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Odisha: On Overdrive

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In the coastal State of Odisha, the length of National Highways
has reached 6,968 km in 2018. Over 2,500 km of State Highways
have been identified for upgradation to National Highways. This
will further increase the length of National Highways in Odisha to
9,493 km. Projects worth Rs. 18,878 Cr, spanning 2,894 km have
been awarded.
Construction of the 10 km Jagannath Puri bypass is underway. The
112 km long Cuttack-Angul Highway will be built with investments
worth Rs. 1,500 Cr. In the next few years, Rs. 62,000 Cr worth
investments will be made to expand the National Highway
infrastructure of Odisha.
“When a network of good roads
is created, the economy of the
country also picks up pace. Roads
are veins and arteries of the nation,
which help to transform the pace
of development and ensure that
prosperity reaches the farthest
corners of our nation.”
Prime Minister
“In the past four years, we have expanded the
length of Indian National Highways network to
1,26,350 km. The highway sector in the country has
seen a 20% growth between 2014 and 2018. Tourist
destinations have come closer. Border, tribal and
backward areas are being connected seamlessly.
Multimodal integration through road, rail and port
connectivity is creating socio economic growth
and new opportunities for the people.
In the coming years, we have planned projects with
investments worth over Rs 6 lakh crore, to further
expand the world’s second largest road network.”
Union Minister, Ministry of Road Transport &
Highways, Shipping and Water Resources,
River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation
Fast tracking National Highway
development in Odisha

6,968 km


4,639 km
Adding new
National Highways
in Odisha

2,329 km
1,040 km

Yr 2014 - 2018
Yr 2010 - 2014

New NH New & In principle NH length

Construction of roads
in Odisha

1,583 km
663 km

Yr 2014 - 2018
Yr 2010 - 2014

Constructed Constructed
length length

1,583 km of National Highways have

been built in 4 years

Road Projects
awarded in Odisha

Yr 2010 - 2014 Yr 2014 - 2018

2,439.62 km 2,894 km

Total Cost Total Cost

Rs. 9,999 Cr Rs. 18,878 Cr

Growth of 89% in the awarded cost

of road projects over last 4 years with
investments worth Rs. 18,878 Cr

Accelerated NH Development
under Central Road Fund (CRF)
in Odisha
Yr 2010 - 2014 Yr 2014 - 2018

19 57

Total Cost Total Cost

Rs. 365.81 Cr Rs. 1,253.23 Cr

Significant increase of 242% in cost

of CRF works sanctioned for the
upgradation & improvement of roads &
bridges in the State

Landmark Projects
in Odisha

Bhubaneswar – Chandikhol
The project involves upgradation of Bhubaneshwar-
Chandikhol section of NH-16 to 6 lanes with paved
shoulders. Part of the “Golden Quadrilateral”
connecting Kolkata with Chennai, this section takes
off from Bhubaneswar, the capital of Odisha and runs
through the silver city of Cuttack. The Project road
spans through three districts viz. Khurda, Cuttack and
Jajpur. The project will lead to the creation of a network
of stronger, all weather Highways in Odisha.

At a Glance
67 km total length 10 flyovers
Rs. 1,047 Cr total 30 Vehicle
project cost Underpass &
5 major bridges
12 minor bridges

• Will result in smooth and safe traffic
• Will reduce Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC)
and travel time resulting in greater gains for
• Additional grade separators and service road
on either side of main carriageway will reduce
accidents, ensuring safer movement of traffic
• Will lead to economic growth for the people
of this region
• Will promote interstate goods and
passenger movement

Work is in progress for 4-laning of road on the
Cuttack-Angul-Sambalpur Section of NH-42. This route
connects the coal and industrial hub of Angul– Talcher
with NH-5 on one side and NH-6 on the other.

