Syllabus: Cambridge O Level Additional Mathematics
Syllabus: Cambridge O Level Additional Mathematics
Syllabus: Cambridge O Level Additional Mathematics
Cambridge O Level
Additional Mathematics
For examination in June and November 2016
Cambridge Secondary 2
Changes to syllabus for 2016
This syllabus has been updated, but there are no significant changes.
Cambridge International Examinations retains the copyright on all its publications. Registered Centres are
permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use. However, we cannot give permission
to Centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within a
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Why choose Cambridge?
1.2 Why choose Cambridge O Level?
1.3 Why choose Cambridge O Level Additional Mathematics?
1.4 How can I find out more?
2. Teacher support.............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Support materials
2.2 Resource lists
2.3 Training
1. Introduction
Excellence in education
Our mission is to deliver world-class international education through the provision of high-quality curricula,
assessment and services.
More than 9000 schools are part of our Cambridge learning community. We support teachers in over 160
countries who offer their learners an international education based on our curricula and leading to our
qualifications. Every year, thousands of learners use Cambridge qualifications to gain places at universities
around the world.
Our syllabuses are reviewed and updated regularly so that they reflect the latest thinking of international
experts and practitioners and take account of the different national contexts in which they are taught.
Our systems for managing the provision of international qualifications and education programmes
for learners aged 5 to 19 are certified as meeting the internationally recognised standard for quality
management, ISO 9001:2008. Learn more at
Our aim is to balance knowledge, understanding and skills in our programmes and qualifications to enable
candidates to become effective learners and to provide a solid foundation for their continuing educational
Through our professional development courses and our support materials for Cambridge O Levels, we
provide the tools to enable teachers to prepare learners to the best of their ability and work with us in the
pursuit of excellence in education.
Cambridge O Level Additional Mathematics is recognised by universities and employers throughout the
world as proof of mathematical knowledge and understanding. Successful Cambridge O Level Additional
Mathematics candidates gain lifelong skills, including:
• the further development of mathematical concepts and principles
• the extension of mathematical skills and their use in more advanced techniques
Students may also study for a Cambridge O Level in Mathematics and in Statistics. In addition to Cambridge
O Levels, Cambridge also offers Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge International AS and A Levels for further
study in Mathematics as well as other maths-related subjects. See for a full list of the
qualifications you can take.
Prior learning
We recommend that candidates who are beginning this course should be currently studying or have
previously studied Cambridge O Level or Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics.
Cambridge O Level Certificates are general qualifications that enable candidates to progress either directly
to employment, or to proceed to further qualifications.
Candidates who are awarded grades C to A* in Cambridge O Level Additional Mathematics are well
prepared to follow courses leading to Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics, or the
2. Teacher support
You can also go to our public website at to download current and future syllabuses
together with specimen papers or past question papers and examiner reports from one series.
For teachers at registered Cambridge schools a range of additional support materials for specific
syllabuses is available online from Teacher Support, our secure online support for Cambridge teachers.
Go to (username and password required).
The resource lists can be filtered to show all resources or just those which are endorsed or recommended
by Cambridge. Resources endorsed by Cambridge go through a detailed quality assurance process and are
written to align closely with the Cambridge syllabus they support.
2.3 Training
We offer a range of support activities for teachers to ensure they have the relevant knowledge and skills to
deliver our qualifications. See for further information.
3. Assessment at a glance
The syllabus assumes that candidates will be in possession of a silent electronic calculator with scientific
functions for both papers. The General Regulations concerning the use of electronic calculators are
contained in the Cambridge Handbook.
Mathematical Instruments
Apart from the usual mathematical instruments, candidates may use flexicurves in this examination.
Mathematical Notation
Attention is drawn to the list of mathematical notation at the end of this booklet.
This syllabus is examined in the June and November examination series.
Cambridge O Levels are available to Centres in Administrative Zones 3, 4 and 5. Centres in Administrative
Zones 1, 2 or 6 wishing to enter candidates for Cambridge O Level examinations should contact Cambridge
Customer Services.
Please note that Cambridge O Level, Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2
Certificate syllabuses are at the same level.
5. Syllabus content
Knowledge of the content of Cambridge’s Ordinary level Syllabus D (or an equivalent Syllabus) is assumed.
Cambridge O Level material which is not repeated in the syllabus below will not be tested directly but it may
be required in response to questions on other topics.
Proofs of results will not be required unless specifically mentioned in the syllabus.
Candidates will be expected to be familiar with the scientific notation for the expression of compound units,
e.g. 5 ms–1 for 5 metres per second.
6. Mathematical notation
The list which follows summarises the notation used in the Cambridge’s Mathematics examinations.
Although primarily directed towards Advanced/HSC (Principal) level, the list also applies, where relevant, to
examinations at Cambridge O Level/S.C.
