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JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide: Technical Document

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JACE-8000 Install and Startup


May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide
Tridium, Inc.
3951 Westerre Parkway, Suite 350
Richmond, Virginia 23233
The information contained in this document is confidential information of Tridium, Inc., a Delaware
corporation (“Tridium”). Such information and the software described herein, is furnished under a license
agreement and may be used only in accordance with that agreement.
The information contained in this document is provided solely for use by Tridium employees, licensees, and
system owners; and, except as permitted under the below copyright notice, is not to be released to, or
reproduced for, anyone else.
While every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Tridium is not responsible for
damages of any kind, including without limitation consequential damages, arising from the application of the
information contained herein. Information and specifications published here are current as of the date of this
publication and are subject to change without notice. The latest product specifications can be found by
contacting our corporate headquarters, Richmond, Virginia.

Trademark notice
BACnet and ASHRAE are registered trademarks of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
Conditioning Engineers. Microsoft, Excel, Internet Explorer, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows Server, and
SQL Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks
of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Mozilla and Firefox are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation. Echelon, LON,
LonMark, LonTalk, and LonWorks are registered trademarks of Echelon Corporation. Tridium, JACE,
Niagara Framework, NiagaraAX Framework, and Sedona Framework are registered trademarks, and
Workbench, WorkPlaceAX, and AXSupervisor, are trademarks of Tridium Inc. All other product names and
services mentioned in this publication that are known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service
marks are the property of their respective owners.

Copyright and patent notice

This document may be copied by parties who are authorized to distribute Tridium products in connection
with distribution of those products, subject to the contracts that authorize such distribution. It may not
otherwise, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic
medium or machine-readable form without prior written consent from Tridium, Inc.
Copyright © 2019 Tridium, Inc. All rights reserved.
The product(s) described herein may be covered by one or more U.S. or foreign patents of Tridium.
About this Guide .................................................................................................5
Document change log ................................................................................5
Related documents ....................................................................................6

Chapter 1 Overview .........................................................................................7

Commissioning differences in Niagara 4 ......................................................7
SSL/TLS commissioning notes .....................................................................8
Limitations to NiagaraAX platform operations .............................................8
Factory-shipped state.................................................................................9
IP address ........................................................................................9
HTTP port for platform access ..........................................................9
Platform daemon credentials ............................................................9
Secure storage and the SD card ........................................................9

Chapter 2 Preparation ....................................................................................13

Provide power and connectivity ................................................................13
Software version and Host Platform requirements .....................................13
Preparing for new JACE commissioning ..........................................13
Connect to the JACE................................................................................14
Opening a platform connection to the JACE....................................14

Chapter 3 N4-to-AX conversion .....................................................................17

Converting the controller to AX ................................................................17

Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard ......................................................19

Starting the Commissioning Wizard ..........................................................19
Installing or updating licenses ...................................................................21
Installing or updating licenses from files ....................................................21
Setting the enabled runtime profiles .........................................................23
Specifying a station database to install ......................................................23
Install lexicons..........................................................................................25
Select modules.........................................................................................26
Selecting modules for installation....................................................26
Install/upgrade core software ...................................................................27
TCP/IP configuration ................................................................................28
Configuring TCP/IP settings............................................................30
Configuring system passphrase ................................................................33
Remove platform default user account ......................................................34
Specifying a platform user to replace the factory-default platform
user ..........................................................................................35
Platform user rules and guidelines...................................................35
Configure additional platform daemon users .............................................36
Configuring additional platform daemon users ................................36
Review and finish wizard ...........................................................................37
Reviewing and finishing the Commissioning Wizard .........................37

Chapter 5 Platform services (station) and administration................................41

May 2, 2019 3
Contents JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

About Platform Services ...........................................................................41

PlatformServices items of interest for JACE commissioning .............42
PlatformServices properties......................................................................43
Reviewing/adjusting PlatformServices properties for the
JACE ........................................................................................44
Controller-specific PlatformServices properties .........................................45
JACE SRAM support enabling/disabling....................................................46
Enabling or disabling SRAM support in the
Optional platform administration ..............................................................46
Performing platform administration ................................................48

Chapter 6 Reference information....................................................................51

IP changes history ....................................................................................51
Reviewing TCP/IP changes made from your Workbench PC..............51
Shutdown operations ...............................................................................52
Shutting down the controller ..........................................................52
Restoring factory defaults.........................................................................53
System shell .............................................................................................54
About the JACE-8000 system shell mode ........................................55
Connecting to the JACE debug system shell ...................................55
About the JACE system shell menu .................................................56
Update Network Settings ...............................................................57

4 May 2, 2019
About this Guide
This topic contains important information about the purpose, content, context, and intended audience for
this document.
Produ ct D ocu men t at i on
This document is part of the Niagara technical documentation library. Released versions of Niagara software
include a complete collection of technical information that is provided in both online help and PDF format.
The information in this document is written primarily for Systems Integrators. In order to make the most of
the information in this book, readers should have some training or previous experience with Niagara 4 or Ni-
agaraAX software, as well as experience working with JACE network controllers.
Document Content
This document describes the initial Niagara 4 software installation and configuration for a QNX-based JACE-
8000 controller, using Workbench (versions Niagara 4.1 and later).
The information in this document is intended for an engineer, technician, or service person who is perform-
ing control system installation. All information in this document is also available in the in Workbench help sys-
tem. For physical mounting and wiring details for any JACE controller, please refer to its specific hardware
installation document. This document does not cover station configuration or Niagara 4 components. For
more information on these topics, please refer to online help and various other Niagara 4 software

Document change log

Updates (changes and additions) to this document are listed below.
May 2, 2019
Updates related to the Niagara 4.8 release:
• In the “Overview” section in chapter 1, and in the “About Platform Services” section in chapter 5, in-
cluded a note on added support for the IEEE 802.1X wired authentication standard forJACE-8000
• Added a note to the commissioning step, “Install/upgrade core software”.
• Edited the following topics to add information related to module signing: “Commissioning differences in
Niagara 4” (chapter 1) and “Selecting modules for installation” (chapter 4).
• Added a note in Chapter 1 explaining that the Niagara 4.8 upgrade includes a QNX OS upgrade which af-
fects certain log files.
October 9, 2018
Updates related to the Niagara 4.7 release:
• In the topic, “Configuring TCP/IP settings”, added a bulleted item on connecting IP devices to the con-
troller’s secondary LAN port.
• In the procedure, “Starting the Commissioning Wizard”, added a note about Workbench FIPS Options.
• Edited the procedure, “Opening a platform connection to a JACE”, to include information on the
C h a n g e P l a t f o r m D e f a u l t s W i z a rd .
September 19, 2017
In the topic “Configuring system passphrase” added information about new default passphrase behavior
and wizard in Niagara 4.4.
September 6, 2017
In the topic “Restoring Factory Defaults” rewrote misleading statement about USB ports being disabled
when controller is converted to run NiagaraAX.

May 2, 2019 5
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

August 28, 2017

Minor correction in the topic, “Configuring system passphrase.”

December 12, 2016

Minor correction in the topic, “Install lexicon.”

September 23, 2016

Corrected references to the NiagaraAX license in several topics.

September 14, 2016

Minor changes in step 2 of the procedure, “Restoring factory defaults”, to clarify functionality.

July 27, 2016

In step 2 of the “Configuring TCP/IP settings” topic in the chapter titled, Run the Commissioning Wizard,
added a cautionary note alerting users that each enabled LAN port (LAN1, LAN2, and WiFi) must be config-
ured on a different subnet.
May 17, 2016
Many changes throughout related to the JACE-8000 running AX.
December 3, 2015
Added a cautionary note to the topic titled, “Provide power and connectivity”, describing JACE-8000 incom-
patibility with POE networks.

November 2, 2015
Initial document release.

Related documents
Following is a list of related guides.
• JACE-8000 Backup and Restore Guide
• JACE-8000 WiFi Guide
• Niagara Platform Guide

May 2, 2019 6
Chapter 1 Overview
Topics covered in this chapter
♦ Commissioning differences in Niagara 4
♦ SSL/TLS commissioning notes
♦ Limitations to NiagaraAX platform operations
♦ Factory-shipped state

JACE-8000 controllers are shipped from the factory with a bare minimum of Niagara 4.1 software to run a
platform daemon, along with a Tridium certificate, but not all items needed to run any type of station. Using
Niagara 4.1 Workbench, you can open a platform connection to the controller to begin the commissioning
N O T E : The persistent log files under /var/slog will not be preserved when upgrading a JACE-8000 from
an installed older release to Niagara 4.8. The reason is that Niagara 4.8 contains an OS upgrade from
QNX6.5 to QNX7.0 which uses a different log file format. During the upgrade the old QNX6.5 log files are
deleted and new QNX7.0 files are created.
If the existing log files are needed, make a copy prior to upgrading.
N O T E : In Niagara 4.8 and later, there is added support for the IEEE 802.1X wired authentication standard
for JACE-8000 and Edge platforms. For more details, see the Niagara IEEE 802.1X Configuration Guide.
N O T E : Starting in Niagara 4.2, licensing the JACE-8000 controller for NiagaraAX enables the N4 platform
to run AX-3.8U1. For details, see Chapter 3 N4-to-AX conversion, page 17. This is a powerful solution for
customers with existing AX systems who want to replace older controllers with JACE-8000 units running AX
and plan for a later upgrade to Niagara 4. However, note that the following features are not supported
when running AX: IEEE 802.1X wired authentication, USB backup/restore, and WiFi (access point/client)
After booting the controller, establish a platform connection to the new JACE and commission it to install
the necessary Niagara 4 core software (or AX-3.8U1 software if converting to AX), selected modules,
licenses, and to perform other platform configuration. Some important related tasks include setting the
• IP network address, and related IP networking parameters
• Platform daemon user(s), for platform login
• Time and date (or simply sync with your PC’s time)
To do this you use the platform C o m m i s s i o n i n g W i z a rd .
N O T E : The Commissioning Wizard is the only way to install the needed core software in the JACE
controller. Most steps in the Commissioning Wizard are also available as separate platform views. For
example, there is a S o f t w a r e M a n a g e r, L i c e n s e M a n a g e r, and many others. Using these views individually
may be useful after commissioning the JACE. For more details see the Niagara Platform Guide.
However, always use the Commissioning Wizard to commission a new JACE for Niagara, as well as to
upgrade any JACE from one Niagara point release to another—and make sure a license file is available!

