Memoir: Learning Genres

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Gertrude Stein: Stein is most well known for being

friends with all the great artists in Paris in her time,

learning genres
such as Ernest Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and
Picasso. But she was also a very talented artist, writer
and critic.

“Paris, France is exciting and peaceful. I was only

four years old when I was first in Paris and talked
A memoir (mem-wahr) is a type of nonfiction,
French there and was photographed there and went
meaning that it is a true story. It is usually a story
to school there, and ate soup for early breakfast and
that the author writes about his or her self, like
had leg of mutton and spinach for lunch, I always
an autobiography, except that a memoir only fo-
liked spinach, and a black cat jumped on my moth-
cuses on a specific event or time period in one’s
er’s back. That was more exciting than peaceful. ”
life. Not all memoirs are autobiographical; some
are written about other people’s lives.
-Paris, France: Personal Recollections (1940)
• •
Name some of the words and elements of this quote
Autobiography: A true report of a person's life,
that tell you it is a memoir.
written by that person

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memoir •
Winston Churchill: Churchill is most famous for Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau's writings cover
leading Great Britain during WWII. After the war many genres at the same time. They are nonfiction,
though he wrote many memoirs, essays and books often philosophy but are always written as a mem-
about his experiences. oir. A memory of a certain time and place he expe-
“I have followed, as in previous volumes, as far as I
am able, the method of Defoe’s Memoirs of a Cavalier, “Concord River is remarkable for the gentleness of
in which the author hangs the chronicle and discus- its current, which is scarcely perceptible, and some
sion of great military and political events upon the have referred to its influence the proverbial modera-
thread of the personal experiences of an individual. tion of the inhabitants of Concord, as exhibited in
I am perhaps the only man who has passed through the Revolution, and on later occasions. It has been
both the two supreme cataclysms of recorded history proposed, that the town should adopt for its coat of
[WWI and WWII] in high cabinet office.” arms a field verdant, with the Concord circling nine
times round. I have read that a descent of an eighth
-Memoirs of the Second World War (1959) of an inch in a mile is sufficient to produce a flow.
Our river has, probably, very near the smallest allow-
• ance. ...Compared with the other tributaries of the
Merrimack, it appears to have been properly named
Name some of the words and elements of this quote Musketaquid, or Meadow River, by the Indians.”
that tell you it is a memoir.
- The Hound (1922)

How are Thoreau's descriptions different from an

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memoir •
Most people decide to write a mem-
oir when they reach old age, after
they’ve had many experiences in their
lives. However, you may have had
some experiences so far that are well
worth writing about! Let’s practice
writing in the style of a memoir. Can
you recall a very important or signifi-
cant event that happened in the past
year? Why was it important to you?
Tell a story about it, and remember to
use first person (“I”) past tense.


H.D. Thoreau


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