110 Guest Lecture - Syllables and Phonotactics

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Syllables and

Ling 110 Guest Lecture
Jonathan Manker
October 27, 2014
Syllables, Phonotactics, and your course
 Being able to describe the syllable structure and phonotactics of a language
may be relevant to sections 4 and 5 of your course project.
 Section 4, Prosody. Syllables are often relevant for understanding systems of
stress placement and tone restrictions (Do certain types of syllables attract
stress, or disallow certain tones?)
 Section 5, Phonology. Often phonological rules (which we’ll see more
examples of later in the week) are sensitive to syllable structure, for
example, a rule may apply only in syllable codas but not onsets, etc.
What is a syllable?

 Let’s consult the textbook first which provides us with a satisfactory

definition of the syllable:
 “A unit of speech for which there is no satisfactory definition. Syllables seem
to be necessary units in the mental organization and production of
utterances.” (Ladefoged & Johnson pg. 318).

 Syllables are something that most people seem to agree exist but are hard to
 If there is no easy way to define syllables then will this prove to be a useful
concept to talk about?
Phonetic Definitions of the Syllable

 Now that that is clear (not really), we can start with a purely phonetic
description of the syllable: “One possible theory is that peaks of syllabicity
coincide with peaks of sonority” (pg. 214).

 What are peaks of sonority? Recall the sonority hierarchy from last week’s
lecture. More sonorant sounds will be higher in amplitude.

 Phonetically speaking (not necessarily in terms of phonological features):

 low vowels > high vowels > approximants > liquids > nasals > voiced fricatives >
voiceless fricatives > voiced stops > voiceless stops
• This chart from ACIP
show the relative
sonorities of different
English sounds. Notice
how much acoustic
energy voicing and
sonority adds.
Syllables as Peaks in Sonority

 Let’s test out our phonetic definition of syllables, that they coincide with
peaks in sonority. This will essentially mean that at the point when the
amplitude switches from decreasing to increasing, that we are at a syllable
 Amplitude can be seen in the waveform. Thus we might expect something like
Syllables as seen in waveforms

Sometimes less clear---

how many syllables does
this word have?
Syllables in waveforms

about this

• Sonority or prominence peaks seem to play a role but this

theory of syllables doesn’t always work.

• “Ideal” syllables follow the sonority sequencing principle

where syllables begin with low sonority sounds, become
more sonorous, such as usually having a vowel nucleus, and
then may only end in less sonorous sounds. For example:
‘plant,’ or ‘trust.’
• What about ‘sixths’ then? Some have also suggested that
syllables may be stored units in motor planning.
Syllables in Phonology

 Let’s consider now syllables from a phonological point of view where they are
most abstract units of organization. Do we need to include syllables in this

 Chomsky & Halle’s Sound Pattern of English (1968) didn’t define the syllable.
Words were considered to be strings of segments, and one may manage to
describe phonological patterns without them.
Syllables in Phonology

 Without referring to syllables, how might we describe why we can’t say ‘knee’
as [kni] but ‘acne’ as [ækni] is fine?

 What about the patterning of clear [l] vs. dark [ɫ] l?

 Consider how /l/ patterns in the following words:
 ‘bowl’ ‘ebola’ ‘love’ ‘polka’
 [bɔ(ɫ)] [ibɔlɘ] [lʌv] [pɔ(ɫ)kɘ]

 Without referring to syllables we would have to give a complex environment:

/l/ > [ɫ] (or Ø) / _C OR _#
 (/l/ surfaces as [ɫ] (or Ø) at the end of a word or before a consonant)
Syllables in Phonology

 This complex environment--- before a word boundary (#) or a consonant (C) is very
common cross-linguistically. But how do we capture the unity of these environments?
 This can be done by referring to syllables. Both “before a C” and “before a #” are both
the coda position (final consonant) within syllables.
 Thus: /bɔl/ CVC
/pɔl.kɘ/ CVC.CV
vs. /i.bɔ.lɘ/ V.CV.CV
/lʌv/ CVC
Syllable Structure

 Syllables may begin with an onset (ω) which is an initial consonant. All
languages optionally allow onsets, some require them.

