1 Vocab
1 Vocab
1 Vocab
5.1 Selection of items
A careful selection, or sampling, of lexical items for inclusion in a test is generally a most exacting task. Many of the
more traditional types of vocabulary tests are designed in such a way that they test a knowledge of words which, though
frequently found in many English textbooks, are rarely used in ordinary speech.
The first task for the writer of a vocabulary test is to determine the degree to which he or she wishes to concentrate on
testing the students' active or passive vocabulary. The next task is to decide whether the lexical items in the test should be
taken from the spoken or the written language. Selection of vocabulary can thus be thought of as failing into the following
rough divisions according to the four major language skills:
Listening: passive/spoken
Reading: passive/written
Speaking: passive/spoken
Writing: active/written
All four divisions can be included in a single test, of course, but even then careful consideration should be given to the
different weighting each division will carry in the test: for example, should there be a greater concentration on those lexical
items selected from the students’ reading material? Generally speaking, the more elementary the level of the test, the greater
the number of lexical items associated with the spoken language.
The test constructor's task is made much easier if all the students have followed a particular syllabus. Lexical items
can then be selected from:
- the syllabus (including a word frequency list if available);
- the students’ textbook (provided the items approximate to those used in natural speech situations);.
- the students’ reading material (e.g. simplified readers, literary texts); and.
- lexical errors taken from students free-written work, (or from students’ incorrect answers in a cloze test).
The following error, however, may be one of verb patterning or simply the wrong choice of verb:
Is the government going to contribute the new industry?
If an error of verb patterning, the correct version would be is the government going to contribute to the new industry?
If caused by the wrong choice of verb, it would be is the government going to subsidise the new industry?
Moreover, according to the findings of research1 conducted into the effectiveness of distractors in multiple-choice
vocabulary tests, those distractors based on students' incorrect answers in cloze tests (though moderately useful) were found
10 be less powerful than
(a) the use of false synonyms (i.e. words with equivalent meanings to the key word underlined or shown in italics in the
sentence but inappropriate in the particular context):
I’d like to book two___ in the circle, please.
seats = correct word
chairs = false synonym
(b) contextually relevant items (i.e. words related to the context but different in meaning to the key word in the
'How much is a___ to Tokyo, please?"
'Nine hundred yen, and a return is sixteen hundred yen
single = correct word
ticket = contextually relevant
The test constructor is faced with a difficult problem if the testees have followed different syllabuses. Such a situation
is generally associated with proficiency tests, in which a student's suitability and potential for a certain task are tested (e.g.
university studies in the medium of English).
In these cases, the tester may wish to base the selection of lexical items on those used in the tasks for which the
student is being tested. An alternative method, appropriate for all kinds of tests, is the selection of items from such well-known
word lists as A General Service List of English Words (Michael West - Longman). Cambridge English. Lexicon (Roland
Hindmarsh - Cambridge) and The Wright Frequency Count. These (and other) word lists, however, are based entirely on the
written language; furthermore, no account is taken of difficulty levels (as opposed to frequency levels) and of areas 'where
interference is encountered between the vernacular and the target language.
But testing the extent of a student’s vocabulary is only one aspect of the whole problem: control of the vocabulary at
his or her disposal must also be measured. An ability to discriminate between words is of the utmost importance at all but the
elementary levels. In broader terms, this ability to discriminate may be regarded as developing a feel for the language.
Tests of vocabulary should avoid grammatical structures which the students may find difficult to comprehend.
Similarly, tests of grammar should contain only those lexical items which present no difficulty to the students.
5.2 Multiple-choice items (A)
It is useful to distinguish between the following two major kinds of multiple-choice vocabulary items:
Group A.
Choose the letter of the word which is the nearest in meaning to the word in italics.
He's been very feeble since his illness.
A. unwell
B. thin
C. foolish
D. weak
Group B
Choose the letter of the correct or best word to complete each sentence.
Have you heard the planning committee's___ for solving the city's traffic problems?
A. theory
B. design
C. proposal
D. purpose
This section concentrates on Group A items and the next section on Group B. The following item types are examples
of four vocabulary recognition items which fall within the first group.
Type 1. In this type of recognition item the stem is replaced by a picture. The testees see the picture and have to select the
most appropriate word relating to the picture from four or five options. This type of item is clearly very appropriate at the
elementary stages.
