Harpoon - The Hundred Fathom Curve (GDW)
Harpoon - The Hundred Fathom Curve (GDW)
Harpoon - The Hundred Fathom Curve (GDW)
Effective Distance % Warhead Damage Damage Diameter
Country Name Range /Turn hit Wt (kg) vs. sub vs ship Imm) Remarks
.4 /.25
49 35
B2 533
non-homing Harpoon:
USA Mk37 4/9 .2 /.15 .6 150 107 4B3 wire-guided
USA Mk37C B/1B .3 /.2 .65 150 107 54 4B3 wire-guided, export
USA Mk44 3 .25 .5 34 24 324
USA Mk45 Astor 5.4 .3 Nu Nu Nu 4B3 See Annex I
USA Mk45F Freedom 7.5 .3 .7 295 211 4B3 export
USA Mk46 6 .35 .6 44 31 324
USA Mk46 Neartip 6 .35 .7 44 31 324
USA Mk4B 25/13 .33/.45 .B 300 214 107 533 wire-guided
107 54
4B2 wire-guided, export
The Hundred Fathom Curve
USSR Type A 3 .25 .4 225 BO 533 non-homing
USSR ET-BO 7 .25 .4 225 161 BO 533 non-homing
USSR 53VA 5/7.5 .24/.2 .6 225 161 BO 533 This is a sub-on-sub scenario of moderate complexity for use with Harpoon. It requires a referee and at least two players: one
USSR M1962 3 .25 .6 70 50 406 for the US Navy and one for the Soviet Navy. More preferable is one player for each of the four submarines in the scenario.
USSR M19B1 6 .25 .6 70 50 406 wire-guided This scenario is based on Chapter 17 of Tom Clancy's best-selling novel The Hunt for Red October, published by Naval Institute
USSR 450mm 4 .2 .6 150 107 54 450 SS-N-16 Press. It includes a referee briefing, mission orders for each side, and (8n added bonus) a new Annex F, Torpedoes for Harpoon.
USSR Type C B .3 .65 225 161 BO 533 wire-guided
USSR Type 65 27/54 .4 /.25 .65 500 179 650 I/Wake-FITAS
France Z16 5.4 .25 .4 300 107 550 non-homing Decisive Victory: Destruction of Red October.
E14 REFEREE'S NOTES If the Soviet player loses contact with Red October, and then
France 3 .2 .5 200 143 71 550
France E15 6.5 .2 .5 300 214 107 550 Begin by reading the Mission Orders for the US and the reacquires it, he must make one successful sonar information
France L3 3 .2 .5 200 142 550 Soviets; then come back and read these notes. This scenario roll to ensure a positive identification (that he is not going to
France L4 2.5 .25 .6 100 71 533 is a double-blind situation for both sides. The Soviet player thinks fire at the wrong submarine). He already knows what he is look-
France L5 5.4 .3 .6 150 107 54 533 that it is a peacetime intelligence mission, while the US thinks ing for, so it doesn't take as long to classify the contact.
France F17 11 .3 .7 250 B9 533 wire-guided that their opponent will be an intelligence ship of some sort.
Fl 7 Mk2 16 Both sides have the same rules of engagement: Do not at- US Operation•
France .3 .75 250 179 B9 533 wire-guided
France Murene 5 .4 .B 50 36 324 tack another vessel except in self-defense. These rules must The US player's job is decidedly different. He will have to pre-
FAG Seal 7/15 .3 /.2 .7 260 93 533 wire-guided be obeyed. There will be a lot of role-playing in this scenario. vent the Alfa's attack without firing at it. If the US player
FAG Seeschlange 6 .3 .7 100 71 533 wire-guided The referee must use his acting ability to convince the Soviet disregards his orders and attacks the Alfa, regardless of out-
FAG SST4 6.5/15 .3 /.2 .75 260 93 533 wire-guided player that this is a peacetime exercise, and that it represents come, he has lost. Upon arrival in Norfolk, he will be relieved
FAG SUT 6.5/15 .3 /.2 .7 250 17B B9 533 wire-guided a "side encounter" depicted in the book. The US player must and cashiered from the service. (Note that self-defense is still
UK MkB 2.4/3.5 .35/.4 .4 340 42 533 non-homing cooperate by referring to "the Trident sub", or "USS Georgia". allowed, but the US player can only fire at the Alfa if it first fires
UK Mk20 6 .2 .65 90 64 533 The fact that the Soviet player is a submarine must also be con- at an American vessel, which the Alfa is itself under orders not
UK Mk23 6 .2 .75 90 64 533 wire-guided cealed; references to the Soviet should mention command of to do.)
