The Evolution of Knowledge Management

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As a consequence, it was 'hijacked' by IT departments, and many software

The Evolution of Knowledge and service suppliers relabeled their products and services as 'KM solutions'.
A growing number of large companies created formal KM posts, such as

Management Chief Knowledge Officers, created new knowledge initiatives and brought
several existing programmes (originally designated under other labels, such
as 'business transformation' or 'the learning organization') under the KM
Retrieved from: umbrella.
 Growth, Segmentation and Consolidation (1998-2005). KM is increasingly
pervasive - across functions, all sizes of organization. all sectors and all
Where From? geographies. It's a combination of KM with everything: KM and risk, KM and
marketing, KM and innovation, KM and quality etc. It is also recognized as a
Knowledge has long been recognised as an important asset. Management distinct academic discipline, stimulating several new university courses at
writer Peter Drucker coined the term 'knowledge worker' in the 1960s Masters level). However, its overall status varied from being an important
and Fortune editor Tom Stewart highlighted the importance of 'brainpower' in high-level initiative to just another project. Some companies dispersed their
the early 1990s. It was in 1995, that knowledge management truly captured central KM teams into business units, while in other organizations KM initiatives
widespread management attention. This saw the publication of the seminal faltered.
book The Knowledge-Creating Business by Nonaka and Takeuchi and the  Re-evaluation and Redefinition (2001-2005). Many companies embark on
conference Knowledge for Strategic Advantage organized by Arthur formal KM programmes for the first time, while others disbanded their central
Andersen and APQC. We can trace the evolution of knowledge management KM units. There is increased questioning as to KM's distinctive essence. After
through several overlapping phases: all, knowledge underpins many other enterprise initiatives - such as
innovation, ecommerce and customer relationship management.
 BK - Before Knowledge Management (BC - 1995AD) - we did it (sometimes) Significantly, many providers of 'KM solutions' have relabelled their products
anyway but didn't call it KM. A stone age person showing a colleague how (again) as content management, portal or enterprise information solutions!
to hunt, Icelandic sagas and organizations such as the Royal Society were  In Search of New Identity (2004 onwards). As web-based and content
all examples of sharing knowledge for a purpose management technology becomes more mature, IT-enabled KM solutions
 Awakening and Emergence (circa 1995-1997). Knowledge management become more commonplace. There is also a renewed interest in the
becomes explicit. It was featured at conferences and gained attention on 'human' side of KM, again helped by the uptake of social technologies such
management agendas. The end of this period saw a wave of many new as blogs (grass-roots KM), wikis (evolving knowledge) and Facebook-like
books on the subject. In reality, only a small number of companies had 'Yellow Pages' (know-who). KM projects tend to have a more targetted
formal programmes, mostly just in one or a few divisions. These tended to be business focus, e.g. risk avoidance. But is it KM?
organizations in sectors that are heavily knowledge-based and/or globally
dispersed: oil, chemicals, pharmaceutical, and high technology. The Most commentators believe that KM suffered a set back in the 2000-2001
geographic bias was clearly North America and Northern Europe. timeframe. Some of this is attributed to economic downturn, when companies
 Bandwagon and and Relabelling (1997-1999). Knowledge management 'downsized'. But it also led to a realization that valuable experience, skills and
was actively promoted as strategic, particularly by the large management knowledge could be rapidly lost.
consultancies, which used their own internal KM programmes as exemplars.
Discussions with leaders and experts in knowledge management identifies
Where Now? three divergent schools of thought:
Knowledge management is now well established. It is widely practiced (under  KM is past it's 'sell by' date - typical comments are "we tried KM and it didn't
many different labels) in organizations of all shapes and sizes. It has been avidly work", "it never really took off in our organization", "it fragmented, became
taken up in developing economies such as India, China and Malaysia. confused and went in disconnected directions"
Although many so-called management fads start to fade away after a period  The full potential of KM is yet to be realized - typical comments from this
of 5-7 years, knowledge management is alive and well. Monthly magazines, group are: "there's a better understanding of the real issues that concern
quarterly journals, and annual conferences devoted to one or another aspect knowledge management and organizations", "KM is still in its formative
of KM are a well established part of the landscape. stages", "the discipline is still 'miles away' from a level of maturity", "There is a
huge gap between theory and practice. I don't think KM has even reached
Although the post of Chief Knowledge Officer is still a rarity, many organizations
50 per cent of what it can offer"
have identifiable and effective knowledge managers, knowledge networks
 KM's future is uncertain - epitomized by these comments: "it's in the midst of
and knowledge portals. However, although many companies are some way
a sort of identity crisis", "the term has too much baggage to be useful", "it's
along the KM maturity curve, fewer than 5-10 per cent have totally embedded
schizophrenic – suffering from multiple personality disorder"
KM into their strategic thinking or daily activities (their 'corporate DNA'). What
we also notice in our discussions with proponents of knowledge management Whichever one of these three positions you believe, the fundamental point is
in organizations is that some organizations do not know what they know, or at that KM, both now and in the future, is about the proactive approach
least once knew. In other words, once knowledge management became of managing knowledge and that doing this better will contribute to improved
established, the eye was taken off the ball and the expertise on knowledge organizational outcomes.
management has become diffused and some good practices introduced
several years ago, have slipped into oblivion.

There is no excuse for this, since we now have a very strong base of research,
evidence of effectiveness, teaching and practical knowledge about
knowledge management, something that did not exist for the pioneers in the
late 1990s.

In summary - we know a lot about how to improve organizational performance

through effective knowledge management. However, the quality of practice
of knowledge management across organizations is highly variable.

Where Next?
Unlike the late 1990s when it was fairly clear how knowledge management
would evolve over the near future, today our crystal ball is somewhat cloudier.

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