 Syllables are usually required to have a nucleus (ν) which is usually what
grants a string of sounds syllablehood. This is most commonly a vowel or
sonorant segment.
Syllable Structure

 Final consonants within a syllable but

occurring after the nucleus are in the
coda (κ). Some languages may not
allow any coda segments, and only CV
syllables are allowed.

 The nucleus and coda together are

referred to as the rhyme.
Syllabification and the Maximum Onset

• How do we decide how to analyze certain segments that might be ambiguous

with respect to their syllable position? For example, the /l/’s in ‘ebola’ or
‘polka’ or the /pl/ in ‘diploma’?

• The Maximum Onset Principle states that intervocalic consonants should be

considered onsets first if possible as long there is no violation of the sonority
hierarchy. That is, there is a preference for consonants to be onsets rather
than codas.

• Thus: /e.bo.la/ not /e.bol.a/ (or /eb.ol.a/); /pol.ka/ not /po.lka/ (because
this would violate the sonority hierarchy) or /polk.a/; /di.plo.ma/ not
/dip.lo.ma/ or /dipl.om.a/
Application - Koryak

 Now let’s apply our knowledge of syllables to understand an example from the
Koryak language of Siberia.

 Koryak allows only V, VC, CV, and CVC syllables (no consonant clusters).

 Underlying word forms may consist of strings of syllables with no vowels. But
schwa segments must be inserted to adhere to the allowable syllable types.
Application - Koryak

 The underlying form then of ‘I ask him’ is said to be /t-pŋlo-n/.

 To break up the consonants here, schwa [ə] is inserted. So the output then
is: [təp.ŋə.lon]. MOP rules out [ət.pəŋ.lon], and Koryak’s syllable structure
rules out possibilities like [tpəŋ.lon] or [təp.ŋlon].

 /mt-pŋlo-n/ -> [mət.pəŋ.lon]

 /na-pŋlo-n] -> [nap.ŋə.lon]

 Again, being able to refer to syllable structure makes for a more elegant
description as to why two consonants can occur next to each other word
internally, but not at the beginning or end of a word.
Syllable Types and Phonotactics

 Phonotactics deals with the rules and restrictions languages have for what
strings of segments are permissible.

 Crosslinguistically, different languages have different requirements for what

types of syllables are allowed.

 CV is considered the most basic syllable type and is allowed in every

Syllable Types

 Syllables with no coda are referred to as open syllables. (so V, CV, CCV, CCCV,

 Syllables with a coda are referred to as closed syllables. (so VC, CVC, VCC,
CCVC, etc.)

 For processes like stress and tone, these might be sensitive to syllables of
different “weights.” Having a coda or a long vowel usually makes a syllables

 Weight implicational hierarchy: CV < CVC < CVV

Syllable Types Crosslinguistically

 Most languages have constraints on what syllable types are allowed.

 Some languages may only allow V and CV syllables, such as Hawai’ian:

u.ke.le.le pa.ho.e.ho.e

 Some languages can have long consonants clusters in onsets or codas. Itel’men (Siberia):
tksxqzukitʧen ‘I wanted to eat’ ktweljknen ‘he brought it’
ktimpljx ‘bring it’ k’anjʧpx ‘teach him’

 Maximum syllable in English: CCCVCC[+ coronals]

Onset and Coda Restrictions

 In addition to restricting the syllable types, languages may restrict what

segments are permitted in different parts of the syllable.
 Typically only non-syllabic consonants occur in onsets and codas.
 Languages tend to allow most of their consonant segments in onsets while
codas may be quite restricted.
 This may occur because phonetic cues are harder to hear in cues, especially if
the sounds are unreleased.
 So for example, ancient Greek onset consonants could include:
/p t k b d g ph th kh m n l r s z h/….
but in codas, only /s n/ are allowed
Phonotactics in Han Athabascan
• Only the
labial dental lateral alve
retroflex palatal velar glottal brown sounds
voiced <b> <d> <j> occur both in
/b/2 /d/3 /dʒ/3
plain <d> <ddh> <dl> <dz> <dr> <j> <g> <’> onsets and
/d/ /dð/ /dɬ/ /dz/ /dr/ /ǰ/ /g/ /ʔ/
aspirated <t> <tth> <tl> <ts> <tr> <ch> <k> codas; the
/t/ /tθ/ /tɬ/ /ts/ /tr/ /č/ /k/
ejectives <t’ <tth’> <tl’> <ts’> <tr’> <ch’> <k’> green ones
> /tθ’/ /tɬ’/ /ts’/ /tr’/ /č’/ /k’/
/t’ occur only in
voiceless <th> <ł> <s> <sr> <sh> <kh> <h>
codas and the
fric. /θ/ /ɬ/ /s/ /sr/ /š/ /x/ /h/
voiced <dh> <l> <z> <zr> <zh> <gh>
voiced <w, -ww> <m>
<n, -nn (-n)>
<l, -ll (-l)4>
/z/ /zr/
<r, -rr (-r)>
<y, -yy (-
ones occur
sonorants1 /w/2 /m/
/n/3 /l/ /r/ y)>
/ŋ/ only in onsets
<hw, -wh>
<-n (-nh)>
<-l (-lh)>
<-r (-rh)> <-y (-yh)>
(34 to 16)
̊ ̊
Nucleus Restrictions

