Krok2 - Medicine - 2007
Krok2 - Medicine - 2007
Krok2 - Medicine - 2007
17. A 75 y.o. woman with coronary heart A. Skin induration with inverted nipple
disease constantly takes warfarin. She B. Painful movable induration
was taken to the acute care department C. Painless movable induration
with complaints of sudden sensation of D. Bloody discharges from the nipple
weakness in the left half of her body and E. Pure discharges from the nipple
eyeball deviation to the left. What exami-
nation of the patient will be a primary 22. A patient who takes diuretics has
task? developed arrhythmia as a result of
cardiac glycoside overdose. What is the
A. Computer tomography of brain treatment tactics in this case?
B. Magnetic resonance tomography of
brain A. Increased potassium concentration in
C. Electroencephalogram blood
D. Ultrasonic examination of carotid B. Increased sodium consentration in
arteries blood
E. Spinal punction C. Reduced magnesium concentration in
18. A 65 y.o. patient has acute pain, D. Increased calcium level in blood
paresthesia, paleness of his left extremi- E. -
ty. Pulse in the a. dorsalis pedis is absent.
There is skin coldness and paleness 23. Name a statistical observation unit
that gradually spreads upwards. These for determination of influence amount
symptoms are most likely to be the evi- of bloodsugar on the healing of wound’s
dence of: surface in a postoperative period:
A. Acute pancreatitis
B. Renal colic A. Determination of the level of
C. Acute enterocolitis Gonadotropins
D. Perforative gastric ulcer B. USI of organs of a small pelvis
E. Acute appendicitis C. Progesteron assay
D. Computer tomography of the head
34. A 40 weeks pregnant woman in intri- E. Determination of the contents of
nsic obstetric investigation: the cervix of a Testosteron-Depotum in Serum of blood
uterus is undeveloped. The oxytocin test
is negative. Upon inspection at 32 weeks 38. For the persons who live in a hot area
it is revealed: AP- 140/90 mm Hg, protei- after an accident at a nuclear object, the
nuria 1 g/l, peripheric edemata. Reflexes greatest risk within the first decade is
are normal. Choose the most correct tacti- represented by cancer of:
cs of guiding the pregnant:
A. Thyroid gland
A. Laborstimulation after preparation B. Skin
B. Strict bed regimen for 1 month C. Reproduction system organs
C. Complex therapy of gestosis for 2 days D. Breast
D. Cesarean section immediately E. Lungs
E. Complex therapy of gestosis for 7 days
39. A 34 y.o. woman in the 10-th week
35. A 41 y.o. patient was admitted to of gestation (the second pregnancy)
the intensive care unit with hemorrhagic consulted a doctor of antenatal clinic with
shock due to gastric bleeding. He has a hi- purpose of statement on the dyspensary
story of hepatitis B during the last 5 years. record. In the previous pregnancy there
The source of bleeding are esophageal vei- took place hydramnion, the child’s birth
ns. What is the most effective method for weight was 4086. What method of exami-
control of the bleeding? nation is necessary for carrying out, first
of all?
A. Introduction of obturator nasogastric
tube A. The test for tolerance to glucose
B. Intravenous administration of pituitrin B. Determination of the contents of
C. Hemostatic therapy fetoproteinum
D. Operation C. Bacteriological investigation of di-
E. Administration of plasma scharge from the vagina
D. A cardiophonography of fetus
36. A woman had the rise of temperature E. USI of the fetus
up to 390 on the first day after labour.