C om m i s si on ing di fferen c es i n N iag ar a 4

The following items have been added to the C o m m i s s i o n i n g W i z a r d process in Niagara 4 :

May 2, 2019 7
Chapter 1 Overview JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

N O T E : In Niagara 4.8 and later, there is added support for verifying third party module signatures. Currently
third party module signing is optional in most cases, but this will gradually shift to a requirement over the
course of the next few releases. As a result, the S o f t w a re I n s t a l l a t i o n window is changed to include signa-
ture status icons in the Installed Version and Available Version columns indicating the signature status of the
installed and available modules. Attempting to install modules with signature warnings (indicated by a yellow
icon) will cause a signature warning dialog to be displayed, and attempting to install modules with signature
errors (indicated by a red icon) will cause the installation to fail. For more details see, Niagara Third Party
Module Signing.
Other differences include the following items.
• The “Configure Runtime Profiles” step reflects the differences in software modules, as refactored for
Niagara 4. However, the basic premise for installing only the types of modules needed for the intended
application (preserving storage space on the controller) remains the same.
• The wizard will not let you commission and install a unit with the factory-default platform user credentials.
Instead, a step requires you to replace this default platform admin user with a different user name, and
specify a “strong” password for this admin account. Optionally, you can create additional platform admin
accounts in the controller (up to 20). Each platform admin account must have a unique user name, and al-
so use a strong password. Note each account has the same (full) platform admin access—users can
change their password, even create additional platform admin accounts.
• The P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n view includes an “SFTP/SSH” option, specifying a common port (22 by de-
fault, disabled). Although the SFTP and SSH protocols are more secure than FTP and Telnet (available in
earlier releases), disabling is still recommended, except for troubleshooting or upon request by technical
• If converting the JACE-8000 to run AX, after first running the N4-to-AX conversion distribution file in the
Workbench (which converts the controller to the AX ‘clean’ state), then switch to the AX-3.8U1 Work-
bench to run the Commissioning Wizard. For more details see, “ Converting the controller to AX, page
• Niagara 4 cannot successfully configure the system passphrase on the JACE-8000 when it is running the
AX daemon. You must use AX-3.8U1 instead.
Also, in the N4 P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n view, the U p d a t e A u t h e n t i c a t i o n and S y s t e m P a s s p h r a s e
buttons are disabled when the remote platform is the AX-3.8U1 daemon. Note, that in release N4.1, the
buttons do not appear disabled, however, setting the system passphrase fails when you attempt to con-
figure it.

SSL/TLS commissioning notes

Note that in Niagara 4, “SSL” is always implemented using the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol, sup-
porting TLS versions 1.0, 1.1. and 1.2. See the Niagara Station Security Guide for complete details.
When using Workbench, note that default “O Op e n P l a t f o r m ” and “O Op e n S t a t i o n ” operations initially as-
sume P l a t f o r m T L S C o n n e c t i o n and F o x T L S C o n n e c t i o n types, respectively. This is intended to encour-
age this TLS usage for all Niagara 4 platforms and stations. If necessary, you can change either connection
type, and Workbench “remembers” this type to use on your next connection. As needed, change back

Limitations to NiagaraAX platform operations

Workbench does not support NiagaraAX commissioning of JACE controllers, i.e. you cannot use the N4
C o m m i s s i o n i n g W i z a r d to configure AX JACE platforms. Instead, you must use the AX-3.x Workbench, and
run the C o m m i s s i o n i n g W i z a r d on such platforms.
N O T E : This is true for the JACE-8000 that you have downgraded to run AX-3.8U1. You must then use the
AX-3.8U1 Workbench and configure the platform with the C o m m i s s i o n i n g W i z a r d .
Workbench is generally recommended for all platform operations with AX-3.x JACE controllers. If needed,
however, you can use Workbench to perform some platform operations on AX JACE controllers. Examples

8 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 1 Overview

include modifying TCP/IP configuration, or installing AX software modules. Note the latter requires you to
import the “software database” of a recent (AX-3.8) Supervisor or engineering workstation into your
Niagara 4 software database.
Other platform views/operations that are unavailable using Workbench for a platform connection to the AX-
3.x JACE controller are:
• DDNS Configuration
• GPRS Modem Configuration
• W i F i C o n f i g u r a t i o n (for JACE-700 with installed WiFi option)
• Also unavailable are following operations from the P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n view:
– Update Authentication
– FTP/Telnet
– Set Module Filter
Use the appropriate Workbench to perform such NiagaraAX platform configuration.

Factory-shipped state
The factory-shipped state of a controller has the following default settings for IP address, HTTP port and
Platform credentials.

I P a d dres s
When shipped, a new JACE-8000 controller is pre-configured with an IPv4 address in the range: (primary “LAN1” port; the “LAN2” port is disabled).
The default subnet mask is:
You change these IPv4 network settings during your startup commissioning of the JACE.

HTTP port for platform access

When shipped, the JACE’s platform daemon is configured to listen on HTTPS port 5011. Often, this is left at
default. However, if a different port is needed for a platform connection (perhaps for firewall reasons), you
can change this during the commissioning of the JACE.

Pl atform d aem on cred en tia ls

Controllers are shipped with default platform daemon (administrator) username and password credentials.
Initially, you use the factory default credentials to open (login) a platform connection to the JACE. Like the
factory-assigned IP address, default credentials are temporary. During your startup commissioning, you must
replace this platform admin account with at least one different platform admin user. B e s u re t o g u a r d t h e
c r e d e n t i a l s f o r s u c h p l a t f o r m u s e r s c l o s e l y.
N O T E : The Niagara 4 Commissioning Wizard does not allow you to commission and startup a controller
while retaining the factory platform user.

Sec ure s torag e and the SD c ard

On the JACE-8000, the SD card is the primary storage media for all data and configuration related to the
software installation. Since the SD card can be easily removed and the data duplicated, the sensitive data is
encrypted when stored on the card. Files are stored in encrypted format, but decoded on the fly as they are
Sensitive data includes the following:

May 2, 2019 9
Chapter 1 Overview JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

• Credentials for accessing a WiFi network

• Niagara key material
• Private key files
• OS account credentials
The system is designed in a way that protects this data, while at the same time allowing you to move an SD
card from a unit that suffered a hardware failure to a new unit with minimal effort.
In this scenario, the SD card inserted into the replacement unit contains the system passphrase for the origi-
nal unit, which does not match the one in the replacement unit. This results in the boot sequence failing due
to the passphrase mismatch (indicated by Stat LED flashing with a 50% duty cycle with a 1 second period).
You are then prompted to enter the system passphrase (for the original unit which is stored on the SD card)
via serial connection. You must first authenticate with platform credentials, before you can update the sys-
tem password.
N O T E : Pre-configuring (via serial connection) the replacement JACE-8000 unit with a system passphrase
matching the one stored on the SD card (swapped out of the other unit) facilitates commissioning the re-
placement unit. In this situation, the commissioning process does not prompt for a passphrase since it de-
tects a passphrase match.

I n s e r t i n g o r re m o v i n g a m i c ro S D c a rd
Typically, the microSD card that ships with a new controller is inserted in the unit prior to the mounting proc-
ess. However, it is possible to move an SD card from one unit to another. For example, you might want to re-
move the SD card from a unit that suffered a hardware failure and use it in a replacement unit.
Prerequis i tes :
• A l l p o w e r to the controller is re m o v e d before inserting/removing the microSD card, otherwise equip-
ment damage may occur.
• The controller is unmounted from any DIN rail or screw tab mounting, as accessing the card uses space
behind the mounting base.
• Discharge any static electricity that you may have accumulated by touching a known, securely grounded
N O T E : Data on the microSD card is encrypted by a “system passphrase” stored in the controller base. The
passphrase on the card must match the passphrase stored in the controller. If swapping in a card from a pre-
viously configured unit, you must provide the passphrase (of the previously configured unit which is stored
on this SD card) using a serial connection to the unit’s Debug port.
Step 1 Carefully slide the plastic microSD card shutter open.
The shutter should remain captive in the base, revealing the microSD card socket.

1 Shutter access to MicroSD card

2 Card socket
3 MicroSD card

Step 2 Make either of the following changes, as needed:

10 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 1 Overview

• I n s e r t t h e m i c r o S D c a r d by sliding the card into the card socket, label side up, until the spring
catch engages. If properly inserted, the card is behind the shutter track.
• R e m o v e t h e m i c ro D S c a rd by pushing the card in, until the spring release pushes the card par-
tially out of the card socket. Grasp the card and pull it completely out of the unit. Store the mi-
croSD card in a static free protective case.
Step 3 Carefully slide the card shutter back over the card socket opening, until it clicks into place.
When properly closed, the shutter should not protrude behind the mounting base.

May 2, 2019 11
Chapter 1 Overview JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

12 May 2, 2019
Chapter 2 P re p a r a t i o n
Topics covered in this chapter
♦ Provide power and connectivity
♦ Software version and Host Platform requirements
♦ Connect to the JACE

Consider the following areas to prepare before proceeding with commissioning: Power, connectivity,
software and PC requirements.

Pro vi d e p o wer and c on nec t iv it y

In most cases, you perform the initial Niagara 4 software installation and startup of the JACE (as described
in this document) in your office, before physically mounting it in place at a job site. Please refer to the “Wir-
ing Details” section of the appropriate JACE-xxx Mounting and Wiring Instructions document for details on
making (temporary) power wiring and Ethernet wiring connections.
C A U T I O N : The JACE-8000 is not compatible with a Power-Over-Ethernet (POE) network. Connecting the
JACE on a network segment which carries power causes the unit to fail (lockup). In that event, you must dis-
connect it from the POE network segment and cycle power to the unit.
The remainder of this document assumes that you have the JACE nearby, and are able to power it on and off
as needed. After you complete the commissioning process described in this document, you can mount and
wire the JACE controller at the job site, making permanent mounting and wiring connections.

S o f t w a re v e r s i o n a n d H o s t P l a t f o r m re q u i re m e n t s
These instructions assume that you have a PC running a licensed copy of Niagara 4.1 Workbench or later, in-
stalled with the “installation tool” option. That option copies distribution files needed for commissioning var-
ious models of JACE controllers. This PC is referred to as “your PC.”
N O T E : Your PC must meet minimum hardware/operating system requirements for the Workbench worksta-
tion. This includes a working Ethernet adapter with TCP/IP support (browser capable). An Ethernet TCP/IP
connection to the JACE is required to install Niagara software and establish other parameters.
For this initial Ethernet connection, you can use either:
• An Ethernet patch cable connected directly between your PC and the JACE (if your PC Ethernet port is
not “auto-sensing”, you will need an Ethernet crossover cable), or
• A normal LAN connection, meaning that both your PC and the JACE are physically connected to the
same Ethernet hub or switch.

Prep ari ng f or new JA CE co mm is s ion ing

To prepare for new JACE commissioning, do the following steps:
Step 1 If not already installed, install the Niagara 4.1 or later software on your PC, including its permanent
Step 2 Typically, the license file for the JACE already resides on the licensing server, where (if you have In-
ternet connectivity) it is automatically retrieved during the licensing step of the Commissioning

May 2, 2019 13
Chapter 2 Preparation JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

N O T E : If you were emailed a license archive (.lar file) or .license file for the JACE, and you wish to
use it instead of the online license server (for some reason, for example your Workbench PC will
not have Internet connectivity when you are commissioning the JACE), make the file available to
Workbench first, as follows:
• Copy the file to your !security/licenses/inbox folder, then restart Workbench. For more
details, refer to the section “Local license inbox” in the Platform Guide.
Step 3 Attach one end of a standard category-5 Ethernet unshielded twisted pair (UTP) patch cable to the
RJ-45 Ethernet connector for LAN1 (labeled PRI) on the JACE.
Step 4 Attach the other end of the patch cable to a network port or directly to an Ethernet hub.
Step 5 Power up the JACE.
Step 6 Record your PC’s current IP settings, then re-assign your PC’s IP address for its Ethernet NIC (net-
work interface card). If necessary, refer to Windows online Help for details on configuring TCP/IP
N O T E : As an alternative to re-assigning your PC’s IP address, you can do one of the following:
• Obtain a USB-to-Ethernet network adapter (second network interface card, or NIC), and use it
with an Ethernet crossover cable to commission JACEs. In this case, configure this second NIC
to use the settings in the remainder of this step.
• Use a serial shell mode connection to the JACE to re-assign its factory IP address settings. After
making this change and rebooting the JACE, you can continue commissioning using Work-
bench. This requires a USB-to-MicroUSB adapter cable, VCP driver, and a special power-up
mode for the JACE.
VCP (Virtual COM Port) drivers cause a USB device to appear as an additional COM port avail-
able to the PC. Using terminal emulation software, such as PuTTY or ClearTerminal, the PC can
access the USB device in the same way as it would access a standard COM port. VCP driver
downloads are available at www.ftdichip.com and other sites.
For this initial connection to a factory-shipped JACE, configure your PC’s NIC to use an IP address
in the same subnet as the JACE, as well as a matching subnet mask.
Set the IP address in the range: to
with a subnet mask of:
N O T E : Do not assign your PC the identical IP address as the JACE’s factory-assigned IP address.
Step 7 From your PC, start Workbench. The Nav tree should be visible in the side bar area (left pane).
If not, from the menu bar, select W i n d o w → S i d e B a r s → N a v.

