Request For Information
Request For Information
Request For Information
Last Update: 14 May 2020
FedEx Ground requests specific information about the business’s ability to perform the contracted-
for results set forth in an Agreement. FedEx Ground requests detailed responses to the following
questions to the extent that they apply. FedEx Ground may request to meet with business officials
to discuss further its capabilities and experience for this opportunity to contract with FedEx Ground.
Information provided by the business in response to FedEx Ground’s Request for Information does
not form the basis of a binding contract between FedEx Ground and the business.
Are any of the officers or shareholders of the business currently employed by FedEx Ground or any
FedEx affiliate? Yes No
If yes, please complete the information below:
Role with FedEx Ground or
Individual Name Location
Does the business have the financial capability, or approved lines of credit, to make a capital
investment if necessary to service this opportunity? Yes No
Personal Statement
I attest that the information contained in this document was prepared by the business official named
below, and that all responses are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge: