Analysis of Diagrid Structural System Using Push Over Analysis

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-8 June, 2019

Analysis of Diagrid Structural System using

Push over Analysis
Chava Venkatesh*, Chereddy Sonali Sri Durga, Komma Hemanth Kumar Reddy, Polu Sathish*,
Muddineni Naresh.
 linear static analysis grape the intensity of lateral loads like
Abstract: The present paper majorly focuses on the modern earth quake and works according to the loading. Inel and
high raised buildings. Construction of high raised buildings ozmen[13] conducted a study on push over analysis by using
is big asset to the developed and developing countries. exploitation of SAP2000 and study compared both user
Diagrid structures are very efficient as a point structural defined hing properties and default hinge properties. Finally
capability as well as aesthetic appearance. It is combination study reported that user defined hinge properties are very
of couple of straight beams and triangulated beams and this accurate as compared to the default hinge properties. Moon et
entire system is tied with circular horizontal rings. In the al[] reported that , the axial action of diagrid structural
present work G+10 storey building is modeled and analyzed members can able to minimize the deformation of lateral
with ETABS software with aspect ratio range of 2.67 to 4.26 shear. Panchal et al,[14], modeled and analyzed 20 story
and also adopted bracing angles are 78 º and 71º. In present conventional framed structure as well as diagrid structure and
study all the conditions are analyzed by pushover analysis. reported the diagrid structures shown lesser top displacement
when compared to conventional frame structures. In the
Index Terms: - Aspect ratio, Diagrid structures, High raised present study diagrid structure analyzed with pushover
buildings, Pushover analysis, Triangulated beams analysis and G+10 story diagrid structure is modeled in
ETABS software with aspect ratio of 2.67 to 4.2 and bracing
angle of 71º and 78º.
Construction of high raised buildings is big asset to the II. MODELING DETAILS
developed and developing countries. Because, in present days In the present paper, modeled a G+10 storey square diagrid
population is increasing rapidly but the earth surface area is structure with area of 144m2 and height of every floor is 3.2m
constant, also the cost of the land is rapidly increasing day by as shown in fig 1. The size of beams is 300mm width and
day. Based on the above reasons many high raised buildings 450mm height. Square columns were used with size of the
are came to reality [1-3]. columns 300mm height and 300mm width. In case of braces,
When the height of the building is increases then the lateral 150mm diameter and 10mm thickness steel tubes were used.
forces (wind forces and earth quake forces) are drastically act The thickness of slab used in present paper was 150mm and
on the buildings [4-5]. Diagrid structures offer more resistant the adopted steel and concrete densities are 25kN/m3 and
to lateral loads as compared to conventional high raised 78.5kN/m3. The entire structure design is within limits of
buildings [6-7]. Diagrid structure is a combination of couple IS800:2007. The lateral displacement and base shear is
of straight beams and triangulated beams and this entire controlled by push over analysis by using ETABS software.
system is tied with circular horizontal rings [1]. Many studies
are conducted on diagrid structures [8-10]. Kim et
al.2010[11] modeled a G+36 storey building with 36m width
and 36m height and also pushover analysis conducted it.
Finally study reported that increasing the bracing angle
decreasing the resistance of lateral strength of structure and
study mention that the optimum bracing angle range is 60º to
70º. Krawinkler and seneviratna[12] reported that the non

Revised Manuscript Received on June 05, 2019

Chava Venkatesh, Department of Civil Engineering, Vignan’s
Foundation for Science, Technology and Research, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh,
chereddy Sonali sri durga, Department of Civil Engineering, Vignan’s
Foundation for Science, Technology and Research, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh,
Komma Hemanth Kumar Reddy, Department of Civil Engineering,
Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology and Research, Guntur,
Andhra Pradesh, India. Fig 1. G+10 story of diagrid structure
Polu Sathish, Department of Civil Engineering, Vignan’s Foundation for
Science, Technology and Research, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Muddineni Naresh, Department of Applied Engineering, Vignan’s
Foundation for Science, Technology and Research, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh,

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5173058719/19©BEIESP 845 & Sciences Publication
Analysis Of Diagrid Structural System Using Push Over Analysis

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ratio higher the bases shear resistance and lesser the roof
In the Fig 2. Shown that the influence of base shear and aspect
ratio of a diagrid structure with 71º and 78 ºbracing angles. As
increasing the aspect ratio base shear is decreasing as in case
of 78º of bracing. But in case of 71º of bracing shown, higher
base shear resistance when compared to 78º and aspect ratio
of 3.73 shown optimum resistance of base shear in 71º.

Fig 5. Roof displacement Vs base shear.

Based on the modeling and results analysis, following
observations were found.
Fig 2. Aspect ratio Vs base shear.  In case of diagrid structures, 71º bracing angle shown
In this paper Fig 3 showed variation of roof displacement and higher resistance to base shear and displacement as compared
aspect ratio with two different bracing angles (71º and 78º). to 78º bracing angles.
As the aspect ratio of diagrid structure increases with  In the present study increasing aspect ratio, decreasing the
increasing the roof displacement, increasing.78º bracing resistance of base shear.
angle shown higher roof displacement as compared to the 71º  Lesser the aspect ratio higher the bases shear resistance and
bracing angle. lesser the roof displacement.

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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5173058719/19©BEIESP 846 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-8 June, 2019

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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number G5173058719/19©BEIESP 847 & Sciences Publication

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