UK Mk24 Tigerfish 7/16 .3 /.2 .B 134 96 4B 533 wire-guided a Primorye class AGI. If called for, the referee may just prohibit One strategy for the US is to position Pogy and Dallas between
UK Stingray 6 .4 .B5 45DE 32 324 all table talk references to roles, missions, and identities of units. Alfa and Red October, have Red October conduct radical evasive
UK Spearfish 20 .6 .B5 200DE 143 71 533 wire-guided Both sides will need to be imaginative and resourceful. action, make high speed runs past the Alfa to distract it, and
Italy A.1B4 5.4/14 .3 /.2 .7 250 179 B9 533 wire-guided otherwise attempt to confuse it. If a US sub and Red October
Soviet Operations are in line when the Soviet fires at Red October, it may be possi-
Italy A.244s 3.2 .25 .65 34 24 12 324
The Soviet player has a relatively easy task making initial ble for the US player to construe this as an attack on himself
Note: Some torpedoes have two ranges and speeds separated by a slash (/).These are alternate speed and range settings. For detection of the "Trident'. The scenario is set up that way, and and thus justification for firing back in self-defense. The referee
example, the UK's Mk24 Tigerfish can travel 7 nm at .3 nm per turn, or 16 nm at .2 nm per turn. the referee should work to make that happen as quickly as possi- must be very careful in presenting data to both sides, so that
DE as a suffix on warhead weight means a directed energy warhead. ble, within bounds. Once contact is made and he gets enough if this situation results, it is an honest consequence, and not
sonar information to classify the contact as Red October, the contrived. Once the Alfa detects Red October, the Alfa must
Soviet must have the mental flexibility to understand that this be destroyed for the US player to win. But don't tell him that,
really is Red October, and the wit to realize that his original let him figure it out himself. If the Alfa detects Red October and
orders still apply. The Soviet player must destroy Red October both survive, the best the US player can get is a draw (a nasty
The Hundred Fathom Curve. A sub-on-sub scenario for Harpoon by Larry Bond. Copyright© 19B6 by Game Designers' Workshop. regardless of cost. Once Red October is detected, Soviet vic- diplomatic incident).
Harpoon is GDW's modern naval warfare miniatures rules set, and Was used by Tom Clancy to game out portions of .The Hunt tory conditions change to: By the way, in the book, the "problem" is solved by Red
for Red October. This scenario is the one he used. Marginal Victory: V.K. Konova/ev escapes with the knowledge October ramming the Alfa by the bow. Red October limps on
of Red October's existence; failing to destroy the SSBN will to port, and the Alfa sinks to a recoverable dep1h off the US
result in the captain's relief when he gets home. Eas1 Coast.
Game Designers' Workshop
PO Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702-1646 USA
ltarpoon is a trademark of Game Designers' Workshop. The Hunt For Red October is copyright 1984 by Naval Institute Press.
Page 2 Game Designers' Workshop Harpoon: The Hundred Fathom Curve Page 3
officers are defecting). This is barely enough to maintain a You have a full load of ballistic missiles and torpedoes, but ficer in the Northern Fleet. Nevertheless you expect to win the
steaming watch on the Soviet boomer. due to your lack of a crew (your ten officers plus ten helpers drill, because you have just been fitted with the LF Type D sonar,
The scenario takes place in "Shallow Water" (i.e. less than You a~e now leaving Pamlico Sound via the Ocracoke Inlet. from Dallas), you cannot fire any of them. You do have full use a new and more sensitive set, and you have been provided with
100 fathoms deep) which affects sonar in special ways. Towed Your mission: To escort Red October to the Norfolk Naval of sonar and other sensors. information on the Red Octobers unique caterpillar noise
sonars cannot be used, since they would drag on the bottom. Shipyard where she will be dismantled by a picked team of Navy Red October can steam at up to 25 knots using her standard signature.