Connect to the JACE

Once the JACE has powered up, connect to it with Workbench using “Open Platform.” A platform connec-
tion to any JACE is required for most host-level operations. This includes installing Niagara 4.1 core software
and modules and performing various other platform tasks.
After you open a platform connection, you can run the Commissioning Wizard.

Opening a platform connection to the JACE

Step 1 From the menu bar, select F i l e → O p e n → O p e n P l a t f o r m .
The O p e n P l a t f o r m dialog box appears.
Step 2 Complete the fields in the O p e n P l a t f o r m dialog box as follows:
• Type — Select P l a t f o r m C o n n e c t i o n , if not already selected.
N O T E : By default, Workbench prompts for a P l a t f o r m T L S C o n n e c t i o n .

14 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 2 Preparation

• Host — Leave at default I P, and type in the IP address of the new JACE.
• Port — Leave at default 5011.
• Credentials, which may be:
– Username — Type in default username, for example: tridium
– Password — Type in default password, for example: controls
Step 3 Click the O K button to accept all settings.
N O T E : Starting in Niagara 4.4, if Workbench detects factory default credentials when connecting
to a remote platform it launches the C h a n g e P l a t f o r m D e f a u l t s W i z a rd (shown here) which forces
you to change the factory defaults prior to completing the platform connection.

If this wizard does not display the platform connection completes.

a. If the C h a n g e P l a t f o r m D e f a u l t s W i z a r d displays, click N e x t to step through creating a sys-
tem passphrase, creating a new platform account, and removing the default platform account,
as shown below.

b. Click F i n i s h to complete these changes.

On completion, the platform opens in the Nav tree, and its Nav Container View displays in the view pane.

May 2, 2019 15
Chapter 2 Preparation JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

16 May 2, 2019
Chapter 3 N4-to-AX conversion
Topics covered in this chapter
♦ Converting the controller to AX

Starting in Niagara 4.2, licensing the JACE-8000 controller for NiagaraAX enables the N4 platform to run
AX-3.8U1. This allows you to upgrade an existing AX system with the latest model controller and have the
capability to upgrade to Niagara 4 later.
Use case scenarios
The following are some typical use cases for running AX on the JACE-8000:
• Customers with an existing AX system and a planned system extension (a new controller required for a
new floor or building addition) who want to upgrade to Niagara 4.x at a later time. These customers can
add to their existing system with the JACE-8000 running AX. At a future date the controller can be
upgraded to Niagara 4.x, once the supervisor is upgraded.
• Customers with an existing AX system and a planned system extension (desire new functionality but the
current controller is out of resources). In this case, customers can replace the existing controller with the
JACE-8000 running AX and use new features.
• Customers with an existing AX system and an older model controller (now obsolete) that needs to be
replaced. In this case, customers can use the JACE-8000 running AX and plan for a later upgrade to
Niagara 4.x.
C A U T I O N : For any AX-3.6U4 station with CryptoService that you attempt to upgrade to AX-3.8U1, once
you commission the controller the station will fail to start after the "successful" upgrade. The same is true if
you attempt to move an AX-3.6U4 supervisor to an AX-3.8U1 station and start it. As a preparatory step,
manually remove CryptoService from the station’s Services directory before attempting to commission it.
R e q u i re m e n t s
The following software is required for the N4-to-AX conversion:
• Niagara 4.2 (or N4.1) licensed and installed on your PC
• NiagaraAX-3.8U1 licensed and installed on your PC
• NiagaraAX license for the controller
• N4-to-AX conversion distribution file (N4toAX-qnx-jace-titan-am335x-clean.dist). Located in
the !conversion directory in the N4.2 installation.
N O T E : If using N4.1 you need to obtain the conversion dist and copy it into the !conversion directory.

C onv er ti ng t he c on trol le r to A X
In order to convert the N4 controller to AX you must run a conversion distribution file that leaves the control-
ler in the AX 'clean' state. At that point, you commission the unit via AX-3.8U1 Workbench. This procedure
describes the steps to convert the controller.
P re re q u i s i t e s :
• NiagaraAX license for the JACE-8000 controller (in order to commission after the conversion)
• N4.2 (or N4.1) and AX-3.8U1 releases licensed and installed on your PC
Note, that you can use N4.1 but you must obtain the clean.dist file and manually copy it into the !con-
version directory.
Step 1 In the Workbench, open a platform connection to the controller and click D i s t r i b u t i o n f i l e
I n s t a l l e r.

May 2, 2019 17
Chapter 3 N4-to-AX conversion JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

Step 2 In the D i s t r i b u t i o n F i l e I n s t a l l e r view, click C o n v e r s i o n .

A table displays a list of .dist files located in the !conversion directory.
Step 3 Select the file: N4toAx-qnx-jace-titan-am335x-clean.dist, (as shown) and click I n s t a l l :
C A U T I O N : If converting the JACE-8000 that has an existing Niagara 4 configuration, this data will
be lost. This includes configuration, alarm and history information, server certificates, licenses, and

On successful completion of the conversion, the controller is returned to the AX ‘clean’ state.
Step 4 In AX-3.8U1 Workbench, open a platform connection to the controller and click P l a t f o r m
Step 5 In the P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n view, click C o m m i s s i o n i n g .
N O T E : For more information refer to the “Run the Commissioning Wizard” procedure in either the
JACE NiagaraAX Install & Startup Guide or the NiagaraAX Platform Guide.
On commissioning completion, the controller reboots. At this point, you can reconnect to the plat-
form using AX-3.8U1 and in the P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n view confirm that the Baja Version is 3.8.
xxx, as shown here.

18 May 2, 2019
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning
W i z a rd
Topics covered in this chapter
♦ Starting the Commissioning Wizard
♦ Installing or updating licenses
♦ Installing or updating licenses from files
♦ Setting the enabled runtime profiles
♦ Specifying a station database to install
♦ Install lexicons
♦ Select modules
♦ Install/upgrade core software
♦ TCP/IP configuration
♦ Configuring system passphrase
♦ Remove platform default user account
♦ Configure additional platform daemon users
♦ Review and finish wizard

As shown below, the Commissioning Wizard is a right-click option on any connected JACE platform in the
Nav tree. You can also launch the wizard from the P l a t f o r m A d m i n s t r a t i o n view.

F ig ure 1 Commissioning Wizard as right-click platform option

Use this wizard when installing a new JACE, as it provides a “checklist” method to perform essential (and
often “one time”) platform tasks. Also use this wizard whenever you upgrade the core Niagara 4 software in
the JACE, at some future time. See the Platform Guide for more details.
N O T E : If performing the N4-to-AX conversion use the Commissioning Wizard in the AX-3.8U1 Workbench.
Before starting the commissioning process, note the following points:
• Throughout the wizard’s dialogs, use the buttons B a c k and N e x t , as needed, to retrace (or skip) steps.
Also, the C a n c e l button exits the wizard after your confirmation—no operations are performed as a
• Before committing to the final sequence of steps, the wizard provides a summary for you to review.

St art in g th e C o m m is s io nin g Wi zard

The Commissioning Wizard runs a series of steps to guide you through all the needed information.

May 2, 2019 19
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

Prerequis i tes :
• In Workbench on your PC, open a platform connection to the JACE-8000 controller.
Step 1 In the Nav tree, right-click P l a t f o r m → C o m m i s s i o n i n g W i z a rd .
The dialog box C o m m i s s i o n i n g f o r “ < I P a d d r e s s > ” displays (shown here with default selections
for a new JACE).

By default, all steps are preselected except lexicon installation. Steps are executed in the order
listed in the wizard.
N O T E : In Niagara 4.6 and later, if the Workbench FIPS Option to S h o w F I P S O p t i o n s is set to
“true” certain FIPS options become visible in this window. If selected, FIPS-strength password re-
quirements are enforced.
Step 2 As needed, click to include or omit steps. For a new JACE, you typically accept all default
Commissioning steps include:
• Request or install software licenses — Preselected for any new JACE controller.
• Set enabled runtime profiles — Preselected and read-only for any new unit.
• Install a station from the local computer — Recommended. Optionally, you can station(s) at a
later time.
• Install lexicons to support additional languages — Option to install file-based lexicon sets (alter-
native to lexicon modules). Typically you leave this cleared—lexicon modules are required in
• Install/upgrade modules — (always preselected, whenever wizard is run). To select the software
modules, and optionally any lexicon modules.
• Install/upgrade core software from distribution files — Preselected and read-only for any new
• Sync with my local system date and time — Preselected in most cases (new JACE for example,
where controller time may greatly differ from actual time).
• Configure TCP/IP network settings — Recommended.
• Remove platform default user account — Preselected and read-only for a new unit. You cannot
commission a unit with the factory default platform user.
• Configure additional platform daemon users — Recommended option if you require additional
platform admin user accounts, with unique user names and passwords (all have full equal
Step 3 Click the N e x t button to continue.

20 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard

Installing or updating licenses

At the License step, you install one or more license files in a new JACE controller. You typically select the op-
tion to get and install licenses from the licensing server.
P re re q u i s i t e s :
• A minimum of one license file is always needed. Typically, other license files are not needed unless you
are using third-party module(s). In this case, you can also install those license files during this same com-
missioning step, either automatically, or by selecting to install from files.

At least one license file specific to any JACE is stored on the licensing server. Providing you have Internet
connectivity, this is the recommended method to install or update a license.
For license files validated against the Tridium certificate, installation can be automated from Workbench. All
such purchased licenses (including JACE, Supervisor, or Workstation-only) are stored and available to Work-
bench through the licensing server.
If your PC currently has Internet connectivity while running a platform connection to any Niagara host, Work-
bench provides an install option to get and install the licenses for the host from the license server. When se-
lected, Workbench silently searches the license server for a license with a matching Host ID of the target
platform. When found, it selects the license(s) and advances to the next wizard step. For more details, refer
to the section “About the licensing server” in the Platform Guide.
Step 1 Select “Install licenses from the license server.”
Step 2 Workbench silently searches the licensing server, locates the license(s), and the wizard advances to
the next step.
N O T E : If the “license server” option shown above does not appear, Workbench has not detected
Internet connectivity, and so cannot contact the licensing server. In this case, you can either:
• If you already have a license for this JACE in your “local license database,” select the last option
shown to install from your “Workbench license database.” (This option will be missing if your lo-
cal license database does not include a license for this JACE.) Workbench locates the license,
and the wizard advances to the next step.
• If you have the JACE license file(s), use the procedure, “Installing or updating licenses from
files”. If necessary, you can install license(s) later, either from your local license database or from
license files.

