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Marketing Analytics

Dr Swagato Chatterjee
Gupta School of Management
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture 01: Introduction to R Programming

Hello everybody. Welcome to Marketing Analytics course. This is the first module-
Introduction to R Programming and my name is Dr. Swagato Chatterjee, Vinod Gupta
School of Management, IIT Kharagpur. I will be taking this course for you.

Introduction to R Programming; so first we have to discuss before we jump in this thing

that why are we doing R programming. We will do hands-on of marketing analytics. Now
hands-on can actually be done using various software. But we have chosen Excel for
some of the smaller problems and R programming for a bigger problem.

Now Excel is something that is almost inevitable in today's management era. All people,
I would say all managers actually use spreadsheet modeling. And even the academicians
who teach managers, future manager will also be required to know the intricacies of
Excel. And we will actually majorly focus on how the various features of Excel can be
used in marketing problem solving.

On the other hand, the problem with Excel is that it becomes a little bit of limited when
the data size is big. If the data size, the number of rows is more than 6 lakhs, Excel
actually have some problem. So it is better to use a software which is handy to deal with
a little bit of larger size of data.

Now we have multiple software propriety and non-proprietary, open source which we
have in our hand. But we have chosen R, because one reason is, it is open source. The
second reason is it has huge support. So there are lots of resources available online. You
can learn it on your own. We will be actually teaching you a little bit. But you can do on
your own as well.

Another option is Python, obviously. But Python is more used in; for the deployment;
when you create a software which will be deployed for an automated kind of problem
solving. But R is more good for research oriented work. And Marketing Analytics often
backend research oriented work, so we will focus on R Programming.

Now R I told that it is online. It is the open source, available online, freely downloadable.
So before we jump in, we will have to learn how to download it and how to install the R
Programming. We will have a few sessions on R Programming, before we jump in the
actual marketing analytics, so that you become handy with the software.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:56)

So the first thing is, this particular presentation will show you how to install R and R
Studio and I will discuss about R Studio also. And then today we will cover these aspects
like vector matrix, data manipulation and little bit if-else functions in a few probably one
or two sessions.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:16)

Now installation of R that is the first job. If you want to install R, you have to go to this
particular link. You can also go to Google and search for Cran R or something like that
or R download or something like that. It will ultimately lead you to this particular link. I
have chosen Windows because I use Windows. If you use some other ways, then you can
use corresponding R software.

So you have to go to this particular link and click on “install R for the first time”. It will
be written there, you have to click on that. That will actually direct you to the latest
version of R available, currently the latest version is R3.6.1. So once you go there, you
actually download R3.6.1. When we actually see this video, probably more recent version
of R might be available. If it is available, download that. Now after downloading it, you
have to install by double clicking on the installer like you do for any other exe file and it
will get install.

Now we actually use R Studio over R. R has its own UI- user interface also. But we use
RStudio because I have seen; it is my personal opinion and probably many of, many other
people will actually agree with me that RStudio’s UI is more user-friendly than R’s UI.
There are lots of more options available, lots of more drag and drop kind of options or
click kind of options are available which makes it easier. And, so RStudio is also free, it
is open source software. So it is better to use that.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:02)

So we go to this particular link to download R Studio. So when you go to the link, there
are various versions of RStudio available and we will use this RStudio desktop which is
the free version. And again in the free version for various OS lots of different kinds of
installers are available. We will use the RStudio, the latest version for Windows 10 or 8
or 7 because I am doing it for Windows. So the latest version currently available is
RStudio 1.2.5001. But when you do it, further latest version can come, whichever is the
latest version available, install that.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:53)

Now problem with RStudio, little bit of problem with RStudio is that newer versions are
more focused towards 64 bit system. Now by chance if you have a 32 bit system, you
have to go to this link. And then the same thing, here the older versions are there. The
version which is most recent but older, but at the same time handles 32 bit system can be
downloaded from here.

So you can download that and install that. For the Marketing Analytics purpose, both of
these RStudio whether it is 64 bit or compatible with 32 bit, both of them will work. So
we have no problem. Install any one of them. So once you have installed this, we will be
able to go ahead with learning basic R Programming which will be used in Marketing
Analytics course as we proceed.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:48)

Now I will show you how to start with the RStudio. So once you have installed it, you
can go and click on this Start button. RStudio might be shown there or you can just
search for RStudio. And RStudio will come, you can click on that. And once you click on
that, something like this open.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:02)