The rupture of fetal membranes took 40. Patient 22 y.o., was admitted to trauma
place 36 hours before labour. The investi- center with complains of pain in the
gation of the bacterial flora of cervix left ankle joint, which increased while
of the uterus revealed hemocatheretic movements and weight bearing. On the
streptococcus of group A. The uterus clinical examination it was found, that the
body is soft, tender. Discharges are bloody, patient had the closed fracture of medial
mixed with pus. Specify the most probable malleolus without displacement. In which
postnatal complication: position the foot has to be fixed in plaster
A. Metroendometritis
B. Thrombophlebitis of pelvic veins A. At right angle with varus positioning of
C. Infected hematoma the foot
D. Infection of the urinary system B. In position of planter flexion of foot
E. Apostatis of junctures after the episi- C. In position of pronation
otomy D. In position of supination
E. In position of dorsal flexion of foot
37. A 24 y.o. patient 13 months after
the first labour consulted a doctor about 41. The 10 y.o. boy has complains on
amenorrhea. Pregnancy has concluded headache, weakness, fever 400 , vomiting,
by a Cesarean section concerning to a expressed dyspnea, pale skin with flush on
premature detachment of normally posed right cheek, lag of right hemithorax respi-
placenta hemorrhage has made low fi- ratory movement, dullness on percussi-
delity 2000 ml owing to breakdown of on over low lobe of right lung, weakness
coagulability of blood. Choose the most of vesicular respiration in this zone. The
suitable investigation: abdomen is painless and soft at palpati-
Krok 2 Medicine 2007 6
toes and fingers. Objectively: skin icteri- 148. A 43 y.o. patient complains of peri-
tiousness, tongue is crimson, smooth. odical pain attacks in the right half of her
Hepatomegaly. In blood: Hb- 90 g/l, face. The attack is characterized by spasm
erythrocytes - 2, 3 · 1012 /l, reticulocytes of mimetic muscles of the right face’s half,
- 0,2%; color index - 1,2, macrocytosis; reddening of skin on this side. Blood has
Jolly’s bodies, Cabot’s ring bodies. What no pathologies. She was diagnosed with
medication is the most appropriate for right-sided trifacial neuralgia. What medi-
treatment? cation should be prescribed?
A. Vitamin 12 A. Finlepsin
B. Feroplex B. Prednisolone
C. Packed red blood cells C. Actovegine
D. Prednisolone D. Analgine
E. Dyspherol E. Indometacin
145. A 30 y.o. primigravida woman has got 149. A 35 y.o. patient experienced a strong
intensive labor pain every 1-2 minutes that nervous stress that resulted in formati-
lasts 50 seconds. The disengagement has on of reddened and edematic areas on
started. The perineum with the height of the back surface of her hands with further
4 cm has grown pale. What actions are formation of small inflammated nodules,
necessary in this situation? vesicles and then erosions accompanied
by profuse discharge of serous liquid. The
A. Episiotomy process is also accompanied by intense
B. Perineum protection itching. What is the most probable di-
C. Perineotomy agnosis?
D. Vacuum extraction of fetus
E. Expectant management A. Common eczema
B. Allergic dermatitis
146. A doctor of the general practice has C. Microbial eczema
registered the following death causes for D. Common contact dermatitis
the previous year: the first place was taken E. Toxicodermia
by cardiovascular diseases (60%), the
second - by tumors (18%), then - traumas 150. A 42 y.o. patient lifted a heavy object
(8,3%) etc. What diagrams will provide that resulted in acute pain in the right half
the most substantial information about of his chest, increased dyspnea. The pati-
the registered ocurrences? ent’s condition is grave: cyanosis of lips
and mucous membranes, RR is 28 pm, Ps-
A. Pie diagram 122 bpm. On percussion there is tympani-
B. Cartogram tis above the right half of chest, on
C. Line diagram auscultation - stongly diminished breath
D. Circle diagram sounds; accent of the II heart sound above
E. Column diagram the pulmonary artery. AP is 80/40 mm Hg.
What is the main emergency action at the
147. A patient complains of nycturia, pre-admission stage?
constant boring pain in perineum and
suprapubic region, weak urine jet, A. Air aspiration from the pleural cavity
frequent, obstructed and painful urinati- B. Adrenaline introduction
on. He has been ill for several months, C. Aminophylline introduction
pain in perineum appeared after getting D. Calling a cardiological brigade
problems with urination. Rectal exami- E. Oxygen inhalation
nation revealed that prostate is enlarged
(mostly owing to the right lobe), dense, 151. A 74 y.o. patient complains of
asymmetric, its central sulcus is flattened, abdomen pain and sweling, nausea. She
the right lobe is dense, painless, tuberous. suffers from ischemic heart disease,
What disease can it be? postinfarction and atherosclerotic cardi-
osclerosis. Objectively: the patient is in
A. Cancer of prostate grave condition, abdomen is swollen,
B. Prostate sclerosis abdominal wall doesn’t take active part in
C. Urolithiasis, stone of the right lobe of respiration. Laparoscopy revealed a small
prostate amount of muddy effusion in abdominal
D. Prostate tuberculosis cavity, one of the loops of small intestine
E. Chronic congestive prostatitis is dark-cyan. What is the most probable
Krok 2 Medicine 2007 20
A. Progressing tubal pregnancy 195. On the 15-th day after a minor trauma
B. Interrupted tubal pregnancy of the right foot a patient felt malai-
C. Cyst of the right ovary se, fatigability, irritability, headache, high
D. Uterine pregnancy body temperature, feeling of compressi-
E. Acute appendicitis on, tension and muscular twitching of his
right crus. What disease can it be?