A. running
B. jumping
C. standing
D. kicking
Type 2. Here the stem consists of a definition: the testees have to select the correct option to which the definition refers
a person who receives and pays out money in a bank
A. broker
B. accountant
C. creditor
D. cashier
Type 3. The stem consists or a lexical item: the best synonym or definition.
A. support
B. advise
C. contradict
D. damage
A. growing gradually larger
B. slow in getting things done
C. snowing care and effort
D. heavy with drops of water
Type 4. The stem here consists of a sentence. Hence, this type of recognition item is generally to be preferred to the
previous three types in so far as the 'problem1 word appears in context. Vocabulary is much more usefully tested in context
since It is the context that gives specific meaning and relevance to a word, thus creating a situation which is as linguistically
valid as possible in the circumstances.
It’s rained continuously for whole days.
A. without stopping
B. heavily
C. regularly
D. at odd moments
Since subtle shades of meaning are often determined only by the specific context in which B particular word appears ,
it is generally advisable to provide fairly full contexts for vocabulary testing, especially at an advanced level. The fuller the
context, however, the more difficult it sometimes can prove to find plausible distractors. Few good distractors , for example, can
be found for the following item:
We’ve had to put off the meeting until next week (postpone)
Synonyms are not always interchangeable in a context (without altering the meaning). However, where a word may be
replaced by another in a particular context, testees may easily be misled into regarding synonyms as being generally
Guidelines for writing items
1. If the problem area being tested is located in the options (as in Type 2), the stem should be kept simple. If, however, the
problem area is included in the stem (as in Types 3 and 4), the options themselves should be simple in so far as they should
contain only those vocabulary items which the testees can understand.
2. Each option should belong to the same word class as the word in the stem, particularly when the word appears in the
context of a sentence. If this rule is observed there will be less danger of the context providing important grammatical clues for
the testees. For example although the first of the following test items is usable, options A, B and C in the second item would be
grammatically incorrect when put in the context.
A. deep in thought.
B. without a sense of humour
C. self-satisfied
D. scornful
Ian was contemptuous of the efforts of his friends to raise some money for the charity.
A. deep in thought
B. without a sense of humour
C. self-satisfied
D. scornful
3. The correct option and the distractors should be at approximately the same level of difficulty. If the correct option is more
difficult than the distractors, the testees will arrive at the correct answer by process of elimination. Thus, the test may have a
negative effect on the testees: i.e. they will select the correct option not because they know it is correct but only because they
know the other options are wrong. The following item measures the testees' knowledge of the distractors rather than their
familiarity with the correct option:
A. angry
B. histrionic
C. proud
D. foolish
The converse also holds good. If the distractors are more difficult than the correct option,
In such a case, there will usually be a tendency for the more able students to think that the correct option is too easy
and therefore wrong; they are thus tricked into selecting one of the-more difficult options:
A. be adequate
B. harass
C. acquiesce
D. be contrite
4. There is some disagreement concerning the relationship of the options to the problem area being tested. Some test writers
argue that the options should be related to the same general topic or area, while others prefer as wide a range of associations
as possible. Unless the vocabulary item being tested has a very low frequency count (i.e. is very rarely used), however , the
item writer is advised to limit the options to the same general area of activity where possible.
Item 1. apparition
A. skeleton
B. ghost
C. nightmare
D. corpse
Item 2. apparition
A. scenery
B. ghost
C. magician
D. castle
If item 2 were set in a test, students who had read a few ghost stories would probably select option B because they
would associate apparition with the stories they had read. In item 1, however, students are required to show a much greater
control over vocabulary.
5. All the options should be approximately the same length. 2 There is a temptation both in vocabulary and in reading
comprehension tests to make the correct option much longer than the distractors. This is particularly true in a vocabulary test
item in which the options take the form of definitions: the item-writer tends to take great pains to ensure that the option is
absolutely correct, qualifying it at great length. However, the item-writer rarely takes such trouble over the distractors, since
they are deliberately wrong and need not be qualified in any way.
a hitch-hiker
A. a man who makes ropes
B. a person who travels about by asking motorists to give him free rides.
C. an old-fashioned sailor
D. a boy who walks long distances
Any student who did not know the meaning of hitch-hiker would dearly choose option B - and would be correct in doing
so. Consequently, if it is ever necessary to qualify a definition at some length, either one distractor or all three or four
distractors should be made equally long. In this way, the correct option will disguised a little more effectively.
