A New Approach To Treating Pain With: Comra Therapy
A New Approach To Treating Pain With: Comra Therapy
A New Approach To Treating Pain With: Comra Therapy
“In general, I am in a better mood, happier and my
quality of life has improved a lot.” ~ Lifetime migraine sufferer after coMra therapy
08 Comprehensive treatments
with coMra therapy
Pain is an indicator of something wrong in the
body. It is a message from the body to say that
something needs attention.
This e-book will introduce you to coMra therapy, a therapy that
provides you with a drug-free alternative to treat pain, and also to
invest in your overall health, so as to achieve a better quality of life.
Treatments for pain include neck pain, back pain, So coMra therapy triggers the increased synthe-
arthritic pain, headaches, stomach pain, inflam- sis of ATP in the cells, encouraging the return to
matory pain, swelling, muscle pain, tendon and full functioning.
joint pain, injuries, neural pain and tooth ache.
And a healthy cell is designed to self-heal! So,
So how does coMra therapy work? coMra ther- the natural process of self-healing, that all our
apy restores cellular energy: Simply put, coMra bodies are capable of, is restored and cellular
‘recharges’ your batteries. The combined action and tissue regeneration can take place.
of the infrared laser and magnetic field stimulates
cellular metabolism, but more specifically it stim- Not only does coMra therapy ‘energise’ the cells,
ulates the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphos- it also aids in the increase of mitoch-ondrial res-
phate). ATP is a universal fuel used by all cells for piration, inhibits programmed cell death, reduc-
normal functioning. es inflammation, stimulates neuron generation
and growth of new blood vessels, and stimulates
Diseased or unhealthy cells are not at optimum stem cell proliferation, migration and differentia-
functioning level, either due to lack of oxygen, tion. The combined effect in the body results in
nutrients or energy, or through physical damage. a universal approach for injuries, various diseases
as well as a preventative therapy.
Here are some examples of how coMra
has been used to treat pain:
Day 3 Day 6
“The pain disappeared during the course of one
Dr.Brom, S t e llenbos c h, South Af ri c a
“I had lots of pain in my knee especially going up
and down the stairs. After three weeks it is good
now. And it is months later I am reporting this and
still it is good.”
Gabo r, Toro nt o, Ca na da
“I had oversensitive teeth that were terribly sus-
ceptible to pain from hot and cold liquids. I can
now drink hot and cold beverages with ease. I am
just amazed at the healing results I got.”
Ro be r t , Edmo nton, Ca na da
“I broke my ribs during the last week
of February, 2012 and the doc-
tor said I could just rest and that it
would take 4-6 weeks during which
time there would be pain. I used the
Day 1 Day 3
Delta Laser and after just one week
of three treatment sessions a day my
ribs started to feel much better and
the bruising decreased significantly.
And after just two weeks all appear-
ance of a bruise left completely.”
Day 7 Day 14
Debbie , U.S .A.
“We used the Delta for my son’s ear infection.
During the course of treatments his fever, and
all other symptoms, cleared up. We are eternally
grateful for the Delta treating and alleviating his
sufferings, it’s probably the best thing anyone can
invest in.”
Ju lio, U.S .A.
“I usually get an outbreak every 2 to 3 months.
After an outbreak, the sores last an average of
7 days. They are big, painful, and itchy. After 2
courses of coMra treatment, I didn’t experience
another outbreak until 6 months later with smaller
and less painful sores that left quicker.”
Ker r y, U.S.A.
“About two months ago I noticed my large toe
was enlarged and hurting. I tried icing it, working
on the calluses, being sure to wear comfortable
shoes when I went walking etc., basically I just put
up with the hurt. I used the Delta and now have
JOY and RELIEF! No more pain or soreness.”
Den ise, Canada
Low-level laser therapy or LLLT was developed in the 1960s,
and research since then has shown that it has been effective in
treating a wide range of conditions.
Research documents that laser can stimulate spi-
nal cord regeneration. It was found that when the
laser was applied to the spine, it significantly im-
proved the average length of axonal re-growth
and increased the total number of axons after spi-
nal cord injury. [4]*
In 2009 a report on treating neck pain was
published in The Lancet. It was noted that phar-
macological management has limited evidence of
efficacy and a number of side-effects. The report
concluded that:
Research in Russia in the 1990s showed that combining more
than one radiance has a greater therapeutic effect than when
each is applied separately.
The radiances employed in Magnetic Infrared La- It is this synergistic combination of radiances that
ser Therapy (MIL) are infra-red laser light, red LED has led to coMra therapy becoming such a break-
light and magnetism. through in the evolution of non-invasive medicine.
coMra therapy also incorporates low-intensity When using each of these therapies by them-
ultrasound, as well as sequenced coloured LED selves (monotherapies), higher intensities are re-
lights in a patented geometric arrangement. The quired, and it is the combination of these radianc-
radiances work together in a fully coherent man- es that allows the doses of coMra therapy to be
ner - hence the name, coMra, which stands for much lower. There is also no risk of any overdose
coherent Multi-Radiance therapy. of coMra therapy. coMra therapy users are able
to treat a headache after a long day in the office,
Low-Level Laser light is the central component of a newly-appeared back pain, chronic pain in the
coMra therapy. It provides energetic stimulus for knees and an allergy during one evening, without
the whole healing process. any negative effects.
