Check-Up Test: English Explorer 4

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Check-Up Test English Explorer 4 May 15th, 2020


Listen carefully and respond.

1. Where are the two men talking?

2. What did the man order before the main course?

3. What is the grilled trout served with?

4. Available juices are:

5. Available desserts are:
Write T (true) or F (false) next to each statement.
1. The man is having wine with his main course.
2. The waiter is offering a cheesecake.
3. There is no tip for the waiter.
4. At the end, the man orders a cup of coffee.


I Put the verbs into chronological order.

- potatoes:
fry, mix, chop, peel, serve, wash, cool
II The designs on clothes are called ___________. Write the name of it under every

1. 2. 3. 4.

III Fill in the blanks with the correct word. The first letter is given.

1. I never liked fake l_________ boots, if you want the quality, you must be ready to
pay some bigger money.
2. Do you like p______ butter and jelly?
3. Add 4-6 t________ of sugar when you make pudding.
4. Have you ever seen a real, big football p_______ with a lot of spectators?
5. Isaac Newton was a great p_________.
6. My mom’s favorite shirt is the one with a V-______.
7. I don’t like hard pillows, mine are really, really s____.
8. John always adds sugar to his coffee, he says it’s too b_____ without it.
9. My little brother is so a________! He always wakes me up in the early morning.
10. Are you sure owls are n________ creatures?

II Fill in the blanks with a suitable word.

1. Sir, excuse me, this is a private _______, you cannot go there.

2. Smoking is a _________ (big, serious) issue among the teenagers.
3. We loved your lasagna last night! I would like to have your __________.
4. Oh, your blouse is so soft and nice, what is that ___________?
5. My dad is an electronic _____________.
6. When she saw the snake she was completely ____________.
7. ______________ always wear greenish uniforms so that they can camouflage in
the forest.
8. I don’t understand this! It doesn’t _________ any _______!
9. I don’t think you can help me with this, may I speak to your _________, please?
10. If you are hot in that shirt, just roll up the _________.
11.Oh no! We’re out of electricity! Call a/an __________!
12.What is the most famous tennis __________(place) in London?
13.I didn’t expect you to be this bad, I am really _____________ with you!
14. The children are playing in the school ________.


I Complete the sentences with the appropriate PRESENT tense:

1. Andy sometimes __________(read) comics.

2. Listen! Sandra _________(sing) in the bathroom.
3. Every time I _______(make) cookies, my neighbors ________(come).
5. Wow, I ________never_______(see) such a beautiful painting!

II Complete the sentences with the appropriate PAST tense:

1. Emma ______(see) our ex Biology teacher yesterday!

2. Sorry, I __________(not see) your keys here.
3. I am absolutely sure I ___________( lock) the door before I _______(go) out.

III Complete the sentences with the appropriate FUTURE tense:

1. The sun is shining and the sky is so blue. It _______________(be) a nice day.
2. I hope robots ___________ (do) the housework in the future.
3. “I can’t find my glasses!” “Don’t worry, I __________ (help) you find them”
4. I ___________ (have) dinner at 8 p.m. with Nick.
5. ________ you ___________ (teach) your kids to be nice one day?
IV Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to.
1. My mum ___________(make) us pancakes every Saturday.
2. My brother _________(cry) a lot.
3. ________he ___________(eat) sand as a child?
4. I ________________(not like) Sponge Bob.
V Match.
1.They saw Mary, a) aren’t they.
2. They eat garlic, b) have they?
3.They haven’t been to Paris, c) didn’t he?
4.They are playing outside, d) are they?
5.They are not our cousins, e) do they?
V Rewrite the sentences by using so, such and that.

1. It is cold. I started shivering.

2. He has a lovely dog. I wish it was mine.
3. My friend was thirsty. She drank three cans of coke.

TOTAL ___/100

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