Medical Microbiology: Microbial Colonization May Result in
Medical Microbiology: Microbial Colonization May Result in
Medical Microbiology: Microbial Colonization May Result in
Microorganisms can be found in every ecosystem and in close association with every type of
multicellular organism.
They populate the healthy human body by the billions as benign passengers (normal flora) and
even as participants in bodily functions. For example, Bacteria play a role in the degradation of
intestinal contents.
In this course, we primarily consider the role of bacteria in the initiation and spread of human
Those relatively few species of microorganisms that are harmful to humans, either by production
of toxic compounds or by direct infection, are characterized as pathogens.
Most infectious disease is initiated by colonization (the establishment of proliferating
microorganisms on the skin or mucous membranes) as shown in Figure 1.
The major exceptions are diseases caused by introduction of organisms directly into the
bloodstream or internal organs.
Microbial colonization may result in:
1) elimination of the microorganism without
affecting the host.
2) infection in which the organisms multiply
and cause the host to react by making an
immune or other type of response.
3) a transient or prolonged carrier state.
Infectious disease occurs when the organism
causes tissue damage and impairment of
body function
All prokaryotic organisms are classified as bacteria,
whereas eukaryotic organisms include fungi,
protozoa, and helminths as well as humans.
Cells of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms
differ in several significant structural features .