Whenever possible trip valves should be installed so that the flow assists closing and the valves
should be tested against the maximum flow and differential pressure likely to occur during trip
At one time small animals such as mice or canaries were widely used for detecting dangerous
amounts of certain gases or vapours in the atmosphere. Now instruments are doing them out of a
job. Many people like to see canaries or mice but the new instruments are more sensitive, as the
following story shows.
A plant control room was fitted with a new and more sensitive instrument for measuring carbon
monoxide (a Hartman and Brown infra-red analyser) and the canaries which used to be used have
been prematurely retired. A few weeks after the new instrument had been installed 76 ppm of carbon
monoxide was detected in the control room. The maximum level permitted for continuous working
(the threshold limit value) is 50 ppm but higher concentrations can be tolerated provided the average
over the working day does not exceed 50 ppm (see supplement).
Investigation showed that a piece of equipment had been blown down to atmosphere and that some
of the carbon monoxide had entered the control room ventilation system.
76 ppm of carbon monoxide will not make anyone feel ill (not even a canary) and similar
concentrations may have been experienced for a short time for many years without anyone knowing
about it. Now that we do know it is quite simple to make a change in operating procedure which
should prevent it happening again. If this is not successful then the position of the vent or the air
intake can be modified.
A few months later the alarm operated again — this time there was a leak on a gas booster 40 feet
below the air intake.
These incidents are interesting examples of the way in which better methods of detection show up
hazards which may have been there all the time, but which we did not know about before. (See also
item 60/11.)
Another example is given in “Engineering News” for September, 1973 (Report NoA.128,120/73/9.)
New methods of crack detection are showing up cracks in vessels that at one time would have been
undetected. We must not panic and discard a vessel because of these cracks. We must decide what
level of defects (or what concentration of a leaking gas or vapour) can be tolerated.
A flammable liquid is regularly delivered to a customer by road tank wagon. It is usually blown into an
elevated tank by nitrogen pressure.
One day a delivery was made by a tanker fitted with a pump, so the liquid was pumped out.
When the tanker had been emptied, the tanker’s valve was closed and the flex disconnected.
The entire contents of the tank syphoned out on the floor.
There was no valve on the pipe-line!
A manufacturer’s representative was demonstrating an air operated sliding plate valve which had a
guillotine type of action. Although the valve was to be installed in a place which was accessible — the
bottom of a hopper — the representative said that it was not necessary to fence it as the force on the
slide was so low that a man could stop it with his hand. The representative was asked if he would
demonstrate this by putting his hand in the valve while it closed.
He declined to do so and the valve was fenced.
From “Safety Matters”, published by Organics Division, No. 2-73.
A fitter was affected by fumes while working on a steam drum. One of the steam lines from the drum
was used for stripping a process column operating at 30 psig. A valve on the line to the column was
closed but the line was not slip-plated. When the steam pressure was blown-off, vapours from the
column came through the leaking valve into the steam line.
The Petrochemicals Division rules on the isolation of equipment for maintenance state that
equipment which is given to maintenance must be isolated by slip-plates or other equally effective
means unless the job to be done is so quick that fitting slip-plates would take as long and be as
hazardous as the main job.
From Safety Newsletter No. 14 November 1969
It is our policy to fireproof all load-bearing structures up to a height of 30 ft. and also all storage
vessels for liquefied flammable gases and other specially hazardous materials. Engineering
Specification CIV 0406 gives details of the methods we recommend.
Fire-proofing is nothing new. To quote from “The Englishman’s Castle” by J Gloag, p.46:— “The
plastering of walls, inside and out, had originally been a precaution against fire. The fear of fire
haunted the towns and cities of the Middle Ages. The use of thatch for new buildings in London had
been forbidden as early as 1212, and at that time the city council had made an order that all
cookshops on the Thames were to be plastered. A cookshop was often the starting place of a fire.
Plastering became a recognised craft, and it was used to provide a good surface for painting.
REMINDER: Newsletter 55, Item 6 pointed out that if part of the fire-proofing on a structure is
missing, the whole structure is at risk.
Some mobile cranes supplied by plant hire contractors contain cab heaters which are unsuitable for
use in areas where flammable gases or vapours may be present. In these heaters diesel fuel is burnt
and the hot gases are passed through a heat exchanger. The air needed for combustion is drawn
from the surrounding atmosphere. If this air becomes contaminated with flammable gas or vapour the
heater would ignite it.
We must take care that these heaters are not used on any cranes which we hire.
But we must not let the crane driver get too cold, or he may not be able to operate his controls
accurately. Another type of heater may have to be installed.
To fix nails into concrete, we often use special guns which shoot the nails into the concrete.
According to a newspaper report, some cartridges for these guns were accidentally thrown onto a
rubbish tip and then put into an incinerator. They blew up, injuring a man.