I ns tal li ng o r up d ati ng l ic e ns es fro m fil es

During the license install step, the wizard checks to see if a Tridium certificate is installed. This certificate is
required by any Niagara host, to verify the license file. If other licenses are installed, additional certificates
may also be required.

May 2, 2019 21
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

Step 1 Select I n s t a l l t h e s e c e r t i f i c a t e s and click N e x t to advance to the next step.

Step 2 At the License step, select “ I n s t a l l o n e o r m o r e l i c e n s e s f ro m f i l e s ”.
Step 3 Click the N e x t button.
The “Choose license files to install” step appears .

Step 4 Click the A d d button.

A “Select File” dialog appears. By default, the contents of your licenses subfolder is listed
(showing your Workbench license). If you previously pointed Workbench to another location, li-
cense files in that location are listed instead.

• If you see the license you need, click it to select it. If other licenses are also needed, you can se-
lect multiples by holding down the Ctrl key while you click.
• If a license is not listed, navigate to its location using the left-pane folder tree controls, and click
the license to select it.
N O T E : The licensing tool prevents selection of a wrong license (different hostid) to install in the
Step 5 Click the O K button.
Step 6 If necessary, click the A d d button again to add additional license files.
Step 7 When all needed licenses are listed in the “Choose license files” dialog, click the N e x t button to
go to continue.

22 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard

Set ti ng t he ena bl ed r unt im e p rof il es

Enabled runtime profiles specify what types of N4 software module JAR are to be installed, as shown in the
following image. This affects the total file space consumed by the installed module JAR files.

All Niagara 4 platforms require the base “RUNTIME” (-rt) module JARs, so it is pre-selected/read-only.
For QNX-based JACE platforms (which run the “Java 8 compact 3” VM), you can also select “UX” (-ux) and
“WB” (-wb) module JARs, but not “SE” (-se) module JARs. Note that following commissioning, you can also
change the enabled runtime profiles, working from the P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n view. For details, see “ the
Niagara Platform Guide.
At the Enabled Runtime Profiles step:
Step 1 Click all module profile types to be installed in this JACE controller, which include one or more of
N O T E : For N4.1, the selection of UX automatically includes WB, and vice-versa. This is likely to
change in a future Niagara 4 release.
• RUNTIME — Always selected. Note if UX (or UX and WB) are not selected, the JACE will not
support client Web browser access from its WebService—only client access from Workbench
via Fox.
• UX — Select to support Web client browser access, using HTML5, Javascript, and CSS technolo-
gies only (client does not need to run Java and download WbApplet from JACE).
• WB — Select (in addition to UX) if the JACE must also support browser “Web Workbench” ac-
cess from Java-enabled clients, using the WbApplet.
• SE — Not available for QNX-based JACE controllers.
• DOC — Selectable, but not recommended for file space reasons on the JACE controller.
Step 2 Click the N e x t button for the next step.

Specifying a station database to install

If you have a specific station database ready to install in the JACE, you can specify it at this step in the wiz-
ard. Or, simply accept the default “(Don’t transfer a station)” and click N e x t . (You can create a station later

May 2, 2019 23
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

using the New Station Wizard, and install it using the platform’s S t a t i o n C o p i e r. Or you can simply select an
existing station to install using the S t a t i o n C o p i e r.)
At the Station Installation step, do the following:
Step 1 Click the Station drop-down control and click the name of a station database on your PC.
Listed are station subfolders under in your Workbench U s e r H o m e .
Step 2 If you select a station the following additional options are available, as shown:

• New Name
Either leave at same station name as local copy, or type in a new station name.
• If the passphrase for the local copy of the station is different from the remote host’s system
passphrase, you are prompted to enter the local copy’s passphrase. If there is no passphrase
mismatch, you are not prompted to enter one.
If enabled (the default), and a reboot is not included at the end of commissioning, when com-
missioning completes the station is restarted, In cases where commissioning ends in a reboot,
such as if commissioning a new JACE (installing core software) and/or changing TCP/IP settings,
the next “AUTO-START” setting determines if the installed station is started following the
Note in Niagara 4, it is possible to start or restart a station without rebooting the host JACE
If enabled (the default), the station starts every time the JACE is rebooted. This is
N O T E : In some commissioning scenarios, you may wish to disable (clear) both “Start” options
when installing a station, especially if commissioning ends in a reboot. This way the software
modules needed by the station will be installed (along with all station files), but the station will
be “idle”.
In this case, to start the station you must reopen a platform connection to the JACE following
the reboot, starting the (now idle) station from the A p p l i c a t i o n D i r e c t o r view. This allows you
to see all standard output messages from the station, as it transitions from “idle” to “starting”
to “started”.
If doing this, in the A p p l i c a t i o n D i r e c t o r be sure to enable “AUTO-START” on the selected
station. Otherwise, it will remain “idle” after the next controller reboot.
Step 3 Click the N e x t button to continue.
A dialog asks which station files to copy, as shown, where you can select one of the options:

24 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard

• Copy files from selected directories

Allows you to specify which subfolders under that local station that are copied. It produces a
“tree” selection dialog upon N e x t button.

– If you choose this, click folder controls to expand and contract as needed.
– Selected folders appear with an “X” and unselected folders show an empty folder box.
• Copy every file in the station directory and its subdirectories.
The default, and most typically used.
N O T E : Copying identical alarm/history data to multiple JACE controllers is not recommended.
For this reason, Alarm and History data are not included (by default) in the station copying
• Copy only the “config.bog” station database file
Copies only the station configuration (components), and not any supporting folders/files like px
files, html files, and so forth.
Step 4 Click the N e x t button for the next step (or if skipping that step, go to “Select modules”.

Install lexicons
At the Lexicon Installation step, you can install one or more text-based lexicon file sets in the JACE, provid-
ing you have any in a !lexicons folder under your S y s H o m e .
P re re q u i s i t e s :
• Lexicon file sets must be under a lexicons subdirectory under your S y s H o m e . See the following notes
before proceeding.
N O T E : Lexicons provide support for non-English languages in the JACE. Lexicons are identified by java lo-
cale codes, such as “fr” (French) or “de” (German). In some domestic (U.S.) installations, an English lexicon
(“en”) is added and configured to globally “customize” items such as property descriptions in Workbench.
For Niagara 4, we recommend you skip this step. Instead, make one or more modules of customized lexicons
and install them in the next (Select modules) step. Otherwise, issues may occur in browser access of the
hosted station. For complete details on working with lexicons and the L e x i c o n M o d u l e B u i l d e r, refer to the
Lexicon Guide.
Step 1 Click a language code to select it, as shown.

May 2, 2019 25
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

If multiple lexicons are needed, hold down the Ctrl key while you click.
Step 2 When needed lexicons are selected, click the N e x t button.

Select modules
At the select modules step, a popup “Rebuilding software list” dialog briefly appears as the dependencies
of the JACE are compared against the available software modules in your Workbench PC’s “software data-
base.” During commissioning, you add to the software modules that are preselected for installation. Some-
times you may not make any changes, as the wizard preselects all necessary “core” modules, plus any
additional modules needed by the station you previously specified in the Install Station step.
You can select additional modules, including a few not directly related to the contents of the station selected
for installation. Examples include lexicon module(s), or some modules related to P l a t f o r m S e r v i c e s . Or, you
may know that the JACE controller will need one or more modules in the future (say for a driver), and you
wish to install them now.
In general, do not select modules if you are not sure they are needed. You can manage software modules
anytime later, using the S o f t w a r e M a n a g e r. Also, if you install a station later, the S t a t i o n C o p i e r will auto-
matically prompt for confirmation to install any additional modules deemed necessary.
Fi gu re 2 Software installation dialog includes signature status icons
N O T E : For cases described below, install the following additional module(s) to enable options.
• Select either (or both) “theme”-related modules: themeLucid-ux, themeZebra-ux, depending on how
station users are assigned to Web Profiles (for example, Default Hx Profile, Hx Theme=Lucid).
• If you want any installed station to have the “Hardware Scan Service” in its P l a t f o r m S e r v i c e s , select the
appropriate platHwScanType modules. For example, select platHwScanTitan-rt and -wb modules.
• Note that “standard” lexicon modules appear listed using a module name convention of:
where Lc is a two-character language code, such as Fr for French or Es for Spanish. It is also possible to
make custom lexicon modules using Workbench Lexicon Tools (which can use different naming).

Selecting modules for installation

At the Software Installation step, do the following:
N O T E : In Niagara 4.8 and later, there is added support for verifying third party module signatures. Currently
third party module signing is optional in most cases, but this will gradually shift to a requirement over the
course of the next few releases. As a result, the S o f t w a re I n s t a l l a t i o n window is changed to include signa-
ture status icons in the Installed Version and Available Version columns indicating the signature status of the
installed and available modules. Attempting to install modules with signature warnings (indicated by a yellow
icon) will cause a signature warning dialog to be displayed, and attempting to install modules with signature
errors (indicated by a red icon) will cause the installation to fail. For more details see, Niagara Third Party
Module Signing.

26 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard

Step 1 Review the list of available modules (This list is long and requires you to use the scroll bar).
Each selected module has an “X” in its selection box.
Note the following:
• Modules preselected from “core” need or station database reasons each have a red text de-
scriptor, which may read as:
– Install required platform module
– Install required for runtime profile
– Install module required by station
By default, these modules are at the top of the list. You cannot deselect these modules.
• You can select additional modules to install by clicking selection boxes. The description for each
is in blue text, and displays as either:
– Not Installed (if not selected)
– Install (if selected)
• To resort the list alphabetically, click the M o d u l e header in the table. To return to the default
sort order, click the table’s (blank) description header.
• To reset the selection of modules to the original collection, click the R e s e t button.
Step 2 Click the N e x t button to go to the next step.

I ns tal l/ up gr ad e c ore so ft ware

At the install/upgrade core software step, the dependencies of the JACE platform are compared against the
distribution (dist) files available in your Workbench PC’s “software database.” For the initial commissioning
the wizard determines what core distribution files are needed, selects the files automatically, and then in-
forms you in a dialog, as shown.

May 2, 2019 27
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

N O T E : The persistent log files under /var/slog will not be preserved when upgrading a JACE-8000 from
an installed older release to Niagara 4.8. The reason is that Niagara 4.8 contains an OS upgrade from
QNX6.5 to QNX7.0 which uses a different log file format. During the upgrade the old QNX6.5 log files are
deleted and new QNX7.0 files are created.
If the existing log files are needed, make a copy prior to upgrading.

1. Click N e x t to continue.

TCP/IP configuration
The TCP/IP configuration step allows you to review and adjust the platform’s TCP/IP settings.
The figure below and the table that follows show Interface 1 and 2 properties, including DHCPDv4 proper-
ties as displayed in the Commissioning Wizard window.

28 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard

F ig ure 3 TCP/IP Configuration window showing Interface 1 and Interface 2 properties

N O T E : IPv6 support is available; however this document focuses on IPv4 configuration. For details on IPv6,
refer to the Platform Guide section on T C P / I P C o n f i g u r a t i o n .

