A Grammar of The English Language
A Grammar of The English Language
A Grammar of The English Language
1. Used as pronouns
When it is clear to your listener who or what you are refering to,
either because of the context or because you and your listener or
reader know what is meant, you can use fraction as pronoun without
Ex: Of the people who work here, half are French and half are English
2. Used after a whole number or amount:
The noun must be plural even if the number is one
Ex: One and a half kilos
Five and a quarter days
Note: If you are using “a” instead of “one”, the “and” and the fraction
come after the noun
Ex: A mile and a half
Identify the uses of numerals in the following sentences
- It was a two-hundred-page book.
- The program has a step
- The program has one step
- One-tenth the speed would be better
1. How many kinds of conjunctions are there? What are they? Give
There are two kinds of conjunction
- The coorinative conjunctions (coordinators) (liên từ đẳng lập)
- The sub-ordinative conjunctions (Subordinators) (liên từ phụ thuộc)
Ex: I like listening to music and I often hang out with friends in free
The man who is standing over there is my father
2. In what kinds of sentences are coordinators used? Give examples
Connect words, groups of words and clauses that are independent on each
Corordinators include:
For Reason I failed in my exam, for I didn’t study
And Similarity, addition My hobbies are playing soccer and
listening to music.
Nor None of We don’t like doing homework nor do like doing exam
But Contrast I love rain, but I don’t like being wet
Or Choice Do you want to drink coffee or tea
Yet (But) I work hard, yet I fail
So Result You don’t do the homework, so you will get bad marks
3. In what kinds of sentences are subordinators used? Give examples
- Sub-ordinative conjunctions
- Ex: I’m not certain If he will be at home this afternoon.
+ Place: You can go wherever you like.
+ Time: When I arrived, she had already left.
5. What are the forms of conjunction? Give examples
Simple conjunctions: when, where, but, or, and, yet, so…
Correlative conjuctions: both…and, either…or, neither..nor
Partcipal conjunctions (coverted from participles): seeing, supposed,
Phrase conjunctions: in case (that), as if, if only, as soon as, as long as,
no matter what…
6. What is the homonym in conjunctions? Give examples.
Homonym, or multiple meaning words, are words that share the same
spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meaning. For
example, bear.
Ex: A bear (the animal) can bear (tolerate) very cold temperatures
The driver turned left (opposite of right) and left (departed from) the
main road
In English, many conjunction, adverbs and prepositions are
homonymous. When we study we should make a distinction among them.
They are such words as: since, after, before, for…
Ex: She has been with us since she arrived here
She has been with us since her arrival
She got married and moved South and I haven’t seen her since.