It is advisable to avoid using a pair of synonyms as distractors: if the testees recognise the synonyms, they may
realise immediately that neither is the correct option, since there can be only one correct answer.
The old woman was always courteous when anyone spoke to her.
A. polite
B. glad
C. kind
D. pleased
Even such near synonyms as glad and pleased are sufficient to indicate to intelligent students that the choice must be
between polite and kind since if glad were correct, pleaded would probably also be correct.
It is also dangerous to 'pair off options by providing an antonym as a distractor. Options A and C in the following
vocabulary item immediately stand out; again, clever students will be able to narrow their choice down to two options once they
realise that A means the opposite of C,
A. go up
B. talk
C. come down
D. fetch
5.3 Multiple-choice items (B)
The guidelines given in 5.2 for constructing vocabulary items apply equally for the Group B items now being treated. In
certain ways, the Items shown in this section are more difficult to construct than those in the previous section. The problem is
chiefly one of context: too little context is insufficient to establish any meaningful situation, while too much context may provide
too many clues (both grammatical and semantic).
1. I saw a nasty___ between two cars this morning.
A. happening
B. danger
C. damage
D. accident
2. I was speaking to Cathy on the phone when suddenly we were___
A. hung up
B. run out
C. broken down
D. cut off
3. I should have returned this book last Tuesday: it is now five days___
A. postponed
B. excessive
C. overdue
D. delayed
4. Nothing had been organised and confusion seemed___
A. inevident
B. inefficient
C. ineligible
D. inevitable
5. Tom always tries to help people, but recently he has been___ kind and generous.
A. chiefly
B. especially
C. principally
D. fundamentally
Many multiple-choice vocabulary test items of the type being dealt with in this section rely on the context itself to
provide grammatical clues which automatically rule out at least one of the options. These kinds of test items are useful in many
respects but may possibly belong more to tests of grammar and structure rather than to vocabulary. Nevertheless, there can
be little objection to introducing say a few items on verb patterning in a test of vocabulary.
6. I’m___ of getting a new job: I don’t like my present one.
A. contemplating
B. thinking
C. desiring
D. hoping
7. Ann___ me of a girl I used to know.
A. recalls
B. reminds
C. remembers
D. recollects
It is sometimes argued that many multiple-choice vocabulary tests consist largely of items such as the following; and
that these test only a knowledge of collocation.
8. The television station was___ with letters and phone calls after the announcement.
A. drowned
B. stormed
C. deluged
D. absorbed
Since this item ignores the ability to create unexpected collocations, it can also be argued that an imaginative use of
the language is discouraged. Although there may be some truth in this argument, unexpected collocations result from a
creative and intuitive handling of language, which in turn demands an implicit understanding of everyday collocations. It is
usually the writer's very awareness of the degree of incongruity which makes a new collocation vigorous and meaningful.
Although the collocations in such items as the following may be tested equally well without a context, it is usually
advisable to test them in sentences.
9. Dr Heston charges a high___ for his services.
A. fee
B. profit
C. salary
D. payment
(Collocations being tested here, for example, are: charge a fee/make a profit / receive a salary / make or receive a
payment - although it is possible to charge a payment to an account.)
10. I don't believe you: I think you're___ lies.
A. saying
B. talking
C. speaking
D. telling
11. Iron will eventually___ if grease is not applied.
A. wear
B. corrode
C. damage
D. corrupt
12. My driving licence___ at the end of this month.
A. expires
B. passes out
C. retires
D. concludes
If separated from such contexts as the preceding ones, these test items would read:
9. charge a fee / profit / salary / payment
10. say / talk / speak / tell lies
11. iron wears / corrodes / damages / corrupts
12. a licence expires / passes out / retires / concludes
In this type of item, however, each context requires a ‘normal’ reaction and takes no account of cultural differences.
For example, in the following item B or D would be correct in certain societies since it is impolite to accept a gift without first
vehemently refusing it.
Emma cried out with___ at the beautiful present Mrs White gave her.