At a Glance
275 km Project length
Industrial Corridor linking Eastern
Coastal and Western Odisha

• Will accelerate movement for mining and
industrial traffic
• Will ensure uninterrupted connectivity
to the ports of Paradip, Dhamra and
Gopalpur on the Eastern coast of Odisha
• Will enhance the socio economic conditions
of the area
• Will boost cultural and tourism in
Western Odisha

Baharagora – Sambalpur
NH-6 (New NH-53 & 49) connects the Western and
Eastern parts of the country, traversing through
Gujarat, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Odisha,
Jharkhand and West Bengal. It is a very important
corridor catering to interstate traffic, carrying
various industrial products apart from the local
mining traffic.
4 laning of Baharagora-Sambalpur section will
significantly decongest traffic along this route.

• Will ensure faster movement of vehicles
• Greater relief for road users, particularly, the
traffic from Kolkata to Raipur and further to
Maharashtra and Gujarat
• Will fast track interstate passenger and
freight movement between the States
• Will enhance socio-economic conditions
of the people
• Will ensure greater savings of fuel
• Will reduce wear and tear of vehicles, travel
time, accidents etc.
• Will enhance the industrial and mining
activities in backward regions
• Will boost tourism

Birmitrapur – Barkote
4 laning of Birmitrapur-Barkote section of NH-23 is in
progress. This route connects Ranchi to Rourkela, the
pre-eminent steel city of Odisha and goes further up to
Angul-Talcher belt, the coal, power and industrial hub.

The corridor crosses NH-6 (New NH No. 49) at Barkote.

The project is a vital link to the mineral rich belt of
Sundargarh district. It passes through Birmitrapur,
Kuarmunda and Rourkela, which has been identified
as smart city by MoUD. The stretch also connect many
important tourist destinations in this region.

• Will decongest traffic on the existing
Brahmani Bridge near Panposh, opening it
to passenger thoroughfare
• Will result in safer, comfortable and faster
• Will create great relief for the mining and
industrial vehicles which export goods and
materials through the ports of Paradip and
• Will enhance mining and industrial activities
in Sundargarh district, which is home to
many tribal communities
• Will create new jobes and improve socio-
economic conditions for the people of this
• Will reduce travel time, resulting in greater
fuel savings
• Will reduced wear and tear of vehicles and
road fatalities
• Will boost tourism in the region

Chandikhol – Balasore
NH-16 (old NH-5) connects Kolkata to Chennai,
traversing through West Bengal, Odisha,
Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Part of Golden
Quadrilateral, it serves as a key economic corridor
along the Eastern coast, catering to interstate
traffic carrying manufactured goods, agricultural &
industrial products and the local mining traffic.
The stretch is being upgraded to 6 lanes in two
packages from Balasore to Bhadrak and Bhadrak to

• Will ensure smooth and safe traffic flow
• Will reult in greater gains by reducing Vehicle
Operating Cost (VOC) and travel time
• Additional grade separators and service road
on either side of main carriageway will reduce
• Will create socio-economic growth for the
people and this region
• Will improve interstate logistics and
passenger movement

4-laning of Bhubaneswar-Puri Section of NH-203
(New NH-316) has been completed in 2017.

At a glance
67.25 km length of
project 4 lane ROB

Rs. 500.29 Cr total 2 Vehicular

project cost Underpasses

4 Bypasses 1 Toll plaza

Major Bridge with 10 Bus Bays

4 lanes
2 Truck laybys
2 Minor Bridges of
2 lanes each

Bhojpur- Chhatabar
The Bhojpur Chhatabar section has been proposed
to be upgraded to 2 lanes with paved shoulders.
The project road connects Kuchinda-Deogarh via
Bhojpur, Deorah -Riamal-Chhatabar, going further
up to Talcher and Angul.
Predominantly an agricultural stretch, this region
needed effective modes of communication and
public services. Providing an efficient means of
connectivity was an imperative.
The proposed project will improve connectivity to
this region, leading to socio-economic growth of
the people.

At a glance
61 km length of project

Rs. 251.92 Cr total cost

3 Major Bridges

• Will improve connectivity
• Will generate new employment opportunities
for people
• Will improve avenues of trade and
industrial growth

Nabarangpur - Koksara
The Nabarangpur - Koksara Section of NH-201 has
been strengthened and upgraded to 2 lanes with
paved shoulders.
NH-201, the lifeline of this naxal prone region was
in need of massive upgrade. The newly constructed
road has given a boost to economic activity and
created new employment opportunities for the
people of this region.

