Brain Tumour Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network: P.V. Rama Raju, G. Bharga Manjari, G. Nagaraju
Brain Tumour Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network: P.V. Rama Raju, G. Bharga Manjari, G. Nagaraju
Brain Tumour Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network: P.V. Rama Raju, G. Bharga Manjari, G. Nagaraju
Abstract: In the field of human health care computer vision is In CNN ReLu non linear activation function is used. ReLu
playing an important role. The use of mainframe perception function is better as compared to the tanh and arched
techniques in health care has one of the aim to decrease manual functions in calculating the sudden changes [4]. In primary
understanding in identification. Consequently manual error in way segmentation is used to study the images. Using
understanding might be decreased. Brain associated diagnosis
clustering algorithm different types of segmenting techniques
demands more care and a period of error in judgement might be
harmful. Medical imaging is very important field in brain related are compared [6][1]. Support vector machine and artificial
diagnosis. More secured information about brain tissues provides neural network are two prominent methods for classification.
by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This paper presents an Support vector machine uses a method known as kernels to
automatic segmentation technique based on convolution neural alter the data [3][4][6]. Neural networks deals with non
network, patch, analyzing 10*10 kernels using matlab. The main aligned and complex relation between input and output [1].
use of CNN’s their accuracy in image detection problems. Input Morphological operation and fuzzy transform are used in
image is changed into a specific number of patches for easy
processing. detection process[7]. New mean shift fuzzy c-means
algorithm is used for low computational time compared to
Keywords— Convolution neural network, patch, kernel, brain other methods[8]. Segmentation, pre-processing and edge
tumour, MRI.
detection are three steps used in detection of tumour[9].
The major aim of this proposed methodology is, by using
the different image processing techniques to locate the
tumour in brain. Input is taken from the MRI images and then
A pivotal organ of the human body is brain, which comprises pre-processing is applied. To the input image 10*10 patch is
of billions of cells. The irregular set of cells is generated applied for easy processing. K means clustering used for
because of the unbounded separation of cells, known as specified results. Convolutional neural network is used, in
tumour. Brain tumours are categorized as low grade and high this training and testing are performed to data. Performance
grade. The low grade is again branched to grade 1 and grade characteristics are calculated for the given input image.
2, they are known as benign. Likewise the high grade tumour
is branched to grade 3 and grade 4, known as malignant. II. PROPOSED METHOD
Benign tumour is non toxic, and does not cause any damage
The important blocks of the proposed methodology are:
as they will not transmitted to other brain parts. Malignant
A. Pre-processing
tumours are toxic, and they will be transmitted to other parts
B. Patch process & pre-processing
which causes immediate death.MRI image is primarily used
C. CNN Training & Testing
to identify tumour and the progress of tumour. This
D. Detection Process
knowledge is used for tumour recognition and healing
E. Post Processing
process. As compared to the ultra sound or CT, MRI contains
F. Performance metrics
added information regarding the tumour.
Gabor, median, gaussian, mean filter and many more are
the different kinds of filters. For texture analysis Gabor filter
is used and it is a linear filter [6]. To decrease the contrast,
noise and edges are blur by using the gaussian filter [3]. PCA
and LDA are two linear transformation performances for
proportionality contraction. To improve the quality of results
and convergence of time by using PCA. PCA is unsupervised
learning [2].
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A10140681S319/19©BEIESP 73 & Sciences Publication
Brain Tumour Detection using Convolutional Neural Network
is employed. The aim of the segmentation is image is network. The word convolution specifies the mathematical
partitioned into segments (set of pixels). Segmentation helps merging of two functions the outcome is third function. Two
to analyze the object or more related data content in digital sets of information is combined in it. To give the feature map
images. In image segmentation different ways of the convolution is functioned on the input data by using the
segmentation techniques are used. In image analysis process kernel or a filter. Input layer, convolution layer, rectified
segmentation plays a key role. Image editing, image linear unit layer (ReLu), pooling layer and fully connected
compression, image recognition etc could be used in image layer are the layers of convolutional neural network.
segmentation. Input layer is first layer in the convolutional neural
In this project, we used image segmentation inorder to network. It contains a set of neurons. A convolutional layer
classify a disease or detect a tumour, image is divided into contain neurons that associated to subregions of the input
corresponding pixels using clustering. Abnormal portion of image or outputs of the preceeding layer. A set of
the brain from bio-medical images to cluster these images, an independent filters are present in the convolution layer.
efficient MRI image segmentation using convolutional neural Given input image is partioned into different small regions in
network have been used. A kernel based segmentation is used convolution layer. In cnn pooling layer is another building
to extract the portion from the image. Training and testing are block. Pooling layer operation is tolerantly decrease the
performed separately with the small image kernels. One of spatial size of the depiction to minimize the amount of
the vital part of the segmentation is its performance. computations and parameters in the network. On any feature
Segmentation performance is the measure of accuracy. map pooling layer operates individually. Max pooling is one
Sensitivity analysis consists of false positive(FP), true of the most frequent approach in pooling. Without any
positive(TP), true negative(TN), false negative(FN). In additional parameters a pooling layer can reduce the size of
sensitivity analysis ground truth image is used. The the preceding layer. Pooling layer helps to combines the
segmented output is match with the reference image. In this several values into a unique one.