 Vowels can be nuclei in all languages. Typically most vowels are allowed in
open syllables while mergers may occur in close syllables or before certain
consonants (somewhat the reverse in English).
 Some languages allow other sonorants (liquids, glides, nasals) to be syllable
 In a few languages, obstruents such as fricatives and even stops can be
syllable nuclei (or are nuclei not required in syllables?)
 The division of what is allowed as a syllable nucleus typically occurs
somewhere on the syllable hierarchy.
 vowels > (approximants) > liquids > nasals > voiced fricatives > voiceless
fricatives > voiced stops > voiceless stops
Rare Nucleus Segments

 Some languages allow nuclei with less sonorant or more constricted nuclei
 Mambila language (Nigeria, Bantoid). “Fricative vowels,” something Matt
Faytak studies
 /bzɨ͡/ ‘ask’
 /kɣɯ͡/ ‘cut’

 True fricatives and stops may even be acceptable nuclei, yielding complex
consonant clusters
Nucleus Restrictions

 Wakashan Languages – Bella Coola (British

 [xɬpʼχʷɬtɬpɬɬs] ‘he had in his possession a
bunchberry plant’

 Berber (North Africa)

 tftχtstt “you rolled it (fem)

 More Berber examples on right

Salish Consonant Clusters

• Long strings of fricatives are permitted. Syllabification not

always clear.

• Looking again at Bella Coola, [xɬpʼχʷɬtɬpɬɬs]--- is this one

syllable, lots of syllables with fricative nuclei, or are
syllables totally irrelevant for examples like these?
A few other things --- syllables or
 Some have argued (Blevins 2003) that the syllable may not be a universal unit
of segmental organization, and that some languages only consider the
segmental string.
 Recall (such as in Koryak) that it is frequent that languages may only allow
consonant clusters intervocalically, but not finally--- CVCCV vs. CVCC. This is
because we can analyze the first one as being split into two syllables, CVC.CV
where there is only one consonant in each onset and coda, but two in the
coda in CVCC.
 However, some languages like Lenakel allow CC onsets and clusters, but
medial CCC clusters are not allowed, even though they might be if syllabified
as CVC.CCV. Thus the constraint here might be *CCC (no sequences of three
consonants allowed).
A few other things--- ambisyllabicity

 Recall the Maximum Onset Principle, stating that intervocalic consonants

should be analyzed as onsets of the following syllable.
 Recall also the patterning of /l/ in English which seems to support this.
 At the same time, the patterning of tense vs. lax vowels may suggest
 Now recall that while tense vowels can occur about anywhere, lax vowels can
only occur in closed syllables, thus /pɛt/ or /pɪt/ are fine but not /pɛ/ or /pɪ/.
A few other things--- ambisyllabicity

 However, medial consonants in English

can act like codas in that they license lax
 ‘penny’ ‘pity’ ‘packing,’ etc. /pɛni/ /pɪɾi/
 These intervocalic consonants are thus
often analyzed as being “ambisyllabic”
where there is a single consonant that is
both the coda of the preceding syllable but
the onset of the following syllable.

 Syllables may be rooted in phonetics, in that they generally follow patterns of

sonority peaks. But they are more complex that than, and are abstract
organizational units.
 Nevertheless, the phonotactics and other phonological rules of languages are
often sensitive to aspects of syllable structure.
 Thus, syllables are often a useful concept for describing languages despite the
unanswered questions we still have about them.

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