There is no Deep depth, only Periscope/Snorkeling and In- engineers. To accomplish this as rapidly as possible, Red Oc- twin propellers. She can also move at up to 15 knots by using Tuesday, 7 December: You receive by Very Low Frequency
termediate. Low-Frequency sonars are particularly affected. tober will maintain a constant 14 knot speed: Your two boats her secretly developed "caterpillar" (hydrojet) propulsion radio a signal to come to periscope depth and receive new
There are no convergence zones, their direct path ranges are will "sprint and drift" to escort her. Alternatively, each boat system. The caterpillar system generates much less noise than orders:
quartered, and their detection chances halved, for both active will race forward at maximum speed, then slow to creep speed standard propulsion (-10% passive with caterpillar on), but it
and passive modes. Any listed sonar with a CZ capability is a and conduct a passive sonar search. At the same time, the other also generates a unique and identifiable signature (propulsion FLASH
low-frequency sonar. boat will race past the first, taking up a new position to listen type is "unknown rumble" if a sonar information roll is made). 1 . Red October is defecting to the United States! All nuclear
Sea State is 4, and wind is 15 knots from the East. Visibility from. In the event of danger, two pings will be radiated by the One other problem: due to the caterpillar's configuration, at 10 submarines assigned to Northern Fleet and all major surface
is 100%. None of this will affect the subs, but since the US detecting boat. to 1 5 knots any turn of more than 10° per turn has a 1/6 chance combatants are ordered to establish an interdiction line on the
thinks there are surface ships in the scenario, put it out as Intelligence reports no friendly or enemy vessels in the area, of a rudder casualty. It is normally used only on patrol station, American Atlantic coast.
always. although a Soviet Primorye class AGI (auxiliary intelligence ship) because of its low maximum speed. Red October's statistics 2. V.K.Konovalov is ordered to proceed a maximum speed
The Hundred Fathom Curve: Based on extensive soundings has been operating north of Norfolk. These ships are equipped are listed below: to a position due east of Norfolk on the 100-fathom curve, and
over the years, cartographers have drawn on their charts a line with sensitive electronic and acoustic recording equipment. there commence anti-submarine barrier patrol. If you detect Red
marking an ocean depth of 100 fathoms. This hundred fathom Neither air nor surface assets can be called upon for help of any Class Name: RED OCTOBER (Mod Typhoon) October, you will immediately engage and destroy her with con-
curve marks the edge of the continental shelf, and the begin- kind, and radio and radar silence is to be strictly enforced. It Type: SSBN ventional weapons, regardless of circumstances and regardless
ning of deep water. For convenience, many navigators use lines is vital that the knowledge of our possession of Red October No. in Class: 1 of cost. This is a mission of the highest importance short of
such as these as guideposts on their otherwise featureless maps. never be disclosed. This is a mission of the highest importance Date in Service: 19?? war.
Soviet Preparations: After the players have read their mission short of war. Speed: 20125/1 5 3. Standard rules of engagement remain in effect. You may
orders, ask the Soviet player how he intends to patrol. He should Normal rules of engagement are in effect. You may engage Std Displacement: 20,000 tons not engage any other vessel besides Red October except in self-
be creeping at no more than 5 knots, alternating depth, and no unfriendly vessels except in self-defense, or in defense of Propulsion: Nuclear or Caterpillar defense.
steaming back and forth on some sort of racetrack pattern. another US Naval vessel. If any submarines or surface ships of Crew: 1.16
US Preparations: The US player will have to figure out his any nationality are encountered you will warn your companions Total Mounts: 2 Saturday, 17 December: Order from Northern Fleet change
sprint-and-drift pattern. The way to sprint and drift is to leave and evade contact. Sensors: LF Type B (Annex Ml. MF Hull (Annex Ml. your mission again:
Red October's speed as a variable: X. The two SSNs will move Victory Conditions: In order to win, Red October must reach Snoop Pair (Annex J).
at the fastest speed they can without cavitating (24 knots at Norfolk undetect~d. Weapons: OPERATIONAL
Intermediate depth). They can creep at 5 knots and get their (PB&SB)(4&2)*1 650mm & 533mm TT w/24 weapons 1.. Red October has been destroyed. Her destruction has been
best sonar performance. One boat must continue to creep until Mission Orders: Red October (24) * 1 SS-N-23 confirmed by ,visual inspection of the wreckage in 5,000 meters
the next boat is on station. Since the amount of time T, spent -You are Captain First Rank Marko Aleksandrovich Ramius of- Remarks: Has anechoic coating. ·Normal loadout 12 .Type C of water at 33° N, 759 W. You are released from barrier patrol.
at the two speeds is the same, 24T + 5T = XT + XT. In the Soviet Red Banner Northern Fleet, Commanding Officer of torpedoes, 4 Type C (nuclear), 4 SS-N-16. Double hull halves 2. You will proceed towards home at normal transit speed,
English, the distance covered in two time periods by the SSNs Krazny Oktyabr (Red October in English), a brand new Soviet damage of all torpedo hits. There is a 50% chance of any then slow down gradually and creep south along the 100-fathom
at 5 knots and 24 knots must be the same as the speed covered fleet ballistic missile submarine. But you are something less than torpedo hit disabling the caterpillar drive. curve to a point directly east of Buxton and patrol there on sta-
by Red October at X knots. T cancels out so that 2g = 2X or an ideal Soviet citizen... · tion until further notice. The large number of submarines and
X = 14.5 knots maximum. Rad October's starting speed will be You have just defected to the United States! You have suc- Damage and Speed Breakdown surface contacts that the Americans are being forced to track
14 knots. T can be any period of time, but should probably not cessfully assembled a group of nine other disaffected officers Damage Points 0 56 113 169 203 225 makes the probability of you being detected slight.