Treating the underlying conditions that actually cause pain,
rather the symptom of pain requires the regeneration of
damaged tissue and nerves.
coMra therapy promotes regeneration of dam- relief from many different types of pain, inflam-
aged tissues and assists in restoring normal func- mation reduction, regeneration of nerve tissue,
tionality. coMra has such powerful pain-relieving muscle, bone and skin, growth of new blood ves-
and anti-inflammatory effects because it pro- sels, repair of neurons and stimulation of immune,
vides energetic support to cells and organs. You and other cells. Effects have been shown to con-
are not only stopping the pain, you are regener- tinue long after treatments have stopped. [5]*
ating the damaged or depleted cells and systems
from which the pain originates.
“Clinically, phototherapy will affect
Most of our problems are caused by damaged all the cells and tissues in the ir-
cells, so if we are able to cause the cells to repair radiated area in addition to having
themselves, then we can change our health. coM-
ra therapy helps regenerate many different types effects on the nerve alone, and this
of cells, e.g. in connective, muscle, nerve and multiplicity of concurrent effects con-
epithelial tissues. coMra therapy’s effects also
trigger a variety of healing responses within the
tributes to the overall recovery of the
body, including: patient.”[2]*
Wound Healing
Tissue Repair
Tissue Death Prevention
Neurogenic Pain
Neurological Problems
In treating many types of acute injuries, such as cuts and sports
injuries, it is often only necessary to treat the injured body
part itself. This is a local approach and it works well for simple
1. Cellular Regeneration
2. The Immune System
3. The Central Nervous System
4. The Blood
5. The Organs
Practical examples & people’s real life experiences.
50 year old Cheryl was diagnosed with Multiple During the first week of therapy the short term
Sclerosis in 1999. She experienced 1-2 attacks per benefits of coMra therapy for acute pain relief,
year that led to permanent neurological damage. restoring sleep and digestion were very pro-
Starting in September 2010, daily coMra therapy nounced. Longer term improvements in walking,
treatments resulted in a significant reduction in all fatigue levels and muscle tone achieved after 2-3
the different types of pain, and improvements to months of coMra therapy and continuing im-
other symptoms, including increased co-ordina- provements during the next two years suggest a
tion and balance, mobility and physical function. drastic change in the course of the disease.
Her use of medication has substantially reduced.
“I had Acromioclavicular Joint Reconstruction as a
result of a Horse Jumping accident. I had a full 1
min treatment daily on 1000 for the first 2 weeks. Day 1 Day 4
I then changed to variable for 5 mins over the en-
tire shoulder and under arm. It’s incredible- after
my first physio session yesterday the Physio could
not believe that I have the range of movement
that I do. I think the product is amazing!”
Colin, S out h Af ri c a
We e k 2 We e k 6
GOLFERS’ ELBOW AND Injury to the elbows was sustained through repet-
itive over-exertion whilst moving heavy wheel-
TENNIS ELBOW barrow loads of crushed stone and laying heavy
concrete terracing blocks in 2011. Treatment by
“After 4 weeks of regular coMra therapy I began means of very painful cortisone injections to both
elbows brought relief for a period of time, but had
to notice definite pain relief to the surgical inter-
to be repeated. Pain relief periods became shorter
vention setback on the right elbow, and realised and elbow mobility became impaired. Eventual-
I was indeed starting to feel some improvement ly, when I was no longer able to engage my car
to the Tennis Elbow injury that had not been sur- gear into reverse, was referred to an Orthopaedic
Specialist in 2012 for “release surgery” to repair
gically corrected. I am now of the belief that lon-
the “Golfers’ Elbow” injury to the left arm with
ger- term therapy with the coMra Laser Therapy good results. Five months later, and in consider-
might well heal the Tennis Elbow injury that was able pain, I underwent surgery on the right elbow.
not surgically corrected. If this indeed does hap- It was not possible to perform surgery for both
injuries on the right arm at the same time as this
pen, I would certainly not advise anyone to under-
would destabilise the elbow, so only the more se-
go the surgery I underwent but rather to use the vere Golfers’ Elbow injury was repaired whilst the
non-invasive treatment of the coMra Laser. ” Tennis Elbow injury was once again treated with
Mandy, So ut h A f ri c a cortisone.