At a glance
55.276 km total 2 Major bridges
13 Minor bridges
Rs. 265.35 Cr
total cost 51 Traffic Diversions

Kanaktora - Jharsuguda
The Kanaktora - Jharsuguda Section of NH-49, is
being upgraded to 2 lanes with paved shoulders. The
project includes construction of the Belpahar bypass.
Part of the Raigarh-Belpahar-Jharsuguda stretch
on NH-49, the most vital link between Chhattisgarh
and West Odisha, this road connects Jharsuguda,
to Rourkela, the steel city. It is also an important link
between Sambalpur-Jharsuguda-Rourkela stretch
of SH-10.
The project stretch traverses through Belpahar
and Gandhi Chowk in Odisha and Chhattisgarh. It
passes through the commercial city of Lakhanpur,
transporting coal and mining traffic to Vedanta.

At a glance
66.9 km total length 13 Minor Bridges

Rs. 194.5 Cr total cost ROB

Bypass at Belpahar Toll Plaza

2 Major Bridges

• Will serve as a key industrial corridor
• Will open avenues to socio economic growth
• Will create new job opportunities for people

Mandal Padar-Baliguda
The Mandal Padar-Baliguda section of new NH-59
is being widened to 2 lanes with paved shoulders.

At a glance
55 km length of project 106 minor junctions

Rs. 237.6 Cr total cost 3 major Bridges

1 major junction 7 minor Bridges

The Chandili–Borigumma section is being
widened to 2 lane with paved shoulders.

At a glance
41.055 km length Landscaping and tree
of project plantation

Rs. 77.35 Cr total cost Way side amenities

2 Major bridges Rainwater harvesting

9 Minor bridges 4 Bus Bays

Vijaywada Ranchi Corridor
The Vijayawada Ranchi Corridor on NH-326 in
Odisha is being widened to 2 lanes.

At a glance
86 km total length

Rs. 199 Cr total cost

• Will create a strong road network between
tribal areas and urban areas in Odisha
• Will provide access to Andhra Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand
• Will serve the strategic needs of the nation
by facilitating movement of troops in naxal
affected areas

Coastal Highway under Bharatmala
A Coastal Highway has been proposed under the
Bharatmala Pariyojana in Odisha. The project, being
undertaken by NHAI will start from Gopalpur in South
Odisha and terminate at Digha, a popular tourist
destination in West Bengal.
The proposed Highway will pass through 6 districts in
Odisha i.e. Ganjam, Puri, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara,
Bhadrak, Balasore and East Medinipur district in
West Bengal.
As a key economic corridor, it will seamlessly connect
important centres of trade and tourism such as the
Gopalpur Port, Satapada, Konark, Astaranga, Paradip
Port, Satabhaya, Dhamra, Basudevpur, Talapada,
Chandipur, Chandaneswar and Digha.

At a glance
415 km estimated length
37 Major bridges
130 Minor bridges
5 ROBs

• Will bolster economy in coastal pockets
of Odisha
• Will boost tourism
• Will pave the way for alternative economic
opportunities for people in these areas
• Will play a vital role in handling rescue and
relief operations in case of natural disasters

Ongoing projects of MoRTH in Odisha

Sanctioned Total Likely

Sl. Lok sabha NH No Start
Project Name Cost / TPC Length date of
No. constituency (New) Date
(Rs. Cr) in km completion

1 Kalahandi Widening and strengthening 59 50 192 Jun-14 Apr-16

of existing single lane to 2 lane
with paved shoulder

2 Kalahandi Construction of 2 lane with 353 25 51 Sep-15 Nov-17

paved shoulder including 4 lane
with drain at Naupada town

3 Kandhamal Widening and strengthening to 2 59 55 327 Oct-15 Apr-18

lane with paved shoulder

4 Kalahandi Widening and strengthening to 26 29 96 Sep-15 Sep-17

2 lane with paved shoulder

5 Dhenkanal & Widening and strengthening 53 51 240 Oct-15 Oct-17

Sambalpur of existing single lane to 2 lane
with paved shoulder

6 Kandhamala Widening to 2 lane with 1.5m 57 62 226 Oct-15 Oct-17

wide paved shoulder and
strengthening of Bolangir-
Khurda Section 

7 Koraput. Widening to 2 lane with 1.5m 326 30 114 Feb-15 Jan-17

wide paved shoulder and

8 Bolangir & Widening existing intermediate/ 57 46 157 Nov-16 Nov-18

Sonepur double lane to 2 lane with 1.5
m wide paved shoulder of
Bolangir-Sonepur section