project accuracy is increased by using the conventional In cnn relu is not a independent component. In neural
neural network, a novel method of brain MRI segmentation is networks relu is a type of activation function. It maintaining
used. In figure1 proposed methodology steps are shown. the positive values and mapping negative values to zero. Relu
is just a non linearity which is utilised relate to neural
A. Pre-processing
networks. At the edge of the convolutional neural network
Pre-processing operation is one of the fundamental step in fully connected layers of neuron. To entire activations in the
image processing. In pre-processing step MRI image is taken earlier layer have a full connections in a FC layer. There is a
as input as shown in figure3. The location of tumour explicit relationship between a entire pairs of node in a fully
information gives the MRI image. Pre-processing step is used connected layer, is a complete topology or a mesh topology.
to resized the image and remove the noise. Resizing and RGB Classification and feature extraction are the two basic
to grey conversion is takes place in this step. After resizing elements in a convolutional neural network. Fully connected
and conversion of MRI image. Salt and pepper noise, speckle layers are usually consists in a classifier. Activation function
noise etc are present in the MRI image median filter is used to and max pooling includes many convolutional layers in
remove these unwanted noise in the input image. In modern feature extraction method.
MRI scan noise arrival possibilities are very less. In figure4
median filter output image is shown. D. Detection Process
Clustering is used in the detection process. In clustering, k
B. Patch process and patch pre-processing
means clustering is a prominent approach. To detect the
In patch processing step the input image is transforrmed into tumour part of the brain k means clustering is used. To divide
small image blocks of size 10*10 is shown in figure5. These the image into k number of clusters, k means algorithm is one
small size of image patches are also called as image blocks. of the technique. K means algorithm is a unsupervised
The image is dividing into these small patches and each patch machine learning algorithm. To divide a set of data into a
is then processed individually using patch based approach in specified number of groups in clustering method. It divides a
image processing. The final output image is reconstructed out number of data into a k number group of data in the k means
individually processed patches after processing step. Sliding clustering. Two separate phases consists in a k means
window technique is used to extract the image blocks. algorithm. Calculating the k centroids in first phase. Each
Histogram equalization is used in patch processing. To point to the cluster neighboring centroid from the
enhance the image histogram equalization is a approach for corresponding data point in the second point. Euclidean
modifying the image intensities. In figure6 patch distance calculates the neighboring centroid cluster to the
pre-processing output is shown. every data point in the cluster. A centroid updation is done in
C. Convolutional Neural Network Training and Testing the clustering process. In figure7 clustering output is shown.
Convolutional neural network is used to process pixel data E. Post Processing
used in image processing and recognition. To analyze Post processing is done after the detection process. In this
optical imagery convolutional neural network is used, it is a some part of the tumour is imperfectly classified into small
type of deep neural networks. Image cannot be scalable in clusters. Tumour part is classified and removing the clusters
neural network. Image is scalable in convolutional neural in segmentation by using the
network. Height, depth and width are 3 dimensions are convolutional neural networks.
arranged in the layers. Input layer, output layer and an The tumour part is obtained in
multiple hidden layer are contained in a convolutional neural
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A10140681S319/19©BEIESP 74 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-1S3, June 2019
this post processing step. In figure8 tumor localization and Fig.2 Tumour Image
post processing output is shown.
F. Performance Metrics Performance Image
Performance metrics are shown in below. Pixels that are metrics
correctly segmented as foreground which indicates the true Tumour area 13.4924
positive (TP). The pixels that are incorrectly segmented as Sensitivity 50
foreground which means false positive (FP). Pixels Specificity 88.5250
accurately detected as background that means true negative Accuracy 88.5237
(TN). Pixels erroneously detected as background that Entropy 0.4351
indicates false negative (FN). In figure9 performance metrics Correlation 0.1435
are shown. In table I performance metric characteristics are SSI 0.0275
tabulated. MSE 13.1398
PSNR 36.9449
1) Specificity: TP 1
Specificity indicates the test’s potentiality to perceive the TN 55838
negative results. FP 7238
specificity = TN/(TN+FP) FN 1
2) Sensitivity:
Sensitivity analysis calculates the performance of the Table 1 : Performance Metrics
system. Sensitivity calculates the test’s potentiality to
perceive the positive results. III. RESULTS
sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN)
3) Accuracy:
Accuracy is the combination of specificity and sensitivity
accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+TN+FN)
4) PSNR:
PSNR between the two images and is abbreviated as peak
signal to noise ratio, measured in decibels. The higher the
psnr, improved the nature of the reconstructed or compressed
Fig. 3. Input Image
image. Peak error measured in psnr.
5) MSE:
MSE stands for mean square error. MSE and PSNR are
two error metrics. MSE is used to differentiate the image
compression quality. The cumulative squared error between
the compressed and original image in mse.
6) SSI:
SSI stands for structure similarity index, is used to
calculate the similarity between the two images. It is also
used to compare the one of the viewed image quality to the Fig. 4. Median Filter Image
other image as perfect quality image.
7) Entropy:
Inage information content is present at the entropy.
Entropy means the individual pixels can adapt from the
related states of intensity level.
S=∑∑p(x, y) log p (x, y)
8) Correlation:
Correlation operation is used to extract the image to get the
information. It represents the sameness of two input signals at
that process they are one another shifted. Fig.5. Output of applying patch to input image
C=∑∑((x- μx)(y-μy)p(x , y)/σxσy))
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A10140681S319/19©BEIESP 75 & Sciences Publication
Brain Tumour Detection using Convolutional Neural Network
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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: A10140681S319/19©BEIESP 76 & Sciences Publication