What does the law say about the storage of these cartridges?
The “Law Relating to Explosives” by Watts states:
“There are no legal restrictions on the way in which explosives are kept for private use. It is desirable
that they should be kept in a locked box, labelled or otherwise marked Explosives”
A Company is a “private user”. We should, however follow the recommendations of British Standard
4078 1966 which states that a cartridge-operated tool should be kept in a rigid, lockable box or case,
provided with compartments to contain the splinter guard, the operating and maintenance instructions
and a pair of goggles. The makers usually supply additional compartments for cleaning tools,
cartridge boxes and pins. A tool should always be taken to the place of use in its box and should be
kept in it, and the box locked, whenever it is not in use. Tools should never be kept loose in store, but
always in the box. Whenever the box is taken from or returned to the store, it should always be
checked to make sure the contents are complete. The store itself should be secure, and only
authorised persons should be allowed inside.
a) Theoretically valves with back seat bushings can be re-packed on line with the valve under
pressure. Is it safe to do so? A note by Harland Frank dated 2 October describes the
circumstances when this can be done.
b) Concern has been expressed on several occasions about the length of Works Instructions and
the amount of detail they contain, making it difficult for people to become thoroughly familiar with
them and to find their way about them. See for example Safety Newsletter No 47, item 2. To try
and overcome this problem one Works in the Division has prepared a 17 page alphabetical guide
to their permanent instructions. A copy is available on request.
c) lCl is collaborating with other chemical companies to produce a series of Codes of Practice on
the storage and handling of hazardous chemicals. The first of these, on Chlorine, has just been
issued. It can be obtained from Division Reports Centres by asking for Report No HO/SD/73006/1
For copies of (a) and (b) or for more information on any item in this Newsletter please write to me or ring
B.3927. If you do not see this Newsletter regularly and would like your name added to the circulation list,
please let me know.
Trevor A. Kletz
November 1973
We handle two sorts of dangerous gases and vapours those that are flammable or explosive and
those that are toxic or poisonous. (Flammable and explosive, when applied to gases or vapours
mean the same — a fire turns into an explosion when the gases that are formed by burning cannot
get away and the pressure rises.)
A dangerous concentration of a flammable gas or vapour in air is one that will burn or explode. A
certain minimum amount of gas or vapour is needed and this is called the lower explosive limit or
LEL. The following are the lower explosive limits of some of the materials we handle:
Lower Explosive Limit
% Volume by Volume Parts per million
Methanol 6.8 8,000
Naphtha & petrol 1.0 10,000
Benzene 1.3 13,000
Propylene 2.0 20,000
Acetone 2.6 26,000
Ethylene Oxide 3.0 30,000
Ethylene 3.1 31,000
Hydrogen 4.0 40,000
Carbon Monoxide 12.5 125,000
Ammonia 16.0 160,000
You should know the lower explosive limits of the materials handled on your plant. They can be found
in many reference books. Flammable gas detectors such as the Sieger are usually calibrated in %
LEL. A full-scale reading means that the mixture of gas or vapour and air will just burn or explode. A
10% reading means that ten times as much gas or vapour would be needed for an explosion to
occur. However, in another part of the plant or vessel being tested the concentration may be higher
and so we do not allow welding to take place if the reading on a flammable gas detector is 10% or
When we are dealing with toxic concentrations we talk about Threshold Limit Values or TLV’s. The
TLV is the concentration that can safely be breathed for an eight-hour working day, year after year.
TLV’s are much smaller than LEL’s and are usually measured in parts per million. The following are
the TLV’s for some of the materials we handle:—
Parts per million
Acetone 1,000
Naphtha & petrol About 500 but it depends on the composition.
Methanol 200
Carbon monoxide 50
Ethylene oxide 50
Benzene 25
Ammonia 25
For example, 50 ppm of carbon monoxide can be breathed for an eight-hour day, or rather more for a
shorter period so long as the average is not more than 50 ppm.
TLV’s are quoted in “Threshold Limit Values for 1972”, Technical Data Note No 2/72, available free
from the Factory Inspectorate. In this booklet some TLV’s are marked ‘C’ (for ceiling), for example,
benzene. This means that the TLV should not be exceeded and that we cannot take an average over
the working day.
Some gases such as hydrogen and ethylene are not toxic at all, though in very large concentrations
they could asphyxiate you, that is, they could reduce the oxygen content of the air so that you could
not breathe.
Note that most threshold limit values are a lot lower than the lower explosive limits. So if a gas
detector gives a zero reading it means that the atmosphere is not explosive but it does not mean it is
safe to breathe. Before entry is allowed into a confined space which has contained a toxic gas or
vapour, the amount of this gas or vapour in the atmosphere should be measured. For example, if a
vessel has contained carbon monoxide, the concentration of carbon monoxide must be measured. A
test with a combustible gas detector is not enough.