A. delight
B. horror
C. dismay
D. anger
In view of such ambiguity, it is even more important than usual to provide a context for this particular kind of item. The
following is a typical example of this type of multiple-choice item as it appears in several tests. The dialogue takes place in a
doctors surgery which has a pharmacy.
PAUL LEE: Can you tell me what time the doctor's (1)___ opens?
MBS KING: It's open now. The (2)___ will help you.
PAUL LEE: Excuse me. I just want to collect a (3)___
MRS KING: Is it for some (4)___ for a headache?
PAUL LEE: No, it's for some cough (5)___
MRS KING: Here it is. This should soon (6)___ your bad cough.
A. office
B. surgery
C. hospital
D. ward
A. porter
B. hostess
Cc. waitress
D. receptionist
A. prescription
B. recipe
C. cure
D. direction
A. prevention
B. liquid
C. medicine
D. solution
A. mixture
B. drink
C. wash
D. compound
A. prevent
B. treat
C. refresh
D. cure
This is undoubtedly the most common type of multiple-choice vocabulary item. The provision of a context, however,
limits the test constructor to testing only the vocabulary associated with a particular topic. Hence, many well-known tests still
tend to include single sentence vocabulary items rather than fully contextualised ones in order to cover the range of
vocabulary considered desirable for sampling. The choice between the use of single sentences and the use of paragraphs
providing a far fuller context will be determined by the purpose of the test and the test writer’s own approach to the
communicative aspects of language learning. The question is simply whether the testing of language in context is worth the
sacrifices demanded,-and the answer must differ according to each particular situation.
5.4 Sets (associated words)
Many of the difficulties arising from the testing of collocations are avoided by the testing of word sets. In such tests the
students1 familiarity with a range of associations is measured.
Type 1: Recognition
Read each of the following lists of four words. One word does not belong in each list. Put a circle round the odd word
in each list.
son / happy / arrive
father / married / depart
boy / engaged / go away
brother / single /leave
Type 2: Production
Each group of words is related to a particular subject. Write down the particular subject which is connected with each
group of words.
hand / theatre / volume / nursery
wrist / sister / track / lift
dial / bed / head / slope
face / ward / spool / snow
(=watch) / (= hospital) / (= tape recorder) / (= skiing)
5.5 Matching items
Type 1 of the following test items suffers from testing lexical items from different word classes, while Type 2 tests a
mixed bag of tense forms, etc. The result is that for both types of test items grammatical clues assume great importance, since
they are instrumental in limiting the range of choices facing the testees for each blank. For example, although there may
appear to be 20 words for selection for blank (1) in Type 1, in practice there are only three which would fit grammatically:
Turned (down), broken (down), knocked (down). Similarly, in the first sentence of Type 2 there are only two options (pull
through, gel away), since all the other options are either past tense forms or participles. Both items need to be rewritten,
therefore, if a higher degree of reliability is to be obtained.
Type 1
Write the correct word from the following list at the side of each number on your answer sheet. Use each word once
road / accident / travelling / turned / side
broken / know / knocked / middle / looked
lorry / policeman / pavement / running / hurt
lying / crossed / left / forgot / talk
Poor Tom Wright was (1) down by a (2) last week when he was crossing the (3). He was quite badly (4) and he had to
go into hospital for a few days. His left leg was (5) and both his arms were cut. While he was (6) in bed in the hospital, a (7)
came to (8) to him.
'Was the lorry (9) very quickly?' he asked Tom.
Tom told him all about the (10).
‘I was (11) home from school and I (12) the road. I (13) right but I (14) to look (15). In the (16) of the road I suddenly
saw a lorry. I didn't (17) what to do, so I began to run to the other (18) of the road. The lorry (19) but it hit me when I was near
the (20).’
Type 2
Complete the following sentences with the most suitable verb phrase from the list.
came about / pull through / broken out / falling out
running into / brought up / get away / put off
1. ‘Did the prisoner manage to___ ? Yes, the police are still looking for him’
2. The doctor thought Mr Benson would___ after the operation.
3. The couple are always___ and causing a disturbance.
4. And so it___ that we eventually parted. (etc.)
It is much more efficient to test words from the same word class (e.g. nouns only in Type 1), or parallel tense forms
(e.g. the past simple tense in Type 2). Thus the Type 2 item could be rewritten as follows:
came about
ran into
pulled through
got away
1. ‘I hear the prisoner___ yesterday and the police are still looking for him’
2. ‘We were all relieved that Mr Benson___ after the operation’
Type 3
From the list of words given, choose the one which is most suitable for each blank. Write only the letter of the correct
word after each number on your answer sheer. (Use each word once only.)