9 Dhenkanal Rehabilitation and upgradation 149 68 342 Jan-15 Jan-17

of Pallahara-Pitiri section to 2
lanes with paved shoulders

10 Malkangiri Widening to 2-lane and State 29.5 39 Feb-11 Jan-13

improvement of Chitrakonda Road
Janvai-Papermetla road

11 Malkangiri Widening to 2-Lane and State 46 81 Sep-11 -

improvement of Govindipali Road
Salimi-Chakabhuka road
including bridge across
Chakabuka Nallah

12 Koraput & Widening to 2- lane of 326 86 277 Nov-15 Nov-17

Malkangiri Koraput-Malkangiri section on
Vijayawada- Ranchi route

13 Koraput Widening to 2-lane and 326 71 229 Feb-15 Jan-17

improvement of Koraput-
Laxmipur- Rayagada road) (SH-
4) on Vijayawada- Ranchi route

14 Koraput & Widening 2-lane and State 94 191 Aug-12 Aug-15

Berhampur improvement of of Koraput- Road
Paralakhemundi road (SH-4)
and Berhampur- Taptapani-
Rayagada road (SH-17) on
Vijayawada- Ranchi corridor

15 Boudh, Widening to 2-lane of Boudha- State 67 129 Sep-12 Sep-15

Sambalpur & Kiakata- Rairakhol road, Road
deogarh Nakeduli-Anuli road and Aunli
bridge with approaches on
Vijayawada- Ranchi Corridor

16 Deogarh & Construction of 2-lane road State 50 121.58 Dec-12 Dec-15

Keonjhar from Tatakaposi to Deogarh Road
including Gohira bridge and
Patana Bypass on Dhenkikote-
Saharapada road (SH-49)
under Vijayawada- Ranchi

Ongoing projects of MoRTH in Odisha

Sanctioned Total Likely

Sl. Lok sabha NH No Start
Project Name Cost / TPC Length date of
No. constituency (New) Date
(Rs. Cr) in km completion

17 Sambalpur Rehabilitation and Upgrading 49 & 61 252 Dec-15 Dec-17

to 2 lanes with paved shoulders 53
and strengthening of Bhojpur -
Chhatabar section

18 Nabarangpur Rehabilitation and upgrading 26 55 265 Feb-15 Jan-18

& Kalahandi to 2 lane with paved shoulders
of Nabrangpur-Koksara Section

19 Kalahandi Rehabilitation and upgrading 59 & 68 176 Jun-14 Nov-16

to 2 lanes with paved shoulder 353
of Nuapada-Bango Munda

20 Koraput & Widening to 2 lanes with 63 41 120.1 Aug-17 -

Nabarangpur paved shoulder of Chandili -
Borigumma section including
Kotpad Bypass

21 Sambalpur Widening to 2 lanes with 153B 58.1 207 - -

paved shoulder of Naktideuli-
Rairakhol-Boudh section

22 Puri Widening to 2 lanes with paved 57 54 223 - -

& shoulder of Nayagarh-Khurda
Bhubaneswar excluding Khurda bypass

23 Kandhamal Widening to 2 lanes with paved 57 90 296 Feb-17 Feb-19

shoulder of Sonepur-Madhapur
section including Boudh bypass

24 kandhamal Widening to 2 lanes with 157 107 288 Feb-17 -

paved shoulder of Charichhak-
Bhanja Nagar section excluding
Kalinga Ghat

25 Keonjhar Widening to 2 lanes with 220 29 63 Feb-17 -

paved shoulder of Saharapada
-Dhenkikote excluding Patna

26 Kalahandi Construction of Major Bridge 26 - 8 May- Mar-17

over river Mudra 014

27 Kalahandi Widening to 2-Lane with paved 26 58 165 Jan-16 Nov-18

shoulder of Bhawanipatna-
Koksara section

28 Bolangir Reconstruction of Bridges on 59 - 16 - Oct-18

NH-59 Bolangir section

29 Baripada Widening to 2 lane with 220 35 93 Aug-16 Aug-18

1.5m paved shoulder with
strengthening of Baripada

30 Berhampur Construction of 4 lane ROB 516 - 94 - -

including viaduct & approches
between Gopalpur Port &

31 Berhampur Construction of  ROB and its 516 - 70 - -

approches in lieu of existing
unmanned level crossing at km
1.30 on NH-217 (new NH-516)

32 Kalahandi Construction of ROB and 59 - 104 - -

approches in lieu of existing
level crossing No. RV71 at km
435 on NH-217

33 Kalahandi Construction of ROB and 26 - 206 - -

approches in lieu of existing
level crossing No. RV168 at km
176 on NH-201

Ongoing NHAI projects in Odisha

Project Likely
Sl. Lok Sabha Length
Project Stretch NH No. Cost Start Date date of
No. Constituency in km
(Rs. Cr) completion

Jharpokharia -
1 Baripada - 5 700 80.6 Jan-17 Jul-19
Baleshwar section
Jajpur, Chandikhole-Bhadrak appointed
2 5 1522 75 -
Bhadrak section date pending
Bhadrak, Bhadrak-Baleshwar 5 (New appointed
3 999 63 -
Baleshwar section NH 16) date pending
Mayurbhanj, Baharagora - Singhara
4 6 744 111.6 Oct-17 Apr-20
Jameshedpur section
16 appointed
5 Berhampur, Puintola-Tangi section 505.22 71 -
(Old 5) date pending
Bhubaneshwar, Tangi-Bhubaneshwar 16 appointed
6 806.11 59 -
Puri section (Old 5) date pending
Balance Work of 4-
Laning Puri Bypass
7 Puri 316 52 11 Apr-18 -
Road of Bhubaneshwar-
Puri section

Bhubaneshwar, Chandikhol-Jagatpur-
8 5 1047 67 Dec-11 Jun-18
Cuttack, Jajpur Bhubaneshwar section

Khandagiri Chowk NH-5 new appointed

9 Bhubaneswar 73.29 2.3 -
Grade Separator NH-16 date pending

23 (New
Talcher to end of NH 149) & appointed
10 Dhenkanal 503.3 42 -
Kamakhyanagar Bypass 200 (New date pending
NH 53)

Cuttack, Cuttack-Angul section

11 42 583 60 Jan-18 -
Dhenkanal (Pkg-I)

Cuttack Angul section

12 Dhenkanal 42 529 52 Mar-18 -

Dhenkanal Kamakhyanagar appointed

13 53 479.27 51 -
Jajpur Bypass-Duburi date pending

Duburi-Chandikhole 53 (Old appointed

14 Jajpur 577 39 -
section NH 200) date pending

15 Panikholi-Rimoli section 215 1410 163 May-13 May-18

Singhara - Binjhabahal appointed

16 Keonjhar 6 1097 103.79 -
section date pending

Sambalpur, Binjhabahal - Telebani

17 6 1161 78.31 Jan-18 Jul-20
Dhenkanal section

Biramitrapur - Brahmani appointed

18 Sundargarh 143 389.86 29.1 -
section date pending

Brahmani Bypass- 143 appointed

19 Sundargarh 366.56 47 -
Rajmunda section (old 23) date pending

Keonjhar, 215 (New appointed

20 Rimuli-Koida section 540 43 -
Sundargarh NH 520) date pending

Koida- Rajamunda 215 (New appointed

21 Sundargarh, 843.43 53 -
section (Pkg-II) NH 520) date pending

Sundargarh, Rajamunda-Barkote appointed

22 23 394 50 -
Sambalpur section date pending

Dhenkanal, Angul - Sambalpur

23 42 1255 153 Mar-17 Aug-19
Sambalpur section

Talebani -Sambalpur
24 Sambalpur 6 752 50.74 May-17 Nov-19

In-Principle declared NH in Odisha

Sl. Stretch Tentative Length (km)