May 2, 2019 29
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

Configuring TCP/IP settings

At the TCP/IP Configuration step, do the following:
Step 1 Review the I n t e r f a c e 1 settings on the I P v 4 S e t t i n g s tab, which include the temporary factory-
shipped IP address.
Step 2 Assign the JACE a unique IPv4 address for the network you are installing it on. No other device on
this network should use this same IP address. Include the appropriate subnet mask used by the
C A U T I O N : If enabling more than one LAN port (applicable to LAN1, LAN2, and WiFi) then the IP
address for each must be configured on different subnets, otherwise the ports will not function cor-
rectly. For example, with a typical “Class C” subnet mask of, setting Interface 1= and Interface 2= is an invalid configuration, as both addresses are on
the same subnet.
Alternatively, if the network supports DHCP, you can enable it (click DHCP Enabled). In this case,
the IP Address and Subnet Mask fields become read only.
Note that in general (for stability, static IP addressing is recommended over DHCP. If DHCP is pre-
ferred, an IP Address 'Reservation' should be entered for the controller in the DHCP Server. The
controller IP address should not change.
C A U T I O N : Do not enable DHCP unless you are certain that the network has DHCP servers!
Otherwise, the controller may become unreachable over the network.
N O T E : If the JACE-8000 platform is to be used to wirelessly connect to the enterprise network,
DHCP should not be enabled here. In that event, the WiFi adapter in Client Mode will require use
of the JACE DHCP feature. For more information, see the JACE-8000 WiFi Guide.
Step 3 Review, and if needed adjust other TCP/IP settings, which (in usual order of importance) include:
• IPv4 Gateway — The IP address for the device that forwards packets to other networks or
N O T E : The JACE only supports one gateway for all adapters. This includes the JACE-8000 WiFi
Adapter in Client mode.
• DNS Domain Name — Enter the name of network domain, or if not applicable, leave blank.
• DNSv4 Servers — Click the add button for a field to enter the IPv4 address of one or more
DNS servers.
• Hostname — Default may be “localhost,” or enter another name you want to use for this host.
If a hostname is entered, typically the name is unique for the domain.
N O T E : In some installations, changing hostname may result in unintended impacts on the net-
work, depending on how the DHCP or DNS servers are configured. If in doubt, leave hostname
at default.
• Hosts File — Click control to expand edit field. Format is a standard TCP/IP hosts file, where
each line associates a particular IP address with a known host name. Each entry should be on an
individual line. The IP address should be placed in the first column, followed by the correspond-
ing host name. The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one space.
a. To add a line, click at the end of the last line and press E n t e r.
b. Type in the required data on the new line.
To return to see all TCP/IP settings, click the control to collapse the edit field when done.
N O T E : The U n d o C h a n g e s button resets all settings (all Interfaces) back to the original pre-step
Step 4 Click the N e x t button to go to the next step.

30 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard

N O T E : JACE-8000 controllers have two Ethernet ports, where “IIn t e r f a c e 2 ” is available for con-
figuring the secondary (LAN2) Ethernet port. By default, this port is disabled, that is without a “de-
fault” address. The intended usage for this port, as for the secondary LAN port, is as follows:
• Isolating a “driver’s” Ethernet traffic from the primary (LAN1) interface, OR
• Creating a private network by daisy chaining multiple IP devices off of the controller’s secon-
dary LAN port.
N O T E : This scenario requires that you configure the LAN2 port as a DHCP server in the
D H C P D v 4 S e t t i n g s tab.
• In some cases, LAN2 may be set up with a standard, fixed, IP address that is used only by a
company’s service technician, when on site. This allows access to the JACE without disconnect-
ing it from the customer’s network, or without connecting the technician’s service PC to the cus-
tomer’s network (which might go against local IT security policies).
If enabling LAN2, you must specify another (network) static IP address and the appropriate sub-
net mask, i.e. a different subnet mask for each enabled LAN port IP address.
• The JACE does not provide IP routing or bridging operation between different Interfaces (LAN
ports or WiFi).
N O T E : The following step describes how to enable LAN2 Ethernet port if you want to use LAN2
for one of the reasons described above and how to configure DHCPDv4 if you want to use the en-
abled port as a DHCP server. Choose to perform the steps below depending on your
Step 5 Enable the secondary Ethernet port (IIn t e r f a c e 2 ) as follows:
a. Expand I n t e r f a c e 2 .
b. Select the Adapter Enabled check box.
Step 6 To setup the secondary Ethernet port (IIn t e r f a c e 2 ) as a DHCP client:
a. Select the E n a b l e d check box on the I P v 4 S e t t i n g s tab. Make sure that the D H C P D v 4 is NOT
enabled on the D H C P D v 4 S e t t i n g s tab.
Step 7 To setup the secondary Ethernet port (IIn t e r f a c e 2 ) as a DHCP server:
To use the secondary Ethernet port as a DHCP server, the port has to be configured with a static IP
address. Verify this first by making sure that the D H C P check box is NOT selected on the I P v 4 S e t -
t i n g s tab.
a. On the D H C P D v 4 S e t t i n g s tab, select the D H C P D v 4 check box.
This enables the DHCPv4 property fields.
b. Configure property settings fields: the following are example values only:
• Subnet:
• Netmask:
• Client range low:
• Max. number of clients: 10
Based on the example above, client IP pool is to

May 2, 2019 31
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

Type Value Description

Default Lease Time 6 hours (default) Fixed duration (in hours, minutes,
and seconds) for a DHCP IP ad-
dress lease, before it expires
the lease must be renewed.
Max Lease Time 12 hours (default) Maximum duration (in hours, mi-
nutes, and seconds) for a DHCP IP
address lease.

Subnet The subnet of IP addresses assigned

by the DHCP server.
C A U T I O N : Configure this to assign
addresses on a different subnet than
that used in other LAN or Access
Point configurations, otherwise the
ports will not function correctly.

Netmask The Netmask of IP addresses as-

signed by the DHCP Server.

Client Range Low Lowest IP address for the range. The

order of assigning IPs from the Ac-
cess Point DHCP is indeterminate.
N O T E : The adapter IP should be in
the same subnet, but not in the
range of addresses defined here.

Max Number of Clients 240 (default) Maximum number of clients that can
attach at a given time.

c. Under I P v 4 S e t t i n g s tab, enter the IPv4 address and subnet mask as shown below:
• IPv4 Address:
• IPv4 subnet mask:

32 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard

Make sure that the secondary Ethernet port (IIn t e r f a c e 2 ) IP address is outside the DHCP serv-
er’s client IP pool.
Save and reboot the controller for the network settings to take effect.
N O T E : To disable DHCP server running on the secondary Ethernet port (IIn t e r f a c e 2 ): Under D H C P D v 4
S e t t i n g s Tab, uncheck the D H C P D v 4 check box. Save & reboot the controller for the network settings to
take effect.

Configuring system passphrase

In this Commissioning Wizard step, you specify a passphrase to replace the factory default passphrase. A
strong password is required (a minimum of 10 characters and include at least one uppercase character, at
least one lowercase character, and at least one digit).
In Niagara 4.4 and later, Workbench requires that the user remove the default platform user account and
change the default system passphrase prior to completing a platform connection.These requirements are
configurable via the P l a t f o r m C o n n e c t i o n s options under T o o l s → O p t i o n s .
F ig ure 4 Platform connection options

These platform connection options are “true” by default, so that anytime Workbench detects either of the
following conditions when making a platform connection it launches the C h a n g e P l a t f o r m D e f a u l t s W i z a r d
which steps you through the required changes:
• The system passphrase of the remote platform is the default value.
• The platform credentials of the remote platform are factory default values.
This view allows you to configure whether or not the system prompts the user to remove the default plat-
form user account and/or to change the default system passphrase when making a platform connection.
These options are offered as a convenience. For example, if another workflow already prompts for these
changes, setting one or both of these options to false can prevent redundant prompts.
The system passphrase is used to protect sensitive information stored on all Niagara systems, and on the mi-
cro SD card in JACE-8000 controllers. The system passphrase is assigned as the file passphrase for “port-
able” files, such as backups and station copies, and is used to encrypt those files. During operations in which
you transfer encrypted files to a system (restoring backups, transferring a station, etc.) you are prompted to
enter the file passphrase if it doesn’t match the system passphrase for the target system. For more details,
see “System passphrase” in the Niagara Platform Guide.
Step 1 Enter the Current Passphrase for the JACE (typically the factory default passphrase).
Step 2 Enter a strong password in the New Passphrase and Confirm New Passphrase fields.
The entries in both of these fields must match.
Step 3 Click N e x t to continue.

May 2, 2019 33
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

C A U T I O N : When you create a system passphrase be sure to make a note of it and guard it carefully! If you
lose the system passphrase, you will lose access to encrypted data. You can change the system passphrase
using the Platform Administration tool.
N O T E : Niagara 4 cannot successfully configure the system passphrase on the JACE-8000 when it is running
the AX daemon. You must use AX-3.8U1 instead.
Also, in the N4 P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n view, the U p d a t e A u t h e n t i c a t i o n and S y s t e m P a s s p h r a s e but-
tons are disabled when the remote platform is the AX-3.8U1 daemon. Note, that in release N4.1, the buttons
do not appear disabled, however, setting the system passphrase fails when you attempt to configure it.

Remove platform default user account

In this Commissioning Wizard step, you specify platform login credentials (user name and password) to re-
place the factory-default platform user in this JACE controller.
Fi gu re 5 Initial dialog to replace the factory-default platform user account

Note that the Commissioning Wizard in Niagara 4 prevents commissioning the JACE controller that retains
the factory default platform user account. To proceed, you must enter a different user name, along with a
“strong” password (this means a minimum of 10 characters including: at least one uppercase character, at
least one lowercase character, and at least one digit).
Following your entry in this dialog, another step (if pre-selected) lets you create additional platform admin
users, if needed. Each platform user must have a unique user name and use a “strong” password. Up to 20
total users are supported. Note each platform user account has the same (full) platform admin access—users
can change their password, and even create additional platform admin accounts.

34 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard

N O T E : User name and password entries are case sensitive.

If you are not changing the controller’s IP address during commissioning, the credentials for your replace-
ment platform user are “remembered” in the current session. This can simplify platform reconnection to the
controller after it reboots from commissioning. This is useful in a “migration” scenario.
However, if changing the IP address in commissioning, you need to remember/re-enter the new credentials
for a platform user in order to reconnect. Always make careful note of any changed platform credentials,
and guard them closely—as they provide the highest security level access to any Niagara 4 platform.

Sp ec if yi ng a p l atfo rm us er to rep l ac e the fac tory -d efa ul t p l atfo rm us er

You see this dialog only in the initial commissioning of a new JACE controller, or possibly at some future
point after installing an N4 “clean dist” file.

Step 1 In the U s e r N a m e field, type in the desired user name for platform login.
Step 2 In the P a s s w o rd fields, type in a strong password (it must match in both password fields). Pass-
word must use a minimum of 10 characters including: at least one uppercase character, at least one
lowercase character, and at least one digit.
Step 3 In the (optional) C o m m e n t field, you can enter an alphanumeric descriptor for this platform admin
user, where it is seen in the “U Us e r s table” if there are more than one platform user.
Step 4 Click the N e x t button. You proceed either to the final commissioning (review changes) step, or if
you selected to configure additional platform daemon users, you see your replacement user in the
U s e r s table of the P l a t f o r m D a e m o n A u t h e n t i c a t i o n dialog, as below.

