War Horse Review

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Horse’s perspective of World War One

This book is called War Horse and is written by Michael

Morpurgo, he has won 7 awards with his books. War Horse was
a best-seller in Britain. Because this was such an success there
was a movie made about the book and a musical. War Horse is
set in 1914 in England. The book has an horse theme and an
history theme. One of the things that make this book stand out
of the crowd is the facts that the whole book is in the
perspective of the horse. The main characters are Joey, a horse
that goes into war and is close bonded to albert. Albert, the son
of the owner of Joey and he is very close with Joey. Topthorn, a
black horse and is a friend of Joey in the war.

The plot of the book

The plot revolves around what happens to Joey in the First World War. The book is about
Joey a young horse that was sold to an drunken farmer, Ted Narrocot. Joey becomes very
fast friends with the son of the farmer, Albert Narrocot. Ted demands Albert that Joey needs
to work or else Joey would be sold. Albert does his best to train him how to plough the farm,
but it did not help. Just at that time World War One broke out and Joey was sold to the
army. In the war he was horrified what happens around him, but he becomes friends with
another horse, Topthorn. Joey needs to run over no-man’s land to the Germans trenches to
fight. After a while the Germans capture Joey and Topthorn. Now they needed to work for
the Germans. For the Germans Joey needs to pull the guns to the hills. He does this with 7
other horses under whom 1 is Topthorn. Joey sleeps every night in a windmill from an old
man. The granddaughter of him, Emelie. She really like the horses and becomes close with
Topthorn and Joey. Everything seemed at that moment for Joey perfect. Until it didn’t… I
really like the plot especially that Joey still thinks about Joey and home.

Perspective of the book

The whole book is in the perspective of the horse. I really like that idea because it’s
something new then just in the third person writing. There is only one problem, the writer
does not always do a good job at it. This is disappointing because he could have done this
better than he did in the book. For example, sometimes 2 people are talking next to joey and
you forget that joey is there at all. Until the text suddenly says: ‘Albert strikes Joey’s nose.’
Or sometimes a random soldier will walk up to joey and talk with him about his troubles. But
even though the writer does sometimes mess that up I still like the horse perspective.
The history accuracy in the plot
I really like that the book is so accurate in history about so many things. For example, that
the horses on both sides were used for cavalry (horses who fight). It’s also accurate that
after the Germans realized that it was useless to use horses in this war that they used them
for the transportation and in Joey’s case guns. I really like that the writer did research
before he wrote this book. He also wrote a lot more books about history and I hope that he
did the same in those books.

To conclude I like the perspective of the horse but sometimes it’s done very poorly. The
language and the way people talk is very weird, that should have been done way better. I
really like that everything done in the book is historically accurate. And especially when joey
describes the tank at the battle of the Somme is genius. So, do I think that you should read it.
You should if you like animals and history. If you don’t like those things you shouldn’t read
the book. If I need to give it several starts it would be 3 stars in total.

Sergin Yucesan

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