Now for your case; for my case there was already one file was open. But most of you, if
you are doing for the first time, this is something that you will see. This is a view or
probably something similar to this view is what you will see. Now this is an UI, as I told
that it is more friendly than R’s own UI and there various aspects of this particular UI.
Currently you can see there are three boxes. Two here in this part and one is this side.
And I will actually explain step by step, what are the jobs of these particular boxes.
Now in any software, whether is it let us say, Microsoft Word or Excel or whatever, you
want to first start with a blank page, where you will write anything and save that
particular file. Now here also we will start with a blank page that is the first job that we
have to do open a blank page.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:15)

So to do that what I will do is, I will you to the file at the corner, left corner you will see
file and then new file and R script. File, New File, R Script, you can also click on
Ctrl+Shift+N. So that will open something like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:25)

It is a new untitled file. That means it is a new file where no name is there. Now it is a
good practice that I believe, that when you have opened a new file in let us say Microsoft
Word or Excel, it is a good practice that you save it. You save it, so that later point of
time if you write something, you just press Ctrl S and it get saved. So otherwise, by
chance your computer hangs or by chance; sometimes it is a programming language, so if
you run a program, sometimes it can get probably disturbed. So that you do not lose your
data, you do not lose your code, it is a good practice to start saving from the very first.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:12)

So what I will ask you to do is to click on this button, which is a blue button you can see.
It is a floppy disc kind of button. If you can click, it is a save button actually. If you click
on that it will ask you where to save. And you choose any where. So I will probably save
it on my desktop. There is something called, I have created a folder. And I have probably
write something like “practice.r”. Now once I write that and save that, this particular file
gets saved.

Now you are ready to use RStudio. So there are lots of options and not all the option can
be taught on the first day. We will slowly see that what are the various options available,
how we can go ahead as per our requirement.

So first of all, there are four boxes that you can see. So one box is here, one box is here,
one box is here and another box is here. These are the four boxes that you can see. Now
these four boxes, I love to say that they are four quadrants of my screen. Now each of
these quadrants has some job to do.

The second quandrant which is “practice.r” where there is written is an editor. This is
where you write your code. This is where you save your code, so that you can use it at a
later point in time. So this is where you write your code.
On the other hand, this part there are three tabs that you can see console, terminal, and
jobs. We will talk about console. Console is a place where your code runs. So when you
run the code, all your results come in the console. Now in the right hand side, there is
first quadrant and fourth quadrant.

The right hand side, at the top what I love to call as first quadrant is where the
environment is there, history is there, and etc. So I will focus on the environment part. So
history is also there and connections is also there. But environment part I will focus on.

Environment is where, whatever data set, variable, matrix that you want to save, so that
you can use it later can be stored. For example, if you have ever done any coding, let us
say in C or C++, you have done “int”, int i is equal to 0. So that i is equal to 0 is
something that in the name of i you are saving some value. So that is that i value will be
saved in this global environment.

And in the fourth quadrant, there are lots of tabs like files is one tab, and then plots is
another tab, packages is another tab, and at the right time I will discuss about all these
tabs. So these are the four quadrants as I told. Here I will write and here I will run the

Now, I have already written a set of codes. But I would ask you that, it is a good practice
that you copy the code from there or type it on your own and run the codes. Otherwise
you can follow the code that I have shared with you. But it is very good practice that you
type on your own because when you type on your own, you do the mistakes.

And when you do the mistake, you learn from those mistakes. It is very important to do
mistakes as until and unless you do mistakes in coding, you will not learn how to code.
So it better that you type on your own. Do mistakes; learn what kind of things you have
done. Because in code, I will write all of these things are which are right and that will not
teach you anything. So it is better you write the code on you own. Whatever I am
showing there, you write on the editor manually on your own.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:00)

So in the file section, you find out there is file called w1s1.r, so week1session1.r. So I am
double clicking on that file and it will open something like this. So other than that file, I
have opened practice.r previously. I am closing it. So at this moment I am closing all the

It is again a good practice.So you will see that some people when they work on Word,
multiple Word files remains open. Even if some file which he is not writing right now,
still remains open. What happens is, by chance once the word hangs, then all of those
things will have a problem, all the files will have a problem. So it is a good practice to
keep only that file open which you are using and close all other files. So closing is
nothing, just clicking on this cross sign. So if you by chance have any other tabs open
here, close that and w1s1.r is something that we will work on.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:12)

Now those who want to code on their own as I told it is better if you want to type on you
own, so then it is better that you open a new file, then save this file and type it here. So
whatever is written here, you can copy it one by one and type it here and then run it. So
then you will know what kind of mistakes you are doing. Sometimes it is better not to
copy or probably type on your own, then you will know what kind of mistakes you are
doing and how you can rectify those mistakes.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:39)

Now let us say you have written these codes. And I will come one by one. So first good
job is to cleanliness, cleanliness is another very important thing for any coding because
then you will get less confused. So do not write down anything, whatever I am telling
now, do not write down anything. Again, it is a good practice to learn coding by
practicing rather than by memorizing. It should come from your inside that okay this
kind, or if it is not coming from the inside, you should have a resource to fall back on,
and that should not be something which is your notes. So do not write down.
So the first thing that I will do is I will clean my console and to do that what I will do is I
will press Crtl+L. So I just press Crtl+L to clean the console at any point of time. So
often time we actually write lots of codes in the editor and run the codes. And we run
multiple codes to see that which code is actually working, which code is actually giving
out the outputs that I want. Now previous ones I do not need, so then I will just press
Crtl+L to clean my console. Console is where the codes run.