No. As on 30/11/2017

1 Palsa - Parlakhemundi-Ramanaguda-Bissamcuttak-Muniguda- 359.00

Bhabanipatna-Kharial-Bangomunda-Patnagarh-Padmapur-Odisha /
Chhattisgarh Border- Junction with NH- 6 in Chattisgarh

2 Naranpur (kheonjhar)-Kaliahata-Kankadahada-Kamakhyanagar 100.00

3 Junction with NH-5A (new NH 53) near Kndrapara-Chandbali-Dharma- 110.00

Junctionof NH-5 (GQ) (New NH-16) near Bhadrak

4 Badakera (Angul)-Hindol- Ganja-Daspallah-Bhanjanagar 120.00

5 Junction of NH-5 (GQ) (New NH No. 16) near Jankia-Chandanpur 40.00

6 Balangir-Patnagarh-Harishankar-Nrusinghnath-Paikamal-Nuaparha 130.00

7 Bhubaneshwar- Athgarh- Samarpur- Majdherpur (Mahidharpur) 115.00

8 Digapahandi (at NH- 326) - Haridakhandi (on NH-59) 25.00

9 Jharsuguda (on NH-49) - Karamdihi- Subdega- Balishankara – up 77.00

to junction with NH-43 near Ludang (Pathalgaon) (on NH-43)
(Odisha= 77 km; Jharkhand= 55 km)

10 Khalikote - Kodala- Budhamba- Boirani- Koinphulia- Aska 52.00

11 Sohela-Bijepur-Barpali-Naikenpali-Binka-Sardhanpali-Sonepur 84.00

12 Chakradharpur- Sonua-Goelkera- Manoharpur-Jaraikela - upto 36.00

Dhabaleswar on NH-143 (Length in Jharkhand =106 Km, Odisha = 36 Km)

13 Hatgamahria-Balandia-Majhiaon-Benisagar upto junction with NH-49 7.00

near Singada (Lenghth in Jharkhand =58 Km, Odisha = 7 Km)

Sub Total 1,255.00

14 Sambalpur Bypass 9.50

15 Cuttack - Kandarpur 14.10

16 Kandarpur - Tarapur 23.30

17 Tarapur - Kandhatari 5.40

18 Kandhatari-Junction With Nh-53 34.00

19 Kainsir - Jharsuguda 46.50

20 Jharsuguda - Kerai 28.00

21 Karei-Sundargarh 7.00

22 Litibeda - Joram 35.30

Sub Total 203.10

23 Anandpur on NH-20-Satkosia-Thakumunda-Kaplipada-Udala-Baripada 141.00

on NH-18 (Satkosia)

24 Khordha (NH-57) –Chandka– Cuttack 37.00

25 Baleshwar on NH-18 extend to Chandipur 11.00

26 Sundargarh-Ujalpur-Sarapgarh-Tildega-Konpara-Bagbahar-Ludang on 102.00
NH-43. (Total Length= 146 km; Odisha= 102 km; Chhatisgarh= 44)

27 Malkangiri on NH 326- Chintapalle- Narsipattanam- Waddadi- 68.00

Chodavaram- Sabbavaram (Total length=233 km; Andhra Pradesh= 165
km; Odisha= 68 km)

Sub Total 359.00

Total 1,817.10

Key Indian National Highways



Jaipur Agra Lucknow Gorakhpur
Ajmer Muzaffarpur
Gwalior Kanpur
Allahabad Guwahati
Jhansi Purnea
UdaipurShivpuri Varanasi SILCHAR
Ahmedabad Panagarh
Rajkot Vadodara Lakhnadon Kharagpur KOLKATA
Satara Hyderabad Vishakhapatnam
Arabian Sea
Eluru Vijayawada
Belgaum LEGEND
Golden Quadrilateral
Bangalore Ranipet North South Corridor
Selam Krishnagiri
Bay of Bengal East West Corridor
COCHIN Madurai
Indian Ocean