be more than 30 minutes. It can be much less. and made your escape from the Barents Sea, proceeding all the Surface Speed 20 15 10 5 0 sinks 3. Intelligence has learned that USS Georgia, a Trident ballistic
Once the players have worked out their "standing orders'', way to the American coast, where much to your surprise, you Submerged Speed 25 19 13 6 0 sinks missile submarine has suffered an engineering casualty and is
plot the movement of the two sides on the map. Have the detec- were detected by two American fast attack subs. This has, sheltering in Pamlico Sound, awaiting the departure of the Soviet
tion ranges of the sonars precomputed for both sides, and when however, turned out to be the best of luck. The Americans suc- Caterpillar Speed 15 11 B 4 0 sinks fleet so she may make the run to Norfolk for repairs. Your mis-
they get close enough, roll for detection. Once one side detects cessfully removed the crew from your submarine, then sion is to acquire, localize and track Georgia, to gather vital in-
the other, start tactical turns. Do not spend a lot of time plot- deliberately exploded one of their own old submarines, telligence about her acoustic signature.
ting the player's course out of Ocracoke inlet or down from Nor- simulating the destruction of Red October. The Soviet Union Soviet Mission Orders
folk. The scenario is designed to get the two sides together as now believes that you and your vessel are dead. After this, you Mission Orders: Vladimir Konstantinovich Konovalov (Alfa Victory Conditions: The following apply.
simply and surely as is possible. were escorted to the American coast where you lay in hiding Class SSN). Marginal Victory: V.K. Konovalovdatects Georgia, and makes
while the entire Soviet Northern Fleet searched for your ship. You are Captain Second Rank Viktor Alexievich Tupolev, Com- passive sonar information rolls that confirm it as Trident class
MISSION ORDERS They are now satisfied that Red October has been destroyed, manding Officer of a Red Banner Northern Fleet Alfa class SSBN.
Make the following mission orders available to the players. and the fleet has left. You now need to move up the US East nuclear attack submarine. Decisive Victory: V.K. Konovalov achieves marginal victory
Coast to Norfolk. Friday, 3 December: You are in the opening phase of conditions, and in addition escapes undetected.
US Mission Orders Sunday, 18 December: You are now leaving Pamlico sound. OCTOBER FROST, a tracking and acquisition exercise involv- Type D Sonar: The following applies to the Type D sonar.
Mission Orders: USS Pogy (SSN-6471(Sturgeon Class) and Your mission is to get your submarine to the Norfolk Naval ing V.K. Konovalov and Krazny Oktyabr (Red October in English), Direct path ranges for active/passive 15/25nm, CZ capabili-
USS Dallas (SSN-7001(Los Angeles Class) Shipyard. There she will be inspected by the Americans, where a brand-new Typhoon class fleet ballistic missile submarine. He ty 1, Active det %.7, Passive det %.65. It is hull sonar for sub-
Sunday, 18 December: Something fantastic has taken place, you and your officers will be given new identities, one million (in Russian, ships are referred to by the male pronoun) is equip- marine use.
and you've already played an important part in it. Red October, dollars in gold (each), and the thanks of the President. You will ped with a hydrojet propulsion system codenamed the "Cater-
a brand new Soviet Fleet ballistic missile submarine has defected proceed north along the 1 00-fathom curve at a speed of 14 pillar". The caterpillar drive is much quieter than a normal pro- NAUTICAL CHART
to the United States! Pogy and Dallas have escorted your new knots. Two American submarines (USS Dallas and Pogy) will pulsion system, but has a maximum speed of 15 knots. Red Oc- The action of this scenario takes place off the US East Coast
friend to Pamlico Sound on the Carolina coast. Ten officers and escort you leapfrog-fashion, signalling with two pings on ac- tober can also move at up to 25 knotS on standard twin-screw between Pamlico Sound and Norfolk. Any conventional map of
men from Dallas are aboard Red October to help out with run- tive sonar if anyone is detected. Their orders (Snd yours) are propulsion. His commanding officer is Captain First Rank Marko the area will provide the coastline. The 100 fathom curve
ning the boat (the Soviet crew was taken off-only ten of her to avoid all contact with ships and aircraft of any nationality. Ramius, your first skipper, and the most skilled submarine of- parallels the coast about 20 miles offshore.
Page 2 Game Designers' Workshop Harpoon: The Hundred Fathom Curve Page 3
officers are defecting). This is barely enough to maintain a You have a full load of ballistic missiles and torpedoes, but ficer in the Northern Fleet. Nevertheless you expect to win the
steaming watch on the Soviet boomer. due to your lack of a crew (your ten officers plus ten helpers drill, because you have just been fitted with the LF Type D sonar,
The scenario takes place in "Shallow Water" (i.e. less than You a~e now leaving Pamlico Sound via the Ocracoke Inlet. from Dallas), you cannot fire any of them. You do have full use a new and more sensitive set, and you have been provided with
100 fathoms deep) which affects sonar in special ways. Towed Your mission: To escort Red October to the Norfolk Naval of sonar and other sensors. information on the Red Octobers unique caterpillar noise
sonars cannot be used, since they would drag on the bottom. Shipyard where she will be dismantled by a picked team of Navy Red October can steam at up to 25 knots using her standard signature.
There is no Deep depth, only Periscope/Snorkeling and In- engineers. To accomplish this as rapidly as possible, Red Oc- twin propellers. She can also move at up to 15 knots by using Tuesday, 7 December: You receive by Very Low Frequency
termediate. Low-Frequency sonars are particularly affected. tober will maintain a constant 14 knot speed: Your two boats her secretly developed "caterpillar" (hydrojet) propulsion radio a signal to come to periscope depth and receive new
There are no convergence zones, their direct path ranges are will "sprint and drift" to escort her. Alternatively, each boat system. The caterpillar system generates much less noise than orders:
quartered, and their detection chances halved, for both active will race forward at maximum speed, then slow to creep speed standard propulsion (-10% passive with caterpillar on), but it
and passive modes. Any listed sonar with a CZ capability is a and conduct a passive sonar search. At the same time, the other also generates a unique and identifiable signature (propulsion FLASH
low-frequency sonar. boat will race past the first, taking up a new position to listen type is "unknown rumble" if a sonar information roll is made). 1 . Red October is defecting to the United States! All nuclear
Sea State is 4, and wind is 15 knots from the East. Visibility from. In the event of danger, two pings will be radiated by the One other problem: due to the caterpillar's configuration, at 10 submarines assigned to Northern Fleet and all major surface
is 100%. None of this will affect the subs, but since the US detecting boat. to 1 5 knots any turn of more than 10° per turn has a 1/6 chance combatants are ordered to establish an interdiction line on the
thinks there are surface ships in the scenario, put it out as Intelligence reports no friendly or enemy vessels in the area, of a rudder casualty. It is normally used only on patrol station, American Atlantic coast.
always. although a Soviet Primorye class AGI (auxiliary intelligence ship) because of its low maximum speed. Red October's statistics 2. V.K.Konovalov is ordered to proceed a maximum speed
The Hundred Fathom Curve: Based on extensive soundings has been operating north of Norfolk. These ships are equipped are listed below: to a position due east of Norfolk on the 100-fathom curve, and
over the years, cartographers have drawn on their charts a line with sensitive electronic and acoustic recording equipment. there commence anti-submarine barrier patrol. If you detect Red
marking an ocean depth of 100 fathoms. This hundred fathom Neither air nor surface assets can be called upon for help of any Class Name: RED OCTOBER (Mod Typhoon) October, you will immediately engage and destroy her with con-
curve marks the edge of the continental shelf, and the begin- kind, and radio and radar silence is to be strictly enforced. It Type: SSBN ventional weapons, regardless of circumstances and regardless
ning of deep water. For convenience, many navigators use lines is vital that the knowledge of our possession of Red October No. in Class: 1 of cost. This is a mission of the highest importance short of
such as these as guideposts on their otherwise featureless maps. never be disclosed. This is a mission of the highest importance Date in Service: 19?? war.
Soviet Preparations: After the players have read their mission short of war. Speed: 20125/1 5 3. Standard rules of engagement remain in effect. You may
orders, ask the Soviet player how he intends to patrol. He should Normal rules of engagement are in effect. You may engage Std Displacement: 20,000 tons not engage any other vessel besides Red October except in self-
be creeping at no more than 5 knots, alternating depth, and no unfriendly vessels except in self-defense, or in defense of Propulsion: Nuclear or Caterpillar defense.
steaming back and forth on some sort of racetrack pattern. another US Naval vessel. If any submarines or surface ships of Crew: 1.16
US Preparations: The US player will have to figure out his any nationality are encountered you will warn your companions Total Mounts: 2 Saturday, 17 December: Order from Northern Fleet change
sprint-and-drift pattern. The way to sprint and drift is to leave and evade contact. Sensors: LF Type B (Annex Ml. MF Hull (Annex Ml. your mission again:
Red October's speed as a variable: X. The two SSNs will move Victory Conditions: In order to win, Red October must reach Snoop Pair (Annex J).
at the fastest speed they can without cavitating (24 knots at Norfolk undetect~d. Weapons: OPERATIONAL
Intermediate depth). They can creep at 5 knots and get their (PB&SB)(4&2)*1 650mm & 533mm TT w/24 weapons 1.. Red October has been destroyed. Her destruction has been
best sonar performance. One boat must continue to creep until Mission Orders: Red October (24) * 1 SS-N-23 confirmed by ,visual inspection of the wreckage in 5,000 meters
the next boat is on station. Since the amount of time T, spent -You are Captain First Rank Marko Aleksandrovich Ramius of- Remarks: Has anechoic coating. ·Normal loadout 12 .Type C of water at 33° N, 759 W. You are released from barrier patrol.
at the two speeds is the same, 24T + 5T = XT + XT. In the Soviet Red Banner Northern Fleet, Commanding Officer of torpedoes, 4 Type C (nuclear), 4 SS-N-16. Double hull halves 2. You will proceed towards home at normal transit speed,
English, the distance covered in two time periods by the SSNs Krazny Oktyabr (Red October in English), a brand new Soviet damage of all torpedo hits. There is a 50% chance of any then slow down gradually and creep south along the 100-fathom
at 5 knots and 24 knots must be the same as the speed covered fleet ballistic missile submarine. But you are something less than torpedo hit disabling the caterpillar drive. curve to a point directly east of Buxton and patrol there on sta-
by Red October at X knots. T cancels out so that 2g = 2X or an ideal Soviet citizen... · tion until further notice. The large number of submarines and
X = 14.5 knots maximum. Rad October's starting speed will be You have just defected to the United States! You have suc- Damage and Speed Breakdown surface contacts that the Americans are being forced to track
14 knots. T can be any period of time, but should probably not cessfully assembled a group of nine other disaffected officers Damage Points 0 56 113 169 203 225 makes the probability of you being detected slight.
be more than 30 minutes. It can be much less. and made your escape from the Barents Sea, proceeding all the Surface Speed 20 15 10 5 0 sinks 3. Intelligence has learned that USS Georgia, a Trident ballistic
Once the players have worked out their "standing orders'', way to the American coast, where much to your surprise, you Submerged Speed 25 19 13 6 0 sinks missile submarine has suffered an engineering casualty and is
plot the movement of the two sides on the map. Have the detec- were detected by two American fast attack subs. This has, sheltering in Pamlico Sound, awaiting the departure of the Soviet
tion ranges of the sonars precomputed for both sides, and when however, turned out to be the best of luck. The Americans suc- Caterpillar Speed 15 11 B 4 0 sinks fleet so she may make the run to Norfolk for repairs. Your mis-
they get close enough, roll for detection. Once one side detects cessfully removed the crew from your submarine, then sion is to acquire, localize and track Georgia, to gather vital in-
the other, start tactical turns. Do not spend a lot of time plot- deliberately exploded one of their own old submarines, telligence about her acoustic signature.
ting the player's course out of Ocracoke inlet or down from Nor- simulating the destruction of Red October. The Soviet Union Soviet Mission Orders
folk. The scenario is designed to get the two sides together as now believes that you and your vessel are dead. After this, you Mission Orders: Vladimir Konstantinovich Konovalov (Alfa Victory Conditions: The following apply.
simply and surely as is possible. were escorted to the American coast where you lay in hiding Class SSN). Marginal Victory: V.K. Konovalovdatects Georgia, and makes
while the entire Soviet Northern Fleet searched for your ship. You are Captain Second Rank Viktor Alexievich Tupolev, Com- passive sonar information rolls that confirm it as Trident class
MISSION ORDERS They are now satisfied that Red October has been destroyed, manding Officer of a Red Banner Northern Fleet Alfa class SSBN.
Make the following mission orders available to the players. and the fleet has left. You now need to move up the US East nuclear attack submarine. Decisive Victory: V.K. Konovalov achieves marginal victory
Coast to Norfolk. Friday, 3 December: You are in the opening phase of conditions, and in addition escapes undetected.
US Mission Orders Sunday, 18 December: You are now leaving Pamlico sound. OCTOBER FROST, a tracking and acquisition exercise involv- Type D Sonar: The following applies to the Type D sonar.
Mission Orders: USS Pogy (SSN-6471(Sturgeon Class) and Your mission is to get your submarine to the Norfolk Naval ing V.K. Konovalov and Krazny Oktyabr (Red October in English), Direct path ranges for active/passive 15/25nm, CZ capabili-
USS Dallas (SSN-7001(Los Angeles Class) Shipyard. There she will be inspected by the Americans, where a brand-new Typhoon class fleet ballistic missile submarine. He ty 1, Active det %.7, Passive det %.65. It is hull sonar for sub-
Sunday, 18 December: Something fantastic has taken place, you and your officers will be given new identities, one million (in Russian, ships are referred to by the male pronoun) is equip- marine use.
and you've already played an important part in it. Red October, dollars in gold (each), and the thanks of the President. You will ped with a hydrojet propulsion system codenamed the "Cater-
a brand new Soviet Fleet ballistic missile submarine has defected proceed north along the 1 00-fathom curve at a speed of 14 pillar". The caterpillar drive is much quieter than a normal pro- NAUTICAL CHART
to the United States! Pogy and Dallas have escorted your new knots. Two American submarines (USS Dallas and Pogy) will pulsion system, but has a maximum speed of 15 knots. Red Oc- The action of this scenario takes place off the US East Coast
friend to Pamlico Sound on the Carolina coast. Ten officers and escort you leapfrog-fashion, signalling with two pings on ac- tober can also move at up to 25 knotS on standard twin-screw between Pamlico Sound and Norfolk. Any conventional map of
men from Dallas are aboard Red October to help out with run- tive sonar if anyone is detected. Their orders (Snd yours) are propulsion. His commanding officer is Captain First Rank Marko the area will provide the coastline. The 100 fathom curve
ning the boat (the Soviet crew was taken off-only ten of her to avoid all contact with ships and aircraft of any nationality. Ramius, your first skipper, and the most skilled submarine of- parallels the coast about 20 miles offshore.
Harpoon: The Hundred Fathom Curve Page 4
Effective Distance % Warhead Damage Damage Diameter
Country Name Range /Turn hit Wt (kg) vs. sub vs ship Imm) Remarks
.4 /.25
49 35
B2 533
non-homing Harpoon:
USA Mk37 4/9 .2 /.15 .6 150 107 4B3 wire-guided
USA Mk37C B/1B .3 /.2 .65 150 107 54 4B3 wire-guided, export
USA Mk44 3 .25 .5 34 24 324
USA Mk45 Astor 5.4 .3 Nu Nu Nu 4B3 See Annex I
USA Mk45F Freedom 7.5 .3 .7 295 211 4B3 export
USA Mk46 6 .35 .6 44 31 324
USA Mk46 Neartip 6 .35 .7 44 31 324
USA Mk4B 25/13 .33/.45 .B 300 214 107 533 wire-guided
107 54
4B2 wire-guided, export
The Hundred Fathom Curve
USSR Type A 3 .25 .4 225 BO 533 non-homing
USSR ET-BO 7 .25 .4 225 161 BO 533 non-homing
USSR 53VA 5/7.5 .24/.2 .6 225 161 BO 533 This is a sub-on-sub scenario of moderate complexity for use with Harpoon. It requires a referee and at least two players: one
USSR M1962 3 .25 .6 70 50 406 for the US Navy and one for the Soviet Navy. More preferable is one player for each of the four submarines in the scenario.
USSR M19B1 6 .25 .6 70 50 406 wire-guided This scenario is based on Chapter 17 of Tom Clancy's best-selling novel The Hunt for Red October, published by Naval Institute
USSR 450mm 4 .2 .6 150 107 54 450 SS-N-16 Press. It includes a referee briefing, mission orders for each side, and (8n added bonus) a new Annex F, Torpedoes for Harpoon.
USSR Type C B .3 .65 225 161 BO 533 wire-guided
USSR Type 65 27/54 .4 /.25 .65 500 179 650 I/Wake-FITAS
France Z16 5.4 .25 .4 300 107 550 non-homing Decisive Victory: Destruction of Red October.
E14 REFEREE'S NOTES If the Soviet player loses contact with Red October, and then
France 3 .2 .5 200 143 71 550
France E15 6.5 .2 .5 300 214 107 550 Begin by reading the Mission Orders for the US and the reacquires it, he must make one successful sonar information
France L3 3 .2 .5 200 142 550 Soviets; then come back and read these notes. This scenario roll to ensure a positive identification (that he is not going to
France L4 2.5 .25 .6 100 71 533 is a double-blind situation for both sides. The Soviet player thinks fire at the wrong submarine). He already knows what he is look-
France L5 5.4 .3 .6 150 107 54 533 that it is a peacetime intelligence mission, while the US thinks ing for, so it doesn't take as long to classify the contact.
