had been exiled against her will to a
monastery, from where she was presumably plotting her return. In the
midst of this chaos in August 913 Symeon appeared before the walls of
144 Early Medieval Balkans
Symeon's Coronation
some fourteen years after the 913 "coronation." I shall quote the text,
inserting in brackets various words of explanation; the identification of
individuals referred to in the text was made by the source's editor,
Romilly Jenkins, whose translation I use: 9
Quite clearly Nicholas did not say the words attributed to him
since Symeon would have been furious at the very least and nothing
Bulgaria under Symeon, 893-927 147
would have been achieved by the meeting and ceremony. The ravaging
of the environs of the capital would have begun again. Thus this must
be taken as the orator's explanation of what happened and what
Nicholas's ceremony meant, but presented by the orator in an amusing
way for the benefit of the court audience listening to him in 927.
been looking for accuracy. In any case, regardless of how serious the
ceremony was, Jenkins believes that Symeon left it believing that he
had been crowned basileus of the Bulgarians.
It seems safe to conclude that Symeon did not think he had been
made a fool of. He evidently did leave the meeting thinking he had
been crowned in a real ceremony with the title that he expected. Thus
he felt that he had achieved his aims and was able to return to Bul-
garia, vowing peace with Byzantium. Clearly he was satisfied; other-
wise, and particularly if he felt the Byzantines were making fun of him,
he would have resumed the war.
However, once again the situation was quickly altered by a rna jor
change in Constantinople. Constantine VII's mother, Zoe, entered the
scene. She had been chafing at the bit because of her incarceration in a
convent and her desire for political power. Moreover she was furious
at Nicholas's total capitulation to Symeon and at the idea that her son
should marry a Bulgarian princess. The capitulation also seems to have
been unpopular with the populace of the capital. So Zoe led a palace
coup and ousted Nicholas as regent. She had long hated him for his
attacks on her, the fourth wife whose marriage to Leo he would not
accept. However, Nicholas was allowed to remain as patriarch and a
hostile source states that he was now free to return to the church, for,
as regent, even though he had been patriarch, he had not entered a
church in eight months. Zoe, as regent, repudiated the title granted to
Symeon and nullified the marriage plans made for her son by Nicholas.
This provoked Symeon into war again; he ravaged Thrace and
conquered (though he did not try to retain) Adrianople. Over the
next decade he carried out a continuing war to conquer the Byzantine
Byzantium, hard pressed, had no choice but to look for allies;
the empire sent envoys to the Magyars, Pechenegs, and Serbs. The
results of the discussions with the Magyars are not known (the Mag-
yars remained idle in any case). The Pechenegs promised to help.
The Serbs were then ruled by Peter Gojnikovic, since 897 theoreti-
cally a Bulgarian vassal, though not necessarily a willing one. Peter
was now offered money and a chance for greater independence by
the strategos of Durazzo. With these inducements it seems Peter
agreed to join the coalition against Bulgaria. However, during the
previous years he had been expanding his state to the west, defeating
Tisemir of Bosnia, annexing the valley of the River Bosna and then
Bulgaria under Symeon, 893-927 149
the Bulgarian ruler to plead for peace and mercy. His letter presents
the Byzantine side. It explains why the empire attacked Bulgaria or at
least gives the reasons the empire issued for public consumption.
Nicholas admits that the empire had been wrong to attack Symeon and
claims that he had opposed the attack all along but had been unable to
influence the planners, who were upset by Bulgarian raids on Byzan-
tine Thrace and Symeon's negotiations with the Pechenegs. The pur-
pose of the attack, he claims, had been to force Symeon to evacuate
the regions around Thessaloniki and Durazzo; but though this was the
reason, Nicholas admits this was still no excuse for the invasion.
Nicholas exhorts Symeon to be a good Christian and forgive his fellow
Christian Byzantines. Symeon's victory resulted from the will of God
as punishment for the sins of the Byzantines; let not Symeon become
overconfident or haughty lest God strike his armies down, particularly
if he should wickedly invade the empire now. 111
After Anchialos, and still in 917, Symeon invaded Serbia and
deposed Peter whom he took back to Bulgaria and imprisoned. Peter
died in jail within the year. Then Symeon placed Mutimir's grandson
Pavel (the son of Bran Mutimirovic who had led an unsuccessful rebel-
lion against Peter in 894) on the Serbian throne. Pavel had long been
living in Bulgaria. If in fact this Serbian war occurred after Anchialos,
then the making of Serbia into a puppet state, a situation which would
last until the conflict in 921, was a second result of that great victory
over the Byzantines. In any case by the end of 917 Pavel, the Bulgar-
ian candidate, was on the Serbian throne.
It seems that in 918 or 919 Symeon launched a major raid on
Greece with his troops reaching the Gulf of Corinth. Why did he do
this now rather than direct an attack against Constantinople? Did he
hope to divert Byzantine troops thither away from the defense of the
capital? Did he need booty to support his army? His motives are not
In any case, the empire was in desperate straits. The population
seems to have believed that Zoe was incompetent to do anything and
that it was necessary to have a man, and presumably a military leader,
as emperor. This gave Romanus Lecapenus, the admiral, the opportu-
nity to seize power in 919. Symeon's involvement in Greece certainly
made it easier for Romanus to act freely in the capital without fear of
outside interference. In May 919 Romanus married Constantine VII to
his own daughter Helena, thus thwarting Symeon's ambition and mak-
ing himself father-in-law to the emperor. What Constantine at the time
thought of these events is unknown but as Jenkins nicely put it: "Con-
stantine may be accounted lucky to have lived in the tenth rather than
Bulgaria under Symeon, 893-927 151
then quickly sent their own embassy to North Africa to outbid Sym-
eon. The Arabs then agreed, for a price, not to aid Symeon. Symeon
meanwhile spent a long period in ignorance of these developments,
killing time by pillaging Thrace. When word finally reached him of
what had happened, he responded by jailing a Byzantine embassy
which he kept imprisoned in Preslav.
After his failure to obtain a fleet and the defeat of his small army
at the hands of Zaharije in Serbia, Symeon finally decided to meet
with the emperor Romanus. Possibly he saw this meeting as a means of
establishing a truce to secure his eastern border so that he could attack
the Serbs. At least, that is what was to happen; however, the result
may not have been his initial intent. In any case, in September 923 he
appeared before the walls of Constantinople with his army, which
pillaged the suburbs of the capital and burned a church of the Virgin of
great age. Symeon demanded an interview with the emperor and a
meeting was arranged.
Symeon appeared on a magnificent horse surrounded by armed
soldiers shouting in Greek "Glory to Symeon, the Emperor (Basil-
eus)." This was presumably intended to be insulting. It is not evidence.
as some have claimed, that the Bulgarian soldiers knew Greek. They
could easily have learned one phrase in a foreign tongue. The insult
was lessened by the fact that Constantine, the people of the capital's
real emperor, was not there.
After the two rulers had kissed, the emperor Romanus asked
Symeon to stop shedding Christian blood; he offered Symeon all the
wealth he could dream of if he would make peace and directed a small
sermon at Symeon about his mortality. How could Symeon face God
with all that blood on his hands? According to the Byzantine sources,
Symeon had no reply for these stirring words. But if he had no replies
for the emperor-which is quite doubtful-he certainly had plenty to
say to the patriarch, for in a subsequent letter, Nicholas complains to
or, at all events, temporarily to expel from the Church those who
refused to obey my exhortations. 12
After the interview Symeon rode away. At the same moment, the
chronicler reports, two eagles were seen flying high in the air over the
assemblage. Then they parted with one flying over the city, while the
other winged its way northwards into Thrace. This was seen as an
omen representing the fates of the two rulers. However, though a
peace was discussed, Symeon quickly left before signing and swearing
to any terms. Presumably he had no intention of making peace with
Byzantium, but expressed such a desire to keep the Greeks at peace so
he could settle Serbian affairs to his liking.
In 924 Symeon sent a large army against Zaharije in Serbia. The
army was accompanied by Caslav (the son of Klonimir Strojimirovic
whom Symeon had unsuccessfully supported against Peter back in
896). Caslav had long been a hostage in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian
armies ravaged a good part of Serbia and forced Zaharije to flee to
Croatia. Symeon then summoned the Serbian zupans (county lords) to
pay homage to Caslav. When they came, he took them all prisoner and
arrested Caslav as well and sent them all back to Bulgaria as captives.
Symeon thus annexed Serbia directly, a necessary move since the Serbs
had proved to be unreliable allies. This annexation considerably ex-
panded Symeon's state, which came to border directly on that of his
ally, Michael of Zahumlje, and on Croatia (where Zaharije had sought
refuge). Croatia was then under the greatest of its medieval rulers,
King Tomislav, who also had gpod relations with Byzantium. This was
a dangerous neighbor.
In the fall of 924, after his successful Serbian venture, Symeon's
armies reoccupied various imperial towns in Thrace. After the death of
Nicholas Mysticus in May 925, Symeon wrote to Romanus; unfortu-
nately once again only Romanus's reply survives (preserved in a twelfth-
century manuscript). In this reply Romanus objects to Symeon's styling
himself "emperor of the Bulgarians and Romans," stating that he per-
sonally does not care what Symeon calls himself; he could call himself
the caliph of Baghdad for all he cares. Important only is the power
sanctioned by God. Neither force nor the shedding of blood gives one
the right to rule. Symeon's conquest of provinces had been the fruit of
rapine and does not give him legitimate sovereignity over the conquered
provinces. How can he call himself emperor of the Bulgarians when
twenty thousand of his own people had sought refuge in the Byzantine
Empire? (This figure is possibly exaggerated, and Zlatarski reasonably
wonders, since this was written in 925, the year after the annexation of
Bulgaria under Symeon, 893-927 155
Symeon's Title
Emperor Romanus's letter states that Symeon was using the title "em-
peror of the Bulgarians and Romans." However, there is reason to
raise the question: did Symeon really call himself by this title? After all
it is preserved in a hostile Byzantine source. Furthermore, another
source exists which gives Symeon another title. A seal used by Symeon
renders his title simply "Emperor of the Romans"; Bulgaria is not
mentioned on it. This title is certainly more reasonable for a man-like
Symeon-acquainted with imperial theory, according to which there
could only be one emperor on earth, the emperor of the Romans. The
seal seems to indicate that at some time he simply took that title. And
if his title included Romans, there would be no reason to add anything
else (i.e., Bulgarians) for Romans was a universal title that encom-
passed the world.
When Symeon took the Roman imperial title is unknown, though
many scholars give one of two dates-918119 or 925-as a fact. Symeon
had been crowned emperor of the Bulgarians by Patriarch Nicholas
Mysticus in 913. Unless this coronation was in fact a sham which
Symeon had come to realize, he would not have needed a second
coronation for that title, despite Zoe's repudiation of it. To have had a
second ceremony for it would have recognized that repudiation. By
925, when he wrote Romanus, Symeon had either added "and Ro-
mans" to "of the Bulgarians" or what is more likely replaced the
phrase "of the Bulgarians" by the phrase "of the Romans." Since
Symeon, as much if not more than most other medieval rulers, had a
strong sense of theatre, we can assume this titular change emerged
from a ceremony, one held in his Bulgaria. Many scholars have given
925 as its date. However, this date is based simply on Romanus's 925
letter objecting to his use of the title and shows only that the ceremony
had occurred by 925.
The other date given is 918/19. It was advanced so positively by
Zlatarski that many subsequent scholars have taken it as fact. Zlatar-
ski, it should be noted, however, believed that Nicholas had crowned
156 Early Medieval Balkans
In the spring of 927 Symeon once again led his armies on the route
toward Constantinople, but this time, like his great predecessor Krum,
he died en route. Symeon was about sixty-three. The cause of his
death is given in a wide assortment of Byzantine sources.
In May 927 an astrologer named John discovered in the forum of
Constantinople the double of the tsar Symeon. It was a statue which
looked toward the west. The astrologer hastened to reveal his discov-
ery to the emperor Romanus. "Your majesty," he said, "if you but
strike that statue on the head, Symeon that instant will cease to live."
The emperor ordered the destruction of the marble statue in which
the shades of the Bulgarian sovereign resided. At the same hour that
the statue was smashed, the heart of the old tsar weakened and he
160 Early Medieval Balkans
extended them well into Bosnia. Caslav was killed in about 960, fight-
ing the Hungarians in that region.
The other Serbian state of this period was that of Michael of Za-
humlje, Symeon's loyal ally. It is generally believed that he remained
loyal to Symeon until Symeon 's death in 927, after which, lacking the
Bulgarian prop, he made peace with the empire and accepted the court
ranks of proconsul and patrician. Some scholars have argued that since
he participated in a church council in Split in 925 along with a Byzan-
tine client, Tomislav, whom Symeon was to attack the following year,
he must have broken off with Symeon. However, this is poor reason-
ing; this church council decided on matters that affected churches all
along Dalmatia, both in Croatia and Zahumlje. Both rulers, regardless
of other alliances, were under papal jurisdiction. It was both their duty
and in their interests to participate in this council. Thus there is no
reason to see Michael's participation in the 925 council as evidence
that he had abandoned his alliance with Symeon for one with Byzan-
tium. Nor does his presence at the council with Tomislav show that he
was allied with him. Furthermore Michael could have maintained good
relations simultaneously with both Balkan rulers-despite the hostili-
ties between them-and as far as we know Michael was neutral and did
not participate in the 926 Bulgar-Croatian war. In any case, after
Symeon's death, Michael patched up his relations with the empire,
while maintaining good relations with the papacy. He remained as
ruler of Zahumlje into the 940s.
Symeon had had two marriages; by the first he had a son, Michael
(who became a monk), and by the second three sons (Peter, John, and
Benjamin [Bajan]). His second wife was the sister of a prominent
boyar, George Sursuvul. On Symeon's death Peter, the eldest son of
the second marriage, succeeded. Why Michael had been ousted from
succession is not known; possibly he lacked ability, possibly it was the
result of the influence of the second wife and her family. Supporting
the second possibility is the fact that on Symeon's death George Sursu-
vul was at first more or less a regent for Peter, illustrating his great
influence at court.
Immediately after Symeon's death Peter and his uncle George
Sursuvul renewed the war with Byzantium and raided Thrace to show
Bulgaria after Symeon, 927-1018 161
serve-and if so, for how long they served-or whether the ten were
great local magnates holding lands in these provinces-having their
own local power bases-who were recognized as rulers of their own
counties by the ruler. To know which of these alternatives existed
would tell us a great deal about the strength of the central government:
whether it to some degree controlled the provinces with its administra-
tion or whether it relied on a loose federation of local autonomous
counties which ran themselves, simply providing military service and
taxes to the state on specified occasions.
The only two cases of provinces clearly being governed by out-
siders appointed by the ruler were exceptional ones. Krum appointed
three high Bulgars to govern the territory in Thrace which he had
wrested from the Byzantines. And here, it may be noted, he had
Greeks in the positions just beneath these Bulgars. Second, Omurtag
sent Bulgar governors to rule over the Timok Slavs after he suppressed
their rebellion. Since both these regions had just been conquered and
considerable opposition to Bulgar rule might have been expected, it is
impossible to draw conclusions from them about how the central Bul-
garian lands were governed.
The prestige of the monarchy had increased through the success of
various great war leaders and through the concept of the prince ruling
by the grace of God. But poor communications and the lack of any
sort of bureaucracy operating in the provinces indicate that central
control of the provinces must have been weak. Either great power
would have been left in the hands of local figures or a small number of
men would have been sent out from the center who, lacking any sort of
staff other than possibly a small garrison of troops, would have had to
carry out their functions with local support. In these provinces presum-
ably the nobles more or less ran their own lands, jointly took care of
local problems and had little dealings with the state other than provid-
ing the military service required of them and paying whatever tribute
or taxes were demanded. At times they surely tried to evade these two
obligations. On such an occasion, if the ruler's representatives could
not coax or threaten them to meet their obligation, the ruler would
have had to bring them to obedience by a punitive action.
Thus one can assume that the state received loyalty and obedience
through the carrot or the stick. That is, if a ruler-like Krum or
Symeon-was a great warrior whose campaigns brought in great
booty, then he would have obedience by the carrot of reward. If the
carrot did not work, then he had to force obedience by a punitive raid,
using sufficient loyal forces to bring the recalcitrant provincial to heel.
The great landlords were also probably the great military com-
Bulgaria after Symeon, 927-1018 167
manders. If the state had tried to thwart them, it risked turning them
against itself. Other than particular state actions against disobedient
individuals (executions and confiscations for particular crimes), the
ruler probably left the land-owning aristocrats in possession of their
privileges as a class. There was surely considerable brigandage and
insecurity on the roads and this frequently may have been carried out
by the nobles themselves (as well as by outlaw bands). In fact, it is
often hard to distinguish between a noble warrior and a brigand chief.
Besides the normal administration whose authority presumably
declined in direct proportion to the distance from the capital, extraor-
dinary institutions could be convoked at critical moments to rally sup-
port for an important policy, such as councils which might be either
secular or ecclesiastical. These had their roots in the earlier tribal
councils where the clan or tribe was summoned to discuss important
issues. Originally such a council would have been held in an open
place, like a market; later it probably tended to be held at a church. In
addition to small-scale (tribal or local) meetings which probably were
held relatively often, though not on any kind of regularly scheduled
basis, large national councils occurred (such as the Preslav council of
893). But though there were examples of national councils, there is no
evidence that they were convened regularly. They seem to have been
convoked for extraordinary situations like that in 893. Since they were
not regular institutions, though some scholars have tried to make them
so, it is meaningless to argue about whether they legislated policy or
were only advisory. How decisive the vote of a council was would not
have been based on any sort of constitution or defined set of rules, but
rather, according to the balance of power between the different ele-
ments at a particular council. Since the ruler seems to have convoked
them, presumably he would have done so only when he wanted to rally
support for a particular policy and when he was sure his viewpoint
would triumph.
In addition to council decisions and edicts by the ruler, which
would be implemented throughout the country to the extent his repre-
sentatives were able to enforce them, laws existed. Originally these
probably consisted simply of charters and treaties. A subjected tribe
accepted Bulgarian suzerainty which entailed a certain number of obli-
gations. As long as these were met the tribe continued to administer
itself by its own customs. From their early days in the Balkans the
great boyars presumably also had agreements with the khan on mutual
obligations. Eventually such obligations would have become recorded
in individual charters of privilege. In addition to these charters, which
were individual privileges or laws, the state, to maintain order, circu-
168 Early Medieval Balkans
The Bogomil heresy arose in Bulgaria during the reign of Peter. Presum-
ably the Christianization of Bulgaria entailed the conversion of the
elite, the formation of a priestly class, and subsequently the religion's
gradual spread throughout society. By the time of Peter, some sixty
years after the official conversion, most Bulgarians probably were at
least nominally Christian; however, many of these nominal Christians
must certainly have retained many pagan practices. But the established
church-the Bulgarian Orthodox church-regardless of the beliefs of
many of its uneducated members, was a duplicate of the Byzantine
church, though with a Slavonic liturgy and with a leadership lacking
the theological brilliance of its Byzantine counterparts.
The Bogomil heresy arose in Bulgaria, a state in which over ninety
percent of the population was peasant and illiterate. Thus we should
pause before we treat-as many scholars have-Bulgarian Bogomilism
as an intellectual movement or stress its doctrinal aspects. Other schol-
ars have treated the Bulgarian heresy as a popular movement; and
though they may admit the leadership was primarily interested in the-
ology, they argue that the heresy acquired its following for non doctrin-
al reasons. In this way one can convert what may have originally been
a more or less crudely expressed theological doctrine into an ideology
for some sort of social protest. Recently a large proportion of writings
on the heresy have been written by either theologians and church
historians, who stress the doctrinal side, or by Marxists, who have
stressed the social (and class struggle) side. But whether treated as a
theological or a social movement, Bogomilism has always been con-
sidered by scholars as a large and significant movement, one of the
major phenomena of medieval Bulgarian history.
Before turning to the heresy itself, it makes sense to stress the fact
that an overwhelming majority of Bulgarians were peasants. As I have
argued in detail elsewhere, 2 the religion of Balkan (and other) peasants
is practice-oriented and deals primarily with this world. It has little or
no doctrine and its emphasis is chiefly or even entirely upon practices
that aim at worldly goals: at the health and welfare of family, crops,
and animals. It clearly would be difficult to effectively propagate a new
creed in such a society, indifferent to formal religion and already at-
tached to old rituals which served these worldly needs. Moreover,
furthering the difficulties of the new creed's dissemination would be
172 Early Medieval Balkans
miracles have not occurred by the will of God but by the devil who
makes them to seduce men.
They claim that not God but the devil was the creator of the
visible world. They ask how can one adore the cross? It was on it that
the Jews crucified the Son of God. The cross is therefore the enemy of
God. They teach their adherents to detest it, saying that if someone
killed the son of the king with a piece of wood, would that wood be
dear to the king? Communion was not instituted by the command of
God, and the Eucharist is not really the body of Christ but simple food
like any other. They do not believe that the words of priests are
sanctified by God. If priests are sanctified, then why do they not live as
they should?
They are opposed to priests, churches, prayers (except for the
Lord's Prayer), and reject the Law of Moses and the Books of the
Prophets. They do not honor the Virgin Mary. They say a great
deal of nonsense about her that Cosmas cannot even repeat. How-
ever, through fear of men they frequent churches and kiss the cross
and icons as those who have been converted to Orthodoxy report to
us. They say: all the honor we pay icons (and the like) is because of
men and not because of the heart. In secret we keep hidden our
beliefs. They do not accept the Old Testament, but only the Gos-
pels. They live not according to the Law of Moses but according to
that of the Apostles. They make the devil the creator of men and of
all divine creation; some call him a fallen angel. (Cosmas then goes
on to make it seem they worship the devil since they have made
him the creator.)
The heretics spread their venom under the veil of humility and
hypocritical abstinence; or, holding in their hands the Gospels, they
give impious interpretations and try by these means to trap men. They
say it is by will of the devil that all exists-the sky, sun, stars, air,
earth, men, churches, the cross, and all that moves on earth. They
make the Lord have two sons, Christ the elder and the devil the
younger. It is the devil (Mammon) who commanded men to take
wives, eat meat, and drink wine. They call themselves the inhabitants
of heaven; they refuse all joys of life not by abstinence as we [Ortho-
dox monks] do but because they claim these acts are impure. The
Orthodox Christian, believing God made the world, sees nothing im-
pure in these acts. Cosmas says that wine is fine in moderation whereas
the heretics absolutely forbid touching it and meat. They reject bap-
tism and hold in horror a baptized child. They call themselves Chris-
tians but do not have priests to baptize them. They do not make the
sign of the cross or accept the chanting of priests and do not hold
Bulgaria after Symeon, 927-1018 175
bodies, desired to escape from matter and return to it. Since they did
not know how, God sent Christ to earth with a message to explain the
way. Christ, however, was entirely spirit. He only appeared to be a
man but did not really undergo any of the earthly experiences attrib-
uted to Him. Thus He was not really born and did not really die, for
He could not take on the evil of matter. His message of how to escape
from matter is contained in the Gospels.