National Highways - India Story
Fast tracking National Highway Development

Building National Highways

A new Pace of Progress


91,287 km 1,26,350 km
Yr 2010-2014 Yr 2014-2018

New National Highways being built

86,371.5 km of New and In-Principle National
Highways added in 4 years

New NH
34,391.5 km
In principle NH length
51,980 km
New NH
20,353.2 km
86,371.5 km

Yr 2010 - 2014 Yr 2014 - 2018

National Highways - India Story

Adding more National Highways

per day
Enhancing efficiency by building 28 km National 28
Highways per day in 4 years, up from 3 km km

16.6 2017-2018
12 2015-2016
2 3 2 3
km km km km

2010-2011 2011-2012 Rate of Highway
construction per day

Construction of roads
Rs. 3 lakh Cr worth investments in the road sector in 4 years
Significant growth of 158%
Yr 2014 - 2018

Yr 2010 - 2014 28,532 km

19,444 km

Total Cost
Rs. 1.16 lakh Cr
Total Cost
Rs. 3 lakh Cr

National Highways - India Story

Road Projects Awarded

100% increase in projects awarded with investments
of over Rs. 4.68 lakh Cr
Yr 2010-2014

Road Length Total Cost

25,609 km Rs. 1.62 lakh Cr
Yr 2014-2018

Road Length Total Cost

51,075.32 km Rs. 4.68 lakh Cr

Accelerated NH development
under Central Road Fund (CRF)
Significant increase of 207.6% in cost of CRF
works sanctioned for the upgradation & improvement
of roads /bridges in the Nation

Yr 2010 - 2014

Total Cost Total Cost

Rs. 8,613.51 Cr Rs. 48,186.57 Cr
Yr 2014 - 2018

Transforming India’s Transport Sector
Key initiatives in 2014 -2018
Over the past four years, various smart initiatives on
Indian National Highways have resulted in transparent
processes, last mile connectivity, safer roads, upskilling,
new opportunities and employment for the people.

Motor Vehicle (Amendment) E Toll - FASTag to enhance

Bill 2017: To bring transparency, efficiency, and reduce long
reduce corruption queues at Toll plazas

E-Rickshaws for last mile Exemption from the

connectivity requirement of commercial
licence for LMV and LCV drivers

Driving training schools in every 0.2%-15% decrease in road

district for skill development accidents and fatalities till 2017

Road Safety Greater Compensation for Partnering with

Annual Plan accident victims of upto NGOs to ensure
Rs. 5 lakhs road safety

Green buses and electric vehicles have been introduced. Emission

standards have been upgraded for vehicles. BS VI norms along with
bio fuel B-100, flex-fuel E-85 or E-100 & ethanol ED-95, methanol
M-15 or M-100 and methanol MD-95 have been standardised

15% methanol blending can result in the replacement of around

31.9 million tons of crude oil. With crude oil prices at USD 54
per barrel, the use of clean energy biofuels will reduce fuel costs
resulting in significant savings. Compared to neat gasoline, M-15
reduces CO and HC emission by 40%. Biofuels will help in reducing
vehicle pollution levels in India

Anti Lock Braking System Model Automated
ensuring vehicle and Centres for checking
passenger safety fitness of vehicles

Vehicle Fleet modernization Simplified forms for

programme obtaining driving licences

Increasing Speed Limits from Taxi Policy Guidelines to

100 km/h to 120 km/h, at par ensure safe, secure and
with the global practices affordable journeys, while
reducing congestion
as well as pollution in cities

Indian Bridge Management System (IBMS), the world’s

largest inventory of bridges, has been created for proper
maintenance of these structures. Till date 1,72,519
bridges of all ages and structures have been inventoried
across India,and assigned GPS based Location Numbers,
Classification Numbers based on features, Structural Rating
& Socio-Economic Rating numbers

789 black spots have been identified and assigned unique

ID numbers. Guidelines have been prepared and notified for
investigation and rectification of these road accident-prone
black spots on National Highways. 265 spots have already
been rectified

Rectification measures at 318 spots have been sanctioned

and are in various stages of implementation. 139 spots are on
State Government roads or with other agencies. Remaining
67 spots would be taken up separately or rectified as part of
ongoing projects

Manzilen Abhi
Aur Bhi Hain




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