29 The Hungry Bear
29 The Hungry Bear
29 The Hungry Bear
Print all of the sheets onto cardstock paper. Cut out all four bear parts on
the first page. Cut out the white inside area of the bear’s mouth.
You will need a medium size ziplock freezer bag,scissors and a glue gun.
Place a blank piece of paper inside the baggie. This will prevent the glue gun
from melting through the front of the bag to the back. Glue the bear’s head in the
middle of the front of the baggie. Use your scissors and carefully cut away the plastic
inside the bear’s mouth. Do not cut through the back of the baggie. Use your glue gun again to attach the arms at
the sides. The bottom of the bear should be glued just a little over the bottom edge. You want to be able to see
what’s inside the bear’s tummy, so the bottom of the bear shouldn’t cover too much of it. Take out the blank paper.
Cut out all of the food item circles and the four menus. Lay the food items out in front of your baggie bear and
place the menus face down.
To Play:
Start by holding up the bear so that it faces your child. Choose one of the menus without letting your child see the
items on it. Slide the menu into the bear so that you can see the items on the menu through the back of the baggie.
From the front your child can’t see what the bear wants to eat.
Tell your child what is on the menu. Use sentences like “The
bear wants to eat pizza, watermelon and some french fries”.
If he has trouble, try an easier level by saying jus two items
at a time or just one item at a time. If he has no trouble, try
asking for all the items and see if your child can remember.
You could also challenge your child at a higher level by
describing the food instead of naming it. When the bear has
been fed, take the menu and the items out. Lay each item
over its place on the menu, naming them again as you do.
Now let your child have a turn holding the bear and telling
you what to feed him.
There are blank menus and food circles so that you can make
different games using stickers. Have fun!