Pe1000 PDF
Pe1000 PDF
Pe1000 PDF
PE 1000
This material exhibits a very well balanced property profile. It combines a very good wear and abrasion resistance with
an outstanding impact strength, even at temperatures below -200°C.
TEKNIK srl-CF/PIVA/VATCODE IT 06828010154-Capitale Sociale €50000,00i.v.-REA Milano 1123102-Iscr.Reg.Imprese Milano n°37/CF 06828010154
Note: 1 g/cm³ = 1,000 kg/m³ ; 1 MPa = 1 N/mm² ; 1 kV/mm = 1 MV/m. NA: not applicable
The information contained in this technical data sheet cannot be construed as a promise or guarantee of specific properties of our products. Any
determination of the suitability of a particular material and part design for any use contemplated by the user is the sole responsibility of the user. The
information contained in this technical data sheet is based on present knowledge and may be subject to change without further notice.
TEKNIK srl-CF/PIVA/VATCODE IT 06828010154-Capitale Sociale €50000,00i.v.-REA Milano 1123102-Iscr.Reg.Imprese Milano n°37/CF 06828010154