In simplified form He taught the following: souls through repro-
duction and sin on earth have become perpetually bound to this world;
as a result when a man dies his soul is reborn in another earthly body.
The only way to escape to heaven is to lead an ascetic life, praying so
many times a day, and practicing only spiritual sacraments (avoiding in
worship all material objects, baptism with water, crosses, icons,
churches, etc.); one must avoid sex (and marriage) and anything born
of sexual acts (e.g., meat).
Of course such an ascetic life is impossible for most people; thus
western society was divided into two orders: the perfecti (priesthood)
who have undergone a spiritual initiation and become possessed of the
Holy Spirit, and the believers. The believers led normal lives and then
late in life (when widowed or on their death beds) received the spiritual
initiation and became perfecti. If one failed to receive this initiation,
after his death he would be reborn as a man again. The perfecti led a
wandering ascetic life, doing no manual labor, and being fed by the be-
lievers. If they sinned, they had to be initiated all over again. The west-
ern dualists were divided into many "churches," each under a bishop.
Some aspects of the composite picture outlined above cannot be
corroborated in the Bulgarian sources and thus may not be accurate in
respect to Bulgaria. For as noted this composite picture is drawn from
many different places (Bulgaria, Anatolia, southern France, northern
Italy) over a long period, from the tenth to the fourteenth centuries. It
cannot be assumed that a foreign belief-even though ties between
Bulgaria and the western heretics can be shown-was also held in
Bulgaria if it is not documented there.
Though one can dispute whether the Bogomils held certain spe-
cific beliefs found in this composite picture, still a considerable amount
is known from Bulgarian sources about Bogomilism's theology and
general spirit. However, very little is known about other aspects of the
heresy, even though some scholars present detailed accounts. The or-
ganization of the leadership given in the composite picture is drawn
chiefly from foreign sources; it may well also be accurate for Bulgaria,
but in the absence of evidence it must remain speculative. However,
since the movement arose in Bulgaria, it does seem likely that many
178 Early Medieval Balkans
organizational aspects found in the West would have had the same or
similar manifestations in Bulgaria. In fact, it is likely that much of the
institutional structure found in the West even originated in Bulgaria. It
can be proposed with some confidence that the Bulgarian Bogomils
practiced spiritual initiation with a ceremony similar to that found in
the west. This is suggested by the fact that an Italian dualist bishop
named Nazarius is known to have gone to Bulgaria around 1190 to
receive his initiation. Moreover, an Italian inquisitor, Rayner Sacconi,
writing in about 1250, states that in the East there were six dualist
churches (including Bulgaria and Dragovica in Thrace) which together
had a total of five hundred perfecti. Thus it is evident that by the late
twelfth and thirteenth centuries the Bulgarians, like the western dual-
ists, had perfecti. There is no reason to believe this was a late innova-
tion. And it seems likely that Cosmas is referring to perfecti when he
states that certain Bulgarian Bogomils led wandering lives, doing no
manual labor and being fed by others. But whether the Bogomils, like
their western counterparts in the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth
centuries, had an organized hierarchy under the direction of one or
more major bishops is unknown. All that can be said is that Baril's
synod in 1211 condemned, among others, a ded'ec of Sardika (modern
Sofija), who many scholars have plausibly suggested was some sort of
bishop. (Ded is a Slavic word for grandfather which on occasion was
used for an important elder.)
Now let us return to the questions raised at the start of this section. It
is evident that very little information exists to settle the question of
what appeal a dualist movement would have had in Bulgaria's peasant
society. Was it a social movement (which for nonreligious reasons may
have attracted a large following) or was it only a small sect?
To support the idea that Bogomilism was a social movement,
there exists only the one brief paragraph in Cosmas about not obeying
your superiors, etc. These adages were evidently preached but that is
all that can be said. It is not known that they were effective in drawing
converts. Since Bogomils are not found either leading or participating
as a following in the various known social protests in medieval Bul-
garia, it is hard to make a case for Bogomilism as a social movement.
Since sources do not mention Bogomils active in any war against Byz-
antium or revolt against the empire-when Bulgaria was under Byz-
antine rule-it is even harder to make a case for Bogomilism as a
national (nativistic) movement.
Bulgaria after Symeon, 927-1018 179
ceeded him. Romanus II died early after only a four-year rule, in 963,
leaving a widow and two small sons; the eldest, Basil II, was to be-
come the greatest of Byzantium's military emperors. To preserve her
position and that of her sons, Romanus's widow, Theophano, married
Nicephorus, a military aristocrat from the important Anatolian land-
owning family of Phocas. He became coemperor in 963. These events
occurred in the midst of a period of great Byzantine military successes.
Crete had been recovered from the Arabs in 961 and Nicephorus led
successful crusades to recover much eastern territory from the Arabs.
Nicephorus was a great general, who loved nothing better than life on
campaign. Sharing all the hardships with his men, he was extremely
popular with them. When he was not on campaign he enjoyed the
company of ascetics, and was one himself, sleeping on an animal skin
on the floor and always wearing a hair shirt.
fruits from Greece, silver and horses from Hungary and Bohemia
and from Rus furs, honey, wax and slaves. 4
govern the city as Svjatoslav's vassal. This would have been a good
opportunity for Svjatoslav; it would have given him the chance to
obtain further Bulgarian support. The Bulgarians probably would have
preferred being ruled by a Bulgarian than by a Russian and it would
mean Svjatoslav would not have to spread his own commanders and
troops too thinly. If Boris should turn out to be disloyal or fail to remit
tribute or meet other obligations, then Svjatoslav could easily depose
him and Boris knew it. Thus Boris seems to have been made not a
prisoner but an ally, granted an ally in a very dependent position,
retaining a title (though more or less a figurehead) and allowed to
administer his capital for Svjatoslav as long as he behaved well.
That there was an agreement between Boris and Svjatoslav is
confirmed by the subsequent actions of Bulgarian troops. In the war-
fare that followed against the empire, including a large battle at Arca-
diopolis, the Byzantine sources report that Bulgarians were fighting on
the Russian side. They remained with Svjatoslav until the end of the
war; at that juncture some of them deserted him but that was after the
Byzantine victory was assured. One Byzantine source mentions a spe-
cific Bulgarian-Russian alliance at this time. This is quite possible and
could well have been part of the agreement which allowed Boris to
retain his position in Preslav as a Russian ally and vassal. There is even
mention of one skirmish between Bulgarians and Greeks with no refer-
ence to Russians at all.
This Bulgarian support of Svjatoslav is not surprising, considering
the long history of anti-Byzantine feeling in Bulgaria. Svjatoslav gave
them not only a chance to attack the Greeks but also to obtain great
booty in his successful campaigns. In addition, despite a strong Scandi-
navian element in the Kievan ruling class, the Russians were fellow
Slavs, which possibly created a bond against the alien Greeks. The fact
that Svjatoslav decided to make a Bulgarian town his capital also re-
flects relative acceptance of him by the Bulgarians; if they had strongly
opposed him he probably would not have chosen to live there but
would have garrisoned it, collected income from it, and gone back to
Kiev to reside. In addition the Bulgarians and Russians had also had
earlier ties through trade and connections existed between Bulgarian
clerics and the small Christian beginnings in Russia. However, Bulgar-
ian support for the Russians was probably not a mass movement;
surely the majority of Bulgarians were nonpartisan, trying to eke out
some sort of existence and survive in a war-torn land.
The sources suggest that Svjatoslav, who now continued to move
south, tried-usually with success-to restrain his troops and prevent
them from looting thereby preventing them from antagonizing the Bul-
186 Early Medieval Balkans
took Boris back to Constantinople and kept him there with his brother
Romanus. This left no members of the royal family in Bulgaria. He
also abolished the Bulgarian patriarchate. This victory restored the
Byzantine border to the Danube for the first time since the arrival of
Isperikh in the late seventh century. Of course, this annexed territory,
despite becoming part of the empire, still remained settled overwhelm-
ingly with people considering themselves Bulgarians.
Tzimiskes then turned to campaigns in the east, which included
further warfare against the Armenians and Paulicians. This led to the
transfer of more of these fine warriors to the region of Philippopolis,
both to break up their concentrations in the east and to dilute the Slavs
in Thrace. At the same time Tzimiskes removed various Bulgarian
boyars from their homes and settled them in Constantinople and Ana-
tolia, where they were given high titles and lands. Many came to serve
the empire in high positions. Thus the Bulgarians were deprived of
many of their natural leaders.
Except for possibly a raid here or there, all the major Russian and
Byzantine battles (e.g., Silistria, Perejaslavec, Preslav, Arcadiopolis,
Philippopolis) took place in eastern Bulgaria. This was the region where
both Svjatoslav and Tzimiskes were active. The western part of the
state-Macedonia-which had belonged to Peter was untouched by the
war. Boris II, though he presumably had title to this land, had had no
opportunity to establish his authority there and there is no evidence that
western Bulgarians sent him aid. Thus probably he had no control of
this area. After defeating Svjatoslav, Tzimiskes returned to his eastern
frontier to battle the Arabs. There is no evidence that he, during or after
his victory over Svjatoslav, ever campaigned in Macedonia. There is
also no indication that the western part voluntarily surrendered to him
nor is there reason why it should have. Even though this territory may
have been surrendered to Byzantium on paper (by Boris II) and have
become officially part of the empire, in fact it probably remained on its
own, under its own nobility, one family of which, that of Count Nicholas
and his four sons, rose to dominance. Thus as Tzimiskes turned east and
the rulers of eastern Bulgaria were eliminated and replaced by imperial
officials, western Bulgaria (Macedonia) remained independent. Perhaps
Tzimiskes had intended to direct a second campaign to annex this Mace-
danian territory. Such a plan might explain why easterners were subse-
quently settled in Thrace. But regardless of plans he never had the
opportunity before his own death.
Bulgaria after Symeon, 927-1018 189
Soon after Tzimiskes's death in 976 there broke out in Macedonia the
"revolt" of the four Cometopuli, sons of the Count Nicholas. Presuma-
bly this region had been independent all along but its inhabitants had
not dared to do anything provocative in the lifetime of the able mili-
tary emperor. The count's family had probably controlled only a
county in the period 969-76, possibly gradually adding other counties
to theirs. Presumably in 976 they pressed on to unite under their own
rule all of Macedonia, and this constituted their revolt.
The four sons all had Old Testament names (Samuel, Aaron,
Moses, and David), which is strong reason to assume that their parents
had not been Bogomils, though it does not prove that some of them
could not have been attracted to the heresy later in life. Some scholars
suggest the family was of Armenian origin, and there has been consid-
erable dispute among scholars on this; if so, it is not clear whether the
Armenian ancestors came to Bulgaria in the ninth or tenth century. In
addition the Middle Ages in Bulgaria was a period when nationality was
not important; thus there is no reason why an Armenian in a position of
power could not have united behind him a large number of Slavs against
Byzantium. In any case, the family's nationality is not known.
tium, and a third, Aaron, was killed by Samuel. As a result, all the
territory devolved upon Samuel, who was the most active and impor-
tant individual in Bulgaria regardless of whether Romanus was tsar or
not. The sources speak little of Romanus and emphasize Samuel. Thus
it is clear that even though Samuel may not have been the titular ruler
between 976 and his coronation in 997, he actually wielded power.
and abolished his office. Samuel shortly thereafter made Damian patri-
arch of a new patriarchate which Samuel established in Ohrid. This
appointment at least provided continuity for the Bulgarian church be-
tween Preslav and Ohrid. With changes in title, up and down, between
patriarch and archbishop, this see was to continue until the Ottomans
abolished it in 1767.
Samuel was to expand his state from Macedonia in all directions.
He seems to have launched his first attack right after the death of
Tzimiskes in 976 (which would explain the reference to the revolt of
the sons of the count in that year). Moses was killed in an unsuccessful
attack against Serres. Samuel then raided Thessaly (at first he failed in
a siege of Larissa; but he was to gain Larissa in 986 when he conquered
all of Thessaly).
achieving his aims. Not trusting Aaron, Samuel then murdered him,
probably still in 986. The Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea-a twelfth-
century source based on considerable oral tradition-says Samuel killed
Aaron and a son. Skylitzes says he murdered all Aaron's family except
for one son, John Vladislav, who was saved by the intervention of
Samuel's son Gabriel Radomir.
After the elimination of Aaron and the defeat of Basil, Samuel
was able to consolidate his hold over all the Bulgarian territory, and he
now stepped up his raids against Byzantium, first attacking and annex-
ing the territory of the original Bulgarian state and then the region of
Thessaloniki (not including the city itself), acquiring several lesser
forts. He then, probably still in 986, dispatched his army into Thessaly.
Larissa fell. According to Skylitzes, Samuel then transferred many
people from around Larissa to Bulgaria. Some of them were drafted
into his armies. Next his troops pressed south and plundered parts of
the Peloponnesus. Subsequently he attacked Epirus and the region of
Durazzo between 986 and 997, a period for which almost no sources
survive. By the end of it, Samuel held all Macedonia, Bulgaria. Thes-
saly, Epirus, Durazzo, and most, if not all, of what is now Albania.
Basil, during this period, had been in no position to oppose Samuel
because he was involved in putting down major rebellions by the great
magnates of Anatolia-relatives of the former regent coemperors
Phocas and Tzimiskes.
With his hands tied by the Anatolian civil wars, Basil entered into
negotiations with various other Slavic rulers, including Stjepan
Drzislav of Croatia and John Vladimir of Duklja. The name Duklja
was derived from Dioclea-the name of a city (whose ruins lie just
outside of Titograd) and of a Roman province roughly corresponding
to modern Montenegro. The name Dioclea, in Slavic form, was re-
tained as the name of the first Slavic state located there. Later this
whole region came to be called Zeta, after one of the zupas (or
counties) within Duklja.
Duklja had greatly increased its strength and size after the death
of the Serbian prince Caslav in ca. 960. Serbia had then disintegrated
and Duklja had absorbed most of it along with Zahumlje and Tre-
binje. Duklja's ruler was John Vladimir, with whom Basil in the 990s
entered into relations. These negotiations seem to have taken place in
992 after a campaign by Basil into Macedonia in 991 which seems to
have achieved nothing (unless it succeeded in capturing Romanus as
194 Early Medieval Balkans
Also to make us wonder about the romantic story is the fact that an
almost identical story about two different figures is given by Sky-
litzes-a Byzantine source whose reliability may not be too much
better than the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea. Skylitzes tells how a
daughter of Samuel-this time called Miroslava-fell in love with a
second captive of Samuel. This captive was Ashot, the son of Gregory
Taronites, the Byzantine governor of Thessaloniki. Ashot married the
girl, was released, and appointed governor of Durazzo (which Samuel
captured in 997). He was not the only Byzantine in Samuel's service. 5
It is hard to believe that two such romances happened. Possibly
one of them occurred but one of the sources took the event and attrib-
uted it to the wrong pair. It is quite possible, however, that Samuel
Bulgaria after Symeon, 927-1018 195
really did utilize these two men-possibly in both cases after capturing
them-and bound them to him by marrying them to his daughters,
thinking marriage would make them more loyal vassals. If so, Samuel's
reasoning and hopes did not pay off. It seems John Vladimir contrib-
uted nothing to his cause, though, at least as one who seems to have
remained neutral, he did not actually betray Samuel.
In Durazzo Samuel was less lucky. There he not only had his new
son-in-law installed as governor, but Samuel himself was married to
Agatha, the daughter of John Hruselios, a leading citizen of Durazzo.
Once in power Ashot, until recently a Byzantine, entered into close
relations with the leading citizens of the town (which up to 997 had
been a Byzantine city and whose citizens had many economic reasons
to prefer being under Byzantium) including John Hruselios. Together
a plan to turn the city over to the Byzantines was hatched, which was
eventually carried out in 1005 when, after Ashot and Miroslava
(Samuel's daughter) were safely carried off to Constantinople on a
Byzantine ship, the leading citizens opened the gates to the Byzan-
tines. Thus in this case Samuel was directly betrayed.
However, this betrayal was several years in the future when in 997
Samuel had subdued Duklja, conquered Durazzo, and installed Ashot.
At that time he was moving from triumph to triumph. His state had
expanded in all directions to incorporate Bulgaria, western Thrace and
Macedonia (excluding Thessaloniki), Thessaly, Epirus, Albania, and
Durazzo. In addition, the rulers of the states of Duklja, Raska (Ser-
bia), Trebinje, Zahumlje, and some or all of Bosnia were his vassals.
Thus he had an enormous kingdom stretching from the Black Sea to
the Adriatic and from the Danube to the Aegean. Following these
successes, Samuel had himself crowned tsar in 997. As noted above, it
is not known why he waited this long before taking this step.
After describing the marriage between Kosara and John Vladimir,
which settled Duklja's relations to Samuel for the moment, the Priest
of Dioclea's chronicle states that Samuel marched up the Dalmatian
coast as far north as Zadar and then returned via Bosnia (where he
presumably asserted his suzerainty) and Serbia. In Dalmatia his activi-
ties were limited to raiding rather than conquest.
In the course of this campaign he also carried out negotiations
with the king of Hungary, Stephen I. As a result Samuel's son and heir
Gabriel Radomir married that king's daughter and briefly an alliance
was established between the two states. But no permanent ties devel-
196 Early Medieval Balkans
oped and a divorce soon followed which ended Samuel's alliance with
the Hungarians. The Hungarians soon returned to the Byzantine camp
and in 1004 participated along with Byzantine forces against Samuel.
The Hungarian princess, however, who Skylitzes claims was driven out
of Bulgaria, does seem to have left a son, the one child of the mar-
riage, Peter Deljan, behind. Deljan was to lead a mid-eleventh-century
revolt against Byzantium. His activities then and the different accounts
of his ancestry (causing certain scholars to be sceptical that he really
was Gabriel Radomir's son) will be discussed in the next chapter.
After the Hungarian girl's departure Gabriel Radomir married a girl
from Larissa by whom he had a large family.
Various scholars have tried to show-or have even stated as a fact with
no discussion-that Samuel was a Bogomil or else that he supported
that heresy or was supported by it. There is no evidence to support any
such claim. His name shows he was not of Bogomil origin since Bogo-
mils rejected the Old Testament. Of course, he could have converted
later. But other facts do not support this. He restored the Bulgarian
Orthodox patriarchate by establishing Damian in Ohrid. He transferred
relics from a conquered Greek church in Thessaly to his to~n of Prespa
on one occasion. He also built a church with carved crosses on it in 993
(which violated two Bogomil precepts). And when these facts are com-
bined with the lack of any evidence about him in connection with Bogo-
mils, it must be concluded that he was Orthodox. But it is worth noting
that the building of at least one church does not prove outright he could
not have been a Bogomil. He could have been a fairly indifferent one
who built the church to please a wife or a local population. In Bosnia
and Hercegovina, for example, in the fifteenth century rulers erected
churches for wives of other faiths and later Turkish pashas on occasions
built churches for Christian wives or concubines.
It is clear that Samuel was trying to unite considerable territory
under his rule, and then rally it behind him for his Byzantine wars. If the
Bogomils had a following of significant size-which is not known-he
presumably would have tolerated them. And there is no evidence of any
persecution under him. This tolerance could be expected in any case; for
in the medieval Balkans-excluding occasional Byzantine actions in
areas under imperial rule-very few acts of religious intolerance or
fanaticism were carried out by Slavic rulers. But as noted, there is no
reference in any reliable source about Samuel's relations with the here-
tics, and no source mentions them during Samuel's long wars with Byz-
Bulgaria after Symeon, 927-1018 197
antium, which suggests theirs was a small movement. Had they been a
major force, the Byzantine sources, hostile to Samuel, would presum-
ably have tried to link him or his cause to the heresy to discredit his
movement. If Samuel himself had been a Bogomil, these sources surely
would have damned him with that fact.
After his victory Basil II was as moderate and sensible as he had been
ruthless during the campaign. Though he annexed Bulgaria and Mace-
donia, he granted these regions special privileges. The rest of the
empire paid taxes in gold, but Basil, having noted the absence of
coinage in Bulgaria, allowed the Bulgarians to retain their existing tax
system and pay taxes in kind. He also left the bishop's seat in Ohrid
and even permitted the Slav, a man named John, who was bishop
there under Samuel, to remain in office. He only reduced the prelate's
title from patriarch to archbishop. However, he gave this archbishopric
a special position. The see was not placed under the patriarch of Con-
stantinople but directly under the emperor. The emperor, rather than
the patriarch, was to appoint subsequent archbishops. In its ranking it
was to stand higher than any archbishopric under the patriarch. In
addition, he allowed the archbishop of Ohrid to retain all his suffragan
bishops in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Not only did these sees remain
under Ohrid but the Bulgarians who held office in them were permit-
ted to remain in their positions. Basil thereafter tried as much as
possible to utilize the church (rather than the military occupation) to
administer these lands.
Basil transferred a considerable number of the leading Bulgarian
boyars to Anatolia where they were given land grants. With the acqui-
sition of lands, honors, positions, and often Byzantine wives, many of
these transplanted Bulgarian aristocrats soon became Romans. Thus
the Bulgarians were deprived of their natural leaders. But at the same
time he left many of the middle-level nobles on their estates in Bul-
garia, giving them privileges and a role in the local administration.
Thus it seems he tried to gain the loyalty of the local populace by
leaving them under their traditional leaders (after he had eliminated
the major figures). Furthermore, Basil may have felt that the con-
quered area was too large to administer directly. Keeping these Bul-
garian nobles in their customary positions spared utilizing for adminis-
tration an extremely large number of Byzantines, possibly more than
he had available. Finally, by giving the former nobility a stake in the
new system revolts might be avoided.
200 Early Medieval Balkans
At the top of the three themes into which Bulgaria was divided
stood Byzantine generals appointed by the emperor. Therefore the
highest and most responsible positions were in Byzantine hands. The
Bulgarians were allowed a role only in local affairs and in these they
were subordinated to and responsible to Byzantines. In addition to
placing Byzantine officers at the top, Basil also established Byzantine
garrisons in key towns to maintain order and razed the walls of the
fortresses he lacked manpower to permanently garrison, thereby pre-
venting them from becoming possible bases of resistance.
All the Balkan area was now more or less Byzantine again. Basil
divided what he directly governed into themes. The core of Samuel's
state was divided into three themes: Bulgaria (with its capital in
Skopje), Sirmium (with its capital in that city), and Paristrion (with its
capital in Silistria). The former themes, which had lost some or all of
their territory to Samuel, upon recovery were reconstituted: these
were the themes of Macedonia, Strymon, Nikopolis, the Helladikoi,
Dalmatia (with its capital in Zadar from which Dubrovnik was soon to
break away as a separate theme), and the special duchies of Thessalo-
niki and Durazzo.
