Didactics Summary

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Didactics Summary

Didactics: studies the relationship btw teaching and learning.

The art of teaching: inner skill to produce specific task.

The science of teaching: clear, ordered and supported concept in theory.

2 objects of study: the teaching-learning process

The teaching-learning methods and techniques

Didactics concerns:

 Objectives: lead the actions and activities to be performed.

 Teaching: the way a topic is clearly explained
 Motivation: affective factor
 Discipline: element that exert some influence in behaviour, attention
 Interpersonal communication: active interaction btw teachers and sts.
 Evaluation: let know how much the course objective was fulfilled
 Methods and techniques: which, methods/ techniques are better

 Edward Anthony: ’60, hierarchical arrangement.

Approach: assumption/ beliefs about language and lang. learning are specified

Method: theory put into practice and choices are made about skills to be taught

Technique: classroom procedures and described.

(Techniques carry out a method which is consistent with an approach.)
These 3 levels are of conceptualization and organization.

 Richards and rogers: ’80, to provide a more comprehensive model for the discussion and
analysis of a method.

Approach and method: design

Implementation phrase (technique): procedure

Levels is refer by the term

Objectives, syllabus and content are determined.

Roles of teachers, learners and institutional material are specified.
(M is theoretically related to A, organizationally determined by D, and practically
realized in P)

Theoretical views of language:

Structural: (more traditional) lang. is a system of structurally related elements for the coding
or meaning.- lang. learning- AIM.
Functional: lang. is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning, it emphasis the
semantics and communicative dimension

Interactional: lang. is a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relations and performance of
social transaction btw indiv.
Lang.: a tool for the creation and maintenance of social relations.

Grammar translation method: Prussian method from (1840’s to 1940’s)

A method of foreign or second language teaching which makes use of translation of grammar
study as the main teaching and learning activities.

 Goal of foreing lang. study:
To learn a lang. in order to read its literature
To benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual devices, that result from foreign lang.
study. 1st approaches the lang. though detailed analysis rules, then translation of sentences
and texts into of the target lang.
The 1st lang. is maintained as the reference system in the 2nd lang.

 Reading and writing are the mayor focus.

 Words are taught through bilingual words list
 The sentences is the basic unit of teaching and language lesson is devoted to translating
 Students are expected to attain high standards
 Grammar is taught deductively by presentation

The Reform movement (1880’s)

o Earlier approaches failed to receive widespread support or attention.
o Phonetics was established: Linguists emphasized that speech, rather than
written word, was the primary form of language.


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