Personality Development
Personality Development
Personality Development
The word "personality" originates from the Latin persona, which means
mask. Significantly, in the theatre of the ancient Latin - speaking world,
the mask was not used as a plot device to disguise the identity of a
character, but rather was a convention employed to represent or typify
that character.
• Biological Factors
• Cultural Factors
• Family Factors
• Social Factors
• Situational Factors
Biological Factors
• Brain is the second biological approach to determine personality.
• It plays an important role in determining personality.
• Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB) and Split brain psychology
results indicates
that a better understanding of human personality and behavior might
come from a
closer study of the brain.
• The definite areas of the human brain are associated with pain and
pleasure. Research
study shows that these things are true.
Physical Features:
Cultural Factors
"Each culture expects, and trains, its members to behave in ways that are
acceptable to the group. To a marked degree, the child's cultural group
defines the range of experiences and situations he is likely to encounter
and the values and personality characteristics that will reinforce and
hence learned". -Paul H Mussen
• Cultural factors are also major factors which influence to determine
• It refers to traditional practice, customs, procedure, norms and rules and
followed by the society.
• It significantly influence to individual behavior compare to biological
• Cultural factors determine attitudes towards independence, aggression,
cooperation, positive thinking, team spirit, and a host of the human being
discharge his/her duties towards valuable responsibilities to society.
• Western culture influence to Indian society. It is best example of the
cultural factors
also determine the personality.
Family Factors
Social Factors
• Social factors are also major factors which influence to determine
• It involves the reorganization of individual's in an organization or
• It refers to acquiring of wide range of personality by acquiring and
absorbed by
themselves in the society or an organization.
• Socialization process is starting from home and extending to work
environment in
an organization or society.
• It focuses on good relationships, cooperation, coordination and
interaction among
the members in the society or an organization or a family.
In totally, environment factors consist of cultural factors, family factors,
and social
Situational Factors
Thought – thinking
Emotion – feeling
Interpretation – explanation
Significant – important
Component – part
Typify – characterize
Brainwave – idea
Conscious – alert
Competition – opposition
Reinforce - strengthen