Durazzo was particularly important. It was the chief Byzantine
port on the Adriatic, where a fleet was maintained and utilized to
defend Byzantine interests along that coast. Furthermore it was both
the center from which intelligence was kept on the local Slavs of the
hinterland (Duklja and western Macedonia) and the base from which
land attacks were generally directed at the Slavs located in those
While the strategos in Durazzo directed military affairs in the
Adriatic, in purely municipal affairs the local aristocracy played a ma-
jor role. The activities of Hruselios were discussed above. The sources
also mention a local archon in Durazzo who aided the strategos on
occasion. When more troops were needed, the local archon levied
Durazzans to supplement the troops permanently based there under
the command of the strategos. In certain conflicts in the course of the
eleventh century against Duklja the sources mention both thematic
troops under the strategos and local militia troops under local Duraz-
zan leaders.
Thus, in addition to the Balkan territories (chiefly in Greece and
Thrace) long held by the empire, Bulgaria and Macedonia had now
been directly annexed and made into themes. Despite various
Bulgaria after Symeon, 927-1018 201
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 203
in Ohrid (and who had been left in office as archbishop by Basil II),
died. The emperor, Michael IV, did not replace him with another Slav
but with a Greek cleric named Leo who had served on the staff at
Hagia Sofia. In addition the emperor seems to have made the appoint-
ment without consulting the Bulgarian bishops.
Rebellion swiftly broke out among the Bulgarians and very soon
in 1040 it was joined and taken over by Peter Deljan (possibly more
properly Odeljan) who claimed to be the son of Samuel's son Gabriel
Radomir. The Byzantine sources give different versions as to who he
really was: Gabriel Radomir's son, the son of Samuel's brother Aaron,
or a man of low birth. (To be Aaron's son, Deljan would have had to
be a fairly elderly man.) Most scholars have accepted his claim of
descent from Gabriel Radomir, though others, led by the Soviet Litav-
rin, have been sceptical. Because of the disparity among the accounts
in our sources, there is no way to be certain, and one could argue that
the Byzantine authors who state Deljan's claims were false were trying
to denigrate him and his whole rebellion. Indeed, subsequent develop-
ments connected with the appearance of Alusianus-to be discussed
later-and his relations with Deljan suggest that Zlatarski may be
right in opting for Skylitzes's version which makes Deljan the son of
Gabriel Radomir and the Hungarian princess to whom he was briefly
In any case, the first stirrings of revolt occurred in the north
further away from Byzantine control, and Peter Deljan was crowned in
1040 in Beograd (which seems to have been taken over by the rebels).
After his coronation, Peter Deljan pushed south and, supported by
large numbers from the local population, captured Nis and Skopje.
The emperor called on the dux of Durazzo to send troops to put down
the rebellion, but dissension in Durazzo prevented any effective ac-
tion. First, the Byzantine second-in-command accused his superior, the
strategos, of plotting against the emperor Michael. As a result of this
charge and the confusion that followed- which eventually led to the
removal of the strategos, who was replaced by his accuser-the rebels
were given further time. Second, in the vicinity of Durazzo itself a
second Slavic rebellion broke out under a certain Tihomir.
Deljan thought it would make sense to coordinate the activities of
the two rebellions; possibly he aimed to take over the leadership of
Tihomir's rebellion as well. In any case, there were differences between
the two rebel commanders, and it was decided to hold an assembly in
Skopje to settle the questions of leadership and the strategy to follow.
Tihomir arrived and in the course of the meeting he was stoned to
death. One source claims that this murder was the result of Deljan's
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 205
and negotiated an amnesty for him. After the emperor agreed to this,
Alusianus deserted to Byzantium where he was received with all hon-
ors. After this, the revolt died out completely; it was all over in 1041.
The evidence given here strongly suggests that Alusianus was a
Byzantine agent throughout, whose only aim was to destroy the rebel-
lion. After he had achieved this goal his family went through the
motions of seeking amnesty which allowed him to return and reap the
rewards of his great service to the empire. This is borne out by Kekau-
menos's account of his activities; for his actions, as depicted, reflect
such incompetence that one can only conclude they were deliberate.
Soon thereafter his daughter married the prominent Byzantine aristo-
crat Roman us Diogenes who later took the throne as Roman us IV.
None of the revolt's causes was to be alleviated. None of the privileges
enjoyed under Basil II, which had been suspended, was restored and
the Byzantines simply tightened their grip over these provinces.
Pecheneg leaders who had been taken hostage at the beginning of the
year when the Pechenegs were being sent east. These leaders, includ-
ing Tyrach himself, were sent to Bulgaria to pacify the rebels. At the
same time the emperor summoned to the Balkans troops from the
east. These troops were needed for defense there, and to allow for
their departure the emperor had to conclude a humiliating treaty with
the Seljuk leader Torghrul bey.
Tyrach and the other hostages, not surprisingly, upon rejoining
the rebels, did not even attempt to pacify them; in fact they were
restored to their old positions and took over the leadership of the
rebellion. An imperial army sent out against them was defeated and
the Pechenegs found themselves free to plunder not only Bulgaria but
also Thrace. In May 1049, after the Pechenegs had freely plundered
for almost a year, a third Byzantine army was dispatched against them.
Once again its commander was chosen as a result of court intrigue
rather than for talent and once again, this time near Adrianople, the
Pechenegs won a major victory. This allowed their pillaging to contin-
ue unabated.
Finally in 1050, Constantine made peace with Kegenis and he was
sent off to win his former tribesmen away from Tyrach. In the course
of this attempt Tyrach had him murdered, so things remained the same
until a Byzantine mercenary force of Varangians and Taurus mountain-
eers surprised a large Pecheneg force and defeated it. This led to peace
between the two sides. Skirmishes occurred again in 1052, but then a
thirty-year peace was agreed to by Tyrach.
In this way, and at the expense of imperial interests in the east,
peace was briefly restored to the Balkans. However, Pecheneg raids
did not cease; and the empire was to be faced with further brigandage
and banditry from Pechenegs inside the empire and from others settled
beyond its borders. They not only damaged the economy by plunder-
ing, but the state was also forced to buy protection or peace from them
by further gifts, land grants, privileges, and titles.
Pecheneg raids continued throughout the 1060s, both by those
from beyond the Danube and at times by those settled within imperial
territory. Furthermore these Pechenegs, including some of the imperial
colonists, carried out raids against the Hungarians (Magyars). The
Hungarians, angry at this, complained to the emperor about these
Pecheneg activities. When the emperor did nothing to stop them, prob-
ably because he could not, the Hungarians had an excuse to invade
imperial territory. They launched an attack in 1059; but when the
emperor Isaac Comnenus mobilized his forces, the Hungarians quickly
made peace.
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 211
The Pechenegs were not the only Turkic raiders who plagued the
empire. A new Turkish people appeared in 1064 called the Ghuzz or
Uze Turks. They had been pushed west by pressure from a third
Turkish Steppe tribe to their east, the Cumans (Polovtsy). In 1064 the
Ghuzz poured into the Balkans ravaging Bulgaria, Thrace, Macedonia,
and northern Greece. Then they were struck by the plague, as a result
of which many were wiped out. Others fled while still others entered
imperial service. The Ghuzz did not disturb the empire again, but the
Pechenegs still did and, later on, so did the Cumans.
its bias may well influence its interpretation of events. But with this
word of warning, alerting the reader that some items which follow may
not be accurate, let us turn to the narrative.
According to the Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea, when Stefan
Vojislav died, his lands were divided between his widow and five sons
(Gojislav, Predimir, Michael, Saganek, and Radoslav). Gojislav re-
ceived the Trebinje region and shortly thereafter the local nobles rose
up and killed him. They then installed one of their number, named
Domanek, as prince. Michael attacked and defeated Domanek, who
fled; Michael then put his own brother Saganek in. After Michael's
departure Domanek returned and drove out Saganek who then decided
not to return. Michael offered the territory to his brother Radoslav, who
was afraid to go lest he lose Zeta (Luska zupa).
Zeta at this time was one zupa within Duklja. From the end of the
eleventh century the name Zeta was also at times used to refer to all of
Duklja. Zeta received this broad meaning for the first time in Kekau-
menos's military manual written in the 1080s. The term Zeta gradually
replaced Duklja over the succeeding decades and eventually became
the standard term for this whole region until it was gradually replaced
by the term Montenegro which was first to be used in the fifteenth
It seems that Radoslav was afraid that Michael or his other
brothers would try to seize Zeta if he departed for Trebinje; it is also
possible that Michael was trying to offer him a deal to take Trebinje in
place of Zeta. Meanwhile Byzantium, wanting to take advantage of the
death of the able Vojislav and the consequent instability in Duklja,
was preparing for an offensive against Duklja. Faced with this threat,
the four remaining brothers made peace and an alliance. A text of the
agreement is given by the Priest of Dioclea; and though it should not
be treated as a verbatim text, it probably conveys more or less the
contents of that agreement. This is the oldest known treaty in Serbian
history. After this agreement was made Radoslav felt safe to attack
Trebinje, which he did successfully, and Domanek was killed. After
this event their mother, who seems to have been a figure for stability-
keeping any one brother from trying to oust the others-died.
Next Michael acquired the title king. It is not known whether his
brothers agreed to this or whether Michael forced it upon them. It also
is not known whether the remaining brothers retained local rights
within their shares, or whether they were forced to surrender their
appanages. But from here on it is clear that Michael was the ruler of
all Duklja. At most his brothers were rulers only of appanages, with
no independent foreign policy, owing tribute or taxes and service to
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 213
Michael, by sending Bodin to aid the rebels, was moving further away
from Byzantium. He was soon in communication with the pope from
whom he received a crown in 1077. He may have had several reasons for
turning to Rome. Having earned the Byzantines' enmity by his Balkan
policy, he needed a powerful ally. Furthermore, the Normans were also
papal vassals; thus becoming a papal vassal could help Michael in his
relations with them and facilitate cooperation with them against the
Byzantines. In addition, Michael's being a papal vassal made it more
likely that the pope would act to prevent the Normans from attacking
Duklja. Moreover, Michael wanted an independent church for his state.
Presumably he saw this as the prerogative of an independent ruler. At
that moment the churches of Duklja were subjected to one of two if not
three superior metropolitans: Ohrid, Durazzo, and possibly Split. Not
one of these suzerain metropolitans lived within Michael's state. Since
his relations were not particularly friendly with Constantinople, it made
sense for Michael to seek his own archbishop from the pope, who might
be expected to approve it since Rome could thereby add to its jurisdic-
tion further territory, for both Durazzo and Ohrid were subject to
The only part of Duklja that might then have been under Rome-
through Split-was coastal territory. Duklja's future archbishopric, the
port of Bar, was said to have been under Split in the middle of the
eleventh century. However, the one source which states this is the very
partisan supporter of Split, Thomas the Archdeacon's chronicle. This
is clearly not an ideal source to settle the question and his statements
are not supported by traditions preserved in the later records of Du-
brovnik and Bar. If, as was probably the case, Bar was not a suffragan
bishop of Split, then probably it was under Durazzo, an important
nearby coastal see under Constantinople. It is also possible that some
churches in Bar recognized one suzerain while other Bar churches
recognized the other. Michael, it seems, had been pressing the pope to
raise the bishop in Bar to the rank of archbishop and place him directly
under the pope. Some studies have stated that Michael's request was
216 Early Medieval Balkans
In 1066 a serious revolt had broken out against the empire, this time in
Thessaly. The rebels were Bulgarians and Vlachs; this shows that both
of these peoples existed in significant numbers this far south. In fact so
many Vlachs lived in Thessaly that part of it was then called Valachia
in the sources. The rebels were chiefly free men, not living on estates,
but paying their taxes directly to the state. The revolt began in the
region of Larissa, where in 1065 there was a great deal of dissatisfac-
tion among the local populace over increases in taxation and corrup-
tion in its collection. The Bulgarians and Vlachs began to speak of
revolt, and came together, deciding to revolt jointly.
Word of their plans reached a powerful magnate of Larissa named
Nikulica Delfin, who had his own fortress, garrisoned with his own
men and supplied with his own weapons. He was one of the most
powerful men in Thessaly and the population looked to him as their
lord. He, disgruntled with Constantinopolitan politics, rarely went to
court, and stayed at home as a provincial strong man. But he was not
happy about the brewing rebellion, so he went to Constantinople to
warn the emperor of the situation that was developing in Larissa and
to call on him to reduce taxes to appease the potential rebels. The
emperor brushed him off and took neither reform nor defensive mea-
sures, so Nikulica returned to Larissa.
The Vlach and Bulgar allies, meanwhile, had increased their
propaganda and had drawn into the movement many people from the
town of Trikkala. Nikulica, seeing the movement growing, tried to talk
them out of a revolt. Unimpressed by his arguments, the rebels called
on him to lead them. After all, he had a fortress and a well-equipped
private army. He tried to avoid involvement by pointing out to them
that his two sons were then in Constantinople and would be sure to
suffer if he joined the revolt. The rebels, however, forced him to take
a leadership position.
The revolt was soon in full swing. Supported by both townsmen and
countrymen, it spread north toward the Bulgarian border. But though
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 217
he was now one of its supposed leaders, Nikulica was not pleased with
the situation and managed to write secretly to the emperor trying to
mediate a peace. At first the Byzantine governor in Bulgaria did not
take his letters seriously, finding it inconceivable that one leading a
successful rebellion could actually be seeking peace; but eventually
Nikulica did succeed in mediating a peace between the two sides and it
seems that he did win a relaxation in taxes (surely one that would be
short-lasting). This revolt was ended easily, in spite of its strength and
success, because it lacked a serious leader. The man chosen was not
interested in rebelling and succeeded in alleviating some of the griev-
ances, which presumably defused much of its following.
Even though it was a minor event, its narration is valuable for us
because of the light it sheds on the population and local history of
Thessaly at the time. It shows that there were abuses in the tax system.
These abuses are confirmed by other sources, in particular the letters
of Theophylact, the Greek who was archbishop of Ohrid from about
1090 to 1109. Theophylact complained greatly about the amount col-
lected in taxes as well as the behavior of the tax collectors; even the
privileges held by church properties in the Ohrid archdiocese were
ignored by the imperial tax officials.
The Nikulica Delfin story also sheds light on an important stage in the
evolution of the great magnates who, in their own localities, possessing
their own private armies and fortresses, were becoming more or less a
law unto themselves. In the century that follows more and more such
figures appeared and their rise is a sign and further cause of the decline
of the central government of the empire. Before Constantinople's fall
to the Crusaders in 1204, whole areas of Greece and Macedonia had
become more or less autonomous under local strong men, each of
whom had his own private military force. Nikulica was in a position to
become such a warlord in the 1060s; however, he did not have such
ambitions and remained loyal to the government in Constantinople
This all reflects a major change which had been occurring gradu-
ally in the empire. At the time of The Farmer's Law, many free
villages had existed in the Byzantine Balkans. Such villages probably
outnumbered villages on estates. However, a process was also under-
way by which estates absorbed free villages. This process was stepped
up through the eighth, ninth, and tenth centuries until these great
estates created a state problem-in the same way as they had under
218 Early Medieval Balkans
In addition to the fiscal and social grievances which caused the revolts
of the various Balkan peoples against Byzantium, there must also have
been dissent at Byzantium's culturo-religious policy. To what extent
this dissent played a part in causing these revolts is unknown. How-
ever, it is worth noting that Deljan's revolt followed shortly after
Michael IV reversed Basil's Bulgarian church policy and, without con-
sulting the Bulgarian bishops, appointed a Constantinopolitan Greek
(Leo) as archbishop of Ohrid. From then on Basil's conciliatory church
220 Early Medieval Balkans
the key battle in October 1081 the Dukljans sat on the sidelines, and
their neutrality contributed to the Norman conquest of Durazzo.
Milobar believes that Bodin was already a secret Norman ally
because that same year (in April 1081) he had married an Italian girl
from Bari, whose father was head of the Norman party in Bari-a city
which had been conquered from the Byzantines by the Normans in
1071. That there may have been an agreement, Milobar feels, is seen
by the fact that when, after their victory, the Normans marched east,
on their way toward Thessaloniki, they bypassed Duklja, marching
well to the south of its borders. This last argument is unwarranted
because the best route to Thessaloniki in any case lay south of Duklja
and the Normans presumably would have taken it with or without an
agreement. Furthermore, the imperial cities along that route were
more important for both the strategic and plundering interests of the
However, whether or not there was an alliance, it would have
made sense for Michael to keep his army out of the fray and intact to
defend his country from the victor should it choose to attack him. For
had the Byzantines repulsed the Normans, they would have been free
to turn against Duklja; and one might not have foreseen that victorious
Normans would not have decided to seize further ports in southern
Dalmatia (including those belonging to Duklja). In fact, shortly there-
after the Byzantines were to turn against Duklja. Milobar sees this
attack as further evidence that Bodin was allied to the Normans; how-
ever, Bodin's neutrality alone, since the Byzantines had counted on his
participation on their side, would have been sufficient reason for the
empire to have seen him as unreliable and deserving of punishment if
not removal.
two sons of Petrislav (a son of Michael and his Greek second wife);
Petrislav had been placed by Michael over Raska between 1060 and
1074. In any case, these two men swore an oath of loyalty to Bodin
and took power as his vassals in Raska. Most scholars date this action
in Raska to 1083 or 1084. Marko immediately disappears from the
sources but Vukan remained in power in Raska for many years and
became a very prominent figure in subsequent Balkan history. Byzan-
tium, still concerned with the Norman threat, was not able to intervene
in these events involving Raska.
Neither Bosnia, Zahumlje, nor Raska was ever incorporated into
an integrated state with Duklja. Each retained its own nobility and
institutions and simply acquired a member of the Dukljan royal family
to head the local structure as prince or zupan.
In 1085 the Norman leader Robert Guiscard died, and the Byzan-
tines were quickly able to regain Durazzo. According to Anna Com-
nena, the Byzantines simply recovered it, which is probably correct;
according to the Priest of Dioclea, Bodin captured it but, afraid to
provoke the Byzantines further, and wanting to conclude peace with
them, restored the town to the emperor. In any case, the Byzantines,
because of Bodin's behavior when he, though an imperial vassal, sat
on the sidelines in 1081 when the Normans took Durazzo, did not trust
Bodin. When the Norman threat was over and Durazzo, the leading
center for mobilizing forces to go against Duklja, was recovered, the
Byzantines began preparing for a new offensive against Bodin.
In the meantime, and probably just on the eve of the Byzantine attack
against Duklja, Bodin succeeded in achieving one thing that Michael
had tried but failed to do. By supporting the pope against an antipope in
1089, he got the bishop of Bar raised to the rank of archbishop. The
historical basis for this promotion was that in the early church an arch-
bishop had existed in the nearby Dukljan city of Dioclea. Under Bar as
suffragan bishops would be: Kotor, Ulcinj, Svac, Skadar, Drivast, Pula
(Polati), Serbia, Bosnia, and Trebinje. It is noteworthy that Zahumlje
was not included under Bar. Possibly Zahumlje had already broken
away from Duklja. Thus in obtaining its promotion to an archbishopric
Bar acquired a much larger diocese, and it obtained much territory that
earlier had not been under the pope but had been included in the
dioceses of the metropolitan of Durazzo and the archbishop of Ohrid,
two sees which recognized the jurisdiction of Constantinople.
However, much of Bar's new territory was certainly only theoreti-
224 Early Medieval Balkans
cal, for in fact the pope's edict could only have affected those churches
which recognized Rome or were willing to do so. Thus making Serbia a
suffragan bishop had little meaning because most of the churches in
Serbia were under Constantinople. There is no evidence that Bodin's
governor there, Vukan, tried to swing the churches in his territory over
to the pope, and besides, Vukan was to become an independent actor
two or three years from then. Thus probably Durazzo and Ohrid suf-
fered only slight territorial losses, presumably chiefly along the coast.
But briefly the Dukljan church would be subject to Rome, and Bar
itself was to remain a Roman Catholic bishopric throughout the
Middle Ages. However, most of inland Duklja was not much affected
and subsequently, along with much of the Dukljan coastal population
(like most of the population of Kotor), was to retain its loyalty to
Orthodoxy. Possibly Bodin's turning to the pope at this time was moti-
vated by a search for allies on the eve of the Byzantine attack.
It seems the Byzantine campaign did not actually take place until some
time between 1089 and 1091. Then the Byzantines directed a major
attack against Duklja which was successful not only in defeating Bodin's
army, but also in taking him prisoner again. Some scholars think it a bit
too much to believe that he could have been captured twice and doubt
that this second capture took place. They argue that sources making this
claim have mixed in an account of his initial capture.
In any case a civil war soon broke out in Duklja among Bodin's
many relatives which greatly weakened Duklja and gave the Serbs of
Raska a chance to assert themselves and break away from Duklja's
control. Bosnia and Zahumlje also seceded from Dukljan control. The
leader of Raska in this venture was Vukan, who, as noted, was a
Dukljan-possibly a nephew of Badin-placed over Raska by Bodin.
Up to this point-through the eleventh century-the leading Ser-
bian center (and also Balkan center of resistance to Byzantium) had
been Duklja. But now because of Duklja's defeat by the Byzantines
and the civil war that followed-which we shall shortly turn to-this
role passed to the Serbs of Raska whose prestige rose. In the twelfth
century Serbs based in Raska (rather than Duklja) became the leading
opponents of Byzantium. Because of the loss of Bosnia, Zahumlje,
and Raska, Duklja became much weaker and was left with little terri-
tory other than Duklja itself and Trebinje. Not surprisingly, Bodin's
heirs were forced to recognize the overlordship of Byzantium.
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 225
In the course of our study, we have found Serbs living in many regions
of what is now Yugoslavia: Raska, Duklja, Zahumlje, Trebinje, and
parts of Bosnia. By the end of the eleventh century Raska had come to
be the most powerful Serbian state, and it was to remain so throughout
the Middle Ages. Henceforth in this work the terms Raska and Serbia
will be used as synonyms. Furthermore, the term Serb, unless other-
wise modified, will refer to a person from Raska.
In the early 1090s Vukan of Raska took the title of grand (veliki)
:Zupan. His state was centered in the vicinity of modern Novi Pazar.
Under him were a series of local zupans (each over a zupa or county)
who seem to have been more or less autonomous as far as the internal
affairs of their zupas were concerned, but who were obliged to be loyal
to the grand :Zupan and to support him in battle. It seems the zupans
were hereditary rulers of their counties-local Raskans with their own
local support who had had authority in that land before the Dukljans
annexed Raska. In about 1090 Vukan began raiding into imperial terri-
tory, first in the vicinity of Kosovo.