A. completely
B. politely
C. busily
D. carefully
E. quickly
F. angrily
'Write (1)___ 'the teacher shouted (2) ___ ‘but don't waste time. You must get used to working (3)___’
'Please, sir/ a student said (4)___ ‘I’ve finished’
'No, you haven't’ answered the teacher. ‘You haven't (5)___ finished until you've ruled a line at the end.’ Meanwhile,
the boy sitting next to him was (6)___ engaged in drawing a map.
This type is satisfactory in many ways because all the lexical items tested are adverbs. However, like the other two
types, this type gives the student too little choice. For instance, there will be only one word left for the last number. Thus , it
could be improved considerably by the addition of a few other adverbs. The list might then read as follows:
A. completely
B. heavily
C. ably
D. politely
E. deliberately
F. busily
G. hastily
H. carefully
I. quickly
J. hardly
K. angrily
L. suitably
The first attempt to construct this list included the adverbs silently and already but it was then found that either of these
could be used at (6) instead of the correct option busily. This illustrates one of the dangers of this particular testing device:
clearly the more distractors there are, the greater is the chance that one of the distractors might be a correct option for at least
one of the other items.
Type 4
The most useful type of matching item is undoubtedly that based on a reading comprehension passage. The students
are given a list of words at the end of the passage and required to find words of similar meaning in the passage. Since a
detailed context is provided by the passage and little additional material is required, this is an economical method of testing
vocabulary. The chief risk here, however, is the duplication of questions: if one of the reading comprehension questions
depends for its answer on a knowledge of the meaning of a particular word, care must be exercised not to test that word again
in the vocabulary section.
In most well-known tests in which this type of item is included, a different reading text from the comprehension text is
used as the basis for the matching vocabulary test. Thus, the reading text contains only questions on vocabulary and does not
include comprehension questions as such. In this way, the test constructor can be sure that the ability to answer the
comprehension questions does not depend on a knowledge of the individual words selected for the vocabulary test.
In the following example, candidates in the test are instructed to replace the words listed below with the appropriate
words contained in the passage without changing the meaning.
made up
close to each other
were inclined
work together
The Tehuelches lived in a band - usually of between fifty and a hundred people. Each band had exclusive rights to a
particular hunting area and no other band was able to hunt there without permission. Each band was composed of families
related through the male line and the man who led them was the hunter who had the greatest experience of the hunting
groups. Each man married a woman from another band and his sister would also marry men outside his band. In this way
bands in a neighbourhood were linked by ties of marriage and so tended to cooperate with each other in hunting and other
5.6 More objective items
This section contains examples of types of vocabulary items which have appeared in certain tests. While Types 1 and
2 are useful for classroom testing. Types 3 and 4 are rather artificial, and should be avoided where possible.
Type 1: Word formation test items
(a) Write a word in each blank. The word you write must be the correct form of the word on the left.
(i) CARE
Be___ when you cross the road.
(ii) CRUEL
To mistreat animals is a form of___
Do you think this book is___ ?
(iv) ENTER
Can you show me the___ to the cave?
(b) Rewrite the following paragraph, purring in each blank the correct form of the word in capital letters.
‘Can you spare a___?’ Peter asked his brother. He thought he could detect a___ look of impatience on his elder
brother's face, but it was gone in an instant.
‘I’m very busy at the___’ his elder brother said.
'What is it you want to speak to me about?' he asked Peter.
Peter's mind___ went blank. ‘I’ve forgotten’ he said.
'Well, then it must have been nothing of___ importance’ his elder brother said rather sarcastically.
Type 2: Items involving synonyms
(a) Write In each space the best word to replace the words underlined in each sentence.
(i) Tom went at once to the doctor's. -> immediately
(ii) All of a sudden there was a loud cry. ->……
(iii) I came across an interesting book. ->……
(iv) The boar is over fourteen feet in length. ->……
(b) In each space write one word that means almost the same as the word on the left. The word you write must rhyme
with the word on the right
Example: early / soon / moon
(i) purchase___ die
(ii) miserable___ bad
A similar item may be constructed so as CO involve antonyms rather than synonyms. The phonological element
(rhyming) in 2(b), however, may only confuse testees instead of helping them. Words are tested in isolation, so, apart from its
sheer novelty, the item is of little use and is not to be recommended for most purposes. The activity involved is more a game
than a test.