France F17 11 .3 .7 250 B9 533 wire-guided that their opponent will be an intelligence ship of some sort.
Fl 7 Mk2 16 Both sides have the same rules of engagement: Do not at- US Operation•
France .3 .75 250 179 B9 533 wire-guided
France Murene 5 .4 .B 50 36 324 tack another vessel except in self-defense. These rules must The US player's job is decidedly different. He will have to pre-
FAG Seal 7/15 .3 /.2 .7 260 93 533 wire-guided be obeyed. There will be a lot of role-playing in this scenario. vent the Alfa's attack without firing at it. If the US player
FAG Seeschlange 6 .3 .7 100 71 533 wire-guided The referee must use his acting ability to convince the Soviet disregards his orders and attacks the Alfa, regardless of out-
FAG SST4 6.5/15 .3 /.2 .75 260 93 533 wire-guided player that this is a peacetime exercise, and that it represents come, he has lost. Upon arrival in Norfolk, he will be relieved
FAG SUT 6.5/15 .3 /.2 .7 250 17B B9 533 wire-guided a "side encounter" depicted in the book. The US player must and cashiered from the service. (Note that self-defense is still
UK MkB 2.4/3.5 .35/.4 .4 340 42 533 non-homing cooperate by referring to "the Trident sub", or "USS Georgia". allowed, but the US player can only fire at the Alfa if it first fires
UK Mk20 6 .2 .65 90 64 533 The fact that the Soviet player is a submarine must also be con- at an American vessel, which the Alfa is itself under orders not
UK Mk23 6 .2 .75 90 64 533 wire-guided cealed; references to the Soviet should mention command of to do.)
UK Mk24 Tigerfish 7/16 .3 /.2 .B 134 96 4B 533 wire-guided a Primorye class AGI. If called for, the referee may just prohibit One strategy for the US is to position Pogy and Dallas between
UK Stingray 6 .4 .B5 45DE 32 324 all table talk references to roles, missions, and identities of units. Alfa and Red October, have Red October conduct radical evasive
UK Spearfish 20 .6 .B5 200DE 143 71 533 wire-guided Both sides will need to be imaginative and resourceful. action, make high speed runs past the Alfa to distract it, and
Italy A.1B4 5.4/14 .3 /.2 .7 250 179 B9 533 wire-guided otherwise attempt to confuse it. If a US sub and Red October
Soviet Operations are in line when the Soviet fires at Red October, it may be possi-
Italy A.244s 3.2 .25 .65 34 24 12 324
The Soviet player has a relatively easy task making initial ble for the US player to construe this as an attack on himself
Note: Some torpedoes have two ranges and speeds separated by a slash (/).These are alternate speed and range settings. For detection of the "Trident'. The scenario is set up that way, and and thus justification for firing back in self-defense. The referee
example, the UK's Mk24 Tigerfish can travel 7 nm at .3 nm per turn, or 16 nm at .2 nm per turn. the referee should work to make that happen as quickly as possi- must be very careful in presenting data to both sides, so that
DE as a suffix on warhead weight means a directed energy warhead. ble, within bounds. Once contact is made and he gets enough if this situation results, it is an honest consequence, and not
sonar information to classify the contact as Red October, the contrived. Once the Alfa detects Red October, the Alfa must
Soviet must have the mental flexibility to understand that this be destroyed for the US player to win. But don't tell him that,
really is Red October, and the wit to realize that his original let him figure it out himself. If the Alfa detects Red October and
orders still apply. The Soviet player must destroy Red October both survive, the best the US player can get is a draw (a nasty
The Hundred Fathom Curve. A sub-on-sub scenario for Harpoon by Larry Bond. Copyright© 19B6 by Game Designers' Workshop. regardless of cost. Once Red October is detected, Soviet vic- diplomatic incident).
Harpoon is GDW's modern naval warfare miniatures rules set, and Was used by Tom Clancy to game out portions of .The Hunt tory conditions change to: By the way, in the book, the "problem" is solved by Red
for Red October. This scenario is the one he used. Marginal Victory: V.K. Konova/ev escapes with the knowledge October ramming the Alfa by the bow. Red October limps on
of Red October's existence; failing to destroy the SSBN will to port, and the Alfa sinks to a recoverable dep1h off the US
result in the captain's relief when he gets home. Eas1 Coast.
Game Designers' Workshop
PO Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702-1646 USA
ltarpoon is a trademark of Game Designers' Workshop. The Hunt For Red October is copyright 1984 by Naval Institute Press.