Initially the Byzantines were unable to take serious steps against
Raska for once again they were faced with a serious threat from the
Pechenegs. In 1090 a horde of these Turkish tribesmen reached the
walls of Constantinople, plundering along their route to the city. They
then formed an alliance with the emir of Smyrna (modern Izmir on the
west coast of Asia Minor) who provided ships. The emperor in this
desperate situation called upon a second Turkic people living beyond
the Danube, the Cumans (or Polovtsy). They responded to the call
and, joining the imperial troops, battled the Pechenegs in a wild battle
on 29 April 1091 which lasted the whole day. It resulted in a massive
victory for the Byzantines and the whole Pecheneg force was de-
stroyed. Anna Comnena writes, "An entire people numbering myriads
was exterminated in a single day." Most scholars believe she was a bit
too optimistic and feel this victory only destroyed a particular group of
Pechenegs, leaving others still beyond the Danube, who were to be a
problem again in the 1120s. However the Rumanian scholar Diaconu
persuasively argues that Anna was, in fact, accurate. The nomadic
barbarians who were to attack the empire in the 1120s were Cumans,
not Pechenegs.
With the Pecheneg problem solved, Alexius Comnenus was able
to turn to the Serbs of Raska. Owing to the vagueness of sources, the
dates of some of the events that follow are not certain; thus the reader
may find that some of the dates given here are different by a year or so
226 Early Medieval Balkans
Byzantium had long been hard pressed by the Moslems from the
east-particularly by the Seljuks and Turkomen-and by Alexius's
reign much of the east had been lost, not only the Holy Land (of
interest to all Christians) but much of Anatolia as well. In 1090, threat-
ened by the alliance between the emir of Smyrna and the Pechenegs,
Alexius had sought help, hoping for mercenaries, from the West. The
West was slow to respond, and by 1095, when Pope Urban went into
action, the crisis had passed. Furthermore the pope did not do what
Alexius had wanted. The emperor had thought that the pope, a figure
in contact with all the western rulers, was an ideal person to widely
disseminate word of Byzantium's need for mercenaries who could
come east and fight under imperial command. However, instead of
asking the secular rulers to recruit such mercenaries for the hard-
pressed Byzantines, the pope in 1095 called for a crusade to march
under its own leaders and recover the Holy Land.
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 227
This massive venture was not at all to the emperor's liking. Large
armies loyal to their own leaders and hostile to the Greeks had to pass
through imperial territory. They included Normans, one of the major
enemies of the empire, who had ambitions toward imperial territory;
the Crusaders had to be fed somehow and kept in order; their obedi-
ence to imperial wishes was doubtful; furthermore mercenaries would
have fought where needed, particularly in nearby Anatolia, whereas
the Crusaders' ambitions lay toward the Holy Land, and once there
they became more interested in hacking out independent kingdoms
than in restoring the former imperial lands to the Byzantines.
To make matters worse, news of their arrival came late and the
empire expected them to land at Durazzo and come via the Via Egna-
tia through Ohrid and Thessaloniki. Instead the largest groups ap-
peared via Hungary at Beograd, planning to take the Orient Express
route (Nis, Sardika), where they were not expected. The Byzantines,
on short notice, were not able to have sufficient supplies for them, so
the Crusaders began looting. This led to skirmishes with the local
population and also with Byzantine units sent out to guard the roads
and to try to keep order.
None of these occurrences increased the good will between Cru-
saders and Byzantines, and the issues noted earlier divided them as
well. Thus the Crusades can be seen as a major factor in causing
hatreds on a popular level between easterners and westerners, and in
making the people themselves opposed to any compromise to heal the
rift that had developed between the two churches. The split had offi-
cially occurred in 1054. However, at that time all that had taken place
were mutual excommunications between a papal legate, representing a
deceased pope, and a Byzantine patriarch. Neither had excommuni-
cated the other church as a whole. Though communion had not been
restored after that, relations had been continued between the two
sides, as is seen in Alexius's request to the pope for mercenaries. 4 But
now as a result of the Crusades more and more bad feelings developed
and each society came to look upon its own practices (leavened or
unleavened bread in the communion wafer, shaven or bearded priests,
Filioque or not,) as superior and would brook no change.
As time went on the Crusades became more and more directed at
schismatic and, possibly more important, wealthy Constantinople. Fi-
nally in 1204 Crusaders were to take Constantinople itself and for
fifty-seven years occupy the capital from which they directed an ineffi-
cient Latin Empire. We shall be devoting considerable attention to the
Crusaders off and on in this history. But what is relevant here is that
Vukan took advantage of Alexius's difficulties with the Crusaders to
228 Early Medieval Balkans
assert himself once again. He pressed south into Macedonia, and Alex-
ius was able to do nothing about him until 1106, when the dust settled
from the Crusaders. Then once again Vukan submitted.
This Serb drive to the south was to be a constant one over the
next two and a half centuries. At this time Raska was still too weak to
successfully expand against the Byzantines and establish any sort of
permanent hold over this territory. To do so it needed a strong ally
and in the twelfth century it was to find this ally in the Hungarians.
This Hungarian-Raskan alliance was to exist throughout most of the
twelfth century, a period during which the Hungarians greatly in-
creased their activities and influence in many regions of the Balkans,
particularly after 1102, when they incorporated Croatia and Dalmatia
into their kingdom. Thus from the early twelfth century the Hungari-
ans became a major factor in Balkan politics.
regions; thus he ruled over a weaker state until his death which oc-
curred after 1101. It is impossible to choose among these various views
because sources are lacking with which to compare the Priest of Dio-
clea's data. In any case, all views allow for some sort of civil strife
leading to the loss of some territory and the weakening of the Dukljan
Let us now summarize the account of the civil war given by the Priest
of Dioclea. As noted, the chronicle does not have Bodin captured.
Presumably, however, Bodin could have been captured and then have
returned to face the situation described in the chronicle's account.
Bodin's wife is depicted as the moving force behind the throne.
She was of Italian origin and was named Jakvinta. She was worried
that Michael's brother Radoslav's son Branislav (who was the eldest of
the eight sons of Radoslav) would threaten the future of Bodin and her
children; her sons were younger and thus weaker, and should Bodin
die before they reached their majority Branislav could well have
ousted them from succession. Her children's ages are not known; but
since Bodin and Jakvinta were married in 1081, the children could not
have been much older than ten or fifteen, depending on when in the
1090s the action taken against Branislav and his family, described by
the Priest of Dioclea, occurred. Milobar believes it took place around
1093-95, which would explain Bodin's noninvolvement in the war
between Vukan and Byzantium.
Branislav, Branislav's brother, and a son, unattended and expect-
ing no trouble, arrived at some time in Skadar. They were quickly
seized and jailed on Bodin's orders at Jakvinta's urging. Branislav very
soon thereafter died in jail; at liberty were six more brothers and six
other sons of Branislav who were furious and also afraid for their own
lives. They temporarily found asylum in Dubrovnik. Bodin then de-
manded that Dubrovnik expel them, but the town, faithful to a tradi-
tion it upheld-often at great risk-throughout the Middle Ages of
granting asylum to all who sought it, refused. So Bodin besieged the
city. In the course of the siege a favorite of 1akvinta was killed. In fury
she convinced Bodin to take the two remaining prisoners (Branislav's
brother and son) before the walls of Dubrovnik to be beheaded.
After these events the church succeeded in mediating a peace, but
the desire for revenge remained strong in Branislav's family, several of
whose members departed for Constantinople as emigres, and were to
contribute to further weakening Duklja after Bodin's death. Not sur-
230 Early Medieval Balkans
After the death of Bodin in the first decade of the twelfth century (the
actual date is unknown; scholars accept different dates between 1101
and 1108) chaos broke out in Duklja. Originally it seems Duklja, like
Raska, had been divided up into zupas each under a hereditary local
nobleman (zupan); however, Stefan Vojislav had started placing mem-
bers of his enormous family over the local leadership as governors of
the zupas. Thus the old system, working from the bottom up, contin-
ued to exist but a royal relative was now sent out from the center to
stand at the top of this provincial structure (e.g., Gojislav who was
sent off to rule Trebinje ).
Michael on occasions and Bodin even more frequently began try-
ing to deprive many members of their own broad family from a ruling
role over provinces; in their place they tried to establish rule by their
own descendants alone. Thus Bodin tried to break the staresina (elder)
principle which would have given rights to all descendants of Vojislav
or of Michael, and to limit the rights to his own descendants; he also
tried to establish for his succession a principle of primogeniture (with
his own eldest son succeeding) rather than the senior member of the
broad family. This conclusion is Milobar's; however, by thinking in
terms of systems and rights, he may have been too systematic. Possibly
Bodin simply aimed to install his own children in de facto authority
and never concerned himself with the theory behind matters.
In any case at Bodin's death chaos was created by the ambitions of
others to succeed, by the hatreds produced during his rule (which were
particularly directed at his widow who was supporting her own sons),
and by the return of many exiles. The two major groups of contenders
for power seem to have been (1) the four sons of King Michael by his
second, the Greek, wife, the eldest of whom was Dobroslav who then
was about twenty-five, and (2) Bodin's widow working on behalf of her
four sons, the eldest of whom, Michael, was a teenager.
When upon Bodin's death, his eldest son Michael tried to establish
himself, Bodin's half-brother Dobroslav was also declared king. At the
same time word of Bodin's death reached the emperor Alexius in
Constantinople and he decided to meddle in Dukljan affairs by utiliz-
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 231
ing one of several Dukljan exiles then in his capital. He ordered the
brothers and sons of Branislav sent to Durazzo from where one
brother, named Kocapar (with Byzantine support), went to Raska to
seek from Vukan aid against Dobroslav. At this moment Vukan was at
peace with the empire, recognizing Byzantine overlordship. Seeing an
untenable situation developing, Dobroslav, to save his throne, sought
Byzantine suzerainty and Alexius accepted his request.
Vukan and Kocapar, however, then attacked Duklja and won a
battle on the Maraca River in which they captured Dobroslav, who
was taken off to Raska as a prisoner. Vukan and Kocapar occupied
Duklja and even pillaged part of Dalmatia. Then Vukan returned to
Raska, leaving Kocapar as his man on the throne of Duklja. (This
reverses the eleventh-century situation when the Dukljans were put-
ting their men on the Raskan throne.) But very quickly, for some
unknown reason, a break occurred between Vukan and Kocapar; pos-
sibly Kocapar was not satisfied to remain in this subordinate position.
In any case Vukan sent troops to Duklja, forcing Kocapar to flee first
to Bosnia and, later, to Zahumlje where he died. Next "the people"
(presumably nobles) of Duklja held an assembly and ignoring the out-
side powers, elected as their ruler one Vladimir, the son of a Vladimir
who was a son of King Michael. Milobar tentatively dates his reign
1103-14; these dates are by no means secure.
Meanwhile the Byzantines, to face a Norman attack, had assem-
bled a large army which was gathered on the borders of Vukan's
Raska. Vukan was worried that this army might attack him for elimi-
nating the Byzantine vassal Dobroslav. Vukan's fears were quickly
realized; the Norman Bohemund delayed his campaign, freeing Alex-
ius to turn against Raska. Vukan immediately sent an embassy for
peace and, though he had not kept promises before, Alexius accepted,
for the emperor, worried about Bohemund, wanted in an emergency
to be able to count on neutrality if not help from the Balkan Slavs.
According to the Priest of Dioclea, twelve years of peace followed in
Duklja, which suggests that to pacify the Byzantines, Vladimir must
have accepted Byzantine suzerainty. Moreover, Vladimir married
Vukan's daughter; thus good relations were reestablished between the
two Serb states.
But all was not well, for Jakvinta, still ambitious for her sons,
continued to intrigue. Now she was working on behalf of her (and
Bodin's) son 1uraj. She succeeded in giving Vladimir in Kotor a dose
of a slow-working poison. He was carried ill to Skadar. Jakvinta ar-
rived there right after him to try to secure the succession for Juraj. She
tried to put the blame for the murder on Dobroslav (who had been
232 Early Medieval Balkans
asylum from Vukan. Grubesa ruled until 1125 and during his reign
Duklja enjoyed a period of peace.
However, in 1125, in the midst of a Hungarian-Byzantine war,
Uros I of Raska and Juraj, who lived at his court, attacked Duklja,
ruled by the Byzantine ally Grubesa. Grubesa was killed and Juraj again
became ruler of Duklja; but it seems that he did not hold it all. By then
various cousins held territories and soon quarrels broke out between
them and Juraj. The most prominent dissidents were Grubesa's three
brothers, who had fled when Grubesa was killed. To prevent further
intrigues which might have brought the Byzantines in to depose Juraj
again, Juraj had invited the three back under oath and had given each
an appanage. This peace did not last and two of the brothers fled to
Durazzo. The Priest of Dioclea (who is biased in favor of the brothers
and against Juraj) blames Juraj for this and claims he intended to jail
Once again a large Byzantine army entered Duklja and occupied
much of the coast and the inland territory as far as Podgorica (modern
Titograd). Juraj fled after blinding two prisoners-the third brother of
Grubesa whom he had jailed and also ex-King Vladimir's son Michael.
Michael had been plotting against Juraj (whose mother had murdered
his father) and it seems he was also intriguing with the Byzantines.
According to the biased Priest of Dioclea, the people hated Juraj and
did not support him. The Byzantine commander next declared Gra-
dinja, one of the brothers of Grubesa who had fled to Durazzo, king.
He was to be the last ruler of Duklja to bear the title king. Juraj
remained in the woods, carrying on a guerrilla war while Gradinja
strengthened his ties with both Serbia and Byzantium. This phase of
the struggle lasted for some time and was probably the most destruc-
tive part of this long civil war. Eventually another Byzantine expedi-
tion from Durazzo succeeded in capturing Juraj, and he was carried off
to Constantinople where he died.
Gradinja ruled into the 1140s as a Byzantine vassal. As was usu-
ally the case, when a ruler of Duklja accepted Byzantine suzerainty
(and when the leading fighters for independence were in exile) peace
followed. Various people who had fled during the last civil war re-
turned; however, intrigues and arrests continued. Gradinja eventually
died a natural death in about 1146 and his eldest son, Radoslav, suc-
ceeded. He was personally installed, during a visit to Constantinople to
pay homage, by the emperor Manuel Comnenus. He bore the title
prince (knez) rather than king. Radoslav was hard pressed to maintain
his state against pressure from the Serbs of Raska, who, by this time,
had developed ambitions toward Duklja.
234 Early Medieval Balkans
strayed and the stones were taken from it to build the Hungarian city
of Zemun (just across the river from Beograd). He claims they deeply
penetrated imperial territory, reaching Sardika (Sofija) which they
plundered. The emperor then sent out troops, defeated the Hungari-
ans, and reestablished peace.
Kinnamos describes two Hungarian attacks. The first was directed
against Beograd, from which Kinnamos says stones were taken to build
Zemun. (Since Beograd is just across the river from Zemun, it is a
more likely source for the stones than Branicevo.) The emperor re-
sponded by driving the Hungarians back and obtaining a peace which
Kinnamos claims was immediately broken, for the next year the Hun-
garians launched a second attack, this time against Branicevo. Then
the Serbs rose up and destroyed the fortress of Ras (then Byzantine
but soon to be Serbian).
Unfortunately, neither author gives a date for any of these events.
B. Radojcic believes that two Hungarian attacks occurred, and dates the
attack on Beograd to 1125, the imperial campaign the same year, fol-
lowed by a peace over the winter 1125-26, followed by the Hungarian
attack on Branicevo in 1126 at roughly the same time as the Serb rising. s
The emperor immediately went into action; he attacked the Serbs
first (and now we can utilize the data from Choniates's story which that
author implies occurred three or so years earlier). The emperor won a
decisive victory over the grand zupan of Raska and seized much booty
and took many prisoners. Some of the latter were settled as tax-paying
farmers and as soldiers in Asia Minor, in particular in the region of
Nicomedia. As a result the Serbs were forced again to acknowledge
Byzantine suzerainty.
Having settled the Serbian question, the emperor moved on and
defeated the Hungarians again, still in 1126, and forced peace upon
them. The Hungarians were driven out of whatever eastern Balkan
territory they had held and the empire recovered Branicevo, Beograd,
Zemun, and the region of Sirmium (which had been Hungarian since
the 1060s). Soon a major cause for the differences between the two
states was removed when in 1129 Almos, the exiled claimant to the
Hungarian throne protected by the Byzantines, died.
Radojcic's chronology makes sense, and I think it superior to
other versions which assign different dates to these events; most fre-
quently scholars have dated the Hungarian-Byzantine war to the pe-
riod 1127-29 and some scholars have even placed the Serbian revolt as
early as 1123 or 1124.
One addition should probably be made to Radojcic's version. If
Yugoslav scholars have correctly dated events in the Dukljan civil war,
236 Early Medieval Balkans
restored between Raska and the empire. By the treaty Serbia promised
military aid for Byzantine wars and recognized the obligation to provide
two thousand men for western campaigns and five hundred men for
eastern campaigns. This turns out not to be a new obligation, for the
agreement states that previously the Serbs had owed three hundred men
for Asia and implies that the obligation to send two thousand men for
western campaigns had applied earlier. A final result of this warfare was
the restoration of Radoslav as the ruler of all of Duklja. He remained a
Byzantine vassal. If previous Byzantine action in 1149 had not suc-
ceeded in driving the Raskans from Duklja, them presumably the treaty
in 1150 brought about their withdrawal.
The Hungarian assistance to the Raskans must have wakened
Manuel to the Hungarian danger, for in 1151 he declared war against
Hungary and sent troops through the Balkans into the region of Sir-
mium and then across the Danube. Zemun was besieged. These armies
caused a great deal of destruction, and took many captives, who were
subsequently settled in underpopulated regions of the empire. There
was no occupation of Hungarian territory, however, for this was purely
a punitive campaign; after its completion the Byzantine armies with-
drew. Geza soon negotiated a treaty with Byzantium. Over the next
twenty years, however, there were to be ten Byzantine campaigns
against Hungary. As a result of them Manuel was able to keep the
Hungarian advance into the Balkans under control but this was at the
expense of his goals against the Normans in Italy. Manuel did not
consciously give up his Italian goals, but they were nevertheless aban-
doned because of his Balkan activities.
In 1150 the defeated Uros had been forced to accept Byzantine
overlordship. This pro-Byzantine result seems to have been upsetting
to the pro-Hungarian faction at the Raskan court and in 1155, these
people ousted Uros and replaced him with his brother Desa. The
Byzantines sent troops in, deposed Desa, and restored Uros. Uros on
the occasion reaffirmed his Byzantine alliance and renounced any alli-
ance with Hungary. Desa was granted the region of Dendra (near Nis)
and a definite border was established between his appanage and the
lands of Uros. The Byzantine armies then withdrew taking Serbian
hostages back to Constantinople.
In 1162 Geza died, leaving two sons. The elder was his successor
Stephen III and the younger son was named Bela (later to become
Bela III). However, in Constantinople resided two younger sons of
Bela II "The Blind" (grandsons of Almos, younger brothers of Geza,
and uncles of Stephen III), and unfortunately the one who concerns us
was also named Stephen; since he briefly was to hold the Hungarian
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 239
able one who had fought Byzantium before. In any case, Desa was the
Raskan ruler by 1163. Presumably the initial Byzantine interference
came about because the Serbian grand :Zupan Primislav (or Uros if the
two are the same) had shown too much independence. These events
occurred at some time between 1155 and 1162. Most scholars place
them 1161-62.
The Byzantines meanwhile were bent on restoring Stephen IV to
the throne of Hungary. They aimed thereby to obtain a loyal vassal
and to regain the Sirmium region and Hungarian Dalmatia. The em-
peror with his army marched northward and called on Desa as his
vassal to mobilize his army and meet the emperor and imperial army at
Nis, after which the two armies together would march on Hungary.
Desa, as the brother of Belos who was supporting the legitimate King
Stephen III, was not enthusiastic about this plan and only the threat of
a Byzantine attack against Serbia (or possibly a real attack because one
source has Desa taken prisoner) forced Desa to appear at Nis with his
army. Since the sources tell different and not particularly precise
stories it is not certain exactly what happened. In any case in one way
or another Desa was forced to comply with Manuel's wishes.
The Byzantine army then proceeded to march toward Hungary.
Most scholars date this march to 1163 though Browning suggests it
occurred in 1164. 6 En route Manuel came to realize how unpopular
Stephen IV was in Hungary. Presumably Desa, if he was present on
this march, played a role in causing the emperor to change his mind.
When the emperor reached the border he sent an envoy to the Hun-
garian court to treat with Stephen III.
The treaty recognized Stephen III as ruler of Hungary. His
younger brother Bela was to come to Byzantium and be betrothed to
Manuel's daughter. If Manuel did not have a son, Bela would become
heir to the Byzantine throne, and if Stephen III had no children, Bela
would also become king of Hungary. Thus on paper, if neither ruler
had a male heir, Bela would become emperor of Byzantium and king
of Hungary and thereby unite the two states and form a vast empire.
If realized, such a union would have doomed the independence of
the Slavs-the Serbs and Bulgarians-living between Byzantium and
Hungary for however long such a union lasted. Whether such a thing
was feasible in reality in the context of actual Byzantine politics is a
matter for dispute, but Manuel, as we shall see, was serious about the
Moreover, it had already become customary for the Hungarian
king to make a younger son who was not heir to the throne ban of an
independent banovina or appanage as compensation. The ban was able
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 241
to rule this territory and collect income from it, but was not allowed
independence in foreign affairs. He remained subject to the Hungarian
king and was obliged to provide military service to the king. In the
course of the twelfth century it had become customary to make Croatia
that appanage, and Geza II had therefore made his younger son Bela
ban of Croatia and Dalmatia. Croatia in this context included the
territory south of the Krka River. Furthermore this banovina included
part of the region of Srem (Sirmium). According to the treaty between
Manuel and Stephen III, Bela should be allowed to retain this appa-
nage even after he came to Constantinople. In this way Byzantium
would regain this long-disputed territory.
What immediately followed this treaty is not clear. But it seems
that the Hungarians did not consider Srem as part of the territory to be
included in Bela's appanage, and thus they continued to occupy it.
Angry, Manuel in 1165-claiming Srem was Bela 's-sent troops
against Hungary to occupy Zemun. The Hungarians then besieged the
city and retook it. As a result Manuel himself led a second Byzantine
army and retook the city for the Byzantines. A new treaty followed in
which the Hungarians again recognized Bela's possession of his appa-
nage and now admitted that the appanage included Srem-meaning
Byzantine occupation of Srem-while the Byzantines once again rec-
ognized Stephen III as king of Hungary.
Bela meanwhile was living in Constantinople; there he took the
name Alexius, accepted the Orthodox faith and received the title of
despot (an honorary court title which by then was the second title in
the empire after emperor). Two years later he was officially engaged to
Manuel's daughter Maria and the two were declared heirs to the
throne; Byzantine generals and court officials were made to take oaths
to them. Protocol lists placed Bela's name right after Manuel's. Thus it
is evident that Manuel was serious about this plan and really intended
Bela to be his heir.