Mathematical Notation
1. Set Notation
∈ is an element of
∉ is not an element of
{x1, x2, …} the set with elements x1, x2, …
{x: …} the set of all x such that…
n( A) the number of elements in set A
∅ the empty set
universal set
A´ the complement of the set A
k the set of natural numbers, {1, 2, 3, …}
w the set of integers {0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, …}
w the set of positive integers {1, 2, 3, …}
wn the set of integers modulo n, {0, 1, 2, …, n – 1}
n the set of rational numbers
n +
the set of positive rational numbers, {x ∈ n: x > 0}
n 0 the set of positive rational numbers and zero, {x ∈ n: x 0}
o the set of real numbers
o +
the set of positive real numbers {x ∈ o: x > 0}
o 0 the set of positive real numbers and zero {x ∈ o: x 0}
o the real n tuples
` the set of complex numbers
⊆ is a subset of
⊂ is a proper subset of
⊈ is not a subset of
⊄ is not a proper subset of
∪ union
∩ intersection
[a, b] the closed interval {x ∈ o: a x b}
[a, b) the interval {x ∈ o: a x < b}
(a, b] the interval {x ∈ o: a < x b}
(a, b) the open interval {x ∈ o: a < x < b}
yRx y is related to x by the relation R
y∼x y is equivalent to x, in the context of some equivalence relation
2. Miscellaneous Symbols
= is equal to
≠ is not equal to
≡ is identical to or is congruent to
≈ is approximately equal to
≅ is isomorphic to
∝ is proportional to
<; << is less than, is much less than
, is less than or equal to, is not greater than
>; >> is greater than, is much greater than
, is greater than or equal to, is not less than
∞ infinity
3. Operations
a+b a plus b
a−b a minus b
a × b, ab, a.b a multiplied by b
a ÷ b, , a/b a divided by b
n n!
the binomial coefficient r!(n − r )! , for n, r ∈ k, 0 r n
n(n – 1)...(n – r + 1)
, for n ∈ n, r ∈ k
4. Functions
f function f
f (x) the value of the function f at x
f:A→B f is a function under which each element of set A has an image
in set B
f:xay the function f maps the element x to the element y
f the inverse of the function f
g ° f, gf the composite function of f and g which is defined by
(g ° f )( x) or gf ( x) = g(f ( x))
lim f(x) the limit of f( x) as x tends to a
x→ a
∆ x;δ x an increment of x
∫ a
y dx the definite integral of y with respect to x for values of x
between a and b
the partial derivative of y with respect to x
ẋ, ẍ, … the first, second, . . . derivatives of x with respect to time
7. Complex Numbers
i square root of –1
z a complex number, z = x + iy
= r (cos θ + i sin θ ), r ∈ o=+0
= reiθ, r ∈ o 0+
Re z the real part of z, Re (x + iy) = x
Im z the imaginary part of z, Im (x + iy) = y
|z| the modulus of z, | x + iy | = √(x2 + y2), | r (cos θ + i sin θ ) | = r
arg z the argument of z, arg(r (cos θ + i sin θ )) = θ, − π < θ π
z* the complex conjugate of z, (x + iy)* = x − iy
8. Matrices
M a matrix M
M the inverse of the square matrix M
M the transpose of the matrix M
det M the determinant of the square matrix M
9. Vectors
a the vector a
AB the vector represented in magnitude and direction by the
directed line segment AB
â a unit vector in the direction of the vector a
i, j, k unit vectors in the directions of the cartesian coordinate axes
|a| the magnitude of a
→ →
| AB | the magnitude of AB
a.b the scalar product of a and b
a×b the vector product of a and b
A, B, C etc. events
A∪B union of events A and B
A∩B intersection of the events A and B
P(A) probability of the event A
A´ complement of the event A, the event ‘not A’
P(A|B) probability of the event A given the event B
X, Y, R, etc. random variables
x, y, r, etc. values of the random variables X, Y, R, etc.
x1, x2, … observations
f1, f2, … frequencies with which the observations x1, x 2, … occur
p( x) the value of the probability function P( X = x) of the discrete
random variable X
p1, p2, … probabilities of the values x1, x2, … of the discrete random
variable X
f ( x), g( x), … the value of the probability density function of the continuous
random variable X
F(x), G(x), … the value of the (cumulative) distribution function P( X x) of
the random variable X
E(X ) expectation of the random variable X
E[g(X )] expectation of g(X )
Var(X ) variance of the random variable X
G(t) the value of the probability generating function for a random
variable which takes integer values
B(n, p) binomial distribution, parameters n and p
Po(µ) Poisson distribution, mean µ
N(µ, σ ) 2
normal distribution, mean µ and variance σ 2
µ population mean
σ 2
population variance
σ population standard deviation
x sample mean
s unbiased estimate of population variance from a sample,
∑ (x − x )
2 2
s =
n −1
φ probability density function of the standardised normal variable
with distribution N (0, 1)
Φ corresponding cumulative distribution function
ρ linear product-moment correlation coefficient for a population
r linear product-moment correlation coefficient for a sample
Cov(X, Y ) covariance of X and Y
7. Resource list
The following titles represent some of the texts available in the UK at the time of printing this booklet.
Teachers are encouraged to choose texts for class use which they feel will be of interest to their students
and will support their own teaching style. ISBN numbers are provided wherever possible.
8. Other information
The standard assessment arrangements may present unnecessary barriers for candidates with disabilities
or learning difficulties. Arrangements can be put in place for these candidates to enable them to access the
assessments and receive recognition of their attainment. Access arrangements will not be agreed if they
give candidates an unfair advantage over others or if they compromise the standards being assessed.
Candidates who are unable to access the assessment of any component may be eligible to receive an
award based on the parts of the assessment they have taken.
Information on access arrangements is found in the Cambridge Handbook which can be downloaded from
the website
This syllabus and the associated assessment materials are available in English only.
Entry codes
To maintain the security of our examinations, we produce question papers for different areas of the world,
known as ‘administrative zones’. Where the component entry code has two digits, the first digit is the
component number given in the syllabus. The second digit is the location code, specific to an administrative
zone. Information about entry codes can be found in the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries.