Lesson Plan in English 7 Objectives
Lesson Plan in English 7 Objectives
Lesson Plan in English 7 Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students can;
1. Differentiate facts from opinion.
2. Infer facts and opinion from pictures.
3. List down sample facts and opinion from a reading text and justify why they classify
them as fact or opinion.
4. Construct facts and opinion statements from a given graph.
5. Present a role play of real-life situations where facts and opinions are applied.
Reading Text
Manila Papers and Markers
Graphic organizer
A. Pre-Reading
1. Developing vocabulary/concepts.
a. The students will find their partner.
b. Each pair will write in a piece of paper their own definition of the words, FACT
c. The teacher will randomly call three pairs to share their output to the class.
B. During Reading
1. The students will read the main text (Bold Plans, Big Dreams,City Progress) . As
they read, they will list down, as many as they can, facts and opinions from the text.
2. The students will answer questions related to the reading text.
C. Post-Reading
1. Engagement Activities (small group)
a. The students will be grouped into five. Within their group they will share their
listed facts and opinions from the text. The group will choose among their list,
three facts and three opinions. They will discuss the statements as to why they
should be considered as fact or opinion.
b. The group will complete the following graphic organizer;
Statement 2:
Statement 3:
Statement 4:
Statement 5:
Statement 6:
b. The teacher will throw questions to the class regarding the graph.
b.1. What was the graph all about?
b.2. Which type of seed shows the highest average number of birds observed?
Which type of seed shows the lowest?
b.3. What conclusion can you be drawn based on the graph?
c. The students will construct three statements which are facts and three statements
which are opinion based on the graph shown. They will provide justifications to
their answers.
1. The students will be grouped into five. Each group will present a role play showing
examples of real-life situations where facts and opinions are used.
CREATIVITY If the group’s If the group’s If the group’s
output shows output shows output shows little
evidence of creativity evidence of
exemplary satisfactorily. creativity.
RELEVANCE/CONTENT If the group’s If the group’s If the group’s
output shows output shows output shows little
concrete example of relevance of the relevance of the
real-life situation situation to the usesituation to the use
applying facts and of facts and opinion.
of facts and
opinion. opinion.
PRESENTATION The group The group presented The group
presented their role their role play presented their
play with satisfactorily. output poorly.
A. Direction: Identify whether the given statement for each item is a fact or an opinion.
Write F if it is a fact and O if it is an opinion on the space provided.
_______1. Surfing the web is more fun than watching TV.
_______2. Sunday is the best day of the week.
_______3. Philippines is composed of 7, 107 islands.
_______4. More people stopped smoking last year than two years ago.
_______5. For adequate water intake, adults need to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day
according to the doctor.
B. Write one fact and one opinion for each word.
1. Earth
Fact: ________________________________________________________
Opinion: _____________________________________________________
2. Water
Fact: ________________________________________________________
Opinion: _____________________________________________________
Direction: Write a 30-word paragraph about Pres. Rodrigo Duterte. Underline the statements
which are facts and double-underline the statements which are opinion. Write in your assignment
Princes April S. Arreza
Surigao del Sur Division
Ivy M. Maloloy-on
Surigao del Sur Division
Class: 2 MAGANDA
Group: 6