Platform user rules and guidelines

When adding any N4 JACE controller platform admin user, the following rules apply:
• User Name
User Name can be a maximum of 14 alphanumeric characters (a - z, A - Z, 0 - 9), where the first character
must be alphabetic, and following characters either alphanumeric or underscore ( _ ).
• Password

May 2, 2019 35
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

A strong password is required (it must match in both password fields). Entry characters display only in as-
terisks (*). Password must be a minimum of 10 characters including: at least one uppercase character, at
least one lowercase character, and at least one digit. An error popup reminds you if attempt to enter a
password that does not meet minimum rules.
N O T E : Some basic guidelines on strong passwords:
Use both upper and lower case.
Include numeric digits (a minimum of one).
Include special characters.
Don’t use dictionary words.
Don’t use company name.
Don’t make the same as the user name.
Don’t use common numbers like telephone, address, birthday, and so on.
• Comment
This is an optional alphanumeric field you can use when adding a new platform admin user, for descrip-
tion purposes only (note you cannot edit it after adding a user, unlike with a user’s password).
C A U T I O N : Make note of your platform user credentials, and guard them carefully! Consider the plat-
form daemon as the highest-level access to the JACE controller.
If you lose or forget these credentials, you may be unable to complete commissioning and startup of this
controller. In this case, you can restore the factory default platform user, providing you can serially con-
nect to the controller (make serial shell connection), and press a key at the prompted time during control-
ler boot up following a power cycle.

Co nfi g ure add i ti on al pl at fo rm da em on us er s

This Commissioning Wizard step lets you add additional platform admin users in the JACE controller, and al-
so delete users and change passwords.
N O T E : Access this same configuration via the “U
Us e r A c c o u n t s ” button in the P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
view, available any time after commissioning.

Configuring additional platform daemon users

Platform daemon authentication lets you create additional (up to 20 total) platform admin users.

Step 1 Click N e w U s e r for the popup N e w U s e r dialog, as shown above.

Step 2 In the U s e r N a m e field, type in the desired user name for platform login.

36 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard

Step 3 In the P a s s w o rd fields, type in a strong password (it must match in both password fields). Pass-
word must use a minimum of 10 characters, using at least one uppercase character, at least one
lowercase character, and at least one digit.
Step 4 In the (optional) C o m m e n t field, you can enter an alphanumeric descriptor for this platform admin
user, where it is seen in the “U Us e r s table”.
Step 5 Click O K . The user is added to the U s e r s table.
Step 6 To add another user, repeat the previous steps or else click the N e x t button for the final step.

R evi ew and fin is h wiz ard

The final step in the Commissioning Wizard provides a review of changes, as shown below.
F ig ure 6 Review Commissioning Wizard dialog

R e v i e w i n g a n d f i n i s h i n g t h e C o m m i s s i o n i n g W i z a rd
A summary is shown for all the actions to be performed by the wizard. Before proceeding:
Step 1 Read through the summary of changes, using the scroll bar to see those steps near the end.
• If no change is needed, click F i n i s h to initiate the rest of the Commissioning Wizard.
• If any change is needed, click the B a c k button until the step dialog appears, then make the
change. Then, click the N e x t button until this review dialog appears again.
Step 2 While the wizard is working, progress updates are posted in a “Completing Commissioning” dia-
log. When completed, the wizard reboots the JACE, and a “C Cl o s e ” button is available.

May 2, 2019 37
Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

Do not remove power from the controller during this reboot, which may take up to 7 or more mi-
nutes to complete. Removing power could make the unit unrecoverable. If desired (and conven-
ient), you can use a serial shell connection to the controller to monitor progress as files are installed
and the unit is prepared (for details refer to the “System Shell” section in this guide).
Note that firmware upgrades occur before the platform daemon starts in the JACE controller.
Therefore, it is safe to interrupt power any time after you can re-open a platform connection to the
Step 3 Click the C l o s e button to exit the wizard.
When the JACE reboots, your platform connection to it closes. Notice that in the Nav tree, the
platform instance for that JACE is now dimmed.
Step 4 Assuming that you changed the JACE’s IP address in commissioning, right-click and close that plat-
form instance, as this would make that connection instance invalid.

If you did not change its IP address, after several minutes you should be able to double-click the
platform instance again to reconnect.
N O T E : Going forward, you must access the JACE by its new (assigned) IP address. Note that your Work-
bench keeps a history of TCP/IP changes made.
Re open ing a pla tfor m connect i on usi ng the new (cha nged) I P a ddres s

38 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard

Also, you must use the credentials for the new platform user you created (to replace the factory-default plat-
form user), or if you created additional platform users, credentials for one of them.
If you changed your PC’s IP address in order to commission the JACE, you usually need to reconfigure your
PC’s TCP/IP settings back to appropriate settings (now) to communicate with it. Otherwise, you will be un-
able to connect to it for other commissioning.

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Chapter 4 Run the Commissioning Wizard JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

40 May 2, 2019
Chapter 5 Platform services (station)
and administration
Topics covered in this chapter
♦ About Platform Services
♦ PlatformServices properties
♦ Controller-specific PlatformServices properties
♦ JACE SRAM support enabling/disabling
♦ Optional platform administration

A few platform configuration items in the JACE are not directly accessible in the Workbench platform
connection to that controller—that is, via the Commissioning Wizard or any of the platform views. Instead,
you must have a station installed and running on the controller (any station).
Then using Workbench, you open a (Fox) connection to that station, and configure these platform-related
items by accessing services under the station’s P l a t f o r m S e r v i c e s container.

About Platform Services

Under its Services container, every station has a PlatformServices container.
N O T E : In Niagara 4.8 and later, there is added support for the IEEE 802.1X wired authentication standard
for JACE-8000 and Edge platforms. For more details, see the Niagara IEEE 802.1X Configuration Guide.

May 2, 2019 41
Chapter 5 Platform services (station) and administration JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

Fi gu re 7 Example controller station’s PlatformServices

PlatformServices is different from all other components in a station in the following ways:
• It acts as the station interface to specifics about the host platform (whether JACE or a PC).
• It is built dynamically at station runtime—you do not see PlatformServices in an offline station.
• Any changes you make to PlatformServices or its child services are not stored in the station database.
Instead, changes are stored in other files on the host platform, such as its platform.bog file.
N O T E : Do not attempt to edit platform.bog directly; always use PlatformServices’ views.
Included services are a TcpIpService and LicenseService, providing station (Fox) access to dialogs used in
platform views, for instance the T C P / I P C o n f i g u r a t i o n . These services support installations where all con-
figuration must be possible using only a browser connection (and not Workbench connected to the JACE’s
platform daemon).

Platf ormS ervi ce s i tems of in terest for J AC E c om mi ss io nin g

For any QNX-based N4 JACE, the following child platform services in the station’s PlatformServices are of
chief importance when commissioning a new controller.
• CertManagerService — For management of PKI certificate “stores” and/or allowed host exceptions,
used in certificate-based SSL (TLS) connections between the station/platform and other hosts. For de-
tails, see the Niagara Station Security Guide.
• DataRecoveryService — For operation/monitoring of the ongoing SRAM backups for most (SRAM-
equipped) JACE controllers. It includes a “Service Enabled” configuration property, such that you can

42 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 5 Platform services (station) and administration

disable it, if needed. This is viable only if a backup battery is installed, or the unit is powered by an exter-
nal UPS. For details.
Also, you may wish to review the parent container’s PlatformServices properties and adjust, if needed.

Pl atf or m Ser vi c es p ro pe rt ies

The default view of the P l a t f o r m S e r v i c e s container, the P l a t f o r m S e r v i c e C o n t a i n e r P l u g i n , provides ac-
cess to numerous properties, as shown below.
F ig ure 8 PlatformServices property sheet in controller

May 2, 2019 43
Chapter 5 Platform services (station) and administration JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

Re vie wing /a dj us tin g Pl atform Se rvic es prop erti es f or the JA CE

Prerequis i tes :
• A station in the JACE is running, and that station opened in Workbench.
Step 1 In the Nav tree, double-click Services and then PlatformServices.
Its “Platform Service Container Plugin” displays in the view pane.
Some properties are read-only status types, similar to many seen in the Platform Administration
view. Other configuration properties can be edited. A group of 3 config properties allow adjust-
ment of the time, date, and time zone settings for the host JACE (alternately accessible using a
platform connection to the JACE). Access to these properties is useful if the installation requires all
setup access using a browser only.
Step 2 As needed, review other platform service configuration properties, which include the following:

44 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 5 Platform services (station) and administration

N O T E : You should leave the following properties at default values, unless otherwise directed by
Systems Engineering.
• L o c a l e — Determines locale-specific behavior such as date and time formatting, and also which
lexicons are used. A string entered must use the form: language [“_” country [“_” variant]]
For example U.S. English is “en_US” and traditional Spanish would be “es_ES_
See Oracle documentation at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/Locale.
html for related details.
• E n g i n e Wa t c h d o g P o l i c y — Defines response taken by the platform daemon if it detects a sta-
tion engine watchdog timeout. With the watchdog, the station periodically reports to the plat-
form daemon its updated engine cycle count. The watchdog purpose is to detect and deal with
a “hung” or “stalled” station, and is automatically enabled when the station starts.
Watchdog policy selections include:
– Log Only — Generates stack dump and logs an error message in the system log. (The station
should ultimately be restarted if a watchdog timeout occurs with the “Log Only” setting).
– Terminate — (Default) Kills the VM process. If “restart on failure” is enabled for the station
(typical), the station is restarted.
– Reboot — Automatically reboots the host JACE platform. If “auto-start” is enabled for the
station, the station is restarted after the system reboots.
• E n g i n e Wa t c h d o g T i m e o u t — Default is 3 minutes in Niagara 4, and range is from 1 minute to
many hours.
If the station’s engine cycle count stops changing and/or the station does not report a cycle
count to the platform daemon within this defined period, the platform daemon causes the VM
to generate a stack dump for diagnostic purposes, then takes the action defined by the Engine
Watchdog Policy.
• E n a b l e S t a t i o n A u t o - S a v e — Either Enable (default) or Disable.
Allows for “auto save” of running station to “config_backup_<YYMMDD>_<HHMM>.bog” file
at the frequency defined in next property. Auto-saved backup files are kept under that station’s
• S t a t i o n A u t o - S a v e F r e q u e n c y — Default is every 24 hours for any embedded JACE, range is
from 1 to many hours.
• S t a t i o n A u t o - S a v e Ve r s i o n s t o K e e p — Default is 0. Oldest of kept backups is replaced upon
next manual save or auto-save backup, once the specified limit is reached. Significant flash
space is saved by keeping this 0 or perhaps 1.
• R A M D i s k — In MB (default is 1GB). Indicates the size of RAM disk used to store history and
alarm files.
– M i n F re e — sets the level at which Platform Services and Platform Admin show a warning.
For further details on these and other PlatformServices properties, refer to the “PlatformService-
Container parameters” section in the Niagara Platform Guide.
Step 3 Click S a v e to write any configuration change to the host JACE platform.

C o n t r o l l e r- s p e c i f i c P l a t f o r m S e r v i c e s p r o p e r t i e s
As newer JACE platforms are introduced, hardware-specific properties may be appended to the collection
of a station’s PlatformServices properties. Examples are given below.