Meanwhile almost immediately after the second treaty between
Byzantium and Stephen III, the dropped candidate Stephen IV made a
new attempt for the Hungarian throne (presumably on his own initia-
tive). The Hungarians had, according to the second treaty, evacuated
Srem; but now Stephen IV appeared in Srem, trying to contact sup-
porters in Hungary and planning an attack on Hungary. He then in-
vaded Hungarian territory in 1165 or 1166, but picking up little sup-
port, he quickly retreated to Srem. The Hungarian troops of Stephen
III, not surprisingly, pursued him into Srem; as a result of this pursuit
the Hungarians found themselves in Byzantine territory, though of
course attacking Stephen IV and not Byzantium. It is also evident that
242 Early Medieval Balkans
the Byzantines by not stopping Stephen IV's activities had failed to live
up to the treaty. In any case in the course of this attack the Hungarians
overran the Byzantine garrison and occupied the fortress of Sirmium.
Manuel once again accused Stephen III of violating their treaty,
and the emperor began negotiating with Venice for joint action against
the Hungarians in Dalmatia. A major Byzantine invasion of Dalmatia
followed which took Trogir, Sibenik, Split, Skradin, Ostrovica, Salona,
and a town whose name varies in different manuscripts but probably is
Klis (one later manuscript, often cited, says Dioclea; but its conquest
would be highly unlikely in this context). The KaciCi (the ruling family
of the Neretljani on the lower Neretva) were also subdued. Alto-
gether, Kinnamos tells us, fifty-seven towns were taken. Next the Byz-
antines sent troops to aid Stephen IV. But he was poisoned and the
Byzantines ascribed this act to the machinations of Stephen III. The
Byzantine armies then regained Sirmium and also Zemun and a new
peace was concluded between the Byzantines and Hungarians.
Matters were not yet quiet for later in 1166 warfare again broke
out, though it is not known what provoked it. At that time a Hungar-
ian army defeated a Byzantine army in Srem while a second Hungarian
army attacked Dalmatia. Finally in July 1167 a massive Byzantine
victory took place at Zemun which smashed the Hungarian armies and
peace followed. The Hungarians now accepted the loss of Srem, Dal-
matia, and part of Croatia (i.e., that part included in the banovina
under Bela). Inland Croatia south of the Krka River, including Bosnia,
went to Byzantium while the rest of Pannonian Croatia north of that
river remained Hungarian. It is not clear whether in 1167 Byzantium
had recovered all the relevant Dalmatian cities or whether some were
surrendered by treaty. But in any case after 1167 Byzantium held
Dalmatia, part of Croatia, Bosnia, and Srem. It retained this territory
for the rest of Manuel's reign. He was to die in 1180.
Venice was most unhappy with the renewed Byzantine presence in Dal-
matia. Tensions soon developed between the two states, leading to a
sudden overnight arrest of all Venetians in the Byzantine empire on 12
March 1171. At the same time the Venetians' property was confiscated
from their warehouses. This set off a Byzantine-Venetian war which
seems to have continued for a decade during which the Venetians
sacked various Greek islands. This war was a factor in turning Venice
even more strongly against Byzantium; relations went from bad to
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 243
worse until the Venetians turned the Fourth Crusade against Constanti-
nople itself in 1204 and conquered it, establishing the Latin Empire.
Meanwhile in 1169 Manuel finally had a son (Alexius) and made him
his heir. Bela lost the title of despot for the lesser title of caesar. His
engagement to Maria was also broken off. Thus the plans to unite
Byzantium and Hungary were now scrapped. However, Manuel still
hoped to make Hungary a closer vassal of Byzantium through Bela
who remained the heir to the Hungarian throne since Stephen III was
still childless. Bela, though demoted, was not disgraced; he remained a
member of the imperial family and soon married the stepsister of
Manuel's wife.
In 1172 Stephen III died childless at the age of twenty-four, and
Bela, according to the agreement, was escorted by the Byzantine army
to the Hungarian border. There he was met by a Hungarian escort.
Most of the country was ready to accept him and the little opposition
to him that existed dissolved when Bela returned to Roman Catholi-
cism. Before his departure Bela took an oath of allegiance to Byzan-
tium and Manuel. He strictly observed this oath for the duration of
Manuel's life, eight more years. During this period Bela never tried to
regain Srem, Croatia, or Dalmatia and he even sent troops to aid the
Byzantines against the Seljuks of !conium (Konya) in Anatolia in 1176.
accepted the ruler you [Manuel] appointed over them. 7 This suggests
a change of ruler occurred there in about 1166---roughly the date
Tihomir came to power. Thus quite possibly Desa did something to
displease Manuel leading once again to Byzantine intervention and a
change on the Serbian throne. Since the time is right perhaps Tihomir
was the ruler appointed over the Serbs by Manuel.
In any case by 1168 Serbian territory was divided among four
brothers (or cousins as one scholar has suggested since the term
brother on occasion can mean a cousin): Tihomir, Stefan Nemanja,
Miroslav, and Stracimir. The eldest, Tihomir, bore the title of grand
:Zupan. Nemanja quickly drove him out of Serbia and assumed that
title. Tihomir fled to Byzantium where he sought aid. He returned
with Byzantine troops but in the ensuing battle he was killed. The
Byzantine army was also defeated. This occurred in about 1171.
Since the Byzantines were becoming involved in a war with Ven-
ice they could not immediately become engaged in Serbian affairs, but
in 1172 the emperor Manuel led an army into Serbia. Like Vukan
before him, Nemanja saw it was pointless to resist; so he went forth to
surrender and submit to the emperor. The emperor made him go
through a humiliating ceremony at the imperial camp and then took
him back to Constantinople for another humiliating ceremony there,
featuring long orations celebrating his submission. (Some wall paint-
ings depicting this ceremony survive to the present day.) Then, as a
sworn loyal vassal, Nemanja was allowed to return to Serbia as its
grand :Zupan. Nemanja, too, remained loyal to this oath for the dura-
tion of Manuel's life.
While Nemanja held Raska, his brother Miroslav became en-
sconced in Hum (formerly called Zahumlje). Duklja, which by this
time was coming to be called Zeta, was soon conquered by Nemanja
and became a possession of his family. The conquest of Zeta may well
have occurred in the 1180s. When Nemanja abdicated in 1196 Zeta
was assigned to his eldest son, Vukan, as an appanage.
Thus, by 1172, Manuel had recovered all of the Balkans except for
what is now Slovenia and the Croatian territory north of the Krka River
which was retained by Hungary. But the Hungarian presence was not a
major danger because the Hungarian throne was then occupied by a
king (Bela III) who had sworn allegiance to the empire. Dalmatia, part
of inland Croatia, Bosnia, and Srem had been recovered from Hun-
gary. One suspects that in part of this recovered territory-Croatia and
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 245
It is here that this volume's coverage of the central and eastern Bal-
kans ends. Their subsequent history will be traced in the second vol-
ume. This postscript will present just a brief look ahead at the immedi-
ate aftermath which will be treated in detail in the second volume.
Manuel died in 1180 and a brief and unsuccessful regency for his
minor son Alexius followed. What had held Bela III of Hungary and
Nemanja of Serbia loyal had been personal ties to Manuel. Now those
ties were broken, and in 1181 Bela recovered Srem, Dalmatia, and most
probably Croatia as well. It seems this was a bloodless recovery, and
perhaps the Byzantines even acquiesced in it. It was a time of anarchy
and intrigue at home and Byzantium was in no position to send troops to
Dalmatia. Presumably it seemed better to have friendly Hungary obtain
Dalmatia than Venice with whom Byzantium was at war. Venice in fact
had already recovered Zadar and the Hungarians had to take it by force
in February 1181. Venice, after an unsuccessful attempt to regain Zadar
in 1193, was to obtain it in 1203 when it turned the Fourth Crusade
against the city. Immediately after Manuel's death Nemanja declared
his independence.
Meanwhile the regency for young Alexius was unpopular, and an
elderly cousin named Andronicus Comnenus, who had long been a
dissident against Manuel and had been exiled all over the map, ap-
peared with an army in Asia Minor. At first he seemed appealing to
the population of Constantinople. He was willing to pose as being anti-
western (and the westerners under Manuel's widow held great influ-
ence) and anti rich; and he was to ride to power on the coattails of a
revolt in which hundreds of westerners in the city of Constantinople
were massacred. He awaited the end of the bloodbath, and then en-
tered the city, whose gates were opened to him. He became regent for
246 Early Medieval Balkans
the little boy in 1183. He quickly had Alexius's mother murdered, then
made himself coemperor, and finally had Alexius strangled. As a result
he became the sole emperor. These murders gave Bela the opportunity
to step forward to avenge the victims. Bela's wife was the stepsister of
Manuel's murdered widow. Bela moved at once and occupied Beograd
and Branicevo, and then picking up the Serbs as allies, he headed
down the main invasion route (the Orient Express route), driving out
imperial garrisons from Nis and Sardika and sacking both towns. Six
years later passing Crusaders spoke of both towns being deserted and
partly in ruins. The allies then moved through the Balkans toward the
capital. The Hungarians were to keep control of this route and the
towns along it for the next three years.
Stefan Nemanja, meanwhile, if he had not earlier, began expand-
ing both to the south and west to annex all of Zeta which was now
incorporated into his state of Raska. Thus Raska and Zeta became a
single principality under him and no territory remained in the hands of
the old Dukljan-Zetan dynasty.
At home Andronicus was fighting corruption, but he also seems to
have been intent on eliminating the powerful and avenging himself on
those who had opposed him before. Falling victim to a persecution
mania, he unleashed a reign of terror in the city, leading to various
plots against him. The Hungarians, in occupation of much of the cen-
tral and eastern Balkans, were approaching the capital, and then in
1185 the Normans launched an attack on Durazzo. The commander
immediately surrendered the city to them, for he was opposed to An-
dronicus. The Norman army then moved across the Balkans toward
Thessaloniki while the Norman fleet occupied Corfu, and then sailed
around into the Aegean, occupying various other islands. In August
1185, this fleet finally reached Thessaloniki. The army arrived there at
about the same time and after a brief siege the Normans took Thes-
saloniki and sacked it. Part of the Norman army then moved on to-
ward Serres while the rest headed for Constantinople. This set off a
revolt in the city against Andronicus, who was overthrown and tor-
tured to death.
The revolt placed Isaac Angelus (1185-95), a cousin of the Com-
neni, on the throne. He soon succeeded in chasing the Normans out of
the Balkans. Bela then withdrew his troops as well, and recognized
Isaac as emperor. Shortly thereafter Isaac married Bela's daughter
Margaret. In the marriage agreement Bela consented to withdraw all
his troops beyond the Danube in exchange for Byzantine recognition
of Hungarian possession of the Dalmatian cities. In 1195, Bela was
prepared to aid Isaac against a rebellion in Bulgaria; but then, later in
Duklja and the Central and Eastern Balkans, 1025 to the 1180s 247
1195, Isaac was deposed by his brother and the campaign never took
Bela's death in the following year ended the period of cooperation
between Byzantium and Hungary. In the next decade this alliance was
totally disrupted, and communications were cut off by the emergence
of independent Slavic states in the territory between them-in Raska
(under Nemanja), in Bulgaria (which revolted successfully against the
Byzantines in 1185 and established once again an independent state
north of the Balkan mountains known as the Second Bulgarian Em-
pire), and in Bosnia (which though under theoretical Hungarian suzer-
ainty was able to establish an independent state in the 1180s under Ban
Kulin). These three states, all emerging at roughly the same time
(accompanied by the successful attempts of great magnates in Greece
and Thrace to secede from the empire and hack out independent petty
principalities) mark the beginning of a new period for the Balkans.
That period will be treated in the second volume.
Early medieval Croatian history fits the concluding line to the old
jingle: the more you study the Jess you know. When I was an under-
graduate studying Balkan history I thought I knew quite a bit about
Croatia; but as I study more about Croatia, one by one the "facts" that
I knew before turn out to be dubious, based on questionable sources
or no sources at all. Most of the existing literature in western lan-
guages on medieval Croatia is extremely poor; and frequently it is
marred by nationalistic bias.
A basic problem making early Croatian history difficult for every-
one-including the most serious scholars-is the scarcity of sources
and the question of the authenticity of some of the few that do exist.
Furthermore, the authors of most of the sources for early medieval
Croatia were distant from the events they described. Either they lived
in places distant from Croatia (e.g., Byzantium, Italy) or they lived
several centuries later. Byzantine writers knew little about Croatia.
Examples of the difficulties they had in understanding Croatia were
seen in chapter 2 when we discussed Constantine Porphyrogenitus's
treatment of the early history of the Croatians. Most Byzantine histori-
ans did not mention Croatia at all.
Much of the information about medieval Croatian history comes
from later (seventeenth- and eighteenth-century) narrative histories.
These were written by enthusiastic people but contain a mixture of fact
and legend; and since many of the documents they based their works
on are now lost, it is extremely difficult to judge whether their infor-
mation came from reliable sources or not.
Typical is a massive history of the South Slavic bishoprics, carried
out by three Jesuits (over three generations), which was published
between 1751 and 1819. The work is attributed to Farlati-the Jesuit of
the second generation-who brought out the first and next several
Croatia and Dalmatia 249
volumes. This project was far too ambitious, and though the attempt
was highly admirable, many of their results must be treated with scep-
ticism. Their method was to rapidly visit all the archives and monaster-
ies they knew of and to hire in them monks or scribes to copy docu-
ments for them while they rushed off to the next archive. Eventually
their volumes were compiled chiefly from these copies.
By now many of the original documents from which their copies
came are lost, so modern scholars cannot properly evaluate much of
their information. Some of their documents can now be shown to have
been forgeries. Farlati and his associates were not experts in the study
of documents and in addition when they were compiling their work
they were not working with the original documents but with copies,
which not only could contain copying errors but also lacked the exter-
nal features (handwriting, paper, watermarks, seals, etc.) that might
show that certain documents were not what they purported to be.
Thus, like most of the early historians of the seventeenth and eigh-
teenth centuries they were uncritical of their texts. They seem to have
concluded that each document was of equal value and as a result they
have presented a mixture of authentic sources and forgeries; in the
absence of the originals in many cases no way is provided for us to
judge which is which.
In fact, when we discover in secondary works very strange myths
and often impossibilities for which no medieval documentation exists,
the best place to seek their source is in Farlati and in some of the other
early narrative historians of the South Slavs. Thus these early historical
works are the basis for a vast number of errors, stories, and legends
passed off as history in subsequent works on Croatia and Bosnia and
the basis for much of the poor historiography of these regions.
One must treat these regions on the basis of existing documents
whose authenticity can be verified and not accept as certain anything in
these earlier historians that is not confirmed by other sources. Thus
one must rely on Byzantine contemporary writing (keeping in mind
Byzantium's distance from Croatian events), papal letters, Hungarian
letters, conciliar records and diplomatic reports from Dubrovnik, and
the existing charters. However, one must also beware of charters for
many of them are later fabrications; some are clearly so (though even
these are still used from time to time by various historians) while the
authenticity of others is in dispute among scholars.
Many Croatian documents, including the texts of certain charters
and church council acts, have not survived in the original but exist only
as they have been copied in later historical accounts. In some cases
these documents appear in Latin translations instead of Slavic origi-
250 Early Medieval Balkans
same Slavic language many lies against the doctrines of the Ro-
man Catholic Church.
Could the council really have stated this? Methodius (in the mid-ninth
century) had had papal support at first and had even been appointed
bishop of Sirmium by the pope. Had the Roman Catholic view-or at
least the view of certain Catholic circles-of Methodius changed that
much by the 1060s? Or was Thomas inserting his own views and claim-
ing they were the views of the council?
The question of sources is basic for other major issues too; for
example, the so-called pact between the Hungarian king and the Croa-
tian nobility of 1102 which set up a dual monarchy under the king of
Hungary survives only in a fourteenth-century manuscript. Many
scholars feel this text reflects the fourteenth-century situation and not
the twelfth. Was there really any such agreement in 1102? If so, does
the fourteenth-century manuscript render its terms accurately or were
these terms altered in the fourteenth century to serve the purposes of
fourteenth-century figures?
These problems shall be discussed in the narrative that follows,
but it seems important to preface this discussion of Croatian history
with a word of warning about the nature of the sources and the prob-
lems connected with them.
Although some of the Croatians who lived in central Croatia and what
is now Bosnia threw off the Avars in the seventh century and lived in
independent groups under their zupans (Constantine Porphyrogenitus
listed eleven zupas), the Croatians to the north in Pannonian Croatia,
though under their own prince, seem to have remained in a position of
some dependence on the Avars. By the late eighth century the original
Iranian Croatians had become assimilated by the Slavs, and became
for all practical purposes Slavs speaking a Slavic language.
the coast, whereas earlier it referred to the old Roman province which
included a wide inland hinterland, including much of Bosnia, as well as
the coastal territory. In Constantine Porphyrogenitus's account, Dal-
matia was still given the older and broader significance. Readers must
be alert to this distinction as well.
In 814 Charlemagne died. Some of the Croatians seem to have
considerably resented the behavior of Frankish officials and desired to
be independent from these overlords. At that time in lower Pannonia
(with his chief residence at Sisak) lived the Croatian prince Ljudevit
(ca. 810-23) who was a Frankish vassal. Concurrently Viseslav's suc-
cessor Borna (ca. 810-21), who resided at Nin and seems to have been
the ruler of most of the Croatians in northern Dalmatia, was also a
Frankish Vassal. Rivalry seems to have existed between the two Croa-
tian princes (who between them seem to have ruled over most all the
Pannonian and Dalmatian Croatians).
In 819, Ljudevit revolted against the Franks. He began his upris-
ing in Kranj, supported by the Slavic tribes in the vicinity. He was also
joined by some Slovenes and the Timok Slavs. This last group lived
between Vidin and Branicevo and in theory was under the Bulgarian
state of Omurtag. Initially the Timok Slavs had sought an alliance with
Ljudevit and the Franks against the Bulgarians, but then when Lju-
devit broke with the Franks they decided to stay with him. The Franks
took no action at first, so Ljudevit pressed on in his aim to unite to his
Pannonian state the Slavs of !stria and Dalmatia. This, of course, led
to an open conflict with Borna whom he defeated. Many scholars
assume that he gained control over Croatian Dalmatia after he de-
feated Borna. This assumption may be unwarranted. He next defeated
a couple of small Frankish armies sent out against him in 820 and 821.
Eventually in 822 a large Frankish army appeared and forced Ljudevit
to flee to a Serbian tribe and the Dalmatian and Pannonian Croatians
found themselves under the Franks again. Borna's nephew and succes-
sor in Nin, presumably in power as a result of the Frankish 822 cam-
paign and thus their vassal-the source states he was chosen by the
people and confirmed by the Franks-promised asylum to Ljudevit
who came to him only to be murdered in 823.
The Timok Slavs then found themselves under the Franks much to
the displeasure of the Bulgar khan Omurtag; having these tribesmen
on the Timok River loyal to the Franks meant that the Frankish border
(i.e., the borders encompassing the lands of people subject to the
Franks) was now extended much further east, beyond the Timok
River. Omurtag sent embassies to the Franks to settle the border
problem in 824 and in 826. They achieved nothing, so in 827 Omurtag
256 Early Medieval Balkans
These Slavs along the coast, though still remammg under Frankish
suzerainty, began developing friendly relations with the Byzantines in
the 830s. This was to pave the way for some of them to seek Byzan-
tine suzerainty later. One gets the impression that despite Frankish
overlordship, the Franks had almost no role in Dalmatia in the period
from the 820s through the 840s; the Dalmatian towns and sailors
seem to have acted pretty much according to their own wishes. Rela-
tions with the Byzantines greatly improved under the Dalmatian
Croatian prince Trpimir I (845-64) who moved the prince's main
residence from Nin to Klis. On his death in 864 he was succeeded by
his son Zdeslav-one of three sons. In the very year of his succession
Zdeslav was overthrown by a Knin nobleman, Domagoj (864-76),
and had to flee to Constantinople.
This was a period of intense Arab marauding along Dalmatia. By
then the Byzantines had restored their fleet. In 866, a major Arab raid
along Dalmatia struck Budva and Kotor and then in 867 laid siege to
Dubrovnik. That city appealed to Basil I, who responded by sending
over one hundred ships which rescued Dubrovnik after a fifteen-month
siege. After this success the Byzantine fleet sailed along the coast
collecting promises of loyalty to the empire from the (Byzantine) Dal-
matian cities. At this moment of increased Byzantine prestige various
of the local Slavic tribes of the southern Adriatic also accepted Byzan-
tine suzerainty-the Slavs of Trebinje, Duklja, and Zahumlje. Only
the Neretljani refused until finally in 871 the Byzantine fleet forced
them to end their resistance.
At this time Slavs from Dalmatia and Zahumlje are mentioned
participating in Byzantine military ventures against the Arabs in the
Adriatic and against the Arab-held ports in Italy (e.g., against Arab-
held Bari in 870-71). They seem to have served both on their own
ships and on regular imperial ships.
The Roman cities in Dalmatia had long been pillaged by the Slavic
tribes in the mountains around them. Basil, between 882 and 886,
allowed the towns to pay the tribute formerly owed to Byzantium (and
still owed at that moment) to the Slavic tribes; thus the raiding was
reduced by buying the Slavs off with protection money. Presumably a
large portion of this tribute went to the prince of Dalmatian Croatia.
258 Early Medieval Balkans
between 900 and 950 no details about the strategos are given in any
source; no names are mentioned and nothing is known of his subordi-
nate officials.
During the period following 870 the Dalmatian theme seems to
have been very different from the other themes. There is no evidence
that the Dalmatian strategos ever had a civil role. The traditional local
institutions continued to exist and the strategos is found only with a
military role in the Byzantine naval campaigns along the coast against
the Arabs. Furthermore, though at first the strategos was sent from
Constantinople and at times commanded a Byzantine fleet also sent
from there, and did levy certain locals for campaigns, there is no
evidence that at any time there were regular thematic troops based in
Dalmatia. The sources also do not mention the territorial divisions
(tourma) seen in other themes or the subordinate commanders who
stood over these districts (the tourmarchs). Therefore it seems no the-
matic structure was established under the strategos.
The individual character of the Dalmatian theme increased be-
tween the late ninth century and the 950s when sources appear again.
The head of the town government of Zadar, who stood over the locally
elected town council, was a local citizen entitled the prior. From the
950s the prior was also recognized as the head of the Byzantine adminis-
tration in Dalmatia. Soon thereafter the prior acquired also the title of
Dalmatian strategos. Thus the institution of strategos had changed in
Dalmatia in the tenth century. Faced with other priorities and problems,
the empire had been forced to give up its naval presence in the Adriatic,
and in time, it ceased sending commanders (strategoi) thither and came
to recognize the headman of its main town there as that strategos.
When this recognition came is unknown, but it had happened by
the 950s; whether this had occurred shortly before that date or back
toward the beginning of the tenth century is not known. From here on
(except for roughly twenty years of Venetian rule later) the prior of
Zadar, also called strategos, was the imperial representative in Dalma-
tia. This continued until 1067, when the prior came to bear the title of
katepan (a change, however, of little significance because katepan is a
term equivalent to strategos and used often in Byzantine Italy). From at
least 950 when the Byzantines came to utilize this local figure as strate-
gos, there is no further direct Byzantine administration in Dalmatia.