So now, let us start with this thing. So the first thing that you have to understand in R is
that R has certain objects like one object is called vector, another object is called matrix;
another object is called datasets. So depending on dimensions, depending on the contents,
depending on various other aspects, the objects differ. So the basic object, the most basic
object of R is called a vector or a variable.

So you can imagine, vector or variable is in Excel, it is one column of an Excel or one
row of an Excel. So it is better to imagine one column of an Excel which has the name at
the top of the column, and then there are certain values in it. It can have one value; it can
have multiple values. So even if a particular, some name contains only one value that is a
vector, multiple values also that is a vector.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:25)

So for example I have written this “Start with a vector”. So this is a comment. Anything
that starts with a hash sign is a comment. So comment means it will run but it will not
give any result. So how to run it? There are two ways of running it one is you can select
the area that you want to run, the code that you want to run, select and press on this run
button. See the moment I click run, it came down in the console “Start with a vector”. It
got run but it is a comment. It will give no output. Nothing changed. So that is the first

(Refer Slide Time: 18:00)

Now, if you want to run two-three lines sometimes together, one at a time two-three lines,
you have to select probably the whole area; that is, I want to run all these three and then
click on run button, it will also run. Now a good practice is to select the area. Again, I
believe that a good practice is to select exactly the portion of the code that you want to
run. Sometimes we want to run line by line, so instead of selecting the whole line, I can
just put my cursor and then press run also.

If I just put my cursor and press run, it will run one single line of code. So here, the
second line of code is a is equals to 0, that will get run. So it gets run, a=0, and the
moment I run that a=0, you will see that in the global environment, 0 gets saved in the
value of a, means the name is a; there is a vector gets created whose name is 'a' and the
corresponding value that gets created, that gets saved is 0. How will I use that?

(Refer Slide Time: 19:02)

If I write in my console, just 'a' and then press an enter. I have written 'a' and press an
enter, it gives me 0. It gives me the output as 0. It is like print A; it gives me the output as
0. There is something written in the third bracket of 1, I will discuss this later. So
whatever is this guy is I will discuss about it later; at later right point, I will discuss.

Similarly, if you have done that how to store a value of 5 in 'b', so I have written b= 5 and
if I have written b= 5, I will run this. And see here, in 5 gets saved in the name called b.

See; just check these 3-4 lines, these 3-4 lines. So the first line is a =0. So 0 gets saved in
'a' but nothing comes as output. In the next line, I have written 'a', and pressed an enter.
Now I am calling 'a'. So whatever value is in 'a', comes out. Next again, I have written
b=5. So 5 get saved to 'b' but no output is there. It is just some code that has run, and
something has been done, but nothing comes out. Now, if I ask the output, 'b' and press
an enter, then only it gives me the output of 'b'.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:27)

How can I use this? Let us say, I want to know what is a+b; what is the summation of
a+b? I will write a+b and press an enter. It gives me the output of a+b, so a is 0, b is 5
adds up. Similarly a-b, it gives me -5 and so on. a *B, will give me 0 and so on. So all of
these things a +b, a-b , a*b; all of these things are actually giving me certain outputs. But
a is equal 0 and b is equals to 5 is actually storing some value in 'a' and 'b'. So that is the
first step. So these 'a' and 'b' are two vectors.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:29)

Now vectors can be little bit longer also. In real life situations, our columns in Excel are
longer than one single value. So here I have created two ways. One is, I have written
a=1:10. So I will select this, and then I will run. So the moment I run, you see that here
the previous value of 'a' gets changed. So 'a'is equal to; a is an integer. It has been written
'a' is an integer. Int stands for integer. This 1:10 is that it is saying that it has 10 units, 10
values, 10 I would say addresses. And those values are 1 to 10.