May 2, 2019 45
Chapter 5 Platform services (station) and administration JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

JACE SRAM support enabling/disabling

SRAM support is provided by the DataRecoveryService, a platform service that applies to SRAM-equipped
JACE controllers.

Enabling or disabling SRAM support in the DataRecoveryService

Prerequis i tes :
• Station running in the JACE, and that station opened in Workbench.
Step 1 In the Nav tree, click to expand the station’s Services, then PlatformServices container to reveal all
contained services.
Step 2 Double-click DataRecoveryService. The D a t a R e c o v e r y S e r v i c e E d i t o r displays.

Step 3 By default, the Service Enabled property is true. This is appropriate since the controller has no
backup battery installed.
If a “battery-less” JACE controller is powered from a battery-backed UPS, you could also choose
to set Service Enabled to false.
N O T E : If you set “Service Enable” to false, the DataRecoveryService no longer records runtime da-
tabase changes to SRAM. The controller depends entirely on its backup battery to preserve station
data upon a power loss!
Step 4 Click S a v e to write the configuration to host platform.
You are prompted to reboot now to apply the changes. Click Ye s to reboot with the change in the Data-
RecoveryService (disabled or enabled) made effective.

Optional platform administration

The Commissioning Wizard performs most, but sometimes not all, needed configuration for a new JACE
platform. There are several items you should review (and optionally change) in a follow-up platform connec-
tion to each JACE, using the P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n view.

46 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 5 Platform services (station) and administration

As shown below, the P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n view is one of several views for any platform, listed under
the platform in the Nav tree and in the platform’s Nav Container View. This view provides a text summary of
the JACE’s current software configuration, including its model number, OS level, JVM version, installed mod-
ules, lexicons, licenses, certificates, and so on.
F ig ure 9 Platform Administration is one of several platform views

Included in this view are commands and related dialogs in which you can:
• Set the date and time in the JACE controller.
• Change the HTTP port used by the JACE for the platform daemon (platform server).
The default port is 3011.

May 2, 2019 47
Chapter 5 Platform services (station) and administration JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

• Change TLS settings used by the JACE for secure “platformssl” access, including configured state, plat-
formssl port (HTTPS Port), PKI certificate, and TLS protocol. The default port is 5011.
Note that in Niagara 4, “SSL” is always implemented using the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol.
See the Niagara Station Security Guide for complete details.
• Enable or disable SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) and SSH (Secure Shell) access to the JACE control-
ler. By default, such access is disabled, where both protocols use TCP port 22.
C A U T I O N : Although SFTP and SSH are more secure than FTP and Telnet access, enabling still poses se-
curity risks. We strongly recommend you keep this access disabled, unless otherwise directed by Systems
Engineering. Upon completion of any use, such access should be disabled once again.
• View daemon output and change logging levels.
• Enable debug access for temporary browser access to platform daemon diagnostic tools
• Perform other platform tasks initially performed with the Commissioning Wizard, such modifying plat-
form admin users (User Accounts), configuring runtime profiles, and so on.
For more details, see the “Platform Administration” section in the Niagara Platform Guide.

Performing platform administration

Prerequis i tes :
• The JACE controller is already commissioned using the Commissioning Wizard.
Step 1 Using Workbench, open a platform connection to the JACE controller. Use the platform credentials
you specified when creating a platform user while commissioning the JACE.
Step 2 In the JACE platform’s Nav Container View, double-click Platform Administration.
Step 3 In the P l a t f o r m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n view, click any of the following to review or make changes:
• V i e w D e t a i l s — A platform summary that you can copy to the Windows clipboard.
• U s e r A c c o u n t s — A platform daemon authentication dialog to add, delete, or manage plat-
form users (initially performed as a step in the Commissioning Wizard).
• S y s t e m P a s s p h r a s e — A dialog to set or change the system passphrase used to encrypt sensi-
tive information on the platform’s filesystem.
• C h a n g e H T T P P o r t — A dialog to change the HTTP port for the JACE’s platform daemon from
port 3011 to some other port.
• C h a n g e T L S S e t t i n g s — A dialog to specify platform SSL settings, including enabling/dis-
abling, port, PKI certificate to authenticate by, and secure protocol to use. Details are beyond
the scope of this document. For an overview, see “Change SSL (TLS) Settings” in the Niagara
Platform Guide. For complete information, refer to the Niagara Station Security Guide.
• C h a n g e D a t e / T i m e — A dialog to change the JACE’s current date, time, and time zone (ini-
tially performed as a step in commissioning wizard).
• A d v a n c e d O p t i o n s — A dialog to enable or disable the following advanced platform options
– S F T P / S S H E n a b l e d — A dialog to enable/disable SFTP and SSH access to the JACE, or
change the default port number that these protocols use/share.
– D a e m o n D e b u g E n a b l e d — Temporarily enable the browser based daemon debugging
tools. This is automatically turned off the next time the system boots.
– U S B B a c k u p E n a b l e d — Enable or disable the USB Backup port on the JACE enclosure.
• C h a n g e O u t p u t S e t t i n g s — A dialog to change the log level of different processes that can
appear in the platform daemon output
• V i e w D a e m o n D e b u g — A window in which you can observe debug messages from platform
daemon processes in real time. Also includes ability to pause or load.

48 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 5 Platform services (station) and administration

• V i e w S y s t e m L o g — A window for viewing system log(s) for the platform.

• C o n f i g u r e R u n t i m e P r o f i l e s — A dialog to change the types of runtime profiles for software
modules installed on the JACE (initially performed in commissioning wizard).
• C o n f i g u r e N R E M e m o r y — A dialog to configure the memory allocation sizes of this platform’s
Niagara Runtime Environment.
• B a c k u p — Make a complete backup of all configuration on the connected host platform, includ-
ing all station files, plus other Niagara configuration (typically unnecessary for any JACE just
started up).
• C o m m i s s i o n i n g — Another way to re-launch the Commissioning Wizard, as previously used in
the initial commissioning of the JACE.
• R e b o o t — A method to reboot the JACE platform, which restarts all software including the OS
and JVM, then the platform daemon, then if so configured in the Application Director (Station
Director), the installed station. If you click this, a confirmation dialog appears.
If you reboot, your platform connection is lost, and it is typically a few minutes until you can re-
connect to this JACE.

May 2, 2019 49
Chapter 5 Platform services (station) and administration JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

50 May 2, 2019
Chapter 6 Re feren ce inf ormatio n
Topics covered in this chapter
♦ IP changes history
♦ Shutdown operations
♦ Restoring factory defaults
♦ System shell

During JACE commissioning, it is possible to run into problems. For instance, you may type an IP address
incorrectly when entering it, and as a result be unable to regain access. In this scenario, there are a couple of
things you should know about:

IP changes history
Your Workbench PC records “before and after” TCP/IP settings made from your platform connections in an
ipchanges.bog file. If necessary, you can review changes made from your Workbench using the following

R e v i e w i n g T C P / I P c h a n g e s m a d e f r o m y o u r Wo r k b e n c h P C
From your PC with Workbench started, do the following:
Step 1 In the Nav tree, expand “My Host” and then “My File System.”
Step 2 Expand “User Home”, then expand “ipchanges.bog.”
Child folders are “date-named” using the following convention:
<yyyymmddhhmmss> for example, “d20150113153640” for 2015 Jan 13 3:36pm
Step 3 Expand any folder of interest (right-click, select V i e w s → → P r o p e r t y S h e e t ). Note the included de-
coded “modTime” value, for example, “13-Jan-2015 03:36 PM EST” (vs "d20150113153640").
Underneath each folder are two objects:
• priorValue — TCP/IP settings that existed before this change.
• newValue — TCP/IP settings that existed after this change.
Step 4 In the property sheet, expand a priorValue or newValue to see settings.
N O T E : If you have a platform connection open (to any host), you can also review this same history
of IP changes made from your Workbench to remote platforms. At the bottom of the T C P / I P C o n -
f i g u r a t i o n view, click the “A
Au d i t ” button. This shows this same ipChanges.bog folder and all child
change entry folders in a property sheet view. Expand a change folder to see a decoded “mod-
Time” value, for example, “13-Jan-2015 03:36 PM EST” (vs "d20150113153640"). Expand a
“priorValue” or “newValue” in the view to see the settings.

May 2, 2019 51
Chapter 6 Reference information JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

Fi gu re 10 Accessing ipchanges.bog in User Home

Shutdown operations
The information below describes how the shutdown operation works.
To initiate a shutdown press and hold the S h u t d o w n button on the enclosure. When the controller detects
that the S h u t d o w n button is being pressed, it enters the shutdown mode. This is indicated by the Backup
LED flashing the alert mode pattern (On 100-mS, Off 100-mS).
To verify the S h u t d o w n button is functioning and not in a failed state, the controller must detect the button
release before proceeding. Once the button is released, the controller puts the software in a safe state. Dur-
ing this process, the Backup LED toggles with the work pattern (On 1-Second, Off 1-Second). Once the soft-
ware has successfully completed its process, it notifies the controller that it is safe to shutdown. The
controller turns off the Backup LED indicating it is safe to remove power.
In the event that the software is unable to put the system into a safe state, the software notifies the control-
ler that it could not complete the request. The controller then indicates this by toggling the Backup LED with
the error pattern (On 200-mS, Off 200-mS, On 200 mS, Off 3-Seconds).

Shutti ng d own th e c ontrol l er

The shutdown procedure allows you to safely shutdown the controller.
Step 1 Press and hold the S h u t d o w n button until the B a c k u p LED begins to flash.
N O T E : In QNX 4.3, the heartbeat LED also turns off, and all Ethernet, USB, and console connectiv-
ity is lost.
Step 2 Once the B a c k u p LED begins to flash, release the S h u t d o w n button.
Step 3 Once the B a c k u p LED turns on (solid) and begins to blink, wait until the B a c k u p LED turns off.
Step 4 Remove power to the controller.
N O T E : If you have a terminal connected to the controller, the following message displays when
the shutdown process is complete and it is safe to remove power:
iomonitor: shutdown complete, safe to remove power

52 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 6 Reference information

Restoring factory defaults

The process of recovering factory defaults returns the controller to the state it was in when it shipped from
the factory. This procedure describes the steps to recover factory defaults when using a terminal emulator
program to access the controller’s system shell menu.
P re re q u i s i t e s :
• A USB-to-micro USB cable (same cable as that used to connect a smart phone to a computer) connecting
the controller to your PC. The Debug port on a controller is a standard Micro-A type USB port for debug-
ging serial communicaStions. For more details, refer to the JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide.
• A terminal emulator (system shell program), such as PuTTY, installed on your PC.
C A U T I O N : Recovering factory defaults removes all platform and station data in the controller. Be sure to
backup data prior to performing this procedure.
Following are a couple of scenarios for which you might choose to recover factory defaults:
• While commissioning a brand new JACE, you make an error entering the default platform daemon cre-
dentials or passphrase. The result is that you cannot commission the controller. In this scenario, your only
option is to recover the factory defaults.
• When decommissioning the JACE, a best practice to follow is recovering the factory defaults in order to
wipe all of the platform and station data in the controller.
The figure with numbered call-outs, shown here, indicates the position of USB ports and switches behind the
access door.

