Rel670 Relay Graphs: Parameters System Details Range Value

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Parameters SYSTEM DETAILS Range Value

Voltage System voltage 20-800 kV 380
PTR Pri Voltage Transformer Primary Voltage 20-800 KV 380
PTR Sec Voltage Transformer Secondary Voltage 50-250 V 110
CTR Pri Current Transformer Primary Current 100-10000 A 3000
CTR Sec Current Transformer Secondary Current 1-5 A 1
Operation-ZM1 Zone 1 ON/OFF ON=1, OFF=0 1
Operation-ZM2 Zone 2 ON/OFF ON=1, OFF=0 1
Operation-ZM3 Zone 3 ON/OFF ON=1, OFF=0 1
Operation-ZM4 Zone 4 ON/OFF ON=1, OFF=0 1
Operation-ZM5 Zone 5 ON/OFF ON=1, OFF=0 0
X1 Positive Sequence Reactance Reach 0,020-150 Ohm 36
R1 Positive Seq. Resistance for Zone Characteristic Angle 0,020-150 Ohm 1.68
X0 Zero Sequence Reactance Reach 0,020-1200 Ohm 108
R0 Zero Seq. Resistance for Zone Characteristic Angle 0,020-1200 Ohm 19.2
RFPP Fault Resistance Reach in ohms/loop, Ph-Ph 0,020-150 Ohm 50
RFPE Fault Resistance Reach in ohms/loop, Ph-E 0,020-150 Ohm 70.88
t1 Time delay of Trip 0-10 sec 0
Operation Dir Operation Mode of directionality NonDir/Forw/Rev NonDir=0, Forw=1, Rev=2 1
X1 Positive Sequence Reactance Reach 0,020-150 Ohm 53.25
R1 Positive Seq. Resistance for Zone Characteristic Angle 0,020-150 Ohm 2.3
X0 Zero Sequence Reactance Reach 0,020-1200 Ohm 147.6
R0 Zero Seq. Resistance for Zone Characteristic Angle 0,020-1200 Ohm 26.24
RFPP Fault Resistance Reach in ohms/loop, Ph-Ph 0,020-150 Ohm 70
RFPE Fault Resistance Reach in ohms/loop, Ph-E 0,020-150 Ohm 106.32
t2 Time delay of Trip 0-10 sec 0.35
Operation Dir Operation Mode of directionality NonDir/Forw/Rev NonDir=0, Forw=1, Rev=2 1
X1 Positive Sequence Reactance Reach 0,020-150 Ohm 105
R1 Positive Seq. Resistance for Zone Characteristic Angle 0,020-150 Ohm 4.9
X0 Zero Sequence Reactance Reach 0,020-1200 Ohm 315
R0 Zero Seq. Resistance for Zone Characteristic Angle 0,020-1200 Ohm 56
RFPP Fault Resistance Reach in ohms/loop, Ph-Ph 0,020-150 Ohm 90
RFPE Fault Resistance Reach in ohms/loop, Ph-E 0,020-150 Ohm 125
t3 Time delay of Trip 0-10 sec 0.7
Operation Dir Operation Mode of directionality NonDir/Forw/Rev NonDir=0, Forw=1, Rev=2 1
X1 Positive Sequence Reactance Reach 0,020-150 Ohm 53.25
R1 Positive Seq. Resistance for Zone Characteristic Angle 0,020-150 Ohm 2.3
X0 Zero Sequence Reactance Reach 0,020-1200 Ohm 147.6
R0 Zero Seq. Resistance for Zone Characteristic Angle 0,020-1200 Ohm 26.24
RFPP Fault Resistance Reach in ohms/loop, Ph-Ph 0,020-150 Ohm 70
RFPE Fault Resistance Reach in ohms/loop, Ph-E 0,020-150 Ohm 106.32
t4 Time delay of Trip 0-10 sec 1
Operation Dir Operation Mode of directionality NonDir/Forw/Rev NonDir=0, Forw=1, Rev=2 2
X1 Positive Sequence Reactance Reach 0,020-150 Ohm 128.75
R1 Positive Seq. Resistance for Zone Characteristic Angle 0,020-150 Ohm 6.17
X0 Zero Sequence Reactance Reach 0,020-1200 Ohm 407.54
R0 Zero Seq. Resistance for Zone Characteristic Angle 0,020-1200 Ohm 73.73
RFPP Fault Resistance Reach in ohms/loop, Ph-Ph 0,020-150 Ohm 19.2
RFPE Fault Resistance Reach in ohms/loop, Ph-E 0,020-150 Ohm 80
t5 Time delay of Trip 0-10 sec 60
Operation Dir Operation Mode of directionality NonDir/Forw/Rev NonDir=0, Forw=1, Rev=2 0
RldFw Forward Resistive Reach within the Load Impedance Area 1-3000 ohm 60
RldRv Reverse Resistive Reach within the Load Impedance Area 1-3000 ohm 60
ArgLd Load Angle Determining the Load Impedance Area 5-70 deg 30
X1 Positive Sequence Reactance Reach 0.5-3000 ohm 147.6
X0 Zero Sequence Reactance Reach 0.5 - 9000 ohm 221.4
RFFwPP Fault Resistance Reach Ph-Ph Forward 0.5- 3000 ohm 159.5
RFRvPP Fault Resistance Reach Ph-Ph Reverse 0.5 -3000 ohm 159.5
RFFwPE Fault Resistance Reach Ph-E Forward 1-9000 ohm 191.5
RFRvPE Fault Resistance Reach Ph-E Reverse 1-9000 ohm 191.5
X1InFw Inner Reactive Boundary Forward 0.1- 3000 ohm 189
R1LIn Line Resistance for Inner Characteristic Angle 0.1- 1000 ohm 8.67
R1FInFw Fault Resistance Coverage to Inner Resistive Line Forward 0.1 -1000 ohm 225
X1InRv Inner Reactive Boundary Reverse 0.1-3000 ohm 189
R1FInRv Fault Resistance Coverage to Inner Resistive Line Forward 0.1- 1000 ohm 225
RldOutFw Outer Resistive Load Boundary Forward 0.1-3000 ohm 189
ArgLd Load Angle Determining the Load Impedance Area 5-70 deg 30
RldOutRv Outer Resistive Load Boundary Resistive 0.1-3000 ohm 189
KldRFw Multiplication Factor for Inner Resistive Load Boundary 0.5-0.9 0.8
KldRRv Forward
Multiplication Factor for Inner Resistive Load Boundary 0.5-0.9 0.8

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1 phase fault LN.GRH

2 phase fault LL.GRH Zones
3 phase fault LLL.GRH

1 phase phs PHS-LN.GRH PHS

2 phase phs PHS-LL.GRH
3 phase phs PHS-LLL.GRH
3 phase psd PSD.GRH

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