192. A 15 y.o. patient has developmental
lag, periodical skin yellowing. Objectively: A. Tetanus
spleen is 16х12х10 cm large, holecistoli- B. Anaerobic gas gangrene
thiasis, skin ulcer on the lower third of C. Erysipelas
his left crus. Blood count: erythrocytes D. Acute thrombophlebitis
- 3, 0 · 1012 /L, Hb- 90 g/L, C.I.- 1,0, mi- E. Thromboembolism of popliteal artery
crospherocytosis, reticulocytosis. Blood
bilirubin - 56 mmole/L, indirect bili- 196. 10 years ago a patient had a fracture
rubin - 38 mmole/L. Choose the way of in the middle one-third of his left femoral
treatment: bone, and during the last 7 years he
has been having acute inflammation in
A. Splenectomy the area of old fracture accompanied by
B. Spleen transplantation formation of a fistula through which some
C. Portocaval anastomosis pus with small fragments of bone tissue is
D. Omentosplenopexy discharged. After a time the fistula closes.
E. Omentohepatopexy What complication of the fracture is it?
193. A 30 y.o. parturient woman was taken A. Chronic osteomyelitis
to the maternity house with complaints of B. Bone tuberculosis
having acute, regular labour pains that last C. Soft tissue phlegmon
25-30 seconds every 1,5-2 minutes. Labour D. False joint
activity began 6 hours ago. Uterus is in E. Trophic ulcer
higher tonus, head of the fetus is above
the opening into the small pelvis. Fetal 197. Medical examination of a 43 y.o. man
heartbeat is 136/min. P.V: cervical dilatati- revealed objectively pailness of skin and
on is 4 cm, uterine fauces is spasming at mucous membranes, smoothness of li-
a height of parodynia. Head is level with ngual papillas, transverse striation of nails,
opening into the small pelvis, it is being fissures in the mouth corners, tachycardia.
pushed off. What is the most probable di- Hemoglobin content amounts 90 g/l; there
agnosis? are anisocytosis, poikilocytosis. The most
probable causative agent of this condi-
A. Discoordinated labour activity tion is deficiency of the following mi-
B. Secondary powerless labour activity croelement:
C. Pathological preliminary period
D. Primary powerless labour activity A. Iron
E. Normal labour activity B. Copper
C. Zinc
194. A primigravida woman appealed to D. Magnesium
the antenatal clinic on the 22.03.03 wi- E. Selenium
th complaints of boring pain in the lower
part of abdomen. Anamnesis registered 198. The total area of ground intended
that her last menstruation was on the for building of a regional hospital is 2,0
4.01.03. Bimanual examination revealed hectare. What is the highest possible
that uterine servix is intact, external capacity of the in-patient hospital that can
fauces is closed, uterus is enlarged up be built upon this ground?
to the 9-th week of pregnancy, movable,
painless. What complication can be A. 100 beds
suspected? B. 200 beds
C. 400 beds
A. Risk of abortion in the 9-th week of D. 800 beds
pregnancy E. Over 1000 beds
B. Abortion that started in the 9-th week
of pregnancy 199. A 33 y.o. woman survived two
C. Hysteromyoma operations on account of extrauteri-
D. Vesicular mole ne pregnancy, both uterine tubes were
E. - removed. She consulted a doctor with a
question about possibility of having a chi-
Krok 2 Medicine 2007 26
ld. What can be advised in this case? document should be used for registration
of this disease?
A. Extracorporal fertilization
B. Insemination with her husband’s semen A. Urgent report on infectious disease
C. Substitutional maternity B. Statistic coupon for registration of final
D. Artifical fertilization with donor’s diagnoses
semen C. Outpatient’s card
E. Induction of ovulation D. Inpatient’s card
E. Statistic card of the patient who left
200. A worker diagnosed with "acute in-patient hospital
dysentery"was sent to the infectious
department by a doctor of aid post. What