The prior was more or less only an honorary head of the theme.
He had no role in any other Byzantine city in Dalmatia. Each city
continued to operate under its own councils and headmen; there was
no intercity administration. Each city had its own militia and ships;
there was no intercity military organization. The prior functioned only
260 Early Medieval Balkans
in Zadar, and what role he had there seems to have been simply that
which he would have had anyway as prior or headman. Thus he was
responsible only for the defense and administration of Zadar. In terms
of the theme the prior's position as strategos was nominal and seems to
have simply symbolized Byzantium's theoretical overlordship over
these Dalmatian cities without entailing any actual duties or functions.
This situation (with the prior as strategos) is documented for the
period after 950. Some scholars have felt-with no evidence to prove
it-that from 870 until some point just before 950 the Dalmatian
theme had been like other themes. But because of the distance and the
decline of Byzantine interest and possibilities in Dalmatia, the Byzan-
tines had finally turned responsibilities over to the Dalmatians them-
selves. Yet Ferluga argues that under different names the situation in
the 950s and after was the same as it had been in the 820s. In both
periods each city was responsible for itself, there was nominal Byzan-
tine suzerainty, there was no intercity military or administrative organ-
ization, and Zadar was considered the capital of Dalmatia. Pre-theme
Dalmatia was headed by a locally elected man of Zadar called an
archon who was recognized as the head of Dalmatia and upon whom
was bestowed the honorary Byzantine court title of proconsul. Thus
the only difference in administration between 820 and the period after
950 seems to be one of titles; the archon became a strategos and the
archonate a theme.
Ferluga stresses with very strong arguments that from the start the
Byzantine theme of Dalmatia was different from other themes, lacking
the normal theme organization, the civil role of the strategos, locally
based thematic units, tourmarchs, and the like. Thus, what existed in
the 950s was the old system under new nomenclature. Though briefly
after 870 a man who was called strategos had been sent out from the
capital to head the fleet, his presence had not affected the local admin-
istration of any of the Dalmatian towns, and though he had com-
manded military operations briefly, he had not established any of the
other features of a theme in Dalmatia. When Byzantine activities in
Dalmatia ceased, no more commanders were sent from the capital.
The towns continued to function as they had previously under their
own administrations, but the Byzantines, to maintain a symbol of their
suzerainty, simply gave the title strategos to the prior of Zadar. Since
the pre-theme structure had not been altered by the establishment of
the theme, the earlier system still remained in its entirety in 950;
nothing was really new except for a couple of titular changes. What is
not known is when the prior acquired the strategos's title which he is
found holding in the 950s. 1
Croatia and Dalmatia 261
Tomislav set to work increasing the strength of both his army and
navy. Constantine Porphyrogenitus states, probably with considerable
exaggeration, that before the civil wars in the late 940s Croatia's
army included sixty thousand horsemen and one hundred thousand
foot soldiers while its navy included up to eighty galleys and one
hundred cutters. The Hungarians, who had moved into present-day
Hungary in the 890s, had immediately begun raiding far and wide as
well as expanding their territory. They had become the greatest
threat to the independence of the other states in the area. They
particularly threatened the Pannonian Croatians, still nominally under
Frankish suzerainty. The chiefs of Pannonian Croatia sought aid
against the Hungarians from Tomislav, who marched against them,
defeated them in several battles, and established a lasting border
between the Hungarians and Croatians along the Drava River. In so
doing he took over all of Pannonian Croatia and added it to his own
state, thereby eliminating all Frankish overlordship over Pannonian
Croatia. Some credit for ending Frankish suzerainty should also go to
the Hungarians, for in a sense their presence and activities had actu-
ally ended the Frankish suzerainty.
Tomislav now found himself master of both Croatian states, which
were united for the first time. Other than the Drava border, it is not
known exactly where his state borders lay. To the south of the Drava
he held what we think of as modern Croatia, Slavonia, northern and
western Bosnia, and the territory along the Dalmatian coast from what
is now Rijeka to at least the mouth of the Cetina River (excluding the
scattered Byzantine towns). His state was divided into three main re-
gions: (1) Slavonia, the most northern territory from the Drava ex-
tending beyond the Sava and Kupa rivers, seems to have retained
considerable autonomy, only rendering tribute to the Croatian ruler.
Constantine Porphyrogenitus calls it an archonate. It was to keep this
autonomous, but subordinate, position until the early eleventh cen-
tury; (2) the banovina of Lika, Krbava, and Gacka seems to have
maintained considerable autonomy-the ban of this region held a high
position at court and probably after Tomislav's death became a more
or less independent figure; (3) Tomislav's original Dalmatian lands,
Croatia and Dalmatia 263
the prior actually had this double position and title throughout the
tenth century more convincing.
The loss of part of Croatia's territory in the period after Tomi-
slav's death, like the breaking away of Serbia after Symeon's death or
of parts of Duklja after the death of its stronger rulers, all illustrate the
weakness of these early Slav states. The core areas might be retained
but the outlying regions, annexed by the strongmen, did not become
integrated into the states owing to the absence of any serious adminis-
trative structure. The retention of outlying territories by these states
was dependent on the local nobles in these lands rendering obligations.
It seems that only rarely did rulers send more than a governor (often a
royal cousin or brother)-presumably accompanied by some retain-
ers-into these areas to keep order. This was obviously insufficient to
create lasting large territorial units, loyal to a given dynasty.
Now let us turn to the controversial church affairs. The most discussed
and supposedly best-known events of this period are the church coun-
cils held in Split in 925 and 928. The first, in particular, was a major
affair attended by clerics and laity including Tomislav of Croatia and
Michael of Zahumlje. It was under the chairmanship of a papal legate
and attended by clerics from both Croatian and Byzantine Dalmatia.
Yet, despite the importance of these councils, almost everything about
them turns out to be uncertain.
In 924 or early 925-if the texts of two letters given in HSM are
authentic-Pope John X sent a legate with a letter to call a church
council. In the letter he referred to Tomislav as a king and attacked
the Slavonic liturgy. Thus, though the Franks clearly had not spread it,
the Slavonic liturgy had entered Dalmatia; presumably it had entered
from Pannonian Croatia (which had been under the bishopric of Sir-
mium, a post held previously by Methodius until his deposition and
during whose episcopate that liturgy had been favored) or from the
Byzantine theme (which though ecclesiastically under Rome still could
have had in it Slavs loyal to the Slavonic liturgy which the Byzantine
government supported). Since actual Frankish influence on the Croa-
tians was slight, one might expect that by 925 Slavonic letters would
have been quite widespread in both Dalmatia and Pannonian Croatia.
Various early Slavonic texts have survived from these regions.
The contents of Pope John X's letters are given in the long version
of Thomas (HSM) from the sixteenth century. Various other later
manuscripts giving their text exist as well. But in no case is it known
where the copiers of these manuscripts or the author of HSM found
the texts. Various views as to the letters' authenticity exist. Some
scholars believe they are forgeries, others believe they are totally genu-
ine while still others consider them later reworkings of genuine letters.
But since the original texts have not survived and since the letters'
268 Early Medieval Balkans
rationalize the hierarchy; and since the older towns, newly under him,
would not have accepted Nin, he might have hoped to gain their accep-
tance of his political leadership by supporting Split against the preten-
sions of his bishop in Nin.
Dvomik's Interpretation
Dvomik (with whom I more or less agree and have basically followed)
believes that Thomas is accurate when he claims that in the seventh
century (ca. 640) Split was raised to an archbishopric and succeeded to
the position of Salona. Dvomik notes a recently discovered inscription
referring to an Archbishop John-the name given by Thomas for the
first Split archbishop in the mid-seventh century. Dvomik notes the
archaic style of its writing and declares the inscription is certainly
pre-tenth-century and could well be seventh-century. Thus here and
elsewhere he finds evidence to support Thomas's account of the early
history of Split, an account which many scholars have rejected as fic-
tion. Dvomik thus believes that from the mid-seventh century Split
was an archbishopric over the Byzantine Dalmatian cities and under
the pope. Then, in the middle of the ninth century a bishopric at Nin
was established for Croatia by the pope and also placed under the
pope. Rivalry, owing to overlapping jurisdictions over various Croa-
tian communities, followed, so the council of 925 met to solve this
issue. The council put Nin and all Croatian Dalmatia under Split and
of course left Byzantine Dalmatia under Split. 2
Klaic's Interpretation
Nada Klaic takes a totally different view; and though I do not share
various of her conclusions, I applaud her work. She is one of the most
critical historians of medieval Croatian history and has done a marvel-
ous job in showing how weak many of our sources are.
Klaic rejects all the information about Split in the seventh century
given by Thomas. She believes Split was just a bishopric, one among
many in Byzantine Dalmatia. The bishop of Zadar (in the administra-
tive center) was probably more important. But no city stood over the
others. Thus there existed a collection of more or less equal and sepa-
rate bishoprics without a suzerain archbishop. She believes they were
subject to the patriarch of Constantinople, not to Rome. She believes
an 879 letter of Pope John VIII to the Dalmatian bishops under him is
not to be taken literally. Though most scholars have seen this letter as
proof that the Byzantine cities were under the pope, Klaic sees it as
advancing a claim rather than expressing reality. She feels that until
879 or so Split was just a bishopric and that it probably received the
higher rank of an archbishopric about then, though this is not entirely
Croatia and Dalmatia 273
certain. But despite the higher title, Split received no authority over
the other cities.
In the early 920s, according to Klaic, during their negotiations with
Tomislav, the Byzantines transferred the churches of Byzantine Dalma-
tia from the patriarch of Constantinople to the pope. Now having ob-
tained superior jurisdiction over all Dalmatia, the pope wanted to set up
a sensible hierarchy there. There were three contenders for the metro-
politan position: Split, Zadar (which Klaic feels was a serious rival), and
the Croatian see of Nin, which from its creation in about 860 to 925
Klaic believes was not directly under the pope but under the Frankish
metropolitan of Aquileia. Only after the 925 council did Split obtain
authority over any other Dalmatian city. This is a fact that Thomas the
Archdeacon intentionally hid; for this reason he did not mention the
two tenth-century councils, instead implying that the decisions the coun-
cils reached had been in effect over the previous three hundred years.
To mention the councils would have refuted what he had already written
about the earlier history of Split. And since he had misrepresented that
to so great an extent, Klaic believes his general account of the earlier
history of the Split church is most unreliable. Thus she concludes that
Split's suzerainty over the Dalmatian churches-both Byzantine and
Croatian-was established in 925 and was based on historical succession
to Salona; however, this succession was created by the council and,
despite Thomas's claims to the contrary, had not previously been re-
cognized or been in effect. She also believes that HSM is not to be
trusted when it states that the 928 council placed Sisak (a bishop for
much of Pannonian Croatia) under Split. 3
In any case, most scholars agree that if Split had not had some bishop-
rics as suffragan sees before 925, at least after 928 Split had all Dalma-
tia (and maybe Pannonian Croatia) under it. The following bishoprics
were under Split: Osor, Krk, Rab, Zadar, Skradin (to which Grgur
formerly of Nin had been sent), Ston (bishop of Zahumlje), Dubrov-
nik, Kotor, Duvno, and Sisak. The list of suffragan bishoprics has
generally been accepted (except for Klaic's doubts about Sisak). In
time new bishoprics were to be created within this broad territory
(Trogir before 1000, Knin after 1042, Biograd replaced Skradin in
about 1058, and Nin was restored in 1074). Furthermore certain bish-
oprics were to be raised to archbishoprics and gain their independence
(e.g., Dubrovnik).
274 Early Medieval Balkans
Croatia, 969-1075
Since the beginning of the ninth century, the Venetian merchant and
fighting fleet had grown in size and become increasingly powerful. By
the second half of the tenth century it had become a major force in the
Adriatic. Its active opposition to piracy was appreciated by the Byzan-
tines. In 997 Samuel conquered Durazzo. He then raided up the coast
as far as Zadar; but though his troops did a great deal of damage they
did not occupy any Dalmatian territory. However, the Byzantines,
already at war with Samuel, saw these western activities as a threat to
the empire while it found itself helpless to oppose him there. Its troops
were fighting him in the eastern Balkans. Because its fleet was weak
and its Croatian ally was in the midst of a civil war, not surprisingly,
the empire turned to Venice for aid in defending Dalmatia.
In 998 Basil II recognized the doge of Venice as his official repre-
sentative in Dalmatia, giving him the title of dux of Dalmatia and the
court rank of proconsul; Byzantine suzerainty remained but it was now
to be exercised through Venice. No Venetian representatives entered
any of the Dalmatian cities yet; the cities continued to administer
themselves but now they took oaths of loyalty to Venice. The doge
added "et Dalmatiae" to his title. Thus the de facto situation remained
unchanged. It is worth stressing here that changing overlords had little
effect on these towns; they continued to administer themselves as be-
fore, simply taking an oath to the new power and at times supplying
sailors to whichever power it was.
However, many of the Dalmatian towns were suspicious of Ven-
ice; for unlike Byzantium, Croatia, or the early Franks, Venice was a
sea and trading state like the Dalmatian towns. Thus Venice was a
rival, and increased Venetian authority in the area could threaten Dal-
matian interests and give Venetians commercial advantages over the
Dalmatians. This was not a serious danger yet; but Venice was to
realize their fears in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. As a result
of these worries some Dalmatian towns became more assertive of their
independence and some even refused to submit to Venice. Dubrovnik,
for example, continued to remain directly under Byzantine suzerainty.
At this time Dubrovnik was developing as a commercial power with a
growing fleet. To avoid falling prey to Venetian influence, Dubrovnik
276 Early Medieval Balkans
strengthened its ties with the empire and in so doing increasingly sepa-
rated itself from the rest of Byzantine Dalmatia. In a few decades it
was to be officially separated from the Byzantine Dalmatian theme and
made into a small theme in its own right.
In 998, then, Venice was exercising suzerainty over the Byzantine
Dalmatian towns in the name of the emperor while the Croatians of
Dalmatia were in the throes of a civil war and the semi-independent
Neretljani pirates were marauding along the Adriatic (particularly
against Venice). Because the Venetians had gained increased authority
in Dalmatia, some of the Dalmatian towns, feeling threatened. allied
themselves with the Neretljani against Venice. Venice then intervened
and won a decisive naval battle over the Neretljani and their Croatian
allies. In consequence the Neretljani entered a period of decline.
Whether Venice had had any role in supporting either side in the
Croatian dynastic war to this point is not clear-though many scholars
have suggested that they supported Kresimir; this would have made
sense considering Svetoslav's policy and the allies he had. In any case
in 1000, Svetoslav was ousted, and, needing support, he turned to his
ex-enemy Venice. He recognized Venetian overlordship over Dalmatia
(which of course was just a nominal act since his brothers by then
actually held Dalmatia) and as an ally of Venice obtained a promise
from the doge to support him in regaining his lost throne. His son
Stjepan went off to Venice, more or less as a hostage. Svetoslav then
disappears from the sources; possibly he died. But his son Stjepan
remained in Venice and soon married the doge's daughter. Thus the
doge seems to have been building up a potential ally who could be
useful if Stjepan could be restored to the Croatian throne. This meant
that Kresimir III (1000-1030) and Gojislav (1000 to ca. 1020) had to
worry about Venice and oppose all Venetian activity in Dalmatia.
The Venetians meanwhile were increasing their involvement in
the area and were trying to convert the titles given them by Basil II
into something of substance. The doge, though verbally retaining his
loyalty to the empire, sent envoys into various Byzantine Dalmatian
towns to extract oaths of loyalty to himself. Zadar, Trogir, Split, and
the isles of Krk and Rab submitted in this way. As far as we can tell,
this brought about no changes in the internal affairs of these towns,
and presumably the prior continued to administer Zadar. Most proba-
bly, however, during this period of Venetian overlordship he lost the
title of strategos.
As tensions increased between Kresimir and the Venetians, Ven-
ice directed its attention to some of the Croatian ports. Soon Venice
became overlord over Biograd, the important Slavic port which had
Croatia and Dalmatia 277
Croatia, 1025-75
down by two major enemies, the Seljuks in the east and the Normans
in Italy. They were in no position to act in Dalmatia, which was now
threatened by the Normans. The Croatians were in a position to
threaten the Byzantine cities there as well. Thus it made sense to
cultivate good relations with Kresimir.
Finally in 1069 the empire made him imperial representative in
Dalmatia (i.e., over the Dalmatian theme; not including the theme of
Dubrovnik and the duchy of Durazzo). The katepan Leo (presumably
the prior of Zadar who had been the Byzantine representative in 1069)
was allowed to remain in his post and retain his title, but now he was to
serve Kresimir. Thus it seems that no changes occurred in Zadar; the
prior continued his administrative role there and possibly even retained
some sort of titular role for the rest of Byzantine Dalmatia. Kresimir
respected the autonomy of the towns. Thus Byzantine suzerainty was
not renounced but was just wielded for the empire by Kresimir.
In the 1060s Croatia included three banovinas: (1) Bosnia, (2) a
coastal banovina mentioned between 1060 and 1069 under Ban Gojco,
(3) Slavonia, between the Sava and the Drava under Zvonimir. Very
little is known about them. How independent were the first two? Were
the bans local figures or were they appointed by the Croatian ruler?
Since the coastal banovina is mentioned for only that one decade,
possibly it was a very temporary affair. The third, Slavonia, between
the Sava and the Drava, was administered by the autonomous ban
Zvonimir, son-in-law of the Hungarian king Bela I. Zvonimir was
found as an autonomous ruler in Slavonia by 1065. In the course of the
next four years he came to accept Croatian suzerainty. It seems he
accepted this in an agreement by which his region (Slavonia) was re-
stored to the Croatian state but in such a way as to retain its auton-
omy, leaving him as its ruler. It also seems that the region which the
Croatian king confirmed as Zvonimir's banovina was more extensive
than his initial territory, which suggests he was given further lands by
the Croatian king.
Zvonimir joined his territory to Croatia in exchange for continued
local independence, an important role in general Croatian state affairs,
and for his own succession to the Croatian throne should Kresimir be
childless. (Kresimir had had a son named Stjepan who predeceased
him.) Croatian charters were issued in the names of King Peter Kresi-
mir and Ban Zvonimir. After late 1074, Kresimir disappears from the
sources. A year later, in the fall of 1075, his junior coruler Zvonimir
was crowned king of Croatia.
Some studies state that a nobleman named Slavac succeeded, but
the only source for this is Lucius-a late Renaissance historian. Slavac,
280 Early Medieval Balkans
Duklja under Bodin. Bodin, though allied to the emperor, had just
married the daughter of the leader of the pro-Norman faction in Bari.
Bodin also had had hostile relations with the Byzantines before. He
had actively supported the Bulgarian rebellion in the 1070s and had
then been carted off to Constantinople as a captive after the Byzan-
tines had defeated him in battle. The Byzantines, however, had serious
support from Venice. Since the Byzantine navy had so greatly de-
clined, Venice's strong fleet was vital to oppose the Norman sea at-
tack. In fact, the Venetians defeated the Norman fleet and broke the
naval part of the Norman siege.
For its services Venice in 1081 or 1082 gained a large number
of privileges; duty-free trade throughout the empire; the right to
establish colonies and warehouses in any port it wanted, the right to
have its own administration for its colonies; the right to use its own
laws and judges for its people; and various gifts and titles for the
doge. The Venetian merchants, enjoying these privileges, came to
acquire great advantages over the Byzantine merchants who had to
pay duties. Soon the Venetians acquired an economic stranglehold
over Byzantium and came to dominate the carrying trade of the
empire. In addition, as the Byzantine fleet was allowed to deterio-
rate, the Venetian fleet came more and more to replace it. This
process continued until it was too late. Then the Venetians were
able to demand further privileges; if rebuffed, they could and did
raid the poorly defended Greek islands and ports to force the Byz-
antines to capitulate. Thus the long-run effect of these 1081 capitula-
tions was the ruin of Byzantine commerce and the further decline of
its already poor navy.
Despite their naval defeat, the Norman land attack continued and
in a critical battle in October 1081, the Normans defeated the Byzan-
tines and took Durazzo. In this battle Bodin and his Dukljans sat on
the sidelines and watched. According to the Byzantine sources, their
nonparticipation was an important factor in the Norman victory. The
Normans then, from their base in Durazzo, pushed on into imperial
territory. They marched through Epirus and Macedonia into Thessaly,
where they laid siege to Larissa. At this moment an uprising broke out
in Italy and the Norman leader, Robert Guiscard, had to return to
quell it. In his absence the emperor Alexius was able to clear Thessaly
of the Normans. By 1085 things were settled in Italy and Guiscard was
ready to return to recover his recently lost conquests; but the plague
carried him off first and confusion followed in Italy. As a result, the
Byzantines were to be spared the Normans for a while, and in 1085 the
empire regained Durazzo.
Croatia and Dalmatia 283
Croatia, 1075-1102
Zvonimir of Croatia
In 1102 Koloman moved against Croatia again but this time he stopped
at the Drava and there, a late source reports, he met with twelve
Croatia and Dalmatia 285
Dalmatia was too important for other powers to sit back and allow
Hungary to keep. Right after the death of Koloman in 1116, Venice
attacked Hungary's Dalmatian holdings. The Dalmatian cities seem to
have been unhappy with Hungary for one after another they opened
their gates to the Venetians (who were working with the Byzantines).
Zadar, Split, Trogir, Biograd, and much of the rest of Dalmatia came
over to Venice. In 1117 Hungary invaded Dalmatia to try to regain its
lost cities, but the attack failed even though the doge of Venice was
killed in the fighting. Again in 1124 the Hungarians attacked the Dal-
matian cities, which were still held by Venice. But though the Hungari-
ans found the Dalmatians more friendly to them now, they still could
not regain Dalmatia.
By the 1150s Hungary had reestablished cordial relations with the
German empire which freed it once again to give its attention to Dal-
matia which was still under Venice. Geza led an attack which re-
covered Zadar in 1158. In the course of the wars between Manuel and
Hungary, noted earlier, the Byzantines invaded Hungarian Dalmatia
in the mid-1160s. In 1167 after the major Byzantine victory at Zemun,
the Hungarians recognized Byzantine rule over the empire's former
Dalmatian towns. After the mass arrest of the Venetians resident in
the empire in 1171 set off a ten-year Venetian-Byzantine war, Venice
in 1172 took certain of these Dalmatian towns, including Trogir and
Dubrovnik; but Byzantine action and an epidemic led to a quick Byz-
antine recovery.
