Pityriasis Versicolor
Pityriasis Versicolor
Pityriasis Versicolor
The areas most often affected by pityriasis versicolor include the back, chest, upper
arms, neck and tummy.
Although it may look unpleasant and the patches are sometimes itchy, pityriasis
versicolor is harmless.
You may still want to see a GP, as it usually only improves with treatment. They
can normally diagnose pityriasis versicolor by examining your skin.
Why it happens
Pityriasis versicolor is caused by a type of yeast called Malassezia. This yeast is found on
the skin of more than 90% of adults, where it normally lives without causing any
But pityriasis versicolor can develop if this yeast starts to multiply more than usual. It's
not clear exactly why this happens in some people and not in others.
Several factors can increase your risk of developing pityriasis versicolor, including:
living or staying in a warm, moist environment, including the UK, in the summer
sweating excessively (hyperhidrosis)
creams, dressings or clothing that do not allow your skin to breathe
being malnourished
having a weakened immune system
being a teenager or in your early 20s
Pityriasis versicolor is not related to poor hygiene. The condition cannot be spread from
person to person because most people already have the Malassezia yeast on their skin.
Antifungal shampoos
Antifungal shampoos (such as ketoconazole or selenium sulphide shampoo) are often
the first treatment recommended for pityriasis versicolor.
These are available to buy over the counter from pharmacies, or a GP can prescribe
In most cases, these shampoos need to be made into a lather and left on the affected
areas of skin for 5 to 10 minutes before being rinsed off. This usually needs to be
repeated every day for 5 to 7 days.
You may experience some skin dryness or irritation when using these shampoos,
particularly selenium sulphide.
It may be helpful to dilute the shampoo with water before applying it. Some people also
find the odour of selenium sulphide shampoo unpleasant.
Antifungal creams
If only small areas of skin are affected, a GP may prescribe an antifungal cream.
These creams usually need to be applied to the affected area of skin once or twice a day
for several weeks.
Some people experience a burning sensation when they use these antifungal creams, but
this is not common.
Antifungal tablets
If a large area of skin is affected or other treatments have not helped, you may be
prescribed antifungal tablets.
Side effects of these tablets are uncommon, although some people experience problems
such as rashes, feeling sick and tummy (abdominal) pain while taking them.
Overall, antifungal shampoos, creams and tablets are effective in killing the yeast that
causes pityriasis versicolor.
But it can take several weeks or months for your skin to return to its normal colour. In
more persistent cases, treatment may need to be repeated.
It's common for pityriasis versicolor to come back after treatment, particularly during
the summer or during holidays to warm and humid countries.
But you can reduce this likelihood by regularly using the antifungal shampoos
mentioned above.
For example, using the shampoo once a day for a few days before going on holiday can
help prevent pityriasis versicolor recurring.
As these shampoos are available to buy from pharmacies, you do not need to see a GP
for a prescription if you run out.
If you develop pityriasis versicolor again after treatment, you can try treating it yourself
with antifungal shampoo, or see a GP for advice and other treatments.
If you have frequent and severe episodes of pityriasis versicolor, a GP may consider
prescribing antifungal tablets to take a few times a month to prevent the condition
vitiligo often develops on both sides of your body at the same time, whereas
pityriasis versicolor may not
skin affected by vitiligo usually has a normal texture, whereas areas affected by
pityriasis versicolor are usually slightly scaly or flaky
vitiligo is more common around the mouth, eyes, fingers, wrists, armpits and
groin, whereas pityriasis versicolor tends to develop on the back, chest, upper
arms, neck and tummy