So even if these values were something different, it would have written 1:10 only. This
1:10 and this 1:10 has no meaning. They are not the same. This 1 :10 is saying the
address starts from 1 and goes up to 10. There are 10 addresses, 10 locations, 10 cells
where some value is given, and then those values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Similarly, if I run 'b' is equal to 'c' something something something. Now, this is what we
have to understand, I think carefully.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:44)

So there are two types of things we will see in R. one is something written, some xyz is
written. Let us say I have written xyz, some name, I do not know. And then a first
bracket. The moment I write this you will see something like this, where something is
written and a first bracket, a first bracket generally signifies a function. What is a job of a
function? It gives certain input and it works something and gives an output. So that is a
job of a function. On the other hand, by chance if we have seen xyz and then a third
bracket, it talks about a location, an address, a cell; mostly an address, not always a cell,
an address. So third bracket talks about an address. First bracket talks about a function
which has some job.

Similarly, here if you see, I have written b=c (). So that means there is a function called c.
what is its job? Its job is to give you a vector combination of whatever inputs you give.
So here the inputs are 2, 5, 6, 8, 9. These five numbers are the inputs. It converts; this c
function, converts the inputs to a vector form.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:05)

So if I just run this line see here it is written 1 to 5 because there are 1 to 5 cells from first
cell to fifth cell. And the contents are these. The difference between the first one and
second one is these are integer and this is a numeric. The first one is integer because the
moment I write a 1:10, it knows I am asking from 1 to 10 only the integer values. So that
is why it is putting ‘int’ there.

But when I am writing b is equal c 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, that R does not know whether I will write
in the next time 9, 9.5, 10.3, 11.6 or whatever. It does not know whether the next entry of
this particular series will be non integers or not. That is why it is playing safe, it is putting
numeric there.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:04)

So how to get them; how to print them? Here the allocation happens, nothing else. So
how to print them? If I print 'a' and the press an enter, I get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. If I
press 'b' and press an enter, then I will get 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 and so on. Similarly, I will talk
about the third thing in a few minutes.

So then the next thing is length of 'a', how to find out how long a particular vector is.
Often to run a loop, we have to know at what point it is ending. So what is the length of
'a'. length is a function, and then if I just select it and press run, it will give the length of
'a' is 10 because 'a' has 10 inputs. Easy, nothing fancy till now. So I will save these.

c=length(b) is finding the length of b; see I have written; so I have told whatever written
after a hash is a comment. That will have no meaning. Whatever written before the hash
is not a comment, so that will run. So c=length(b). so what happens? Length of b gives
me 5 because 'b' has 5 entries. That 5 value gets saved in 'c'.

Now why I have written this, you have to identify that this 'c', the one that I highlighted
and this 'c' is different. This c is a name of a particular vector, and this c is a function. R
actually more or less understands that but oftentimes you have to be careful that what you
are writing.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:46)

Class is another function which gives you what class it is, means what type of object it is.
So class of ‘a’ is an integer. Class of ‘b’ is a numeric and Class of ‘c’ is an integer again
because ‘c’ is also an integer. So at sny point of time you can write class to find out.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:04)

Now I will show you another interesting thing. Let us say; I wanted you to find out
something called a sequence and sequence starts from 1, ends at 30 with a jump of 2. So
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and so on till it reaches 30. Now I know that this particular function is
called sequence function 'seq' function. So probably let us say, if you know that
function’s name is 'seq', for example previously I knew class and length.

So if I know the name of the function, I can ask the help like this help(seq) to know that
what are the various aspects. And on the right side you will see how the help
documentation is coming. So you can read it a little bit. So that is how I am showing in
the fourth quadrant, one tab I am showing, which is called the help tab. There are other
tabs. We will come to that when it is required.

So in the help tab, there is a description; there is usage. So in the usage, you will see that
here it is written help from is equal to this, to is equal to this, by is equal to something.
And as you go down it says from and to is the starting and end values of the sequence, by
is the number increment of the sequence, and if you further come down, you have to read
it carefully. And if you further come down, the usages are also given. There is one usage
called sequence 1, 9, by is equal to 2. So I can probably copy this and paste it here and
try. What is it giving? It is giving 1,3,5,7,9. That means it starts at 1, ends at 9, each jump
is 2. That is why if I save this, if I run this now and then try to print A, I got
1,3,5,7...because it starts at 1, ends at 30 by 2.

Now you can do this thing as long as you know the function’s name is 'seq'. That is how I
found out. I run the help, and it gave me all the helps. If you do not know the function; in
real life situation you will not know. There are lots of functions. There are probably
billions; if not millions, lakhs of functions at least. For a single human being, it is almost
impossible to remember all the functions, their syntax and its use. So, you do not have to
remember the names. So what to do? We will actually try to see in the next video.

Thank you. We will continue from this particular line only from the next video. Thank
you for being in my class. I hope you have a wonderful learning journey. Thank you.

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