In 1180, while the Venetian war was still in progress, the emperor
Manuel died, leaving a weak regency. It was apparent that Dalmatia
would fall to either Venice or Hungary, and clearly, since the empire
was at war with Venice and since the Hungarian ruler was Bela III,
with whom the empire had close ties, Hungary was preferable. Thus
seemingly without bloodshed and with imperial consent Bela recovered
the Dalmatian cities in 1181. The Venetians had already occupied
Zadar, however, and the Hungarians had to take that city by force in
February 1181. Since Zadar was in danger from a Venetian counterat-
tack, a Hungarian governor was established in Zadar. The Venetians
made an unsuccessful attempt to recover Zadar in 1193. They gained it
only in 1203 when they utilized the Fourth Crusade to take it from the
Hungarians. The Venetians insisted that the Crusaders do this service
for them to pay for their transport east. The fact that the Hungarian
king was a Catholic who had already pledged himself to take the Cross
for the crusade was immaterial. But by this time we are in the midst of
290 Early Medieval Balkans
the subject matter of the next volume. As the present volume draws to
a close in the 1180s, the Hungarians were once again in possession of
Dalmatia with the Venetians hovering in the wings, with their ships
dominating the Adriatic, just waiting for a chance to regain the Dalma-
tian towns.
In this work we have traced the history of the Balkans from the sixth
century to the 1180s. We have seen established the foundations of the
contemporary Balkans. The Greeks and Albanians were already old-
timers there in the sixth century-when this volume began. They were
jolted by the arrival of the invaders who were to establish the Slavic
states in the Balkans. We have traced the development of the Slavs
into different ethnic groups and have seen how each (except the Mace-
donians) acquired an ethnic consciousness that has lasted to the pres-
ent time. These developments, as well as the first state formations of
all these Slavic peoples, occurred in this critical period. We have also
seen the conversion of the new peoples to Christianity and have seen
that whether a region was to be Catholic or Orthodox (after the church
split) had been determined for everyone but the Albanians and Bos-
nians in the period we have covered.
We have examined the states which these different peoples estab-
lished in the early medieval period. Except for the Bulgarians all pro-
duced relatively short-lasting and unstable states. The proximity to
Bulgaria of Byzantium, both as a model and as an enemy to unite the
Bulgarians to defend themselves against, was a major factor in the
greater stability of the Bulgarian state. But now as we enter the end of
the twelfth century, we see that the Byzantine Empire was declining in
strength. We shall see in the next volume how separatism by powerful
noblemen in various provinces of the imperial Balkans was increasing.
And, as the empire succumbed to feudalism and as its central govern-
ment became less and less able to control its provinces, the Bulgarians
got a chance to liberate themselves from the empire and recreated an
independent Bulgarian state. At the same time the Serbs were able to
shed their vassalage to Byzantium and assert their full independence.
These two developments-along with the establishment of an autono-
mous Bosnian state (in theory under Hungarian over lordship )-were
features of the 1180s. With the establishment of these new states-
each of which was to develop and increase in power-we enter a new
period of medieval Balkan history. The history of these independent
states will be dealt with in the second volume of this history.
Croatia and Dalmatia 291
Medieval Rulers
324-37 Constantine I
337-61 Constantius
361-63 Julian
363-64 Jovian
364-78 Val ens
379-95 Theodosius I
395-408 Arcadius
408-50 Theodosius II
450-57 Marcian
457-74 Leo I
474 Leo II
474-75 Zeno
475-76 Basiliscus
476-91 Zeno (again)
491-518 Anastasius I
518-27 Justin I
527-65 Justinian I
565-78 Justin II
578-82 Tiberius I Constantine
582-602 Maurice
602-10 Phocas
610-41 Heraclius
641 Constantine III and Heraclonas
641 Heraclonas
641-68 Constans II
294 Early Medieval Balkans
668-85 Constantine IV
685-95 Justinian II
695-98 Leontius
698-705 Tiberius II
705-11 Justinian II (again)
711-13 Philippicus
713-15 Anastasius II
715-17 Theodosius III
717-41 Leo III
741-75 Constantine V
775-80 Leo IV
780-97 Constantine VI
797-802 Irene
802-11 Nicephorus I
811 Staurakios
811-13 Michael I Rangabe
813-20 Leo V
820-29 Michael II
829-42 Theophilus
842-67 Michael III
867-86 Basil I
886-'-912 Leo VI
912-13 Alexander
913-59 Constantine VII
920-44 Romanus I Lecapenus
959-63 Romanus II
)63-69 Nicephorus II Phocas
969-76 John I Tzimiskes
976-1025 Basil II
1025-28 Constantine VIII
1028-34 Romanus III Argyrus
1034-41 Michael IV
1041-42 Michael V
1042 Zoe and Theodora
1042-55 Constantine IX Monomachus
1055-56 Theodora (again)
Medieval Rulers 295
1056-57 Michael VI
1057-59 Isaac I Comnenus
1059-67 Constantine X Ducas
1068-71 Romanus IV Diogenes
1071-78 Michael VII Ducas
1078-81 Nicephorus III Botaneiates
1081-1118 Alexius I Comnenus
1118-43 John II Comnenus
1143-80 Manuel I Comnenus
1180-83 Alexius II Comnenus
1183-85 Andronicus I Comnenus
1185-95 Isaac II Angelus
1195-1203 Alexius III Angelus
1203-04 Isaac II (again) and
Alexius IV Angeli
1204 Alexius V Murtzuphlus
Bulgarian Rulers
From the arrival of the Bulgars in the Balkans to the Byzantine conquest in 1018
House of Dulo
739-56 Kormisos
756-ca. 761 Vinekh
ca. 761-ca. 764 Telec
ca. 764-67 Sabin
767 Umar
767-ca. 769 Toktu
ca. 770 Pagan
ca. 770-77 Telerig
777-ca. 803 Kardam
296 Early Medieval Balkans
House of Krum
Rulers of Croatia
Dalmatian Croatia
845-64 Trpimir I
864 Zdeslav
864-76 Domagoj
876 Domagoj's son
876-79 Zdeslav (again)
879-92 Branimir
892-910 Mutimir (possibly Mutimir died ca. 900 and was
succeeded by several rulers with brief reigns to 910)
Medieval Rulers 297
After Stjepan Drzislav's coronation in 988 all Croatian rulers had the title of
Serbian Rulers
The dates for the successors of Bodin are all approximate and it is possible,
since our source is based on oral tradition, that even the list of names might
have inaccuracies. The rulers from Michael in ca. 1046 through Gradinja ( dy-
ing in ca. 1146) all bore the title king.
1095-1116 Koloman
1116-31 Stephen II
1131-41 Bela II
1141-62 Geza II
1162-72 Stephen III (throne briefly lost twice to rival
Stephen IV, 1163 and ca. 1165)
1172-96 Bela III
Adoptionists: People who believed that Jesus was a man adopted by God as
the "Son of God." This current (associated with Paul of Samosata) was
widespread in Syria, Armenia, and the Greek East in the third and fourth
centuries and probably survived as the theological basis for the Paulicians
(active in the empire from the eighth to the eleventh century). Adoption-
ism was considered a heresy by the Orthodox church.
"Adulterer": A term of abuse used by Extremist Byzantine clerics for their
Moderate opponents in the eighth and ninth centuries. It goes back to the
Moderates condoning a second marriage, while his first wife was still alive
(hence adulterous), for the emperor Constantine VI in 793.
Albigensians: The dualist (or Cathar) heretics of southern France derived from
the town of Albi, one of their main centers.
Appanage: A large land grant by a ruler to a member of his family. Usually
not hereditary. Holder usually has rights of internal administration but
owes military service to his superior, and is allowed no independence in
foreign affairs.
Archon: A leader; used in a variety of ways by the Byzantines, e.g., the ruler
of Bulgaria, the leader of their Dalmatian holdings in the eighth century,
Archonate of Dalmatia: The cities held by the Byzantines along the Dalmatian
coast from the late seventh century through the first half of the ninth
century. The archonate had no overall intercity organization; Zadar was
the capital of the archonate, the seat of the archon. who was a local
Zadar leader.
Arians: Followers of Arius, an Alexandrian theologian, who taught that Jesus
Christ was neither fully God (consubstantial with God) nor coeternal but
a subordinate creature. This view was condemned at the Councils of
Nicea (325) and Constantinople (381). However, the Germanic Goths
were converted by an Arian missionary and Arianism survived as the
dominant form of Christianity among them while they resided in the
Balkans (fourth to late fifth century).
Ban: A ruler or governor of a large province, usually a subordinate of a king.
The title was found used in the western Balkans, in Bosnia, Croatia, and
Slavonia. On occasions the ban-ship became hereditary. Bans also some-
times were able to achieve considerable, if not complete, autonomy.
300 Early Medieval Balkans
Khagan: Turkish title for a supreme chief used, e.g., by the Avars and
Khan: The same word as khagan; however, scholars usually use the form khan
when describing the pre-Christian rulers of the Bulgars.
Knez (in Serbian or Croatian; knjaz in Bulgarian): Prince.
Libellus: A written declaration; often the basis for a prosecution's case. The
term is a Latin diminutive of liber (book).
Limitanei: Roman troops settled on a border and responsible for its defense.
Logothete: In the Middle Byzantine period, a high Byzantine court secretary
standing at the head of a bureaucratic office.
Manichee: A member of a dualistic religion (opposing light against darkness)
based on the teaching of a third-century Persian named Mani. Damned as
a heresy by the Christian church.
Massalians (or Messalians): Members of an enthusiastic Christian sect. They
believed salvation came from prayer and asceticism and not sacraments.
Little is known about them since all that survive are highly slanderous
attacks by their enemies (accusing them of licentiousness). They arose in
the fourth century in Syria and seem to have died out in the seventh
century. However, attacks upon the later Bogomils frequently use Mas-
salian as a label of abuse for the Bogomils.
Metropolitan: A major bishop, standing over a major diocese, ranking below
the patriarch and above the archbishops.
Moderates: In the eighth and ninth century, the Byzantine church party op-
posed to the Extremists. The Moderates were willing to interpret canons
flexibly. They were willing to tolerate repentant ex-Iconoclasts in church
positions and were willing to bend church canons for the needs of state.
Nicea, Council of: The first ecumenical (universal) church council held at
Nicea in 325 to condemn Arius. It passed the Nicene Creed.
Nicene: One who accepts the creed of the Council of Nicea.
Obscina: The village commune in early modern Russia, a taxable unit.
Old Church Slavonic (OCS): The name recently given by scholars to the Slavic
language devised by Constantine (Cyril) and Methodius in the middle of
the ninth century. The first written Slavic language, they translated the
Bible into it and it became the language of church services for the Ortho-
dox Slavic churches. It was based upon a spoken Macedonian dialect to
which various Greek features were added. The words Old Church distin-
guish it from the various literary languages that evolved from it on the
basis of local spoken languages, e.g., Bulgarian Slavonic, Russian Sla-
vonic, etc.
Orthodox: Correct belief. A term used for the mainstream church in East and
West until the church split. Subsequently the term came to refer to the
eastern churches in communion with Constantinople, while the term Cath-
olic, also originally used to refer to the church both in the East and West,
came to refer solely to the Roman Catholic church.
Outer boyar: A term used for certain Bulgarian boyars in the Byzantine
sources. It most probably refers to the boyars resident on their estates in
the provinces as opposed to those resident at court.
Pallium: A cloak worn by a bishop which was considered a major symbol of his
Glossaries 303
Patarin: A name used for the dualist heretics in Italy, who were part of the
Cathar movement.
Patriarch: A major bishop who was the independent head of a major diocese.
In the early church (from the mid-fifth century) there were five recog-
nized patriarchates: Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Je-
rusalem. After their conversions the various Slavic churches sought (and
at times unilaterally assumed) this title for the heads of their various
churches, sometimes even achieving recognition of this title from the
Constantinopolitan patriarch. The first Slavic patriarch was the Bulgarian,
probably declared by Symeon, recognized by Byzantium in 927. When
Byzantium conquered Bulgaria this patriarch's title was reduced to arch-
Patriarchal family: A family unit, often a large one including several genera-
tions, which is autocratically run by the family "patriarch" (usually the
eldest male).
Patrician: Member of an order of high nobility in Byzantium appointed by the
emperor; on occasions foreign princes were honored with this rank by the
Byzantine emperor.
Paulicians: Members of a religious sect, seen as heretical by the Orthodox
church, arising in Armenia and eastern Anatolia. Long considered to be
dualist, but more recently shown to be adoptionist. Many Paulicians, after
suffering military reversals at Byzantine hands, were then transferred to
the Balkans to defend the border with Bulgaria where (centered in Philip-
popolis) they continued to retain their individuality.
Perfectus: A Cathar who had received spiritual baptism and thus was con-
sidered to possess the Holy Spirit. As such he could be considered clergy
as opposed to the larger number of unbaptized (lay) followers.
Perun: The Slavic god of thunder.
Philhellenes: The Europeans and Americans who actively supported the
Greeks in their war of independence against the Turks, 1821-33.
Prefectures: The late Roman-early Byzantine Empire was divided into huge
administrative provinces called prefectures, each under a Praetorian pre-
Prior of Zadar: The head man of the city of Zadar who, when the Byzantines
in the tenth century were no longer able to take an active role in their
Dalmatian theme, was given the entirely nominal title of strategos of
Proconsul: Derived from the title of a Roman governor, this term in the
Byzantine period became an honorary rank which was granted at times to
important foreign leaders.
Pronoia: In the Byzantine empire (and later Bulgaria and Serbia), a grant of a
source of income (usually land) given in exchange for service (usually
military) to the state. The grant was temporary and reverted back to the
state when the holder died or ceased to carry out the duties for which it
was given.
Protostrator: A high Byzantine court title which occasionally was granted to
foreign leaders.
Protovestijar: The title of a Byzantine palace official in charge of the imperial
wardrobe which was taken over by the Slavs. Though it is not certain
304 Early Medieval Balkans
what the early Slavic protovestijar's functions were he seems to have been
some sort of financial official.
Sbornik: A collection of texts.
Solidus: A Byzantine coin. Seventy-two of them equaled a Roman pound of
gold. (A Roman pound equaled about twelve American ounces.)
Stefanos: The wreath-shaped crown worn by a Byzantine caesar.
Stemma: The crown worn by the Byzantine emperor.
Strategos (pl. strategoi): A Greek term for "general"; from the seventh cen-
tury used, however, specifically for the military commander of a theme
(military province). He not only commanded the local troops but was also
more or less the governor of the province.
Studites: Monks of the great monastery of Studios in Constantinople. They
were very influential in Byzantine church politics and usually a bastion of
support for the Extremist faction.
Suffragan bishopric: A lesser bishopric subordinate to a greater one.
Synod: A Church council.
Synodik: A text presenting the decisions of a synod.
Theme: Originally a Greek term for an army corps, it came in the seventh
century also to refer to a Byzantine military province defended by that
corps. Soon thereafter the whole Byzantine Empire was divided into
these themes (military provinces) each under the direction of a strategos.
Toponym: A place name.
Tourma: A military district within a theme. Each theme was divided into two
to four such districts, each commanded by a tourmarch.
Tourmarch: The military governor of a tourma.
Tsar: The Slavic translation of the Greek basileus, emperor. The Slavs used
the title when referring to the Byzantine emperor. In time when certain
Slavic rulers (starting with Symeon in Bulgaria in the 910s) claimed for
themselves the imperial title they called themselves tsars.
Zadruga: A scholarly term for the South Slavic extended family, i.e., a house-
hold where several generations of the same family lived together.
Zupa: A territorial unit (roughly equivalent to a county) found in Croatia,
Bosnia, and Serbia.
Zupan: The lord of a county.
were transferred to other regions of Anatolia and the Balkans. They had
their own church which, owing to an interpretation of how the human and
divine were mixed in Christ which differed from that of the Orthodox
church, was considered heretical by the Byzantines.
Arnauts: Another name for the Albanians.
Avars: A Turkic people who migrated into what is now Hungary in the late
sixth century and established through their dominance of other peoples
(including Bulgars and Slavs) a huge empire that included most of what is
now the Ukraine, Rumania, Hungary, Yugoslavia. and Czechoslovakia.
Their empire began declining after successful rebellions by various subject
people in the second quarter of the seventh century. Their independent
power was destroyed by Charlemagne in the 790s.
Belo Croats (White Croats): The Croatians of a Croatian state existing in the
seventh century north of the Carpathians whence, according to Constan-
tine Porphyrogenitus, the Croatians who migrated into the Balkans in the
seventh century came.
Bulgars: A Turkic people, divided into various tribes, found north of the Black
Sea and Sea of Azov. In the late seventh century some of them migrated
across the Danube into what is now northern Bulgaria, where they con-
quered the Slavs already settled there. By the late ninth or early tenth
century the Bulgars had become slavicized. However, their name was
given to the Slavic people (and its language) that resulted. From the tenth
century on the term refers to a Slavic people.
Byzantine: A term invented by scholars to distinguish the later Roman Empire
beginning with Constantine in the 320s, after the empire became centered
in the East and Christian, up to its fall in 1453. However, throughout this
period those we now call Byzantines called, and considered, themselves
Romans even though most of them were Greek-speakers.
Celts: An ancient people which included the Britons, Gauls, and modern Irish.
On their migration west in the fourth century B.c. some settled for a time
in the Balkans, leaving behind certain cultural influences.
Croats: A people, probably of Iranian origin, who migrated into the western
Balkans in the seventh century and subjected the Slavs settled there. In
time they became slavicized but gave their name to the Slavic people (and
its language) of what is now Croatia, Dalmatia, and part of Bosnia. From
the ninth century, if not earlier, they are clearly a Slavic people.
Cumans (Also called the Polovtsy): A Turkic people who appeared in the
Steppes in the eleventh century after the decline of the Pechenegs. They
were a problem for the eastern Balkans for the next two centuries owing
to their raids. However, others settled in Bulgaria and provided a valu-
able portion of the armies of the Second Bulgarian Empire.
Dacians: An ancient Indo-European people settled in what is now Rumania,
northern Bulgaria, and northeastern Yugoslavia. They were scattered by
the Slavic invasions but survived to become the ancestors of the modern
Rumanians and Vlachs.
Dragovica Slavs: A Slavic tribe settled in Thrace and parts of Macedonia noted
in sources of the seventh and eighth century, who gave their name to a
region of Thrace in the Middle Ages.
Ezeritae: A Slavic tribe in the mountains of the Peloponnesus which unlike
306 Early Medieval Balkans
most of the other Slavs of Greece did not become hellenized but retained
its identity and remained Slavic-speaking throughout the Middle Ages
into the Ottoman period.
Fatimids: A Muslim dynasty in North Africa founded early in the tenth cen-
tury. In 969 they conquered Egypt and ruled their empire from Cairo.
Franks: A Germanic tribe which conquered most of Gaul and eventually es-
tablished a powerful state centered in what is now France and Germany,
but whose borders extended well beyond. Charlemagne, the greatest
Frankish ruler, in 800 won recognition from the pope that his state was an
empire. In this period the Franks were active in the northwestern Bal-
kans, and for a while were overlords over most of the Croatians.
Gepids: A Germanic tribe found in the fifth and sixth centuries in the north-
western Balkans, and what is now Hungary.
Ghuzz Turks: A Turkish tribe that swept across the Steppes and raided the
Balkans in 1064.
Goths: Germanic tribes, consisting chiefly of Ostrogoths and Visigoths, who
raided and then settled in large numbers (causing considerable chaos) in
the Balkans from the fourth century until the very end of the fifth.
Greeks: The ancient settlers of Greece who also lived along the Thracian coast
and existed in large numbers in Anatolia. They became the dominant
people of the Roman Empire in the period after Constantine moved its
center to the east.
Huns: Asiatic nomads who dominated the Steppes and the Hungarian plains
and raided central Europe and the Balkans during the fifth century. Their
famed leader was Attila.
Hungarians (or Magyars): A Finno-Ugric nomadic people who moved into
what is now Hungary at the end of the ninth century. They established a
powerful state that has survived to the present.
Illyrians: An ancient Indo-European people dominating the western Balkans
(what is now Dalmatia, Bosnia, Albania, Epirus), though conquered by
Rome, until the Slavic invasions. They have survived in a much more
restricted area as the Albanians.
Khazars: A Turkic tribe dominating the Steppes with centers on the lower
Volga and Don. They were a major power in that area from the seventh
century until their destruction by Svjatoslav of Kiev in 965. They were
generally allies of the Byzantines.
Kutrigurs: A Bulgarian tribe noted in the late fifth and sixth centuries living
north of the Black Sea and in what is now Bessarabia.
Lombards: A Germanic people living in the northern Balkans and Pannonia in
the sixth century who migrated into Italy in the late sixth century when
the Avars appeared on their borders.
Magyars: See Hungarians.
Melingi: A Slavic tribe in the mountains of the Peloponnesus which unlike
most of the other Slavs of Greece did not become hellenized but retained
its identity and remained Slavic-speaking throughout the Middle Ages
into the Ottoman period.
Neretljani: A Slavic people, living between the Neretva and Cetina rivers, very
active as sailors and pirates from the ninth through eleventh centuries.
Normans: By the time they hit the Balkans they were French-speaking, having
Glossaries 307
310 Early Medieval Balkans
Prince Svjatoslav II of Kiev (1073-76) since the text survived in his copy,
the work actually goes back to Symeon of Bulgaria.
Taktikon of Uspenskij: A military manual from the ninth century, compiled
between 842 and 846. It contains considerable information about the
themes (military provinces) that existed in the empire at the time it was
composed. It is named for the Russian Byzantinist who edited its text.
Theophanes: Byzantine monk and chronicler who compiled his chronicle be-
tween 810 and 814. His chronicle covers the period from 284 to 813. His
work is the major source for Byzantine events of the seventh and eighth
Theophanes Continuatus (or the Continuator of Theophanes): A compilation
drawn up in the middle of the tenth century at the orders of Constantine
VII Porphyrogenitus. It picks up where Theophanes ends (813) and contin-
ues the history to 961. It is not the work of a single author but a collection
of different works stuck together: e.g. Constantine VII's Life of Basil, the
Chronicle of the Logothete.
Theophylact, Patriarch of Constantinople (933-56): His letter to Peter of Bul-
garia from ca. 940, and presumably based on a no-longer-extant letter
from Peter, is the earliest source about the Bogomils in Bulgaria and
sheds some light on the heresy itself.
Theophylact of Ohrid: A Greek who was bishop of Ohrid (ca. 1090-1109),
many of whose letters from Ohrid survive and are a major source for
conditions in Bulgaria at his time.
Thomas the Archdeacon of Split: Thomas died in 1268. He was the author of a
History of Split which is a most important but biased source for the
history of Split from the seventh to the thirteenth centuries. An expanded
version of his work from the sixteenth century, known as His to ria Saloni-
tana maior, also exists.
Willibald: Bishop of Mainz and a pilgrim to Jerusalem in the 720s who refers
to Monemvasia being a Slavic land.
Yahya ibn Said of Antioch (ca. 980-1066): An Arab Christian living in Anti-
och who wrote in Arabic a chronicle covering the period 936-1034. In
addition to eastern events, he has considerable material on Byzantine
events including the warfare between Samuel of Bulgaria and Byzantium.