Type 3: Rearrangement items
Rearrange the following letters to make words. Then use each word in a sentence of your own so as to show the
meaning of the word.
As can be seen, this item is little more than a crossword puzzle. It may, perhaps , be of some use in an intelligence
test, but it is of doubtful use in a language test.
Type 4: Definitions
(a) Use each of the following words in a sentence so as to show the meaning of the word.
(b) Explain the meaning of each of the underlined words in the following phrases.
an archaic word
a fortuitous event
These item types are of very little use. They test writing ability in addition to a knowledge of word meanings.
Furthermore, it is extremely difficult even for native speakers to produce sentences ‘to show the meaning1 of words - and it is
certainly not a useful task. A student may be familiar with the meaning of a word and may use it correctly, without being able to
express this meaning clearly in a sentence (especially under test conditions).
5.7 Completion items
The following types of completion items can be used for the testing of vocabulary. Tests which present such items in a
context are generally preferable to those which rely on single words or on definitions.
Type 1
Read through the following passage containing a number of incomplete words. Write each completed word on your
answer sheet at the side of the appropriate number. (Each dash represents one letter.)
Snakes are one of the (1) d-m-n--t groups of (2) r-pt----: there are at least 2,000 different (3) sp-c --s of snakes (4) sc-
t---- d over a wide area of the earth. Not all snakes are (5) p--s-n--s: in fact, the (6) m-j----y are quite harmless. Contrary to (7)
p-p-l-- belief, a snake's (8) f--k-d tongue is not (9) d-ng----- to human beings: it is merely for touching and smelling (10) s-bs—
n--s. Snakes (11) in--ct poison into their (12) vi----'s body by (13) b-t--g him with their (14) f--gs.
Type 2
(a) Complete each blank with the most appropriate word to replace each number in the text.
ROSNAH: What's the (1) today? => (1)……
MOHAMED: It's the seventh.
ROSNAH: At what (2) does the concert start? => (2) ……
MOHAMED: Seven o'clock, I think. Just a moment. I made a note of it in my (3). => (3) ……
ROSNAH: How long do you think it'll (4)? => (4) ……
MOHAMED: It finishes about ten.
ROSNAH: That’s quite a long (5), isn't it? => (5) ……
MOHAMED: I suppose so. It’s three hours.
Note the range of possible answers, especially with 3, 4 and D (e.g. 3: diary, notebook, exercise book; 4: last, take; 5:
time, concert, performance).
(b) Complete the following paragraph on problems caused by weightlessness by writing ONE word in place of each
Increasing___ is now being___ on the effects of weightlessness on man. For___ scientists are___ the role of gravity
on the way cells function. Even in the first manned spaceflights doctors were largely unaware of the various problems___ by
absence of gravity. They found that weightlessness___ in the redistribution of blood and other fluids from the legs to the top of
the body. They were able to___ how astronauts' legs actually shrank and their faces swelled during the first few days of space
flight. Moreover, doctors had a chance to___ astronauts both at the time of the flight by___ of television cameras and after the
flight during extensive medical___ Scientists are now___ into the effects of diet and exercise as a___ of reducing some of the
problems___ by weightlessness___ most of the fundamental scientific questions will never be satisfactorily___ by scientists
working on the Earth.
These test items come close to the kind of item often used to test reading comprehension (described in Chapter 8).
Clearly, a degree of comprehension is necessary before each of the blanks can be completed. The items have been included
in this chapter because there is a deliberate attempt to concentrate on the testing of vocabulary - in the first case the
vocabulary associated with information about the time and date, and in the second case with the language of research and
Notes and references
1. Goodrich, H c 1977 Distractor Efficiency in Foreign Language Testing. TESOL Quarterly 11 Cohen, A D 1980
Testing Language Ability in the Classroom. Newbury House
2. See Harris. D p 1969 Testing English as a Second Language. McGraw-Hill, pp. 54-57.
3 North Western Regional Advisory Council for Further Education, April 1983, English as a Second Language Paper 3