Water Activity-Four Inches Sleek and Four Ounces Slim.: P Wkit
Water Activity-Four Inches Sleek and Four Ounces Slim.: P Wkit
Water Activity-Four Inches Sleek and Four Ounces Slim.: P Wkit
■ Low-maintenance sensor
and readout in a
single unit.
■ Easy-to-read display
shows water activity
and sample temperature
■ Remarkably portable,
and lightweight.
■ Included: protective
case, cups, solutions,
quick-start guide,
and manual.
■ Designed for quick checks by health inspectors, food scientists, and QC managers in
foods, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.
Operation Warranty:
environment: One year-parts and labor.
5 to 50°C (41 to 122 °F). Extended warranty
0 to 90% relative humidity available.
Sensor: Stainless steel with
Dielectric humidity sensor. silicone elastomer base. Measuring water activity
Measurement speed: Sample dish
away from the lab has
5 minutes. capacity: never been so easy.
7ml recommended
Power: (15ml full).
2 Li Coin cells (3V).
Battery life: standards: ■ Four Vials of
3 years typical. 6.0m NaCl - 0.76 a w. Standards
■ Case Bottom Foam Insert
13.41m LiCl - 0.25 a w .
6-digit LCD display with Carrying case:
symbols. Clamp-hinge rigid shell
3-digit a w , 3-digit with foam insert and
temperature. external vinyl protection.
(9.75" x 6" x 2").
±0.02 aw.
■ 10-Pack of Pawkit ■
Sample ■ Ultracompact Stainless
Range: Cups Water Steel
0 to 1.0 a w. Activity Sample
Instrument Cup
Additional case kit
accessories (not shown):
±0.01 aw.
■ Extra 100 disposable
sample cups. DECAGON
Weight: Post Office Box 835
■ Quick-start guide & Pullman, Washington 99163
115g (4oz).
user’s manual.
Case dimensions:
fax 509-332-5158
3.5 x 4 inches (oval). DS14PA-10 [email protected]
©2000 Decagon Devices, Inc. Printed in USA.