“After I was diagnosed with Tendinitis and told
that my last resort was going to be surgery, I
opted not to pursue surgical intervention as this
would keep me bed ridden beyond a time pos-
sible, considering my line of work. After this de-
cision, I lived with the pain, swelling and overall
discomfort on a daily basis. I gained more weight
not being able to exercise and even the most
mundane activities were difficult. Fortunately, I HIP PAIN AND
heard about coMra therapy and the Delta Laser
and decided it was worth a try, knowing that I INFLAMMATION
could still work while going through treatment
courses. I immediately noticed a difference in my “During summer vacation, my body
knee during the first course as my swelling de-
creased and the pain started to diminish. In total, temperature suddenly increased and
it took me four courses for my knee to completely I felt an unbearable pain in the area
heal, and I am eternally grateful for the Delta La-
of the left hip. Doctors diagnosed
ser as now I can exercise again as well as live my
life totally devoid of any knee pain.” me with Staphylococcus aureus in
Blanc a, U.S.A. the blood and inflammation of the
hip joint. A week of hospitalization
followed, relieving the joint and ap-
plying an antibiotic treatment, which
ARTHRITIS IN HAND removed the Staphylococcus from
“I have arthritis of the hands and it the blood. Approximately 14 days af-
pains me in more ways than one as ter the onset of symptoms, I began
I love to play the piano. I wasn’t able applying the Delta Laser every day.
to play due to the pain and stiffness After three weeks of treatment my
of my hands and fingers. Ever since hip joint range restored to 90% and
my son introduced me to the Delta hip pain subsided. It allowed me to
Laser I decided to use it to alleviate avoid taking medications to control
my discomfort. My hands are feel- the pain and energy kept restoring
ing much better now. The pain in my throughout my whole body. My per-
hands and fingers is gone and I have sonal experience with the Delta La-
much better movement.” ser is currently the most positive and
Mar ia Cec ilia, Col ombi a most intense of all the resources that
I had the opportunity to use for re-
habilitation and regeneration during
my professional athletic career.”
Stepan Janacek, Czech Olympic
Pole Vaulter
SYNDROME “I have been diagnosed with mild
“Some time ago I started waking up at night with generalized osteoarthritis and have
a feeling of numbness in my right hand. In the fol- experienced pain, swelling and dis-
lowing weeks this occurred more frequently, also
comfort in my joints for twenty years.
in the daytime, and the sensation went from tin-
Over the past few years, my right
gling to actual pain in the hand and wrist, some-
times extending to the elbow, to a point that I had
knee has become more painful and
to stay off work. My doctor prescribed anti-in- I was noticing a significant decrease
flammatory medications, but as that did not solve in my range of motion and ability to
the problem, I was told that only surgery could. do simple tasks. I treated my right
Luckily my friend had bought a Delta Laser a few knee with the Delta Laser for two
weeks earlier for family use, and she showed me weeks and I am amazed at the re-
that in the User Guide there’s a treatment exactly
sults. Within the first few days, I no-
for painful wrist. I decided to give it a try, after all
ticed an increase in my energy level
I had nothing to lose, since there are no side-ef-
fects with this device, and I wasn’t looking for-
and a decrease in the discomfort and
ward to having surgery! I followed very seriously swelling. I also had less stiffness first
the recommended course, twice daily for 10 days, thing in the morning and after sit-
without missing one single treatment, and by the ting for long periods of time. After
end of the 10 days my wrist was in perfect con- a week of treatment, ascending and
dition, all the pain had disappeared! Although it
descending stairs became easier and
was recommended to follow with further courses
I was able to straighten my leg fully
after 3 weeks rest, there was no need, because
the condition did not come back, and still hasn’t
without pain. I do realize that this is
after several months.” not a cure for my arthritis, but it defi-
Ann a, It aly nitely has improved my quality of life
and ability to stay active. I am pur-
chasing my own Delta Laser so that I
BAROTITIS MEDIA can treat my other arthritic joints and
also share it with my family. I am very
“Since I am a certified scuba diver, grateful for the opportunity to trial
I spend a lot of time in the water. On this valuable technology and look
one of my outings I noticed tremen- forward to continued good health.”
dous pain in my left ear after the scu- Shari, Edmonton, Canada
ba dive. After the first treatment, the
condition worsened. Upon waking
up the next day, I noticed less pain
in the ear. By the third day and third
treatment the pain had significantly
weakened. And by day four I had ful-
ly recovered.”
Mat t h ew, Ho no l ul u, U. S. A.
Havva, a 42-year-old female had migraine for
about 20 years. Before starting coMra therapy
she was in a very bad state and was on the point
of being hospitalized for addiction to medication
which she took nearly every other day. She had
1 to 2 attacks a week with very severe pain, each
lasting 1-3 days but also moderate to severe pain
on most other week days. Pain free days were
scarce. The 980nm Delta Laser was used for daily
treatments and at the end of the first two weeks
of daily coMra therapy, Havva started to notice
improvements in her daily pain levels. From the
7th week onward she was essentially pain free.
She stopped taking headache medication and
there was no need to go to hospital for medica-
tion addiction any more. At the end of November,
4 months after she stopped treating herself, she
still was pain free.
Havva, Swit z er l a nd
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June 17 2010
Find us at www.comra-therapy.co.za
Please contact us to find out more about the treatments that coMra therapy can offer for your pain
or condition, and how coMra therapy can enhance your general well-being and vitality.