1 PROG USB 2.0 for use with USB Flash (thumb) drive
2 DEBUG Micro-A USB for serial debug communications
3 BACKUP Pushbutton switch to start a USB backup, or if held in during power up/boot up, ini-
tiates a factory recovery image
4 SHT/DWN Recessed pushbutton switch for initiating a controlled shutdown
5 BACKUP LED to indicate USB media present, or a backup, restore, or factory recovery image
in progress

N O T E : In Niagara 4.7U1 and later, the presence of a USB device inserted in the USB backup/restore port
prevents you from accidentally launching the factory defaults recovery process while attempting to restore a
backup. If a USB device, of any type, is inserted in the backup/restore port, then recovery is skipped. Conse-
quently, when factory defaults recovery is desired, no USB device can be inserted in the USB port.

May 2, 2019 53
Chapter 6 Reference information JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

N O T E : For any JACE-8000 that is converted to run NiagaraAX, the USB Backup/Restore function is not sup-
ported and USB Connector 1 (for thumb drive) is disabled. USB Connector 2 for serial shell connections is
still enabled in theJACE-8000 running NiagaraAX. And although holding down the Backup button during
power up/boot up still functions to initiate a factory recovery image, it restores the controller to its factory
ship state which is N4.1 or later. You must repeat the conversion procedure to get it to AX-3.8U1.
• The DEBUG port is a standard Micro-A type USB port for serial debug communications to the controller.
N O T E : Login requires administrator level platform credentials.
• The SHT/DWN pushbutton initiates a “controlled shutdown” of the controller, ensuring that all station
data is preserved.
Step 1 Ensure that the controller’s power is off.
Step 2 Press and hold down the backup and restore button as you power up the controller, and continue
holding down the button throughout the boot-up process until the button press is detected and
the following confirmation banner displays:
Backup/Restore button press detected. Release button
now to proceed.
N O T E : During this step of the procedure, the Backup LED flashes at medium speed (100 mS on,
100 mS off). Also, be aware that holding the button down too long results in the following message
(which does not indicate a hardware fault). If this message appears it is best to start the procedure
over, beginning with step 1:
Step 3 Release the backup and restore button once the banner displays.
On detecting the button release, the system begins a 10-second countdown, which displays as
shown here:
Press any key to restore from USB backup.
If no key pressed, factory recovery will begin in 10 seconds

Recovery begins in 9 seconds

Recovery begins in 8 seconds
Recovery begins in....
N O T E : Pressing any key during this 10-second countdown prevents the system from entering fac-
tory recovery mode. Instead, the system switches modes to restore from a USB backup.
When no key press is detected during the 10-second countdown, the factory recovery process be-
gins at the moment the countdown finishes. Upon entering recovery mode, the boot process over-
writes the controller with a default factory image. During this process the Backup LED blinks at
slow speed (one second on, then one second off).
C A U T I O N : Once in recovery mode (BACKUP LED is flashing in slow blink), do not interrupt this
process. Allow the recovery to complete or the controller could be left in an inoperable state.
Step 4 When the Backup LED stops flashing, turn the controller’s power off and back on again to reboot.
N O T E : After recovering factory defaults the initial controller reboot process takes longer than
On completion, the controller is restored to a factory default state.

System shell
Any QNX-based JACE has a “system shell,” providing low-level access to a few basic platform settings. Us-
ing a special power-up mode and a serial connection via a USB-to-MicroUSB cable connected to the JACE’s

54 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 6 Reference information

Debug port, you can access this system shell. Note that system shell is also available via SSH (providing that
SSH is enabled in the JACE).
N O T E : Starting in Niagara 4.2, the JACE-8000 can be converted (downgraded) to run AX-3.8U1–with some
feature limitations. For example, for any JACE-8000 running AX the USB functionality is not supported. In
this configuration the USB port on the device is not monitored for insertion/removal of devices.
Typical usage is for troubleshooting. However, in the case of IP address mis-configuration, you can use the
serial system shell in order to regain access to the unit.
N O T E : Also, depending on your preference, you may wish to use the serial shell to set the JACE’s IP ad-
dress, as an alternative to reconfiguring your PC’s IP address in Windows (to initially connect to a new JACE).
If done as the first step, afterwards you could connect normally (Ethernet/IP) and perform all other Niagara
software installation/platform configuration using Workbench and the Commissioning Wizard. This method
would save you from having to re-configure your PC’s IP address settings in Windows: first to connect to the
JACE as shipped from the factory, and then back again to its original settings.
The following sections provide more details.

About the JACE-8000 system shell mode

To put the JACE-8000 into the debug system shell mode, plug-in the USB-to-MicroUSB cable. This makes
the system shell available at the controller’s Debug port, at a pre-defined serial rate: 115200, 8, N, 1.
Using a terminal emulation program such as PuTTY, you can then login with platform credentials and access
the system shell menu. After changing platform IP address parameters, a reboot command from the menu is
necessary, and you remove the USB cable. The JACE reboots using the changed IP address parameters.
Apart from physical access to the controller, you need the following items:
• A working USB port on your PC.
• VCOM or similar PC software (such as PuTTY) enabling the USB port to emulate a serial port
• A cable to connect your PC’s USB port to the JACE-8000’s Debug port.

Connecting to the JACE debug system shell

The following procedure provides steps to use the system shell. Examples provided use the PuTTY terminal
emulation program.
P re re q u i s i t e s :
• Physical access to the JACE controller
• Universal USB-to-MicroUSB connector cable
N O T E : Starting in Niagara 4.2, the JACE-8000 can be converted (downgraded) to run AX-3.8U1–with some
feature limitations. For example, for any JACE-8000 running AX the USB functionality is not supported. In
this configuration the USB port on the device is not monitored for insertion/removal of devices.
Step 1 Connect the USB cable between the controller’s Debug port and the USB port you are using on
your PC.
Step 2 On your PC, start your terminal emulation software. For example to start PuTTY from the Windows
Start menu, this is typically P ro g r a m s > PuTTY → P u T T Y.
Step 3 In the tree in the P u T T Y C o n f i g u r a t i o n dialog, expand C o n n e c t i o n and click S e r i a l .
Step 4 Set the “Serial line to connect to” for your PC’s (USB) COM port to use. For example, COM3.
N O T E : You can examine Ports in Windows Device Manager to determine which serial port is in use
on the PC.
Step 5 Set the “Configure the serial line” fields as follows:
• Speed (baud): 115200

May 2, 2019 55
Chapter 6 Reference information JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

• Data bits: 8
• Stop bits: 1
• Parity: None
• Flow control: None
Step 6 In the tree in the P u T T Y C o n f i g u r a t i o n dialog, click S e s s i o n and then click/select the “Connection
type” as S e r i a l
N O T E : (Optional) You can save this configuration to reuse (load) in future PuTTY to JACE serial ses-
sions. To do this, type in a connection name in the “Saved Sessions” field (for example, “JACE-
8000-S”), and click S a v e .
When you start PuTTY again to serially connect to the JACE, select this name and click L o a d .
Step 7 At the bottom of the P u T T Y C o n f i g u r a t i o n dialog, click E n t e r.
Step 8 At the login prompt, enter a platform user name, and at the password prompt, the platform
a. If prompted for system passphrase, enter the platform’s system passphrase.
If login is successful, the TITAN System Shell menu appears:
Step 9 When finished making platform changes from the system shell, do the following:
• If no changes, or reboot is not necessary, simply type L to Logout.
• If changes require rebooting, select the Reboot option.
Type “y” at the “Are you sure you want to reboot [y/n]” prompt, and press Enter.
Shutdown-related text appears in the terminal (PuTTY) window.
Step 10 Click the Close control (upper right corner) in the terminal session (PuTTY) window.
Click O K in the “PuTTY Exit Confirmation” popup dialog.
Step 11 Unplug the USB connector from the JACE’s Debug port.

About the JACE system shell menu

The system shell of the JACE provides simple, menu-driven, text-prompt access to basic Niagara platform
settings, including IP network settings, platform credentials, system time, and enabling/disabling SFTP/SSH
and Telnet. Also, you can use it to perform a TCP/IP “ping” from the JACE to another host.
Changes issued in the system shell become immediately effective, except for IP address settings (Update
Network Settings). You must reboot the JACE in order for any changed network settings to become
N O T E : If SSH is enabled in the JACE, you can also access the controller’s system shell using a remote termi-
nal session using SSH. Platform login is still required (just as with the JACE powered up in serial shell mode).
C A U T I O N : Be careful when changing items from the system shell, in particular platform account (login cre-
dentials, system passphrase) and network settings. If you change platform login credentials and then lose or
forget them, you can restore the “factory default” platform login credentials—however, you will need to
make a debug system shell connection, reboot the JACE, and then be careful to press a key at the appropri-
ate time during JACE boot up.
Following, is an example of the system shell menu.

56 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 6 Reference information

F ig ure 11 System shell menu (serial shell or Telnet access)

To select a menu option, type the associated number (1 to 9) or “L” for logout, then press Enter.
For example,
• type 2 (Update Network Settings) to recover IP access, or to set the IP settings of a new JACE.
• type 6 (Change System Passphrase) to change the system passphrase of the unit. You might do this if
swapping in a microSD card from a previously configured unit, in order to change the passphrase of the
unit to match the passphrase that is already stored on the SD card.

Update Network Settings

Use system shell menu option ‘2’ to access most of the same IP networking options available in the Commis-
sioning Wizard step “TCP/IP configuration”. When selected, you are prompted for each setting sequentially,
starting with hostname (shown below).

May 2, 2019 57
Chapter 6 Reference information JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide

Update Network Settings example in the System Shell

Network Configuration Utility

Enter new value, '.' to clear the field or '<cr>' to keep existing value.

Hostname <localhost> : J8_East

Domain <> : myDomain.net

Primary DNS Server <> :

Secondary DNS Server <> :

Route <> :

Primary IPv6 DNS Server <> :

Secondary IPv6 DNS Server <> :

IPv6 Route <> :

NET1 Ethernet interface (en0)

IP address (clear to use DHCP) <> :

Subnet mask <> :

Enable IPv6 addressing on this adapter? (Y/n) :

IPv6 address (clear to use stateless autoconfiguration) <> :

Enable NET2 (en1) interface? (y/N) : Y

NET2 Ethernet interface

IP address (clear to use DHCP) <> :

Subnet mask <> :

Enable IPv6 addressing on this adapter? (Y/n) :

IPv6 address (only 1 adapter may use IPv6 Autoconfiguration) <> :

**** IPv6 Autoconfiguration NOT supported on NET2 interface.

IPv6 on NET2 will be disabled.

58 May 2, 2019
JACE-8000 Install and Startup Guide Chapter 6 Reference information

Confirm new configuration

Hostname : J8_East

Domain : myDomain.net

Default Gateway :

Primary DNS :

Secondary DNS :

Default IPv6 Gateway :

Primary IPv6 DNS :

Secondary IPv6 DNS :

NET1 settings:

IP Address :

Subnet Mask :

IPv6 Addressing assigned via Autoconfiguration

NET2 settings:

IP Address :

Subnet Mask :

IPv6 Addressing assigned via Autoconfiguration

Save these settings? (Y/n) :

N O T E : After you save the network settings, they do not become active until you perform a reboot of the
JACE controller. You can do this when you return to the main system shell menu, by selecting Reboot, menu
option 6.

Update System Time"

If the commissioning process hasn't been completed yet, it is often important to set the current date and
time (YYYYMMDDHHMM.ss). For example: 201510231536 for 23-Oct-2015 at 3:36pm UTC or 11:36

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