Zakon sudnyi ljud'm: See Court Law for the People.
Selected Bibliography
316 Early Medieval Balkans
For major events, see the Contents. Since C, S, and Z are the equiva-
lents of Ch, Sh, and Zh, words using these letters are alphabetized as if
they were written Ch, Sh, and Zh. Italicized numbers in the index
refer to items referred to, but not by name (e.g., Constantinople being
referred to as "the capital," Jakvinta being referred to as "Bodin's
wife"). The limited number of topical headings are not complete; they
are intended to pick up more sustained discussions and do not attempt
to include all passing references.
320 Index
Arabs, also Saracens (continued) Bar (town), 206, 215, 216, 221, 223-
65, 66, 75, 83, 103, 118, 122, 139, 24; Bishop of, 215, 216, 221, 223-
140, 152-53, 163, 180, 181, 188, 24; maps 3, 5
190, 253, 256, 257, 258, 259, 274 Bardas (strategos), 104, 105
Arcadiopolis (town), 185, 186, 188; Bardas (uncle of and regent for Mi-
Battle of, 185, 186, 188; maps 3, 4 chael III), 115
Arethas (archbishop of Caesarea and Bardas Phocas. See Phocas, Bardas
author), 83 Bari (town in Italy), 214, 222, 257,
Arians, Arian dispute, 16-17, 18 281, 282; map 2
Armenia, Armenians, 6, 12, 43, 67, Barisic, F. (scholar), 34, 39, 46
71, 80, 104, 119, 149, 162, 169, Basil I (Byzantine emperor), 83, 89,
173, 188, 189 122-23, 124, 125-26, 132, 257
Armeniak theme, 71 Basil II (Byzantine emperor), 180,
Ashot (son of Gregory Taronites), 182, 183, 192, 193, 194, 197, 198,
194-95, 197 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206,
Asia Minor. See Anatolia 207, 208, 218, 219, 275, 276, 277,
Asparukh. See Isperikh 278, 281
Athanasius (abbot of Mount Athos Basil of Caesarea, Saint, 133
Lavra), 180 Bavaria, 47, 50, 261
Athens (city), 3, 18, 61, 71, 82; map Bela I (king of Hungary), 279
4 Bela II (king of Hungary), 234, 236,
Athos, Mount (monastic center), 238
180-81; map 4 Bela III (king of Hungary), 238, 240,
Attica (region in Greece), 71; map 2 241, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 289
Attila the Hun, 66 Bela Croats. See White Croats
Augustus (Roman emperor), 12 Belos (brother of Uros II), 236, 237,
Avars (tribe), 2, 14, 23, 25, 29-37, 239, 240
38, 39, 41-43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, Benjamin (son of Symeon), 160, 163
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, Beograd (town), 3, 31, 32, 36, 37,
58, 59, 65, 66, 67, 78, 94, 95, 96, 53, 107, 204, 211, 227,235, 246,
97, 99, 101, 251, 252 256, 288; maps 3, 6
Avlona (town), 237; map 4 Berrhoia (town), 104, 197; map 3
Awv,&acl,~,~.«,~.~ Bessarabia (region), 44, 67, 139; map
Backa (region), 26; map 2 Bijeljina (town), 39; map 6
Bajan (son of Symeon). See Benjamin Biograd (town), 254, 263, 273, 276,
Balkan Mountains, 1, 2, 44, 46, 67, 280, 281, 284, 289; map 5
72, 74, 100, 106, 118, 186, 209, Bitola (town), 45; map 6
247; maps 1, 2, 3 Black Sea, 13, 14, 29, 43, 44, 66, 67,
Ban of Croatia and Dalmatia, title 68, 69, 74, 97, 98, 103, 106, 118,
and role of, 236, 240-41, 242, 286, 149, 195; maps 1, 2
287; banovina of, 240-41, 242, Bodin, Constantine (king of Duklja),
284; ban, banovina of Bosnia, 279, 214, 215, 220-24, 228-30, 231,
288; banovina of [Pannonian] 232, 281-82
Croatia, 284; banovina of Lika, Bogomil, pop (heretic), 173, 175
Krbava, and Gacka, 262, 265; Bogomilism, Bogomils (a heresy),
banovina of the Coast, 279; bano- 163, 164, 170, 171-79, 189, 196-97
vina of Slavonia, 279 Bohemia, 184, 261
Banat (region), 26; map 2 Bohemund (Norman leader), 231
Index 321
Carpathians, 55, 56, 57, 58, 67, 78, Clement, Saint, 128, 134, 136, 220;
95, 99; maps 1, 2 Life of, 128, 220
Cathars (French heretics), 176 Cometopuli, the (sons of Count Nich-
Caucasus, 29, 44, 56, 66, 75, 201 olas), 189, 190, 192. See also Sam-
Celts (a people), 12 uel
Cetina River, 253, 256, 262; map 1 Commerce, 3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 19, 35,
Cetina zupa (region), 263; map 2 36, 39, 40, 61, 65, 68, 75, 89, 133,
Chalcidic Peninsula, map 2 137, 139-40, 164, 169-70, 181,
Charanis, P. (scholar), 46, 60-61, 62, 183-84, 187, 197' 234, 256, 274-
64, 80 75, 282
Charlemagne (Frankish king/ "em- Comnena, Anna. See Anna Com-
peror"), 44, 78, 251, 252, 254, nena
255 Comneni emperors, 219, 246. See
Caslav Klonimirovic (Serb ruler), also Alexius I; Andronicus I; John
154, 159-60, 193, 265 II; Manuel I
Chatzon (Slavic tribal leader), 41, Constans II (Byzantine emperor), 45,
44, 46 61, 66
Cherson (town), 181, 182, 187 Constantine I (Byzantine emperor),
Choniates, Niketas (Byzantine histo- 14, 16, 17, 19
rian), 234, 235 Constantine IV (Byzantine emperor),
Cremosnik, I. (scholar), 39 67, 70
Christianity, conversions to, 16-18, Constantine V (Byzantine emperor),
20, 36, 44, 63, 64, 82, 83, 113-14, 62, 63, 76-78
208, 290; of Bulgarians, 99, 107- Constantine VI (Byzantine emperor),
08, 113-14, 116, 117-21, 127-30, 78, 115
132, 164, 165, 168, 171, 172; of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus
Croatians, 51, 52, 55, 252, 253, (Byzantine emperor and author),
254, 267, 268; of Serbs, 53, 55, 34-35, 36, 49-59, 62-63, 70, 80-
141-42, 159. See also Church, or- 81, 89, 108, 110, 112, 120, 142,
ganization of 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150-
Christopher Lecapenus (son of 51, 153, 159, 165, 179, 248, 251,
Romanus I), 161 255, 262, 263, 264, 265
Chrobatos (Croatian tribal leader), Constantine VIII (Byzantine em-
50, 56 peror), 180, 182, 183
Chronicle of the Priest of Dioclea. Constantine IX Monomachus (Byz-
See Dioclea, Chronicle of the antine emperor), 208-10, 213
Priest of Constantine (bishop of Bulgaria),
Church, organization of: Bulgarian 134
church, 113, 118-19, 120, 121, Constantine Bodin. See Bodin, Con-
123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 134, stantine
156, 161, 171, 179, 188, 191-92, Constantine-Cyril (apostle to the
196, 199, 203-04, 219-20; Byzan- Slavs), 113-14, 124, 126, 134, 135,
tine church, 17, 20, 63-64, 80, 82, 136
83, 89, 114-17, 120, 122, 123, 124, Constantine Pabikos. See Pabikos,
125, 126, 156, 217 (see also Patri- Constantine
arch of Constantinople); Dalma- Constantinople (city), 3, 9, 14-15,
tian and Croatian church, 253-54, 17, 18, 20, 31, 32, 33, 42, 43, 44,
266-74, 280-81; Dukljan church, 65, 70, 71, 74, 75, 77, 97, 98, 99,
215-16, 221, 223-24, 229 102, 105, 106, 113, 117, 121, 122,
Index 323
Diocletian (Roman emperor), 14, 19, theme, duchy, or strategos of, 83,
34, 269 148, 200, 202, 203, 204, 207, 226,
Dnepr River, 25, 95, 138 253, 258, 279, 281; maps 3, 4
Dobroslav (son of King Michael of Dusan, Stefan (Serbian ruler), 5
Duklja), 230, 231, 232 Duvno (town), 273; map 5
"Dobroslav" referring to Vojislav, Dvornik, F. (scholar), 111, 131n,
203. See also Vojislav 266, 267, 268, 269, 272
Dobrudja (region), 68; map 2 Dvorovi (village near Bijeljina), 39.
Domagoj (Croatian prince), 257, 261 For location of Bijeljina, see map
Domanek (Trebinje nobleman), 212 6
Don River, 43, 56 Dyrrachium. See Durazzo
Dragimir (uncle of John Vladimir),
194, 202, 203 Ecloga (Byzantine law code), 129
Dragomir (Bulgarian envoy), 102 Egypt, 12, 42
Dragovica: church of, 45, 178; tribe Emperor (Tsar) of the Bulgarians,
of, 45 title (significance and use of), 145,
Drava River, 3, 262, 265, 278, 279, 146, 147, 148, 154, 155, 156, 161,
284, 286; maps 1, 2, 5 190, 191, 195, 214
Drina River, 3, 39, 236; maps 1, 5 Emperor (Basileus) of the Romans
Drivast (town), 223; maps 3, 5 (significance and use of title), 117,
Drustur (Dorostol, Durostorum). See 126, 144, 145, 146, 147, 151, 153,
Silistria 154-56, 252, 254
Drzislav, Stjepan. See Stjepan Enravota (Bulgarian prince), 108
Ddislav Eparch, title of (significance of),
Dualism: Christian dualism 171-79; 274
question of Slavic pagan dualism, Epidaurus (classical town near Du-
28. See also Bogomilism brovnik), 35. For location of Du-
Dubrovnik (town), 3, 5, 35, 200, brovnik, see maps 3, 5
215, 229, 245, 249, 253, 256, 257, Epirus (region), 9, 11, 62, 83, 193,
273, 275-76, 278, 279, 289; theme 195, 205, 282; map 2
of, 200, 276, 278, 279; maps 3, 5 Estates, large, 20-21, 87-89, 90,
Dujam, Saint, 269 130, 165, 166, 168, 169, 181, 213,
Dujcev, I. (scholar), 46, 69, 96, 136, 214, 215, 217-19, 286, 287
165 Euthymius (patriarch of Constantino-
Duklja, Dukljans, 2, 6, 35, 53, 83, ple), 142; Life of, 142, 158n
149, 193-94, 195, 198, 200, 201, Evagrius (church historian), 31
202-03, 206-07, 211-13, 214, Extremists (Byzantine church party),
215, 216, 220-24, 225, 226, 228- 98, 114-15, 123, 124, 125, 126
33, 235, 236, 237, 238, 244, 257, Ezeritae (Slavic tribe), 83
266, 274, 281-82; map 2. See also
Zeta Fallmerayer, J.P. (scholar), 59-60
Dulo, House of (early Bulgarian Farlati, D. (early Jesuit scholar),
dynasty), 66, 75 248-49, 264, 265
Durazzo (Durres, Dyrrachium), 3, Farmer's Law (Byzantine legal text),
83, 148, 150, 193, 194, 195, 197, 84-93, 217
199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, Fatimids (Islamic dynasty), 152-53
207, 213, 215, 221-22, 223, 224, Federates, 12, 19, 28, 29, 45, 208
226, 227, 231, 232, 233, 237, 246, Ferluga, J. (scholar), 83, 214-15,
253, 258, 275, 279, 281, 282; 258, 260, 265, 291
Index 325
Justin II (Byzantine emperor), 31 223, 224, 231, 237, 250, 253. 257,
Justinian I (Byzantine emperor), 18, 269, 273; maps 3, 5
20, 22-24, 28, 29, 43, 87, 88, 89, Kotzilis (Frankish leader). 51
218 Kovrat (Bulgar khan). 43, 44, 46. 48,
Justinian II (Byzantine emperor), 70, 49' 66-67' 94
71-72, 74, 84 Kranj (town), 255; map 5
Krbava (region). 262, 265; map 2
Kacici (family of Croatian nobles), Kresimir II (Croatian prince), 265
242 Kresimir Ill (Croatian king), 274,
Kalocsa (Hungarian town, seat of 276-77, 278
important bishopric), 284 Kresimir IV (also Peter Kresimir,
Kalokyris (Byzantine official), 182 Croatian king), 278-79, 280. 283
Karlin-Hayter, P. (scholar), 142 Krk (island), 35, 273, 276, 280; map 5
Kastoria (lake), map 1 Krka River, 241, 242, 244; map 1
Kastoria (town), 214; map 4 Krum (Bulgar khan), 78, 82, 94-105.
Kavkhan (title, significance of), 104, 106, 107, 131n. 144. 157, 166. 168.
109 252
Kefalonia, theme of, 82, 83 Kulin, Ban (of Bosnia), 247
Kegenis (Pecheneg leader), 208-10 Kupa River, 262; map 1
Kekaumenos (Byzantine military au- Kurt (Bulgar ruler on Bulgar king's
thor), 206, 212 list), 48
Khazars (tribe), 50, 67, 74, 75, 139, Kutrigurs (Bulgar tribe). 43
181 Kuver (Bulgar prince), 44-49. 67,
Kiev (town), 133, 169, 181, 183, 184, 72, 94, 191
185, 187 Kvarner, Gulf of, 280; maps 1, 2
Kinnamos (Byzantine historian), 234,
235, 239, 242 Landlords, magnates, 20-21, 86-89,
Klaic, N. (scholar), 256, 270, 271, 165, 166-68, 169, 213, 214, 215,
272-73, 284, 285, 288 216, 217-19. 247. See also Boyars;
Kleterologion of Philotheus, source, Nobility
83 Larissa (town), 192, 193, 196, 216,
Klis, town, 242, 257, 263; map 5 282; map 4
Klonimir Strojimirovic (Serb prince), Latin language and culture. 5, 10-11.
154 12, 13, 15, 35-36, 65, 114, 117,
Kloukas (Croatian tribal leader), 50 135, 139, 249-50, 267, 268, 280,
Knin (town), 257, 263, 273, 278, 284; 286, 287-88
map 5 Latin Empire of Constantinople, 227,
Kocapar (Dukljan ruler), 231 242
Koloman, King (of Hungary), 234, Law codes, 100, 101, 119, 121, 129,
236, 284-85, 289 167-68. See also Court Law for
Konavli (region), 53, 57, 110, 141; the People; Farmer's Law
map 2 Lecapena, Helena. See Helena Leca-
Konya (town), 243 pena
Kordylas (strategos), 104, 105 Lemerle, P. (scholar), 48
Kosara (daughter of Samuel), 194, Leo Ill (Byzantine emperor), 116, 254
195 Leo IV (Byzantine emperor), 61
Kosentzis (Croatian tribal leader), 50 Leo V (Byzantine emperor), 98, 106
Kosovo (region), 225; map 2 Leo VI (Byzantine emperor), 83,
Kotor (town), 3, 34, 35, 202, 206, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 147, 148
328 Index
Nikopolis (in Epirus), theme of, 83, Otto I (German "emperor"), 50, 183
200, 205; map 4 Ottomans, 2, 7, 14, 15, 17, 59, 69.
Nikopolis (on the Danube, town), 83, 192, 220, 286
209; map 3
Nikulica Delfin (magnate from Thes- Pabikos, Constantine (Byzantine
saly), 216-17 nobleman), 103
Nin (town), 253, 254, 255, 257, 263, Pact of 1102, 251, 284-88
267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, Pagan (Bulgar khan), 77
281; map 5 Pagania (region). 53; map 2
Nis (town), 3, 5, 36, 37, 42, 204, Pagans, Paganism, 16, 18, 27-28, 41,
214, 227, 238, 240, 246; map 3 107, 108, 116, 119, 129, 130, 131,
Nobility, 4, 6, 57, 69, 88, 89, 108, 142, 143, 165, 168, 171. 172, 256
165, 180, 188, 193, 199, 200, 212, Palermo (town), 236
213, 214, 216, 217-19, 223, 230, Pannonia (region), 18, 22, 23, 42, 44,
245, 246, 247, 251, 262, 265, 266, 46, 47, 48, 51, 67, 78, 94, 96, 102,
274, 279, 280, 283, 285-88, 290. 107, 112, 124, 251, 252, 255, 256,
See also Boyars; Landlords; Zupa 263; map 2
organization Pannonian Croatia, 51, 78, 107, 242,
Nona (Latin name for Nin), 263. See 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 261, 262,
also Nin 263, 265, 267, 270, 273, 274, 284,
Normans, 2, 214, 215, 221-22, 223, 288
227, 228, 231, 236, 237, 238, 246, Papacy, 51, 53, 55, 65, 113, 114, 115,
279, 281-82, 283, 284 116-17,120,121,12 2,123,124,
Novi Pazar (town), 53, 225; map 6 125, 126, 127, 157, 159, 160, 161,
168, 215-16, 223-24, 226, 227,
Obscina (peasant commune in Rus- 247n, 249, 250. 251, 252, 254, 261,
sia), 90 263, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271,
Odovacar, (Goth ruler), 21-22 272, 273, 280, 281, 283
Ohrid (town and lake), 3, 111, 127- Paristrion theme, 200
28, 134, 191, 192, 196, 199, 204, Pastoralists, 2. 6. 24n, 38, 68. See
214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 223, 224, also Vlachs
227; lake, map 1; town, map 4 Patarins, heretics, 176
Old Church Slavonic. See Slavonic Patras (town), 80-81, 82, 83, 89, 95;
Olga (Kievan princess), 183-84 map 4
Olympia (town), 62; map 4 Patriarch: Bulgarian, 120, 121, 132,
Omis (town), 254; map 5 156, 161, 188, 191-92, 196, 199,
Omurtag (Bulgar khan), 94, 95, 105, 203-04; of Constantinople, posi-
106-08, 112, 113, 120, 166, 255- tion and role of, 17, 20, 115, 116.
56 117, 118, 123, 124, 125, 126, 153-
Onogur Bulgars, 44, 66, 67 54, 172, 199, 227, 254, 266, 272,
Organa, (probably correct form, 273
Orhan), Onogur Khan, 44 Patriarchal School, 127, 144
Osor, 273; map 5 Paulicians. heretics, 6, 173, 186, 188
Ostrogon (town), 284 Pavel (Serbian prince), 150, 152
Ostrogorsky, G. (scholar), 70, 71, Peasants, also villages, 6-8, 13. 14,
80, 145, 147, 159 18, 19, 20-21, 22, 23, 29. 39, 63,
Ostrogoths (tribe), 12, 22. See also 69, 84-89, 90, 91, 92. 93, 162, 165,
Goths 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 178-79'
Ostrovica (town), 242; map 5 181, 214-15, 217-19, 288
Index 331
Pechenegs (Turkish tribe), 2, 25, Pirates, 3, 12, 13, 15, 61, 65, 140,
138, 139, 148, 149, 150, 181, 183, 253, 256, 257, 265, 274, 275, 276
187, 208-11, 225, 226, 234, 284 Piva River, 53; map 1
Peloponnesian theme, 80-82 Pliska (town), 68, 95, 96, 97, 99,
Peloponnesus (region), 1, 36, 59-64, 101, 106, 107, 119, 128, 129, 130,
79, 80-82, 83, 89, 110, 140, 193; 131; map 3
map 2 Pliva zupa (region), 263; map 2
Perejaslavec (town), 164, 169, 183, Plovdiv. See Philippopolis
184, 186, 188; map 3 Podgorica (town, formerly Dioclea,
Persian (Bulgar khan), 108, 109, 111, modern Titograd), 233. For loca-
112, 127 tion, see Dioclea, map 3 or Tito-
Persians, Persia, 15, 23, 24, 30, 31, grad, map 6
32, 33, 42-43, 54, 55, 65 Polati (town), 223; map 3
Perun (Slavic god), 27, 28 Polovtsy. See Cumans
Peter (bishop of Bar), 216 Population transfers, 6, 13, 41, 63,
Peter (Bulgarian tsar), 160-64, 165, 64, 66, 70, 80, 81-82, 88, 92, 95,
169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 98, 99, 105, 188, 193, 199, 209,
181' 182, 188, 197 235' 237' 238
Peter (Croatian king), 284 Porgas (Croatian prince), 52
Peter Deljan (rebel against Byzan- Porinos (Croatian prince), 51
tium), 196, 204-05, 206, 214, 219 Predimir (son of Vojislav of Duklja),
Peter Gojnikovic (ruler of Serbia), 212, 213
141, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154 Prefectures, Roman, 18-19
Peter (kavkhan, Bulgarian diplomat), Presiam. See Persian
117, 121, 124 Preslav: town, 106, 107, 130, 131,
Peter Kresimir. See Kresimir IV 132, 133, 138, 153, 156, 162, 165,
Peter (Maurice's brother), 32 182, 184, 185' 186, 187' 188, 191'
Petrilo (Dukljan general), 214 192, 197; Council of (893), 130,
Petrislav (son of King Michael of 131, 134, 167; "Preslav-style" tiles,
Duklja), 213, 223 133, 187; map 3
Petrova gora. See Gvozd Mountain Pre-Slavic population, 9-12, 35, 40-
Philhellenes, 59, 60 41; fate of, 37-38, 56, 68; influ-
Philippi (town), 109; map 3 ence on Slavs, 38
Philippopolis (town, modern Prespa (town and lake), 191, 196,205,
Plovdiv), 3, 6, 173, 186, 188; 214; lake, map 1; town, map 4
map 3 Pribina (Croatian ban), 265
Philotheus (author of Byzantine Prilep (town), 198; maps 3, 4
protocol list), 83 Primislav (Serbian grand zupan, pos-
Phocas (Byzantine emperor), 33, 34, sibly second name for Uros II),
39, 62 239, 240
Phocas family (Byzantine magnates), Primorje, zupa of (referring to Dal-
180, 193; Bardas (Byzantine gen- matian coast), 263; map 2. See
eral and magnate), 186; Leo (Byz- also Dalmatia
antine general), 149 Priscus (Byzantine general), 32
Photius (Patriarch of Constan- Prizren (town), 214; map 3
tinople), ll5-17, 120, 121-23, Procopius (Byzantine historian), 25,
124, 125, 126, 132. See also 26, 27' 28, 40
Nicephorus II Phocas Pronoias (Byzantine military fiefs),
Pindus (mountain range), 1; maps 1, 2 219
332 Index
!"'' e
Most of what has been written on the medieval Balkans-
the area that now encompasses Yugoslavia, Greece, Bul-
garia, and Albania-has been little more than a footnote
to Byzantine history or has been limited to narrow na-
tional histories. The Early Medieval Balkan is the first com-
prehensive examination of the events of early medieval
Balkan history-events that were as important as they are